What types of training are there in vehicle logistics? Transport logistics


Hello! Today we’ll talk about what transport logistics is and share tips on how to choose a transport logistics company. It is difficult to imagine a business that can exist, much less develop, without transporting various goods. Raw materials need to be delivered to production, finished goods to an intermediary, and from the intermediary to the consumer. Organize all movements while minimizing costs - this is the main task transport logistics.

Transport logistics as part of logistics science

Let's imagine a person engaged in the manufacture and sale of wooden souvenirs. At first, his own car will be enough for him to bring materials to the workshop and finished goods to the store. But over time, its production will begin to grow, and in addition to thoughts, you will need to think about finding new suppliers, opening a second workshop and branches in other cities.

How can he now manage to carry out all the necessary transportation himself while driving a single car? This is where logistics and transport companies come to the aid of businesses.

It studies the management of all flow movements; its subsection, transport logistics, is responsible for the transportation of material goods through various vehicles.

Costs for transport operations account for about 50% of all logistics costs. The quality of transportation affects costs no less than their direct cost. In this regard, it is very important to consider transport logistics:

  1. From the point of view of the efficiency of the chosen mode of transport;
  2. From the perspective of organizing the transportation process;
  3. From the client's point of view, storage and cargo handling conditions are no less important.

History of the industry

For the first time, the phrase “transport logistics” was officially heard in 1974 in Berlin at the European Congress. At the same time, its main tasks and spheres of influence were formulated.

Transport logistics can be defined as the organization of cargo delivery to a specified point, along an optimized route in the required time with minimal costs.

In the West, the logistics services market was formed back in the 1990s and every year, according to experts, its capacity grows by an average of 20%. In Russia, people started talking about transport logistics only with the transition to a market economy.

Today in the Russian Federation the development of transport logistics is not going as planned. at a fast pace like in the West. This is primarily due to the lack of clearly delineating responsibilities of the participants in the process. One employee is assigned various functions in which he is absolutely not an expert.

Among other factors that negatively affect the development of transport logistics in Russia, we can highlight:

  1. Instability of the economic situation;
  2. Slow pace of production development;
  3. Unsatisfactory condition of transport routes;
  4. Low level of production and technical base.

But there are also positive trends, thanks to which transport logistics in Russia will develop rapidly in the coming years. In this regard, two groups of prerequisites can be named:

  1. Scientific and technical (training of specialists);
  2. Technical (construction of new facilities for sales and supply systems).

Fundamentals of transport logistics, functions of transport logistics

Let's figure out what transport logistics consists of and what types of activities it includes:

  1. Forecast and organization of cargo delivery;
  2. Preparation of related documents;
  3. Legal support of transportation;
  4. Payment for transportation services;
  5. Loading and unloading;
  6. Packaging and warehousing;
  7. Process optimization;
  8. Information support;
  9. Additional services (customs services, insurance).

Types of transport logistics

Transport logistics is divided into internal (moving cargo within a company and between its branches) and external (for example, delivering a product from a manufacturer to a consumer).

Types of transport transportation are divided into:

  1. Unimodal (one-species). Carried out by one transport;
  2. Multimodal (multi-species). Transportation is carried out using several types of transport, with one responsible organizer. Officially, one vehicle acts as a carrier, the rest have the status of clients;
  3. Intermodal. Delivery of goods by several modes of transport, when one operator organizes the entire process of movement from the first point, through intermediate points, and to the recipient. Responsibility is divided between all carriers who are equal in their status, uniform tariffs are determined;
  4. Mixed. Two types of transport are used, when the first carries out delivery to the place of loading to the second (without intermediate points and warehousing). For example: rail and road delivery;
  5. Combined. Unlike mixed ones, more than two types of vehicles are used in the chain.

Two approaches to organizing the transport process

The transport logistics process is organized according to one of two principles:

  1. Logistic;
  2. Traditional.

In the traditional approach, there is no multimodal transportation operator who manages the entire process of moving cargo. Participants interact sequentially. Information and financial flows in a traditional flow are transferred exclusively between adjacent links in the chain. It is not surprising that uniform tariffs are not established in such a chain.

In the logistics approach, everything is managed by a single transport operator, due to which the communication scheme is transformed into a sequential-central one. In this case, general transportation tariffs appear.

Tasks of transport logistics

The essence of transport logistics is the organization of timely transportation of cargo at minimal cost. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to complete a number of tasks:

  1. Conduct an analysis of delivery points;
  2. Analyze the properties of the cargo;
  3. Choose suitable transport;
  4. Select a carrier and, if necessary, other logistics partners;
  5. Build a route;
  6. Monitor cargo during transportation;
  7. Ensure technological unity of the transport and warehouse process;
  8. Optimize parameters (increase transportation speed, reduce the amount of fuel consumed).

End point analysis

At the first stage, the transport logistics manager plans an approximate route, taking into account the geography of the area and the type of cargo. Sometimes, even when solving this problem, it becomes clear that several modes of transport will have to be used or intermediate points need to be worked out.

Analysis of cargo properties

The characteristics of the cargo largely influence the further choice of transport and the development of the route. For example, how bulky, heavy or fragile a product is will greatly influence your choice vehicle. It is recommended to transport toxic and chemically hazardous substances away from populated areas. Only after determining the properties of the cargo should you begin to select transport.

Choice of transport

Cargo transportation is impossible without transport. In many ways, logistics costs depend on the type of transportation chosen.

The most important criteria for transport logistics are delivery speed, cost and time. In addition, the vehicle is selected based on:

  1. The nature and value of the cargo;
  2. Number of shipments and frequency of shipments;
  3. Distances and location features of the destination.

Transport varies according to destination:

  1. Public transport ( public use);
  2. Special use (owned by organization);
  3. Personal transport.

By energy use:

  1. On engine power (electric vehicles, cars with thermal or hybrid engines);
  2. On the strength of the wind (for example, sailing ships);
  3. On muscular power (moved by an animal or a person).

The most important classification for us is based on the environment of movement.

Ground transport. Cars


  • Low tariffs;
  • Mobility;
  • Availability;
  • Speed;
  • Possibility of sending small batches;
  • High frequency of shipments;
  • Large selection of carriers;
  • There are no strict packaging requirements.


  • Very low lifting capacity;
  • Dependence on meteorological and road conditions;
  • High cost of delivery over distances of over 300 km;
  • Expensive service;
  • Quick unloading required;
  • Low level of reliability (risk of theft).

Ground transport. Railway


  • High load capacity;
  • High regularity of transportation;
  • Does not depend on weather and season;
  • Fast delivery over long distances;
  • Low cost.


  • Low mobility;
  • Carrier monopoly.

Ground transport. Pipeline

The pipeline is used to move liquids and gaseous substances for special structures. Here the load is usually liquids or gases, but it is also possible to move solid objects such as capsules.


  • Low cost;
  • Does not require large quantity personnel;
  • Reliability of cargo safety.


  • A narrow list of transported goods;
  • Transporting small volumes is not possible.

Water transport. Marine vessels

Acts as the main carrier on intercontinental routes.


  • Low cost;
  • Reliability of cargo safety.


  • Low speed;
  • Limited geography of transportation;
  • Rare shipments;
  • Strict requirements for fastening and packaging.

Water transport. River boats

Especially often used in areas where there are no airports and railways.


  • Very high load capacity;
  • High carrying capacity.


  • Limited geography of transportation;
  • Depends on the weather and time of year;
  • Low delivery speed.

Air transport

The main vessels used are airplanes and helicopters.


  • Reliability of cargo safety;
  • High speed;
  • High mobility;
  • Large load capacity;
  • The shortest routes.


  • The highest tariffs;
  • Dependency on weather;
  • Limited number of airports.

Other, less popular, types of transport include space or underwater, as well as funiculars and elevators.

What are tariffs

Costs in transport logistics consist of the cost of transporting cargo, which is formed from the tariff (or freight rate) - that is, from the price for transportation set by the carrier for a certain period of time. Freight- an alternative to tariff used in maritime transport. The tariff provides the carrier with reimbursement of operating costs and generates its profit. He can divide his tariff rates into groups:

  1. By consumers;
  2. By type of cargo;
  3. By vehicle class.

Each type of transport has its own special tariff systems. The following tariffs are used for road transport:

  1. Piece work;
  2. Rates per ton/hour;
  3. By time of use of transport;
  4. By kilometers of route;
  5. For departure;
  6. Negotiable tariffs.

On railways:

  1. General tariffs;
  2. Exceptional rates;
  3. Local rates.

By sea transport:

  1. On regular lines - at the established tariff;
  2. On irregular lines - at freight rates.

On river transport rates are set by the shipping company.

Having agreed on the terms with the customer, analyzed the geography of the destination points and chosen the type of transport, the logistician begins to build possible routes. Using the full cost analysis method, several options are calculated in detail. This takes into account not only the cost of transportation, but also possible risks, costs, delays and chances of cargo damage. The final preference is given to the route with the lowest cost.

Often, after the final plan has been adopted, climatic, political and other conditions make adjustments to the route.

Cargo control during transportation

To avoid force majeure and make timely adjustments to the route, modern logistics companies use all possible navigation devices. It is also very important to keep the customer informed where and at what stage of delivery his goods are. Modern transport logistics is impossible without high-quality cellular communications and the Internet.

How to choose a transport company

A logistics company does not always carry out transportation using its own transport. Very often, for these purposes, logisticians turn to third-party organizations: carriers or forwarders.

Carriers only carry out physical transportation of cargo. Freight forwarders provide a number of additional services on paperwork, loading and unloading, storage, control and cargo insurance.

It is very important to choose a reliable transport company. What should you pay attention to?

  1. Experience. Long story The company talks about well-functioning delivery mechanisms and the ability to solve various emerging problems. A significant indicator of sustainability is the age of the company over five years;
  2. Technologies. The more experience a company has, the better developed its technologies for interacting with customers, which greatly simplifies cooperation;
  3. Staff. Professional staff- the key to the success of any company. The qualifications of the employees should not give you any doubt;
  4. Specialization. A young small company may turn out to be only an intermediary, adding its own markup to the cost of transportation, but a large company that confidently delivers groupage cargo is already worthy of paying attention to;
  5. Features of transporting your products. Choose a carrier who is already familiar with the type of your cargo. Almost every industry has its own nuances.

The technological unity of the process means the correspondence of all parameters of vehicles and warehouses. The technology for working with each type of cargo - from package to container - must be clearly defined and worked out. Will you need a spacious warehouse, special loading systems, packaging machines, etc. - all this needs to be planned and brought to a holistic model.

Coordination of the commercial interests of the parties and the establishment of uniform planning algorithms can also be attributed to this task.

Optimization and management of transport logistics

We have already discussed the main goals of transport logistics above, but let's repeat it again. Transport logistics strives to deliver the right cargo to the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity, required quality, at the same time with minimal costs.

Time and money are spent on transporting goods, which means transport logistics must be configured to achieve financial benefits. The greatest profit can be achieved if:

  1. Reduce inventories in warehouses and in transit (they “bind up capital”);
  2. Minimize the costs of commodity and material resources;
  3. Increase the range and volume of cargo transportation. Delivering one shipment 300 km will cost less than transporting three shipments 100 km. A larger volume of cargo reduces the cost of transporting a unit; also, larger volumes will require other means of transport - rail or water - and their operation is cheaper than road or air;
  4. Timely prevent damage and loss of cargo.

Automation of transport logistics

To quickly and conveniently solve transport logistics problems, special logistics programs are used (Transport Management System, TMS - transport logistics management system).

Such a system calculates routes taking into account the transport network model, transport access to certain urban areas, and the volume and weight of products. The solution allows you to get a clear comparison of planned and actual routes on electronic map. As a result, it is possible to establish route deviations from the plan, eliminate inappropriate use of transport, unnecessary downtime, and also solve a number of other analytical problems.

Documentation in transport logistics

Transportation rules in the Russian Federation are regulated by: The Charter of the Russian Railways, Inland Waterways, road transport, Merchant Shipping Code.

An agreement must be concluded between the carrier and the sender, according to which the first undertakes to deliver the cargo to the specified point within the established time frame, and the second - to pay for transportation at the established tariff.

To transport goods you must have the following documents:

  1. Power of attorney for transportation;
  2. Waybills;
  3. Summary statements;
  4. Invoice from the supplier;

Document flow varies depending on the transport used.

Road transport:

  1. Standard contract;
  2. Consignment note;
  3. Waybill - issued to the driver at the beginning of the trip, and usually returned at the end of the day.

Rail transport:

  1. Invoice;
  2. Travel manifest (issued for each departure, the counterfoil remains at the departure station, the rest follows to the destination station);
  3. Carriage sheet (for each car).
  1. Bill of lading (for linear shipping) or charter agreement (for non-linear, international shipping);
  2. Loading order;
  3. Invoice.


Now you know what transport logistics is, what functions and tasks it performs and how to choose a transport company for your business.

Good luck to you and your business!

Logistics from an economic point of view is the activity of organizing, managing and optimizing the movement of various kinds of flows from their source to the direct consumer. This science is divided into several types. One of them is transport logistics.

This is a kind of system that is responsible for organizing delivery. In other words, transport logistics deals with moving people from point A to point B. In this case, the optimal route is selected. The active use of this area of ​​knowledge occurs in the sixties of the 20th century. It was during this period that intensive development of production occurred. It became clear that knowledge of all points of movement of raw materials makes it possible to identify losses. Thus, competent transport logistics reduces the cost of goods. A significant role in the development of science was played by the achievements of scientific and technical progress, thanks to which communication over vast distances became possible.

Functions and tasks

It is customary to distinguish between operational and coordination. The first are associated with the management of the movement of values ​​in the sphere of direct production and distribution. The second are related to coordinating the level of supply and demand. This includes analysis and (mainly material) production process, planning and forecasting market development, customer needs and much more. In other words, based on the data received, logistics connects customer needs with the capabilities of the enterprise.

Now about the tasks. They can be divided into two large groups: general (global) and private. The first should include achieving the maximum possible result at minimum costs. The second group of tasks includes creating a minimum level of inventory, reducing the time period required for transportation, and many others.

If we talk about the functions characteristic of this type of science under consideration, such as transport logistics, then an important place is given to personnel, without whom it is impossible to achieve the goal. This also includes the need for classification as well as the organization of pricing policy.

Transport logistics: system and infrastructure

Next we will talk about the transport and logistics system. This concept characterizes the entire set of clients and producers of goods and services, as well as the communication routes, transport, buildings and structures, management systems and other resources used for their interconnection. Transport logistics cannot exist without the appropriate infrastructure.

After all, moving objects, storing them, warehousing and supporting all processes with financial and information flows is impossible if the necessary technical means are not available. The infrastructure ensures the smooth and accurate execution of all functions. The final volume of costs largely depends on the quality of the transportation provided. Therefore, transport logistics at an enterprise must also take into account the following aspects: the efficiency of each individual operation, the efficiency of organizing transportation from manufacturer to consumer, as well as accounting for the storage and processing of goods, which is especially important for the client.


Transport logistics plays a huge role in the activities of the enterprise. This is a necessary link in the system, since this science is responsible for managing all flows, and the management of material flow is impossible without organizing its transportation. Thus, transport must not only be used efficiently, but also be flexible. This will make it possible to realize the main goal of the transport and logistics system even in conditions of rapidly changing demand.

26 03

When producing a product, every entrepreneur first of all thinks about its sale and obtaining the maximum possible profit. That's why he strives for short period cover as much space as possible where this product will be relevant and in demand. When contacting any company, the customer may be faced with several proposals for solving the problem. In this case, the basics of transport logistics for beginning entrepreneurs and individuals who decide to use cargo transportation services will help you choose the right option. It is knowledge of the basics of transport logistics that will help you choose the right company among competing companies to which you can entrust your cargo.

The history of transport logistics

Few people paid attention to the fact that logistics appeared in ancient times, when there were special servants who distributed products between different provinces, settlements, and people. The main meaning lies in the word “logistics” itself – the ability to calculate, evaluate, reason. A striking example– laying trade routes for caravans with overseas goods. And yet, as an industry, the creation of transport logistics dates back to the Second World War. It was necessary to solve strategic problems, the purpose of which was the correct distribution of food and supplying the army with weapons and ammunition. Logistics was divided into several types, and transport was only a small part of it. Gradually, the meaning of the term changed and included the management of warehousing and product distribution. Each customer will know, having studied transport logistics, how to calculate the costs of cargo delivery, and what type of transport to give preference.

When developing a cargo delivery system in logistics, the following factors are taken into account:

  • cargo dimensions;
  • carrying capacity of the vehicle;
  • travel distance;
  • time period.

The commercial success of a particular company or entrepreneur depends on how quickly the method of transporting cargo is selected, the route is calculated, and other participants in transport logistics are involved. Therefore, the goals and main tasks of transport logistics are to organize regular deliveries, maximize the use of the vehicle’s carrying capacity, and correctly select the cargo route.

Main stages of transport logistics:

  • selection of the optimal mode of transport;
  • estimation of expected expenses;
  • preparation of a package of documents;
  • loading and installation of cargo;
  • transportation;
  • unloading at the required point.

Transport logistics management for road transport can be combined with adjustments to the activities of another mode of transport.

Factors hindering the rapid development of logistics:

  • economic instability;
  • weak level of production base for the production of containers and packaging;
  • bad roads that do not allow the maximum permissible speed to be reached;
  • low level of production base.

But even with the existing difficulties, the importance of transport logistics is great and the future lies with it.

Basic concepts of transport logistics

The essence of transport logistics is briefly the following - to organize timely delivery of cargo to a specific area by a specific hour. In this case, you must complete the following tasks:

  • analyze delivery points and cargo properties;
  • pick up the right type transport;
  • select a specific carrier and other partners;
  • build a route;
  • constantly monitor the movement of cargo;
  • to form and ensure the unity of all “persons involved” in the cargo transportation process;
  • optimize the movement process.

Having mastered the concepts of transport logistics, each customer understands how important this is for further development companies.

Transport and warehouse logistics – “two sides of the same coin”

Transport logistics in Russia cannot exist effectively without a well-functioning system warehouse accounting. After all, it is the stock of goods in warehouses that allows you to get rid of serious downtime and disruptions in fulfilling a special order. Let's look at how the transport logistics of automakers in Germany is organized. In this country, the automobile industry occupies a significant specific gravity, and affects production activities auto parts suppliers. Special systems for supplying the domestic market have been developed here, where the concept of “just in time” and “just one after the other” is applied.

The meaning of the concepts is the timely delivery of the necessary spare parts to production. And for enterprises where there are no warehouses, the logistics of supplying components is so precisely calculated that it delivers products strictly within right moment on the conveyor. All of Europe clearly works according to this principle and effectively solves optimization problems of transport logistics. For Russia, this model is not yet acceptable due to the relatively low level of production development. For efficient work transport logistics, special software products, which calculate routes for specific types of transport, volume of products, their weight and other analytical studies. Information technologies in transport logistics make it possible to compare actual and planned routes, which clearly reflect deviations and help identify unreasonable downtime.

  • Types of procurement
  • Supply functions at the enterprise.
  • Criteria for optimal supplier selection
  • Procurement
  • Order fulfillment control
  • 3. Features of procurement using the jit (just in time) system.
  • Application and advantages.
  • The essence of a just-in-time delivery system.
  • The fundamental difference between the fuel assembly system and traditional supply.
  • Examples of application of the fuel assemblies supply system in trade.
  • The main components of the effect of using fuel assemblies.
  • 4. Push material flow management system in production policy. Logistics organization of production.
  • The essence of a push material flow management system within the framework of an intra-production logistics system.
  • Logistics systemMrpii
  • 5. Pull material flow management system in production logistics The essence of the pull material flow management system within the framework of an intra-production logistics system.
  • The Kanban system as a variant of the pull system.
  • Kanban turnover card
  • Movement of “kanban” cards: a, b, c - products; a, c - details
  • 6. Logistics approach to material flow management, the effectiveness of its application. Economic effect of using logistics in production.
  • The main components of applying a logistics approach to managing material flow in an enterprise.
  • Reasons for reducing costs associated with the production process (optimizing inventories, reducing the number of support workers, reducing material losses, etc.)
  • 7. Transport logistics and its tasks. The role of transport in logistics.
  • Tasks of transport logistics.
  • Selection of transport service providers.
  • Transportation analysis.
  • Types of transportation
  • Selecting a transportation route
  • Determination of logistics costs in transport.
  • Ways to reduce transport costs.
  • 8. Distribution logistics. Distribution logistics: concept and tasks. The fundamental difference between distribution logistics and traditional sales and wholesale
  • Distribution logistics tasks
  • A logistically organized system for the wholesale sale of goods.
  • Distribution channels
  • Construction of a distribution system
  • Transforming the distribution channel into a supply chain
  • Logistics intermediation, main groups of logistics intermediaries, their functions and role in logistics.
  • The feasibility of using the services of logistics intermediaries.
  • 9. Information systems in logistics. Information flows and requirements for the quality of information flow.
  • The essence and objectives of the logistics information system.
  • Construction of information systems in logistics
  • Main areas of application of the logistics information system.
  • System of electronic interchange of information in the field of logistics.
  • Information flow when transporting cargo from supplier to consumer using various types of transport: rail, sea, river and road.
  • 10. Inventory management in logistics. Material stock, dual nature of stocks.
  • Reasons for creation and types of inventories.
  • Basic inventory control systems with a fixed order size and a fixed period of time between orders, etc.
  • Determining the optimal size of the ordered batch.
  • Inventory management using abc and xvz analysis. Inventory structuring: abc analysis method
  • Possible differentiation algorithm
  • 11. Development of warehousing systems in logistics. Warehouses, their definition and classification.
  • The role of warehouses in logistics. Functions of warehouses.
  • Efficiency of warehouse operations
  • Making a decision to use the services of a hired warehouse
  • Problems of efficient functioning of a warehouse The company’s own warehouse or a public warehouse
  • Number of warehouses and location of the warehouse network
  • Choosing a warehouse location
  • Principles of logistics organization of warehouse processes.
  • 12. Service in logistics. Formation of a logistics service system. The concept of logistics service and its role in the competitiveness of an enterprise.
  • Formation of a logistics service system.
  • Quality criteria for logistics services. Level of logistics service: concept, calculation methods, determination of the optimal value.
  • Determining the optimal volume of logistics services
  • 13. Organization of service management in logistics. Comparative characteristics of traditional and integrated logistics systems for managing material flows in an enterprise.
  • Logistics service in the organizational structure of the enterprise, main functions.
  • Functional interests of divisions of companies, their contradictions.
  • 14. Logistics centers. The concept of a logistics center. Composition of a typical regional logistics center.
  • Logistics centers in Russia.
  • Integration of Russia into the global logistics network.
  • 15. Globalization of logistics. The essence of logistics globalization.
  • Basic conditions for the delivery of goods in international trade. Basic terms of contracts (Incoterms 2000).
  • Transport infrastructure of international logistics systems.
  • International transport corridors.
  • Freight transport centers in logistics systems.
  • Seaports as centers of international logistics systems
  • 7. Transport logistics and its tasks. The role of transport in logistics.

    Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods. In the structure of social production, transport belongs to the sphere of production of material services.

    Transport functions:

    1) moving cargo. Each cargo must be delivered to the place of further processing or consumption. Moving cargo along the logistics chain allows you to transform extracted raw materials into finished products, and then deliver them to the final buyer. At the same time, physical movement must also increase the consumer value of the cargo, otherwise such movement will be economically unfeasible. In addition to the financial one, there is another aspect of movement - temporary. This includes the inability to use supplies during their transportation, spoilage, risks of missing/loss of cargo, etc.;

    2) cargo storage. During the transportation process, cargo is also stored, i.e. warehouse space is not occupied. This transportation function is relevant if there is a limitation in warehouse space, then you can consciously choose slower transportation methods. In addition, there are situations when the warehouse is only a transit transhipment point, i.e. the cargo will have to move on after a short time. In this case, the vehicles can also be used for direct storage in order to eliminate costly loading and unloading operations.

    The main goal of transportation is to deliver the right product of the right quality and quantity to the right buyer, to the right place at minimal cost,

    Transport is a conductor of material flow, the only reason its movement at the inter-organizational level (within the organization there is also intra-shop movement of material flow in the production process, not related to transport, as well as transportation within the enterprise, often carried out using warehouse equipment). Transport logistics must interact particularly closely with supply and distribution logistics.

    Transport is represented as a system consisting of two subsystems: transport intended for public use and transport for non-public use.

    Public transport is a branch of the national economy that serves the sphere of circulation and the population. This type of transport is often called mainline (highway is the main main line in any system, in this case - in the transport system). The concept of public transport covers urban, rail, water (sea and river), road and air, as well as pipeline transport

    Non-public transport - intra-industrial transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport enterprises; is, as a rule, an integral part of any production systems.

    There are the following main types of transport:



    Inland water (river);




    Each type of transport has specific features, advantages and disadvantages.

    Table 7.2

    Advantages and disadvantages of using different modes of transport

    Type of transport




    Possibility of transporting large quantities of cargo, the presence of a network of railway lines connecting different regions of the country

    Slow (250 - 500 km/day), insufficient efficiency of marshalling stations, transportation only to those areas where there is railway tracks, theft and loss during transportation, long downtime


    Prompt type of transportation to almost any point in the country, forwarding possible

    Average cost, small volumes of transportation, dependence on road conditions

    Water (sea, river)

    Transportation of large quantities, widely used in international trade

    Low speed, dependent on port operation, time of year and weather


    Large volumes of transportation, long distances

    Transportation of liquid cargo only, difficulty in transporting a variety of cargo


    High speed, indispensable in emergency conditions

    Small volumes of transportation, weather dependent

    Transport characteristics:

    Speed ​​of cargo movement;

    Load capacity;


    Frequency of transportation;

    Availability of vehicles.

    When choosing transport, first of all take into account:

    Reliability of compliance with the delivery schedule;

    Delivery time;

    Delivery cost.

    Table 2.2

    Factors influencing the choice of mode of transport

    Type of transport














    These data can only serve as a rough guide for assessing the suitability of a particular type of transport for the conditions of a particular transportation.

    You will learn what transport logistics is, what problems it solves, and how to choose the right transport and logistics company for beginning businessmen

    Hello, dear readers of the business magazine HeatherBober.ru! Eduard Stembolsky is in touch.

    When doing business, organizing and transporting products is very important for expanding the geography of the company's activities. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of transporting cargo.

    In this article I will cover the main issues related to transport logistics, and also give specific recommendations for choosing a transport company.

    Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!

    1. Fundamentals of transport logistics - definitions, essence and goals

    The modern transport services market is replete with a large number of offers. In the conditions of created competition, transport logistics companies are trying to offer the most favorable conditions cooperation for clients.

    But how can a person who is not familiar with the organization of work of transport companies choose a reliable contractor? Who can provide maximum productivity at minimum costs? Let's try to figure it out. We already wrote about this in a previous article.

    First, you should become a little more familiar with the basic terms. What is transport logistics?

    In your own words, this concept can be explained as a mechanism for managing the transportation of goods. Transportation finished products or necessary components to support the production process is an integral factor in commercial success.

    This is a system for organizing cargo delivery with minimal time costs and optimization of delivery costs.

    Transport logistics happens internal And external. The first provides intra-production transportation, and the second provides supply to enterprises and sales of finished products.

    For example

    Businessman Andrey organized a small manufacturing company for the manufacture of plastic products. At the initial stage, it was possible to sell products in one city using one company car.

    However, with the increase in production and the emergence of partners in other cities, it became necessary to attract more cars. A transport logistics company helped him a lot with this.

    The main goal of logistics is to maximize the use of the carrying capacity of rolling stock and organize regular deliveries without warehouses.

    Transport logistics is closely related to, which was discussed in one of the previous articles.

    Freight logistics involves the implementation of several different stages:

    • selection of the most suitable vehicle;
    • calculation of necessary expenses;
    • preparation of documentation;
    • loading of transported cargo;
    • transportation process;
    • unloading at the final destination.

    If it is necessary to deliver products abroad, transport logistics must additionally take into account customs services. In this case, customs clearance is carried out. In this case, cargo clearance is carried out according to a special principle.

    2. Transport logistics in Russia: problems and prospects

    A very big problem in the development of transport logistics in our country is the lack of competent business projects that clearly define the functions of each of the company’s divisions.

    The impossibility of a clear delineation of responsibilities leads to the fact that one employee performs various types of work without being a professional in the given industry. This point should be taken into account at the training stage this species logistics.

    Transport logistics in Russia is not developing very rapidly.

    There are a number of reasons influencing this:

    • unstable economic situation;
    • low level of development of packaging production;
    • poor condition of the road surface;
    • low level of production and technical base.

    So, friends, despite certain difficulties in the development of transport logistics at this stage, there is everything necessary for this direction to actively develop in the near future, and it is really developing!

    An example is the friends and partners of the site HeatherBober.ru - a transport company that provides transportation throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. The company also has . Its director, Yana Gulinchuk, not only runs her business professionally, but also develops comprehensively.

    My friend and co-owner of the site HeatherBober.ru Vitaly met Yana’s husband at one of the Business Youth training events. Since then, we have been communicating and becoming friends and are ready to vouch for the quality of services of this transport company.

    3. What problems does transport logistics solve - 5 main tasks

    The main tasks of transport logistics are to create transport chains through which cargo will be transported in the future.

    It should also be noted the importance of analyzing endpoints, building optimal path delivery and selection of vehicle. During transportation, maximum control over the safety of the cargo must be ensured.

    Task 1. Analysis of endpoints

    At this stage, a preliminary route is plotted depending on the distance between points. In this case, the characteristics of the selected section of the route are taken into account, on the basis of which the most suitable vehicle is selected.

    In certain situations it may be necessary to resort to using different types transport in certain areas.

    Task 2. Analysis of cargo properties

    After a detailed analysis of the technical and operational characteristics of the transported cargo, a suitable transport is selected, and a convenient route is created.

    Provided that transportation is carried out hazardous substances, then such a route should be laid away from densely populated areas and strategically important objects. Additionally, when performing such a flight, special permission may be required.

    Task 3. Selecting suitable transport

    The essence of transport logistics is to ensure timely delivery of cargo. Without choosing the most suitable transport, it is not possible to solve such a problem.

    Transportation can be carried out various types vehicles.

    The main pros and cons of cargo transportation various types transport are given in the table below:

    Comparison criteria Road transport Railway transport Maritime transport Air transport
    1 Delivery speed Average ( ± ) Average ( ± ) Low (-)High (+)
    2 Lifting capacity Max low (-)High (+)Max high (+)High (+)
    3 Tariffs Low (+)Low (+)High (-)Max high (-)
    4 Mobility High (+)Low (-)Low (-)High (+)
    5 Safety of cargo during transportation Average ( ± ) High (+)High (+)Max high (+)

    Task 4. Building an optimal route

    Logistics of transport systems includes the construction of an optimal route for cargo delivery, along which transportation will be carried out in a short time. In this case, the required delivery speed, agreed upon with the customer at the preliminary stage of cooperation, must be taken into account.

    The specifics of the transported cargo and geographical location all route points.

    Before achieving a positive result, several various options delivery routes. After weeding out unpromising routes, the optimal option remains, which includes the minimum time and cost indicators.

    Depending on climatic and other external factors Some adjustments may be made to the route as work progresses.

    Task 5. Control of cargo during transportation

    To meet the established time frames, you should carefully monitor the movement of cargo and, if necessary, make some adjustments to the route.

    Breakdown of transport, delays in loading and unloading operations - all this can lead to delays in delivery. You can monitor the movement of vehicles using modern navigation devices.

    For example

    The driver of the Fregat transport company punctured his rear wheel while performing a flight. Fixing the problem took him out of his original travel schedule.

    The driver reported this problem to the company’s in-house logistics specialist, who as soon as possible adjusted the route. Ultimately, the delivery deadlines were not violated and the customer was very satisfied, agreeing to further cooperation.

    4. How to choose the right transport company for cargo transportation - advice from an expert for beginners

    Having understood what transport logistics is, you can move on to solving specific problems - choosing a company that can provide fast and high-quality transportation of goods.

    It is very important to consider:

    1. Company experience. The age of a company involved in the transportation of goods is an indicator of its stability and indicates a well-functioning operating mechanism.
    2. Work technologies. Companies with extensive practical experience have already managed to establish certain technologies that allow them to achieve positive results. Close interaction with contractors at various stages of delivery allows us to resolve any issues that arise.
    3. Company personnel. All staff members must be one and the same and have sufficient practical experience. This is the key to the professionalism of any company.
    4. Specialization of a logistics company. Small logistics companies in most cases turn out to be only intermediaries. Trusted companies that specialize in the delivery of groupage cargo cannot be small by definition. Such a service provider may be worth considering.
    5. Features of transportation of products produced by your company. When choosing, it is more advisable to give preference to the performer who long time is engaged in the transportation of similar products.

    The team of the website HiterBober.ru is personally acquainted with the company’s management. So, friends, if you need to transfer cargo, feel free to contact the guys from GLP, our portal HeatherBober.ru vouches 100% for their quality of work.

    The company's long-term representation in the service market is a guarantee that the company solves its problems efficiently and withstands competition with other companies.

    It is most advisable to use the services of a carrier that has been operating for more than five years. The easiest way to find such information is on thematic forums.

    All staff logistics company must respond promptly to emerging difficulties and various conflict situations. The qualifications and practical experience of full-time employees should not raise any doubts.