Scenario for Environment Day for children. Scenario for Children's Day and Environment Day - script

Scenario for an ecology holiday for primary schoolchildren

Security scenario environment“YOU TAKE CARE OF US, TAKE CARE OF US!”

Scenario for a thematic theatrical performance on environmental protection.

Description of material: I offer you a scenario for an extracurricular activity on environmental protection. I think that this material will be useful to teacher organizers, teachers of additional education, teachers primary classes educational institutions, methodologists.
Target: instilling in children a love for their native nature and a careful attitude towards its riches.
- introduce techniques careful attitude to the environment;
- cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior in nature.

Progress of the presentation:

Song "This is Summer"
Fox: All adults know, all children know
That they live on the planet with us...
Bear: Lion and crane, parrot and fox.
Butterfly: Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.
Ladybug: Roses, roasting daisies and tulips.
Dragonfly: Cacti, lilies of the valley and, of course, herbs.
Wolf: White lilies, fragrant honey.
Bear: Everyone trusts you man.
Butterfly: You are the smartest, which means you are in charge
For all living things that exist on the planet.
The cartoon “The Planet is Our Common Home” is shown on the screen.
Morning. Kitten comes out. Ray dances and plays with the Kitten.
Kitty: Which Good morning! Oh, who are you?
Ray: I, a golden ray of sunshine, came to you from the beautiful heavens to see the earth, but wait, are there any dangerous enemies here?
Kitty: What dangers, what enemies are you talking about? There are no terrible enemies on earth, the earth gives us peace, tranquility, travel with me. You and I will go on a journey through a green planet, where we are surrounded by trees, grass, rivers, fields, mountains and, of course, meadows with beautiful flowers. All this is NATURE. Our life is inseparable from nature. Nature feeds us, waters us, clothes us. Nature is an eternal source of health, vigor and beauty. Let's go say hello to nature.
Ray: Is she alive?
Kitty: Certainly!
Nature is not a soulless face
She has a soul, she has freedom
It has love, it has language.
Ray: I'm glad that you and I are together mainland let's go around.
Music Number: song based on “Little Red Riding Hood”
Beautiful music sounds.
Ray: Look what big tree. Someone lives here. Let's come closer and take a look.
Guess what kind of bird
He is afraid of bright light.
Nose hook
Heel eyes.
Children: Owl.
Kitty: That's right, the wise Uncle Owl sits here. He guards the entrance to the magical forest kingdom. To get into this kingdom, you need to politely greet them, and he will wake up.
Owl: Hello! I'm awake
I guard the forest kingdom!
Why did you come to me?
Kitty: Uncle Owl let us into the magical kingdom.
Owl: I will let you into my magical kingdom, but first I will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play a game. If we tell you correctly, say “YES” in response, but if suddenly it’s incorrect, boldly answer “NO”!
Ray: Guys, will you help us cope with this task?
Fox: What if I go to the woods and pick a daisy? (No)
Bear: What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? (No)
Hare: What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? (Yes)
Wolf: If I tie a branch, will I put a peg? (Yes)
Fox: What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? (No)
Bear: What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? (No)
Hare: If I pick up the trash, will I dig up a jar? (Yes)
Wolf: I love my nature, I help it! (Yes)
Owl: Well done, guys! You should also remember the rules of behavior when you come to visit the forest: DO NOT MAKE NOISE, DO NOT LITERY, DO NOT RUIN.
Kitty: Let's not forget the smart rules,
We will protect nature.
Owl: Then you can continue into the forest.
Ray: So we found ourselves in a magical forest. It's so beautiful here.
Owl: Let's go, I'll show you all the beauty of our forest!
Loud music is playing and noise is heard. Tourists come out.
1 tourist: Today we came for a walk,
Fortunately, the meadow is just a stone's throw away!
We bought everything:
Food, matches, lemonade!
2nd tourist: Fresh air will stimulate our healthy appetite,
And bags, jars, bottles - the forest is big, it can accommodate everything.
3 tourist: The forest is no one’s! Let's settle down quickly
They won’t interfere with us here, burn and pour, tear everything up and don’t regret it.
1 tourist: There is no trash can! Bring it to the flowers!
We are on first terms with nature!
Alarm cry of birds.
2nd tourist: Hush, bird! We are kings! Be silent, nature!
Everything here is ours – the forest and the waters!
Music. Tourists settle down.
3 tourist: Oh, that hurts me.
Squirrel: It hurts me too.
2nd tourist: Who are you?
1 tourist: And why does it hurt you?
Squirrel: Guess who I am:
Not a mouse, not a bird, frolicking in the forest,
Lives in trees and gnaws nuts?
Children: Squirrel.
Squirrel: There were many of us on Earth,
We loved to frolic to our heart's content,
But a man appeared
And there were a lot of us in captivity.
My brother became the “Squirrel in the Wheel”
And the sisters wear fur coats...
Of all my friends in general
There's just a little bit left - ask the birds.
Bird: This is true. What a lie!
A man knows no limits
I'm ready to glorify people
But our faith has disappeared!
2nd tourist: Wait, wait. What faith are you talking about? What should you believe?
Bird: Believe that we are needed. It's bad on Earth without us.
2nd tourist: Well, here's another thing, no matter how it is,
Everyone will teach me here!
Owl, Kitten, Ray appear.
Owl: What is this noise in my forest?
Ray: We don't understand what happened.
Kitty: Someone broke everything
Scattered and torn.
Owl: Everything looks so wounded, like after the days of war
Here you can’t find a single daisy or pine tree that has survived.
My soul hurts from this callousness of people
It’s not the wind that’s moaning under the crippled oak tree, it’s me!
Kitty: Why did the guys have strange habits?
After all, the boys tear up flowers and roots together.
Owl: Look what you've done, you've ruined everything here.
Ray: I am ashamed of those people who destroy nature.
Owl: It is my decision to judge you for such behavior.
3 tourist: What are you, what are you, we didn’t know, sorry.
1 tourist: We will not destroy nature anymore.
2nd tourist: We will just take care and love her.
Owl: My friend, when you enter the forest,
Alone or with a crowd,
Whether you are with or without a backpack -
The law is simple for everyone:
If you want to listen to the sound of the forest,
So shut up and don't shout,
There are plenty of animals and birds around,
There is no reason to scare them.
Wolf: And also do not break branches of trees and bushes.
Bear: Do not pick flowers in the forest or meadow. Let beautiful plants remain in nature! Remember that bouquets can only be made from plants that are grown by humans.
Fox: You cannot take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes or disturb forest inhabitants.
Kitty: Flood the fire, and all the garbage is
Sow and lay down sod
By leaving dirt, we spoil the forest,
And the forest is our life.
Owl: Fire pits are wounds on the forest floor. It takes 15-20 years for them to heal.
Ray: When you take a step home,
A squad of guys will go with you.
Look around, let it be so
As it was before you.
Wolf: Remember: abandoned paper decomposes in 2 years, a tin can takes at least 70 years! Plastic bag will lie for a very long time, since there are no bacteria on Earth that can destroy it.
Ray: Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys!
Kitty: Let's save the planet.
There is no other like it in the world.
Owl: Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.
Fox: We will take care of birds, insects, animals,
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
All: You and I need such a planet.
1 tourist: Thank you!
Let's not forget the smart rules,
Let's protect nature!
2nd tourist: Friends, let's put the forest clearing in order.
The song from the film “Masha and the Bear” is playing “Sunny Bunnies”.
Everyone is cleaning up the forest clearing.
Ray: It was so nice around here. Purely.
There is noise, a bird cry, a squeak. Animals run out into the clearing.
Owl: Hush, hush, don't make noise,
What happened, explain!
Fox: Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble,
The chick fell out of the nest!
Wolf: No matter how hard we tried,
They just got more out of breath!
Who will help parents?
Who will put the chick in the nest!?
3 tourist: Well, okay, so be it!
I'm glad to serve the birds!
Where is the nest and where is the chick,
Well, lead the way, finally!
Everyone approaches the tree with the nest. A tourist places a chick in a nest.
3 tourist: Well, don't be afraid, baby,
Why are you trembling, my friend?
Owl: Thank you for helping us out
And saved our offspring from death!
Kitty: We approve of your action
We remind others:
Help all the birds in the forest
And don’t destroy birds’ nests!
The chicks are growing to the delight of everyone,
Nature's sonorous singers!
Birds singing.
1 tourist: Yes! You eat great.
2nd tourist: The soul rejoices!
3 tourist: And we won’t hurt the squirrels. There are fewer and fewer of them.
Birch: And there are fewer and fewer of us. But we are a symbol of Russia. It is famous for its birch groves.
There were birch trees in the field,
In the summer everyone was sheltered from the heat,
And in winter we warmed ourselves by the stove,
In the bathhouse they added health with a broom...
People, we love you! Why are you cruel to us? Why do you need a knife and an ax? We are ready to give love and affection to each of you.
Ray. Sing, Nightingale, your songs about the forest. Delight us, Belka, with your beauty. Fill us, birches, with your vitality. And I am sure that people will respond with all their hearts.
Music Number: song “Beauty of Nature”
Beautiful music sounds.
Ray: Stop. Look how beautiful it is here.
Kitty: We walk along the carpet with you
Nobody wove it.
He spread himself out
And yellow. Both blue and al.
Ladybug: Guess who I am:
I'm both a bug and a cow,
Head in black mustache
I'm smarter than many midges.
The wings are red with polka dots. That's right guys, Ladybug.
Bee: And I'm doing well,
I sat down on a flower
And she collected nectar. Of course, Bee!
Bell: Doesn't call for recess
And back to class,
Because it's simple
Blue forest flower. That's right, bell.
Ray: How clover smells, daisies show off, bells ring.
Kitty: Have you guys guessed where we ended up? That's right, to the meadow.
Ray: There are probably no problems here.
Butterfly: How wrong you are! My wings were rubbed by the guys’ fingers. How many of my friends are in the collections? Nature needs us! We pollinate these beautiful flowers. Don't catch us. Better draw and take pictures.
Chamomile: Look at me. Do you know who I am?
The yellow heart of the flower is
It was as if a little bit of sun had climbed into it.
Everyone knows that I can treat people with colds and stomach diseases. I'm happy to serve people. But once I get off the ground, I don’t live. Don't tear me up by the roots, please! The long-standing habit of picking flowers has led to the disappearance of many plants. Who will treat you if we disappear?
Ray: Bees, bees, are you sad?
Don't you fly to the green meadow?
After all, flower sweet honey
Everyone is looking forward to tea!
Bee 1: Oh, friends, we regret it!
We were unable to collect nectar.
Bee 2: Luzh - well - well - ok now, that's a race track.
The flowers are all crushed.
Kitty: No problem, we'll fix it!
Bees, trust us with confidence!
Hello to the cars!
Now there is no access to the meadow! (Puts up a “Stop!” sign)
Ray: Hey, field chamomile! Come on, smile at us!
And share the wonderful sweet juice with our bee.
Kitty: Meadow bell
Look at you and me.
There are no more enemies around
Rise up beautiful friend.
Bell: Ding-ding, don-dong!
Everyone hears this ringing!
Thanks everyone, hello everyone
Bluebell color!
Sounds beautiful music
Ray: Wonderful music. This grasshopper fills everything with beautiful music. Guys, let's take care of butterflies, grasshoppers, these beautiful flowers and everything that surrounds us.
Music Screensaver
Kitty: Ray, look!
Ray: What is this?
Kitty: This is a lake. And streams flow into it. Let's go to the lake!
Ray: How cool! And you can wash your face! And drink some water!
Kitty: Don't drink, Luchik. The water in this lake is very dirty. There's a lot of things in it: wheels, cans, irons, bicycles - in general, everything that served people later turned out to be unnecessary, and they got rid of it by throwing it into this lake. Dirty liquid pouring through dirty pipes is waste water. Life stopped for the inhabitants of the lake.
Ray: If no waste is dumped into the water, the water will gradually purify itself. And if you also help the water to remove everything that was thrown, then life will return to it. Fish will swim, water lilies will bloom, birds will circle over the lake!
Kitty: The air, the river, the field are crying,
Animals, birds, the sea are dying,
The forest, the earth and the meadow are groaning
Everything we see around us.
Ray: The pine tree is pulling its branches towards us,
She is looking for help.
The snowdrop is waiting for sympathy,
The earthly heir of beauty.
There is no warmth in nature,
There is no spiritual goodness.
Butterfly: Man created terrible poisons that kill insects and other animals.
Chamomile: Man has created cars that poison the air with harmful gases.
Owl: Man cuts down trees, drains swamps, and covers the Earth with a huge layer of garbage.
Ray: People! Come to your senses! Our planet is facing a terrible disaster!
The cartoon “Let's save nature together” is shown on the screen.
Ray: I look at the globe - the globe,
And suddenly he sighed as if alive;
And the continents whisper to me:
Take care of us, take care of us!
Kitty: The groves and forests are in alarm,
Dew on the grass is like a tear!
And the springs quietly ask:
Take care of us, take care of us!
1 tourist The deep river is sad
Losing our shores,
And I hear the voice of the river:
Take care of us, take care of us!
Fox: The deer stopped his run:
Be a man, man!
We believe in you - don't lie.
Take care of us, take care of us!
Birch: I look at the globe - the globe.
So beautiful and dear!
And lips whisper in the wind:
I will save you, I will save you!
Ray: Guys, what interesting things did you learn today?
Children's answers.
Ray: Well done, guys!
Bee 1: You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes you feel sorry for her:
On pleasure trips
Do not trample her fields;
Kitty: In the station bustle of the century
Hurry to evaluate it:
She is your long-time good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Owl: Don't burn her recklessly
And don't exhaust it to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
There are many of us, but she is alone.
Owl: Guys, what do you need to remember to save nature?
Children's answers.
Owl: I see you guys are great, you remembered everything.
Wolf: And also remember that a well-mannered person does not break branches of trees and bushes, or pick forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and provides shelter for a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.
Butterfly: We should not catch and bring forest animals, insects and birds into the house; for them, our “entertainment” often ends in illness, torture and death. These are not toys.
Fox: Do not destroy anthills accidentally or on purpose! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their little house before frost. And they will die!
1 tourist: And, of course, a polite person who comes to relax in a forest or meadow will not leave a landfill behind.
2nd tourist: Now we will try never to offend nature.
Kitty: You must remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.
Ray: Let us now, together with you, ask nature for forgiveness.
1 tourist: Forgive us, little bug,
And the ant and the bees,
2nd tourist: Sorry, slender poplar
And felled trees.
3 tourist: Forgive us, captured animal,
You feel so cramped in the cage.
Owl: Sorry for not saving
And you have become so rare now.
Kitty: Let us hope that nature will forgive us.
Ray: And we go, we walk on the Earth,
And it will take us a long time to walk along it.
Kitty: And flowers grow on Earth,
Trees and bushes.
3 tourist: We really need to protect nature
So that better life was.
Wolf: And we will invite all our friends with us
Let's gather all the animals and birds together,
Together: Let's save nature.
Music Number: song “Good Rays”

Scenario of the ecological holiday “Ecodrome”, dedicated to the International Day of Nature Conservation. Extracurricular event “Case History”, dedicated to the history of smoking and its prevention.

Three materials are offered:

1. Scenario ecological holiday"Ecodrome", dedicated to International Day nature conservation.

2. Extracurricular activity“Case History”, dedicated to the history of tobacco smoking and its prevention.

Materials from the ecological holiday “Ecodrom” can be used both outside of school hours and in class (fragments), both in a school class and in a country children’s camp.

GOALS of the event:

1. Promotion of environmental knowledge.

2. Fostering an environmental culture

3. Expanding the individual experience of interaction between schoolchildren and the environment.

4. Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as a norm of life.

5. Children’s awareness of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment.

6. Increasing children's readiness to participate in environmentally oriented activities.

Scenario for an environmental holiday: “Ecodrome”.

All people on our planet discuss the problems of nature conservation, of which they themselves are a part: they remember that we are all very dependent on the environment that surrounds us. How we want to see clean streams, rivers and lakes, to walk through a clean, unlittered forest, to see animals not only on TV and in the zoo.

Today we will talk about nature, our attitude towards it, respect for all living things and the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in natural environment. It's time for humanity to understand

Collecting riches from Nature,

That the Earth also needs to be protected.

She is just like us - alive!

Today we will go on a visit to wildlife from our symbolic ecodrome. Why ecodrome? Because our conversation today about communication with nature is a small launching pad for a journey into the world of great ecology - one of the most important sciences of the 21st century.

Today you will have to participate in various competitions - humorous and serious, and I wish good luck to all participants in these competitions and their fans.

Introduction of participants (teams)

Jury presentation.

Leading: At the end of the last century, humanity realized that our planet is fragile and vulnerable. The most vulnerable thing on it is the forests: after all, they provide the oxygen we need so much. Most people think that a forest is a lot of trees growing together. But then the park and the garden and the alley are also a forest? No, a forest is a community of woody, herbaceous plants and various animals.

Ourthe first competition is called “Forest Quiz” and we will talk about the most different trees. Each answer is worth 2 points. If the participant resorts to the help of the hall, the price of the answer is 1 point. So the questions:

1.Which conifer sheds its needles for the winter? (larch)

2. Is it possible to cut down all the hollow trees in the forest? (no, birds and bats nest in them)

3. Why in pine forest there are a lot of dead branches, and the tops of the pines themselves turn green (pine is a light-loving plant).

4. Why do forest roads take longer to dry out after rain than in a field (there is no wind, so there is less evaporation)

5. What plants can be used in the forest to make tea? (strawberries, raspberries, oregano, etc.)

6. What plants in the forest can be used to treat colds? (coltsfoot, thyme, strawberry, etc.)

7. The wood of which tree is very durable and resistant to rotting. Do buildings made from it last 300-500 years? (larch)

8. What kind of wood are matches made from? (aspen)

9. Which trees’ wood is used to make paper and artificial silk? (spruce, pine)

Leading : And nowa game called "Habitat".

We all know that we can save animals and plants only by preserving the habitat itself, i.e. the conditions in which organisms live. So, pay attention! We listen to the task: I name the habitat, and the players name the animal that lives in it.

For example: “air - swallow”

"earth is a rhinoceros"

"water is a walrus"

Team game. A player who makes a mistake or repeats an animal that has already been named is eliminated from the game.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading: Next competition called “Ecosigns”.

Players receive environmental signs that indicate rules of conduct in the forest. These rules need to be explained by deciphering the signs. (teams receive environmental signs in the form of drawings).

While the players are thinking about their answers, we will conduct a playful environmental game with the fans. I ask questions and you answer:

1. What tree does the gopher hide under when it rains? (gophers hide in holes when it rains, because there are no trees in the steppe where they live)

2. Who is upside down above us? (fly)

3. What is between the city and the village? (conjunction “and”)

4. What does half a peach look like? (for your other half)

5. 3 ostriches were flying, the hunter killed one, how many ostriches were left? (ostriches don't fly)

6. Can you cut your hands on water? (yes, when she turns to ice)

7. How far into the forest can a hare run? (until the middle, and then he runs out)

Players decipher eco-signs and explain them (see appendix).

The jury evaluates the players, says the overall score

Leading : ourThe competition is called "Ecoblitz" ».

It requires players not only to know environmental patterns, but also ingenuity, speed and ability to explain a problem or situation. Each team will have to answer 2 questions, but each is worth 4 points. That's why it's a "blitz".

So, attention:

Questions for the first team.

1. Most animal species exist quite large groups, for example: herd African elephants consists of 25-30 animals, and reindeer- from 300-400 animals.

Question: why do many animal species develop normally only if they unite in large groups?

2. There is such a fish - cod. Every year, a female cod lays 9 million eggs. And each time, out of this number of eggs, only 2-3 million grow to adulthood.

Question: why out of 9 million cod eggs only 2-3 million grow into adult fish?

3. Flies have many enemies. There is a constant struggle with flies. But their number is not decreasing.

Question: How can this be explained?

Players can take help from the audience (then the price of the answer is 2 points)

Questions from the second team.

1. Your friends brought a little hare to their dacha, which they found in the forest and want to take care of it. How do you evaluate their actions?

2. You went with your friends to the forest. Seeing fly agarics and toadstools, the guys began to knock them down and trample them underfoot. Express your opinion on this matter.

3. You saw a chick falling from the nest. What will you do?

The jury sums up the results of past competitions.

Host: How many amazing bright colors nature gives us! It is worth remembering butterflies, the bright plumage of birds, the beauty of flowers to be convinced of this. And sometimes, against the backdrop of all this multicolor, we people seem so monotonous and dull. But that's not true.

And now it’s not very serious competition "Colorful World".

Listen to the task: At the command of the leader, the player of each team invites 4 people from the squad (5 is possible). But these guys need to be chosen so that they can range from light to dark hair color. Whoever does it faster and better wins.

Presenter: our next competition is “Pantomime”

Each team is invited to use facial expressions and gestures to show environmental rules of behavior in the city and in nature. And the fans have to guess what the rules are we're talking about. Participants of the competition draw out task sheets:

1. Walking dogs in the park is prohibited! 1. Fishing in the river is prohibited!

2. Save water! 2. Save energy!

Teams depict environmental rules, the jury evaluates the competition and notes the best.

Leading : V lately you and I often began to hear a new term on radio and TV "Environmental threat" This may be due to terrorism, irresponsibility, and sometimes a lack of understanding of the dangers of storing various substances or cargo. Let's imagine that these are not players, but secret agents who have been tasked with neutralizing a dangerous environmental cargo. While each player is tied to his left leg balloon, I'll tell you our detective story further. At the cost of incredible efforts, the agents entered the secret warehouse. Here it is - dangerous cargo! But the guards are not asleep. And the battle begins: right foot The player must burst the enemy's balloon and at the same time protect himself - not to let his balloon burst. Players take turns making shots. The last one left with the ball wins

Leading: our next competition is dedicated to another important issue modern ecology - environmental disaster. This is the name of our final competition "Ecological disaster."

You can often hear that somewhere in the sea a tanker crashed and a thin film of oil covers the entire surface of the sea at the site of the accident. But there are animals there - small and large inhabitants of the sea. How they need help, and it should be provided in a matter of hours. Sometimes the minutes count. It’s difficult for environmental rescuers then. These people need qualities such as courage, speed, dexterity, ability to handle victims, accuracy and precision. And now we will try to show the moment of saving living beings from the scene of the accident. In front of you are 2 basins filled with water simulating the sea. In the “sea” there is an apple and an orange, imitating aquatic animals (albatrosses and seals). Players need to, holding their hands behind their backs, take out fruits with their teeth and transfer them to a plate that stands on the jury’s table.

The jury sums up the results of the competition and names the total score.

Leading: We end our meeting at the ecodrome. I wish you good knowledge of ecology, a good relationship with nature, and that there will be no environmental threats or environmental disasters in your life.

Municipal educational institution

average secondary school No. 54 Chelyabinsk

Legal address: 454080 Chelyabinsk, st. Communes, 92 t. 263-90-52

Actual address: 454106 Chelyabinsk, st. Communal, 48 t.796-29-15

Extracurricular activity

for students in grades 7-8

"Case History"

Biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 54

Grebneva Irina Borisovna

Target: formation of a conscious attitude towards healthy image life .


    To instill in children a responsible attitude towards their health in counterbalance to the growing tobacco addiction among schoolchildren;

    Build skills safe behavior in everyday life;

    Develop an understanding that health is a priceless gift.

Partially or completely this lesson can be used when teaching biology lessons (section “Man and his health”, topic “Respiratory Hygiene”, section “ General biology", topic "Environmental factors").

Lesson plan

1. Invitation to conversation.

2. Getting to know the medical history.

3. Determination of carriers of the disease.

4. Determination of symptoms of the disease.

5. Making a diagnosis.

6. Determination of treatment methods.

7. Final warnings.

On the board:

    poster "The only beauty I know is health"

G. Heine

    tables “Grouping of health risk factors” (see Appendix - 1) and “Effects of nicotine on the body” (Appendix -2)

    deciphering the concept of “Healthy lifestyle” (Appendix -3)

1. Invitation to conversation.

In 2002, 30 million children were examined in Russia. The results of this survey are alarming: only 30% of the children are healthy, 52% have health problems, and 18% have chronic diseases.

Among the many diseases that a person suffers from, special place occupy behavioral diseases, or bad habits, which include: smoking, drinking, substance abuse and drug addiction.

Today we must understand the history of one of these diseases. At our disposal - historical information, testimonies of patients and medical scientists.

Before treating a disease, you need to recognize it, determine its symptoms, make a diagnosis, and only then write a prescription with the name of the medicine.

2. Getting to know your medical history.

Students are divided into groups (4-5 people). Each group receives 7 cards with texts that tell the history of tobacco and smoking. Students must use cards to build the historical sequence of the spread of tobacco (see Appendix - 4).

The teacher discusses the history of tobacco smoking with students, complements it, turning special attention to the reaction different nations on tobacco use.

3. Identification of disease carriers.

So, the carrier of the disease called “tobacco smoking” is a smoker. You will see a portrait of such a patient by watching the sketch “Smoker at a doctor’s appointment” (students play the roles of a smoker and medical specialists).

Scene “Smoker at a doctor’s appointment”

The smoker undergoes a medical examination and visits specialist doctors: pulmonologist, angiosurgeon, cardiologist, gastroenterologist.

The pulmonologist reports that as a result of smoking, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs develops, which causes coughing; a rough, hoarse voice is the result of inflammation vocal cords; in addition, shortness of breath appears, and in the long term the development of tuberculosis and lung cancer is possible.

The angiosurgeon says that smokers often suffer from intermittent claudication and obliterating enteritis (the reason is nicotine damage to blood vessels lower limbs), this disease is accompanied by severe pain, cold feet, aches, and in the future - gangrene and amputation of the limbs.

The cardiologist warns smokers: as a result of vasoconstriction, the oxygen supply to the organs deteriorates - resulting in dizziness, malaise, heart pain, and, in the long term, a heart attack.

The gastroenterologist warns that nicotine dissolved in saliva, entering the stomach, causes chronic inflammation- gastritis, which can lead to the formation of ulcers.

4. Determining the symptoms of the disease.

We continue to get acquainted with the symptoms of tobacco smoking, i.e. manifestations of the disease. Let's listen to the organs that are poisoned as a result of smoking (students voice the organs, comment on the symptoms, i.e. play the role of medical scientists).

First word to the heart:


I feel so bad, I'm so tired,

And no, no more strength knock.

I probably don't have much time left to live...

Could only you understand -

I'm running out of oxygen

Nicotine chokes me so much

And this poison is invincible.

My blood vessels

They burn in smoke day after day,

And if you don't save us,

We will disappear from smoking!

Here's what the lungs say:


Oh, we are poor, completely burned,

We want to ask you people:

“Why do you smoke?”

Polonium is poisoning us

Nicotine is a terrible poison for us,

It burns our bronchi.

Who is to blame for this?

Horrible cough in the morning

Tears your throat into blood.

Who will help us now?

To become healthy again?

And now - a comment from a medical scientist:

(working with a table on the board)

Smoking is one of the main causes of cardiovascular and lung diseases. Carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide, contained in tobacco smoke, prevents the saturation of blood with oxygen, and this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in well-being and health. When red blood cells begin to carry poisonous carbon monoxide instead of oxygen, the ability of organs to perform their functions is reduced.

In the alveoli (the smallest pulmonary vesicles), where gas exchange takes place, irreversible changes occur over time. The walls of the alveoli become rigid and lose elasticity, which makes breathing and heart function difficult. The bronchi expand, mucus accumulates in them, they become more

susceptible to inflammatory diseases. In the mornings, smokers are tormented by a cough with phlegm, and the shape of the chest changes. There is a high risk of vascular spasm, thrombosis, circulatory disorders, asthma, and allergies.

A word to another organ that suffers from smoking - the brain.


The damned villain dried me up,

There are no more bright ideas,

He stole my neurons

And exchanged it for a pack of cigarettes.

I am now and for a long time

I can't learn this lesson

There is no attention and no memory -

All from these damn cigarettes.

And again a comment from a medical scientist.

Nicotine is a nerve poison. Experiments on animals and observations of people have shown that nicotine in small doses excites nerve cells, increases breathing and heart rate, leading to heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of cells of the central and autonomic nervous systems. Disorder nervous system manifested by decreased ability to work, trembling hands, weakening of memory.

Teacher's additions:

Today there are 60,000 scientific research confirming the harmful effects of tobacco on human health. Smoking is the most common cause of morbidity and premature mortality in many countries around the world. There are 24 registered life-threatening diseases that are a consequence of smoking. The aging of the body accelerates - the life of a smoker is on average 7.5 years shorter.

A lit cigarette is a kind of chemical plant. Scientists have discovered that tobacco smoke contains more than 4,700 substances, 43 of which are carcinogens, that is, they lead to cancer diseases. This is why tobacco causes more diseases than alcohol and drugs combined.

5. We make a diagnosis.

The disease called tobacco smoking is very dangerous, as it harms not only the smokers themselves, but also those who are close to them. These people become passive smokers, as ¾ of cigarette smoke is released into the environment. This smoke contains the same toxic substances, hazardous to health.

Each diagnosis has its own prognosis. What is it like for people who smoke? According to statistics, a person dies every 13 minutes from the consequences of smoking, and one cigarette smoked reduces human life for 5.5 minutes. Smoking people are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to suffer from myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to develop a stomach ulcer. Smokers make up 96% of all lung cancer patients. Cancer kills 5 million people every year. lives on the planet.

6. Determining the method of treatment.

How to cure this disease? What to do if you find signs of this disease in yourself? There is a reliable method of treatment - to get rid of slavish sycophancy in front of a cigarette, not to imitate smokers, understanding everything dangerous consequences smoking. You need to find the strength and courage to break a bad habit.

Our body has a fantastic ability to compensate for the damage caused by smoking. Anyone who quits smoking before developing severe smoking-related illnesses has every chance of regaining good physical shape.

The first obvious advantage is that the oxygen saturation of the body improves and, accordingly, well-being. Next, blood circulation improves, which makes the hands and feet warm and returns healthy color faces. Skin and hair become healthier and teeth become whiter. The sense of smell improves - food becomes tastier. The mucous membranes of the nose are restored, microscopic cilia grow again, trapping dust and dirt. The risk of heart attack and stroke after 5 to 10 years is reduced to approximately the same level as that of non-smokers. After 10 - 15 years, a person who quits smoking returns to the level of health of a non-smoker.

7. Final warnings.

Every week in Russia, about a thousand teenagers start smoking, and 80% of them continue smoking as adults. Don't be one of them! Remember! Nicotine is very dangerous! The fate of your health and your entire future depends on your today's determination and will!

Don't hesitate! And if you want to live long and without disease, fight against the tobacco enemy!

We wish you good health!


Application - 1

Grouping of health risk factors.



to your health


for health

Groups of risk factors

Lifestyle, work, habits and behavior

Smoking, drinking alcohol, unbalanced diet, stressful situations, physical inactivity, medication abuse, drug use, loneliness, excessive high level urbanization.

Genetics, human biology.

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

External environment, natural and climatic conditions.

Air, water, soil pollution, sudden change atmospheric phenomena, increased magnetic and cosmic radiation.


Late delivery medical care, its low quality, ineffectiveness of preventive measures.

Appendix - 2

Appendix - 3

In concept "healthy lifestyle"

includes the following components:

    Quitting bad habits;

    Optimal motor mode;

    Rational nutrition;


    Personal hygiene;

    Positive emotions;

    A highly moral attitude towards people around you, society, and nature.

Appendix - 4

Cards with texts “History of Tobacco”

1. Tobacco comes from America. The history of Europeans introducing smoking is associated with the name of Columbus.

On October 12, 1492, sailor Rodrigo Triona from the ship Pinta of Admiral Christopher Columbus's flotilla saw land. Columbus believed that in front of him was the eastern coast of India. Local residents called their land, which turned out to be an island, Guanahani. Columbus gave her a new name - San Salvador. This name has since been borne by one of the Bahamas.

2. Among the gifts, local residents presented Columbus with dried leaves of the petum plant. They smoked these sun-dried leaves rolled into a tube. In the minds of the devout Spaniards, only devils could blow smoke from their nostrils, but this did not prevent many sailors of the expedition and the admiral himself from getting involved in this activity.

3. The plant was named tobacco on behalf of the Tabago province of the island of Haiti. After the second voyage of Christopher Columbus (1493-1496), tobacco seeds were brought to Spain. Then they hit the neighboring European countries and during the period of great discoveries, they were delivered by sea and caravan routes to almost all corners of the globe.

The spread of tobacco was facilitated by its property - the habitual craving for smoking, which is difficult to fight.

4. It cannot be said that tobacco penetrated everywhere unhindered. In Italy it was declared "the devil's sport." Popes have proposed excommunicating smokers from the church. As a warning, five monks caught smoking were walled up alive in the monastery wall.

In England, by decree of Elizabeth I (1585), smokers were equated with thieves and were led through the streets with a rope around their necks.

5. In the mid-30s of the 18th century, the famous Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification of animals and flora, assigned the generic name “nicotiana” to tobacco in honor of Jean Nicot, who was the first to cultivate tobacco in Europe.

Tobacco was brought to Russia by English merchants in 1585 through Arkhangelsk, and then began to be widely cultivated on Russian soil.

6. During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, those caught smoking for the first time were punished with 60 blows on the feet, the second time - by cutting off their nose or ears. After a devastating fire in Moscow in 1634, which was caused by smoking, it was banned under penalty of execution. Due to the fact that tobacco turned out to be a profitable enterprise, since trade in it brought significant profits, since 1697 (the reign of Peter I) tobacco was officially permitted.

7. The spread of tobacco and the variety of ways to use it are associated with numerous wars. Tired, exhausted soldiers discovered that tobacco gave them strength and allowed them to pass the time at a rest stop. Methods of consuming different varieties migrated from one army to another. The Napoleonic Wars contributed to the spread of cigars, the Cossacks spread the habit of pipe smoking throughout Russia, and in Crimean War Rolled cigarettes became widespread. During the First World War, smoking became a truly widespread phenomenon.


1. Extracurricular activities in biology: unusual shapes and methods of activating cognition M., School Press, 1999.

2. Biology at school, No. 6-2001

3. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle. Compiled by Bayubanova V.V. and Maksimtseva T.A., Volgograd, teacher, 2003.

4. Tobacco. Collection information materials. St. Petersburg, Friendbox, 2003.

Sports and entertainment scenario holiday Agapova O.N. Grades 1-6 Program "Manager...

I propose to hold this event together with art and music teachers as part of additional education in elementary school, 5th grade. It is necessary to carry out preliminary work: pick up a video about environmental problems, in a drawing lesson, draw environmental signs, in a music lesson, learn the song “Sunny Circle”. High school students can be involved in the event; they can be presenters and rehearse a skit and poems. Such an event was held by me, it received positive reviews among colleagues, parents and students.

The purpose of the event: the formation of an environmental culture among students.

"Environmental protection"

Compiled by: Gruzinskaya O.A., teacher of history and social studies

Goal: formation of ecological culture of students.

1. Foster a culture of behavior, respect for nature, animals, and the environment.
2. Reveal the relationship between nature and society using specific examples.

3. Show the importance of the ability to appreciate all living things, improve surrounding life.

Equipment: PC, screen, speakers.
Posters: “Kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul. All the good things in nature come from the sun, and all the best things in life come from man.”
(M. Prishvin)
“The world of plants is the world of our friends!”

Presenter 1:

Man, nature, society are closely interconnected with each other.

In the beginning there was only natural world, then a man emerged from it, who much later created a society.
Presenter 2:

Man needs nature for his survival, but nature does not need man.
By creating comfortable living conditions for themselves - cities, factories, parks, dams, railways and automobile - people worsen the living conditions of animals and plants. They disappear, die out, degenerate and degenerate.

Presenter 1:

Scientists identify the following global problems humanity:
1) climate changes caused by human activity;
2) disappearance biological species;
3) continued growth of population and consumption levels;

Presenter 2:

Nature, like a wounded bird, screams and asks us for help.

Presenters 1:

    We are the masters of nature, and she is the storehouse of the sun with her treasures of life.

    The presenter asks the children to help continue the phrases:

    The fish needs - water!
    Animals – forest!
    And to humanity - nature!
    And it’s ours to protect it main goal. The earth is so small! Let's take care of her.

1) There are many of us, guys!
Everywhere we live
Let's plant trees
We'll plant gardens.

2) Take care of this Earth, this Water.
Loving even a small epic,
Take care of all animals within nature,
Kill only the beasts within yourself.

3) Take care of the earth. Take care
Lark at the blue zenith,
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
On the thawed patches there are reflections of the sun,
A crab playing on the stones,
There is a shadow from a baobab tree over the desert.

4) A hawk soaring over the field,
clear month hell river peace
A swallow flickering in life,
Take care of the earth, take care!
(M. Dudin)

And suddenly (scene):
Student: Bom - bom - bom!
The pogrom begins.
We go out into nature,
How many people are there in the forest!
There's a fire here and there's a fire there,
Banks, bottles, all sorts of rubbish...
Presenter 2:

No, no, no! Such nature trips should be excluded.
There should not be places like those on the newspaper that the students of our school made after taking a back-street tour of the neighborhood. (photos of landfill sites, destroyed buildings, etc.)

Will the time come when man himself will become an endangered species?

Presenter 1:

Well done, guys! Environmental signs you have drawn.
Tell us about them. Tell us, how do you feel about nature? To animals?
Have you been to the Stolby Nature Reserve or the Roev Ruchey Zoo?

Presenters 2:

How can we help the environment?
We offer you homework(optional):
1) Essay “Why should we protect nature?”
2) Talk about your favorite animal;
3) Suggest how to restore order in our neighborhood;


    Very kind, very bright

Golden clear day

We'll go visit in the summer,
Let's go visit the sun.

2. Strawberries and flowers,
Both the forest and the meadow will greet us.
Our songs are with us,
There will be birds singing around.

Song “Solar Circle” (all together)

We invite you to take a tour of Museum of Local Lore“Journey from South to North”, where you will be shown the flora and fauna of the region listed in the Red Book.

"Ecological mosaic"

(event dedicated to World Environment Day)

Target: show the importance of caring for nature,instill a sense of love for all life on Earth, expand and deepen knowledge about the environment.

    Organizational moment.

This event is held in a day camp for all units (modules). The beginning of the event is the general formation of units (modules).

2. Progress of the event.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, friends! Summer has come. On June 1, we celebrated a wonderful holiday - Children's Day. Ado you know what another very important holiday celebrated in June? (children answer) Of course, World Environment Day is June 5th! Do you know what kind of holiday this is? How is it celebrated? (children answer)

This day was proclaimed by the UN in 1972. Date of this world day was chosen to mark the start of the Stockholm Conference on Environmental Problems. The UN calls on states and various environmental organizations to hold events annually on this day that confirm their commitment to preserving and improving the environment.

Presenter 2: Every flower and every blade of grass,

Birds that fly into the blue sky

All the nature that surrounds us,

Our protection, my friend, is expected.

Reader 1.

What's happened? What was forgotten? What's broken?

You understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!

There is no longer any nature left on earth,

And we live...

Reader 2.

In the environment,

In the environment

Can't smell the flower

You can't swim in the water.

Reader 3.

We understand more and more clearly every year:

This cannot continue on earth -

Nature awaits our help.

Together . Or... we should live in the environment.

Presenter 1: Today we invite you to take a journey around our wonderful planet! We have to find out how well you know native nature. The winner will be the team that really knows well the life of animals, plants, birds, insects, knows how to behave correctly in nature, and is ready to protect it.

Each squad will receive a route sheet indicating the stages, and there are 7 of them in total. You will need to go through all the stages. Maximum quantity points for each stage - 5.

Presenter 2: While the stages are being prepared, I suggest playing. I will ask you questions, and you will have to show me the answers.

Play with everyone:

How are you living? - Like this!(expose thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this!(walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this!(running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

A Are you naughty?- Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

Presenter 1: Route sheets were handed over, each team has its own route. Good luck! The strongest will win.

Stage 1. "Natural Barometers"
Quiz about folk signs .
1. There is an anthill in front of you, but there are no ants in sight. Why would this be?
a) to hot weather;
) to rain;
c) to cold weather.
2. Mosquitoes fly over the water in a swarm (column). Why would this be?
) to good sunny weather ;
b) for rain;
c) to cold weather.
3. Thin cirrus clouds are moving from the west, what kind of weather can we expect?
a) clear, sunny;
b) cloudy;
4. The sun sets on a cloud. What weather to expect?
a) clear, sunny;
) rainy;
c) windy.
5. What weather should you expect if swallows fly low above the ground?

a) good;
b) rainy;


Stage 2. "Grandma the Riddle" Riddles about nature. Each squad (module) is given 5 riddles.

    He went out for a walk completely silently. He tapped the roofs with his wet, soft beak. He drew a striped trail through the window, and, having passed, remained in my palms. (Rain)

    Who comes through a window and doesn't break it? (Sunbeam)

    It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but it won’t get into the house. And I don’t go anywhere while he goes. (Rain)

    Someone built multi-colored gates in the meadow. The master tried, he took paints for the gates. Not one, not two, not three - seven, look. What is this gate called? Can you draw them? (Rainbow)

    I ran along the meadow path - the poppies nodded their heads. He ran along the blue river - the river became pockmarked. (Wind)

    Like across the sky, from the north,
    A gray swan swam,
    The well-fed swan swam,
    Threw and threw down
    To the fields and lakes
    White snow and feathers. (Snow cloud)

    You warm the whole world, you don’t know fatigue, you smile in the window, and everyone calls you... (sun).

    What kind of ceiling is this?
    Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,
    Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
    It's a little bluish.
    And sometimes so beautiful -
    Lace and blue-blue! (Sky)

    At night there is one golden orange in the sky. Two weeks passed, we didn’t eat an orange, but only an orange slice remained in the sky. (Moon, month)

    At first he was a black cloud, he lay down on the forest like white fluff. He covered the whole earth with a blanket, and in the spring he completely disappeared. (Snow)

Stage 3. "Visiting Lesovichka"
What plants are discussed in the poems? Each unit (module) is assigned 5 poems.

    Like white stars, among the pink porridge, flowers familiar to everyone from childhood... (daisies).

    I am loud and purple, growing in the shade of the forest, and in the pine clearing I nod my head. (Bell)

    I am a drop of summer.
    On a thin leg.
    Weave for me
    Bodies and baskets.
    Who loves me
    He is happy to bow.
    And she gave me a name
    Native land. (Strawberry)

    Anyone who has been in the field has undoubtedly noticed: it curls pink flower. What is its name?.. (Boundweed)

    Rye is spiking in the field,
    There you will find a flower in the rye,
    Although it is not red, but blue,
    Still looks like a star. (Knapweed)

    White, fragrant, they grow in the forest and bloom early in the spring. (Lily of the valley)

    You can always find her in the forest, go for a walk and meet her. Stands prickly like a hedgehog green in winter and in summer. (Christmas tree)

    I'm black, red, white,

I'm good to everyone when I'm ripe,
And leaves patterns are elegant
I am equal to a grape leaf. (Currant)

    You ate apricots and dried apricots - Now I can ask a question: What fruit, dear friend, became apricots and dried apricots? (Apricot)

    I'm a fluffy ball
    I turn white in a clean field,
    And the wind blew -
    A stalk remains. (Dandelion)

Stage 4. "Game"

Before the game, the leader of this stage warns: “I will only name birds in the game, and if you hear that something other than birds has appeared, let me know. You can stomp and clap.” Activity and attentiveness are assessed.

Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...(Children stomp) . What's wrong?
Children. Flies!
Leading. And who are the flies?
Children. Insects!
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta...
(Children clap.) What's wrong?
Children. Pasta!
Leading. What is pasta?
Children. Food!

Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens...
(Children clap.) What's wrong?
Children. Martens!
Leading. And who are martens?
Children. Mammals!
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos...
(Children stomp). What's wrong?
Children. Mosquitoes!
Leading. And who are mosquitoes?
Children. Insects!
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Even Scops Owls
Swans and ducks –
And thanks for the joke!

Stage 5. “Guess what!”

Leading: I offer you difficult riddles. I will read to you a description of the objects from the words of your peers. Your task is to try to understand what the children meant. Each hint used is minus 1 point, i.e. with the first clue you get 5 points, with the second clue you get 4 points, etc.

Children's sayings:

1. “I have a lot of toys made from it.”

2. “It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.”

3. “Items made from it weigh little.”

4. “If you set it on fire, it will produce a lot of black smoke that smells bad.”

5. “It cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature.” (Plastic)

1. “It was invented by the Chinese.”

2. “We get it from wood.”

3. “It burns easily.”

4. “It makes a lot of garbage.”

5. “They usually draw and write on it.” (Paper)

1. “It is made from sand.”

2. “Most often it is transparent.”

3. “When it falls, it breaks.”

4. “If you heat it up, it becomes stringy, like dough.”

5. “Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.” (Glass)

1. “It’s almost invisible.”

2. “There are a lot of these where factories and factories operate.”

3. “This causes people to get asthma, bronchitis, and cancer.”

4. “Green plants can collect this on their leaves.”

5. “In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow.” (Waste gas)

1. “Always black.”

2. “There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories.”

3. “This is very harmful.”

4. “It causes illness in a person, and his clothes become dirty.”

5. “There’s a lot of this when burning.” (Soot)

Stage 6. "Sensitive nose"

Fragrant plants (wormwood, pine twig, blackcurrant leaf, lilac, mint) are placed in small boxes. 1 member of the squad (module) must eyes closed determine by smell what kind of plant it is. Each plant guessed is worth 1 point.

Stage 7. "Forest Carousel"
Drawing competition. You have to draw an environmental sign. Each squad (module) draws a task and draws it.

1. Don’t pick flowers in the forest or meadow. Let beautiful plants remain in nature. Remember that bouquets can only be made from plants that are grown by humans.

2. Don't destroy birds' nests.

3. If you have a dog, do not let it walk without a leash, it can bite a person.

4. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.

Presenter 1: Our journey continues! You have already shown how smart and quick-witted you are, but how nimble and dexterous you are?! While the jury sums up the results, I invite you to play a game.

The game is called "Turnip" “They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.”

Presenter 1: I need teams with the same number of participants.

(Task: The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second joins him, holding his waist, and now they run together. Then the third joins, etc. the whole team).

Presenter 1: Our event has come to an end. I hope that today we were able to convince you that nature must be constantly protected and preserved. The living world around us is amazingly large and diverse, and we know very little of it.

Presenter 2: Nature is the house in which we live,
And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.
Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,
We want to live in that house forever.
Nature is a home in which day after day
Flowers and bread are growing, children are laughing all around.
And this house and laughter are one, one for all,
There is no other house in the whole world.

    Summing up. Final word.

Summing up, awarding the winner.

Presenter 1: And we would like to end our holiday with M. Dudin’s poem “Take care of the Earth!”

Take care of the Earth, take care!
Lark at the blue zenith,
Butterfly on dodder leaves.
There are sun glares on the paths,
A crab playing on the stones,
There is a shadow from a baobab tree on the grave,
A hawk soaring over a field
Crescent moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in life,
Take care of this Earth! Take care!