Project surrounding the world, forest and man. Lesson summary on the surrounding world "forest and man"

Lesson type: combined


— formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it based on the unity of rational scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value understanding personal experience communication with people and nature;

Characteristics of student activities

Understand educational objectives of the lesson, strive to fulfill them.

Work in pairs: using the diagram and text of the textbook, disclose the role of forests in nature and people's lives. Discuss environmental problems of the forest, suggest measures to protect it, discuss rules of behavior in the forest using the book “Giant in the Clearing”. Extract from additional literature and the Internet, messages about plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia, prepare messages. Discuss environmental problems national park"Elk Island" Characterize forest zones according to plan.

Formulate conclusions from the material studied, answer final questions and evaluate achievements in the lesson.

Planned results

Subject (know, be able to)

Know the role of plants in nature and people’s lives, rules of behavior in the forest.

Be able to give examples of representatives of different groups of plants and animals, reveal their features appearance and life.

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. Communicative)

P. - construct messages orally, analyze objects highlighting essential and non-essential features. Establish causally - investigative connections.

R. - evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment of the compliance of the results with the requirements of the given task.

K. - determine the goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction

Personal results

A feeling of love for one's country, expressed in interest in its nature.

Cooperation skills in different situations, the ability to avoid creating conflicts and find a way out of controversial situations.

Basic concepts and definitions

House for plants, animals, mushrooms

Protector of air, water bodies and soils.

Preparing to learn new material

Using a diagram, talk about the role of forests in nature and people’s lives. Reveal some points in more detail using the textbook text

1.House for plants, animals, mushrooms.

2.Defender of air, water bodies and soils.

3. Place for a person to rest

4. Source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants.

5.Wood source

Learning new material


The forest is the “lungs” of our planet, the protector of the air. Forest plants release huge amounts of oxygen and absorb a lot carbon dioxide. One hectare of forest absorbs as much carbon dioxide in an hour as is produced by the breathing of two hundred people! The forest also clears the air of dust. It settles on the leaves and is then washed to the ground by rain. The leaves of many trees release special substances into the air - phytoncides. They die from them pathogenic bacteria. Forests located near cities and along roads purify the air well.

Forest is a protector of water bodies. People have long noticed: rivers along the banks of which forests have been cut down are becoming shallow. The fact is that in the forest, melt and rain water slowly seeps into the soil and from there gradually flows into the river, “feeding” it. If the forest is cut down, the water quickly flows in streams into the river along the surface of the soil. Flooding may occur. But then there is no influx of water into the river for a long time, and it becomes shallow.

The forest is also a protector of the soil. Wind and water flows quickly destroy the soil in areas where forests have been cut down.

The forest pleases people with its beauty. Rest in the forest improves mood and strengthens human health. And how many mushrooms, berries, and medicinal plants the forest gives us!


Environmental problems in these natural areas are mainly associated with deforestation, as well as illegal hunting - poaching.

Previously, people thought that there were so many forests that it was simply impossible to cut them all down. Now it has become clear: the forests are in danger! Therefore, reforestation work is carried out in the place of cut down forests, that is, new forests are planted. The tree seedlings required for this are grown in special nurseries.

To cut down fewer trees, you need to use more waste paper. A considerable portion of paper and cardboard can be obtained from it. One ton of waste paper saves 10 mature trees from being cut down.

Forest plants and animals included in the Red Book of Russia are under special protection, for example Lady's slipper (), ginseng (), beauty beetle (3), relic woodcutter (), stag beetle(5), mandarin duck(6), owl(7), bison(8), Amur tiger (9).

Created in forest areas large number nature reserves and national parks. Among them Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, national park "Elk Island"

Comprehension and understanding of acquired knowledge


The life of the forest and its inhabitants depends on everyone who visits the forest. No one should forget that he is here visiting nature and is obliged to fulfill certain rules.

One of the simplest and important rules: Don’t leave trash in the forest! A forest loses its beauty if it is cluttered. Sharp glass or a tin can can injure a person or even an animal. In addition, the glass shards seem to be collected sun rays, and this can cause dry leaves or blades of grass to catch fire. Then a fire will start in the forest

Fires often result from lighting fires in the forest. One small spark or ember can start a large fire. Even if there is no fire, the fire will still leave something ugly on the ground. black spot- fireplace. It has not been overgrown with grass for many years.

When making a fire, people often choose a completely inappropriate place: next to trees or where branches hang low, where there is a lot of dry grass.

When leaving, many forget to put out the fire or do it somehow, and the fire flares up again. All this leads to a fire.

Independent use knowledge

Study the instructions in the textbook. Which rules did you already know and which were new to you?

Come up with conventional signs to these rules. Draw them in your workbook

How to make a fire

1. Children should not make a fire alone, without their elders.

2. A fire is needed to cook food or keep warm. You can't dilute it unnecessarily.

3.You need to carefully choose a place for a fire. There should be nothing nearby that could catch fire.

4. It is better to make a fire in an old fire pit. If it is not there, you need to remove the turf (a layer of soil with plants) with a shovel and build a fire in the resulting hole.

5. When leaving, be sure to extinguish the fire: fill it with water or cover it with sand, and put the turf back in place.

Let's discuss!

1. Air purity largely depends on the “health” of the forest. Does the “health” of the forest depend on the cleanliness of the air?

2. Why do you think some people do not follow the rules of behavior in nature? What needs to be done to ensure that everyone treats nature with care?

Test yourself

1.What role do forests play in nature and people’s lives?

2. Explain why the forest is called a protector of air, water bodies and soils.

3. How to behave correctly in the forest?

4. Give brief description forest zones according to the plan given in the textbook.


Forests purify the air, keep rivers full, and protect soils from wind and water flows. People admire the beauty of the forest, relax in it, collect mushrooms, berries, and medicinal plants. Plants and animals included in the Red Book of Russia are found in the forests. Caring attitude to the forest is the responsibility of every person.

Tasks for homework

1.In the book "Giant in the Clearing" read the stories “Always take your own trash with you”, “The fire is burning”, “White fairytale palace”. Analyze your behavior in the forest. What can these stories teach you?

2. Using additional literature and the Internet, prepare a report about one of the forest plants or animals included in the Red Book.

3.Using the Internet, take an imaginary trip to national park"Losiny Island" What programs and environmental projects do the national park staff offer to children?



"The Forest and Its Meaning" 1965

Rational use and forest protection



Sources of information:

SCHOOL OF RUSSIA Federal State Educational Standard A. A. Pleshakov textbook, E. A. Kryuchkova workbook The world around us 4th grade Moscow “Enlightenment” 2014

Presentation hosting the world around us

Forests purify the air, keep rivers full, and protect soils from wind and water flows. People admire the beauty of the forest, relax in it, pick mushrooms, berries, and medicinal plants. In the forests there are plants and animals included in the Red Book of Russia. Caring for the forest is the responsibility of every person!

Think and write down what role the forest plays in your life.

The forest is the main protector of the air, thanks to it I breathe clean air. It is also a vacation spot for me and my family.

Make a diagram based on the diagram in the textbook (The world around us, grade 4, p. 103), replacing the text with drawings and symbols.

Think about what environmental problems of forest zones are expressed by these signs. Formulate and write down.

Suggest conservation measures for class discussion that would help solve these problems.

Continue filling out the poster “The Red Book of Russia”, which was drawn by Seryozha and Nadya’s dad. Find the plants and animals of forest zones on the poster and write their names.

Lady's slipper, ginseng, beauty beetle, relic woodcutter, stag beetle, mandarin duck, eagle owl, bison, Amur tiger

Come up with and draw symbols for the rules in the textbook (p. 107). Using these signs as a guide, talk about the rules for starting a fire.

How to make a fire

Children should not make a fire alone, without their elders

A fire is needed to cook food or keep warm. You can't dilute it unnecessarily.

You need to carefully choose a place for a fire. There should be nothing nearby that could catch fire.

It is better to make a fire in an old fire pit. If it is not there, you need to remove the turf (a layer of soil with plants) with a shovel and build a fire in the resulting hole.

When leaving, you must definitely extinguish the fire: fill it with water or cover it with sand, and put the turf back in place.

Here you can make notes for your reports about one of the forest plants or animals included in the Red Book of Russia(according to the instructions of the textbook, p. 108).

Post subject: Lady's slipper

Message plan:

1) Description of the plant
2) Why is it called that?
3) Where does it grow?
4) Features of the plant and interesting facts

Important information for message:

Lady's slipper is a plant of the orchid family. Plants from the genus Lady's slipper can be called one of the most beautiful flowers of the taiga. The name of the plant, “Venus’s slipper,” comes from ancient times. IN old legend it is said that once the goddess of beauty Venus, fleeing from her pursuer, hid in northern forests among marshy swamps and dark, tall trees. Suddenly, the beautiful Venus stumbled, and the golden shoe with red satin ribbons flew off her foot and turned into a beautiful flower.
But the flower of the lady’s slipper is really very similar to the graceful slipper of a beauty. That’s why people called it “the Mother of God’s boots,” “Maryin’s slipper,” and “cuckoo’s slipper.”
The lady's slipper blooms for a long time, almost a month. But the Lady's slipper does not favor herbivorous forest animals. To avoid being eaten by moose or hares, it accumulates a bitter, toxic substance in its leaves. This substance is a real protective agent.
IN folk medicine This flower is popular as a sedative for insomnia. It is also used for headaches.

Source(s) of information: Internet, encyclopedia

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Lesson topic Forest and man

Teacher's goals

    Create conditions for familiarization with environmental problems forests that arose due to human fault, with human conservation activities;

    defining the boundaries of knowledge and “ignorance”;

    help students develop an understanding of the role of forests in the lives of humans and nature; initial search skills necessary information and analysis of the information received;

    developing interest in the subject “The World around us”

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Planned educational results:

subject (scope of development and level of competence): will have the opportunity to learn to formulate and justify rules of behavior in the forest; work with a textbook, with models of studied objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

meta-subject (components of cultural competence experience/acquired competence): will master the ability to understand the educational task of the lesson, answer questions, generalize their own ideas; listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, evaluate their achievements in the lesson; know how to engage in verbal communication and use a textbook.

personal : have moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on personal choice; demonstrate moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards their own actions

Methods and forms of training : partially search, research; group, frontal, collective, individual

Equipment photographs of the forest; presentation: “Forest and Man”; herbarium

Basic Concepts Phytoncides

Lesson progress

I.Updating background knowledge

1.Checking homework:

Children's messages about taiga, mixed and deciduous forests according to plan

    Location on the map.

    Features of nature.

    Animal and plant life

(Slides 2-4)

2. Solving a crossword puzzle. (Slide 5.)

1. Which tree is a symbol of Russia? (Birch.)

2. A coniferous tree that sheds its needles. (Larch.)

3. This animal has a spotted color, “whiskers” and tufts on the ears. (Lynx.)

4. This animal can not only jump, but also fly. (Flying squirrel.)

5. Coniferous forest. (Taiga.)

6. A coniferous tree with flat needles and cones sticking up. (Fir.)

7. Lives in the wilderness of the forest, and in summer and winter he is a diligent worker, a forest carpenter with a nose. (Woodpecker.)

8. Coniferous tree with short needles located singly. (Spruce.)

9. Tree with heart-shaped leaves. (Linden.)

10. Which bird spreads the fruit? cedar pine? (Kedrovka.)

11. Coniferous tree with a straight trunk yellow. The needles are long and come in pairs. (Pine.)


II. Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities. Emotional, psychological motivational preparation of students to master educational material(Slide 6.) Reading a poem by S. Nikulina. Russian forest.

Russian forest

There's nothing sweeter

Wander and think here.

Heals, warms,

Feed the Russian forest.

And the thirst will torment -

That's a little forest guy for me

Among the thorny thickets

The fontanel will show.

I’ll bend over to him to get a drink -

And you can see everything to the bottom.

Water flows

Tasty and cold.

A rowan tree is waiting for us in the forest,

Nuts and flowers.

Fragrant raspberry

On dense bushes.

I'm looking for a mushroom clearing

I, without sparing my legs,

And if I get tired -

I'll sit down on a tree stump.

The forest loves pedestrians very much,

For them he is completely his own.

There's a goblin wandering around here somewhere

With a green beard.

Life seems different

And my heart doesn't hurt

When over your head,

Like eternity, the forest is noisy.

(S. Nikulina.)

What relationships is this poem talking about?

What is a forest for a person?

What are we going to talk about today? (Formulation of the lesson topic0

Entries on slide (7) “Forest and Man”

Setting the lesson goal.

III. Learning new material Work in groups: identifying the role of the forest

in the life of man and nature (Working with the textbook p. 106)

Group assignments:

1. “Experts.” What is a forest for a person? (The forest is a place of rest.)

2. “Why?” What does the word “heal” mean, heard in S. Nikulina’s poem?

3. "Researchers". Where do we buy medicines?

Medicinal plants also grow in the forest. This means that the forest is also a pharmacy.

Why does the forest feed? (The forest is the source clean water and food.)

How can a forest warm a person? (The forest is a source of fuel.)

Look around, what things made of wood do you see? (Cabinets, tables, chairs, pencils, rulers, books and notebooks are also made of wood.)

This means that the forest is a source of wood.

What do flowers, bushes, mushrooms, trees do in the forest?

(They grow there.)

What about animals, insects, birds? (They live.)

This means that the forest is a home for plants, animals, and mushrooms.

Look at how many meanings a forest has, but that's not all.

Forest is a protector of air, water bodies, and soils.

Now open your textbooks and get acquainted with a new word for you, which is of great importance for the forest and people:phytoncides. These are substances that are secreted by plant leaves. They kill pathogenic bacteria. This is how important the forest is for humans and animals.

Summarizing the material based on the presentation. (Slides 9-15)

Presentation: “The meaning of the forest”

    House for plants and animals

    Source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants

    Wood source

    Protector of air, water bodies, soils

    A place of rest for a person

4. – What should a person remember when entering the forest?

Rules of behavior in the forest. (Game: “Yes-no”)

When I saw the fly agaric

I'm passing by friends.


The chick fell out of the nest,

We can't touch him.


Who collects lingonberries,

Bush with roots


(Not me.)

Narva lilies of the valley in the forest

For mom's holiday

I'll bring it.


Who is walking along the path?

Don't step on bugs?


We don't break branches,

When we walk through the forest.


We saw a hedgehog

And they took him home.


We will find the anthill

Let's watch and leave.


"Researchers". Is a person always fair to the forest? Is it his fault that environmental problems in the forest arise?

Forest problems


What other problems does the forest have? (Showing the Red Book.)

Illegal hunting (poaching).

1. “Why” – why is the fourth one extra?

2. “Experts” – as they know forest zone.

3. “Researchers” - solve research problems.

"Why?" What depends on each of us when we come to the forest?

Why shouldn't you leave trash in the forest?

Why can't you make a fire?

“Fire in the Forest” (video show)

Physical education minute .

IV. Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system. Practical activities.

1 Teacher's story.

– Each of us should think about how our descendants will see the forests in centuries, in millennia, and whether the forest can give them what it gives us now. After all, the forest is also a source of knowledge.

The story is based on Boris Zubkov’s book “What the Bat Suggested.”

"Autumn. Leaves wither and turn yellow. I just don’t want the leaves to part with the tree. And the wind gets stronger, tries to tear off the leaf, cold ground quit. But one leaf of the edge was bent, almost curled into a tube. A leaf tube exposes its round sides to the wind, the wind blows on it from all sides, but cannot tear it off. Why?

Let's do an experiment, guys! Grab the edges of a piece of paper and lift it up. The sheet will immediately bend. Roll the paper tightly into a tube. Now try to bend and break such a tube. Is it difficult? So the wind is powerless against a sheet bent into a tube. One day a man saw such a leaf. And he conceived a bridge across the river, also like a leaf-tube. A large bridge, a thousand meters long. The resulting bridge is very strong. Because it looked like a leaf of wood, rolled into a strong, rigid tube.”

These are the discoveries nature suggested to man and awakened his creative thought.

This means that nature (forest) is a source of knowledge

2.Complete tasks from the electronic supplement to the textbook.

Everything depends on you and me. We must take care of the forest and protect it. So let's turn to our descendants with the same request to protect and preserve the forest - our wealth, our lungs of the planet, our beauty.

On pieces of paper, write down the rules of behavior in the forest and your wishes for your descendants.

3. Rules of behavior in the forest. (Generalization) Slide 22)

4. Creative work come up with symbols for the rules of behavior in the forest.

V. Lesson summary.

Reflection Summarizing the information received during the lesson.

Closing conversation. Grading

The bell is ringing

The lesson is over,

And the plan was completed.

Thanks guys

Huge to you

For being persistent

And they worked together!

Did you like the lesson?

How do you evaluate your work and the work of the class in the lesson?

VI. Homework (Slide 23)

– Find answers to questions:

1. Why doesn’t the Earth run out of oxygen?

2. What benefits does the forest bring to people?

3. What benefits do birds bring?

4. How should a person behave in the forest?

5. How can schoolchildren take part in forest protection?

6. What advice would you give to those camping outdoors in the forest?

Lesson summary on the world around us in 4th grade

Shroo Tatyana Alexandrovna,

teacher primary classes

MBOU "Special (correctional) secondary school No. 18"

Tyumen region, Novy Urengoy Lesson topic: “Forest and man.” Purpose and objectives of the lesson : to form in students an idea of ​​the role of the forest in the life of man and nature; familiarize yourself with environmental problems of the forest that have arisen due to human fault; develop cognitive interest, cultivate respect and love for nature, a culture of behavior.
Equipment : a picture of a forest, a video “Fire in the Forest”, audio recordings of the sounds of the forest. Progress of the lesson. 1. Organizational moment Music is playing. Poems by S. Nikulina “Russian Forest” (read by student)Teacher: What relationships is this poem talking about?Students : About the relationship between man and forest.So the conclusion is: the forest must be protected.2. The topic of our lesson is “Forest and Man” We have three groups in the lesson. Experts show their knowledge, researchers study certain problems, and why people ask the question why? and find the answer to it. And so the experts: What is a forest for a person? 1 student. The forest is a place for a person to relax, because there is nothing nicer for a person than to wander and think here.Teacher: So the forest -


-What does it mean, will heal, sounded in the poem?2 student . There are many medicinal plants in the forest. Hawthorn - lowers blood pressure, linden blossom - used for colds, strawberries - rich in many vitamins, rosehip is also rich in vitamins. Especially here in the north, many medicinal plants are useful, since people's health is poorer. Teacher : Where do we buy medicine?Students: At the pharmacy. Teacher: But these medicinal plants grow in the forest.So the forest is also


Teacher: Why does the forest feed?3 student. In the forest, a person finds food for himself - these are berries, mushrooms, nuts, mushrooms, clean water. That means forest.


Teacher: How can it warm a person?4 student. A person heats a house with wood, and the firewood is trees that grew in the forest. That means forest.


Teacher : Look around, what things made of wood do you see? (cabinets, tables, chairs, pencil, ruler, books and notebooks are also made of wood) That means forest.


Teacher . What do flowers, bushes, mushrooms, trees do in the forest? (They grow there)What about animals, insects, birds? (They live)This means the forest is home for them. Teacher: Look at how many meanings a forest has, but that’s not all.Students tell what roles the forest plays. (Cleans the air from dust. Where the forest grows, the rivers do not become shallow, the forest “nourishes” them. The forest protects the soil from the wind, and the roots of plants prevent the soil from collapsing) That means forest. 3.Working with the textbook p.106. Teacher: - Now open your textbooks and get acquainted with a new word for you, which is of great importance for the forest and people.


These are substances that are secreted by plant leaves. They kill pathogenic bacteria.This is how important the forest is for humans and animals. On the board - THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FOREST


4. What should a person remember when entering the forest? Game. When I saw the fly agaric I'm passing by friends. (Yes) The chick fell out of the nest, We can't touch him. (Yes) Who collects lingonberries? We tear out the bush by the roots. (not me) Who is walking along the path? Don't step on bugs? (I) We don't break branches, When we walk through the forest. (Yes) We saw a hedgehog And they took him home. (No) We will find the anthill Let's watch and leave. (Yes) Narva lilies of the valley in the forest I'll bring it to my mom for the holiday. (No)Physical exercise. Hands raised and shookThese are trees in the forestArms bent, hands shaken -The wind blows away the dewTo the side of the hand, wave it smoothly -These are the birds flying towards usLet us show you how they sit down quietly -The wings were folded back.5. Researchers. Teacher. -Is a person always fair to the forest? Is it his fault that environmental problems in the forest arise? On the board.


1 student. Why do people cut down forests? For timber harvesting. Previously, they cut down with an ax, but now logging is destroying entire tracts of forest.So it's a forest problem.


- What other problems does the forest have?2 student. Man has long killed animals to get food, but this was necessary for the survival of people, but they killed as much as they could eat. Now, excessive hunting has led to the complete or almost complete extermination of some animal species. Currently, hunting of forest animals is limited, and poaching is punishable by law. Many species of rare animals are taken under protection, and plants and animals listed in the Red Book are under special protection.Display of the Red Book.This means another forest problem.


6. Independent work. (by groups) 1. Why is the fourth one extra?2. Experts - how they know the forest zone.3.Researchers - solve research problems. (see Appendix)Testing and evaluation.7.What depends on each of us when we come to the forest? Why? 1 student. Why shouldn't you leave trash in the forest? Flow plastic bottles, bags, packaging film makes up 40% of the total household waste. Animals may be injured on bottles and cans.2 student. Why can't you make a fire? Animals and plants die. But this might not have happened. If a person follows the rules of making a fire and does not forget to extinguish it. “Fire in the Forest” (video show)8. Consolidation. Each of us must think about how our descendants will see the forests in centuries, in millennia, and whether the forest can give them what it gives us now. After all, the forest is also a source of knowledge.Teacher's story (from Boris Zubkov's book “What the Bat Suggested”)"Autumn. Leaves wither and turn yellow. I just don’t want the leaves to part with the tree. And the wind gets stronger, trying to tear off a leaf and throw it on the cold ground. But one leaf of the edge was bent, almost curled into a tube. A tube-leaf exposes its round sides to the wind; the wind blows on it from all sides, but cannot tear it off. Why? Let's do an experiment, guys! Grab the edges of a piece of paper and lift it up. The sheet will immediately bend. Roll the paper tightly into a tube. Now try to bend and break such a tube. Is it difficult? So the wind is powerless against a sheet bent into a tube. One day a man saw such a leaf. And he conceived a bridge across the river, also like a leaf-tube. A large bridge, a thousand meters long. The resulting bridge is very strong. Because it looked like a leaf of wood, rolled into a strong, rigid tube.”These are the discoveries nature suggested to man and awakened his creative thought. Means.


Everything depends on you and me. We must take care of the forest and protect it. So let's turn to our descendants with the same request to protect and preserve the forest - our wealth, our lungs of the planet, our beauty.Write wishes on pieces of paper and attach homework to them.9. Lesson summary. Homework. The bell is ringing The lesson is over and the plan is completed,Thank you guys, thank you very muchFor working hard and together,Why are you so useful to our forest?And the leaves fly to the next lesson.
Homework. Find answers to questions. 1. Why doesn’t the Earth run out of oxygen?2.What benefits does the forest bring to people?3. What benefits do birds bring?4.How should a person behave in the forest?5. How can schoolchildren take part in forest protection?6. What advice would you give to those camping outdoors in the forest?

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"
List of used literature: 1. Pleshakov A.A. From earth to sky atlas guide for primary school students. - 7th ed. - M.: Education 2006.2. Poem by S. Nikulina “Russian Forest”3. Book by Boris Zubkov “What the Bat Suggested”

Application. 1. “The fourth odd one” Underline.
1. Pine, spruce, oak, saxaul.2. Fir, linden, polar willow, cedar.3. Dwarf birch, pine, bird cherry, oak.4. Cypress, maple, rowan, elm.5. Ash, apple, birch, palm.6.Sable, marten, badger, polar wolf.7. Bear, fox, lizard, jerboa.8. Monitor lizard, hedgehog, badger, owl.9.Viper, black grouse, wild boar, polar bear.10. Goitered gazelle, elk, owl, thrush.
2. How do they know the forest zone? Connect with arrows the trees and the forest in which they grow.
Fir Birch Taiga Cedar pine Linden Alder Mixed forest Pine Larch Oak Broadleaf Forest Maple
3.Tasks. a).60 kg of waste paper is saved from being cut down by one tree that has been growing in the forest for over fifty years. How many trees will students from one school save by collecting over 720 kg of waste paper? How much waste paper must be collected to save 27 trees?
b). While determining the amount of water provided by the spring, tourists noticed that 2x liter jar filled in 4 seconds. How much water does the spring produce in one hour?

Tatiana Norinskaya
"Forest and Man". Lesson summary in 4th grade on the subject “The World around us”

Goals lesson:

Form in students performance about the role of forests in life man and nature;

To introduce the environmental problems of the forest that arose due to person, with the security activities of people in the forest zone;

Develop cognitive interest, develop speech, logical thinking, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, broaden the horizons of students;

To cultivate respect and love for nature, a sense of duty and responsibility to natural resources.

I. Organizational moment

Good morning. Today on our there are guests in the lesson. Let's say hello. Sit down.

I'll read an excerpt from the song "Forest March"

We wrote it ourselves

In the forest green book

About what the forest has

Reliable friends -

The same girls

The same boys

Just as happy

Like you and me!

Why did I start our lesson from this passage? (This passage is about friends of the forest)

Who should protect the forest? (People should do this.)

Who can formulate the theme of our lesson?

The topic and goals are communicated lesson.

The topic of our lesson is "Forest and Human»

II. Checking homework

1. Before you start studying new topic Let's check your homework.

Tell us about the tundra.

What can you tell us about the taiga?

Name the trees that grow in the taiga

What animals live in the taiga?

What can you tell us about the zone of broad-leaved and mixed forests?

Flora of forests

2. There is a competition drawings: "How am I I imagine the taiga, mixed and broadleaf forest" The drawings are briefly commented on. (exhibition of drawings on the board)

The guys drew pictures, let's follow the pictures let's define What zone do they belong to?

By what signs did you recognize it?

III. Working on a new topic

1. Listen to the poem by S. Nikulina "Russian Forest" read by Savvateev Michael:

There's nothing sweeter

Wander and think here.

Heals, warms,

Feed the Russian forest.

And the thirst will torment

That's a little forest guy for me

Among the thorny thickets

The fontanel will show.

I'll lean over to get a drink

And you can see everything to the bottom.

Water flows,

Tasty and cold.

Rowan trees are waiting for us in the forest,

Nuts and flowers,

Fragrant raspberry

On dense bushes.

I'm looking for a mushroom clearing

I, without sparing my legs,

And if I get tired

I'll sit down on a tree stump.

The forest loves pedestrians very much,

For them he is completely his own.

There's a goblin wandering around here somewhere

With a green beard.

Life seems different

And my heart doesn't hurt

When over your head,

Like eternity, the forest is noisy.

What relationships is this poem talking about? (The poem talks about the relationship between man and forest)

This poem will help us figure out what the forest is for person.

2. Work from the textbook, p. 106. Determining the role of forests in human life.

Read the article in the textbook “The role of forests in nature and people’s lives” on pp. 106-107 - and you will find out what role the forest plays.

3. Work in notebooks.

Open your notebook to page 50 and answer the first question: What role does the forest play in your life? (some Human read out their answers)

4.1) So what is a forest for? person? (the first card is opened - "resting place").

The forest is a real filter that cleans the air from dust and soot. Dust settles on the leaves and is then washed to the ground by rain. In addition, the leaves of many trees release special substances into the air - phytoncides. They kill pathogenic microbes. On clean air have a good and pleasant rest.

2) Why is it called a forest "Pharmacy"(card opens - "pharmacy").

The forest is a storehouse of various riches. The most valuable tree species and many medicinal plants and herbs grow here.

3) In the forest Human finds food for itself - these are berries, nuts, mushrooms, clean water (a card opens "source of clean water and food").

4) How can a forest provide warmth? person?

So the forest is for person- this is a source of fuel (a card opens "fuel source").

5) (card opens “house for plants, animals, mushrooms”).

How do you understand this?

6) What is forest for air?

The forest is an oxygen shop. In big cities it is necessary large number trees, because they absorb harmful substances that are in the air

7) Why else is the forest a protector? (card opens “protector of air, water bodies and soils”).

How do forests protect water bodies?

How does the forest protect the soil?

The forest maintains the full flow of rivers, streams, and reservoirs.

The forest regulates the action of the wind, protects the soil from the influence of blowing and dispersal. They even plant forest belts that prevent soil from being blown away.

5. Everything you said is true, but now let's summarize our knowledge. Look at the diagram we came up with.

Meaning of forest

1. Rest place

3. Source of water and food

4. Fuel source

5. House for plants, mushrooms, animals

6. Protector of water bodies, air, soil.

What conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said?

Conclusion: the forest has great value, both in nature and in life person.

IV. Reinforcing a covered topic

1). Test work « Natural area forests" (slides 3-7)

Let's do a little test. Attention to the screen.

1. The natural forest zone consists from:

1) five parts;

2) two parts;

3) three parts;

2. The most large territory occupy:

1) mixed forests;

2) coniferous forests;

3) broad-leaved forests;

3. They grow in the taiga:

1) fir, spruce, larch;

2) oaks, pines, spruces;

3) birch, linden, larch;

4. The following forest animals are listed in the Red Book stripes:

1) musk ox, walrus, pink gull;

2) red-breasted goose; merlin; Siberian Crane;

3) stork; walrus; seal;

5. Forest protection is….

1) duty of the state;

2) the duty of the state and the duty of every citizen;

3) care of the forest inhabitants themselves;

2). Self-test.. Blitz tournament "I know the forest"(the teacher dictates, and then the students change leaves and check on the screen, slides 9-17)

What forest do we call taiga?

Which tree is the symbol of Russia?

- Name the tree: “Tall, slender, with yellowish-reddish or brown bark. The branches are only at the top. The needles are long and arranged in pairs. The cones are small, rounded».

This animal can jump from tree to tree.

Who is the forest health officer?

This animal can not only jump, but also fly.

What tree are acorns the fruit of?

Perform on cards in pairs.

Find out coniferous trees on twigs and cones. Number the drawings (1. Spruce. 2. Pine. 3.

Cedar pine. 4. Fir. 5. Larch)

Find out deciduous trees by leaves and fruits. Number the drawings (1. Oak. 2. Maple. 3. Linden. 4. Ash. 5. Elm).

3). Guess the riddles and solve the crossword puzzle (slides 19-21)

1. Russian beauty, standing in a clearing, in a green blouse, in a white sundress (birch).

2. The squadron sat down on a large colored carpet, then opened and then closed its painted wings (butterflies).

3. I have stilts - the swamps are not scary, will I find frogs - that’s my concern (heron).

4. There are workers in the river: not joiners, not carpenters, but they will build a dam - even paint a picture (beavers).

5. Leaves are falling from the aspen trees, a sharp wedge is rushing in the sky (cranes).

6. There is a cheerful house on a pole, with a small round window so that the children can fall asleep, the house is swaying by the wind, the father is singing on the porch - he is both a pilot and a singer (starling).

7. You injured your leg while hiking, fatigue doesn’t let you walk, bend over: a soldier by the road is ready to help you on your way (plantain)

8. From a branch to a path, from a grass to a blade of grass, a spring jumps - a green back (grasshopper)

9. I show off as a white fluffy ball in a clean field. A light breeze blew and a stem remained (dandelion).

10. This dog’s brother is gray, and the robber is the first (wolf).

V. Summary. Reflection

Let's summarize our lesson.

Try to answer these questions.

Have you learned anything new about yourself today?

What did you find interesting?

What do you remember?

What did you want to know more about?

Let's rate ourselves and our achievements on a scale (Christmas trees are prepared on the board according to the colors of the forest zones)

Well done! Good job on lesson.

VI. Homework

We opened our diaries and wrote down our homework.

2) Notebook page 51-52

Thank you very much for lesson!