New photos of Oleg Gazmanov’s daughter amazed all network users; the girl looks quite grown up. Oleg Gazmanov: children and families of Gazmanov and his daughter

Marianna Gazmanova is the daughter of the most popular Russian singer and composer Oleg Gazmanov and Marina Muravyova (Gazmanova).

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Oleg and Marina Gazmanov

Honored Artist of Russia, singer, composer, holder of the Order of Honor of Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. Multiple winner of “Song of the Year”, “Ovation”, “The World Music Awards”, as well as a goodwill ambassador for the UNICEF children's fund

After graduating from school, Oleg entered the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School. He was engaged in science and wrote a dissertation. But music was always nearby, and in 1977 he entered the Kaliningrad Regional Music School. Musical activities begin as part of “Blue Bird”, “Galaxy”

Oleg Gazmanov has a huge amount of discography and filmography. And also many songs in movies:

  • "Train to Brooklyn"
  • "Romance"
  • "Mole"
  • "Officers"
  • "Red Mercury"
  • "Shooting Mountains"
  • "Moscow. Three stations"
  • "German"

Mother Marina Gazmanova (Muravya) - born in 1969 in Voronezh, graduated from Voronezh University, Faculty of Economics. Marina was brought up in an intelligent family, danced, listened to classical music. Despite her economic education, Marina chose a profession in the field of design. She develops projects for her home and for clients.

For the first time, Oleg Gazmanov and Marina Muravyova met at a concert in Voronezh, the city where Marina lived. At that time, Marina was 18 years old, and Oleg was 38. Their first acquaintance turned out to be quite romantic. Considering that Marina did not listen to modern pop music, Oleg’s popularity was unfamiliar to her. After they met, the couple for a long time I communicated, but since Oleg was married at that time, the communication did not go any further. From his first marriage, Oleg has a son - (Born July 3, 1981). After some time, Marina marries Vyacheslav Mavrodi, while pregnant, her husband is sent to prison for a long time.

At that moment, Oleg appeared again in Marina’s life, who met her with her son from the maternity hospital. Then Marina’s eldest son, Philip, was born.

After 5 years, Oleg proposes to Marina, and after another year their daughter is born.

Marianna - daughter of Oleg Gazmanov, photo

Marianne– born on December 16, 2003 in Moscow. Marianna studies at a school with a theatrical focus, where they teach acting lessons and makeup application. The girl, like her father, is interested in music, plays the guitar, and sings.

Marianna is a very versatile person, in addition to her hobbies of theater and music, she is also interested in sports (snowboarding).

Her classmates call her Darling. Although her character is capricious, she is temperamental, and she has her own opinion on everything. Marianna studies foreign languages. Parents and grandmother help Marianna with her homework. She is passionate about modern dancing, attends Todes, and prefers breakdancing and hip-hop.

Marianna is currently studying abroad and is seriously interested in modeling.

Marina Gazmanova on her page Instagram writes

Now we need to study a little in the camp. First time at the airport on my own. Five hours of this experiment is my meditation on anxiety. She coped with everything well, didn’t get lost, made the flight, bought a SIM card, and most importantly, she did everything with pleasure. Two weeks at school in London

Marianna - daughter of Oleg Gazmanov, video

Marianna - daughter of Oleg Gazmanov, hobbies, personal life

WITH early age Marianna starts earning money. Already at the age of 6 he performs at a fashion show of a famous brand and receives natural compensation for his work. fur coat. According to Oleg Gazmanov, children are required to receive a good education and earn money on your own. Mom is also happy about her daughter’s success as a fashion model. Marianna feels very confident in front of the camera.

Marianna tries herself in different directions. She is often busy taking photographs and participating in fashion shows. Marina Gazmanova showed pictures of her daughter and added that she “protected her from professional filming, but the bright appearance of the red breed, which photographers are chasing, played a role"

Marianna has a naive look and a shock of red hair; she has a successful future as a sought-after fashion model.

Marianna - daughter of Oleg Gazmanov, last news

In 2017, Marianna turns 14 years old. Loving father wrote a new song for my daughter, posted the lyrics on my Instagram.

You will wake up and stretch softly
Smile at your reflection
They hide under long eyelashes,
Running away night visions

I look at you in surprise
Here is a pulsating wreath under the skin
And I feel every moment
How similar are you and I in many ways?
The most, the most tender
My girl is sleeping
Serene sleeps

Along the humming string of the freeway
A line of cars rush by
Stealthily watching you
I really want to extend this morning
The most, the most tender
My girl is sleeping
Serene sleeps

The lightest
Warmed by the sun
Tender sleepy
Praised by heaven

And also left a congratulation:

“Happy birthday, my sunny Ryzhik! 14 years old, passport. A little sad. Learn to be happy...",

Parents regularly publish on their pages social networks photographs of Marianna, proud of her daughter's success.

Today is Daughters' Day! How nice it is to have a daughter, daughter, daughter... I have such happiness! For anyone else, put a flower 🌸. I want a bouquet! I'll go hug and kiss mine.

Marianna does not spoil her subscribers with publications, although her fans are looking forward to new publications.

Despite the fact that Oleg Gazmanov’s daughter Marina is only 14 years old, she has something to show her fans.

Daughters People's Artist and his second wife Marina Marianna turned 14 years old last December. As often happens, yesterday's red-haired girl in hemp has grown up sharply, stretched out and turned into a beauty, to whom even freckles give additional charm. The girl has her own page on Instagram, but her photos on her parents’ social networks receive much more positive reviews.

« Daughter. Jewelry work created in passionate LOVE in the Maldives, wrapped in copper gold and azure bliss. Picky about herself down to her freckles. Teenager, in a word", wrote the wife of Oleg Gazmanov.

Internet users admired the beauty of the “teenager”, wrote that Marianne would definitely break many men’s hearts, and some noticed that for such young age schoolgirl is “too sexy.”

« A real beauty!”, “Poor guys”, “Beautiful child. Marianna, you will “grow up” the girl a little. She's only 14, too sexy. Sorry", wrote subscribers of Marina Gazmanova.

Marianna Gazmanova is a creative person. She studies at a school with a theatrical focus and, in addition to general education subjects, studies acting, the history of theater and jazz, and also plays the guitar, practices vocals and dances hip-hop and breakdancing in the Todes studio.

They say the girl dreams of a modeling career. But her mother claims that photo shoots are therapy. " I let Marianne let off steam at photo sessions with a psychologist photographer. She selects a team of young stylists, and together they decide what they will create and perform. Here I allow everything! But I trust these people, they have been tested by me. Yes, I agree, too much makeup. Marianne looks at herself from the outside and also draws conclusions. But let him play like an adult a little", Marina wrote once.

Oleg Gazmanov’s daughter Marianna is now only 13 years old, but many have already seen great potential in her.

In addition, the girl is predicted to have a successful modeling career. Take a look at the pictures from Marianna’s photo shoots, perhaps you will like them too.

Why hasn’t Gazmanov’s daughter started her modeling career yet?

This is exactly the question the singer’s fans are asking.

The answer to this question can be given by the girl's mother. Here's what she says: “I tried for a very long time to keep my daughter away from the fashion world, but now I’ve finally given up. Her unusual beauty, for which all redheads are famous, attracts photographers, and nothing can be done about it. I hope Marianne succeeds along the way.”

Oleg Gazmanov himself joked about this: “This is what happens when you are away from home for a long time. You come back, and your children have already grown up so much.”

Marianna Gazmanova vs Stefania Malikova

Stesha Malikova is the idol of young Marianna. The girl likes the fact that Stesha is in her at a young age She has already achieved a lot: she is successfully developing her blog, and she recently began her singing career.

This is why Marianna admits that she wants to be like Stesha.

Will Gazmanov's daughter outshine her idol? Well, it's quite possible. If Marianne manages to reveal her other talents that are not related to physical beauty, she will definitely be successful.

A man of inextinguishable energy cannot go unnoticed. This is what happened with Oleg Gazmanov. Today he is not just a singer, producer, but also a political and public figure. Many people want to know how he achieved all-Russian fame.

The boy Oleg, born on July 22, 1951 in a family of immigrants from Belarus, spent his childhood and youth in Kaliningrad region. He was distinguished by his straightforwardness, purposefulness and dreamed of connecting his destiny with the sea. The singer, who will turn 66 in 2017, admits that he loves water element no less than in my youth.

In 1983, after graduating maritime school and with a dissertation under his belt, he decided to devote himself to music and moved to Moscow. Here he often performs with his son Rodion. Since 1989 he has been organizing his own group “Squadron”. 1991 was a turning point in Gazmanov’s career: he released the solo album “Squadron”. Almost all the songs on the disc became hits, which took him to the top. musical Olympus. Tours, national fame, and performances on the international stage begin.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the performer became a Goodwill Ambassador for the UNICEF Children's Fund, and 10 years later he participated in the recording of the Russian Anthem together with the Academic Ensemble.

Married life of Oleg Gazmanov

For a long time, Oleg Mikhailovich was married to his peer Irina Pavlovna Gazmanova. She was born in 1951, March 8th. Their marriage took place in 1975. And yet it was considered long years exemplary couple divorced family bonds in 1997.

The singer’s second wife in 2003 was Marina Muravyova. She is 18 years younger than her husband and will turn 48 in 2017.


In union with Irina, Oleg first found the happiness of fatherhood: on July 3, 1981, their son Rodion was born. Today he followed in his father’s footsteps and became a singer, although he graduated from the Financial Academy and held a post in his specialty in a large company for several years. Gazmanov’s son, who will celebrate his 36th birthday in 2017, is credited with many novels, but so far he has not married a single girl.

The second marriage made Gazmanov happy with the birth of his daughter Marianna. She was born on December 16, 2003, and will turn 14 years old in 2017. The girl dances professionally and pleases her parents with her good studies.

Also, Oleg, in alliance with Marina, adopted a stepson, Philip, who was born on November 29, 1997. He studies business technology at an English university and tries himself as a fashion model, which his parents do not interfere with, considering it a good hobby.

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