How to open a wood processing business. Wood waste recycling as a profitable business Wood processing business plan

The goal of this project is to organize wood processing production. This project designed for three years with a payback of 21 months. To implement the project, a fairly large starting capital is required, namely 2,670,000 rubles. This price includes the following components:
equipment purchase;
installation and commissioning of equipment;
personnel training.
The production technology makes it possible to obtain dry edged boards from the original raw material - wood (sawlog). This product can be sold both domestically and for export. This technology production allows you to obtain a packaged final product from sawlogs, ready for sale and transportation.
Coniferous wood will be used as resources in production here; the advantage will be spruce.
Because the volume of demand exceeds the volume of supply, then the total expected demand per month will be equal to production capacity, which is equal to 200 cubic meters at production cycle 7 days.
Potential consumers of these products may be factories that make furniture, various construction companies, companies specializing in repairs, as well as woodworking plants. Moreover, in given time Active construction of cottage villages is underway, which, of course, increases the overall volume of demand, including our products.
The production technology is quite simple and it will not be difficult for workers to learn how to operate the machines on their own.

The technology itself is as follows: 2 people load the supplied resources into a sawmill, from where, after some time, raw boards emerge (without clear edges and unsuitable for sale); then these boards in the amount of 50 cubic meters are loaded by other two workers into the drying chamber, where they undergo a drying process for 5-7 days (shavings and sawdust from the production process are used as “fuel”; after this time, the dry boards end up in the edger a machine (operated by one operator), where the product finishes its formation and takes on the form of a product for sale; last stage the boards are packed using a special packing machine under the guidance of a worker-operator; The products are completely ready for sale. On average, this technology produces 200 m3 per month per month.
The sales volume in physical terms will be 600 (200*3), and the sales volume in monetary terms will be 2,400,000 rubles. (600*4000) for one quarter.
To organize production, the following equipment is required:
1. Sawmill LP-80 Avangard (mechanical carriage feed, log diameter up to 800 mm). Approximate price 200,000 rubles.
2. Drying chamber PAP-SPM-21 (aerodynamic, loading volume 50 cubic meters). Price – 1,700,000 rub.
3. Edger LB 100-3 (LLK-1) (with hydrocant, log diameter 600mm, production 2.2 cubic meters/hour). Price – 540,000 rub.
4. Packaging machine MP-3D (collar) (thermal packaging of moldings in film, pneumatic thermal knife). Price – 200,000 rub.
According to the project, equipment is purchased at better conditions proposed by suppliers within 40 days.
The total number of personnel is 12 people. Eight people are needed for the actual production process which includes:
loading logs into the sawmill, working at the sawmill, receiving boards from the sawmill and loading them into the drying chamber, monitoring the correct operation of the drying chamber, unloading finished products from the drying chamber and reloading into the packaging machine, storing finished products. The salary of each worker will be 9,000 rubles per month. An accountant with a salary of 15,000 rubles and a manager (director) with a salary of 20,000 rubles are also needed. You also need two sales managers who will carry out and organize sales. The managers' salary will be 10,000 rubles per month.
To produce one cubic meter of dry edged boards according to the accepted technology, 2 cubic meters of sawlogs will be required (losses in the form of sawdust and water evaporation are approximately 50%). Because the price of a cubic meter of saw logs is 1,100 rubles, then the cost of a cubic meter of dry edged boards will be 2,200 rubles. As for costs, they are presented below.
Acquisition costs technological equipment will amount to 2,640,000 rubles. Investments for commissioning work in the amount of 30,000 rubles are also required.
On at the moment average market price for this type products in the range from 4,500 rubles. up to 5,000 rub. With the help of this investment project, it will be possible to release a similar product at a price of 4,000 rubles. Which makes it possible to capture the market with greater simplicity and with lower costs than competitors can do.
As already noted above, there are many competitors in the market, but demand is also large and exceeds supply. Demand in the market is seasonal; in summer, sales may increase, which is not surprising, because... Construction, installation and repair work is carried out on a larger scale in the summer.

Current market trends show that:
1. Demand will exceed supply for at least several more years.
2. The price of wood increases more slowly than the price of boards.
The main advantage over competitors in this case will be the price, which is significantly lower than the market price.
According to the financial plan, an initial investment of 2,670,000 rubles is required to implement the investment project. Using the Project Expert program, the loan amount required to organize the project and carry out subsequent activities was calculated. The loan amount turned out to be 3,073,708.92 rubles at an 18% rate. We assume that interest will be paid monthly, and the loan will also be repaid in parts every month.
Gross revenue per month will be 800,000 rubles (excluding January and February). Taking into account all costs, taxable profit will be negative in the first six months.
An enterprise that will operate the implemented project will have the opportunity to pay taxes under a simplified taxation system. Those. at a rate of 15% of the difference between income and expenses.
It should be noted that in the project the price of products remains unchanged for three years. In this case, it can be assumed that the inflation rates for resources and for the final product will be the same. Or in other words, the profitability of sales will not change. This assumption is reasonable and relevant due to the difficulty of predicting inflation in Russia for certain goods.
Now, regarding the effectiveness of the investment project.
It should be noted that in this case a pessimistic version of the project assessment has been developed. Minimum sales prices have been taken, staff salaries have been increased, and the equipment is not the cheapest.
So, firstly, the enterprise begins to operate profitably in six months, and the profit by the end of the project will be 121,666.67 rubles.
Secondly, the payback period (the time required to cover the initial investment through net cash flow generated by an investment project) under pessimistic conditions is equal to 21 months. The discounted payback period is 24 months. It may be noted here that if more favorable conditions for the company's operating activities that correspond to the current market situation, the payback period will decrease to 16 months.
Third, the average rate of return (ARR) is 63.5%. The average rate of return represents the profitability of a project as the ratio between the average annual revenues from its implementation and the amount of initial investment.
Fourthly, net present value (NPV) in three years will be 1,581,129 rubles. Net present value represents the absolute value of the income from the project, taking into account the expected change in the value of money.
And fifthly, the profitability index (PI) is 1.52.
Thus, having analyzed all the main indicators of the project’s effectiveness, we can conclude that the project is feasible and brings a fairly good profit.

Divided by the following types wood processing - mechanical, chemical, biological, hydrothermal and all this is united by the forest processing industry. In addition to woodworking production includes the pulp and paper, wood chemical and hydrolysis industries.

The pulp and paper industry unites production facilities producing pulp, paper, and cardboard. The peculiarity of these industries is the grinding of wood to fiber size and the production of the necessary products from the fiber. In products made from shredded wood, it is difficult to recognize the original product - wood.

The wood chemical industry unites industries involved in the chemical processing of wood, which results in completely new substances that are not similar to wood. Using wood, the forest chemical industry produces more than 80 types of products, including charcoal, phenolic products, rosin, turpentine, acetone, acetic acid, and formaldehyde.

The hydrolysis industry is engaged in microbiological processing of wood. Its main products are ethyl alcohol, necessary for the production of synthetic rubber, feed yeast, furfural, solid carbon dioxide (dry ice), etc.
The woodworking industry unites large group related to wood processing and processing. According to the raw materials consumed and the products produced, they can be divided into three groups: according to the production of semi-finished products (raw materials - logs, logs, logs, vanches; semi-finished products); for the production of wood products (raw materials - semi-finished products; finished products of complex design; special production.

Group of production facilities for the production of semi-finished products. Wood removed from the forest in the form of sticks, logs, and ridges is processed at wood processing enterprises. This group includes the following productions:

  1. Sawmills, where logs are used to make boards, bars, blanks, and industrial chips. The main type of processing is sawing, milling, drying; The main products are semi-finished wood products.
  2. Manufactures producing parts for wooden houses. The main type of processing is sawing, milling, drying; products - timber and panel elements of wooden houses.
  3. Production of laminated laminated wood. This group includes industries producing veneer, plywood, plywood boards, wood-laminated plastics, plywood pipes, wood panels, and laminated veneer lumber. The main types of processing are peeling, drying, gluing; The main products are semi-finished products.
  4. Production of particle boards and fibreboards. The main type of processing is wood grinding, drying, pressing; products - semi-finished products.

Distinctive feature woodworking industries Those involved in primary wood processing are consumed raw materials - products of logging enterprises. For the first three industries, the raw material is industrial wood, for industries producing slabs, low-quality wood and industrial chips.

Group of production facilities for the production of wood products. Further processing of the main part of semi-finished products is carried out at enterprises belonging to the group of production facilities for the production of wood products. Consumed raw materials are products of production of semi-finished products: boards, particle boards and fibreboards, plywood, veneer, glued blanks. Manufactured products are products suitable for direct use (cabinets, tables, pianos, doors, window frames, etc.).

This group includes industries producing: furniture, construction units and parts; prefabricated wooden houses; wooden musical instruments; housings and cases for radios, televisions, watches, microscopes; wooden ships; parts, components, assemblies and products for the equipment of railway cars, motor ships, agricultural machines, motor vehicles; sports equipment.

The products produced by these factories are distinguished by their complex design and multi-part nature. The main method of joining wooden parts into units is carpentry and gluing. Finished goods in most cases they have protective and decorative coatings.

Special group woodworking industries. This group conventionally includes production in which round wood and semi-finished products are used as raw materials, and the design of the product is comparatively simple. These are match, pencil, cooper, convoy, shuttle-reel, container and other industries. The special group also includes production of wood waste processing and the production of wood flour, fiberboard, wood concrete and other board materials, parts from a chip-adhesive mixture.

Types of enterprises. Currently, the considered industries have formed various types enterprises. Specialized enterprises are enterprises specializing in the production of certain products. Sawmills produce sawmill products, plywood - laminated laminated materials. This includes furniture factories, factories musical instruments etc.

Combines are enterprises that combine various industries: sawmills, plywood, furniture, particle boards. This combination except more rational use wood allows better use labor, electrical energy, fuel, transport.

Timber industry complexes are enterprises that combine production not only for wood processing, but also for its processing and complete integrated use in pulp and paper, wood chemical and hydrolysis industries. The scope of activity of timber industry complexes includes not only the procurement and processing of wood, but also the renewal of its reserves. In addition, it is possible to process branches, bark, needles, and stumps, which makes it possible to comprehensively use the entire biological mass of a growing tree.

The woodworking industry in our country is not very competitive, because many people refuse to start in an area where there are high operating costs and a long payback cycle. At the same time, the demand for environmentally clean materials encourages the formation of a proposal. If you draw up a high-quality business plan, you can get a highly profitable business.

It is best to choose LLC as the legal form. This will allow you to more successfully establish contacts with partners, as well as avoid liability to the founders with all your property.

The main types of taxes paid by woodworking enterprises:

  • For profit
  • For property
  • Income

In addition, social contributions are required.

Where to start

In order to create an enterprise, you first need to decide on the field of activity. Moreover, there must be an understanding of what the company will be doing in the next year and a half.

The most popular areas of woodworking:

  • Log rounding (according to statistics, 20% of enterprises are engaged in this type of activity);
  • Manufacturing of blanks for window blocks;
  • Production of furniture panels (refers to harmful species production, because glue is used);
  • Pellet production (biofuel in the form of pellets is very popular abroad, almost all large supplies are exported)
  • Production of chipboard or OSB boards.

You also need to keep in mind that there is traditionally high demand for wooden furniture.

When creating a woodworking enterprise, you need to clearly understand who will supply the raw materials. Perhaps, it is not even worth creating production until partnerships for raw materials are established, because now in Russia there is a shortage of high-quality and affordable timber.

Selection of raw material suppliers

Large enterprises mainly supply raw materials. You should immediately discuss the delivery schedule with them, not just the volume. In case of closure federal highways be sure to create large ones in spring and autumn warehouse stocks raw materials.

Most often, raw materials are sold with high humidity, which is not suitable for woodworking needs. Drying chambers may be required. Or you need to look for suppliers who can supply boards with at least transport humidity.

Drying wood makes it durable and resistant to rotting and the appearance of bugs. So-called atmospheric drying, when raw materials dry in the open air or in a large room, requires a long time. In the chambers, raw materials can be prepared in 5–6 days.

Thus, in order to make a significant profit, you will most likely have to spend money on drying chambers.

For a woodworking company, it is important to choose enough large territory, because it is necessary to accept raw materials, produce and store finished products. The territory must have convenient access. Ideally for several modes of transport, for example, road, rail or sea. It is also required to place on the territory:

  • Checkpoint;
  • Administration building;
  • Boiler room;
  • Drying chambers;
  • Premises for recreation and other service needs.

Typically, the cost of renting land outside the city is lower. This should be taken into account when searching for the desired site. But there must be a good transport interchange.


When hiring personnel, focus on blue-collar jobs. In total, for an enterprise focused, for example, on the production of 24–30 thousand cubic meters of finished deep wood processing products, approximately 100–110 people will be required. The most valuable employees are operators of woodworking machines, inspectors, rejectors, engineers, etc. Correct inventory records are very important, since only a specialist can determine the difference between product types. Therefore, the storekeeper must have an understanding of wood products. The staff will also include:

  • Director
  • Chief accountant
  • Head of HR Department
  • Chief mechanic
  • Chief Engineer
  • Technologist
  • Head of Labor Safety Department
  • Chief power engineer and other services.

When drawing up a business plan, you should take industry average wage levels to make the appropriate calculations.


This expense item will become the main one for the initial investment in the business. To do woodworking you will need:

  1. Four-sided machines;
  2. Band sawmill;
  3. Cross-cutting machine;
  4. Drying equipment;
  5. Forklifts (at least two);
  6. Circular saw;
  7. Ventilation equipment with exhaust (to absorb dust and fine particles wood waste).

The equipment may be domestic or foreign production. It is not necessary to buy new equipment, since its service life is usually very long. Taking into account exchange rate fluctuations, most likely for an increase economic efficiency The project will have to choose domestic machines at the start.


Depending on the scale of activity, sales can be established in foreign countries(both near and far abroad), and by regions of Russia. Wood products are always in demand, but for some clients it is important to have guaranteed large volumes of one type or another. In addition, it must be provided that individuals privately they also often purchase products directly from the workshop. After all, they understand that prices are higher in retail stores.

Financial justification for the project

In order to start such a business, you will need about 16 million rubles. This cost could increase significantly if the ruble weakens further and equipment costs rise. So far, this amount includes that the entrepreneur will spend 2.7 million rubles on the purchase of woodworking equipment.

Of this, it may take about 1.5 million rubles to develop the territory. Monthly expenses should include:

  • Business expenses – 125 thousand rubles.
  • Costs for purchasing raw materials – 36 thousand rubles;
  • Expenses on fuel and energy resources – 30 thousand rubles;
  • Payroll – 420 thousand rubles;
  • Taxes and social contributions – 130 thousand rubles.

The business plan should include about 2 million rubles for unplanned expenses. per year. With an optimistic forecast, the project pays for itself within two years of operation and can provide up to 6 million rubles in income annually.

Wood processing makes it possible to obtain various products and materials that are wide application both in industry and in our everyday life. In addition, recycling wood waste promotes order and rationalization of use natural resources. That's why this topic has great value and requires special attention.

Processing wood waste into new materials and products has quite a lot of different directions. But before we begin to consider this issue, it is necessary to remember what waste from sawmilling and wood processing industries is.

Wood waste in large quantities is formed at enterprises engaged in woodworking, sleeper sawing, sawmilling, plywood, furniture production, etc. Such waste can be presented in the form of sawdust, shavings, wood chips, twigs, greenery of trees, their roots and stumps.

Sawdust is most often used to make new products from waste. They are used to produce building material(chip-gypsum sheets, sawdust concrete, etc.), fuel briquettes and pellets. Wood shavings are widely used in the production of chipboard, CBPB and other products used in construction.

Various wood processing wastes are used in pulp and paper mills, as well as in agriculture. From wood chips coniferous trees get unique material for construction - wood concrete. In addition, wood waste is used in the production of cosmetics, medicines and feed additives for animals.

Obtaining fertilizers from wood and wood waste

Everyone knows that to improve soil fertility, fertilizers of organic origin are used: manure, peat, etc. To eliminate the deficiency of organic components in infertile soils, fertilizers based on wood and wood waste can also be used.

For example, many people use sawdust to improve soil quality when growing raspberries. But using sawdust alone is ineffective.

To increase the fertility of agricultural lands, it is more correct to use composts. An excellent fertilizer is obtained by composting shredded wood waste with the addition of some nutrients and microelements.

Due to various chemicals and the good humus-forming ability of tree bark, composts are most often created on its basis. It contains large number carbon, potassium and calcium.

Composting bark consists of several stages:

  1. Raw materials are crushed using hammer mills, box grinders or feed grinders (for example, Volgar-5). The size of the resulting pieces should not exceed 1 cm.
  2. The crushed mass is mixed with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.
  3. Clusters are formed in which the compostable mixture is stored for 1.5 - 4 months. The piles are periodically turned for better aeration.

The humus obtained after composting has the properties of humus; its use in agriculture helps to increase plant productivity.

In addition, the bark can be used in a non-compostable form. It is crushed to produce mulch, which, when applied to the soil cover, impedes the growth of weeds, slows down the process of water evaporation, prevents the formation of a soil crust and reduces the difference in soil temperatures at night and during the day.

Wood-based fertilizers can be produced in various ways, only a few of them were discussed in the article.

Wood processing methods

Wood is a valuable raw material from which modern world the most different materials and products. However, in production purposes Not only tree trunks are used, but also wood waste, which significantly saves resources.

The main goal that is set for wood processing enterprises today is deep processing wood, which involves a full processing cycle wood material and making new products from it.

There are several ways to process wood:

Chemical processing includes several main areas:

  • paper production at pulp and paper mills;
  • hydrolysis;
  • pyrolysis;
  • production of rosin and turpentine.

Let's consider some processes of chemical wood processing technology.

Hydrolysis. Add diluted waste to the crushed waste mass. sulfuric acid, after which the mixture is heated in a boiler with steam to a temperature of 180 - 190 o C. During hydrolysis, monosaccharides, methanol, organic acids (acetic and formic), as well as a solid residue - the so-called hydrolytic lignin. The sugar-containing solution is poured out of the boiler, then the acid is neutralized with calcium hydroxide and the sediment is subsequently separated, and the resulting solution is sent to a special vat for fermentation. During the fermentation process, microorganisms transform sugars into alcohol. The result of fermentation is a 1.2 - 1.6% ethanol solution, which is sent for rectification in order to obtain pure alcohol. Ethanol is a raw material from which synthetic rubber, dyes, medicines, plastics, etc. are produced.

Pyrolysis. Wood raw materials decompose in pyrolysis plants in an airless environment at a temperature of 450 o C. As a result of pyrolysis, substances in liquid and gaseous states are obtained, as well as a solid residue - charcoal. The process begins with dividing the mass of wood (waste) into separate pieces, which are then dried. The next stage is the pyrolysis itself. Then the coal part is cooled and stabilized to prevent it from igniting. Next, the resulting vapors are condensed.

Interesting! Pyrolysis became popular already in the 19th century. Then, deciduous trees were used in the process to form the final products (acetic acid).

Nowadays, hardwood components are also mainly used for pyrolysis. For example, the result of the pyrolysis process of birch, the moisture content of which is 10-15%, is the formation of 25% coal, 50% liquid compounds (“liquid”) and approximately 23% gaseous substances.

The charcoal fraction can be sent either to direct customers or to a processing plant in order to obtain any products. The liquid residue of the process is subjected to settling, during which resin accumulates. Acetic acid is obtained from it, methyl alcohol, aldehydes and other valuable products.

The gas mixture formed during pyrolysis consists of carbon oxides, methane and some other hydrocarbons.

Thus, complex wood processing consists of obtaining high-quality solid wood, wood-based materials, wood products for various industries, and chemical compounds.

Pay attention! The profession of working with wood is still relevant today. Therefore, in our country there are many educational institutions that train technology specialists complex processing wood

Processing equipment

Equipment for different branches of production from sawdust and wood waste depends on the specific focus of the business. There are a number of the most common installations required for processing wood raw materials, consisting of:

  • low-speed shredders used to convert wood into chips with a size of 0.8-1 cm;
  • shredders that crush waste different sizes, equipped with special knives for cutting;
  • horizontal shredders;
  • briquetting presses used in the production of fuel briquettes;
  • silos designed for storing, transporting and unloading raw materials.

You can see what the installations included in the deep wood processing line look like in the following short video

Where to take wood waste for recycling

Reception of wood waste is carried out by specialized companies involved in the collection, removal and processing of wood and plant residues. It is most convenient to search for addresses of such organizations via the Internet. As a rule, large wood processing and other enterprises whose activities generate wood waste enter into an agreement with companies to process unnecessary wood residues. You can hand over such waste for money (companies buy raw materials for the purpose of their further processing).

Wood processing as a business

A huge number of products for different spheres of our life can be produced from wood. Therefore, processing wood waste as a business (OKVED code 16) is a promising area of ​​entrepreneurship. Let us point out some advantages of such an activity:

  1. The relevance of the business, the absence of fierce competition in the Russian market, the presence of a cheap raw material base due to the fact that most of the wood waste in our country is not processed in any way, but simply rots.
  2. Ease of finding distribution channels for finished products, relatively quick payback, despite the high cost of the necessary equipment.

Thus, wood processing is great idea For profitable business which, with proper guidance, will be successfully implemented.

Russia is rich forest resources. Therefore, the topic of wood processing is extremely relevant for our country. By developing business in this direction, perhaps in the near future we will be processing almost the entire volume of wood waste into useful and high-quality products without causing damage to our environment.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Wood processing as a business is a fairly profitable area entrepreneurial activity. Wood is a wonderful material with many positive qualities, used in a variety of areas of construction and light industry.


Currently, the only rational method of disposal is combustion, respectively, to obtain energy. Conducted this procedure in special boilers or thermal power plants. The latest device helps to significantly reduce energy costs in small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, it is better to use debris such as branches and sawdust as fuel for the structures described above. This will allow you to significantly save on fuel purchases (there is no need to purchase briquettes, you can simply purchase wood waste) and save the environment.


According to experts, obtaining charcoal is the most effective way recycling. Although the method is directly related to combustion, it is largely separate. To produce charcoal, a process called “pyrolysis” is used - the decomposition of raw materials in a device without access to oxygen.

There are three classes of coal:

  • Class A. A similar group is obtained as a result of processing branches and other hardwood waste.
  • Class B. Obtained by mixing hard and soft waste.
  • Class C. Mix of hard, soft and softwood.

Among all groups, only the first is actively used in industry: in the production of active carbon, silicon, and the product is also used as a reducing agent in metallurgical plants.

Processing stages

Wood can be processed in various ways, depending on what kind of product should be obtained. The desired product can be obtained by various types wood processing:

  • chemical wood processing
  • mechanical recycling
  • advanced wood processing
  • complex wood processing

Chemical processing coupled with mechanical processing will produce plywood, particle boards or fiberboard.

Using heat treatment, you can get various resins, coal, acetic acid. Let us consider the processing in detail; it allows you to obtain paper, cardboard, cellulose or chipboard from branches and sawdust.

The process involves the following stages:

  1. The tree is divided into pieces such as branches, trunk and greenery. Then they are sorted by species, subjected to hydrothermal treatment, and rotten areas and foreign elements are disposed of.
  2. After primary processing, wood waste is crushed. The wood is completely processed into chips using a chipper. To obtain wood chips, which will later be used to make fiberboards or paper, disk machines are used. Processing using a drum chipper is only suitable for hydrolysis production.
  3. The next step in the process is to transport the chips for further processing using scraper or belt conveyors.

After the initial processing of branches and other wood waste, you can further work with the shavings and compress them into briquettes or other wooden semi-finished products.

Chemical method

Processing wood waste using wood chemical technology makes it possible to obtain products that are used in almost all areas human activity, such as turpentine, rosin, acetic acid and other goods.

The basis of the chemical method is the hydrolysis reaction, after which monosaccharides are formed. These substances are then processed biochemically, resulting in the formation of products such as glucose or ethyl alcohol. But chemical processing is more aimed at extracting furfural, which is the basis for the manufacture of drugs, plastics and many useful products.

Not every type of wood waste is suitable for carrying out such a procedure. More often they use secondary raw materials from birch, aspen and ash. There is also chemical recycling, which is environmentally friendly, but the disadvantage of such recycling is its economic irrationality; it requires large investments and careful work with chemicals.

Mechanical method

The main essence of the method is changing the size and volume of elements. Mechanical methods involve planing, cutting and milling operations. Chips are first created from the original wood raw materials, and only then they are processed into chipboard material.

Mechanical processing, compared to chemical processing, is more economical in terms of money and time. However, there is a nuance: equipment for wood processing is not universal; completely different machines are used for each type of raw material.

It is worth highlighting briquettes, which are created by mechanical processing. Briquettes are one of many forms of preparing wood waste for use as fuel. Briquettes are an excellent business that requires little investment and has a short payback period. Therefore, recycling as a way to get rid of wood waste is irrational.

Quality Standards

Depending on what the final product will be due to a process such as deep processing, there are certain standards that the wood chips must meet. For all areas, it is imperative to exclude the presence of various impurities, such as rot, sand, earth or metal particles.

  • To produce paper or cardboard, wood chips are taken that do not contain bark at all.
  • For the production of fiberboards, it is possible to utilize waste containing up to 15% bark.
  • Fiberboard top quality It will only be obtained from wood chips that contain no more than 3% bark.

Compliance with these standards ensures the quality of products.

There is the concept of “fine gauge” - this is a low quality raw material. The diameter in the upper cut of the fine-grained wood is 2-6 cm, hardwood 2-8 cm, length 1-3 m. Over time, this material is increasingly used, despite its low quality. Processing of small wood takes place, as processed raw materials are used in construction, agriculture and mining.

Profitable business

If we consider wood waste processing as a business, then we can highlight several undoubted advantages of entrepreneurship in this area.

  • Firstly, this is relevant, because efficient use Wood waste is not widely used today. A lot of raw materials quite suitable for processing are left to rot.
  • Secondly, quick payback, although the initial costs may seem quite impressive, mainly due to the need to purchase specific equipment. With proper productivity and established sales channels, all costs can be recouped in the first year.

Thus, we can conclude that proper processing of wood and branches is quite a profitable business, of course, with proper organization of production.