World Children's Day. World Children's Day November 20th Children's Day events


Children, everyone's favorite little creatures, can radically change the lives of adults and fill the world all the colors of the rainbow. Among the various festive events dedicated to beautiful and charming creatures, in particular, World Children's Day is celebrated. What kind of holiday is this and why was November 20 chosen for the celebrations?

The tradition of holding celebrations dedicated to World Children's Day has existed for decades in 129 countries that are members of the UN. Its creation is based on the idea of ​​caring for small, beautiful creatures, thanks to whom the world around us is filled with magic and rainbow colors. After all, children constantly need special attention.

Establishment of the holiday world day child was adopted in 1954 by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the UN General Assembly. Five years later, on November 20, 1959, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was adopted. Thirty years later, on the same day, the adoption took place legal document"Convention on the Rights of the Child". Therefore, the date for celebrating World Children's Day was not chosen by chance. The days of the event were dedicated to it important events world-class in the field of children's rights.

The main goals of the establishment of World Children's Day include improving the well-being of children all over the planet, developing work programs carried out by UN countries in the interests of the child in an atmosphere of interethnic solidarity and cooperation. World Children's Day has become the center of attention of the world community in deciding global issues reducing child mortality and improving the quality of life of beautiful creatures.

Many organizations monitor disadvantaged families. In the healthcare sector, methods are constantly being developed to save sick children who were previously considered incurable. A special Children's Fund has been organized at the UN, whose activities are aimed at preserving the health of adorable babies, improving their quality of life and providing assistance to pregnant women.

Widely all over the world famous network McDonald's fast food restaurants constantly conduct charity events dedicated to World Children's Day. When purchasing food, a portion of the amount paid is automatically donated, and the funds collected are sent to help seriously ill children. November 20 in the Russian Federation is not a red day on the calendar, but the actions associated with it are actively supported by the authorities.

World Children's Day is a wonderful tradition and the most best reason for charity, which many people do famous people and organizations. Join this wonderful holiday too, accept Active participation in life, the development of children, creating for them the soil of friendship, kindness, love and mutual understanding.

Respect... pure, clear, immaculate holy childhood!

Janusz Korczak

The calendar year contains a lot holidays and dates dedicated to any event. Of course, each individual country will have its own holiday dates, corresponding to its national preferences, but there are dates celebrated by the whole world, i.e. international. Such days are created not only for a good mood, but also in order to draw attention to problems of one nature or another - explains circulation librarian fiction Central Library named after A.S. PushkinGalina Fortygina,

There are several days in the calendar that are reserved for the smallest inhabitants of the planet - children. Of course, everyone will immediately remember International Children's Day, celebrated on June 1. But there is another date dedicated to children - November 20 - World Children's Day(Universal Children's Day). It was on this day in 1959 that the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. And 30 years later, in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was also adopted on November 20. That is why November 20th is considered a day dedicated to all the children of the world.

It is difficult for an uninitiated person to imagine what the Declaration and the Convention are, except that they are some kind of important documents. Turning to expert sources, you can find out that the declaration (from Latin - proclamation) is not binding, being a recommendation that proclaims the basic principles and program provisions. At the same time, a convention (from Latin - treaty, agreement) is an agreement on special issue, which is binding on those states that have acceded to it.

So what did the states agree on?

It can be said that the issue of children's rights was taken up for consideration not so long ago. 1945 is the year the UN was created, and one of the first acts General Assembly becomes the creation of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF - from English. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund), which has decisive force in our time.

1948 - The UN adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that children should be the object of special care and assistance.

November 20, 1959 – date of adoption of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The main provision was determined that humanity was obliged to give the child the best of what it had. The Declaration contained 10 basic principles, social and legal, that related to the protection and well-being of children at the national and international levels. Everyone who, by occupation, participated, or could participate, in the life of the child (parents, guardians, non-governmental organizations, local authorities and governments) was invited to recognize the rights and freedoms set out in the declaration and strive to respect them. The Declaration also stated that children should be provided with special protection and opportunities and conditions that enable them to develop in a healthy and normal manner, in conditions where their freedoms are respected and their dignity is respected. It must be said that this document has had a significant impact on the policies and practices of governments and individuals throughout the world.

1989 – 30 years later it became necessary to supplement the declaration, because Over the past period, many ideas have changed and new concepts have emerged. There has also been a pressing need to give children's rights the force of treaty law, obliging states that accede to them to be legally responsible for their actions. Thus, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was created and adopted.

The fundamental principle of the convention was the recognition that children were now to have human rights as individuals and not as an appendage of their parents or guardians. The celebration of World Children's Day has been in practice since 1956, and all countries that are members of the UN take part in it.

If we consider the date dedicated to World Children's Day from the point of view of fiction, then we can collect a decent selection of books, and these will be books, so to speak, “about children, not for children.” I would like to select books in which children's fate is especially traced. I proceed from my own preferences, from what I have read personally and tested in my soul. Today’s selection of books was created precisely to draw readers’ attention to the problems that our children, the children of our friends, and children completely unknown to us, face in their lives. From everything we have read, it becomes clear that all problems are created mainly by adults themselves, most often by close relatives of children, and sometimes by those who are related to the authorities.

This may be simple inattention, when adults believe that children's problems are too small to try to solve. It can be cruelty when adults use their power to use force on someone who cannot respond accordingly. These are quarrels between parents who have decided to divorce and divide their children like furniture. But it happens that a child from birth is not like all ordinary children, and then he needs more attention, love and care. In such cases, close relatives must be patient and strong. But not all problems can always be solved on their own, and then outside help is required. When they talk about something negative, it is understandable and easy to condemn. And when it comes to love, it is wonderful and beyond doubt. The main thing is that love does not turn into an overwhelming feeling called terror. Such love takes away strength from everyone.

"Children's Law"– 2014 novel from Ian McEwan- British writer, winner of various prestigious literary awards.

Very intense plot. In the center of the story is Milady Fiona May, the arbiter of human destinies on top level- High Court judge. As part of her job, she often has to resolve legal disputes in family matters. Usual cases - litigation about the whereabouts of children, about houses, about pensions, inheritances. More complicated cases involve desperate or desperate parents dividing their children, and these cases are complicated because they have to divide, and sometimes cut to the quick.

Lively in the literal sense, as in the case of Siamese twins - two boys fused in such a way that almost all vital organs are concentrated in one body. The question is that if everything is left as is, both will die, so it is urgent to separate the less viable baby. Then one of them will be saved. But the parents turned out to be very devout Catholics who did not agree to this outcome of the matter. For them, life was important only in the sense that it was given by God - the only arbiter of destinies, the one who gives life and the one who takes it.

The judge will resolve this case fairly. But life does not stand still, another thing will appear. The case of Adam Henry, still a minor, who urgently needs a blood transfusion, it seems that what problems could arise here, besides medical ones, however, they arise. The fact is that Adam’s parents are members of the religious community of Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose faith categorically prohibits the infusion of someone else’s blood. It is quite natural that their only son was raised according to the same canon and refuses a vital procedure quite consciously. But delaying death is similar, and therefore the hospital needs a court order, even against the parental will.

What decision will judge Milady Fiona May make? This is in the book.

"Rainbow for a Friend""- the author of the story is now 21 years old Mikhail Samarsky, but at the time of writing the book he was only 13 years old. This fact makes the book unique and unusual. The story is also unusual; the book tells the story of a blind boy who needs the help and accompaniment of a guide dog. However, the story is told on behalf of this particular character - the Labrador Trison.

Besides all this, the history of the creation of this book is interesting. According to the author, it all started with meeting a blind boy who said: “ We have dead eyes, but living hearts." . This incident led Mikhail to the point that he decided to try on the position of a blind man for a few days. To do this, he put on a light-proof bandage and did not take it off for 72 hours. This experiment was difficult for him, but as a result, an understanding was born of how difficult it is to live without being able to see the world.

The result of thoughts and reflections was the story "Rainbow for a Friend"" The book was first published by the Siberian Blagozvonnitsa publishing house in 2010 and has already been reprinted more than once. The book has also been translated into special formats for blind people: embossed dot Braille and as an audiobook. It must be said that Mikhail Samarsky is the initiator of the creation of the Living Hearts program and foundation, within the framework of which all caring people help the blind and visually impaired. The main formula in helping blind people is the following phrase: “By helping the blind, we ourselves gain our sight!”

The book is recommended for reading from the age of 12, but I think it will be useful to read not only for children, at least in order to form their own opinion about how today’s younger generation thinks.

The following book is an absolute bestseller, according to the New York Times, remaining on the list for 250 weeks - "Glass Castle"(2005) from Jeannette Walls. She created her book in the non-fiction genre. The story is the whole truth about her childhood and family.

Family: mom + dad + four children (God took one, but left the others). Mom is a very creative person - paintings, sculptures, silk-screen printing, everything in an abstract manner. Yes, and she also writes: plays, novels, fables - without the possibility of publication. Dad is an inventor and a dreamer, a giver of stars, a builder of crystal castles (read air castles). Permanent residence is not for this family; they love to travel. Work – from time to time (why bother yourself with obligations). Food only when there is work. School - only permanent place residence. Medical assistance is only in extreme cases, for example in case of a severe burn. Safety - help yourself. Freedom - as much as you want. Children's games, well, of course, these parents know what to give their children - Morse code, pistol shooting, rules of survival in the desert, scorpions, snakes, beautiful stones. Love is boundless, albeit strange.

In general, everything with them is not like other people. Life is an adventure, life is romance, life is hell.

Valery Panyushkin and his book "Fathers"(2013) - a fairy tale and a song, literally a hymn of fatherly love, dedicated to his daughter Varya.

The story is told in the form of a diary, in which memories of her childhood and, of course, growing up follow literally day by day. Her father writes and seems to regret that her childhood is over and she has become almost an adult girl, which has its own secrets, joys and sorrows.

Valery Panyushkin is a media personality - journalist, radio host, writer, public figure, father of four children. A permanent participant in charity programs related to the treatment of childhood cancer and AIDS. Writes scripts for the Gift of Life charity foundation. He took part in the annual Russian educational forum for women “SelfMamaForum”, where he presented his article on “how parents can avoid burnout.”

"Bury Me Behind the Baseboard"(1995). Tale Pavel Sanaeva, which needs no introduction. It has long been filmed and there are several theatrical productions based on its plot. One of the performances is performed on the stage of the Chelyabinsk Academic Drama Theater, and its name repeats the title of the book.

If we talk about the plot of the book, then this is exactly the case about which we can say that love has become a destructive force. Love that cannot be reciprocated, even to to a loved one- to my grandmother. Grandmother is a powerful personality, in her family she took on the role of the arbiter of destinies - the only and sovereign one, no one could resist her - neither her husband nor her daughter. The child, in this case Sasha Savelyev, became a hostage to the relationship.

It's no secret that the story is written on autobiographical material, and all the people mentioned in it are well known. And, of course, in this case it could not be done without assumptions that all the events described took place. This is partly true. But, as the writer says in one of his interviews, his story is not an absolute autobiography, but literary work, based on real childhood events. “Imagine several old knitted hats that have been unraveled to be knitted into a new sweater. The story was written on behalf of Sasha Savelyev, and not Pasha Sanaev, and it would be wrong to draw direct parallels between the life of our family and the book “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard.”

World Children's Day, on the recommendation of the UN General Assembly, has been celebrated annually around the world on November 20 since 1956. This decision was made in 1954 according to resolution No. 836 (IX), and in 1959 the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was approved on this day, as well as the “Convention of the Rights of the Child” in 1989. On Children's Day, many organizations, foundations and companies hold charity events aimed at helping children in need. Around the world, more than eleven million children suffer and die every year from poverty, discrimination, violence and disease. The UN Children's Fund carries out large-scale work in the field of children's health care. Its activities also include a number of activities aimed at providing future mothers with adequate medical care during the prenatal and birth periods.

Children are joy from heaven,
Flowers throughout our life.
We need to be able to do everything
So that you grow up happy.

May their pure laughter be a reward
It will be for your love.
If you are affectionate with your child -
He didn’t live his life in vain.

May the children be healthy
And they grow in great love.
The world will become kinder, cleaner.
God save them from harm.

World Children's Day
We meet with the whole planet,
Let them be happy
All children on Earth.

Let them live surrounded
Love and goodness,
Cheerful noise, din
Every house will be filled.

Under a peaceful, clear sky
Let our children grow
And, like a child's ball,
The planet is spinning.

Congratulations to the children of the whole planet, curious people and favorite checkers. Let the clear children's eyes be happy, let them always glow with joy, healthy curiosity and sincere surprise. Let children's energy and the desire to do everything charge everyone in the world. Let every baby on earth be protected and cared for by their parents.

Happy World Children's Day
I congratulate the whole world
And brothers and sisters,
Both quiet and bully,
Both babies and teenagers
And of course, dad and mom!
It is for children and for adults,
We need this holiday
To remember my youth,
Feel the beauty of childhood
And be a little kinder to the kids,
Be a little more gentle!

Let it ring with ringing laughter
Autumn day in November!
Happy World Children's Day -
All of you today, friends!

Let everyone remember today,
That, living in this world,
Our most important goal
There were, are and will be children!

In our souls we carry our own
Only good dreams:
To not be among them
Children abandoned by us!
Let's stretch out our hands to them,
Business replacing sounds!

Happy World Children's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let life be bright and sonorous.
Let the days be good.

I wish you a lot of sunshine
Lots of tenderness and warmth.
So that the carriage is golden
Luckily you would be lucky.

So that your wishes come true
Even without magic words.
So that everyone admires you.
Laughter, joy, flowers!

On World Children's Day, good wishes,
Let the sonorous voices of children never cease.
Let them be healthy, joyful and cheerful,
And their smiles shine like the sun of spring.

It is in our power to become kinder,
Warm children with affection,
To clap your hands,
Tears dried up in my eyes.

May today in the whole world
The shots and explosions will subside,
Let's tell the children that they must:
You are loved and needed!

Sun, rain, bad weather
They won't bother us
If a child's voice is heard,
If there is loud laughter nearby.

Property of the people
There is success in your future,
Children's Day is the holiday of the year,
Congratulations to all of us!

Happy Children's Day
All the people of the planet,
Happiness, joy and love -
These are our children.

Gives the world children's laughter
Kindness and affection,
I wish for them
The fairy tale did not end.

Let them grow healthy
Strong and strong
In the future I want to become
They are happy people.

Let the kids have a day
They are adorable all over the world!
Throw away all your worries
Let this day sound on the air!
The child will stretch out his arms to you
And if he also smiles...
All gloomy ones will disperse the clouds
From now on, joy will return to you!
Beautiful day, wonderful holiday
... more of these - life is more successful!
Such diverse relatives...
Holidays have one purpose.

The UN General Assembly in 1954 recommended that all countries celebrate Universal Children's Day as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding among children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children throughout the world.

The UN invited governments to choose any day to celebrate the days. But the date chosen was November 20: It was on this day in 1959 that the assembly adopted Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which became a fundamental document in addressing issues of children’s rights, and in 1989 - Convention on the Rights of the Child, which links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and other persons responsible for the life, development and protection of children.

Now, according to the law, November 20 is World Children's Day. The purpose of celebrating World Children's Day is to draw attention to actual problems modern childhood, call for guidance, public organizations and each person to activities aimed at ensuring normal conditions for mental and physical development children all over the world.

The Russian Federation ratified the Convention in 1990. Since then Russian government Periodic reports were provided on measures to implement the provisions of the Convention. The Committee, in turn, formulates recommendations that should improve the protection of children's rights.

Issues that concern you global community – high threshold of child mortality preschool age, unacceptable living conditions, a large number of diseases. It is within our power to change the situation. Every year, eleven million children do not reach the age of five.

In many cases, children lose their lives due to the devastating effects of poverty, discrimination, ignorance and violence. Many of the deaths could have been prevented.

Often the cause of child mortality is non-compliance with children's rights. The number of crimes against children (pedophilia, violence, murder, etc.) has increased in the world, and crime among children has increased significantly.

UN Children's Fund carries out active activities aimed at preserving children's health from early age and until youth. The Foundation also works to ensure proper medical supervision for pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Women are also provided with consultations and training in medical knowledge so that they can independently provide first aid to their children and cope with the symptoms of illnesses at home.

The UN Children's Fund pays special attention to creating proper living conditions for children who have lost their parents due to HIV/AIDS, and fights for equal rights and tolerant attitudes of society towards women and children with HIV.

One of UNICEF's main partners is Association of Commissioners for Children's Rights. Currently, Commissioners work in every fourth region of Russia. They monitor compliance with the rights of children, protect them from violence and abuse, help families in difficult life situations, protect various social groups children.

The Association of Commissioners for Children's Rights cooperates with local and federal authorities, carries out an independent assessment of compliance with children's rights, represents their interests in courts, and contributes to the development of relevant legislation.

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