Nutrition for mass. Nutrition program for weight gain

Those who have already embarked on the path of proper nutrition and fanatical training know: strength training is not cheap. This includes expenses for a club card, expenses in the club itself (solarium, bar, personal training, etc.), clothing, and small items such as wrist straps and gloves. But the most serious expense is the bodybuilder’s nutrition.

A bodybuilder's diet is high in calories and high in protein, as well as the right, healthy foods. More calories means more food costs. Protein foods are expensive. And for some reason, healthy products are much more expensive than semi-finished products.

Of course, a true healthy eater can save on other things: on smoked meats, sausages, candies, beer, cakes, bread, fast food. But, as it turned out, you still won’t live in poverty: expenses for meat and poultry, as well as sports nutrition, will still be very high. Diet for weight gain is an expensive pleasure.

Meals for weight gain: diet 1, budget: 4180 rub. in Week


The diet is intended for an average athlete weighing 80 kg and has a calorie content of 2960 kcal, of which: 3 g of protein, 4 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat per 1 kg of body. We took the prices for products from the online food store "Platypus", and they were the lowest. We took examples of sports nutrition from Yandex.Market, also filtering them by price. To calculate calories based on your weight, use.

Shopping list and prices for the month

Eggs - 1080 rub.

Oatmeal - 403 rub.

Pasta - 314 rub.

Homemade cheese - 3258 rub.

Protein - 3162 rub.

Casein - 760 rub.

Chicken breasts - 1463 rub.

Chicken fillet - 1860 rub.

Broccoli - 1499 rub.

Vegetables + greens - 3375 rub.

Wine vinegar - 460 rub.

Flaxseed oil - 283 rub.

Total per month: RUB 17,915. for food.



3 whole eggs + 3 egg whites

1 cup oatmeal (150 g dry cereal)

1 tbsp. l. linseed oil

2nd breakfast:


250 g chicken breasts

100 g whole wheat pasta

salad of 1 tomato and 1 cucumber

Before the training:

1 scoop of protein

After the training:

1 scoop of protein

1 scoop of casein


200 g chicken fillet

1 cup (300 g) broccoli

salad of 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 3 radishes, 100 g of lettuce and 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar

Before bedtime:

250 g of grain cottage cheese "homemade cheese"

Don’t forget that this diet can also be made cheaper by cutting costs on sports nutrition (protein, casein), which has become significantly more expensive. Another option is to reduce the number of servings you take, leaving only 1 post-workout protein shake. We also calculated that the cost of 1 gram of protein from eggs is approximately 50 kopecks, while the cost of 1 gram of protein from a protein shake is 1 ruble. 64 kopecks This means that by replacing the whey with regular chicken eggs, you will also save significantly). Boil the eggs hard, discard the yolk and get the amount of white you want!

Don't forget to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and also take a multivitamin.

Remember that carbohydrate sources can be changed to taste, giving preference to complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (swap buckwheat for wild rice, oatmeal, complex wheat pasta).
Chicken fillet and breast can be replaced with other parts of the chicken, but do not forget to remove the skin so as not to overdo it with fats.

Be sure to include green vegetables in your diet - they are low in calories, but they are an excellent source of fiber, which is essential for athletes who eat a lot of protein!

In the next article we will tell you which dietary supplements you can add to your diet if you have a little more money.

More interesting things

Budget bodybuilding is one of the topics that interests us most, which we will discuss in this blog article. It would seem that there are many examples confirming that in bodybuilding, money is a secondary engine of progress, and motivation is the primary one. At the same time, motivation is, of course, good, but we still need to eat.

As a rule, bodybuilders realize that in bodybuilding it is very important to eat right and get the required amount of nutrients, such as:OK, amino acidss, coalodes.This begs the question, where to get them when you have limited financial resources to buy foreign proteins and other supplements? Before answering this question, let's remember?

Economical bodybuilding. How to eat properly and sparingly when doing bodybuilding?

INBodybuilding nutrition survey is one of the main ones. Therefore, it is very important to understand what works and what does not. Exists several basic points, compliance with which will lead to very high efficiency.

  1. Calorie content.

TOThe calorie content of your diet should be excessive. This means that every day the number of kilocalories you consume should be more than you expend. Only under such conditionsVYou will also experience an increase in muscle strength.

  1. The required proportion of nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Protein should be 2-3 grams per kilogram of weight. Typically, it turns out that about 30% of the calories you get should consist of protein, 10-15% should consist of fat, and the remaining 60% should come from carbohydrates.

  1. The rate of food absorption, in particular the rate of protein absorption.

The fact is that different sources of amino acids have different rates of absorption and rise of amino acids in the blood. After training it is important to necessary substances quickly got into the blood. And during sleep, you need them to get there more slowly, providing you with a regular rise in the level of amino acids in the blood.

The listed points: calorie content, nutrient proportions and protein absorption rate are three basic points that you should pay special attention to when planning and monitoring your nutrition for bodybuilding. If you follow these three basic rules every day, you don’t have to worry about your nutrition, it will be properly structured.

Now let's take a closer look at these three main points of nutrition for bodybuilding.

Calorie content

For anabolism (growth of muscle cells and tissues), excess calories are vital, that is, consumption more quantity kilocalories than their consumption. This can be achieved in two ways. The first is buying a gainer, the second is an abundant and varied diet. Any beginner who buys a gainer notices an increase muscle mass and strength. The reason for this is a lack of experience in controlling your diet.

It may seem that a beginner eats a lot, but this is just an illusion. After all, if you do not count exactly how many kilocalories are consumed and how many are consumed, then it can easily turn out that the body does not receive enough calories. Therefore, to exceed your daily calorie intake by one or two thousand, you can buy a gainer. But for budget bodybuilding this is not always acceptable. And then you need to calculate the required calorie content of your diet and make sure that your diet contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, many meals.

Proportions of essential nutrients

There should be 2 times more carbohydrates than proteins, that is, 60% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 10% fats. Historically, our ancestors ate this way. Their diet was very high in grainy and fibrous foods. plant origin, which provided them with carbohydrates. In addition, protein was present. Hunters brought game, fishermen brought fish. And at the same time, the diet of our ancestors had very little fat content.

Over the course of several thousand years, we have not changed much, but our metabolism has remained the same. However, in modern realities, people absorb nutrients in the following ratio: the predominant part belongs to fats, then come carbohydrates and the third leader is proteins.

As you can see, everything is mixed up. And our body reacts negatively to such nutrition. And for sports this is especially important, for example, bodybuilding requires additional portions of proteins for muscle growth and the proportion must definitely be changed.

How to solve this issue? You can buy various sports nutrition. You can also eat proteins from animal foods. First of all, these are meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, etc. Buying these products at markets, compared to buying sports nutrition, is a great way to save money.

High-quality amino acid nutrition profile and rate of amino acid absorption

Not all protein foods we eat are great for muscle growth. This is possible due to two main points. Firstly, the food may not have a very complete composition of amino acids. And for muscle growth you need certain amino acids.

The second point is the speed of absorption. Some proteins are absorbed faster, some more slowly. The issue of amino acid quality can be resolved in two ways. You can buy expensive sports nutrition - amino acids and fast proteins. Is it possible to buy regular products nutrition with a high-quality amino acid profile. A high-quality amino acid profile is found in animal products.

When you calculate your daily protein intake, you should not count plant sources of protein, you should only count animal sources. First of all, this is any meat, white and red, this is fish, these are dairy products such as cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, yoghurts and, of course, eggs.

This is a basic list of foods that you should get the right amount of protein from every day. These products contain the required amount of essential amino acids. In particular, these products are very high in glutamine, lycine, isoleucine and valine. These are the amino acids that absolutely predominate in your muscle tissue and, in which the need is especially high if you engage in strength sports.

As for speed, everything is very simple. There are animal products that are digested very quickly and quickly raise the level of amino acids in the blood. And there are foods that are digested slowly and which are preferably consumed at night.

Let's do the math. Imagine that you decide to replace a foreign protein with a regular piece of meat. you are buying chicken breast. This is one of the most expensive sources of protein; there are significantly cheaper ones. Our chicken fillet costs about $2.5 per kilogram. The percentage of protein in it is about 20%. This means there are about 200 grams of protein in one kilogram. For $25, we can buy 10 kilograms of chicken fillet. It turns out two kilograms of pure animal protein, and of fairly high quality.

For example, we can buy some expensive protein source in a beautiful jar. On average, one two-kilogram can of protein will cost the same $25, but with a slight difference. Let's take, for example, the Dymatize Elite XT protein and in it we get 60 servings, 20 grams of protein in each, for a total of 1200 grams of protein. And for white meat, for the same money you would get 2000 grams. And if you buy chicken legs, which are 2 times cheaper than fillets, then the protein total will be 4! times more. This is a tangible way to save money on bodybuilding.

What other protein sources can you recommend? It is worth paying attention to chicken, pork and beef offal, as well as fish, in particular pollock. Why offal? Because ventricles, hearts, and livers are sold at a fairly low price. At the same time, they have a high-quality amino acid profile, since in any case they are meat.

As for fish, pollock is a unique product, since pollock contains about 16-17 grams of protein for every 100 grams. It turns out that a kilogram of pollock is about 170 grams of animal protein with a good amino acid profile. At the same time, pollock contains less than one gram of fat per 100 grams. We buy a kilo of pollock for 2 bucks and get about 170 grams of high-quality amino acids without any fat. While a jar of amino acids in such quantities will cost 15-20 dollars. Naturally, if you do not have the opportunity to buy amino acids, then it is better to pay attention to pollock. Its only drawback is its rather bland taste if it is not seasoned with salt and spices. However, you save a significant amount of money on getting much-needed amino acids for bodybuilding.

Next we have dairy products. Compared to sports nutrition, milk has fairly affordable prices. For example, cottage cheese is very worthy alternative casein protein. This is the protein that is usually drunk at night to provide long haul amino acids in your blood while you sleep, so that there are necessary sources building material for your muscles. Cottage cheese takes a very long time to digest and gradually raises the level of amino acids in the blood, so it is an ideal product to consume before bed.

The next product that I would like to pay attention to is eggs. The biological value of egg protein is taken as 100%, that is, the egg is the standard in protein value for products of animal origin. And here are two more very important points.

First, egg protein digests very quickly, so eggs are great for quickly raising amino acid levels after a workout.

The second point is that there is frequent advice to separate the yolk and white, since the first contains a large number of cholesterol. It is a myth. When you take the yolk out of the white, you lose half the protein, and one egg contains on average 5-6 grams of protein, respectively, 3 grams in the white, 3 grams in the yolk. Yolk plus white gives a better composition of amino acids without losing biological value of this product and receiving a balanced set of amino acids, namely: lycine, isoleucine, valine and glutamine.

Regarding cholesterol, this is a very old misconception. Cholesterol from food has nothing to do with the cholesterol in your blood because the cholesterol you eat is broken down by enzymes in your liver and other organs as it passes through your digestive tract. So eat eggs like our ancestors did.

For budget bodybuilding, all of the listed food products are very important and allow you to save a lot.

The best sources of carbohydrates are various cereals, such as rice and buckwheat - this is something that will be absorbed gradually. If you need to quickly increase your carbohydrate levels, we recommend using foods that have higher glycemic index,. These include: pasta, bakery products and oatmeal. If you need to instantly increase the level of carbohydrates in your blood, then you need to eat honey, sugar or chocolate.

Are there any sports supplements that cannot be replaced? Yes, they are. These include creatine. This is due to the fact that to obtain the required amount of creatine, you will need to eat 3-4 kg of red meat every day. So it's up to you.

If you are accustomed to drinking cocktails and cannot live without the use of liquid additives, with baby food. As a rule, it contains a very good carbohydrate content and a moderate amount of essential proteins, which is comparable to a ready-made gainer, only several times cheaper. If you are still a beginner bodybuilder and have not reached such twists, then I will simply advise you to drink two liters of milk a day, which will give about 60 grams of additional protein. Therefore, if you don’t know where to start, then start drinking 2 liters of milk or eating 400 grams of cottage cheese daily.

Perhaps that's all in this material. I would be grateful for your opinion on this topic and material in the comments. Write your experience in saving on bodybuilding classes and budget nutrition for bodybuilding! I’m sure your practical and theoretical experience can be much richer, so share it with me and the guys! Thank you!

Do you want to know what it is proper nutrition for athletes? Do you dream of gaining weight in the form of pure muscle mass, not fat? Then go to the store, taking this shopping list with you.

Firstly, seeds are an excellent source of protein. Secondly, they are full of vitamin E, an important nutrient for gaining muscle mass. This antioxidant reduces the effects free radicals on muscles and accelerating their recovery after training. Hull it this way or add the peeled ones to the salad. Fried or raw - to taste.

Fish especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Immediately after training, the body begins to feverishly break down all the protein that comes to hand, including your skinny muscles. And while you get home, while you eat your steak, while your stomach digests it, all this time your body will systematically eat itself. Omega-3s interfere with this process, slowing it down until the required protein enters the body from the outside. Even if you ate a mackerel sandwich for breakfast, long before training, everything will be fine. One piece contains 74 mg of vitamin C, almost a daily dose. This vitamin is an essential component of collagen, a substance necessary for muscles and ligaments for a healthy and happy life.

It is full of the enzyme bromelain, which improves the digestion of protein foods. After training, you ate your steak - snack on it with a can of canned pineapple, and the process of foreign protein flowing into your muscles will go faster. In addition, bromelain reduces muscle pain after exercise.

The meat of horned forest friends is full of protein and vitamin B12, which promotes the digestion of this very protein. Therefore, it is ideal for gaining muscle mass. Before cooking, don’t forget to thoroughly beat and equally thoroughly marinate in red wine with juniper berries (look for them in pharmacies or in the spice departments of large supermarkets). For a day, or even longer - otherwise the meat will be tough.

Caffeine can make your workout last longer by reducing muscle soreness. That is, you will feel tired later and will lie under the barbell or run on the track longer. An alternative could be green tea, but be careful with energy drinks.

Champion in the content of essential amino acids for all types of meat. It also contains quite a lot of creatine, a substance that - according to Canadian scientists - increases muscle mass, while reducing fat mass, and increases endurance. And that's what you need.

This spice is one of the strongest natural pain relievers (as far as muscle pain is concerned), says the British Herald of Medicinal Products. It works no worse than aspirin, and is clearly healthier. Lactic acid bacteria are an excellent digestive stimulant. Which must be normal, otherwise your body will not be able to absorb increased doses of protein.

We don’t believe the rumors that special edible plastic is put into fruit yoghurts instead of strawberries and blackberries, but we nevertheless recommend buying sugar-free yoghurt and mixing it with fruit yourself if you so desire. And don't put sugar. By the way, bifidobacteria are more useful than you think -.

Curcumin (a substance contained in this spice) promotes the formation and growth of new cells, which helps muscles recover from microtraumas inevitable during training. Other classic curry ingredients - like chicken and red pepper - are also not a hindrance to the exerciser.

If you think that products purchased in a regular store will not be good nutrition for muscles, study - drinks, proteins, gainers, amino acids, fat burners and other products created by man specifically to improve the growth of muscle mass.

Irresponsible people peel the cucumber before eating. Don’t do this yourself, and take away his cucumber peel from your neighbor at the table. Remember: it is in the peel of this vegetable that the substances that make up the connective tissues of your body are found.

First of all, you can't build decent muscle without strong bones, which need calcium. Secondly, whole milk (3.5% fat, let languid girls losing weight drink skim milk) is an excellent remedy for muscle pain. And we’ve already told you about the benefits of chocolate a hundred times.

There are fewer carbohydrates in buckwheat than in other cereals, but there are many amino acids for muscle growth. Plus strengthening substances circulatory system. For jocks, it works in a very intense mode, so treat yourself to buckwheat porridge at least a couple of times a week.

Almonds contain the most easily absorbed form of vitamin E. As we said earlier, it helps muscles recover faster after workouts. Eat no more, but not less than two handfuls a day. In addition, nuts can lift your mood and keep your heart healthy.

Cherry is one of the best natural analgesics. That is why we recommend drinking the juice from this berry not only with a post-workout salad made from all the previously listed ingredients, but also with another hangover that comes unexpectedly.

When you really want something sweet, you don’t have to deny yourself. No cakes with butter cream You’ll get along just fine if you eat your tea with a couple of sticks of fresh marshmallow (but not the Caucasian one, made from pureed cherry plum, but the northern one, made from applesauce, egg whites and sugar). Among desserts, this is one of the best. Minimum calories, minimum fat and a decent amount of protein.

The salad is literally loaded with vitamin C and iron - an element necessary for muscle growth. Mix watercress with other greens (for example, regular and Chinese salad and cilantro) sprinkle with oil, vinegar and lemon juice and work up an appetite with some whole grain tuna toast.

Sesame is rich in zinc, which plays a large role in cell tissue growth and protein synthesis. Now you have something to enjoy with your pre-workout cup of coffee.

Eggs are full of the protein you need - but this, however, is not news. In addition to protein, they are rich in vitamin D, which is essential for healthy muscle ligaments. Don't overdo it - doctors don't recommend eating more than 10 eggs a week.

“Eat a can of canned tuna an hour after training,” advises our fitness editor Dmitry Smirnov. Tuna is pure, 100% protein without any unnecessary additives. Otherwise it’s all steak and steak.

tropical fruit contains a substance with the simple name “papain”, which promotes the breakdown of proteins consumed in food. Ideally, papaya should be consumed fresh somewhere in the Pattaya area, but at worst, frozen from the supermarket will do.

The fish hiding under its fur coat is a champion in creatine content, extremely useful substance- up to 1% of the total weight. We remember that drinking this delicacy with vodka does not lead to passable results in physical education, sports and strengthening the defense capability of the homeland.

Often beginners don't realize that nutrition is the key to success. Training is, of course, important, but it comes second. What should proper nutrition be like for weight? We'll talk about this now.

Basic Rules

Now we will try to talk as clearly and concisely as possible about the most important principles that should be followed in nutrition during regular bodybuilding exercises. First of all, be aware of the fact that in training you are destroying your muscles, not building them. They grow during recovery (most of all during sleep), requiring a lot of energy for such a process. Where does this energy come from? Of course, from food. In order for your muscles to begin to increase in volume, they must first be damaged (which is what we do in the gym), and then supplied with a sufficient amount of so-called building materials (proteins) and energy (carbohydrates).

It's easy to guess that muscle growth requires an excess of nutrients, and therefore it is important to get more calories than you burn in a day. Of course, the food must be right, because fast food definitely won’t help here.

How many calories does an athlete in the process of gaining muscle mass need? The answer is simple: your weight x 30 + 500. Like this simple formula. For example, if you weigh 70 kg, then you need to eat 70 x 30 + 500 = 2900 calories daily. I ate more - I grew more. Such is the truth.

Body types

Nutrition for weight cannot be universal, because we are all different. As you know, there are 3 ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. The above scheme is ideal for a mesomorph (average type). For a skinny ectomorph, you can safely add 1000 rather than 500 calories, since such a person has an extremely fast metabolism. As for the endomorph (characterized by a rapid increase in fat mass), such an athlete needs to be more attentive to the consumption of carbohydrates and fats (it is advisable to minimize their intake in the evening), and also reduce the increase from 500 to 200-300 calories. We will talk in more detail about diets below.

Nutrient proportions

This is a rather painful topic. Look around: nowadays there are a lot of obese people who eat an extremely large amount of junk food that gets stored in fat. How to prevent this? First of all, stop eating fast food and sweets (1-2 times a month is possible, of course, but know when to stop), and also take into account the very proportion of nutrients. Healthy eating for muscle mass (its gain) should consist of the following:

  • Proteins - 20-30%.
  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%.
  • Fats - 10-20%.

Protein (protein)

Don't forget that protein is the most important construction material for your muscles. Keep in mind that animal protein (or protein) is much better than plant protein due to its higher quality amino acid set. Important information: the amount of protein consumed should be 2 grams (maybe a little more) per 1 kg of weight. Only in this case will increased growth of your muscles begin. Sports nutrition for weight gain will help replenish the missing amount of protein if you are unable to consume the required amount of natural food.


Let's move on. Carbohydrates are the best source of energy. We think that you remember the most important principle in nutrition: you need to get more energy than you expend during the day. Only a figure of 50-60% carbohydrates in the diet should already indicate the importance of this nutrient. In principle, there should be 2 times more of them than protein, that is, 3.5-4 grams per 1 kg of body weight. It is worth noting that with them the story is approximately the same as with proteins (the presence of animal and plant), because carbohydrates are divided into simple (sweets) and complex ( pasta, cereals). The former, in turn, cause a huge jump in insulin, which is why they are absorbed by the body extremely quickly. This often leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Now you understand why eating sweets is harmful (however, fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, and therefore cannot be neglected). on the contrary, they are absorbed quite slowly (several hours), which allows you to gradually saturate the body with the necessary energy.


Nutrition for weight (as well as for cutting) must necessarily include fats. Their complete absence may pose health problems to you. As in previous cases, there are 2 types of this nutrient: saturated (lard, margarine, butter) and unsaturated fish) fatty acids. The first should not be more than a quarter of total number fat in the diet. Try to use more fish, which is rich in omega-3, which normalizes metabolism and improves heart function.

When is the best time to eat and in what quantities?

Recipe for success. If you split your meals into 5-6 times throughout the day, this will speed up your body's metabolism, helping it better absorb nutrients and enhance fat burning processes. This approach will allow you to absorb more protein, which is so necessary for your muscles.

A diet for weight gain should clearly distribute all the food our body needs into equal parts. Remember the basic principle: carbohydrates always follow a descending line (that is, a lot in the morning and less in the evening), and protein (protein) always follows a straight line (it must be consumed in equal portions throughout the day). This is the golden rule of bodybuilding. It is especially important before and after strength training, as the body needs a huge amount of energy. So what should your diet be like to gain weight? Below is a great example:

2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites + 100 g of oatmeal (can be with nuts or raisins);

250 g pasta (durum varieties) / cereals (rice, buckwheat) + 200 g steak / chicken breast+ vegetables;

200 g rice + fish / lean meat + vegetables;

200 g chicken breast with cheese;

200 g cottage cheese / casein shake.

This is how the mass gain turns out. In principle, such a diet is suitable for many athletes. What do we get? In the morning, the body is loaded with a high-quality protein-carbohydrate mixture, which prevents catabolism processes and triggers anabolic reactions.

Training should ideally be between the second and third meals. To maintain muscle glycogen and insulin production while working out in the gym, you can drink various carbohydrate drinks.

In the last two meals, carbohydrates are excluded. The main focus is on proteins.

We especially want to focus on the fifth meal (before bed). Cottage cheese or a cocktail contain casein (the so-called slow protein), which allows you to eliminate catabolism in the body during sleep, as well as saturate your muscles with the necessary building material.

This is what a nutrition program for weight gain looks like. Do not forget also about water (non-carbonated), because even with slight dehydration of the body, the recovery process in the muscles is inhibited. Golden Rule: 1 liter of water per 30 kg of body weight.

Weight gain for girls, whose diet generally coincides with that recommended for men, is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the fair sex has significantly lower levels of testosterone in the blood. Secondly, they need to receive much fewer calories (1500 kcal per 50 kg of weight), and therefore it is much easier to break down. All other principles remain the same.

Sports nutrition for weight gain

Many beginners overestimate it. In principle, for those people who weigh 70-75 kg, there is practically no point in taking additional nutrition. This is because 140-160 grams of protein and 250-300 grams of carbohydrates are easy to consume with natural foods. Of course, with a gradual increase in quality body weight (over 85 kg), much more nutrients will be required. What sports nutrition is ideal for gaining muscle mass? This is whey protein. This protein supplement is ideal to take after a workout, as well as in the morning when the body is experiencing an energy deficit.

As a rule, modern world-famous manufacturers Dymatize, BSN) make high-quality products with a protein percentage of up to 90%.

No less popular is the gainer. This carbohydrate-protein supplement allows you to replenish energy losses after training (100% recovery is possible only after a full meal, 40-90 minutes after the gym).

Next on the list is creatine monohydrate. This substance will help increase strength and general level muscle mass. BCAA will become excellent choice for use during and after strength training, as it will prevent catabolic processes in the body.

Sports nutrition will help you achieve your ultimate goal. But do not think that it will fully replace natural food. This is far from true. Imagine a cake. So, the cakes are ordinary food, and the cream is sports supplements. That is, the basis should always be standard food, which will definitely allow you to gain muscle mass. Sports nutrition will only speed up this process by 5-15%.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are pharmacological drugs that imitate the action of the male sex hormone testosterone. They allow you to speed up the synthesis of protein (protein) inside cells, which causes muscle hypertrophy (anabolic process). In addition, they significantly speed up recovery time, reduce the influence of catabolic hormones and accelerate metabolism. Of course, such properties allow you to build muscle mass very quickly. However, the use of such drugs entails side effects(liver problems, failure hormonal levels, testicular atrophy, masculinization and others), and therefore you always need to be prepared to consciously cause harm to the body if you decide to take this path.

The nutritional program for gaining weight of absolutely all professional bodybuilders includes steroids, so do not indulge yourself with false illusions about a huge body without taking doping.

Basic Rules

Summarizing all of the above, we indicate the most important principles in nutrition:

  1. For quality growth, it is necessary to create a positive caloric balance.
  2. Divide your meals into 5-6 meals.
  3. Per 1 kg of body weight there should be 2-2.5 g of protein, 3.5-4 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat.
  4. Animal protein is a priority complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as foods rich in Omega-3.
  5. Carbohydrate before and after your workout.
  6. Carbohydrates should always go in a descending line, proteins - in a straight line.
  7. Avoid simple carbohydrates and fast food.
  8. You can add sports nutrition to your diet, but don’t overdo it, give natural products their due.
  9. Drink plenty of water.
  10. Anabolic steroids will speed up your weight gain significantly, but carefully weigh the pros and cons before you start taking them.


Gaining muscle mass is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. I ate more - I became more. If you are not gaining weight, increase your food intake (especially carbohydrates and protein). If you start to gain fat, reduce your calorie intake. Everything is very simple. Above we described all the subtleties that a weight gain program should have. Good luck in achieving your goals!

Everyone knows that the path to a strong and muscular athletic body is not cheap. Costs are required not only for the training room and equipment, but the main expense item is related to food. A bodybuilder's nutrition is the totality and correct proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To grow muscle mass, you need a calorie surplus, and the more calories you have, the more money you spend on food. IN modern world It's not easy to find quality protein product, not to mention healthy product.
By choosing food for your diet, you can save on some absolutely unnecessary and often harmful products for a bodybuilder: sausages, sweets, alcohol, flour products, fast food. The costs of high-quality meat, dairy products, cereals and other products we need will also be quite high. Therefore, in this article we will give an example of how to gain good weight by eating on 4000-4500 rubles a week. Let's say this a budget option how to eat in times of crisis for Russia.

1 Example of a budget ration for food for 4,300 rubles per week.

The set of products described below is intended for a person weighing 80 kilograms. The calorie content will be about 3000 kcal. For 1 kilogram of body weight in this diet there will be 3 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat, which is not bad at all! Prices for these products were taken on February 10, 2015 in an online store, which we will not name for advertising purposes. Let's just say that this is one of the largest online stores in Russia.

Purchased products and prices for them, based on a monthly basis.

Eggs - 1100 rub.

Flaxseed oil - 290 rub.

Oatmeal - 410 rub.

Pasta (from whole wheat varieties) - 314 rubles.

Cheese - 2750 rub.

Protein (Economy segment - dymatize, combat, etc.) - 3150 rub.

Casein protein (1 kilogram) - 800 rub.

Chicken breasts - 1500 rub.

Chicken fillet - 1870 rub.

Broccoli - 950 rub.

Greens + vegetables + fruits (this list can be shortened if necessary) - 1900 rub.

Low-fat cottage cheese - 3000 rub.

In total, about 18,500 rubles will be spent on food per month. Next, let's look at what we bought with this money, based on the daily menu.

An example of nutrition based on purchased products.

150 grams of oatmeal
3 whole eggs + 3 egg whites

250 grams low-fat cottage cheese

Meals at lunch:
250 g chicken breasts
100 grams pasta
Vegetable salad (tomato + cucumber)

Pre-workout nutrition:
1 scoop protein

Post-workout nutrition:
1 scoop protein
1 banana

Meals for dinner:
200 grams chicken fillet
250 grams of broccoli
Vegetable salad (tomato+cucumber+radish+100 grams of lettuce)

Before bedtime:
1 scoop casein

You can make your diet cheaper by slightly cutting back on expenses on fruits and vegetables and reducing the number of protein servings you take. It is not advisable to completely eliminate protein from your diet. If you decide to remove protein from this list, then you will need to buy more eggs. We calculated that 1 gram of protein from eggs is approximately 60 kopecks, while 1 gram of protein from egg whites is 1.7 rubles. you need to boil it hard, discarding the yolk, which contains a large amount of harmful and unnecessary substances.

The list did not include multivitamins and vitamin complexes, whose reception is highly desirable. You need to drink about 2.5 liters of water per day. It is necessary to consume complex carbohydrates, for example, buy 50% pasta and 50% cereals -