Transport company iml tracking. Delivery IML Commercial Express

IN Lately Buyers ask a lot of questions about IML delivery. The main problems on this moment three:

1. The parcel arrived at the point of delivery, but this was not reported

For some shipments, for some reason, you do not receive a notification that the parcel has arrived at the point of delivery. And the order lies there until the buyer sees the arrival information in the tracking, or calls the IML helpline and they tell him that the parcel can be received a long time ago.

2. The intermediate statuses “Arrived at destination” and “Parcel released for delivery” are misleading.

The IML courier company must deliver parcels directly, that is, to the recipient’s door. But not all cities have couriers. Therefore, delivery is obtained by combined IML + Russian Post.

And at the moment when IML transfers the parcel to the post office, the following statuses appear in the tracking:

  • - Arrived at destination
  • - The parcel has been issued for delivery

In regular tracking, these statuses mean that the parcel is ready for pickup. But in the case of IML this is not always true. Since the IML company does not have couriers and delivery points in all cities, for delivery to such cities they transfer the parcel to regular mail, which will deliver your order to the local post office.

Therefore the statuses "Arrived at destination" And “Parcel released for delivery” may mean that the parcel has arrived at Russian Post. And after 3-14 days you will need to receive it at your post office. Just like you receive regular shipments.

3. The parcel has the status “delivered”, but you did not receive it.

IML is considered very reliable courier company. But there are still cases when someone else received your package. What does the “Parcel delivered” status mean and IML employees claim that you signed for the parcel.

What to do in such a situation?

The first step is to file a claim. But do not wait for an answer on it, but at the same time you need to reach the IML management, bypassing the operators. Since they are simply performers and have no authority. Ideally, contact your superiors, outline the situation, and make a request for a copy of the receipt document. Say that you are going to write a statement regarding the fact that your signature was forged, since this criminal offense. Management must respond to your actions.

1. Order delivery time, in working days. Delivery is carried out the next day after receipt of the application and transfer of the goods to the Agent's Warehouse.

2. Preparation, formation and marking of the Order.

All orders submitted for delivery must be formed and marked according to the following rules:

2.1.The order is in individual packaging, sealed with branded tape or paper suitable for transportation by car and excluding access to the order of third parties.

2.2. The order must include a package of accompanying documents, including an inventory of goods by item (your invoice/inventory), in two copies.

2.3.The order is marked and the marking must contain the following information:

  • Order number (which corresponds to the number in the electronic application);
  • Delivery city;
  • Principal's name;
  • Delivery date;
  • Number of places in the order;
  • A barcode that corresponds to the number in the electronic application. The barcode must be generated in accordance with the instructions located at.

2.4. If there are several places in the Order, then when the Order is formed, each place is numbered with a unique Order number (which is indicated in the electronic delivery application), indicating the number of places in the barcode.

2.5.The type of packaging must correspond to the characteristics of the goods.

2.6. Packaging must ensure complete safety of the cargo during transportation, taking into account loading and unloading operations.

2.7. For packaging, the principal should use materials that are appropriate to the size, weight and vulnerability of the cargo. Boxes, containers, etc. must be durable, with shock-absorbing material to protect against shock, friction and shaking during travel (crumpled paper, rags, bubble wrap, etc.). Individual attachments, folded in boxes, bags, etc., must be separated by separators - cardboard sheets, polystyrene foam, etc. Items inside boxes must be secured with cushioning materials to prevent them from tipping over and insulated from each other.

2.8.The Agent has the right to check the correctness of the volumetric and physical weight specified by the Principal in the Application using special equipment in his office. If during the verification process a discrepancy is detected between the weight specified in the Application and the result of the verification, the largest actual weight according to the Agent is taken as the basis for determining the cost of transportation.

If the Order is formed and executed incorrectly, the Agent is not responsible for partially delivered items under the order.

3. Delivery of the Principal’s Order to the Agent’s warehouse is carried out:

3.1.On your own.

3.2.By the Agent, having issued the Fence service.

4. Transfer

4.1. The Agent's courier must agree with the buyer by telephone on the delivery time in 30-60 minutes. In this case, it is possible to transfer the order to another day in following cases:

  • change of delivery address (if the delivery zone changes);
  • the buyer is not ready to accept the order (not available, no money, etc.)
  • the buyer does not answer the phone, the phone is unreachable, etc.
  • The buyer's phone number is incorrect (to be agreed with the Principal)

5. Partial failure

5.1.During the transfer of goods, the Client may refuse one or more items. Refused items are recorded in accompanying documents (Principal's invoices).

5.2. The Agent has the right to pack rejected items in packaging provided by the Principal. If there is none, in any publicly accessible container.

5.3. Upon settlement, delivery is considered completed.

5.4. Funds are transferred to the Principal based on the amount of the paid Order.

5.5. Return invoices are issued for rejected items.

5.6. The Invoice cannot contain more than one condition that makes the cost of one Product dependent upon the Customer’s refusal of another Product. If such a condition exists, the Agent is not responsible for discrepancies between accepted Money with Goods received from the Client.

6. Complete refusal

6.1.If, at the time of transfer of the goods, the buyer refuses the goods completely (wrong product, no necessary documents, marriage, etc.), a refusal form is drawn up in the prescribed form. During calculations, delivery is considered completed.


7.1.Procedure and conditions for executing orders

7.1.1. Return of Goods to the Principal for the Customer return service is carried out in the manner and within the time limits provided for in the Agreement for the return of Orders.

7.1.2. The Agent is not responsible for the compliance and quality of the returned goods to the Principal and does not accept claims.

7.2.Client return procedure.

7.2.1.No later than the day following the day of receipt of the Application, the Agent sends an SMS notification to the Client with the number assigned to the returned product.

7.2.2. The Agent accepts goods for return only if the Client has the product number previously sent to him in accordance with clause 2.1.

7.2.3. Reception of Goods by the Agent from the Principal’s Clients is carried out:

7.2.4. operator at the Agent's pick-up point;

7.2.5. Agent's courier.

7.2.6.The Agent delivers the returned Goods to its warehouse, information about which the Principal sees in the Personal Account.

7.2.7. The Agent returns the Goods in accordance with clause 3.5 of the Agreement.


The Agent's warehouse is open 24 hours a day

8. Order pick-up

8.1.Service hours: Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 19:00, Saturday from 12:00 to 15:00, Sunday and holidays from 12 to 15. Collection of goods outside the Moscow Ring Road is carried out from 9 to 18.

8.2. By default, a passenger car up to 2.5 cubic meters is supplied. Delivery of larger vehicles is discussed separately.

8.3. Loading and unloading operations are carried out by the Principal.

8.4. The maximum waiting time for a car is no more than 20 minutes.

8.5.If Pickup is carried out outside the city, Orders are delivered to the Agent’s warehouse the next day.

8.6. If the Pickup is carried out within the city, Orders are delivered to the Agent’s warehouse on the day of pick up until 21:00.

9. Delivery of the Order

9.1.Delivery time is 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The minimum delivery interval is 3 hours. In 30-60 minutes. Before delivery, the courier agrees with the buyer on the delivery time by phone.

9.2.Delivery on weekends and holidays is carried out without time intervals, from 9 to 18.

9.3. Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is carried out from 9 to 18 without time intervals.

9.4. On Sundays and holidays, delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is not carried out.

9.5. The courier’s stay with the buyer is 15 minutes.

9.6.Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is carried out within 1-2 days without reference to time.

9.7. Delivery of orders to the apartment in the absence of an elevator is carried out only to the 5th floor.

9.8.Delivery of return orders is carried out from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday.

10. Conditions for processing an Order for a pickup point

10.1. Receipt by the Client of the Order at the pickup point is possible from 15:00 according to the delivery time.

10.2. The Client can check the completeness of the Order in the presence of an employee of the Order delivery point.

10.3. An employee of the Order delivery point does not check the operation of the Goods in the Order and does not provide consulting services.


The warehouse is open Monday - Friday from 07:00 to 20:00,

Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00,

Sunday from 15:00 to 18:00

11. Picking up the Order

11.1. Service delivery time: from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 18:00, on Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00, and the Order must be prepared by the Principal for dispatch by the initial Pickup time.

11.2. By default, a passenger car up to 2.5 cubic meters is supplied. Delivery of larger vehicles is discussed separately.

11.3. Loading and unloading operations are carried out by the Principal.

11.4. The maximum waiting time for a car is no more than 15 minutes.

11.5.The order is picked up only within the city, and delivered to the Agent’s warehouse on the day of collection.

12. Delivery of the Order

12.1.Delivery time from 10 to 18 hours. The minimum delivery time is 3 hours. In 30-60 minutes. Before delivery, the courier agrees with the buyer on the delivery time by phone.

12.2. The courier’s stay with the buyer is 15 minutes.

12.3. Delivery of the Order to the Client outside the Ring Road of St. Petersburg is carried out within 1-2 working days from 10.00 to 18.00 from the date of receipt of the Order at the Agent’s warehouse in St. Petersburg. The maximum delivery distance from St. Petersburg is 30 km.

12.4. Evening delivery is carried out only within the ring road from Monday to Friday from 18.00 to 21.00.

13. Conditions for processing an Order for a pickup point

13.1. Receipt by the Client of the Order at the pickup point is possible from 15:00 according to the delivery time.

13.2. The Client can check the completeness of the Order in the presence of an employee of the Order delivery point.

13.3. An employee of the Order delivery point does not check the operation of the Goods in the Order and does not provide consulting services.


14. Order pick-up

14.1. By default, a passenger car is supplied. Delivery of larger vehicles is discussed separately.

14.2. Loading and unloading operations are carried out by the Principal.

14.3. The maximum waiting time for a car is no more than 20 minutes.

15. Delivery of the Order

15.1. The courier’s stay with the buyer is 15 minutes.

15.2. 30-60 minutes before delivery, the courier agrees on the possibility of accepting the order by the buyer.

15.3. Delivery is carried out within 10 km from the city limits (except for Nizhny Novgorod - 50 km).

15.4.Minimum time interval 3 hours (not guaranteed).

15.5.Evening delivery from 18:00 to 21:00 (double tariff).

16. Time for provision of services:

Delivery city

Warehouse opening hours

Pickup time, Mon-Fri

Pickup time, Sat

Time courier delivery, Mon-Sat


Velikiy Novgorod



Nizhny Novgorod






17. Conditions for processing an Order for a pickup point

17.1.The operating hours of the pick-up point are indicated in the section

17.2. The Client can check the completeness of the Order in the presence of an employee of the Order delivery point.

17.3. An employee of the Order delivery point does not check the operation of the Goods in the Order and does not provide consulting services.


18. Geography of air delivery

18.1.Intercity delivery by air applies to all cities and settlements in tariff zones V1, V2, V3. A complete current list is available at the address in the document “IML Delivery Cities” with the note “air”.

19. Rules for placing Orders

19.1. The packaging of the Order must ensure its safety during transportation, transshipment, reloading, transportation and storage.

19.2. Fragile cargo must be packaged in such a way that there is no damage to the contents during handling and minor deformations of the outer packaging (as a result of shaking on board the aircraft).

19.3. Liquid and bulk investments must be packed in sealed containers suitable for transporting such substances. These substances should not be included in the “List of goods prohibited for transportation”.

19.4. For each shipment or package (in the case of a multi-piece shipment), a list of contents (by product) or a delivery note must be attached, accessible for viewing without opening the package. It is necessary to print out the contents list (or delivery note) and stick it on the outer packaging of the order or each item, in the case of a multi-item order.

19.5. If the shipment contains a bulk substance, liquid or medicine, it must have a safety passport or other document confirming the safety of the cargo for air transportation (for example, a safety letter of this cargo for medicines).

19.6. If there are medications in the shipment, delivery is carried out only upon receipt of a scanned copy of the letter in the form of Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

19.7. Dangerous goods are not accepted for delivery by the Agent. The list of dangerous goods is posted on the Agent’s website under the link “List of goods prohibited for transportation.”

20. Acceptance and tariffication

20.1. Acceptance of Orders for shipment is carried out in accordance with the “Air Delivery Mode”. The current regime is posted on the Agent's website at .

20.2. When charging, the greater of two values ​​is taken into account - physical or volumetric weight, rounded up to the nearest full kilogram. Volumetric weight formula:

WEIGHT = L (cm) x W (cm) x H (cm) / 5000

For example, an Order weighing 3.2 kg, size 30 cm x 50 cm x 10 cm (laptop) will be charged as:

WEIGHT actual = 3.2 kg (rounded to 4 kg), WEIGHT volume = 30 x 50 x 10 /5000 = 3 (rounded to 3 kg). Maximum of (WEIGHT actual and WEIGHT volume) = 4 kg.

21. Delivery times

21.1. Delivery times for cities with air delivery are indicated as the interval between the minimum and maximum possible time.

21.2. Orders are sent to the destination city in accordance with the delivery schedule.

21.3. For shipments not from Moscow, delivery times depend on the day the cargo is delivered to the Agent’s regional warehouse.

22. Incorrect design

22.1.Orders filled out incorrectly - there is no inventory of the attachment or bill of lading, as well as containing attachments included in the list of dangerous and prohibited goods, including attachments that are required for certification without a certificate or safety data sheet, will be rejected at the Moscow warehouse with tariffs delivery to the relevant zone with weight = 1 kg.

22.2. For cargo that is registered incorrectly or for which additional approval of the shipment is required, the delivery period is considered from the moment all issues regarding the cargo are approved.

23. Tariffing of returns

23.1.Orders that are rejected or are closed with a partial refusal will be returned to the Moscow warehouse within 18 days, and for refused shipments, return shipping charges will be added by weight in accordance with the tariff. Partial returns will be subject to a return shipping charge of 50% of the base rate based on the original weight.

24. Changes in tariffs for individual directions

24.1. Due to the possibility of a sharp increase in the cost of airline services, including those related to seasonal and meteorological conditions, transportation tariffs for certain destinations may be increased with 5-7 days notice. Such price changes will be reported as quickly as possible; all accepted applications, including applications from other regions, will be executed at the rate on the day the application was received.

25. Delivery of cargo at the airport

25.1.When delivering cargo at the airport, each Order undergoes mandatory content control using an X-ray scanner and checking the shipment for the presence of prohibited narcotic substances. If a dangerous or prohibited attachment is detected, the suspicious Order may be opened by airport security staff and returned. The inspection is carried out in the presence of an employee of the Agent or an authorized representative of the transport company.

25.2. If it is determined that it is impossible to send the seized Order by air, it will be returned as incorrectly completed.

The organization began its activities during the development of the e-commerce market. It offers its clients convenient registration and tracking of IML by number online. The structure became one of the few innovators, offering logistics services to consumers of online stores. Convenient customer service allows us to provide high-quality service in full. The speed of cargo delivery always remains at the same level, meeting the needs of consumers.

Services for sellers and buyers are presented to the maximum extent. If you want to send goods to any city abroad, the company will take control of the delivery process. You can send the goods by contacting any branch or by calling a courier. After filling out the documents and concluding the contract, the delivery mechanism is launched. You can send standard and non-standard parcels, as well as arrange heavy-duty delivery. Having received a receipt with an individual number, the client can carry out tracking postal items IML by ID.

Fast sending

The company provides commercial organizations and online stores with the opportunity to send goods to recipients. Using an extensive network of delivery points, the client can go through the procedure for registering an agreement and use the services at favorable conditions. Affordable price delivery allows us to provide quality service to large and small companies. Convenient tracking of an IML parcel by order number is carried out free of charge through the organization’s website. In addition, clients who contact the service receive other benefits:

  • Transparent tariff calculation scheme.
  • Available information about changes.
  • Providing reporting documentation on payment.
  • Removal of goods from the online store warehouse.
  • Fast sending.

High-quality packaging materials that meet international standards

The company is an intermediary of many popular trading platforms on the Internet. Modern logistics solutions make it possible to quickly deliver to more than 1000 settlements in Russia. According to statistics, 98% of shipments reach the recipient exactly on time. Convenient site navigation allows you to check IML tracking by number mail id for free. Thanks to this, you can always receive up-to-date information about the location of the shipment and plan your time.

Profitable terms

The company is pleased to provide online stores not only with high-quality logistics services. Recently, customers have had access to a comprehensive payment solution that significantly improves the quality of the online store. Together with a partner bank, the service offers a convenient mechanism for directly accepting online payments. This allows for maximum fast delivery paid goods to the consumer. The company's website has convenient and clear navigation. Therefore, using your personal account and service package is greatly simplified.

Technological solutions, widely implemented in the company’s work, provide high level service. This also improves the quality of customer service. Necessary technical documentation, postal tracking IML shipments Track number now gives advantages over many competitors. The client will be able to receive a daily report on the location of the parcel, which will significantly reduce the risk of its loss and conflicts with the consumer.

The Chinese online store AliExpress has a new Russian partner. The Chinese company has signed an agreement with IML. This is an express delivery service of goods, which is part of the Alibaba Group holding. The service provides store users with expedited delivery of their products. In this article we will look in detail at what kind of delivery with Aliexpress it is. IML Express.

IML company appeared in 2007. She immediately turned to popular online stores that did not have product delivery capabilities. Along with development network marketing, ILM’s logistics service also developed. After a few years, the company could provide services for more than High Quality. In just 3 days, any parcel reached the recipient in more than 1000 cities of Russia. One of its advantages is the developed network of service branches. Since 2015, the service has been delivering parcels to Belarus. IML Express provides services to both individuals and legal entities. It works with business mail, deliveries at specialized points, fulfillment and more.

IML Express delivers about 3% of parcels from chain stores throughout Russia. It has the highest percentage of successful deliveries among similar companies - 98%. The logistics service works closely with similar companies in China. After accepting the cargo at the border, it is successfully delivered to the recipient's address. IML guarantee delivery of goods within ten days from the moment they arrive in Russia. On average, goods are delivered from China using ILM Express in 15 days. In some complicated situations, goods may be delayed for 45 days. I hope you understand what kind of delivery this is - IML Express.

How to track deliveries from this company

If you ordered a product on AliExpress and your package will be delivered using IML, you can track it on the website To do this you will need a track code. It can be found on the AliExpress website in your personal account.

Field for entering the track number on

Below, enter the captcha or verification code located on the right and click the “Find” button. In the next window you will receive necessary information in the form of the status of your parcel.

ILM Express statuses

Many users do not know not only what kind of delivery method IML Express is, but also its status. If you want to track delivery from Aliexpress through IML Express services, then you will need to know the statuses for this service. When you enter the track number on the IML website, the next window will contain information about the arrival of the parcel. Let's look at what these statuses mean.

If the parcel is expected from China, then the latest status may not change until the order crosses the Russian border.

Arrange delivery at the delivery service

If you are a seller and you need to create a request for IML services, then you can use a special calculator on the website to calculate the cost of delivery from your location to the buyer's city. To do this, go to the main page of the company and select the “Cost calculation” section at the top.

Delivery cost calculation on

Here you can choose for whom delivery will be calculated - legal or individual. Include a detailed calculation so that the payment amount is most appropriate for your case. This can be done at the top under the first block of the calculator. Select the required delivery options - indicate the starting and ending points in the appropriate fields, delivery payment options and other information. You can also find out the delivery time here. When all the points are completed, enter the captcha and click the “Calculate” button. Here on the IML Express website you can find information about delivery from Aliexpress.

The variety of delivery methods on Aliexpress is amazing and you can get lost when choosing them. We will discuss one of the popular services called IML Commercial Express.

Chinese site Aliexpress It is distinguished not only by a large selection of goods, but also by the variety of services used for its delivery. When the question arises about choosing a service before placing an order, users immediately begin to get confused. Newbies especially often have problems. We'll talk about one of the companies called .

What kind of delivery is IML Commercial Express with Aliexpress?

Delivery of goods with Aliexpress She started training in 2015, but she has been working for much longer. Thanks to its services, sellers were able to quickly deliver orders to customers. Yes, of course, at first many buyers were afraid to choose this delivery, since it was new and it was not entirely clear whether it was real or fake. But at the moment, IML has already gained popularity and is considered a reliable delivery service, so you can use its services without fear.

Delivery times for IML Commercial Express parcels

After sending the parcel from Aliexpress The seller must provide you with a tracking number. It is worth noting that you should not try to obtain information about the location of the goods immediately, since the parcel must first be accepted at the post office and registered, and this takes some time. Speaking specifically about IML, then the very first status usually appears only when the goods are already at customs and have passed inspection.

Delivery IML Commercial It is considered quite fast and on average goods reach recipients in about 15 days. This is a completely normal period for Chinese courier companies.

How to track an IML Commercial Express parcel from Aliexpress?

Track any parcels with Aliexpress can be done in several ways:

Let's look at all these methods in more detail.

Tracking on the official website

  • So, first go to the website
  • To go to check the location of your order, click "Track your order"

  • An input window will appear "Barcode". You shouldn’t be scared, since this is the field for entering the track number, despite such a strange name
  • Indicate the track number received from the seller, and also enter the code from the picture in the appropriate line
  • Once everything is ready, click "Find"

Now you will receive all the up-to-date information about where your parcel is located.

Tracking through special services

In addition to the official websites of delivery companies, parcels can also be tracked through universal trackers. These resources allow you to track packages from different services and use them very easily. Moreover, they are all written in Russian, so you definitely won’t have any problems using them.

One of the popular so-called trackers is the site WherePosylka. It is very easy to use - on the main page of the site, enter your track number in the line and click "Track".

That's all! Your shipment information will now be downloaded to you.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of services, but they all work almost the same and have certain features. Choose the most suitable one for yourself and use it for your pleasure.

Tracking in your Aliexpress personal account

You can also get up-to-date information about your expected order through your personal account. Aliexpress. To view the status of your parcel, go to “My Orders” - “Check Tracking” - “Tracking Details”.

On this page you will be shown information about the current location of the parcel.

Why does IML Commercial Express with Aliexpress ask for passport details?

All parcels with Aliexpress Upon delivery, they undergo mandatory checks at customs. If, when sending goods through a regular government service, there is a simplified process for checking items, then courier companies do not have such a privilege. Thus, all parcels are carefully checked by customs. As we have already said, it is a courier company, and therefore all shipments are checked at the border. But in order to carry out such a check, the company needs the passport data of clients. Moreover, customs requires them. If you don't specify necessary information, then the parcel simply will not be allowed across the border.

If you are afraid to send such confidential information, then we can assure you that it is safe, since IML has a strict privacy policy and your data will never fall into third hands.

Previously, in order to send these services, they had to send letters to clients asking for data, but since many people are confused by this policy, Aliexpress it was decided to add a corresponding form to the delivery address. So, to add passport data to the system, do the following:

  • Open section "My Aliexpress" and go to

  • A small form will open to enter your passport data.
  • Enter everything the system asks and save the result

How to receive an IML Commercial Express parcel from Aliexpress?

Often clients Aliexpress don't understand how to receive a parcel from IML. There are three ways how this can be done:

  • First of all, parcels are delivered by courier, that is, upon arrival of the goods at the place, an employee of the company contacts you and arranges a meeting where it is better for you to deliver the order
  • If you are unable to meet the courier, you can pick up your order at one of the collection points
  • In addition, not every city has the possibility of courier delivery or collection point. In this case, delivery is carried out by Russian Post.

This solution allows us to provide the company with the highest quality and fastest service.

Problems with delivery of IML Commercial Express parcels from Aliexpress

Sometimes when delivering a parcel with Aliexpress through buyers may encounter some problems. Let's look at what they can be and how to solve them.

  • The parcel arrived at the point of delivery a long time ago, but you were not informed about this

This situation is possible if, for example, you wrote the phone number in the delivery address incorrectly or the seller mixed it up. So, upon arrival at your destination, you should receive a message, but due to the fact that the number is incorrect, it will not arrive. Therefore, always carefully monitor the movement of your order and if you suddenly see that it has already arrived and nothing is reported to you, then contact support IML and check the details of receipt.

  • The parcel received the status “Arrived at destination”, and then it changed to “Parcel issued for delivery”

Though IML and is a courier company, but it is not possible to deliver goods using this method to any city. Therefore, the company has to send items by mail. Just when the shipment is transferred for further transportation by mail, similar statuses appear.

So, the first status indicates that the shipment has arrived at one of the points, and the second status indicates that the parcel has been handed over to postal employees and is now heading to you.

  • The parcel status has changed to “Delivered”, but you have not received anything

IML is considered one of the most reliable services, but it happens that parcels are transferred to the wrong people. This is an exceptional situation, but if you see the status that “Parcel delivered” and contact the hotline and they tell you that you signed the receipt document, then immediately file a claim addressed to management and demand that they provide you with the document in which you signed. Additionally, it is worth hinting in a polite manner that you are going to contact the police regarding fraud and forgery of documents.

As a rule, such situations are quickly resolved, but if there is no reaction, of course, feel free to contact the police.

Video: How to track an Aliexpress parcel? What to do if your Aliexpress parcel is not tracked?