Is it possible to lose weight on an elliptical at home? Elliptical trainer - how many calories does it burn?

Among the various machines, the elliptical is undoubtedly one of the best and the most fruitful in a short period of time - this will allow you to get excellent results from your workout.

Benefits of the Elliptical Trainer

Classes on elliptical trainer copy the natural movement of the hip, knee and ankle joints, as during walking or jogging. At the same time, the exercise machine does not impact the joints, so it can also be used by older people. This exercise machine is useful for people who have problems with the lower back, knees and hips.

Using the machine will burn the same amount of calories as using a treadmill and twice as many as swimming at a moderate pace. This is possible because elliptical training is an excellent cardio workout with a high heart rate. In addition, the body's metabolic rate increases, which ensures that you are still burning weight throughout the day, even if you are not working out. Accordingly, working on the simulator strengthens the heart muscle, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke or any other heart disease.

Along with the ability to lose weight, working out on an elliptical trainer is also a good tonic for major muscle groups. Another benefit is that it helps in training the body's endurance, and good endurance allows you to do physical exercise over a longer period of time.

The elliptical trainer allows you to get physical activity for the lower and upper body at the same time. Most exercise machines are equipped with handles for working the arms and upper body, and pedals with which you can train the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles.

After a certain age, many people suffer from osteoporosis. Working with elliptical trainer will help delay the development of the disease. Changing the load on the machine during training not only controls the development of osteoporosis, but also helps improve bone density.

Since the elliptical trainer is smaller than treadmill then, accordingly, it is easier to store it at home. Also, such a machine is inexpensive to maintain, so the owner does not need to worry about replacing or repairing belts, motor, bearings or rollers.

How many calories can you burn on an elliptical trainer?

An elliptical trainer allows you to burn a certain number of calories, which may differ from person to person as we are all different and each body burns calories depending on its metabolic rate. However, here are a few general principles to get a better understanding of your calorie expenditure.

* For a woman weighing 50 kg. for 30 minutes of exercise = 241 calories.

* For a woman weighing 60 kg. for 30 minutes of exercise = 310 calories.

* For a woman weighing 70 kg. for 30 minutes of exercise = 387 calories.

Although manufacturers claim that you can burn up to 720 calories per hour on the elliptical trainer. Their opinion is based on testing their own equipment and the capabilities of the average person. You probably won't burn as many calories, but you can still get a very effective workout.

How to choose the “perfect” elliptical trainer?

What you should pay attention to when choosing an elliptical trainer:

Trajectory of movement of the simulator pedals

From the very name of the simulator, it becomes clear that two pedal steps move along an elliptical trajectory of movement, as opposed to a circular one, as when riding a bicycle. But elliptical trainers can be made with a wide variety of stride paths, from very long strides that resemble a runner's stride, to short strides that resemble a circle when the pedals are attached directly to the flywheel. Pay attention to this, since the closer the trajectory of movement approaches the circle, the more effort is required to overcome the position of the pedals in the highest and lowest positions. And this reduces the ergonomics of movement and, accordingly, the rhythm and overall effectiveness of the workout.

Step length selection

If you have a short stride length, you may feel limited and unnatural when working out on the elliptical machine. Just like the lack of resistance to pedal movement on cheap models, the short stride of the machine will not allow you to good workout. The stride length is related to the flywheel dimensions. For example, when using an exercise bike we have to put up with very short pedal strides, but with an elliptical trainer there is more variety. In general, it is important to remember that the taller you are, the long length step you need.

Distance between pedals

A good choice would be an elliptical trainer with a pedal distance of no more than 14-18cm. The reason is that when we jog outside, the natural distance between our ankles is about 5-8cm. from each other. The position of the flywheel on an elliptical makes it difficult to achieve a minimum distance between the pedals, so try to choose one that is close to your natural running position, as this can cause pain in your hips and ankles in the long run.

Loading system

The loading system in an elliptical trainer can be mechanical (made with belts, increased noise), magnetic (resistance is provided by built-in magnets, with manual load adjustment) and electromagnetic (when the resistance and load are fully controlled by the selected built-in program in the simulator computer).

Variable inclination of the plane of movement

This option is present only in expensive, professional simulators. The incline function promotes better development of various muscle groups, and has proven itself to improve the overall effectiveness of the workout.

How to conduct a full workout?

Consult your doctor before using the elliptical trainer. People with medical conditions are prohibited from using the exercise machine. cardiovascular system, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus and infectious diseases in the acute stage. Try to avoid exercising while you are taking medications that affect or may affect your heart rate.

Here are some tips you can use to improve the quality of your workout, increase the number of calories you burn, and get the most benefits from using the elliptical machine.

* Work out on the elliptical machine at least four times a week for 30 minutes. This increases your heart rate over a period of time, resulting in increased calorie burning.

* Choose different training programs. Most elliptical trainers contain many levels of adjustable resistance.

* Include an interval training option in your training plans, when you alternate between working on the machine and maximum speed(activity) and a rest phase at a slow pace.

* While moving, focus on your core muscles, keeping your abdominal muscles tight - this will help you develop body strength and balance.

*If your elliptical does not have a heart rate sensor, it is recommended that you purchase one to monitor your heart rate during your workout. For a more productive effect from working with the simulator, keep your heart rate within 65-75% maximum permissible value, which is calculated by the formula: max = 220 - your age (in years).

* Start each workout with a 5-minute warm-up at a slow pace, allowing your body to get into a working rhythm and warm up all major muscle groups. Also finish your workout with a 5-minute interval at a low pace, which helps your cardiovascular system gradually transition to a calm mode.

How many calories does the elliptical trainer burn for 30 minutes?

Regular exercise on the elliptical trainer is effective form Cardiovascular workout for all fitness levels and ages. It is also very useful and effective tool for those who have a hip or knee joint and is looking for low-intensity cardiovascular training to add variety to her workout routine.

However, it's helpful to know that there are several different approaches to using an elliptical machine for a 30-minute workout.

According to research from the Healthcare Research Institute, the number of calories burned on an elliptical trainer depends on the user’s weight.

Keep in mind that the work of each human organ matters; each person's energy can be used differently. Calorie expenditure is mainly based on current body weight and its chemical composition. For example, an 85-pound person can burn more calories during exercise than a 70-pound person at the same intensity in the same amount of time. This is due to a heavier body requiring more energy and calories to perform similar movements.

The intensity of your elliptical workout can play a big role in its effectiveness and calorie burn. Given an equal amount of time, you will burn more calories at a more intense pace than if you exercised in a more relaxed manner.

Low-Intensity Elliptical Workout

Working out on an elliptical for home use at a snail's pace is a habit that too many of us have conditioned ourselves to as the normal way of exercising on an elliptical. The truth is that this may not be the best use of your time. If you have 30 minutes to an hour to work out, you'll be able to burn calories more efficiently and increase your metabolism if you periodically train at a higher level throughout the session.

There are situations, however, in which using low intensity is better. If you have a heart condition or injury that limits your movement, or if this is a recovery day for you, then simply finding a comfortable pace on the elliptical will work for you good choice. Here are some benefits of this type of cardio exercise:

Improved insulin sensitivity and increased level blood lipids;

An opportunity for those with certain heart conditions to remain active in a way that does not threaten their health;

High Intensity Interval Training

They seem like a complicated task, but their principle is quite simple. The idea is to alternate short bursts of high-intensity activity with periods of calmer activity. A good example This involves sprinting on the elliptical for 30 to 60 seconds, then slowing down for two to three minutes, and then repeating the sequence.

The benefits of high intensity interval exercise are:

Consumption more calories over a period of time;

Increasing the post-workout calorie burn window, which means you'll be burning calories for a long time after your workout;

Improving aerobic lung function and capacity;

Encouraging you to continue training and preventing training boredom.

Let's summarize. Ultimately, the number of calories you burn when using an elliptical machine depends on your weight, the intensity of the workout, and the duration of the workout. Use the table above as a rough guide to determine how many calories you can burn on the elliptical, but keep in mind that calorie burn will vary on a case-by-case basis.

Although many elliptical machines have a calorie burn counter that works if you enter your weight, you shouldn't rely entirely on it. These are usually very approximate numbers that do not take into account many factors such as body fat ratio, metabolic rate, possible diseases and much more. Use a wireless heart rate monitor or other device that monitors your heart rate to get a more accurate picture of your calorie expenditure. You can also discuss this issue with a personal trainer, he will be able to more accurately predict your calorie expenditure based on your detailed parameters.

Working out on an elliptical machine burns a significant amount of calories, which is very high. The amount of calories you burn on an elliptical workout is a rough estimate, as it depends on your body weight, age and gender, as well as the intensity of your workout. Elliptical Trainer - How many calories do you burn during a workout?

How to calculateburn calories on the elliptical trainer

  • If your elliptical does not have a calorie burn sensor, you can calculate this number yourself. Based on the data, you can burn about 6 calories per kg of body weight during 30 minutes of elliptical training. Increasing your workout duration from 30 to 60 minutes will double the number of calories you burn.
  • It is worth noting that calculating the number of calories burned independently, without electronic devices, can be approximate. You can burn more or fewer calories depending on the intensity of your workout—the more intense the exercise, the more calories you'll burn.
  • Do not lean on the handles when using the elliptical trainer. The lower body needs to be exercised to maximize the number of calories burned.
  • You can also increase the number of calories you burn during an elliptical workout by increasing the resistance on the machine.

How many calories does the elliptical trainer burn?

The elliptical motion simulation works without stressing your muscles and joints. The elliptical trainer uses resistance to ensure your heart rate increases and calories burn. Due to its low level of impact on the body, the elliptical trainer is the optimal choice for beginners and those with advanced training. overweight body and wants to lose weight.

Work on the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes at moderate load at an intense rate can burn 270 calories at 55kg, 335 calories at 70kg and 400 calories at 85kg. Start your workout at a moderate pace and resistance level if you have previously led a sedentary lifestyle. You can then increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you get stronger.

So, if you weigh 50 kg, then in 30 minutes of exercise on the elliptical trainer you will lose about 250 calories. Women weighing 60 kg can burn about 310 calories in half an hour of exercise. If you weigh 70 kg, 30 minutes of exercise on the machine will burn about 350 calories and you will lose 400 calories if you weigh 85 kg.

Elliptical trainer - how many calories are burned (table)

Elliptical Trainer Weight Loss Plan

Losing up to 0.5kg per week is safe and will help maximize fat loss and reduce the risk of gaining weight back. If you are significantly overweight, it is safe to lose up to 2kg weekly. To lose 0.5 kg per week requires a deficit of 3500 calories per week.

You can plan your diet by eating 1,750 fewer calories and burn another 1,750 calories by exercising on the elliptical machine. If you weigh 180 pounds, you can burn 1,750 calories a week with about five 30-minute workouts or nine 15-minute elliptical workouts spread out over the week.

It's important to keep your head, shoulders, and abdominal muscles engaged while using the elliptical machine. The lower body must support its own weight, so you should avoid resting your hands on the handles of the machine. While elliptical machines are a good choice, if you're just getting started, you should know the rules before you start. If you have balance difficulties, joint problems or have had chest pain for last month, consult a specialist.

Elliptical Trainer – How many calories this machine burns depends on the intensity of your workout and your weight. Train for your health!