Filippovskoye landfill on the map. Not a landfill, but a factory using Japanese technology

16:51 — REGNUM The authorities of the Vladimir region have canceled the decision taken by the previous administration to build a waste processing complex (WPC) in the settlement of Filippovskoye over a reserve tank drinking water"Sherna", intended for residents of the eastern Moscow region. New Governor Vladimir Sipyagin fulfilled his election promises, the investment contract was canceled, citizens can breathe easy? Let's try to figure out if this is really so.

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

In August 2017, residents of the Filippovskoye settlement and Moscow summer residents were stunned by the news that next to them, on part of the testing site of the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant, an MPC with a capacity of 150 thousand tons per year would be built with a waste recycling rate of only 20%. Simply put, an ordinary landfill, proudly named a waste processing complex. Let us add that the current governor Sipyagin was directly related to the project. As chairman of the Vladimir Legislative Assembly Committee on Agrarian Policy, Environmental Management and Ecology, it was he who approved the project proposed by the regional administration for the construction of a landfill in Filippovsky.

Having come to their senses from such news, citizens began to investigate and found out many glaring details of what happened. In this case, we will be interested in the fate of the land plot on which the MPC was supposed to be located, so we will leave aside the bureaucratic mantras about investments that come to the regions along with dangerous industries. And we will not dwell in detail on the environmental side of the matter, especially since we wrote about it.

At the end of the 60s of the twentieth century, 1,550 hectares of forest were allocated from the forest fund of the Moscow and Vladimir regions to the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant for a test site. Please note that it is forests. It is allocated for a reason, but with an obligation to ensure forestry and protection of green spaces on the allocated lands. Time passes, the USSR ceases to exist, the country takes a capitalist path, and the privatization of the national economy begins.

So the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant with all its movable and immovable property was successfully privatized.

In 1992, the administration of the Kirzhach district transferred the lands of the landfill for indefinite use to OJSC Metrovagonmash. Further, minimizing their costs, users of the site begin to change its status, either converting it into land of defense significance, or returning it to civil use. We are not interested in this, we will only note that it was at this time that the forest was “lost” and the forest fund lands turned into industrial lands.

At one time, apparently, when the users did not know what to do with the site, the landfill returned to the property Russian Federation. However, this decision was challenged in court, and the land was again transferred to the indefinite use of OJSC Metrovagonmash. According to opponents of the MPC construction, users decided to sell the landfill land. Since perpetual use, otherwise undivided state-owned land, allows municipal authorities to dispose of the site, all conditions have arisen for the sale of the landfill to third parties.

As a result, the company sold the unnecessary asset. This coincided perfectly with the latest “investment fever” that gripped the regional authorities, as well as with “garbage” problems in neighboring regions, and an investor with an MPC project appeared on the horizon.

It is certainly interesting to follow how Metrovagonmash OJSC disposed of the land plot, but one way or another, the landfill lands that interest us were first purchased by the company and then resold. By this time, there was no talk of any forest on the territory of the test site. No, the forest is as it was and remains there to this day, but according to the papers it has been gone for a long time. In addition to this, the head of the Kirzhach district, Mikhail Gorin, assigned part of the territory the type of permitted use “Special activity”, which allows the construction of a landfill here.

The active position taken by local residents and Moscow summer residents led to the fact that the new regional administration canceled the investment project of EcoTechStroy Vladimir LLC for the construction of the MPK. Only now a “holy place” is never empty, and a certain LLC “Kombinat” appeared on the horizon, picking up the MPC project that had fallen from the hands of “EcoTechStroy”. The only difference is that now, with the same 20% processing, the complex’s capacity has increased to 450 thousand tons per year.

It is not surprising that the news about the cancellation of the previous investment contract did not arouse enthusiasm among local residents. Judge for yourself, the land is in private hands, Rosleskhoz is conducting sluggish legal battles, not expressing a real desire to return the forest fund to state ownership. If we discard Mr. Sipyagin’s populist statements that he will not allow other people’s garbage to appear on the territory of the region, it becomes obvious that real ways The authorities do not have any influence on the decisions of private owners. If they want, they will build a landfill, they will want a recycling plant and the like, fortunately Mr. Gorin provided them with such an opportunity.

It turns out that the struggle is by no means over; it is necessary to return 1,550 hectares of forest to state ownership, especially since the current owners do not really need it. In connection with the above, we are extremely interested to know what position the regional authorities and the governor personally will take on this issue. As for the residents of Filippovsky, they intend to fight for the forest to the end.

A scandal is blazing near Kirzhach, on the border of the Moscow and Vladimir regions. Residents rural settlement Filippovskoe, which unites 26 villages and 76 gardening partnerships, is concerned about the proposed construction of a landfill on the site of a centuries-old forest. The soil here is entirely sand. The water is right at the surface. There is no central water supply in the settlement; everyone has a well five to six meters deep. Referring to preliminary examinations, residents claim that within a year and a half after the first burials, the water will be contaminated. The Filippovskys manage to gather mass rallies, rare for Kirzhach. Activists impeached the head of the administration and, through the courts, terminated the contract with him. There are plans for a referendum. Novaya Gazeta correspondent Nikita Girin and photographer Denis Sinyakov looked into the protest anomaly.

Wood for 200 rubles per hundred square meters

Zinaida Korotkova has a playful orange manicure and penciled eyebrows. Zinaida Alekseevna is 74, she is the chairman of the local Veterans Council. “About history, that’s for me,” says Korotkova. In the house, which her husband Viktor Mikhailovich has been improving for many years, even the wall clock is “from the last century.”

The Korotkovs got married in 1967. On this occasion, a year ago, the couple was awarded the medal “For Love and Fidelity.” Which they are embarrassed about. Why did Zinaida Alekseevna even call on the eve of publication and asked not to praise them too much for this?

In the year of their wedding, an event occurred near Filippovsky, because of which, half a century later, the Korotkovs may have to leave their native village. By secret decree, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR transferred to the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant (MMZ) a plot of 1,500 hectares adjacent to the “Big Concrete Road”. 1433 hectares were covered with forest. 120 of them were allowed to be cut down for the construction of a test site. And although the site was excluded from the state forest fund entirely, the plant was obliged to conduct forestry on the remaining 1,313 hectares. Tracked vehicles for air defense installations were tested at the test site, and surrounding forest served as cover and protected villages from noise.

Zinaida Korotkova. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

After the collapse of the USSR, the site remained in use by the legal successor of MMZ, OJSC Metrovagonmash. In 2011, the plant, as required by the state from all legal entities, re-registered the right of use to a lease right. Subsequently, seeking a reduction in rent, the plant insisted that these lands belong to defense lands. And the courts supported him. But such lands are limited in circulation. Therefore, when the plant wanted to purchase the site, it pretended that there was no longer a defensive need. And now these are industrial lands. And now the head of the Filippovsky administration, Oleg Ivanov, is selling the plot. Moreover, for 28 million rubles, that is, approximately 200 rubles per hundred square meters.

In June 2017, during a “direct line”, Vladimir Putin was complained about a landfill in Balashikha. The President ordered its immediate closure, and a few months later demanded that order be put in place in the area of ​​waste disposal in general.

A week before the “direct line”, having predicted the president’s mood, the regional commission approved the investment project “Construction of an experimental site for sorting, processing, allocation of secondary material resources and disposal of municipal solid waste” 5 km from Filippovsky. The project was presented by Ecotekhstroy Vladimir LLC, to which Metrovagonmash sold the same forest plot with a landfill. This company, through Santar LLC, is owned by billionaires Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev (they also control Transmashholding, which owns Metrovagonmash itself).

Entrance to the testing site. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

The proposed construction area is 57 hectares. According to the authors’ idea, a sorting complex, a complex for processing PET containers and wood, and a complex for the production of RDF fuel and compost will be built on them. The design capacity is 150 thousand tons of waste per year. Two areas of 13 hectares each are allocated exclusively for “tailings”, that is, the non-recyclable part of the waste. On a large area of ​​31 hectares, where there will be capital facilities, “tailings” are also proposed, but it is not specified in what volume.

In Filippovsky they learned about the decision of the investment commission two months later. A riot began.

“We are not a people here”

At first, the resistance headquarters was located in Nadezhda Tyurina’s pharmacy. Tyurina came to Filippovskoye in 1985 as a general practitioner.

“Come on, what kind of headquarters…” Tyurina says modestly. - Well, where do people meet? Our post office was closed, so: a store, Sberbank, a pharmacy. So visitors came and told stories. Everyone has the same mindset: we need to deal with garbage, but how much is needed for a plant? And there are 1200 hectares. This means that everything else will be sold. They will sell and run away.

The headquarters of the resistance is Nadezhda Tyurina’s pharmacy. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

In the pharmacy, as six months ago, residents of Filippovsky gather: the chairman of the Council of Veterans Korotkova, the postwoman Tamara Storozhenkova, the summer resident Elena Pravdina. They say vying with each other:

— On August 19, about 200 people came to the gathering in front of the House of Culture. We're not a bunch of people here. They tried to disperse the gathering. Someone said, "We'll go to the track." I say: “Don’t go to the track, otherwise they’ll take you somewhere...”

- People are screaming. We all have wells. There is only one filter - for sand.

— I live in the center of Moscow, near Komsomolskaya Square and train stations. We bought a house here specifically so we could breathe. And now I won’t sell this cottage, but I won’t be able to be here in two years.

“This is our Stalingrad,” summarizes Nadezhda Tyurina. - Either we protect you, or that’s it.

Here are the Rychagovs. Those have a well. “You put a concrete ring and dig under it. Then the next one from above. And they are slowly going down,” explains Rychagov’s son, Sergei, about the well construction technology. “We dug twelve and a half meters.” Sand, sand, sand."

Alexander and Sergei Rychagov. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

The Rychagovs are the indigenous inhabitants of the village of Dvorishchi. Sergei works at a gas station. Parents - Valentina and Alexander - are pensioners, and previously worked in weaving and dyeing factories. Their house is over 80 years old.

“He was born here, he is 63 years old,” Valentina points to her husband. — And Sergei moved to Elektrostal. So they come here to get some air. We have a granddaughter, she is here all summer. She doesn’t even want to return to Elektrostal, so she calls her: Elektrosran. They collect water from here and transport it there in canisters. That year the youth festival was held here in the meadow. We graze cows there, and they built a platform, set up tents, and musicians arrived. We filmed an advertisement here with Khabensky and Trukhin. In that forest there are the most mushroom places. And in the sand - well, everything will pass. Neither mushrooms nor berries will be collected.

Now the Rychagovs burn their garbage in a sauna stove. “We don’t have much of it. We rarely buy canned food, and there is little glass either. Only bottles of sunflower oil. Well, more packages. But now we are trying to buy biodegradable ones. It’s written that they decompose, but then…”

— We have more than 300 houses in our village. There is no one “for” it. Everyone is outraged. “Everyone took part in the gatherings, even grandmothers,” the Rychagovs say. - Why be afraid? We are on our own land. We elected the administration so that they would work for the people, not against the people.

Valentina Rychagova. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Water will find a hole

The protest in Filippovsky was lucky with its activists. Among them there is a specialist in coordinating construction projects, a highly experienced deputy organizer, a well-connected military man, and even a professional hydrogeologist. This is an expert from the State Commission on Mineral Reserves, former chief hydrogeologist of the Noginsk base of the Geocenter-Moscow hydrogeological center, Arkady Savelyev. On the cabinet in Savelyev’s office is a cross-sectional map of the soils of the Kirzhach region, and in the scientist’s hand is a plan of the Klyazminsko-Sherninskoye deposit groundwater and the Sherna subsoil plot. The plan was approved in 2008 for the next 25 years. The catchment area of ​​this field extends far beyond the landfill. Taking a break from jogging until the diesel generator stalls (in the village of Ratkovo, where Savelyev lives, there is no power for several days due to snowfall), the hydrogeologist says:

— For the first time, the Sherna site was mentioned in the directives of the Central Committee for supplying the Moscow region in the 80s. Then there was a resolution on exploration of the site as a reserve for the ESV, the Eastern Water Supply System. Many cities in the Eastern Moscow region are supplied from this system. Now the cities of Noginsky, Balashikha and Shchelkovsky districts are connecting to it. The polygon falls into the zone sanitary protection third belt. SanPiN number two one four thousand one hundred ten zero one,” Savelyev recites from memory, “states: within the sanitary protection zone of the third zone there should not even be potential sources of chemical pollution. Also, according to GOST fifty-six five hundred ninety-eight,” Savelyev repeats the same trick, “the placement of solid waste landfills is not allowed on the territory of sanitary protection zones of water sources. Also, look at where the water flow is directed under this landfill. The flow is directed towards the depression funnel, that is, towards the center of the field.

Arkady Savelyev. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Savelyev takes out another stack of diagrams. For ten years he was involved in assessing groundwater pollution in the Balashikha and Noginsk regions.

“It’s not for nothing that the cities of the Eastern Moscow region are joining the Eastern Military District,” says Savelyev. - What caused this? On the territory of the Noginsk and Balashikha districts there are solid waste landfills: Kuchino, Kupavna, Timokhovo.

The specialist points to pink spots that have popped up, like metastases, in different places on the map around the polygons: where it’s close, and where it’s quite far away. These are the wells in which he found the infection characteristic of these landfills.

“In fractured carbon there are zones of selective filtration,” explains the scientist. “There’s a well working nearby, and everything’s fine.” And two kilometers from the training ground it was knocked out. The water will find a hole.

The Fillipovsky district on Savelyev’s diagram is a rare clean patch.

The same unequivocal conclusions were given at the Institute water problems Russian Academy Sciences (IVP RAS) and in Rosgeologiya. According to the estimates of senior researchers at the IVP RAS Yuri Medovar and Igor Yushmanov, pollution of the Sherna and Melezha rivers, in the interfluve of which Filippovskoye is located, is possible within 500 days after the first waste is buried. Rosgeogoliya specialists Irina Kazakova and Irina Fedonkina clarify that “the geomorphological features of the territory do not provide mandatory requirements for selecting a site for the location of a solid waste landfill.” These are: slopes of the surface of the interfluve directed south towards the Klyazma valley; high groundwater level (less than two meters from the surface) and the most dangerous thing is the absence of a natural “lock”, for example, clay deposits.

“The upper and lower aquitards of the Volgian-Quaternary strata are absent. The thickness of the sandy permeable layer reaches 70 m or more. There is a high probability of contamination penetrating into the aquifer terrigenous complex, which is practically the only source of water supply for all populated areas,” the expert said ().

Conclusion: “When substantiating economic efficiency“The construction and operation of the planned landfill will need to take into account not only the attraction of 80 jobs, but also compensation for damage for the loss of a source of water supply in populated areas, as well as the organization of a new alternative water supply.”

Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

“Legally it is not a forest”

“These are not examinations,” snapped the head of Filippovsky’s administration, Oleg Ivanov, “these are preliminary conclusions that were made without visiting the site.” All active hydrogeologists confirmed that this is not a document at all.

— What are the current hydrogeologists?

- Well, why should I tell you? We don’t have enough hydrogeologists here.

Ivanov had no more than an hour left to be head of the administration. He spoke to Novaya Gazeta correspondents on February 7 near the Kirzhachsky District Court during a break in the hearing. As a result, the Council of Deputies terminated the contract with the “village manager.”

Ivanov, a local businessman, was hired in the fall of 2015. He is proud of the children's playground, which he built with his own money in front of the House of Culture, and is clearly offended by his fellow countrymen who did not appreciate his generosity. Ivanov considers the protests paid for, and calls the investment proposal only “thoughts on paper.” However, as soon as the commission approved it, Ivanov scheduled public hearings on amending the land use rules. Activists convinced the Council of Deputies to cancel these hearings and collected about a thousand signatures for Ivanov’s resignation (and Ivanov - about 800 in his support). And so it came to court. Before the trial, lawyers “dug up” that Ivanov, having entered the municipal service, continued to manage several commercial firms.

Oleg Ivanov. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Filippovskoye was represented at the trial against Ivanov by the Chairman of the Council of Deputies, Elena Gashina. She took it upon herself last fall to support the abolition of public hearings.

Gashina approaches the situation soberly: “The plant, of course, is necessary. The situation has matured. But the place is very densely populated. No one has yet told us the environmental component of this project. We have seen the conclusion of hydrogeologists, although it was preliminary, it confirms our fears.”

Gashina suggests: there was pressure on Ivanov from Vladimir. “They don’t have an alternative site, and the task set by the president is that landfills are now prohibited, factories are needed. But if they do this, then we all just need to leave here. Where should we go? For example, I have nowhere to go. My parents lived here, my father worked on a collective farm all his life, my children are here. Young people may not understand the consequences. And we understand transience.”

Filippovskoe. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Ivanov denies pressure from above and malicious intent: “Like any businessman - and I came from business - I first write some of my thoughts on paper. I give it to the head of the settlement or the head of the district. Then came the calculations, projects, and examinations. The same must be done here. And today there is no project! I met with an investor. My first question is: “Will there be a landfill?” He says: “Are you crazy? How can we repeat the Balashikha experience in today’s situation?” What will happen to the oligarch who does this? Yes, the first complaint to Vladimir Vladimirovich, and this oligarch will not be easy, no matter what Forbes he is in.

For some reason, no one is worried about what will happen when our only landfill in the area in Khrapki is closed. And there is no processing, nothing.

Nearby there are settlements, the same Sherna River, the same sand. And no one sells their plots. But this is wrong, of course, it needs to be closed, it has a year and a half of production left. And the nearest point where you can take it is 60-70 kilometers away. When grandma receives a tariff of not 500 rubles, but 2500, it will be a terrible riot.”

(The official is silent on an important detail. In 2016, the region adopted a waste management scheme. According to it, the landfill in Khrapki should be reconstructed. A second stage with an area of ​​10 hectares will appear.)

Summer resident Elena Pravdina and postwoman Tamara Storozhenkova. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Ivanov suspects that the mayor of the neighboring city of Fryanovo, Vasin, is behind the protests: “He came to our rallies. He spoke, called for a referendum and left. Is this the head's approach? And then we started to find out. And the documents came to me. It turns out that the Fryanovsky housing and communal services company comes to the territory of Filippovsky and takes away the garbage from the summer residents. At the same time, summer residents pay one hundred percent in advance - no matter how many of them come.”

In the conversation, Oleg Ivanov several times used certain “papers” as an argument on various occasions, but did not want to present them.

The head of the Kirzhach district administration, Mikhail Gorin, a strong man with gray temples, on the contrary, operates only with public documents - even if they contradict objective reality. Gorin does not see any injustice in the fact that the forest was sold as an ordinary wasteland:

— In 1967, the site was excluded from the State Forest Fund. All.

- But this is a forest.

- Let's put it this way: trees grow there. What is a forest? I can’t tell you the decoding of the forest right now. Legally, it is not a forest.

— That is, legally the owner can even make a cattle burial ground there?

- If he collects the entire package of documents, then yes, he will be able to do this. But there is no subject for conversation yet. So far I do not have a single statement from an investor. Now he will look at this hype and say: “Why do I need this? I will grow berries and pay 12 million in tax.”

Head of the Kirzhach district administration Mikhail Gorin. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Gorin did not see the act in pursuance of the order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, which prohibits deforestation. “If there are such documents, then this must be proven in court.”

“I have a request: shed light on it objectively,” Gorin says finally. - I understand people. I may be just as ready to rush to the barricades, but I can’t afford it because I hold the post of an official. And by the nature of my activity I must be responsible for my words. If I tell you that it is so, then it is so. There must be trust in the authorities. I understand that it has been eroded over the years. But we are being watched with four eyes. We do everything according to the law, we do not hide anything.

Secret in the archive

The Filippovskys are convinced of the opposite. On December 26, 2017, Gorin did what Oleg Ivanov failed to do in September. He assigned the entire site a type of permitted use under number 12.2 - “placement, storage, burial, disposal, accumulation, processing, disposal of waste.” Mikhail Gorin himself claims that he only brought the documents into compliance with current laws.

— It’s a mistake [that I changed the type of permitted use]. This is a grave mistake that unscrupulous people take advantage of. I think that it is the realtors who sell land there who are misleading people. The master plan for the Filippovskoye settlement specifies the category of land [to which the disputed site belongs]. This is the land of industry and special purpose. And this category of special-purpose land according to the land classifier has only one number: 12.2. There is no other one. So we registered it, because by 2020 the classifier code must be assigned to all lands.

The largest of the forest plots purchased by Ecotekhstroy Vladimir LLC on public cadastral map. More information about all sites - follow the link

Activists believe that Gorin is misleading people when he is silent about the full name of the category of land to which the site belongs: land of industry, energy, transport, communications, radio broadcasting, television, computer science; lands to support space activities; lands of defense, security and lands for other special purposes. And defense lands are assigned a different classifier code - 8.1.

— To assign a code, a commission must work at the site. If they saw a vacant lot, they could assign the site a classification of 12.2. But when 90 percent of the site is forest?! - Moscow summer resident Olga Golubkina is perplexed. Olga once coordinated construction projects for one of the largest car dealers in Russia. After the crisis, she went to work for a small company, and now works with private clients. Golubkina is 12 years old in Filippovsky.

“The locals tell me: “Thank you for saving our homeland.” Yes, this is my homeland, 12 years is not a big deal! I have a huge garden, only 600 gladioli.”

— In a normal situation, no one relies on an investment proposal to change the type of land use. But in our case, this turned out to be a start for officials to push for a change in the type of use,” explains Golubkina. — If we don’t stop this matter, they will now make changes to the rules of land use and development (because public hearings are fictitious), and the construction will begin the process. How can we fight back? We can do a public environmental assessment. As soon as the land owner says that the project is ready, he is obliged to publish an advertisement in the newspaper and put his project up for consideration. We enter into an agreement in advance with a public organization that has the right to conduct an environmental assessment; people voluntarily deposit money into their bank account. It costs about one and a half million rubles. We are gathering an expert council of up to ten experts. The customer enters into the state examination with his project, and we – with our public environmental examination. AND state examination decides who is right.

Activists Olga Golubkina and Tatyana Bokashova. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

Golubkina argues that in the case of Filippovsky, the expression “the forest feeds” is not an exaggeration. “We have two routes: one to Yaroslavka, and the other to Noginsk and Moscow. At the crossroads people sit and sell everything that is for sale: chanterelles, white chanterelles, blueberries, strawberries. My mother, who lives here permanently, still crawls through this forest.”

The ultimate goal, according to Golubkina, is to return the disputed site to the State Forest Fund. The same order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR could help with this. But, according to the official response of the State Archive, it is located in a closed part of the archive fund of the Council of Ministers. Activists believe that the document could have been requested by the head of the Vladimir region, Svetlana Orlova. But, according to their own information, it is pushing through construction.

In the meantime, the protesters only have a copy of the secret act () on the allocation of forest areas without the right to cut down. It was obtained by an elderly charismatic, aviation engineer and former Foreign Ministry employee Vitaly Timofeev. Timofeev was one of the last people to see Yuri Gagarin alive.

— In 1968, while serving at Chkalovsky, where I was deputy squadron commander for aviation engineering service, I walked near the fourth hangar and saw a technician helping Gagarin and Seregin board the MiG-15. I also thought: why does he need to fly [on a plane]? Being Gagarin, I would never fly in my life. I always explain to everyone: a pilot is tuned in [to piloting], but an engineer is tuned in to something else. So he sat down - and that’s it. This was the last time he boarded the plane. I returned to my people, went into the office, and suddenly the bell rang: stop launching [airplanes], a minute of silence. Then they said: “We are looking for Gagarin, the plane has not returned.”

Many years later, Timofeev received a dacha 30 km from the place of death of the legendary cosmonaut.

District center Kirzhach. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta

- Why am I saying all this? - continues the military man. — I’m already 76. I have cancer. I have grandchildren, children - everything is there. One granddaughter graduated from Moscow State University, the second grandson studies at HSE, one daughter is an auditor of Russian banks, the second is the chief accountant. We are all normal people. And I am concerned about the situation in the country. If there is a fire, it must be extinguished. Well, why don’t you put it out, but keep rekindling it?! I approached Ivanov when we learned about the project. He asked: “Oleg Mikhalych, what will happen?” He replied: “It’s none of your business.” That is, when needed, I begged for buses for schoolchildren through my colleagues. When necessary, he personally hired people to clear the roads. And now - “none of your business”!

"Stepped on life"

This attitude of the authorities prompts some residents of Filippovsky to take radical action. “Well, if they are not according to the law, what do we have left? - asks pensioner Vladimir Nogovitsyn, who ten years ago bought a plot here for 5 thousand dollars per hundred square meters. “Should we block the road and take up axes?”

“It’s out of desperation,” explains another summer resident, Boris Blagoslavov. - Because life ends. We stepped on life."

Blagoslavov (formerly deputy head of the ideological department of the Volgograd Regional Committee of the CPSU, and later a deputy of two convocations of the Volgograd Regional Duma) also bought a house in the Filippovsky settlement ten years ago. In Volgograd, he was tormented by allergies to quinoa and ragweed. Four years ago, Blagoslavov already fought against the construction of a landfill in neighboring Fryanovo - and succeeded.

- What makes me crazy is this superficial management of ours. “It’s simply killing me,” the man says in his hearts. — I, I beg your pardon, was the secretary of the district party committee in those days who was responsible for the mobilization plan. I knew him inside and out, I knew what to do. Well, there was such a system. This concerns water and people's health. What are they thinking about there? Just wondering where to put the fitness center?

What do people want? They need to drink, eat, where to live, where to work. But before you work and live, you must first drink and eat! It’s such a primitive approach to such dangerous questions!

Why mislead? Why pit the people and the government against each other? People grab their hearts, they have lived their lives here.

Blagoslavov takes us past a landfill near the village of Khrapki (part of the neighboring Pershinskoye settlement). We stop to photograph a mountain of trash guarded by two mongrels and a flock of crows. The landfill workers ask for permission to film from the director, but the director does not answer calls. We're calling Mikhail Gorin. It would seem that it is in his interests to show the deplorable state of the landfill in Khrapki and why the Kirzhach district really needs a modern waste processing plant.

- Nikita, just don’t take pictures of the landfill. Well, a landfill and a landfill, you can take any landfill on the Internet. “Understand,” Gorin asks, “in a human way.”

Garbage landfill in Khrapki. Photo: Denis Sinyakov for Novaya Gazeta


We sent Iskander Makhmudov a preliminary hydrogeological examination of the territory where the site he owns is located, recounted the residents’ arguments and asked whether he was ready to abandon plans to build a landfill there. A few minutes before the publication of this material, Iskander Makhmudov’s assistants sent a response signed by him: the investor took into account the sensitive attitude of the residents and abandoned the project (). However, another company is participating in it - Ricco Invest LLC. It belongs to members of the board of directors of Mosmetrostroy.

“Makhmudov’s refusal to finance the project does not mean the Vladimir region is refusing to build,” Vitalia Trofimova, a lawyer for the public campaign against the landfill, told Novaya Gazeta.

Residents' fears have not subsided at all.

The population of the Filippovsky rural settlement of the Kirzhach district, protesting against the construction of a landfill, is collecting arguments in defense of local forests and water reserves.

Residents have already received answers to their queries from a number of authoritative research organizations, confirming that the construction of a landfill and waste processing plant will have a detrimental effect on ecological situation settlement, primarily on the quality and purity of water. Experts conclude that the territory is not suitable for locating enterprises in any way related to the sorting, processing and storage of waste.

Thus, experts from the Russian Union of Hydrogeologists note that water supply is one of the key problems for residents of settlements that are part of the rural settlement of Filippovskoye. Residents do not have a centralized water supply and receive water from individual wells and wells. The main source of drinking water in Filippovsky is groundwater:

“Placing in this area the collection, storage and disposal of household and industrial waste, will entail, in addition to environmental, social and material losses, disruption and destruction of water supply in almost all populated areas of the Filippovskoye settlement.

Pollution of surface and groundwater poses a threat to artesian groundwater contamination aquifers and complexes of Upper Carboniferous deposits used for centralized water supply by the Eastern water supply system of the Moscow region, which is currently used by more than 1 million people - residents of the Moscow region.

Geomorphological, geological, hydrogeological features of the territory do not meet the mandatory requirements of the current regulatory and methodological documents for the selection of sites for the location of a solid waste landfill.”

Scientists from GosHydroGeo state that the choice of the territory of the Melezhinsko-Sherninsky interfluve for the construction of a solids landfill household waste Based on natural geological and hydrogeological indicators, the following cannot be considered justified:

“With existing approaches to organizing the collection and processing of waste, economic controls over the construction and operation of such facilities, it is unacceptable to risk the destruction of the remaining unique natural complex. The territory planned for the landfill, which has unique natural conditions, it is more expedient to use it as an organization of sanatorium-resort treatment.”

The Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences made a similar conclusion based on the results of a rapid assessment of the impact of a solid waste dump on the quality of groundwater used for water supply to the population. According to scientists’ calculations, given the existing elevation differences and distances to rivers and nearby villages, “the time for substandard water to reach villages and rivers will not exceed several days,” well, polluting components can reach groundwater in about 260 days:

“The above calculations show that contamination of the Sherna and Melezha rivers and ground wells of surrounding villages is possible within 500 days. Groundwater used by the population for water supply purposes is not protected by clay aquifer from the penetration of contaminants from the planned landfill. In other words, the degree of protection of groundwater is zero, and therefore the organization of a solid waste landfill in this place is unacceptable, since the contour of the landfill will be a constant source of pollution of surface and groundwater in adjacent areas for many years.”

The Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences also made a conclusion about a possible threat to the environment in the event of a solid waste landfill: the land plot intended for waste management includes habitats of animals and birds included in the Red Book of Russia - the Russian muskrat, the eagle owl and the giant noctule . The location of the landfill in this place may lead to the complete disappearance of these species.

The fact that the location of the landfill will negatively affect the local ecosystem is confirmed by members of the Permanent Environmental Commission of the Russian Geographical Society. Experts suggest considering alternative options placing a landfill on the so-called “disturbed lands” - reclaimed quarries or unproductive lands:

“The placement of a landfill at the expense of the destruction of natural ecosystems and habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and animals should be recognized as unacceptable.”

On Saturday, December 23, a meeting of deputies of the Council of People's Deputies of a rural settlement with the population was held in Filippovsky. To the event

On February 3, in the Filippovsky rural settlement of the Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region, a rally was held against the construction of a landfill. Local residents and Muscovites who have houses in these parts gathered at the new sports stadium, recently opened at the entrance to the settlement. Formally, the action, which was attended by more than 400 people and which was agreed upon with the local administration, was organized by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Many posters were brought to the large-scale event, and from the improvised stage, in addition to the speeches of the speakers, poems were heard. Representatives of the police and traffic police who were present at the gathering place of people in large quantities, did not interfere with what was happening.

The speakers, among whom were activists, deputies of the local district council, lawyers, party members and ordinary residents, reminded the audience that their public and private protest against the organization of a landfill in Filippovsky has been going on for about 500 days. According to them, only the activity of the local population does not give investors the opportunity to implement their project. Let us remember that currently Arbitration Court In the Vladimir region, a lawsuit from Rosleskhoz is being considered, challenging a deal to sell a large forest area to private hands.

Activists said they consider plans to build a landfill a legacy left to the region by the previous governor. However, according to residents, they believe that the new governor, Vladimir Sipyagin, whom they supported, did not fulfill his election promises and even played a recording where, five minutes later, the head of the region calls the “garbage plans” a circus and promises that under his leadership of the region they will not will be implemented.

The assembled residents were cheerful and clearly emotionally involved in what was happening. Apparently, people were “warmed up” by the meeting of the Environmental Council under the governor that took place the day before, where for the first time in for a long time openly presented a future investment project, which the entrepreneurs intend to “land” in Filippovsky - all on the same scandal-provoking territory.

To meet with high-ranking officials Vladimir region, representatives public organizations and Denis Kuznetsov, a representative of the investor, a new legal entity, Kombinat LLC, arrived as residents.

“I want to say right away that everything I’m talking about now is not dreams or fantasies. This is being implemented in the neighboring Moscow region. Three similar facilities have already been put into operation - they are already working. Nine are still planned for introduction before the end of this year. And if someone is interested and to dispel skepticism, we will be happy to help organize a visit to such a facility so that they can see inside and out how it all works. And that all the technologies that I will talk about now have already been implemented and are available in the neighboring region, which is an hour’s drive away. During construction a complex is planned deep processing waste with a total capacity of up to 450 thousand tons, consisting of three parts. The first is a sorting complex with a capacity of also 450 thousand tons, that is, focused on the entire incoming waste stream. Further, there are composting fields for processing the organic fraction and “tailings” disposal facilities; accordingly, that part of the waste that cannot be processed and sold on the secondary market will be buried,” - Kuznetsov told.

The investor's representative also said that we are talking about a powerful sorting complex that will select up to 15% of secondary raw materials from the entire imported waste stream (and up to 20% in the case of separate collection waste). The facility's capacity is up to 450 thousand tons.

According to a representative of Kombinat LLC, the complex will be equipped with bag breakers, conveyors, drum screens (for separating organics), optical separators for separating by type of plastic, magnetic and optical separators for metal selection. Selected materials will be pressed into briquettes and sent to the secondary market. In addition, the project provides for the selection and composting of organic matter. Judging by the input data, up to 30% of the total volume of garbage that will be sent to anaerobic composting plants can be selected from organic waste. We are talking about modular concrete sites with waste disposal baths equipped with special software and covered with a membrane. According to Kuznetsov, the output from such a bath should be safe soil. As a result, about 50% of the delivered waste should remain in the landfill itself, provided that the project is implemented according to all the rules.

“This is not a landfill in the traditional sense, as everyone now horribly imagines it. This is a specially equipped site. It will be covered with an anti-filtration membrane that prevents filtrate from penetrating into groundwater. There will be a modular station using filtrate purification technology, as a result of which ordinary water will be obtained from it, which meets all environmental standards. And the landfill will be equipped with a system for collecting and recycling landfill gas. The power of these installations will be calculated.”

The representative of the private structure also said that the project he represents is part new system waste management. Explained that it will be carried out in accordance with all the rules environmental legislation:

“There will be public hearings, all the technology will be available, everyone will be able to see it.”

Let us recall that just a few days before the meeting of the Environmental Council, representatives of the White House - Lieutenant Governor Alexander Bayer and Director of the Department of Environmental Management Ruslan Barinov, held a specialized press conference at which they stated that they had not yet met with any investors, and there were no negotiations There are no discussions with large market participants at all.

However, already on Saturday, answering questions from residents, Barinov said that the investor came to the meeting at his invitation.

“A man arrived with documents and a power of attorney from the owner,” - Barinov explained, explaining his acquaintance with Denis Kuznetsov.

As Denis Kuznetsov himself explained to Zebra TV outside of public discussions, the new investor did not buy the land or lease it, but is related to the current owners of this land plot. Let us remind you that currently, by court decision, any transactions with the disputed land are frozen.

When asked by the residents of Filippovsky whether the governor intended to keep the promises he made and not build a “garbage dump” on the territory of the forest they were protecting, Vladimir Sipyagin first tried to avoid answering, and then said the following:

“You know my position and I will always stick to it. First: we must live unambiguously within the legal framework. Right? That is, the law comes first. Secondly, I am against Moscow garbage coming here. I am against it, and I spoke about it,” said the head of the region.

When asked if Kuznetsov knows that the issue of the legality of the sale of a land plot eyed by investors is currently being decided in court, he responded as follows:

“We will act absolutely within the legal framework. If such a court decision appears, well, we obey the laws.”

The most interesting thing in this situation was violent reaction the head of the Kirzhach district administration, Mikhail Gorin, responded to what was happening. According to the district official, he is very surprised by what is happening, and all negotiations on this issue are apparently being conducted behind his back. At the same time, let us recall that the residents of Filippovsky themselves consider the district head to be almost the main lobbyist for this “garbage project.”

“Dear colleagues, Vladimir Vladimirovich! The situation is like this. Here is Denis Vladimirovich Kuznetsov - who are you? Representative of which investor? It's not written on my agenda who you are. It simply says about a report on the situation in the Filippovsky rural settlement. I am the head of the administration of the Kirzhach district, and I am seeing you for the first time. Not a single representative or owner came. This is the first time I've heard about this from you. About the plant construction program. And now I hear from you that you are a representative of the owner who wants to make a landfill,” Gorin reacted emotionally.

According to RBC, there are currently fifteen landfills operating in the Moscow region, the resources of which are about to run out. Moscow authorities are looking for new territories to locate landfills, but the regions refuse to accept Moscow garbage: local authorities and residents are afraid of a repeat of the Volokolamsk story, where at the end of March more than twenty children were hospitalized with signs of hydrogen sulfide poisoning, which was released at the Yadrovo landfill. A serious struggle is now taking place in the rural settlement of Filippovskoye, Vladimir Region, where they want to build a landfill. Especially for “Father,” Nika Repenko went to Filippovskoye and talked with local residents - they are sure that if the landfill is opened, there will be a local end of the world.

Nice piece of land

Yulia Pechina has three children, eldest daughter- allergic. In Filippovsky, the Pechins have everything of their own: vegetables, meat, milk, eggs. Three dogs are running around the yard - Gosha, Zhulya and Gad. “We’ve been living here for probably seventeen years. We moved from Moscow because our eldest daughter has very severe allergies and is literally suffocating in the city. In the village we finally felt better. Feeding my children is very important to me natural products, and not what they sell in Moscow in supermarkets. Therefore, the garden and livestock are their own. If they open a landfill, we simply will not be able to keep either a garden or livestock. Water, clean air“Everything will disappear.” According to Yulia, if the landfill opens, her family will have to plan to move: “But where? We don't want to go back to Moscow. Well, at least I have an apartment there, but what should the locals do? This is their only home, which will now be impossible to sell. Because of this garbage dump, the cadastral value has dropped almost to zero.”

The house of Anna and Oleg Ivanov is located almost across the street from the site where the landfill is planned. “My great-grandfather also lived in this house,” says Anna. - Now we have forest, water, fresh air. And if they open a trash heap, it’s scary to think what will happen! I even gave our newborn baby a teaspoon of our water. We go to all events, to all courts, to support the initiative group and prevent the opening of the landfill. After all, we have clayey areas in the region, far from populated areas. And they chose us, as if they specifically wanted to destroy more people!”

“They want to arrange a second Kemerovo!” - adds the Ivanovs’ neighbor, grandfather Vanya.

In the rural settlement of Filippovskoye there are 26 villages and 76 gardening partnerships. There is a pine forest around, where locals collect mushrooms and berries for sale. Crosses the territory of the settlement federal highway A-108. “This place is a real tasty morsel,” says Olga Golubkina, a member of the initiative group to combat the landfill. - There is gas, electricity, a road and no infrastructure needed to be built. 200 meters to the training ground. “Cut down the forest, and dump garbage from all over Moscow.”

For almost a year now, Olga and other activists of the initiative group have been fighting against the landfill: they go to receptions with officials, keep in touch with environmentalists and scientists, go to courts, rallies and demonstrations. Olga moved to Filippovskoye twelve years ago: “I built a house here for the last time in order to calmly meet old age and raise my grandchildren. And this is what nasty things they want to do to us.”

A piece of land in Filippovsky was bought by investors - the EcoTechStroy Vladimir company with an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. Bought at a price of 200 rubles per hundred square meters. “The cadastral value of the site is 4.5 billion rubles,” Olga Golubkina is indignant. - But they, the administration of the Kirzhach district, were able to gradually reduce it to 27 million. Moreover, they pulled it off very cunningly. The land was initially assigned to the competence of the district, and then Oleg Ivanov, the head of the administration of the Filippovskoye settlement, was issued a one-time power of attorney for the sale. That is, Ivanov sold the land by proxy from the head of the Kirzhach district administration, Mikhail Gorin.”

The founders of EcoTechStroy Vladimir are billionaires Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev*. “Makhmudov recently left the founders,” says the activist. - But on January 15, another took his place - again an unknown company, the Industrial Development Assistance Fund, again with a penny authorized capital. We assume that the same Makhmudov is behind this. You understand, Putin awarded the man the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”*, and here we are shouting at every corner that his company is causing such a disaster. So they made a tactical maneuver.”

Both Makhmudov and Bokarev were included in the so-called “Kremlin list” submitted to Congress by the US Treasury Department in January 2018. This is the list Russian officials, politicians and businessmen “close” to the President of Russia.

The Industrial Development Fund, which Olga Golubkina is talking about, was established on January 15, 2018. Founders: Sergei Iskusov and Nikolai Voskoboev. It was not possible to contact these people. Since February, the Fund has owned 100% of EcoTechStroy Vladimir, which owns Vladimir Deep Waste Processing Plant LLC. General manager plant - Alexey Postrigailo. This person also could not be contacted. It was not possible to find any information about the activities of this fund.

*Andrey Bokarev is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding and OJSC Management Company Kuzbassrazrezugol. His fortune is estimated at $1.99 billion.

**Iskandar Makhmudov, co-owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, second degree, in February 2018.” The wording is “for the achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work.” In 2017, Forbes magazine estimated Makhmudov’s fortune at $6.5 billion.

What will they build?

What they say about ecology

Some residents of Filippovsky compare the opening of the landfill with Chernobyl, others - with the end of the world. Now the settlement uses water from clean underground sources; each house is fed by a shallow well. The Klyazminsko-Sherninskoye fresh groundwater deposit is located right on the territory of the proposed landfill. Beavers and otters live in the cold rivers here. “These animals do not live in the mud,” notes Olga Golubkina. People from the Moscow and Vladimir regions come to stock up on water from local springs.

“This territory cannot be used as a landfill,” said Olga Levasheva, a freelance hydrogeologist at the Moscow Geocenter. According to her, at a depth of 120 meters there is a reserve water deposit, so the area should be considered as specially protected. In addition, the clayey aquifer, which is essential for the territory of the landfill, was washed away by powerful watercourses. “If a landfill is opened in Filippovsky, a tragedy will happen immediately. All surface water will be contaminated and impossible to clean. This is an irreversible process,” concludes Levasheva.

Activists say that not only Filippovskoye will be left without water: in this territory there is a water supply reserve, which in 2020–2030 will be opened to recharge the eastern part of the Moscow region. If a landfill is built, then “with any degree of soil protection that can be arranged, water pollution will occur within a year and a half after the opening of the landfill. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences calculated this for us,” says Olga.

Members of the initiative group recite the numbers of land classifiers by heart, expert opinions, decisions of officials. “We ourselves contacted all sorts of organizations, including Rosnedra, asking if it was possible to locate a landfill with us. The answer is the same everywhere - it’s impossible. In fact, the administration of the Kirzhach district should have dealt with this, but not us. Okay, we have already received all the conclusions instead of them. And now they tell us: your papers are nonsense. Yellow press“, as the governor of the Vladimir region Svetlana Orlova put it,” the activists say.

Members of the initiative group wrote letters to all authorities: President Putin, Prime Minister Medvedev, regulatory authorities, State Duma deputies, the Minister of Ecology, governors, and Rosprirodnadzor of the Vladimir and Moscow regions. “But we only receive unsubscribes! They see neither deposits nor pine forest, neither sandy soil. Although we provide them with all the regulatory documents,” said Elena Khmelchenko.

Now the administration of the Kirzhach district, according to activists, is trying to transfer the entire site of the landfill - which is 1,240 hectares - to land classification 12.2 as quickly as possible. This code means lands intended for the storage and disposal of medical, nuclear waste, destroying ozone, for placing cattle burial grounds and burying any other waste. “Having now transferred the land to this classifier, they will be able to do whatever they want there,” says Olga.

What did the authorities answer us?

In response to “Father”’s request to the administration of the Vladimir region asking for a comment from Governor Svetlana Orlova, the press service responded that it considered the appeal irrelevant. “The press service of the regional administration gave comments on the topic you identified in an official press release dated (note the date!) March 6, 2018,” they answered us. In a press release, the administration denies issuing a permit for the construction of waste processing facilities on the territory of the rural settlement of Filippovskoye. “Only an investment project of one of the legal entities was approved, related exclusively to the organization of financing for the “construction of an experimental site for sorting, processing, allocation of secondary material resources and disposal of municipal solid waste,” the document states.

The head of the Kirzhach district administration, Mikhail Gorin, ignored “Father”’s appeal. The head of the administration of the rural settlement of Filippovskoye, Oleg Ivanov, and the head of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kirzhachsky District, Sergei Kolesnikov, too.

After the publication of the material, Mikhail Gorin wrote to the author that she was ready to answer the publication’s questions - but only after an official request from the media. “Father” will prepare such a request.

“Father” asked Olga Levasheva, a freelance expert at the Moscow geocenter, former boss department of engineering-geological and environmental surveys - explain which places may be suitable for a landfill and which not:

Placement of landfills is possible only on the basis of current regulatory documents. Among them, for example, the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”; “Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of landfills for solid household waste”, as well as sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN.

The territory of the proposed landfill is tested according to several criteria. The first of them is the presence of a regional Jurassic aquitard. It is represented by heavy clays and loams. The aquifer must be at least five meters thick, and sometimes ten.

When we have found areas of the presence of Jurassic aquifer, we need to exclude from them the sanitary protection zones of rivers, rivers and streams. Depending on the category of watercourse, they have different sanitary protection zones. As a rule, this is at least 50 meters: even a stream at the bottom of a ravine has a sanitary protection zone of 50 meters on both sides of the riverbed.

These were geological parameters. Next, we exclude socially protected objects from the area of ​​the proposed landfill: populated areas, holiday villages. The nearest house must be at least a thousand meters away (if the landfill in Filippovsky opens, it will be located 370 meters from the village of Krutets. - Note ed.) There are also sanitary protection zones of protected objects: nature reserves, objects cultural heritage, which, naturally, also cannot become a landfill.

Now let's look at the territories that we have left. Forest areas, as a rule, are also excluded. Wastelands, former industrial sites, and mined-out quarries are suitable for landfills. Next, the area for the landfill needs to be prepared. This is done according to the instructions that SanPiN also writes.

What happens to the landfill afterwards? There they pile about five meters of garbage, then use an excavator to level it, compact it and fill it with clay soil. Next, pour the next layer of garbage, then soil - and so on until the design marks. After all, landfills are not omnipotent and can accommodate a certain amount of garbage. And so the waste lies for some time, and then under the influence atmospheric precipitation the so-called filtrate begins to form. As a result, seepage begins to occur at the base of any landfill. The landfill is surrounded by an upland ditch to intercept this resulting leachate. Further work is already underway to isolate the filtrate from the environment.

For each landfill there is a designed volume of waste that it can accept. A typical regional landfill is 20–25 hectares, the largest now is the Kuchinsky landfill with a size of 60 hectares, and this is a headache for everyone.

When a landfill is closed, an observation network is formed around it, and wells are drilled to monitor the level of methane and hydrogen sulfide. After all, even if the landfill is closed, it still works, biochemical processes take place in its depths. All these processes should be controlled by the local sanitary and epidemiological service. In Volokolamsk, I think these services did not detect the increase in the concentration of toxic gases in time and did not take the necessary measures.