The meaning of the name Ilona and her fate. Ilona: charming and creative person

The Ten of Swords tarot card depicts a man lying on the ground with his face in the dirt. His back is stabbed with ten long, bloody swords. A red cape covers the lower part of the body, while the upper part is bare. The sky above a person is gloomy and dark, which carries the meaning of suffering, loss and bitterness.

However, despite this terrifying picture, this map contains positive aspects. The sea, next to which the wounded body is located, is motionless and serene, and Sun rays make their way in the distance of the mountains, foreshadowing the dispersal of darkness. Every new beginning comes from an end, and every defeat gives strength for a new victory. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

General value of the card in the upright position


  • failure, disaster;
  • misfortune;
  • treason, betrayal;
  • loss;
  • sorrow;
  • revival;
  • inevitable end.

The Ten of Swords is most often a harbinger of an unexpected failure or catastrophe, due to which a force beyond your control suppresses your inner state without warning or mercy. Sometimes you can change the course of this impending disaster, but most often you have to accept the inevitable and accept the blow of fate. The card may indicate betrayal on the part of a person whom you completely trusted, and never expected such a stab in the back. You are filled with incredible pain and shock from such an act.

Thus, the Ten of Swords is often associated with a sense of “victimhood.” You feel powerless as your life deteriorates and comes to an abrupt end, and you feel external psychological pressure and attacks. You crave pity from others with a little sigh of “Poor me!” you use it difficult time to portray yourself as a martyr, demonstrating to the world that your interests and desires were at stake, but it was you who suffered as a result.

The Ten of Swords also indicates difficult, painful experiences, heartbreak, grief, or, conversely, rebirth.

However, the saving grace is that you have a new awareness and a positive sense of relief that the difficulty and pain will soon end and turn into something new. The end will come, it will come new stage, restoration and purification of the spirit. And despite the fact that the Ten of Cups at first glance seems negative, it gives hope and indicates that the problematic period must end.

The Ten of Swords encourages you to let go and accept your current situation. This is the order of fate, fate. It is useless to act and change anything. This is the end, and it cannot be called happy. The Ten of Swords predicts failure, defeat, defeat (at work, in personal relationships, in finance and business). This may also affect health, which will be undermined in light of current events. Everything is clear to everyone, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

This is the Arcanum of physical and psychological torment, misfortune, loss, ruin, emptiness. If any improvements appear on the horizon, they will be short-term, plans will collapse before they begin, or will not bring the expected result. An irreparable and hopeless outcome will undermine your resolve. If everything is fine with you, the Ten of Swords promises problems and difficulties, and if everything is bad, the troubles will come to an end.

The Ten of Swords reflects completion, defeat, liquidation, outcome, conclusion. The end of a difficult period is expected, although such an ending often causes severe, painful mental states, this is not always the case: it’s just a large number of swords speaks of the great possibilities of the Mind, which decided to “put an end to” something. This may include personal relationships, emotional attachments, but unfavorable situations and periods of life, addictions or protracted difficulties are also allowed.

Whatever it is, the separation stage awaits you. And only from the context of the surrounding cards can you find out what this separation will entail - the pain of loss or peace.

The only positive news this card conveys is the end of a difficult and gloomy period. It's all over now, it can't get any worse. However, now (modern interpretations) - misfortune, melancholy, sorrow, worries, tears, troubles, torment, torment.

When this card appears after an unpleasant situation, you should think about what happened, why it happened and what experience you can learn from it. True wisdom comes not from without, but from within. The Ten of Swords is a sign that the pain you have experienced has not passed in vain. Use your inner, positive power to be able to extract wisdom from any defeat.


Inverted position


  • recovery;
  • revival;
  • fear of ruin;
  • inevitable end.

The Ten of Swords in reverse indicates a painful end to something, followed by rebirth and restoration. The sword is a symbol of the Mind, thoughts, plans and views, this card is very appropriate in the field of mental transformations. The card indicates that there will be a major re-evaluation or complete elimination of your previous views on life, yourself and what is important, and perhaps this will affect plans for the future.

Such changes will bring suffering, inconvenience, and mental trauma, but the resulting reassessment of your entire life will bring a lot of positivity into it. It is important to understand: instead of dwelling on the painful ending, you should change your attitude towards the situation, adapt to the circumstances, accept the inevitability and gain strength, patience, and courage to survive difficult life trials. And only then will you see the faint light and be able to take the best place In my life.

The interpretation of cards in an inverted form, as a rule, has opposite meanings to the general one. If the Arcanum is negative, then its inverted position gives hope for improvements and positive changes. But the Ten of Swords does not lose its negative entity even inverted, the meanings may weaken slightly in their strength, but the essence remains as before bleak.

The lasso portends suffering and misfortune, and weak hope for change, but a person must try very hard for this.

The Ten of Swords reversed also indicates that you are resisting the inevitable ending because you are worried about how painful it will be for you. However, what you are doing is delaying the inevitable, and making it worse because you keep trying to delay something that is destined to happen for your own transformation. For example, the relationship has already come to an end, but you are still reaching out to your ex-lover because I can't let go. This only increases the pain and delays the moment of completion. You must understand that in order to start something new, you need to complete the old one.

The Ten of Swords in reverse often indicates fear of ruin, even if it has not yet occurred. You always think about the worst case scenario. This only creates unnecessary anxiety for you, and it is important to verify the true state of things, because in fact, everything is not as bad as it seems.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

In the context of love, if you are in a relationship, the Ten of Swords is not a positive omen as it indicates breakups, divorce, separation, bitterness or loss. If this card refers to a breakup, you probably already know that the relationship is fraught with serious problems. Relationships may involve betrayal, indifference, consumer or selfish goals. Alternatively, the card may simply indicate that you are being overly dramatic, attention-seeking, or playing the victim in front of your partner. Such behavior can be the last straw in a relationship.

The person will face a great loss. The card predicts an imminent separation, which will cause severe stress and emptiness.

The soul will die forever. Heartache, loss and grief will be too strong and can become an obstacle in later life. There will be a fear of future relationships. In addition, in his pain, a person strives for peace and loneliness and deliberately isolates himself from the world around him.

Regarding the continuation of the relationship, there is no hope of reconciliation and reunification. Partners are in power emotional shock, negative feelings, perhaps in the strongest delusion, but this is enough for the relationship to end.

Position reversed

The Ten of Swords in an inverted position should not be perceived as something scary and terrible. Yes, regardless of the location of the card, it is constantly dominated by pure negativity, but in this position the card foreshadows a new stage, renewal, transformation, calm and hope for the best. But for this you need to go through a difficult period filled with difficulties and problems.

This card is temporary, everything bad in your life comes and goes. This will be followed by the restoration of relationships and the reunification of partners after a long separation. Or you will meet a real person who will become your protector from all evil and ill-wishers that poison your life for a long time. You may have to lose a lot, the loss will be very painful, but with it all your hardships and difficulties will go away. Such a loss will become a kind of atonement for future happiness.

A card in reverse position slightly softens the situation in your affairs. There is a hidden problem in the relationship that leads to separation, but there is little hope of changing anything.

If you are single, the Ten of Swords indicates the beginning of a recovery period after a bad breakup, and overcoming the despair caused by the breakdown of a relationship. You have become stronger, you have overcome anger, hatred and bitterness. But there is a danger that you will give up, give up, and again fall into complete despair, not wanting to accept the inevitable.


Direct position

In the professional field, the Ten of Swords is not a good omen. It indicates that you are in a dead end situation at work. Your time in your current position is coming to an end. Prepare for layoffs or layoffs. The management does not hide the fact that they are looking for a replacement for you.

The card suggests unsuccessful negotiations, projects, deals, signing of contracts, loss of clients, loss of employment, severance of business ties. Everything leads to the fact that the final must come.

The card indicates that you may have overextended yourself on the work front and have driven yourself to the point of exhaustion. If you have own business, Arkan promises collapse, failure, ruin.

Reversed position

The Ten of Swords in this position suggests a lost battle, but losing does not mean the exact outcome. The card may emphasize that at present there are no results of your labors. There are external obstacles and difficult circumstances, but there is a chance that they will soon disappear. A person will endure difficulties, accept any conditions, and understand what his true calling is. He will be able to find a type of employment that suits him.

Perhaps you will meet a reputable patron and new career opportunities will open up for you. If you have your own business and are in crisis, breathe a little easier: try to stay afloat for some more time, and things will go uphill again.


Direct position

Regarding health, this Arcanum does not bode well. The card represents chronic fatigue, physical and moral exhaustion, collapse and nervous breakdowns. Inflammatory manifestations in the form of fever, fever, and unconsciousness may be observed. The card suggests acupuncture; in matters of health, many sharp swords on the card are represented by needles.

The red fabric on the card implies a relationship to gynecological problems and bleeding: miscarriages, abortions, difficult childbirth, loss of innocence. In men, reproductive function and replenishment of the genital organs are impaired due to hypothermia.

The card warns of acquired immunodeficiency; due to frequent use of strong antibiotics and other drugs, damage to the skin and mucous membranes is possible.

Inverted position

The Ten of Swords in reverse position encourages improved health and recovery from a serious illness. However, the map may represent almost fatal outcome, inability to survive and suicidal thoughts overwhelming you, so you should pay close attention to the surrounding cards for confirmation. If you are struggling, seek support! There are many people and organizations that would be happy to help you.

The Ten of Swords advises you to get some rest. Don't make unnecessary movements. Don't look for unnecessary things to do. Your life is already full of dramatic situations that are like a hurricane, and you don’t know whether it will go into the field or touch your home. In the face of such unpredictability, protect yourself, hope for the best and wait.

Sometimes an extreme turn of events serves as a pressure release valve for all the unexpressed and unresolved energy that has been building up. Trust this process, although it may seem quite abrupt now, and once it is all over, you will be able to assess the damage and begin to restore what was destroyed and create new things.

Strong combinations

With the Empress: in vitro fertilization.

With death: it's over.

With the devil: you cannot let go of a situation or relationship that is over, attachment to a painful situation.

With the sun: you need to talk about the situation in order to understand it and gain clarity. There is always something bright in tragedy.

With 5 of Wands: the struggle becomes tiresome, ruthless, no change for the better even if you take action.

With the seven of swords: someone wants to destroy you.

Do you know which deck card tarot readers and clients fear the most? You probably thought that this was Death or the Tower, but, in fact, the most terrible Arcana does not belong to the Major category, and this is the 10 Swords of the Tarot, the meaning of which we will now analyze in detail. Why is she so afraid? What is so frightening and gloomy does it carry within itself? Let's figure it out.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

In order to better understand the meaning of the Ten Swords of the Tarot, it is worth turning to the image of the Arcana itself. The illustration shows a man lying on the ground, apparently dead, as ten sharp swords are pierced into his body. The gloomy background of the map evokes fear. It's a creepy picture, isn't it? "Everything is over!" - this is the motto of this frightening Arcana. Destruction, devastation, severe pain, difficult experiences - all this is in the power of this card, according to the meaning of the Ten of Swords Tarot according to Rider-Waite. You could say that this is the culmination of the end.

Key words and ideas of the Arcana in the layout

  • The end of something, irrevocable completion
  • An extremely difficult, unfavorable period
  • Deep suffering
  • The pointlessness of any action
  • It couldn't get any worse
  • Grief, extreme sadness, tears
  • Despair

Meaning of the card in the upright position

So, you probably already realized that the interpretation of the 10 of Swords card is very close to the Major Arcana of Death and the hopeless 9 of Swords. But why is this number card worse than them, why is it “the worst”? If we compare it with Death, we will see that under the thirteenth Arcanum some period ends naturally, but under the Tenth Element of Air, completion and severance of ties occur forcibly, as if by the will of an evil fate. If with the Death card we can describe, for example, the natural or expected death of a person from life, for example, due to illness, then the 10 of Swords will throw up a completely different “feint” - death in an accident, murder, or some other wild accident. If we consider the situation of divorce, then Death will talk about a long-term family crisis, conflicts, incompatibility of the couple, preceding the immediate desire to separate, but in the case of the 10 of Swords, it will be an absolute “unexpected” when the beloved spouse comes home and declares from the threshold “I love another and I’m leaving to see her right now.”

If we try to describe the difference between the meaning of the Tarot card 10 of Swords and the Nine of the same suit, we will see that the latter describes suffering that can still be experienced, but the situations of the “most terrible” Arcana inflict a sudden and non-healing wound, which can then hurt for a long time. all my life.

The meaning of a reversed card

About reverse card There are different opinions. Some consider it quite positive, indicating that the terrible end did not happen after all, and the dark forces retreated at the last moment, but no one has canceled the risk of relapse. Others suggest that Arkan speaks of serious obstacles, which, however, will soon be left behind - a kind of mini-tragedy that is far from being on a universal scale, unlike the direct card. Suitable situations are, for example, surviving a serious accident in which the rest of the participants died, being late for a plane that crashed, being on the verge of betrayal, but not changing, going for an abortion, but at the last moment changing your mind. On the one hand, this seems to be a tragedy that can destroy an entire life, but on the other hand, the danger has passed, but no one can guarantee that the situation will not happen again one day.

The meaning of the card in layouts for love and relationships

According to tradition, let's consider the meaning of the Ten of Swords of the Tarot in relationships and see what the appearance of this frightening card can threaten.

Straight position

The classic meaning of the Ten of Swords Tarot in love is a break. love relationship, and most often it is sudden and causes a lot of pain to the questioner. It's all over and nothing can be fixed.

Inverted position

There can be two situations here. The first is when there is a reason for a broken heart, however, the relationship still does not break. For example, a couple decides to get a divorce, but the matter never comes to an official divorce, because the spouses decide to give each other a second chance, or the husband leaves the family, and then, after a couple of months, comes back and the wife forgives him and accepts him. back. The inverted 10 of Swords can come just at the moment when words about divorce or leaving are heard - it seems to warn: “Wait, it’s not over yet, although you will still have to suffer.”

Video about the meaning of the 10 of Swords card

The second meaning of the 10 Tarot Swords in a relationship, if the card is turned over, is a situation that is called “on the brink”. For example, drunk married girl desperately flirts with a stranger at a party, openly seduces him, and as soon as they are alone, he suddenly “sobers up” - and it doesn’t come to the point of betrayal. For her, this is the reverse Ten of Swords, a moment that almost destroyed her entire life to the ground. In fact, the very thought and attempt to change are already quite dramatic events, but the collapse can be delayed, but whether it will be forever will become known only later.

The meaning of the card when divining health

It is very difficult to voice your verdict to a client when this card comes up in response to a question about health. But what to do, the direct responsibility of the tarot reader is to voice the interpretation under any circumstances.

Straight position

Fatal diagnoses (cancer, AIDS), serious injuries that radically change life (for example, a spinal fracture that chains a person to wheelchair), amputations, often difficult births, female bleeding, subsequently affecting reproductive functions, abortion, loss of virginity. Sometimes the map is a direct indication of physical death, but provided that this is confirmed by additional cards of the layout.

Inverted position

The meaning of the reversed Ten of Swords Tarot in this case is deadly danger, which passed, passed nearby, touched only slightly. For example, a difficult birth, in which there was a risk to the life of the mother or child, but everyone remained alive, heavy blood loss or an injury almost incompatible with life, when the person nevertheless survived. This can also include wonderful stories about people who have overcome cancer.

The meaning of the card in the layout for personality analysis and state of mind

Can the darkest card of the deck tell about something good if it turns out to be a significator of a person or his psychological state? Let's get a look.

Straight position

A difficult, very determined person with his own ideas about good and evil. He is capable of too harsh actions both in relation to others and to himself. He lives by the “all or nothing” principle, and can easily cut off connections, agreements, and relationships. Psychological condition- complete emptiness, weakness, despair reaching its highest point, depression.

Inverted position

A person who is somewhat similar to the person described by the straight Ten, but at the same time something always holds him back from extremes at the last moment, although not always. The state of mind is “picking yourself up piece by piece” after suffering stress.

The meaning of the Ten of Swords in fortune telling for work, business, finance

Now let's move on to consider the meaning of the Ten of Swords of the Tarot in work.

Straight position

A direct card is any acute situation, for example, sudden dismissal, loss of a prestigious position, bankruptcy of a company, business collapse, employee strike. Professions: surgeons, including plastic surgeons. Financial position- a crisis.

Inverted position

The same as the straight Ten, but at the last moment the final completion does not occur. Situations of the card - news of an impending dismissal, but at the last moment the management changes and the employee remains in his place, loss of a high position, but at the same time transfer to an organization with no less good prospects, incomplete bankruptcy, in which the company still remains “in floating." The financial situation is a temporary, albeit difficult, crisis.

Meaning of the 10 of Swords in combination with the Major Arcana

Looking at this gloomy card, it immediately becomes clear that it will color even the positive Arcana with negative shades. Let's look at possible interpretations of combinations.

  • Jester: Accident due to carelessness
  • Mage: End of Career
  • High Priestess: Being a victim of blackmail
  • Empress: Destroying anything valuable
  • Emperor: Sudden dismissal, unexpected divorce
  • Hierophant: Mental Devastation
  • Lovers: The Collapse of a Relationship
  • Chariot: Death in an accident, murder committed through negligence
  • Strength: Physical harm inflicted in a state of passion
  • Hermit: Rebirth
  • Wheel of Fortune: Complete fiasco, loss
  • Justice: Severe punishment, retribution
  • Hanged Man: Death by strangulation, immobility
  • Death: Unnatural death, ending of previous life
  • Moderation: Problems will gradually disappear
  • Devil: Being a victim of vice, sadism, complete loss of self
  • Tower: Divorce, serious illness, knife wound
  • Star: Hope for healing
  • Moon: Prolonged crisis, clinical death, coma
  • Sun: Get out of a difficult situation
  • Judgment: Closing the karmic cycle, accepting fate
  • Peace: Rediscover yourself, rise like a Phoenix from the ashes

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Let's take a closer look at the combination of the Ten of Swords of the Tarot with the numerical and court cards of the deck.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Collapsed plans
  • Deuce: Premeditated murder, separation, predictable ending
  • Troika: Missing Opportunities
  • Four: Tragedy in the house
  • Five: Overestimate your strength, lose
  • Six: Sad news
  • Seven: Complete failure, beating someone down
  • Eight: End of relationship or closure of project
  • Nine: Living in anticipation of the worst
  • Ten: Fiasco
  • Page: Bad news
  • Knight: Lack of strength for further struggle
  • Queen: Dangerous Woman
  • King: Dangerous Man

With the suit of Cups

  • Ace: Crushed Feelings
  • Deuce: Breakup
  • Troika: Friends become enemies
  • Four: Severe depression
  • Five: Hopeless situation, no way out
  • Six: Tragedy that happened in the past
  • Seven: Meaning of the Ten Swords Tarot with the 7 of Cups - collapse of plans
  • Eight: Shattered Dreams
  • Nine: Lose property
  • Ten: Breakup in family, relatives
  • Page: Love Tragedy
  • Knight: Crash of Plans
  • Queen: Breaking up a relationship with a close woman
  • King: Breaking off a relationship with a close man

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Plans are not destined to come true
  • Deuce: Collapsed World
  • Troika: Trampled Heart
  • Four: Bury yourself alive
  • Five: Meanness, destruction
  • Six: Leaving a past life
  • Seven: Collapse of Illusions
  • Eight: Very serious conflicts, ruining life
  • Nine: Depression, extreme suffering
  • Page: Loss of memory, the desire to forget everything like a bad dream
  • Knight: Becoming a victim of evil criticism
  • Queen: To suffer because of a woman
  • King: To suffer because of a man, loss of high position, social status

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Financial crisis
  • Deuce: Tragic Changes
  • Three: Meaning of the 10 Swords Tarot with the Three of Denarii - no one will help you
  • Four: Big money loss
  • Five: Lose a roof over your head
  • Six: Lose your main assistant
  • Seven: Complete absence result
  • Eight: Lose skill, loss of talent
  • Nine: Big loss
  • Ten: A gloomy period of life when absolutely everything goes wrong
  • Page: Expulsion from the institute
  • Knight: Period requiring stamina
  • Queen: Losing Sanity
  • King: Lose everything, the ground has gone from under your feet

Live in anticipation of the best, try to do everything in your power for further development, find new meaning in life, be resilient in the face of loss. A person is not given more trials than he can bear - remember this.

Card Warning

Don't think of losses as the end of your life, otherwise your life may actually end (figuratively).

Questions that the map answers

  • Can you find the strength to move on with your life?
  • Is there anything you can focus on to get out of a bad streak?
  • Do you have any plans for the future?

The Ten of Swords of the Tarot, the meaning and interpretation of which we have just analyzed, is a kind of motto written on Solomon’s ring - “This too shall pass...”. Don't forget about it!

Years and decades pass, but a person’s desire to know his future does not disappear. The way to get predictions from Tarot cards is of great confidence to fortune tellers. Some people do fortune telling this way on the Internet, while others prefer to turn to experienced tarot readers. Someone masters this type of fortune telling on their own, and then predicts the future for themselves and their friends. One way or another, to make a correct forecast, you need to know exact value Arkanov. Then the prediction will be the most truthful. Let's talk about what it symbolizes Ten of Swords, what meaning does this card give to the layout.

If you decide to use the Tarot deck to get advice or predictions, you must adhere to certain rules. These recommendations are mandatory for everyone. Use them if you want to get a truthful answer:

Usually the Tarot is turned to in moments of mental turmoil, as well as before making a decision. important decisions. If the ritual is performed correctly, the cards will definitely tell the truth. If you receive a bad prediction, do not be upset. Remember that the future is multivariate- much of it depends on your own actions. By acting carefully and thoughtfully, you can always adjust the course of events so as to turn them for the better.

Characteristics of the Ten of Swords

Many are afraid to see the appearance of this symbol in the layout. This is due to the fact that the meaning of the Arcanum is quite severe - the Ten of Swords symbolizes evil fate. Its presence among the drawn cards indicates that the development of the situation does not depend on you, fate will decide everything. This makes you feel doomed and devastated.

The presence of the Ten of Swords speaks of some kind of collapse. Your plans may fail, your relationship may end, your career may collapse. Upcoming events will cause to you heartache. If this card is surrounded by positive Arcana, then it changes their meaning to negative. In the case when there are bad cards nearby, the Ten of Swords only enhances their influence.

Failures await you in the near future; do not count on a positive result in achieving your goal. The card symbolizes sudden changes. If everything is good in your life now, the situation will get worse. And those who are accustomed to failures may suddenly find that this period has suddenly ended.

We can say that an important stage of life has come to an end. The disintegration and collapse of what currently exists in your life will clear a space that will begin to be filled with something completely new. The meaning of this Arcana is somewhat similar to the meaning of the card Death, but, unlike it, symbolizes sharp and painful changes, and not a smooth completion.

Interpretation in the layout

When the Arcanum falls in upright position, this speaks of an abrupt end to the situation, a crisis, after which everything will be completely different. You have to accept that you are at a dead end. You just need to survive this situation, grit your teeth, and move on. It is useless to resist - no one has ever managed to win an argument with fate.

Of course these cards do not change the value of Tens Swords are the opposite, but somewhat smooth out its influence. The inverted position of the Arcana symbolizes a difficult period, which will mark the end of the black streak. The card encourages you to gain strength and survive this moment with honor. An inverted card does not have the fatal meaning that is inherent in this symbol. She predicts troubles, but not fatal ones. It is possible that in the end you will achieve your goal, but at a high price.

Other drawn cards will help further clarify the situation. The Empress indicates that you will have to sacrifice something to achieve your goal. The Two of Coins shows what you are missing self-confidence and hope for a better outcome. The Hierophant reports that after everything you have experienced, you will need a long recovery to come to your senses.

Meaning in relationships

The 10 Swords Tarot meaning in a relationship always symbolizes a breakup and disappointment in a partner. Most often, this card appears in a reading when the relationship has exhausted itself. You and your partner have come close to the border that separates a happy past and an unknown future. Nothing will be the same as before.

The situation has become such that divorce or a scandalous breakup is inevitable. It is possible that your partner will simply run away from you without warning you in advance. You will not be able to influence his feelings - the 10 of Swords clearly indicates this. Let what needs to happen happen. Have the courage to get through this. hard times, wait for a new stage of life.

The relationship value of this card also depends on other Arcana. Sometimes the alignment indicates that the heart of the fortuneteller or his partner has turned to stone from suffering. The person doesn't want any more relationships. He does not allow himself to love so as not to experience pain. But when making such a decision, you should remember that fate has its own plans. - she can do things differently.

Direct position of the card in love fortune telling predict an inevitable separation. The lovers have accumulated so many mutual grievances and complaints that they have crossed out all the good things. If the Priestess additionally appears, the destruction of the relationship will be facilitated by an unseemly secret that will come to light. The Hanged Man card indicates betrayal and treason.

The inverted position of the Arcana indicates that you perceive the current situation too tragically. Yes, things are bad now. But soon life will take a turn and start playing bright colors. Don't be discouraged. If at the same time the Temperance card appears in the layout, then the end of the black stripe is very close. Death was nearby- accept the losses, and all your problems will go away with them.

Sometimes the 10 of Swords predicts a return to old relationships. The period of frequent quarrels ends, and the partners finally gain mutual understanding. Another interpretation is possible: on your way you will meet a person who will save you from the problems associated with your existing lover. He will give you his protection and you will get a break. Calm will come.

To other areas

When it comes to work, finances and health, the meaning of the card also has a negative connotation. As in any Tarot layout, the meaning of the prediction can be slightly changed by neighboring Arcana.

The tragic meaning of the card can be recognized by its image. The figure shows the body of a man, whose back is pierced by 10 swords. The cloudy sky completes the gloomy picture. But don’t lose heart, because the end of something always indicates the beginning of a new stage. And after a black streak in life there always comes a white one.

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