Where is the feng shui toilet? Feng Shui of the bathroom: activating the energy of water and attracting well-being

How to decorate a bathroom and toilet according to Feng Shui to attract wealth

Naturally, the toilet and bathroom must be kept perfectly clean. Leaking taps are a symbol of lost money.

A window in the bathroom is by no means a luxury, but a necessity, as it allows you to ventilate the room and free the apartment from negative energies. The absence of a window in the bathroom is not a reason for despondency. It is enough to choose an air fragrance with a smell that is pleasant to all family members and use it regularly. From time to time, you can carry out energetic cleansing of the room using essential aromatic oils. Geranium, pine, and tea tree oils are perfect for this purpose. One drop of oil is enough to refresh the energy of the room.

The bathroom does not have a decisive influence on financial situation, so it is enough to observe general principles its design, allowing not to disturb the harmonious flow of energy in the apartment. The location of the toilet is much more important. After all, it is from there that the water, and therefore the qi energy and your wealth, is regularly and intentionally “washed away.”

Feng Shui toilet

  • The toilet is a powerful source of negative energy, so it should be as inconspicuous as possible, so the size of the toilet should be modest. The basic rule regarding the toilet is to always keep the door closed, as well as the toilet lid. Separate bathroom and toilet are preferable. If the bathroom is combined, it is advisable to separate the toilet from the bathtub with a low partition or screen. Also, the toilet should not be the first thing that catches your eye. This problem can be easily solved if you hang the door so that it “covers” the toilet, or fence it off with a screen.
  • The worst option is toilet in the center of the apartment, as it spreads negative energy throughout the living space. But even in this case, you can symbolically “hide” it, using the same tiles, mirrors, and even better - construction foil, especially on the external walls adjacent to the living rooms.
  • The toilet must have good ventilation so that negative energy quickly left the room.
  • It is very important to know the direction toilet location. A toilet located in the southeast will “wash away” your wealth, while a toilet located in the north direction will slow down your career advancement. If the toilet is poorly located, its door should be covered with a full-length mirror.
  • Under no circumstances should you place it near the toilet. aquarium and fountain. Despite the fact that the aquarium and fountain are symbols of monetary luck, located next to the toilet, they will provoke losses.

Feng Shui bathroom

  • The main piece of furniture in a bathroom is the bathtub itself. As a rule, it has a rectangular shape. However, if it is possible to purchase a semicircular or oval bathtub, it is advisable to do so. Baths of this shape good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and this, combined with the element of water, symbolizing money, attracts abundance into the house.
  • Should prevail in the bathroom white or very soft pastel, and bright and flashy colors are frankly inappropriate. White color also harmonizes perfectly with the bathroom and toilet, but you should not overuse it, as too much white makes us think unpleasantly about the hospital. If the bathroom is combined, then the bathtub and toilet should have the same color and style. It is advisable to lay the floor in the bathroom and toilet with tiles.
  • Shelves, cabinets and bedside tables in the bathroom should be combined with general style bathroom. The most important thing is that you need to constantly use them and keep them clean and tidy. In a bathroom that is filled with all sorts of little things - shampoos, lotions, creams, which are used only from time to time, energy will stagnate, and therefore create stagnation in financial matters.
  • Seashells are ideal symbols of wealth for the bathroom. They can be placed on a shelf or glued to tiles.
  • In the bathroom, it's good to hang a mirror or two inside. But do not cover the walls with mirror tiles. Such tiles will energetically cut the human body into pieces, creating a grid effect and restraining the flow of money into the house.

Keep the house in order eastern practice Taoist monks are taken away special place: Dirt and dust are believed to interfere with energy flows.

Any room in a residential building must be tidy and neat, and cleanliness in the toilet according to Feng Shui is a topic that needs to be covered separately. It is no secret that it is in this part of the apartment that the most bad energy accumulates, because it is here that we regularly cleanse ourselves physically.

Feng Shui toilet: rules and nuances

So, cleanliness at home is the key to health, prosperity, and even prosperity and longevity, according to the practice of Feng Shui. Beginners may not always understand the relationship between these concepts, and therefore it would not be superfluous to do short excursion V general concepts Feng Shui practices. All home improvement according to Feng Shui is based on one simple rule - the energy that enters your home should flow unhindered throughout all living spaces and circulate tirelessly.

This living energy is called Qi, and it really doesn’t like it when the house is dirty, there is an accumulation of unnecessary trash and garbage.

In these cases, the flow of Qi energy is disrupted, it can be delayed, accumulate in certain places, thereby transforming into a negative one due to a clear imbalance. And this already leads to noticeable disruptions in the “work” of the entire human home. Failures in family and love affairs, inexplicable difficulties and illnesses, even a streak of unexpected lack of money may begin.

Cleanliness in the toilet according to Feng Shui has special meaning because it is in this living space that we daily get rid of the products of our vital activity, as if we renew and cleanse our body. That's why this room in the house should always remain clean, well-groomed and fresh.

Wise Feng Shui practitioners recommend choosing classic white faience for the toilet and bathroom, which is easy to care for and maintain its original appearance. But a toilet with a strange shape or an unusual color is far from the best solution.

According to Feng Shui, the color of the “correct toilet” should always be snow-white!

This is convenient from a practical point of view, any housewife knows that it is much easier to clean white earthenware, because any dirt on it immediately catches the eye, and after cleaning there are no streaks or streaks left on the surface (unlike, say, black earthenware , which constantly requires additional polishing).

It is important that the toilet lid in the toilet always remains closed according to Feng Shui, then the wealth and living energy of Qi will not leak out of your home. The same applies to front door to the restroom - keep it covered.

Ideally, the toilet and bathtub should be in different rooms, so it is not advisable for the toilet room and shower room to be combined. If you have a combined bathroom, then you need to at least visually delimit the space using a plasterboard structure, a partition or a simple screen.

Feng Shui toilet: decor and decorations

The element of Water reigns in this room - that’s why any decor, wall decorations or paintings here should reflect its essence. According to Feng Shui, a painting in a toilet should ideally depict the flow of water: paintings depicting a waterfall, rivers, oceans or seas fit well and harmoniously into the interior.

Since the element of Water does not like competition, it is important to avoid any decor that may conflict with the power of Water and upset the balance of the elements.

Images of sunset or dawn, photographs of the sun or flooded areas are strictly not suitable here. sunlight landscapes, deserts, as well as images made in yellow-orange and red tones. All this is ruled by the element of Fire, and such things simply have no place in the toilet. Such Feng Shui pictures in the toilet will create a sharp dissonance and disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi energy, which will inevitably affect all other living spaces in the apartment.

Winter landscapes, paintings with snowy peaks, frozen lakes, etc. are also perfect for decorating a restroom. Water is cold, dark and restrained shades and a muted color palette. You will not go wrong if you choose to decorate your toilet room with decor from shades of blue, black or gray-silver.

But with an excess of dark tones and too much paintings and decor, you should be careful. It is better to choose one or two images or decoration elements for the restroom, and stop there. Also, excessive emphasis on decor can negatively affect the energy background of the room, literally “overloading” it with the element of water. The main thing in the practice of Feng Shui is balance and equilibrium. According to Feng Shui, the dominant element of Water in the toilet can be unobtrusively emphasized with a picture depicting the ocean or decor with a ship or a beach (but without an obvious depiction of heat and sun!), this will be more than enough.

But don’t think that Feng Shui in a toilet is a boring and monotonous decor, this is not true at all. On the contrary, experts advise adding a little bright colors and lively hues: You can choose eye-catching and cheerful towels for your restroom, as well as choose a vibrant rug for the floor.

The ideal location for a restroom in Feng Shui is the direction of the North. This part of the world, as you may have guessed, patronizes the element of Water, and it, in turn, is a living force that governs wealth, prosperity and financial well-being in the house.

This is why the Chinese pay so much attention to placing a toilet in their own home. It is believed that every time you flush the water, you literally destroy a huge amount of energy and seem to “wash away” your well-being. This will not affect the overall energy background of the entire apartment in any way if the toilet is located in the right place. But if the washroom clashes sharply with the rest of the house, it can really be a problem.

Although a toilet in the north, according to Feng Shui, is the most optimal area for placing a toilet, it is also possible to get out of the situation when the toilet is placed completely incorrectly!

Toilet in the southern part of the house

To begin, determine exactly in which direction of the world your toilet is located. The South is considered the worst place to place a restroom, because it is the southern sector that is controlled by the opposite element of Fire. To help your home overcome the conflict of elements and energy flows, you can correct this phenomenon.

The above-mentioned decor will work well: add more elements that display water to the arrangement of the toilet. It is also desirable that they be dark (for example, a winter river, a night ocean, etc.)

Avoid warm colors in the decor and arrangement of the toilet room; when placing a toilet in the South, yellow, orange and red tones are not allowed. Make sure that they are completely absent from your restroom.

Also, in such a toilet it would not be a bad idea to “darken” the room a little. Dark blue tiles for the floor and blue elements for finishing the walls are good.

Toilet in the northwest

According to Feng Shui, the northwest is also considered a fairly favorable zone, although not as ideal as the northern sector. In this case, significant adjustments to the toilet space are not required; no additional actions or tricks need to be implemented.

In addition to the cardinal directions, the toilet should be harmoniously located in relation to the other interior decoration your home. Very undesirable situations are when the toilet is located directly opposite:

In Feng Shui practice, a stove through a double wall with a toilet can also carry a negative connotation, because the stove is a symbol of Fire and should be located in the southern sector.

Feng Shui: toilet in the north, what to do?

If you are lucky (or you deliberately placed the restroom in the right direction), experts note that initially a harmonious flow of Qi energy in your home is already ensured. All that remains for you is not to upset the balance when arranging the restroom.

  • Use white as the main color. It is ideal as a base shade for walls and even floors.
  • Avoid any fiery shades - red, yellow, orange.
  • Dark blue tones, black, blue, and silver are welcome in the decor of the toilet room.
  • Place one or two accents in the restroom that will reflect the element of Water (for example, you can hang a ship in a bottle, a picture of the sea, etc. on the wall).
  • Metal and wooden elements are well suited for installing a toilet located in the northern sector.

Toilet color according to feng shui

As you may have already understood, white is considered the ideal base tone for decorating a toilet room. It is best suited for earthenware elements (toilet and sink). But this does not mean that the entire toilet should be crystal white; at a minimum, such an environment can put pressure on the psyche, causing a feeling of discomfort and excessive uncozyness.

Adding other tones to the decor and color palette of the restroom is simply necessary. Since the element of Fire prefers warm sunny tones, the opposite element of Water, accordingly, loves muted and cold shades, namely:

  • Blue;
  • Grey;
  • Silver;
  • Blue;
  • Black.

In addition to these “aquatic” shades, neutral tones are also very good: shades of juicy green (but not too dark), as well as: light peach, pink (especially beige-powdery), cream tone. The only rule that should be followed in this case is that there should be more shades of a cold palette in the bathroom, that is, it is better to use a cold “water” palette as the main decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor. But for decorative elements and placement of color accents, other colors are wonderful.

Neutral shades of light colors complement the interior of the toilet room well, especially those that do not have a clear warm undertone (golden or yellow).

The element of Water harmoniously coexists with the elements of Metal and Wood. Therefore, in the decoration of the toilet room, those tones that are present in these elements are allowed as the main ones: rich green and brown for Wood, and silver, black and gray for Metal. However, you should avoid excessive saturation with the tones of other elements, so as not to upset the balance.

It is also worth remembering that although the element of Water loves cold and dark shades (dark blue, blue, black), an excess of them in the interior can also introduce dissonance, making the room overly gloomy, repulsive and cold. And the living energy of Qi loves exceptionally bright, spacious and “light” rooms.

Artificial lighting in the toilet according to Feng Shui

It is considered favorable when the toilet is not only crystal clean, washed and well-groomed, but also sufficiently lit. Lack of lighting in the restroom can block the flow of Qi, causing general atmosphere the restroom is oppressive and uncomfortable.

It's good if the restroom has a window. Natural light penetrating through it will make the toilet room not only fresher (and this is very important for feng shui), but will also ensure a more powerful circulation of energy flows in the house. If there is no window in your toilet, then you should worry about good artificial lighting.

Remember that a room designed according to the rules of Feng Shui practice should not be dark or gloomy!

Even the cleanest restroom will seem uninviting and create the feeling of a dirty room if the lighting in it is insufficient or the lamps provide an unnatural light. Therefore, it is important to take care of the lighting fixtures in your restroom. Strive to place them in such a way as to make them as unnoticeable as possible, to saturate the toilet room with uniform and as natural, diffused light as possible. Ideally, artificial lighting should resemble daytime sunlight.

The quality of lighting in your restroom is easy to check: if there is enough light, then white earthenware will look natural and snow-white, and will not have a yellow or other unnatural tint under the light of the lamps.

A restroom is not just a toilet, a sink and a rug; it is the inharmonious arrangement of this living space, as it turns out, that can bring lack of money and difficulties into the house in all areas of life. That's why cleanliness in the toilet, according to Feng Shui, is the first step on the path to prosperity, financial well-being and prosperity.

Moving a little slower than I would like due to limited funding and frequent business trips of the main repairman, I continue to study various aspects of the possible interior of our home. And after we have looked at how to arrange it, let’s move on to studying the features feng shui toilet. In most of our apartments, the toilet is a relatively small place, but, according to Feng Shui, several powerful energies circulate there, so it is important to control their flows so that there is no imbalance and predominance of one energy over another, which can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. Feng Shui presupposes the presence of a separate toilet, without direct proximity to the bathroom. If for some reason this is not possible, then you must separate the bathtub from the toilet (for example, using a screen), thereby creating a toilet space. All sewer pipes in the toilet should be insulated in a decorative box. Ideally, according to Feng Shui, there should be one toilet in the toilet. Well, there is always something to strive for!

Basic requirements for a toilet according to Feng Shui

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is. It should always be kept perfectly clean, the lid should be down so that there is no outflow of energy. After all, the sewer, figuratively speaking, like a powerful vacuum cleaner, can begin to suck in the positive energy of Qi. And the toilet lid will be an obstacle in her way. Look into the toilet drain hole as little as possible. Also, according to Feng Shui in the toilet, it is impossible for water from the flush tank to constantly flow through the toilet into the sewer. This is not only a careless waste of water, but also a leakage of the same positive energy Qi, invisible to our eyes. By the way, since we are talking about this energy, in order for it to have a favorable circulation, bringing wealth and success into the house, you should take care of good ventilation of the toilet. Vacuum frequently ventilation grilles in your toilet, and if they are not there or they are taped up or blocked, then do it right immediately.

The toilet, as such, enhances Yin energy, and in order to restore balance, you need to place symbols of Yang energy in the toilet to activate it. To do this, just place a picture of a sunrise in the toilet, or hang a red lantern above the entrance. Any red decorative element will activate the Yang energy we need.

Toilet location according to feng shui

If you follow the laws of Feng Shui to the end, then the toilet itself in the living room should be in a favorable place. Please note the following: if the toilet is located opposite the front door, then you may be haunted by constant failures; if the toilet is located opposite the bed, then this is a particularly dangerous location, because in a dream a person is more vulnerable to the harmful Sha energy, which takes place in the toilet; if the toilet is located opposite the living room, then the atmosphere in the living room will be tense and nervous. It follows that the toilet door should be veiled, made less noticeable, or a mirror should be hung on the outside of the toilet door. And don’t forget that the door to the toilet should always be tightly closed!

Pay attention to the position of your bed. The head of the bed should not be adjacent to the wall of the toilet. The bed should not be on the lower floor under the toilet. Therefore, when placing your bed, find out what your neighbors have behind the wall. If there is a toilet, then you are guaranteed a leak of good energy and an influx of negative energy.

If you have an aquarium in your home, try to place it as far as possible from the toilet. The aquarium, although it symbolizes well-being, is located close to the toilet room, where water is constantly draining, this desired well-being is invisible and will constantly flow out of your home into the sewer.

And yet, in feng shui toilet It is forbidden to place a trash can or broom in a corner! The fact is that a trash can is a symbol of the abyss, which can begin to intensify its harmful effects in the toilet. Well, if the toilet is located in your home where the Wealth Zone is concentrated, then write - it’s gone. Let us remind you that the Wealth Zone is located in the southeast of the house. And if there is no way to remove the toilet from there, then the only way to restore the balance of energies according to Feng Shui is to hang a mirror on the outside of the door of your toilet, which will reflect these energy flows and make the toilet more invisible.

These easy-to-follow tips will help you live in harmony, happiness and prosperity.

Good day, dear reader!

In this article you will learn how to arrange a toilet.

Currently, apartments with combined bathrooms are being built - this is very bad from the point of view of toilet Feng Shui. At the beginning of the last century, toilets had no place at all in houses and apartments. They were outside.

The house was as usual: a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, bedrooms, a nursery, an office, a place for a shower, there was a place for a pantry, but there was no toilet in the house, especially with a water flush.

There are areas in the house where the presence of a toilet has a very unfavorable effect on the well-being of the family, this is the southeast; and finding the toilet in the southwest, symbolizing relationships with family members, will lead to quarrels. Of course, toilet Feng Shui has an antidote to these situations.

A mirror is hung on the door of the toilet or bathroom (both of these rooms have an adverse effect on the energy background in these areas), which “symbolically” helps this room disappear, but the mirror should hang so that the tallest member of the family can see his entire head, and the mirror does not cut off the top of his head.

It is also important that the front door is not reflected in this mirror, otherwise the Qi energy entering the house will immediately leave. In this case, the mirror is not suitable for “treating” the situation.

Here you need to hang a picture with some plant on the door of the toilet or bathroom. It will turn out that the “spoiled water” will symbolically nourish the plant, and it will grow upward. The energy of growth is what we should get in this situation. This is all Feng Shui, truly inexhaustible imagination and fantasy.

In addition, you can use pocket mirrors to raise your Chi energy. Place the mirrors directly into the cistern with the mirror surface up and under the toilet on the floor where the drain pipes are. Place a few more face up on the cabinets. At eye level, hang some picture that will attract attention, raising the Chi energy upward.

If for some reason you cannot hang a picture, then draw a red spot at eye level; it will involuntarily attract the eye, and in this way we will rectify the situation.

There is a little trick, tie the pipes with red tape, under the bathtub, toilet and sink and keep all the holes always closed. The toilet lid should also always be closed.

It is advisable that the rug in the bathroom and toilet be red or burgundy; in this case, it symbolizes the “capturing” of Qi energy.

The bathroom and toilet are not a place for expensive things; they are symbolically washed down the drain with water. Nothing valuable should be in the bathroom or toilet; the most important condition is cleanliness and a pleasant smell.

If you have a toilet in southeast zone, then take all the measures and then find the southeast in your living room. In Feng Shui there is the concept of “Macrocosm” and “Microcosm”. This suggests that the situation that is typical for a small part is also typical for a large part.

When you find the southeast in your living room, it is the zone of wealth and there, then you will definitely not have a toilet. And this is where you turn on all your imagination and activate this zone.

Remember, you cannot activate the wealth zone in the bedroom. There are completely different energies in the bedroom, they help you to rest well and recuperate. Otherwise, when activated, you can bring yourself to nervous breakdown. You will become irritable and nervous.

If the bedroom is in the southeast, it indicates that you are the master of your money. You can decorate your bed like a king, but no aquariums.

A toilet or bathroom in the center of a house or apartment is unacceptable as it is a health zone. That says it all.

According to Feng Shui, the toilet should be a separate room and there should be nothing there except the toilet, well, maybe only a bidet.

Of course, now many people have combined bathrooms, in order to somehow rectify the situation, you need to allocate a special place for the toilet and preferably separate it from the bathroom; if for some reason this is not possible, then make a curtain or put up a screen.

It is advisable when you enter a shared bathroom so that the toilet does not catch your eye.

The tank must work properly and under no circumstances should water flow continuously. This symbolically means your money goes down the drain. The toilet room must have a good exhaust system to avoid stagnation, since the toilet doors should always be closed.

The location of the toilet is very limited; it should not be located opposite the front door (constant failures will haunt you), opposite the living room (the atmosphere in it will be nervous and tense) and opposite the bedroom (unprotected during sleep from the harmful energy of the toilet). But, knowledge is power, and there is nothing that cannot be corrected. Forewarned is forearmed.

Please ensure that the head of the bed does not touch the wall behind which the toilet is located. There was no toilet either below you or above you. In this case, a multi-storey building is considered.

Aquariums in the house are good, but not if it is adjacent to the wall behind which the toilet is located. The aquarium should be located as far as possible from the toilet, because the aquarium, which symbolizes your wealth, being located next to the toilet, due to the powerful energy of the water, will symbolically carry away your wealth with the flow of flushed water.

There are harmful Sha energies in the toilet. The direction of this harmful energy can be determined in this way; sitting on the toilet, you look in front of you, this is its direction and if it cuts the bed, desk or something else in its path, then this is not very good.

To neutralize the influence of Sha energy, you need to rearrange the furniture or turn around the toilet. By following all these warnings, you will find harmony in relationships, prosperity and happiness.

Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

Cleanliness in the house is important for every person. The practice of the Taoist monks of the East, which is commonly called the science of Feng Shui, eliminates any type of pollution in the house. Science claims that they interfere with the movement of energy flows. At the same time, the correct location of certain objects, their shape and color is also important.

Dressing room, which is decorated in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui

Apartment owners often adhere to the principles of Feng Shui, but forget that the toilet also needs correct design. Cleanliness in this room is extremely important. Negative energy most often accumulates here, this happens due to the fact that in the toilet we physically cleanse ourselves. To eliminate this phenomenon, it is recommended to pay attention to the rules and decorate the toilet according to Feng Shui.

What are the main requirements for a toilet?

According to Feng Shui rules, a toilet has a number of mandatory requirements. When performing them, you will definitely notice a positive result: cleanliness and order, great mood, reducing the number of quarrels with household members.

First: a clean toilet. This is an adequate requirement both from the point of view of Feng Shui and in relation to elementary rules hygiene.

Attention! Trash cans, brooms and mops are not placed in the corner of the toilet room. These are symbols negative energy, which is already too much in the toilet. Do not increase its concentration.

Second, make sure the toilet lid remains closed. When open, it promotes the outflow of energy, which is unacceptable. Surely each of us has heard that sewerage is conventionally compared to a vacuum cleaner that steals positive energy. The lid becomes a kind of barrier to this. And don't look down the drain.

A toilet design option that fits into the rules of Feng Shui

The third requirement concerns the drain tank. Water should not leak out of it. This will lead to an increase in negative energy, while material costs increase and the functionality of the toilet itself is disrupted. In any case, Qi energy is consumed and water bills increase.

The energy of success and wealth is observed in those houses where the ventilation system in the toilet works well. It is recommended to install forced ventilation. If this is not possible, then clean the ventilation grilles regularly.

Additionally, symbols that carry positive energy are added to the interior of the toilet: a picture of a sunrise, a flashlight in red shades. This will make the interior more attractive and direct Qi energy into the house.

It is important to take care of additional elements. The science of Feng Shui says that a minimalist style is welcome in the toilet. There shouldn't be anything superfluous here. You can install a toilet and bidet. If you want to additionally install a faucet, water supply, pipes or meters, all this will have to be hidden behind the box. This will allow you to achieve a clean and laconic design in the room.

Toilet designed according to Feng Shui principles

The main element of any toilet is the toilet. If you follow the recommendations of Feng Shui, place it correctly. According to Feng Shui, a toilet in the west of an apartment brings positive energy and promotes harmony. It is not recommended to place the toilet opposite the door. This is the most wrong position. It is believed that such a choice will bring bad luck to the owner.

The toilet cannot be placed so that, if there are no walls, it is opposite the bed. This is explained by the fact that during sleep a person is highly susceptible to the influence of negative energy. The location of the toilet opposite the living room is also not best solution. This will bring nervousness and tension into the room.

The toilet should be the most inconspicuous room in the house. Unfortunately, when there is a lack of free space, it is not always possible to adhere to the recommendations described above. In this case, an additional element in the toilet is allowed - a mirror that is hung on the door. It will become a kind of blocker of negative energy. You cannot place a mirror opposite the door.

Toilet connected to the bathroom, which is decorated according to Feng Shui

If possible, it is not recommended to locate the toilet and bedroom in adjacent rooms. For multi-storey country houses It is important to note that sleeping under or above the toilet is highly discouraged. If possible, the same recommendation is followed in apartments. The door to the toilet is always kept closed. This will additionally eliminate unpleasant odors.

Important! If you have an aquarium, choose an appropriate place for it in the house. It should not be the toilet or the walls bordering it. It is best if the aquarium is located as far as possible from this room.

Selecting the color of the toilet

The science of Feng Shui also teaches how to choose the right colors for rooms. Choose snow-white toilet models. This is considered the best option and there are no exceptions to this rule. Both the sink and the bidet when installing them should be snow-white. The design of the room itself should also be dominated by white. This does not mean that the room will become like a hospital ward. Additional colors will help make it cozy. Cold and muted shades that belong to the element of Water are preferred. Among them are the following:

  1. Blue.
  2. Grey.
  3. Black.
  4. Blue.
  5. Silver.

Feng Shui of the toilet, which is combined with the bathroom, is made in a minimalist style

Take a closer look at neutral tones in moderation. These include light peach, juicy green, pink, cream, beige. However, shades of cool colors should prevail. Bright colors are used for decoration, and cold colors are used for walls, floors and ceilings.

Pay attention to the choice of lighting according to Feng Shui. In order not to stop the flow of Qi, you will need bright lighting; this will add comfort and harmony to the room. Best option– a window in the bathroom, but not all rooms have it. An alternative is artificial lighting.

Lighting fixtures are made as invisible as possible. They are placed so as to achieve uniform light close to natural. If possible, choose lamps that simulate sunlight. Sufficient lighting will ensure that the white earthenware sparkles.

The room should not be located in the southeast or southwest part of the house; it is better if it is in the north.

A restroom is not just a place for toileting, but a full-fledged room, the design and decoration of which must be taken care of at the proper level. Cleanliness in the toilet and design according to the science of Feng Shui will be the first step in helping you achieve harmony in your own home, success and a prosperous course of affairs. Many people consider Feng Shui to be just a fashionable invention today, but this ancient science has repeatedly proven its effectiveness and efficiency. When in doubt, try a few tips and see how your life changes.

Toilet with bathroom, decorated in white color scheme according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the toilet is a special place in the house, where cleanliness and order reign. If you don't like any of the recommendations, skip them. In the art of Feng Shui, it is important to adhere to the main principles, achieving comfort and a positive attitude for yourself and your family members. The arrangement of the toilet is approached with special care, because it is one of the significant parts of the house.