Types and varieties of coffee - which is the most expensive in the world, characteristics and which one to choose. Coffee beans - which is the most delicious?

A coffee lover turns the creation and consumption of an aromatic drink into a kind of ritual. Coffee makers are purchased not to speed up awakening, but to increase the number of drink recipes. The type and degree of roasting of coffee for the coffee machine has great value. By choosing the right ratio of grains of different varieties, you can get high foam, amazing aroma and unique taste.

Ground coffee retains its aroma for only 10 minutes and begins to lose it. Whole bean coffee retains all its qualities unchanged for a year or more. proper storage. With a large number of varieties, on packs of coffee you can see 3 varieties:

  • arabica,
  • robusta,
  • liberica.

Each of them has its own characteristics and popularity.

Oblong grains with an even score on the flat side. The aroma is weak, the foam does not whip up well, but the taste is pronounced and rich, has many shades. The caffeine content is low. The density of the bean depends on the height of the coffee trees. The higher the plantations are located, the denser the coffee berry seed.

Gourmets prefer single-origin coffee beans grown in a specific area. They have a subtle taste of flowers, cocoa, chocolate and others. Arabica coffee's flavor depends on the area where it is grown. For example, “Monsoon Malabar” has almost no sourness.

The sourness is also faintly felt in coffee beans grown in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. It is most strongly felt in Arabica beans from Mexico, Ethiopia and Kenya. Brazilian varieties have a nutty flavor. Coffee from Uganda and Guatemala with a dark chocolate flavor.

Robusta has smaller, more elongated grains. The beans contain 2 times more caffeine than Arabica, and coffee made from them is bitter. Robusta must be added to coffee for all coffee machines to obtain high cream crema and aroma.

Liberica contains almost no caffeine. The grain is almost 2 times larger than Arabica, up to 4 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The drink turns out bitter and watery. The aroma surpasses all known varieties. Liberica trees grow north of the equator, reaching a height of 16-18 meters, and only 2% of the soil is suitable for them. Coffee beans are not exported. It is mainly drunk by local residents and used by confectioners. Liberica coffee is used as an additive in blended formulations. Small quantity grains, gives a strong aroma.

Arabica coffee with the addition of 10–30% robusta is suitable for coffee machines. This is enough to obtain good foam, strong aroma and mild bitterness.

Degree of roasting of beans

The taste depends on the degree of roasting. The lower the processing temperature, the more sourness, the less bitterness and vice versa. On the package you can see 3 degrees of roasting:

  • light,
  • average,
  • dark.

In fact, there are many more options. Dark French and Italian roasting gives the beans a chocolate color and a buttery sheen. Spanish and Cuban producers process the beans at 250°C and they are similar to coals. This coffee does not have any sourness or other flavor variations, only bitterness and strength.

The most common roast is medium Viennese. Processing temperature 225–230°C. Beans roasted at this temperature are more suitable for coffee machines and are popular among coffee lovers. The taste has a balance of sourness and bitterness, rich with various shades. The drink is quite strong.

All the nuances of the monosort are revealed during light roasting. It has several options from different manufacturers. The popularity rating is topped by:

  • American - 210–220°C;
  • Scandinavian roasting - 200–210°C.

Light American roast is suitable for coffee machines, especially for those who like a sour drink. Scandinavian processing is not very popular, it has a strong sour aftertaste, especially when making espresso.

When purchasing bean coffee, you should pay attention to the integrity of the beans and the absence of chips. The color should be uniform.

A low-quality product is most often masked by dark roasting: grains of different sizes and shapes, without shine, with chips and uneven grooves.

The packaging must have a one-way valve that allows gases to escape and does not allow air to enter the package.

Ground or beans

Coffee makers operate on ground coffee, and some models of coffee machines can be loaded with both raw and ground beans. Which one to prefer and why.

After roasting, coffee, even in high-quality packaging, retains its aroma and taste with all its nuances for an average of 2–3 weeks. After a month it begins to lose its aroma. In coffee that has been sitting for 4-5 months, the coffee lover will not hear some flavors. After 10 months, the coffee will lose a lot of taste. After a year, one can only hope that the lingering caffeine will perk you up. This kind of coffee will not give you pleasure, even if it is beans or freshly ground.

The advantage of coffee machines is that they grind the beans immediately before preparing the drink. Therefore, preference should be given to grains. You can use ground coffee, you just need to look in the instructions for the unit to see which varieties are preferable.

Popular manufacturers

The largest amount of coffee is imported from Brazil. Colombia and Mexico supply inexpensive and high-quality grains. Products with Hawaiian Islands different exquisite taste, aroma, has a high cost.

What type and grade of coffee is suitable for your equipment for preparing drinks is written in the instructions for the unit. The most popular varieties are:

  • Italkafe,
  • Musetti,
  • Malongo,
  • Wintergreen,
  • Bristol,

Positive reviews about these varieties from owners of carob coffee makers and complex coffee machines with cappuccino makers.


Available for all types of coffee machines, including capsule ones. There is grain available, including green. The bulk of products are ground coffee. Mostly medium Viennese and dark Italian roasts are produced.


The Musetti trading house is based in northern Italy. Currently, Viennese roasted coffee beans are produced with different grind sizes. Musetti products are suitable for all types of coffee makers.


French coffee, Arabica 100%. Most of the species are monovarieties. Italian roast. Ground makes up the largest part from a huge selection of coffee. Grains collected on plantations different countries and continents. Suitable for coffee machines.


Popular with lovers of cheap drinks. Sold mainly through online stores and specialized Wintergreen tea and coffee houses. Rather, they are complementary products to various teas, suitable for brewing in Turks and drip coffee makers.


A blend of Arabica and Robusta. Large selection beans of varying degrees of roasting and ground with different degrees of grinding are intended for making cappuccino. You can choose the one suitable for different types coffee makers and machines.

Italian LavAzza has a composition: pure Arabica and a mixture with Robusta, up to 70% of the latter. A wide selection for different types of machines, there is grain for cappuccino and espresso.

How to understand whether the selected coffee variety is suitable for your machine

You can determine the appropriate coffee based on its degree of grinding and roasting of whole beans using an experimental method. When using ground raw materials, do not use dust or coarse grinding. They are not suitable for coffee machines.

If the stream flows weakly, the coffee is small and does not fit, it clogs the funnel. Grains that are too oily cannot be used in coffee machines, especially those that are flavored or with flavoring additives.

The grains must be the same size. Roast levels for espresso are light to medium. Cappuccino will turn out better when roasted heavily with the addition of robusta.
If when using certain type the coffee is not tasty and aromatic enough or problems arise in the operation of the machine, it is not suitable for this coffee maker.

Having purchased a new coffee machine, the first thing its owner decides on is the capabilities of the unit and the number of recipes. It is important to immediately find the optimal grind type and type of coffee.

  1. Read the instructions to see which varieties, roast level and grind size are recommended for the machine.
  2. If you want to experiment and create new tastes, buy 100 g of grains of the varieties indicated in the instructions and several with similar characteristics.
  3. Try and observe the condition of the coffee machine.

Hard grains are not suitable for ceramic millstones. It is advisable to avoid dark roast and high-altitude coffee, especially with the addition of liberica.
Shiny grains contain a lot of oils, which accumulate on the millstones, clogging them. They should not be used with a metal coffee grinder.
It is necessary to ensure that the grains are well dried. Moisture causes corrosion on the millstones. It destroys them and ends up in the ground raw materials.

5 best brands of ground and bean coffee

Coffee beans for coffee machines have the following rating according to customer opinions and reviews.

The TastyCoffee monosort is intended for gourmets, connoisseurs of a wide palette of tastes and lovers of a coffee drink with a slight sourness and slight bitterness. Has a medium roast. Suitable for coffee machines.

Italian Carraro beans can also be purchased decaffeinated for brewing in a Turkish coffee pot. Regular grain is suitable for coffee makers and machines. Has varying degrees roasting Ground is available in tin packaging, which guarantees the preservation of aroma and taste.

Australian Julius Meinl with Viennese roasting of Arabica and Robusta beans guarantees excellent foam and the presence of sourness. Suitable for all types of machines.

The Jardin brand is popular among lovers of not very expensive drinks. In the list of varieties you can find 5 types of roasting. Available in grain and ground.

The LavAzza brand is widely known to lovers of all types of coffee drinks. You can choose any composition, from 100% Arabica to 70% Robusta. According to customer reviews, LavAzza is the best. Everyone chooses ground or grains for themselves. Brews well in Turks, machines and coffee makers. The cost is average, the quality is high.

The choice of coffee is large. The best option for the owner of a coffee machine is to choose bean varieties suitable for the machine and use them to create recipes to suit your taste.

No one will argue with the fact that best view coffee - grain. It perfectly preserves the taste, aroma and beneficial properties on long time. Every person who wants to taste a truly noble drink faces the question: “Which coffee beans are the most delicious?” This is what needs to be dealt with.

Which coffee beans are the most delicious?

Choosing the most delicious coffee is not an easy task, because it depends on taste preferences. One gourmet loves a drink with sourness, another looks for a sweetish taste, someone appreciates high strength, and someone appreciates softness, and so on. All these qualities depend on several principles, which you need to rely on when choosing the ideal coffee for your taste.

Main factors influencing taste:

  1. Variety

The range of coffee beans is really wide – there are currently more than 500 varieties. For example, dear readers, an online coffee store that has a wide selection of coffee.

Why so many? The fact is that there are actually only 2 main types of coffee trees: Arabica and Robusta. And numerous varieties were obtained as a result of distribution in different territories, where they acquired their distinctive features due to differences in natural conditions (different water, temperature, soil, etc.). Artificial breeding of new varieties also takes place.

If we compare Arabica and Robusta, the first is considered a more valuable and elite variety, and therefore costs more.

A drink made from real Arabica coffee has a rich taste, slight sourness and deep aroma. Robusta cannot boast of such characteristics, but it has its advantages - there is much more caffeine in these beans, and the yield is also higher throughout the year. The taste of Robusta is slightly bitter.

The taste of robusta is slightly bitter...

When deciding which coffee is the most delicious, you can try both varieties. Most lovers of an invigorating drink still prefer Arabica, it is more noble. A very common situation occurs when a manufacturer mixes different varieties.

  1. Place of origin.

This refers to the country where the coffee beans were grown and harvested, and not the country that produced the final product. The most delicious coffee beans for you depends largely on this factor.

Indian has a soft and at the same time tart taste.

Coffee made from Brazilian beans is very aromatic and has a slightly bitter taste.

A drink made from Indonesian beans that are mostly sour, some varieties have hints of spice.

There are also unusual varieties that surprise everyone with their characteristics. For example, Yemeni and Kenyan coffee are famous for their fruity taste, while Ethiopian coffee has a floral aroma.

Very soft Colombian and Caribbean beans.

As a rule, the name of the variety coincides with the geographical name, so it is easy to determine the origin of the beans.

By the way, if the question arises about which instant coffee is the most delicious, then you should also focus on the first two factors.

Coffee roasting

  1. Roasting.

The taste of the drink is also affected by the degree of roasting of the beans, which is usually indicated on the packaging. What can she tell you about when choosing the most delicious coffee?

The beans are roasted so that they acquire brown and aroma. The shorter the roasting time, the more caffeine is retained in the beans, but the less intense the color, aroma and taste of the drink will be.

A light roast will produce a very invigorating drink, but it will also be slightly sour and light in color.

Medium roast beans (which is what most people prefer) will result in a brighter flavor and aroma with a slight bitter undertone. Among the medium-grade varieties, Vienna roast can be distinguished.

The strongest, darkest and most bitter drink is the one made from heavily roasted beans. French and Italian roasting is famous, but not everyone will like it, but they also have their admirers.

Before deciding what the most delicious coffee is, you should pay attention to this factor.

  1. Appearance and smell of grains.

Determining the appropriate variety and degree of roast is not the last step in choosing delicious coffee. Before purchasing, you need to understand whether the grains in the package are of high quality, because even the most elite variety can be spoiled if stored incorrectly.

The grains should be slightly shiny; a dull appearance indicates staleness. There should be no split or cracked grains. Ideally, they are all approximately the same size and shape. The smell should not be rancid or moldy.

How to make coffee correctly

Choosing and buying is half the battle. After all, to make delicious coffee at home, you need to grind the beans, and this also has its own nuances.

First of all, coffee tastes best if you grind it right before brewing. The freshest drink in this case will give a deep aroma and richness.

Secondly, the degree of grinding depends on the planned cooking method. When using Turkish coffee, a fine grind is best. For coffee makers and coffee machines, you should select a medium grind. If you plan to use a French press, then a coarse grind will work great for this.

Which coffee beans are the most delicious? The one that is right for you, because this question is very subjective. Based on the considered principles of selecting quality beans, you can find your ideal drink through testing.

In stores you can buy coffee for every taste and budget. Choose any variety from a huge number of producers.

If you love coffee for its aroma, then only grain coffee will suit you. Because the less time passes between grinding and preparation, the brighter the taste and aroma of the drink.

For those who are less demanding on taste, but more busy, ground is suitable; it cooks faster, but quickly dissipates during storage. The exception is capsule coffee, it is packaged in portions and can be stored for a very long time, thanks to special packaging.

If the main thing for you in coffee is the invigorating effect, and you don’t want to brew it, much less grind it, then instant coffee is your option.

1. Carraro

The Italian factory produces beans and ground coffee for coffee shops in large packages, coffee machines in 1 kg packs, and home use in small packs and cans.

The masters of the Carraro factory are considered one of the best coffee blenders. They use up to 8 different varieties to create an unusual taste. The Super Premium line contains fruity, chocolate notes and even the aroma of Indian spices.

In the Retail line, coffee has a very delicate aroma and taste.

There is a single-origin line, in which coffee is produced separately from each country and, accordingly, has its own, original taste.

2. Cafecom

Only Arabica and nothing else! This is the peculiarity of this brand. Coffee is grown and processed in Ecuador, thereby preserving highest quality products. Slight sourness, fruity or chocolate aftertaste - business card Arabica and, of course, Cofecom.

3. Lavazza

Italian coffee can satisfy any coffee lover. Because it produces mixtures of different flavors and in different types: cereal, ground, capsule, instant and decaffeinated. There are blends made only from Arabica, and some from Arabica and Robusta.

Caffe Decaffeinato is completely caffeine-free, but still has the taste, aroma and useful qualities drinks are preserved. Blenders achieve a variety of tastes not only by the proportions of different varieties, but also by processing the grains. Whether the grain is washed or natural depends on the final taste of the drink.

4. Jardin

Produced in St. Petersburg, under the brand of the Swiss corporation. This explains low price, compared to previous brands. But the quality remains very high. Jardin uses only Arabica beans and double roasts them. Thanks to this, the coffee acquires a rich taste.

The company produces three product lines.

  1. For Specialty Coffee, only one variety is used. The taste of coffee depends on the area where it is grown: Ethiopia, Colombia, Guatemala, Sumatra. Each variety is specially roasted and ground to fully reveal its taste and aroma.
  2. For Gourmet Coffee, blends of two, three or five varieties of Arabica are used. The packs indicate the cooking methods in which these blends will reveal themselves most fully.
  3. Freeze Dried instant, freeze-dried coffee. The name of the species is determined by the country of origin.

5.Jamaica blue mountain

It grows only on the eastern side of the main mountain range on the island of Jamaica. Any other coffee, even those grown on this island, is not Blue Mountain. Therefore, the price of this coffee is very high.

It has a balanced taste and is practically not bitter. The guarantee of quality is the state, which has developed a number of parameters for the certification of coffee beans. Since pure Blue Mountain is very expensive, it is used more often in mixtures. It gives softness and silkiness to blends.

6. La genovese

Italian coffee has been receiving gold medals for several years international competitions, such as International Coffee Tasting. The range of products will satisfy any customer. There are blends of Arabica and Robusta for lovers of strong coffee with a chocolate aftertaste. There is 100% Arabica for those who prefer delicate taste with nutty notes.

For the production of La Genovese Sole Italia Natura, air roasting is used, which allows you to preserve everything useful substances and antioxidants in coffee. For those customers who prefer to give up caffeine, Decaffeinato Macinato is available.

7. Musetti

Premium Italian coffee. The large assortment can be divided into four groups. Blends with different ratios of Arabica and Robusta. Their harmonious content gives different shades of taste and aroma.

Evoluzione consists only of a mixture of 100% Arabica beans and has a special quality certificate. Single varieties from Ethiopia, Brazil, Guatemala and Kenya. Flavored ground coffee with vanilla, hazelnut, Irish coffee, chocolate and amaretto flavors. Reduced caffeine coffee: Decaffeinated espresso - 0.1% and Organic Bio Midori - 1%.

8. Illy

Coffee from Italy. There is a factory in Ireland, but we sell Italian ones. All blends have the same composition of 9 Arabica varieties and differ only in different degrees of roasting. There are also Decaffeinated and single varieties: Brazil, Ethiopia, Guatemala. Distinctive feature This coffee has a soft and velvety taste with notes of fruit and caramel.

An important feature is the way the coffee is preserved. The jars are filled with inert gas, thanks to which the grains retain their taste and aroma for a very long time.

9. Lofbergs lila

Organic coffee from Sweden. Considered one of the best in northern Europe. Lofbergs carefully checks quality at all stages of production, starting with the selection of beans. For blends, Arabica is mainly used, but some add 10% Robusta.

For connoisseurs of single-origin coffees, the Next generation coffee premium series is produced. Their grains are collected by hand from specific farms in Colombia and Tanzania.

10. Kopi luwak

The most expensive coffee in the world. There are many fakes, so it is advisable to make sure that you are buying an authentic Kopi Luwak. The method of its production is very unusual. In Indonesia there are animals - musangs, or in other words luwak, which eat coffee berries. The grains ferment in their digestive system and are excreted in their feces.

Enterprising locals collect them, wash them, fry them and sell them. After such fermentation it turns out not strong drink without bitterness and sourness, but with caramel and chocolate notes that leave a long aftertaste.

Since the method of collecting the “harvest” from wild musangs does not allow increasing the volume of production, farms have now appeared for breeding these animals. But the quality of Kopi Luwak collected on the farm and in wildlife very different. If you want to enjoy the original taste of this coffee, remember that only on the island of Sumatra do musangs live in the wild. On other islands of Indonesia, the animals are kept on farms.

11. Live coffee

The Russian company produces four collections of bean coffee, three collections of ground coffee, four types of instant coffee and two collections in capsules. The Espresso bean coffee collection includes 100% Arabica blends, the names correspond to the countries of origin of the raw materials. And for espresso Premium, VIP A.M. and Gourmet uses Arabica beans from different countries, creating a unique taste.

The Exclusive Coffee collection contains seventeen types of coffee. There is a variety for the most demanding coffee lover here. Colombia Decaf decaffeinated or Jamaica Blue Mountain, even Kopi Luwak - all rare varieties of coffee are collected in this collection.

For lovers of dark roasting and strong taste, the Italiano collection has been created. IN lately Flavored coffee is gaining popularity; the taste of chocolate, caramel and liqueur adds new notes to the usual taste. The line of flavored coffee includes nine types of drink with various additives.

12. Ambassador

A well-known Swiss brand, but now owned by the Strauss-group company from Israel. This brand produces four varieties of coffee. These are two blends of 100% Arabica Adora and Blue Label, and blends with the addition of Nero and Crema Robusta.

All of these blends are sold in beans, ground or instant. Despite the fact that Ambassador belongs to the middle price category, its quality corresponds to premium collections.

13. Black card

Strauss-group is also produced. Coffee is roasted and packaged in Russia. This determines the low price of the Black Card. Only two types of coffee are produced in beans - blends from Arabica coffee from Africa and South America.

Ground coffee is available in five types with different grinds for brewing in a Turk or cup. The largest range is represented by instant coffee.

14. Saeco

The Italian coffee machine manufacturer produces three types of coffee beans: Saeco Bar, Saeco Extra Bar and Saeco Gold. Each is designed for its own consumer.

Those who like a mild taste and rich aroma will like Gold. It is assembled from the best varieties Arabicas from Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala. It has chocolate flavor and low caffeine content.

Extra Bar is Saeco's most popular blend due to its composition of 75% Arabica and 25% Robusta. Indian Arabica gives the blend a taste of spices and nuts, and African Robusta provides sufficient strength.

Bar consists of Arabica and Robusta in equal proportions. Thanks to this, it has a tart and rich taste. The high caffeine content makes Bar a very strong and tonic drink.

15. Ionia

Italian coffee, from the island of Sicily. Its peculiarity is roasting with hot air followed by rapid cooling. This method makes Ionia coffee more bitter. There is almost no sense of sourness in it, to which Arabica lovers are accustomed.

But this coffee is richer, denser, has a slight sweetness and a chocolate aftertaste. The range includes blends made from 100% Arabica and with the addition of Robusta, as well as decaffeinated ground coffee.

Three product lines differ in purpose: for bars (grain, large packages), home use (grain and ground packaged in 250g packs) and for coffee machines (capsules and filter bags).


Around the world, attitudes towards coffee are mixed. There are many studies and publications about the dangers of caffeine. Negative influence on the heart rate, on the digestive system, on the absorption of minerals by the body. Therefore, many manufacturers now produce decaffeinated mixtures. They are not inferior in their taste qualities regular coffee. It’s just that compressed CO2 gas is used in production; it removes only caffeine without affecting other qualities.

There is now much more talk about the benefits of coffee than about the harm. The fact is that in addition to caffeine, beans contain many antioxidants that are not destroyed by heat treatment. Large-scale studies have been conducted and facts have been discovered that prove that coffee reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis of blood vessels, developing type 2 diabetes and even cancer.

All these statements can only be attributed to natural coffee. Unfortunately, there are many fakes on the market. Most counterfeits occur in instant coffee. It's very easy to fake, just add burnt sugar, flour, beans, chicory. It won’t cause any harm to your health, but it’s also unlikely to invigorate you. Therefore, manufacturers can add pharmaceutical caffeine, which can already be dangerous, since its amount can exceed the norm several times.

The next most adulterated product is ground coffee. It is also made from roasted and ground beans, chestnuts, acorns, and barley. Flavorings and low quality coffee beans are added for taste. Sometimes this coffee is flavored and sold by weight.

The most difficult grain to make, but they have learned to fake it too. They use low-quality coffee, beans, grains made from flour, and even plastic.

In order to distinguish a fake when tasting a drink, you do not need any special skills. But in order not to be deceived by the choice in the store, you need to pay attention to the packaging and price. Good coffee cannot be cheap; counterfeit coffee labels often look like branded packaging or have too bright colors. If a 500-gram package costs less than 450 rubles, look at whose production it is. Italy or Germany? Don't buy it, it's either a fake or below average quality. Russian coffee may cost less, but here you need to trust the manufacturer. I described the best in this article.

Most people prefer to wake up in the morning to a cup of coffee. The only question is for what purpose they pour themselves this drink. If you just want to wake up quickly and run to work, instant is quite suitable, as long as it is stronger. But if a person also wants to have fun, he will at least buy a good one for the morning ceremony. A true lover and connoisseur will opt for grain and get up a little earlier to grind it and fully enjoy the aroma and taste.

If you decide to join the ranks of gourmets, you should first determine which coffee beans are good and suit you in terms of strength, smell and taste. We outline the basic principles in this article.

Factor one: degree of roasting

This is probably the main thing that beginners in the art of coffee brewing should pay attention to. Before deciding which coffee beans are good, decide how you are going to consume it. The thing is, the beans are roasted. different times. The shortest processing results in a roast called light. This bean coffee is most suitable for those who like the drink with cream or milk. Beans that have been left in the pan a little longer are considered medium roasted. They have a distinct odor and bitter taste. By the way, most coffee lovers prefer medium roast. And finally, heavily roasted coffee is the strongest, but also the most bitter. There are few fans of this drink, but in Italy and France it is the most popular.

Factor two: the origin of the beans

Basically, the question of which coffee beans are good is very subjective. Some people like bitterness, some prefer a sour taste, and others like something neutral. If you have already decided what is good for you, focus on the country of origin (namely beans, not packaged grains). Thus, Caribbean coffee has neither sourness nor pronounced bitterness, but has a bright and rich aroma. The Brazilian one is somewhat sweet and smells wonderful. It is especially suitable for espresso blends. Yemeni beans have a fruity aroma, which sometimes confuses lovers of a pure coffee smell. But its taste is so unique that connoisseurs forgive it even the “wrong” aroma. It has a very mild taste, which is strikingly combined with an unobtrusive astringency. Colombian varieties, as well as those imported from Central America, are very light, so they are always combined with stronger, but less aromatic varieties. By the way, they are not very suitable for espresso. Hawaiian and Guinean beans are famous for their persistent aftertaste, but they are extremely difficult to find (except somewhere “over the hill”), so they cost more than all the others and few people will be able to try this coffee.

Definition of quality

Once you've established which coffee beans are good for you, it's time to be vigilant. Even the best variety can be spoiled by improper storage or transportation. Therefore, drink experts advise buying grains by weight - this way you can accurately determine how high quality they are, visually and by smell. However, even packaged coffee has its own signs.

Top five

If you still doubt which coffee beans are good for you, you can first focus on the company name. don't let us down.

  1. Jardin. It is the most popular in Russia, especially since it offers different degrees of roasting, several options for strength and countries where the beans are grown.
  2. Paulig. He uses only Arabica, which is important for many connoisseurs - they don’t like mixtures (although for many they have their own charm).
  3. Italian, without bitterness and sourness - may well be what you need at first for self-determination in the art of making coffee.
  4. Gut! from Guttenberg. A blend of Robusta and Arabica, very high quality. Choice of varieties, degree of roasting and strength.
  5. Malongo. Already a French supplier. Best choice for espresso lovers. A bit pricey, but worth it.

However, over time you will discover your own, perhaps lesser known, coffee beans. Its price will most likely be comparable to “promoted” brands (which is at least 900 rubles per kilogram, and on sale), but a good one cannot cost much.

The main thing is to brew it correctly

No matter how delicious coffee beans you buy, the main task is not to spoil it during preparation. Rule one: a Turk and only a Turk, and a well-chosen one. Rule two: filtered or purified water. Rule three: fine grind (but not dust!) Rule four (optional): buy special apparatus with sand for making coffee. It will be tastier, but you can get by with a regular stove. The process itself is simple: a heaped teaspoon of coffee and sugar to taste are placed in a small pot. Those who don't like sweets do without it, those who appreciate strength add more coffee. The water is poured cold, and the coffee chef waits patiently for the foam to rise. The Turka is removed, the foam settles, the Turka returns. And so on up to 4 times. The main condition is not to disturb the structure of the foam. When pouring, you can strain out the grounds with a strainer, but according to experts, this is overindulgence.

Green coffee beans: myths and misconceptions

Recently, there has been an unprecedented stir around this product: they say that weight loss from it is rapid, health becomes ideal, and vigor and performance increase to unprecedented heights. However, a sober person should realize: green coffee beans are a semi-finished product, the raw material from which your favorite drink is made. It doesn’t have any special qualities, and it’s impossible to fry it properly to prepare a morning “wake-up” at home. So it’s better to think about which coffee beans are good than to believe in

Coffee is the most popular morning drink among people all over the world. Some people like instant coffee, which takes a minimum of time, while others prefer a high-quality ground product. But coffee beans are considered the most ideal.

To truly enjoy the taste and smell of the drink, you need to know how to choose the right beans and how to distinguish good coffee from low-quality coffee.

Which coffee beans is better?

To choose the best bean coffee, you first need to decide which variety suits you best in terms of smell, taste, strength and some other characteristics. And you should start with roasting.

We have already written about which ground coffee is better to choose, about the choice instant coffee.

Roasting degree

Coffee beans are roasted for different times. If the treatment was short, we're talking about about light roasting. This coffee will appeal to those who like to drink it with milk or cream.

If roasting lasts a little longer, the beans will be medium-roasted, with a bitter taste and a pronounced aroma. Most coffee lovers prefer to buy this product.

Heavily roasted coffee is the strongest and bitterest. It is most in demand in France and Italy.

There is Viennese, Italian, French roasting. When choosing grains, you should know that they size affects the color and taste of the drink.

If the grains are the same, the color will be uniform. If they are different, it means that the roasting was either weak or strong, and this can spoil the taste of the prepared drink.

Country of origin

Yemeni coffee has too noticeable fruity notes, which often confuses true coffee lovers. But peculiar taste compensates for this feature.

Those who like a soft and tart taste can opt for Indian coffee.

Cuban coffee lags behind Colombian or Brazilian in popularity, but has excellent taste characteristics, which is why it also has many fans.

How to choose the best coffee

The most common coffee varieties are Robusta and Arabica. Arabica is a delicate variety. Its taste varies and depends on the climate and soil fertility. Robusta is considered less aromatic but stronger. On the contrary, it is unpretentious to the conditions in which it grows.

An extensive list of the most famous coffee varieties with characteristics can be found at the link.

Visual condition

After you answer the question for yourself which types of coffee you like more than others and which brands are preferable for you, pay attention to the features of choosing a product.

Even elite bean coffee can be spoiled by improper transportation or improper storage.

Advice. It is best to buy grains by weight in order to visually assess their quality. But this can be done with packaging.

So what should you pay attention to?

Correct brewing

The quality of coffee is one of the conditions for a tasty and aromatic drink. But no less important is his proper preparation. What does this require?

  1. Choose a good Turk. Any other utensils are not suitable here. You will learn how to choose the right coffee pot from this article.
  2. For cooking you need purified or filtered water.
  3. Coffee should be finely ground.
  4. You can get by with a regular stove, but if finances allow, it is better to buy a coffee maker with sand. Then the drink when prepared turns out to be especially tasty.
  5. The cooking process is simple. A heaping teaspoon of coffee is placed in the Turk, sugar is added (those who prefer an unsweetened strong drink add a little more coffee). Then water is poured into the Turk. After placing the container on the fire, you need to wait until the foam rises. The turk is removed from the stove, they wait until the foam settles, then the turk is returned and so on four times in a row.

Important! The structure of the foam should not be disturbed: this is the basic rule of cooking.

Rating of coffee brands: which coffee is the most delicious

Among other varieties of bean coffee, the high-quality Swiss product of the premium segment stands out "Egoist". This is a fragrant lowland Arabica drink that is considered a truly innovative product.

Bean coffee "Hausbrandt" from Italy allows espresso fans to fully enjoy the thick and aromatic drink.

Many people like coffee Ambassador with its fruity notes and characteristic sourness.

Incredibly popular in recent years received Italcafe– premium Italian coffee from the best Arabica varieties. It produces a thin, tasty and velvety drink with an exquisite aroma.