Why do blacks have big nostrils? Just some facts about blacks, or why blacks are shot.

I WILL TELL YOU RIGHT AWAY!!! This is not a racist post, these are simply facts revealed during the study of race (not by me)!
From the person who posted the post: I myself have a black cousin!!1 (my aunt had happy life) and it turns out that he stands out from the study given below. He has worked diligently all his life and is now the head of the IT department of the company, but you can’t argue against the facts, as they say, and so, let’s catch up:
Spotted at the Olympics interesting fact that whites usually lead in shooting, and blacks in running!
And below is a sheet of text)

FACT N1: The white race crossed the seas, conquered rivers and mountains, drained deserts, and colonized the most barren icy expanses. Whites invented printing, electricity, flight, the telescope, space travel, firearms, transistor, radio, television, telephone, photography, cinema, electric battery, automobile, steam engine, railroad, microscope, computer and millions of other technological wonders. They have discovered countless medical improvements, incredible applications, and scientific advances.

FACT N2: During 6000 years of studied history, the African Negro has not invented anything. No writing, no textile processing, no calendar, no plow, no road building, no railway, no sea vessels, no number system, not even a wheel. (Note: This applies to purebred blacks.)


FACT N3: The I.Q of American blacks is from 15 to 20 points, on average, lower than those of White Americans

FACT N5: Whereas average I.Q. is 85, only 16% of blacks score higher than 100, while half of the white population manages this task.

FACT #6: One in ten black people has an I.Q. indicator from 50 to 70, equating them to backward students..
FACT #7: According to a US government study, prospective professional or administrative employees must show an I.Q. score when applying to universities. 70 or higher. Of those who passed this quota, 58% are White, and only 12% are Black

FACT #8: Disparities between Black and White children increase with age, with performance differences greatest in U.S. colleges and high schools.

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G. W. Ferfuson took 1,000 schoolchildren in Virginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested them mental capacity. Average. Purebred blacks showed 69.2% of the Whites. Three-quarters black - 73.0%. Half-breed blacks - 81.2%. One quarter are black - 91.8%. All these blacks lived like the purebred blacks in question. Their habitats and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the same.

FACT #11: The results of the U.S. Army Experimental Test administered to over 386,000 illiterate soldiers during World War I showed that Negro recruits were “inferior to Whites on all types of tests used in the Army.

FACT N12: Classes conducted with identical twins raised separately in radical different environments provide conclusive evidence that the total influence of heredity exceeds that of environment by a ratio of approximately 3 to 1.

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same background conditions, with regard to household income and number of children in the family, Blacks still have an average I.Q. 12 - 15 points lower than the comparable White. This includes cases where Black children were adopted by White parents. Their I.Q. may be improved by the environment, but they are still closer to biological parents than to receptionists.

FACT N14: Ideologists of the notorious “equality” often devalue the results of I.Q tests. with the excuse that they are artificially manipulated. However, NO ONE, neither the United Negro Fund nor any other pro-Negro organization, has been able to develop an intelligence test that shows the sameness of blacks and whites.

FACT #15: American Indians, who often live in conditions far worse than American blacks throughout their lives, nevertheless consistently outperform them in I.Q. tests

FACT N16: Interracial marriages tend to result in lower I.Q. than the White parent.


FACT N17: Numerous studies among human races were made to compare the brains of Whites and Negroes with results that showed the Negro brain to be 8 to 12 percent lighter. Such studies were carried out by Bean, Pearl, Wint, Tierney, Gordon, Todd and other scientists.

FACT N18: In addition to differences in weight, Black brains grow less after puberty than Whites. Although the Negro brain nervous system mature faster than White brain, development stops at more early age, which limits further intellectual advancement.
FACT N19: The thickness of the supragranular level (outer layer) of the Black brain is approximately 15 percent thinner on average than that of the White brain.

FACT N20: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible for abstract, conceptual thinking, are smaller relative to body weight and less complex than those of the White brain.


FACT N21: The name Homo sapien was first used in the 18th century by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. The word "sapien" means "intelligent". The term was originally used to refer to a White person, synonymous with "European". As a result, much later taxonomists and geneticists believed that blacks and other races should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin stated in his book that the human races are so different that they can be compared to the differences found in any animal species.

FACT N22: In his mammoth work "The Origin of Races", Professor Charton Kuhn, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the world's premier geneticist, assembled massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, linguistics, archeology to test his theory of "near-intelligent races." In other words, Homo erectus was a separate race even during the development of Homo sapien.

FACT #23: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasian sub-species (White race) was developing in Europe, the Negro race stopped at the evolutionary level and - today stands no less than 200,000 years behind the Europeans in brain and cranial development.

FACT N24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than the White one, is prognathic; that is, the lower face projects forward, like the muzzle of an animal. As a consequence, the Negro jaw is generally longer than the White jaw.

FACT N25: Black skin is thicker, which prevents the penetration of germs and protects against ultraviolet rays sun.

FACT N26: Dark color Black skin is created by the pigment melanin, which is common in all levels of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain.

FACT N27: An African dentist can distinguish a black tooth from White man straightaway.

FACT N28: Blacks have arms that are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, coupled with their much thicker cranial bones, gives the Black athlete an advantage over the White athlete in boxing. The skeletal and muscular characteristics of the blacks gave them considerable success as runners.


FACT N29: The hair is black, “hazy” in texture, it is flat and elliptical without the central channel inherent in European hair. The nose is thick, wide and flat, with close-set nostrils that expose the red internal structure membranes, like a monkey. The arms and legs of a black man are relatively longer than those of a European. From the observer's position, large orbits of black eyes are visible. The eyes are prone to "chicken blindness" similar to the gorilla. The Negro has a shorter spine, the cross section of the chest is more circular than that of the Whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer, similar to that of a monkey. The mouth is wide with very thick, large and prominent lips. Leather has a thick surface layer that resists scratches and prevents the penetration of germs. The Negro has a larger and shorter neck, similar to that of the anthropoids. The cranial structure is simpler than in the White type. The ears are round, rather small, and stand somewhat high. The jaw is larger and stronger. The chin is directed outward, which, along with the low-protruding forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to the facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans. The arms and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more powerful. The skull is thicker especially on the sides. The brain of a black person is on average 20% smaller than that of a white person. The teeth are larger and wider relative to the White race. The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negro than in the White and thus more ape-like. The heel is wide, the leg is long and wide, thumb the legs are shorter than White's. The two bones corresponding to the nose are sometimes united, as in some monkeys.

FACT N30: ​​Blood type studies done during World War II suggest that American Negro genes were approximately 28% White. - This is despite all the ways of establishing discrimination, social segregation, etc. Keep in mind that the test results of a true Black African would show even greater differences from Whites.


FACT N31: Blacks commit murder at thirteen times the rate of Whites; violence and robbery tenfold. This information is provided by the FBI. The reports have varied slightly from year to year but provide a fairly accurate picture of the past decade.

FACT N32: According to the US Department of Justice, 1 in 4 black men ages 20 to 29 are currently in prison or probationary period.

FACT N33: Making up only 12% of the American population, blacks commit more than half of all violence and robbery and 60% of all murders in America.

FACT N34: Approximately 50% of all black men have been arrested and charged with serious criminal offense during their lifetime.

FACT N35: A Black person is 56 times more likely to attack a White person than the other way around.

FACT #36: Black gangs target Whites more than 54.9% of the time, which is 30 times more likely than Whites to target Blacks.

FACT #37: An annual report from the Department of Justice shows that when Whites commit violence, they do it to Blacks two out of a hundred times. Blacks, on the other hand, victimize MORE THAN ONE OF THE TWO Whites.

FACT #38: In New York City, any White is 300 TIMES MORE SUSPECT to being attacked by a Black gang than a Black by a White gang.

FACT N39: Many people argue that this data only covers violent crimes committed by the underprivileged. However, blacks commit disproportionate big number violations in the non-violent area. In 1990, Blacks were nearly 3 times more likely to be arrested for forgery, fraud and embezzlement than Whites.

FACT N40: Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantage." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salary and is second only to Alaska in per capita personal income, tops every crime category, including murder, robbery, assault, and theft. Vehicle. The District of Columbia also has the highest gun sales in the country, the highest police costs per capita, the highest number of police officers and officials per citizen, and the highest security tax rate. With all this, about 80% of the crimes there were committed by blacks. The US state of West Virginia, which has the lowest crime rate in the country, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the US. It also has the smallest number of police per capita. The state of West Virginia in the USA is over 96% White.


FACT N41 46% of black city residents from 16 to 62 years old refuse to work, preferring to live on benefits.

FACT N42: More than 66% of black children are born out of wedlock. Per capita, their number is ten times that of Whites.

FACT N43: Blacks are four and a half times more likely to be wealthy than Whites.

FACT N44: More than 35% of all black people in US cities use drugs or drink alcohol regularly.


FACT N45: In January 1986, in the Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, the article “Skin color preference, sexual dimorphism and sexual choice: a case of co-development of gene culture?”, written by Peter Frost and Pierre van der Herhe, was published, which established that in any race, Women have more complexes related to skin color than men. Conducting standard ethnographic studies in 51 societies on five continents, they recorded their preferences for human skin color, finding that in 30 of the groups studied, women preferred lighter skin, and in 14, both women and men preferred lighter skin. The cultures of India, China, Brazil, as well as Arabs and blacks, regard the fairest-skinned women as the most beautiful - perpetuating the aesthetic standard of attractiveness: fair-skinned, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed, blond - the "Scandinavian ideal" female beauty- even if they do not directly possess the genetic ability to reproduce such an organism. Over time, studies showed that the upper classes of all races became lighter-skinned than their lower classmates because they repeatedly mixed with women
above ideal image.

FACT N46: Scientific research about what constitutes human beauty, in which 300 respondents of various racial types were shown photographs different women with a request to determine best type, showed that the Scandinavian type is recognized by everyone as the most attractive, even blacks. Interviewees were instructed to rate individuals solely on his or her “personal standards of beauty and not to consider popular norms.” The results of the study - "Age, Gender, Race and Perception of Facial Beauty" are psychologically related to development.

FACT N47: In experiments in which black children played with White and Black dolls, it was found that most of them preferred to play with White dolls. This is true all over the world. Even in places like Tobago.

Everyone, including children, knows that representatives of the Negroid race are black. In fact, calling them Negroes is now considered provocative, rude and a little nationalistic, so it would be normal to say that they are African-Americans. However, no matter what we say, they have black skin and few people understand why.

Humor, history and other data

Previously, it was believed that pale skin was a sign of aristocracy; later, various nationalist ideas were built on this basis. Blacks were considered a cross between people and animals. But progressive modern society I gave up on such crazy ideas a long time ago.

Of course, we all still laugh at jokes about black people. They say it’s more convenient for them to steal at night, and they don’t need to sunbathe, however, nothing like that even in the slightest way does not hint at the origin of this specific skin color.

What does religion say

A heresy, of course, but, nevertheless, until the 70s of the last century, many were of the opinion that all representatives of the Negroid race have black or almost black skin as a punishment for being direct descendants of Ham, not the righteous son of Noah. Under the Old Testament, children were responsible for the sins of their own fathers. Apparently, Ham did such a thing that all his descendants were punished for more than 2 thousand years after him.

Ham did not respect his father and thereby violated one of the commandments of God, for which he was cursed by his father and God. Initially, in the Russian language, the term “boor” meant something slavish, inferior, but not poorly educated.

From a scientific point of view

So, first of all, we need to remember the climate of those territories where blacks live. The sun is scorching there, which means that a large amount of ultraviolet radiation hits the surface of everything that is under its rays. The natural property of human skin is to produce the pigment melanin in response to UV rays, which makes the skin darker. Over time, it turned out that the darker the skin, the less damage it causes from sunlight, the less such people get sick and the longer they live. And then it was only up to the law of natural selection. Gradually, only the darkest of the entire human population remained. They continued their lineage. Only the darkest of their children survived, and so on.

In all cold regions the process of adaptation to conditions environment was exactly the opposite. People with initially pale skin turned out to be more viable. They tolerated shortages better sunlight and, accordingly, a lack of vitamin D. Accordingly, they gradually forced out darker and darker-skinned people from the population. By by and large This is how races were formed. And by the same principle, in the east people with a specific eye shape predominate. This is nothing more than an ingrained correspondence to the climate of the homeland. It goes without saying that the formation was gradual, and the features appeared more and more clearly with each generation.

Incredible facts

Size manhood has always been a special topic for women and an Achilles heel for men. The stereotype “the more the merrier” is no longer as relevant as previously thought.

Latest research by specialists focused on measuring and calculating the average length of the penis of men at different points globe, showed that Compared to 2011, the figures have changed significantly. So, on average, the length of the manhood of Ukrainian men is about 14 cm, and to be precise, 13.97 cm.

Among the Slavic brothers Last year the indicators have improved by almost 1 percent, today the result of the average Russian is 13.3 cm. It is worth adding that residents of Australia are close to Russian men (they caught up with the Russians, improving the indicator from 13.2 cm to 13.3 cm), as well as North American men (13 cm, last year it was 12.9 cm). Each of these nations improved their score by one-tenth of a percent.

Researcher Richard Linn published measurements of the penises of the male population from 113 countries in the September issue of the journal Personality and Individual Differences, which was published a week ago with a circulation of more than a million copies.

A reasonable question arises: who is the leader in size? Men from which region have the largest penises? It is not surprising that hot and temperamental Africans continue to be among the leaders in this indicator. Based on a recent study, the longest penis is among black residents Democratic Republic Congo (its size is more than 18 cm).

Ecuadorians (17.8 cm) are breathing in their backs, followed by the male population of Ghana (17.3 cm). However, only the measurements of the latter remained the same as a year ago. But the length of the penises of the inhabitants of Congo and Ecuador is on average last year increased by 0.1 percent (from 17.93 cm and from 17.7 cm, respectively).

It is noteworthy that according to new data from recent studies, the sequence among leaders has changed European countries. For example, last year it was found that on average Hungarians have the largest manhood (in 2011 this figure was 16.1 cm). This year, the championship branch belongs to the Icelanders (16.5 cm), who pushed the Hungarians into second place. Romanians have the shortest penises (the average length of their manhood is only 12.7 cm).

According to this article, residents of Foggy Albion have an average penis of 14 cm, French men - 13.5 cm. Average length member of the Italian macho, as well as the Dutch - 15.74 centimeters. The Swede has this figure of 14.98 cm, beating the Greeks with 14.75 cm and the Germans with 14.48 cm.

It was not surprising that among the residents former USSR Caucasian men, known for their love of love and hot temperament, became the leaders in penis length. The ranking is headed by Georgians (16 cm). But for the average resident of Belarus it varies about 14.65 cm.

Residents of countries traditionally close the ranking South-East Asia. For example, the average length of a Chinese penis is only 11 centimeters, in India and Thailand it is even less - 10 cm. And finally, the smallest male dignity among Koreans is 9.7 cm.

Such topics concern specialists who study such issues. They measure its dimensions not out of idle curiosity, but in order to find out whether there is any pattern between the numerical indicator and the aspects various fields activities of a man.

It has long been proven that size does not particularly affect the intensity and quality of sexual activity. For example, thanks to special surveys among the female population, the majority of respondents named Brazilians as the best lovers in the world. Second and third places were shared by the Spaniards and Italians, respectively. But the average size of the genital organs of representatives of these nationalities is far from the leading position. And, on the contrary, the inhabitants of the African continent, which has the most significant sexual dignity, are far from the title of the best lovers in the world, which once again proves that size does not matter.

“Science has nothing to do with “hate speech,” it deals with reality.” (C)

Часто появляются темы про ниггеров,и частенько в таких темах проскакиваю идеи,что все люди одинаковые,и различаются только цветом кожи("Чомба неуиновен")...выставляю на ваш суд,то что нашел в сети.Сама статья принадлежит небезызвестному в кругах The clan doll to the great researcher of the nigers and simply to the truth -to -house - Roger Rutsu. The original article contains about 100 facts, I will not cite all of them, I will cite only the most interesting and indicative in my opinion.

So, 30 facts, one of them is complete nonsense, try to guess which one:

1) The I.Q of American blacks is on average 12 - 20 points lower than those of White Americans

2) Considering that the average I.Q. is 85, only 16% of blacks score higher than 100 points, while half of the white population manages this task

3) Blacks play basketball well and run fast.

4) One in ten black adults has an I.Q. indicator from 50 to 70, equating them to backward students..

5) Even when Blacks and Whites have the same background conditions, with regard to household income and number of children in the family, Blacks still have an average I.Q. 10 - 15 points lower than the comparable White. This includes cases where Black children were adopted by White parents. Their I.Q. may be improved by the environment, but they are still closer to biological parents than to adoptive parents.

6) Ideologists of the notorious “equality” often devalue the results of I.Q tests. with the excuse that they are artificially manipulated. However, NO ONE, neither the United Negro Fund nor any other pro-Negro organization, has been able to develop an intelligence test that shows the sameness of blacks and whites.

7) American Indians, who often live in conditions far worse than American blacks throughout their lives, nevertheless consistently outperform them on I.Q. tests

8) The result of interracial marriages tends to be lower I.Q. than when both parents are White.

9) The differences between the intelligence of Whites and Blacks are constantly justified by the living conditions of both. But at least five experiments that tried to equate socioeconomic backgrounds for both races found no significant change in relative results. As the environment improves, the Negro becomes smarter, but so does the White. The gap has not been reduced. In fact, extensive research by Dr. G.J. McGurk, a Psychological Association professor at Villanova University, shows that the intelligence gap between blacks and whites INCREASES as the socioeconomic levels of both races rise toward the middle class.

10) Numerous studies among human races have been done to compare the brains of Whites and Negroes with results that have shown that the Negro brain is 8-12 percent lighter than the White brain. Such studies were carried out by Bean, Pearl, Wint, Tierney, Gordon, Todd and other scientists.

11) In addition to the difference in weight, Black brains grow less after puberty than Whites. Although the Negro brain and nervous system matures faster than the White brain, development ceases at an earlier age, which limits further intellectual advancement.

12) According to Dr. Kuhn, while the Caucasian subspecies (White race) was developing in Europe, the Negro race stopped at the evolutionary level and - today stands no less than 200,000 years behind the European in brain and skull development. (Caucasopteks are behind about 100,000 years ... Well done, nigers overtook. They will be scooping people)

13) The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than the White one, is prognathic; that is, the lower face projects forward, like the muzzle of an animal. As a consequence, the Negro jaw is generally longer than the White jaw.

14) The dark color of black skin is created by the pigment melanin, which is common in all levels of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain.

15) Blacks have arms that are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, coupled with their much thicker cranial bones, gives the Black athlete an advantage over the White athlete in boxing. The skeletal and muscular characteristics of the blacks gave them considerable success as runners and robbers.

16) Blacks commit murder thirteen times more often than Whites; violence and robbery tenfold. This information is provided by the FBI. The reports have varied slightly from year to year but provide a fairly accurate picture of the past decade.

17) According to the US Department of Justice, 1 in 4 black men ages 20 to 29 are currently in prison or on probation.

18) Making up only 12% of the American population, blacks commit more than half of all violence and robbery, and 60% of all murders in America.

19) Black hooligan groups choose White victims more than 54.9% of the time, which is 30 times more often than Whites choose Blacks. (i.e., are they also racist themselves?)

Many people argue that this data only covers violent crimes committed by the underclass. However, blacks commit a disproportionate number of violations in nonviolent areas as well. In 1990, Blacks were nearly 3 times more likely to be arrested for forgery, fraud and embezzlement than Whites.

20) 46% of black city residents from 16 to 62 years old refuse to work, preferring to live on benefits.

21) More than 66% of black children are born out of wedlock. Per capita, their number is ten times that of Whites.

22) More than 35% of all black people in US cities regularly use drugs or drink alcohol.

23) The Declaration of Independence, which contains the oft-repeated phrase “All men are created equal,” was written by Thomas Jefferson, who owned approximately 200 slaves and never granted freedom to any of them, including mulattoes and quadroons. Jefferson's words, of course, had nothing to do with blacks, who at that time had no place in American society except as property.

24) Lincoln actually proposed a constitutional amendment to authorize Congress to send all freed blacks back to Africa. In August l962, Congress had more than half a million dollars available for this purpose. Thousands of Blacks were sent back until Lincoln was shot and killed.

25) The District of Columbia, which is approximately 70% black, leads the US in many areas: Highest Crime Rates, Uncontrolled Gun Trade, Highest Birth Rate, Highest Death Rate, Highest Tariff federal assistance per capita, the highest percentage of diseases of gonorrhea and syphilis, the highest number of AIDS diseases.

26) The entire continent of Africa, perhaps the richest land on the planet, accounts for only 3% of world trade.

27) In 1988, there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white violence and less than 10 times that of white-on-black violence.

28) The white race crossed the seas, conquered rivers and mountains, drained deserts, and colonized the most barren icy expanses. Whites invented printing, electricity, flight, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, photography, motion pictures, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, the railroad, the microscope, the computer, and millions of other technological marvels. They have discovered countless medical improvements, incredible applications, scientific advances, etc. Such great people as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Edison, Bell, Pasteur, Livenhoek, Mendeleev, Newton, Galileo were white. , Watt, Luther, Leonardo da Vinci and thousands, thousands of other famous geniuses.

29) During 6000 years of studied history, the African Negro did not invent anything. No writing, no textile processing, no calendar, no plow, no road construction, no railroad, no sea ships, no number system, not even the wheel. (Note: This refers to purebred Negroes.) They are not known to have ever domesticated wild animals for domestic use (although many powerful and docile animals abounded around them.). The only means they knew of for transporting goods was on the top of his curly head. To protect their home, they never went beyond a hut covered in mud, although even a beaver is capable of creating much more reliable fortifications.

30) Every race has equal ability to learn and contribute to civilization, and any differences are caused by prejudice and racism. The fact that all modern civilization is associated with Whites is simply a game of wealth and coincidence. Any attempt to differentiate between races is driven by paranoia and hatred. We must prevent any exploration of the subject to melt society into a raceless, nationless harmonious utopia.

Why are men much more likely than women to be interested in the average penis length of representatives of different nationalities? Perhaps because deep down they do not believe the assurances of most women that size does not matter to them.

Many men try to use every opportunity to prove to themselves and their partner that the size of their penis is not so small, and some even make a lot of effort to enlarge their reproductive organ. Let's find out the statistics of what is the average penis length among males in different countries?

According to tradition, it is believed that Asians have the smallest dignity. Men Far East and Southeast Asia, as a rule, are always at the very bottom of such ratings. And this is not surprising, since the average length of a man's penis in China is about 11 cm, in Thailand and India - 10 cm, while in Korea - less than 10 cm.

The “golden mean” is represented by the male population. The average penis length is 14-16 centimeters (in an erect state)

is considered the classic “average” size of residents of the USA, Canada, England, Germany and other countries of the European continent.

The penis, the average length of which is slightly more than 18 cm, received the “palm of primacy” and is the property of Africans, or rather, of the inhabitants

Does it affect the female orgasm?

Scottish scientists conducted their own research on how important men are for the fair sex. More than 300 girls took part in the survey, of which 60% said that size did not matter to them, 34% of respondents preferred a size larger than average, and only 6% of respondents said they liked a size smaller than average. Is the concept like the length of the average penis the cornerstone of success? intimate relationships between a woman and a man?

If we talk about the peculiarities of female physiology, then men who are fixated on the size of their penis should know that the vagina of any woman has a high ability to change its size, tightly enveloping the male penis, regardless of its size. Therefore, in a purely physiological sense, the statement that the size of manhood for most women does not matter at all is true.

As women themselves note, in order to get an orgasm, the most important thing for them is the opportunity to relax as much as possible and trust their partner, this is the only way to get maximum pleasure. Naturally, for complete relaxation, what is primarily important is the emotional component of the relationship between partners, and not at all the fact of what size a man is.

As women themselves admit, a man must be able to understand what a woman likes and what she doesn’t. It is this ability of men to guess the slightest secret desires of their partner that can bring any woman to the very peak of excitement. By trusting a man, knowing that he has only the warmest feelings for her, a woman is able to relax as much as possible and receive unforgettable pleasure, as well as give it to her partner.