How to find out the federal tele2 number. Mobile assistance

Our time moves at a fast pace in which we remember a huge amount of information. Sometimes we may not remember or simply forget our phone number, especially if you use more than one number. Very often we need to send our number, but we don’t remember it.


In this case, the Tele2 operator provides the opportunity to find out your number on your phone or tablet. Human memory stores a lot of different information. But sometimes you forget your phone number, which you may need at any time. How can you find out the number of the Tele2 mobile operator? What methods are suitable for this?


There are several ways that will allow you to find out your Tele2 SIM card number without any problems:

  • If you bought a new SIM card, don’t be too lazy to immediately save its number in your contacts. This takes a minimum of time, but in the future it will be much easier for you;
  • Dial the combination of numbers and symbols *201#, and then press the call key. As a result, your number will appear on the mobile screen. This is a universal option that can be used even abroad. Moreover, all this is absolutely free, which makes it possible to save your finances;

Using the Tele2-guide service to find out your number

There is a special service called “Tele2-guide” that will allow you to solve this issue. The “My Number” system will remind you of a mobile number that you have forgotten for some reason. In this case, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort.
Carefully study the menu of your phone or tablet to decide on the appropriate option. A common algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Open the special menu that comes with each SIM card;
  • You can quickly find a special item called “Tele2 menu”;
  • There is a sub-item “My Tele2” that you need to click on;
  • In the list offered to you, find the item called “My data”;
  • Now all that remains is to click on “My number” and wait until the device screen “decorates” your phone number, which you managed to forget.

If you follow these simple rules, you can find out your number without any problems. It is enough just to have a gadget connected to this operator. Experienced consultants will always provide assistance if you need it. Believe me, now the situation when you forgot your own phone number will not become a problem.


Additional options to find out your Tele2 number

You can dial the number of your friends so that they can remind you of your number. But this will only work if you do not use the caller ID service. Otherwise, the person simply will not see who exactly is calling him. You can simply send an SMS to a friend asking him to call you back (*118* and phone number). After this, a friend will remind you of your forgotten phone number. By the way, this service is absolutely free, since it is an integral part of the mobile operator.


Call the Tele2 operator if other options do not suit you. But this is very difficult and time-consuming, since you will have to provide the specialist with your passport details and verification code. Otherwise, your phone number will not be given, because the operator will not be sure that you are interested in such information. This method is only suitable if all other options are not available to you for various reasons.


If your phone has two SIM cards, then dial from one to the second. The screen will show who exactly is calling you. This is your forgotten mobile phone number. Save it immediately to avoid similar problems and difficulties in the future. Believe me, your own mobile phone number can come in handy in the most unexpected situations.
Thanks to these simple tips, you will quickly recall your number. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, so use the methods described above. The main thing is that you are able to get your bearings, because confusion can confuse you. Use the help of an operator, a special system or your friends to avoid troubles and difficulties.


I don’t know about you, but for me, generally, the need to find out your phone number does not arise immediately after purchasing a new SIM card, but when you’ve been using it for a week and are about to top up your mobile phone balance for the first time. And then - OPA! You don’t even know the numbers... Has this ever happened to you?

And there are other situations. For example, when you suddenly decide to resume using a long-abandoned SIM card, but you don’t know how to find out the number of the TELE2 SIM card.

And in general. It's not surprising that many people simply don't remember their own phone number. Even when they use it for quite a long time. It’s quite normal that for many people remembering their own number is not even a problem, but simply an unnecessary luxury. Because we ourselves very rarely call it.

In general, sometimes you still need to know your number. At least to replenish the balance.

So how can you find out your TELE 2 number if you suddenly forgot it? There are several ways.

How to find out your TELE2 number on a mobile phone

Method one. There is a USSD command to find out your tele2 number. Or USSD request - as you like.

To find out your Tele2 number on your mobile phone, you need to send a USSD request ✶201#

In response, you will receive a message with your phone number in international format.

How to know your TELE2 number on a modem

Now let's find out how to view your number on Tele2 if your SIM card is installed in a USB modem. That is, you use the SIM card only to access the Internet.

To find out your number, you will need to go through a simple path of various actions:

- connect your modem to your Personal Computer,
- run the program on your computer TELE2.Modem", which is most often automatically installed when the modem is first started.
— in the menu select “ Actions" and subparagraph " USSD string»,
— in the window that appears when you select this sub-item, type ✶201#, and press the call button. In response, you will be sent a text message with your Tele2 SIM card number

Most likely, these manipulations will help you.

And already at this stage, other methods will simply cease to be interesting, since this is the most reliable and simplest existing way to find out my TELE2 number.

Well, for those who are especially curious, we will give

Other ways to find out your Tele2 phone number

Rarely, but failures still happen sometimes. And the methods discussed above may not help you for some reason... Well, then. Then you can also try this:

Call Tele2 operator. And explain that all you want from him is to find out my TELE2 number. Yours is more accurate. However, in this case you will most likely have to provide your personal data. To prove that you are the subscriber himself.

There is also a service on the official website of the Tele2 company Tele2-guide, where in the section " My Tele2"All information about the subscriber's number is available.

In addition, sometimes the phone number is automatically saved in phone book Your phone. Therefore, it’s worth checking your phone book or phone settings, where there may well be an item “ Your number"or something similar.

How to find out your TELE2 number on iPad?

For iPad owners, the question of how to find out your TELE2 number is especially relevant. Because the iPad has neither a phone book nor the ability to send SMS.

However, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

The point is that already In the iPad settings themselves, the Tele2 number used must be indicated.

And in order to find out, you will only need to go to the iPad settings menu, and in the “ Basic» find sub-item « About the device" There in the column " Cellular data number x" is the number of the SIM card installed in the iPad.

If suddenly for some reason you were unable to find out your iPad number on the TELE2 SIM card in such a simple way, then you can use other methods:

- use special iPad app for sending SMS. This is a simple way that allows you to subsequently send an SMS and use the standard services of Tele2 or send a message to another mobile phone,
— take out the SIM card from the iPad and insert it into any other mobile phone from which you can easily send USSD request or call the Tele2 operator.
— use the iPad application from your operator, which will allow you to access all the subscriber’s personal data.

As part of observing basic precautions, you still shouldn’t use various Internet services that are not official to find out your Tele2 number. In addition, we strongly do not recommend that you download programs from the Internet that may contain dangerous content or viruses that harm the OS.

It often happens that a person is asked for his telephone number to further maintain contact. But he can’t give it because he doesn’t remember or has forgotten. But the Tele2 operator has taken care of such clients, so there are several ways to find out your phone number quickly without spending a lot of energy. It’s easier to remember these methods than to stuff your mobile number into your head.

Ways to find out your number on Tele2

The easiest way is ussd request *201#

Write it down in a book

One quick way is to enter your number in the phone book. It is recommended to do this immediately after you have purchased a SIM card. You should open “Contacts” in your mobile phone and write down the number there. Subsequently, look in the book and say your phone number if necessary. All these actions require less than a minute of time.

Call another number

The second method is just as easy. This is to make a call to a friend or acquaintance who will dictate your number. You can call on any device that is nearby. The main thing is that your contact is displayed.

send a message

You can send a message asking to call you back. You need to activate the “Call me back” service. Dial *118*mobile number of the desired person# call. The Tele2 client will receive an SMS message with the text “Please call me.”

“Find out your number” service

Well, the easiest way is to type the USSD request on the keyboard. You should use the key combination *201# call button. After this, your number will immediately appear on the smartphone screen. The free function can be used by all subscribers of this mobile operator.

Call to the call center

It is recommended to call the Tele2 operator. The company employee will give the client all the necessary information, including his phone number. To make a call to an employee, you need to dial 611 on your smartphone. Calling technical support is free, and employees are available around the clock. Even if there is no money on your balance, making a call will not be difficult.

Packaging with SIM card

If you still have the packaging where the SIM card was, finding out the number is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to look at the card from which the SIM card is removed. The subscriber number is written on the front side.

Your phone number is indicated on the package with the SIM card.

Find out your number in your personal account

You should go to your Tele2 personal account (enter the query “Tele2 personal account in the search engine), enter your username and password to enter. The first page will display the client's phone number.

Questions from users

How to find out a hidden Tele2 number

It happens that when you receive an incoming call, you cannot see the caller’s number; it is hidden. The screen displays “Private Call” or “Number Hidden”. In this case, you can use the Tele2 “Hidden Number Identifier” service. The function is activated using the key combination *210*1# call key. To disconnect from the service, you need to dial *210*0#. The cost of the “Identifier” depends on the region in which the subscriber’s SIM card is serviced

How to find out where the Tele2 number is located

You need to use the Geosearch service from Tele2, which determines the location of the desired subscriber connected to the operator in question. To activate the function, dial the combination of numbers *119*01# on the telephone keypad and press the call key. Then call the USSD menu (*119# “call”), or *119* phone number of the desired subscriber #.

Before starting surveillance, the Tele2 operator will request consent from the client who will be monitored. He will receive a text message stating that a request has been received to determine the location of the client from number 79********. If you respond affirmatively to the SMS, the service will begin to operate.
What combination to use to find out your number

In order to find out your mobile number, you should use the USSD request, available to every Tele2 subscriber. Key combination *201# and call button. The subscriber's number will instantly appear on the device's screen. The service can be used free of charge by all Tele2 customers.
Is it possible to find out who the tele2 number is registered to?

It happens that a client connected to an operator several years ago and does not remember who he signed the contract for. You can find out who the number is registered to, and all you need is an Internet connection. You need to log into your Personal Account using your login and password. The owner's name will be indicated on the main page of the site. Also, the address of the card owner will be written here, which will make it easy to find him. To re-register the contract in your name, you should come with the card holder to the nearest Tele2 office, taking with you a proof of identification.

After signing the contract, the number will be re-issued to you.