How to open a waste paper collection point? Waste paper collection and recycling business How to organize a waste paper collection business.

first of all this
flat paper and cardboard

revenue every year

55 thousand rubles

for 11 tons

from the entrance to a 9-story building,
that is, 100 kg per person.

What to collect

The main waste paper is paper, newspapers, magazines, flyers and cardboard packaging, including boxes. Paper from shredders can often also be recycled, even though it is shredded.

But not suitable for processing cash receipts- they are impregnated with wax, used wallpaper - they are impregnated with glue, cigarette packs, disposable paper cups and other similar utensils - they are covered with plastic film, diapers - for obvious reasons, as well as egg cartons, cardboard rolls and napkins - they are already made from recycled paper and cannot be further recycled.

Tetrapack - although it is 75% cardboard - is often accepted separately, not as waste paper. But there are quite a lot of points for its reception.

How to collect waste paper

Just two rules:
First– collect what you will hand over. Decide where you will take your waste paper and find out if they accept everything. If something is not taken, there is no point in collecting it separately.
Second– If possible, fold the bags so that they become flat and reduce in volume. For the same reason, you should not crumple the paper, but fold it in sheets in a bundle. It would be good to bandage a large stack so that it does not fly apart along the way or at the collection point. And it’s better not to tear up the waste paper, but hand it in sheets.

How much can you earn or the price of waste paper

Do not forget that for 1 kg of waste paper you will be given about 5 rubles - the price tags themselves vary from 3 to 11 rubles depending on the quality and brand of waste paper, individual removal costs for companies and much more. On average, you can get 1,500 rubles per year if there are three of you in the family. Not much, but one more reason not to throw away paper in vain. If you don’t want to hand it in yourself, carefully place it near garbage containers or together with your neighbors, put up a separate container for paper and cardboard, from where tramps will pick it up.

If you collect waste paper with the whole house - 150 apartments for 1,500 rubles. This is 225,000 rubles every year - a quarter of a million, which can be used for general household needs. You can put a special container inside each entrance so that the homeless do not take it apart. Every 2-3 weeks you will accumulate 500 kilograms of paper and cardboard - and waste paper collectors themselves come to pick up such volumes for free. So you can help nature and not pay for general house bills.
What will happen

The bulk of recycled paper - about 80% - goes into the production of cardboard, boxes and other packaging.

In addition, wrapping and toilet paper are made from waste paper, and sometimes even writing paper - from high quality waste paper.

A special insulating material, ecowool, is also created from waste paper, as well as fiber boards and sometimes roofing materials.

It is important to keep in mind that recycling waste paper is not waste-free production. She demands large quantity water: shredding, soaking, cleaning the paper and washing out the remaining paint, glue and film are carried out in water, which then needs to be cleaned. Of course, processing fresh wood takes more water, and besides, trees are used up - but it’s still better to reduce these costs for recycling waste paper. That is, create less waste.

Why recycle waste paper?

Thanks to waste paper recycling, firstly, mountains of garbage do not accumulate, and secondly, the planet’s resources are not wasted on the production of new paper.

For paper, recycling is especially important because it allows you to avoid cutting down living trees that create oxygen to make paper. Don't think this is a green metaphor. On our planet, only trees really create oxygen - everyone else consumes it. There are no oxygen plants, only trees.

If your conscience suddenly begins to torment you, buy paper with the FSC mark and a checkmark - the forest for it was cut down legally, and a new one was planted in its place.

Recycling 100 kilograms of waste paper replaces sawing up one tree. Of course, this is not much - alone you will collect these 100 kilograms in a year. But imagine that there are three of you in a family - that’s three trees a year. And if you live in a 9-story building, that’s almost 500 trees per year, that is, a hectare of forest. In other words, it's your huge yard, entirely planted with trees, twice.

In addition, recycling waste paper from around the house will avoid wasting 1 thousand cubic meters (that’s a million liters) of water and 50,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity - that’s how much the largest Russian power plants(for example, the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station or the Kola Nuclear Power Plant) are generated on average in 1.5 minutes. This again is not much, but half of St. Petersburg residents or a quarter of Muscovites will collect so much waste paper in a year that it will be possible to shut down the nuclear power plant for a week.

You don’t have to make much effort to collect the waste paper in a separate box and take it to a collection point, but save the tree. No matter how trivial it may sound. Why chop it down in vain? In addition, the garbage will not rot without use.

Where can you take your waste paper?

Open a business that brings not only stable income, but also benefit hometown and nature in general - the dream of any decent entrepreneur.

So option is a paper and cardboard recycling business.

And if work before waste management was considered unprestigious, now everything is different: the trend in recent years is protection environment and saving the planet from human-made waste.

In this material we will talk about the options for such a business and how how to open it.

In Europe, the trend of recycling waste paper has gained momentum for a long time.

Recycling companies recycle over 60% of paper waste, bringing their owners a stable income.

Here tutorial , which will help those wishing to delve deeply into the technology of recycling waste paper and manufacturing various types products: .

Equipment for the production of kraft paper can be purchased from Chinese suppliers on sites like Aliexpress. Pay attention to the machine GLM stamps Greatland Machinery(price from 20 thousand dollars). With its help you will not only make kraft paper, but also corrugated cardboard, which is also in great demand.

Regarding prices:

  1. High performance line will cost you about 20 million rubles. You can take a look.
  2. Buy Chinese line for the production of egg cells is possible (the supplier does not indicate prices, you need to contact directly).

The number of personnel servicing such lines is 3-4 people per shift.

Making toilet paper

Business profitable, but is gaining widespread use, so be careful study the competition in your region before investing money.

More about production toilet paper read in our.

Chinese suppliers offer various brands of equipment such as full cycle(production from waste paper), and incomplete(from ready-made paper base).

You can compare line characteristics and find out prices in the “Where to buy equipment” section.

Other types of business

Many products can be made from waste paper, up to . Business options are very diverse. Let's list some of them.

Paper cups

Popular business option. In supplying your goods will interested:

  • coffee shops;
  • bistro;
  • canteens;
  • the shops;
  • supermarkets.

Cost of a new one equipment from China is from 14 thousand dollars.

Paper napkins

Also a popular product, but starting a business requires detailed study of competitors. A line for the production of napkins will cost from 7 thousand dollars.

This company offers both domestic, so Chinese lines. pay attention to napkin packaging equipment, you will have to buy it too. To clarify prices, you need to contact the supplier. Also look at the products via the links in the “Where to buy equipment” section.

Cardboard sleeve

Your product will have interested entrepreneurs who started production toilet, packaging and other types paper, but do not have the capacity to produce bushings.

The demand will not be limited to this - cardboard sleeves are used in many industries industry where products are manufactured in rolls(fabric, polyethylene, thread, linoleum, etc.).

You can purchase such a machine as equipment (cost 100 thousand rubles). This one is a little more expensive – 125 thousand rubles. and, according to the supplier, the machine produces a roll exclusively for toilet paper.

Corrugated cardboard

Along with packaging paper, it is also in demand packaging cardboard in the form of boxes. This is thick cardboard with corrugated insert. The design allows to transport anyone, even very fragile and delicate product.

You can sell corrugated cardboard box manufacturers or make boxes yourself by purchasing optional equipment. Then your clients will be plants and factories that produce almost any product (products, household chemicals, Appliances, furniture, etc.). You can also ask delivery and transportation services whether they need supplies of packaging products.

For production of corrugated cardboard A machine from Greatland Machinery will suit you; there is a link to it in the section about corrugated cardboard.

If you want to produce corrugated packaging, pay attention to this supplier: the website presents equipment for making blank boxes and equipment for gluing them.



Business on waste paper is a profitable and noble business for people who can competently And thoughtfully run your own business. Here, as in other areas of activity, pitfalls and insidious competitors will await you. There is a certain amount of risk in any business.

We wish you success in your new endeavors.

In contact with

We have written more than once that collecting recyclable materials during the right approach may become stable and highly profitable business. And one of the most common business ideas in this area is making money through collecting and recycling waste paper. It would seem that what could be easier than organizing the collection of unwanted paper recyclables and starting to hand them over to interested buyers? It seems that the scheme is extremely simple - I bought unnecessary raw materials cheaper, sold them at a higher price, and received my profit. And indeed, you can earn decent money from collecting waste paper, but not everything in this business is as simple as it might seem at first glance...

How outsiders see the waste paper business

You can read many articles on the Internet about how simple the type of business is to collect and process waste paper. Enthusiastic articles write about how easy it is: set up several collection points, negotiate with wholesale centers and stores for the removal of cardboard packaging, find a buyer - and the business starts.

But in fact, such a scheme could only work in the early/mid-nineties. At that moment, the state lost control over the processing of recyclable materials, and many entrepreneurs were able to literally “break into” this business. It’s funny to say, but in those years there were literal wars for control over landfills, markets, large stores and other waste paper collection points... Since then, in most large cities, the recyclables market has been completely divided, and it is quite difficult to enter it...

Risk factors

With the business idea of ​​collecting, processing and selling waste paper, it is quite possible to create a stable profitable business, but for this it is worth taking into account all the difficulties that may arise in this area:

How can you make money on a business idea for accepting waste paper?

All of the listed difficulties do not mean that we should give up on the idea of ​​making money from waste paper. There are several cases where this business idea can be an excellent source of primary or additional income. Let's look at this in more detail:

As you can see, you can make money from waste paper, but this is a very difficult field of activity. So if you are attracted to the business idea of ​​processing recyclable materials, then you should pay attention to such areas of activity as receiving and processing glass, where the level of competition is much lower.

Today in every city there are companies that buy waste paper. It is used to make toilet paper, cardboard, and processed into writing paper. Some companies organize waste paper recycling themselves. Others press and rent it out to the nearest pulp mill for decent money.

Most often, paper raw material collection points accept it at a price of 2 to 3 rubles. for 1 kg. Large supermarkets recycle from 50 to 200 kg of cardboard containers daily. Every week, the average office produces about 20 kg of unnecessary paper.

Where can I get a lot of waste paper?

Most of the paper waste is thrown away at wholesale centers, markets, shops, educational institutions, offices, organizations. These archival papers and no longer needed packaging are transported by truck.

How to organize waste paper collection from scratch

To collect waste paper, it is enough to enter into partnership agreements with these paper waste suppliers. For a serious business you need a lot of such suppliers - more than 100. You will have to spend time and effort to develop connections.

These organizations and companies remove unnecessary paper, paying for waste removal at their own expense.

Can be offered to retail outlets, organizations etc. enter into an agreement that you will not only remove all the paper they don’t need, but pay them for it, solving the problem of their paper waste.

The frequency of export of this raw material depends on its volume. This is usually 1-5 times weekly. The fee for unnecessary paper is 50 rubles. for 200 kg of raw materials.

Over time, many such points for collecting paper raw materials will be developed. A warehouse is required for the removal of waste paper, truck or trailer. At the initial stage of development of this, you can rent them or use your own garage.

Important Competently plan your daily route to reduce your car’s mileage.

Profitability calculations

If 1 ton of paper raw material is collected per day, then the cost of purchasing it will be 250 rubles. (that is, the price per kg will be 25 kopecks). The cost of gasoline and renting a warehouse will be about 500 rubles. daily. This waste paper will be delivered to an assembly point in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. Net profit daily will be 2250 rubles.

IN big city there is a real opportunity to collect 2-3 tons of waste paper per day.

Organization of a paper waste collection point

You can organize a company yourself that collects waste paper according to low prices from the collectors. To do this, it is necessary in a residential neighborhood in accessible place organize a reception point and advertising campaign“I’ll accept the waste paper.”

This can be done economically, attaching a notice to the back of his car and making several trips around a busy part of a residential neighborhood.

Large quantities of sorted and bagged waste paper can then be sold to waste paper recycling factories for decent prices. Recycling factories accept 1 ton of waste paper for 50 - 120 dollars.

Pros of this business

  1. No investment or start-up capital is required, except for the cost of gasoline and warehouse rent.
  2. No need for special knowledge and business experience.
  3. Working capital spent on the purchase of waste paper is recouped on the same day.
  4. The profit can be decent.
  5. There is low competition in this business segment, since few people like to tinker with paper trash.
  6. This business helps maintain ecological balance on the planet and reduce deforestation.

Waste paper collection as a business is very much a project if it is organized correctly.