Types of elliptical trainers for home. Which is better, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer for losing weight at home?

The treadmill and elliptical are part of the group of cardio equipment that fitness clubs and gyms are equipped with. Everyday hustle and bustle, abuse of fast foods, chronic lack of sleep combined with lack of exercise undermine your health. Life as a test of the body's strength is about all of us.

Where can we expect help for vital resources? Only from physical activity, and correct. This is aerobic. The best source of it is cardio equipment that imitates natural movements of varying intensity. More and more people are purchasing them for training at home.

The first two places in popularity are divided treadmill And elliptical trainer, they affect the body in all directions and are equipped with meters that monitor well-being. Both projectiles are equally good in this regard, but which one is best suited and for whom, you need to figure it out.

What will regular training on both machines give you?

exercise equipment for weight loss and health improvement

The three main reasons why you choose these particular cardio machines:

  • Health promotion and disease prevention, which may arise in the future. Training the heart and lungs will improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, increase endurance; the risk of increased blood pressure and the formation of pathologies associated with heart failure will be reduced.
  • due to intensive burning of fat deposits without loss muscle mass and exhausting diets.
  • Daily boost of energy And good mood from the results obtained.

Run in a straight line or walk in a curve

If the mechanism of energy consumption is similar (duration + intensity), then the direction of action of the simulators is different. This is explained by the fundamental difference in the movements of the legs, and in ET also the arms.

To strengthen bones and prevent fractures, the choice is made in favor of a treadmill.

high-quality shoes allow you to maintain the correct arch of the foot and minimize the load

What one can do and another cannot

Both simulators have mechanical (including magnetic) and electrical versions.

The software of electric BGs allows you to diversify your classes; in terms of functionality, they will give odds to orbitreks of a similar price category, but where such an option as choosing a training program is not provided.

Comparison table of main parameters

Options Treadmill Elliptic
Operating principle By pushing the canvas with your feet or using an electric motor The smooth travel of the pedals is ensured by the flywheel; resistance to movement is provided by the drive (mechanical, magnetic, electromagnetic)
Speed Specified value User adjustable as you go
Tilt angle The value specified
at sufficient level the steepness of the climb can turn the training into strength training;
Adjustment of the pedal inclination is provided only for advanced models; here it is possible to target the muscles of the calves, thighs, and buttocks;
Calories, heart rate, distance, training time Displayed on the monitor Displayed on the monitor

Expensive ET models, like competitors BG, are equipped with electronics that allow you to change load levels, which determines the force of pedal resistance.

Note to those who want to lose weight!

It’s better for beginners to lose weight on the ellipse

Loss extra pounds An elliptical trainer will provide exercise on several areas of the body at once. This will happen through joint training of the arms and legs.

It is also better for untrained people to start the fat burning process on an ellipse; due to the smooth movements, the loads there are less sharp and more useful.

Video: what exercise machines to use for weight loss (elliptical and treadmill)? (information about HD and ET from 4 min 07 s)

Additional factors

    Energy saving. A treadmill with an electric motor will require mains power to operate. Most elliptical trainers are non-volatile and battery operated.

    Compactness. The dimensions of the BG in the working position significantly exceed the dimensions of the ET. Folding BG structures take up less space and are more convenient for storage.

    No operating noise. Elliptical trainers are considered silent; they will not wake up your neighbors even at night.

Greetings, my readers! Not long ago, my friend and I had an argument: which is better, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer? We had a big dispute, as a result of which I had to sift through a bunch of sports information. There was so much material that I decided to write an article about it + also wrote an article about. Oh, you probably already understood which simulator I prefer... 😮

But first things first. Let's look at all the pros and cons together. I’ll tell you which models are preferable for home use and for weight loss.

Both machines are approximately equally effective for weight loss. An hour of training at an average load consumes about 600 calories.

Exercises are useful for strengthening muscles and posture. Work improves cardiovascular system. Increases endurance.

The first primitive models appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then they have been constantly improved and improved. Over these two hundred years, scientists have studied treadmills inside and out. You can write treatises on the positive and negative sides.

The main advantage of the popular simulator is its versatility. What are its advantages?

  1. Imitation of natural movements - running or walking.
  2. Most home models can be quickly folded and stored away. For example, in a closet or pantry.
  3. Many modes. Usually, the simulator is already programmed with special fitness programs designed for different levels preparation. You can also choose a workout or pace based on your preferences.

The main load falls on the muscles of the legs and back. It is not recommended to hold onto the handrails while running. Then the center of gravity shifts, which will put additional stress on the legs.

Now let's consider negative aspects simulator

  1. Even in a gentle mode, running is a blow to the joints and spine. Especially if you are too lazy to warm up first. To reduce the load, choose shoes with increased shock absorption.
  2. You must constantly concentrate so as not to fall off the simulator. To protect the runner, special handles are provided.
  3. Noise. Even expensive models make unpleasant rustling or humming sounds. If at your home small child, then you will have to choose the optimal time for training.

In addition, when heavy weight Only walking on a treadmill is recommended due to the increased load on the joints.

According to my personal feelings, running on a treadmill turns out to be somehow unnatural. Plus, I'm constantly afraid that I'll fly off the canvas when I pick up the pace. That's why I just walk on the treadmill at different speeds and inclines.


Elliptical trainer

This creation appeared recently. But it won fans all over the world. What's so unusual about it? This is a kind of hybrid between , and . Training on it resembles the movements of a skier. The legs describe an ellipse without touching the ground. The main load falls on:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • shins;
  • hands;
  • shoulders;
  • press.

If you don't like running (and I know a lot of people do), then don't hesitate to take a seat on the elliptical trainer. This is the best treadmill replacement. Please note that the workout uses much more muscles than on a treadmill. Which increases energy costs and develops the body more harmoniously.

Let's consider positive aspects ellipsoid:

  1. Safety. Whatever intensity you choose, your joints are not subjected to shock loads.
  2. A large number of muscles work. Thanks to the handles and reverse (walking backwards), you train areas such as buttocks and triceps. And this is not possible with normal walking.
  3. You won't fall off the machine. All systems are configured in such a way that even the most careless person will remain “in the saddle.”
  4. There are no shock loads on the joints and the risk of injury is minimized;
  5. Ideal for people with heavy weight (see point 4);
  6. Minimal noise during use.

By the way, there are a number of models that take up little space and are suitable for small apartments.

For health and weight loss, I would recommend choosing an ellipsoid. He is less aggressive. People with minimum physical training will carry out training of any intensity painlessly. Even pregnant women can exercise in a gentle mode.

And if you do interval training, then give it your all. I also recommend it – a Bombay thing! Thanks to the effect of the sauna, muscles are toned much faster.

How to choose an ellipsoid for your home

You decided to buy an ellipsoid for home, only from large quantity The models' eyes widen. I will do a mini-review of three options that I would recommend to you. Agree, it’s much more convenient to choose from 3 dresses than from many.

HauseFit HB-8166ELL

This budget option for home. What we have:

  • 5 load levels;
  • relatively quiet running, but sometimes creaks;
  • user weight limit - up to 100 kg;
  • can work offline;
  • without built-in programs;
  • step length 30 cm;
  • there is a heart rate sensor;
  • clear display (speed, distance, calorie consumption);
  • folds perfectly;
  • There are casters and can be moved around the house.

If you have a small apartment and you do not have overweight, then feel free to choose this model. An economical option will save the family budget and keep you in shape.

BH FITNESS G2336N Athlon Program

The simulator is of a more serious and high-quality level.

Cardio machines are popular home workout equipment. Good examples serve as a treadmill or elliptical trainer.

You can really lose weight by doing different cardio machines. But many people want to achieve results as quickly as possible. This raises the question: what is more effective - an ellipse or a treadmill? To answer the question, both options must be examined closely.


This is a cardio machine that allows you to simulate an indoor treadmill. And many people are wondering - ellipse or treadmill? Let's evaluate the advantages of a treadmill.


  • Simulation of natural movement, that is, they involve all muscle groups, working while walking.
  • It takes more energy to move your own body, so excess calories are burned at a faster rate. When exercising on the treadmill, more than 800 calories are burned in an hour.
  • Involved all support mechanisms, which allows you to significantly strengthen muscles and bones, maintain correct posture and stability.
  • The treadmill is equipped a large number modes and programs, which will allow you to diversify your workouts or better customize the device for yourself, which the ellipsoid cannot boast of.


during training. When running, the spine, joints of the ankles and knees are loaded, especially without prior warm-up or with constant and excessive training.
  • If your running technique is incorrect, exercise can cause a number of joint problems.
  • Injury hazard when used by people without training.
  • Track costs are higher than the cost of ellipsoids of the same category.
  • Occupies more area.
  • Elliptical trainer

    This is a mechanism equipped with platforms where legs are placed and handles. In the process, the legs describe an oval, and the arms move back and forth, as when using ski poles. The load is regulated by increasing the resistance. This cardio design looks quite attractive, but what is more effective - a treadmill or an elliptical trainer? Let's see what the ellipse has to offer us.


    • Walking simulation without creating shock load.
    • Safety to use, due to the absence of self-propelled parts.
    • Reverse stroke allows use muscles that do not work when moving forward.
    • Occupies less space than a treadmill.


    • Less functionality. While a treadmill allows you to adjust the speed and incline, thereby varying the load, the elliptical does not have such capabilities.
    • Exception to the so-called support effect" When training on such a simulator, the pedals do not have contact with the ground, which eliminates this effect, which is present during natural walking.
    • Less intensity of training and uneven pace. On a treadmill, a moving belt that maintains a given speed allows you to maintain a uniform pace. On the elliptical, the pace may decrease without you noticing. An hour of exercise burns approximately 700 calories.

    Conclusion. Which is better, elliptical or treadmill?

    If you are choosing a weight loss machine between a treadmill or an elliptical machine, then the first one will be more effective. But you should not immediately take the path in pursuit of a slender body. Don't forget about your health, because jogging may be contraindicated for people with certain joint problems. And if you have these ailments, it is better to choose an ellipsoid.

    To do right choice between elliptical trainer(orbitrack) and a treadmill, you need to take into account not only their capabilities, but also the goal you are striving for.

    Very important point is the answer to the question: what needs do you want to satisfy by making such a purchase, and what will be more useful for you?

    Let's try to compare and understand this issue. If you correctly take into account all the factors, the purchase will bring joy and will be useful for you.

    The ellipsoid and treadmill have many fans. Their number, judging by the classes in the gyms, is approximately equal. Both machines provide a good cardio workout. Great for both main training and warm-up. Users are usually interested in how this or that exercise machine can fit into the area of ​​the apartment. If the apartment is large, then there will be no problems. For a small space, a treadmill is better suited, since there is one, or even consider purchasing an exercise bike. There are whole ones, so you need to understand their features. There are no less types of orbitreks.

    To understand which option is best for you, you need to know some of their basic characteristics and understand how they differ. We present some of them in a summary table.

    Summary table for comparison

    Comparative characteristics Ellipsoid
    Care and maintenance Must be checked and lubricated after thirty hours of operation. after thirty hours of work.
    Ability to change the level of physical activity load Medium: there are basic sensors and indicators. High. Equipped with various
    Silence Expensive models are almost silent. Modern models are low noise.

    Ellipsoid: pros and cons


    1. The peculiarity of the ellipsoid is that its design allows you to pedal forward and backward. The elliptical trajectory of the pedals uses the main muscle groups; training on such a simulator gently loads the joints, develops problem areas, and eliminates stiffness of movement.
    2. There are no age restrictions for classes. The exercise machine is a good opportunity for older people to maintain their physical health, train according to age characteristics muscles and reduce stiffness of joints and ligaments.
    3. The advantage of the ellipse is that there is no harsh impact on the joints, so the exercises are useful as rehabilitation after injuries. At the end of the workout you feel pleasantly tired and satisfied.


    1. The disadvantage of classes can be considered small quantity functions.
    2. For some users, the lack of solid foot support is unacceptable, since its design is such that the foot hovers above the floor, resting on the pedal.

    What is more effective for losing weight?

    The chances for both simulators are approximately the same. A treadmill is only more effective when working on a sloped working surface, that is, when walking uphill. And in other cases the indicators are on average equal. Many people have successfully lost weight using both a treadmill and an elliptical trainer.

    Developing a lesson program we must not forget about rational nutrition , refusal of high-calorie foods. Remember a simple rule: the number of calories entering the body through food should not exceed their expenditure. Got calories - spend them!

    More details about this are described here.

    Peculiarity! To combat excess weight, it is not the speed that is important, but the duration of the workout.

    The following recommendations will help you achieve a positive effect:

    • So that the simulator you bought does not stand idle, create a training program for yourself and follow it strictly. Set yourself a goal, determine the time frame for achieving it.
    • Do not miss classes without good reason. Irregular exercise is usually useless.
    • Exercise regularly at a time convenient for you. Instructors recommend training at least five times a week.
    • Cardio time is from half an hour to one hour. This time is individual for each person. It depends on your health, age, and physical fitness.
    • To get the maximum benefit from your classes, divide your workout into three stages. The first stage is a warm-up at a slow pace. The main stage is at maximum load at an intense but comfortable pace. The final stage is reducing the intensity of the load.
    • The first and final stages should each constitute ten percent of the total class time.
    • The final stage is very important. When you cool down, breathing is restored, muscles relax, and the pulse returns to normal.
    • Try to adjust the load to your capabilities and needs. After classes you should feel happy and look forward to the next workout. Feeling tired, short of breath, and weak indicate that you have overexerted and the intensity needs to be reduced.
    • Experienced instructors recommend alternate classes with gymnastic exercises. This way you can better influence the strengthening of various muscle groups, burn extra calories and diversify your activities.
    • An hour before training, you should have a light snack. These can be fermented milk products, porridges from various cereals, cottage cheese.
    • Watch your diet, try not to overeat. The basis of your menu should be boiled chicken or fish, as well as fresh vegetables and herbs, cottage cheese and a variety of fermented milk products.

    Important! If your goal is to lose weight, pay attention to your diet. In the first half of the day you can eat foods rich in carbohydrates: cereals, fruits, whole grain or bran bread. Lunch should be complete, only high-calorie and fatty foods should be excluded. For dinner you can eat any protein products and fresh vegetables.

    What to do if you miscalculated the load and over-exercised?

    In this case, fatigue can be relieved in several ways:

    • Perform several gymnastic relaxation exercises from Eastern practices.
    • Take a warm bath with sea ​​salt and a few drops of lavender oil.
    • Get a massage or self-massage.

    Don't try to spend all your training time in high tempo and with maximum load. This way you will get tired quickly, and the effect of the exercise will be minimal.

    Celebrate the positive changes that have occurred as a result of the activities. This could be weight loss, improving mood and overall well-being, strengthening muscles, increasing the range of motion in joints and overcoming their stiffness. Such achievements will inspire you to constantly practice.

    Before making an expensive purchase for home use It is recommended to work out in the gym: this way it will be easier for you to determine in practice what suits you best - an ellipsoid or a track, or maybe you should choose it altogether. It would also be a good idea to get advice from an experienced trainer.

    A few videos in conclusion

    You can also watch the video below:

    To know what to choose, you need to take into account not only its characteristics, but also the goal that you are pursuing. This could be losing weight, developing endurance, training the heart and blood vessels, strengthening muscular system. Many people choose this type training to maintain the results already achieved.

    It is also necessary to take into account your age, health status, excess weight and others. individual characteristics. It would be a good idea to consult with an instructor and a sports doctor. If you take into account all the factors, the simulator will bring you joy and health.