Recommendations for those who want to plunge into icy water on Epiphany night. How to bathe properly at baptism

Bathing in the wood is an ancient ritual that many people in our country perform every year. Soon you will be able to join the favorite Russian tradition, and from this article you will learn when is the best time to do so.

Even though the New Year celebrations are over, the series of holidays is not over yet. According to tradition, on January 19, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday Epiphany. There are many traditions and rituals associated with this day, and the most popular of them is swimming in an ice hole. Every year, thousands of people take a bath in blessed water to ensure their health and cleanse their souls of sins. We invite you to find out when is the best time to perform the ritual of bathing on Epiphany.

Swimming in an ice hole January 19, 2018

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered Orthodox events. Over time, this holiday acquired many traditions, and one of them was swimming in the wood. Everyone who decides to perform this ritual is simply obliged to know about its features so as not to harm their health.

Before the consecration of water, a hole called a Jordan is cut through the ice. It received this name in honor of the river in which the Son of God was once baptized. After this, the clergyman lowers the crucifix into the water and says a prayer. A person who decides to perform the ritual of ablution must plunge his head into the ice hole three times, but before doing this he must pray.

It is believed that with the help of Epiphany water you can get rid of ailments and sins. However, this ritual is not performed by all believers, because not everyone can expose their health to such a risk.

When is the best time to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

When to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany - on the eve of the holiday or on the day of the event itself? This question worries many people who want to swim in an ice hole. It is believed that on the evening of January 18, it is best to visit the church, pray and take holy water home.

At the end of the evening service, on the night of January 19, everyone can plunge into the already blessed water. The most suitable time period for this is considered to be the period from 00:00 to 01:30. According to legend, it is at this time that the water acquires strong healing properties who have repeatedly helped people get rid of diseases.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to perform the bathing ritual at night, then you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening of January 19th. If, due to your health condition, you do not have the opportunity to plunge into ice water in mid-January, then just wash your face Epiphany water, collected in the ice hole.

After bathing, do not forget to say a prayer again so that the ritual will benefit not only your body, but also your soul. Our ancestors gave special meaning such great Orthodox events as the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that this holiday is of a religious nature, there are many things associated with it. folk signs, which people previously preferred to believe.

Not many people know how to swim in an ice hole at home and at what time, because most consider it a feat and do not delve into the rules of swimming and the essence of this tradition. Today I will describe to you how to do this correctly, why they bathe at Epiphany and what date, 18th or 19th, this should be done.

It is not brave, desperate people or braggarts who plunge into Baptism; believers do this. Having run into the river drunk to celebrate, many are sure that in this way they got rid of their sins, supposedly washed them away. I want to disappoint you, this is not so, on the contrary, it is forbidden to drink during Epiphany ablutions.

Whether you know it or not, on January 18, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. This tradition appeared back in 988, when the Baptism of Rus' took place under the rule of Prince Vladimir. On January 19, water has divine power and many believe that by swimming in an ice hole on January 19, you can wash away all the sins committed during the year.

To cleanse yourself of sins and bad deeds, this procedure is not enough; you need to go through several more steps, including confessing in church. A lot of people are concerned about the question of when to swim on Epiphany, on the 18th or 19th, how to do it correctly, and who is not recommended to dive into the ice hole.

Friends, you can cleanse your body and undergo the ablution procedure as early as January 18th.

Baptism - when to swim

Most likely, many people know that you can dive into the ice hole as early as January 18, but the number will decrease if I ask when exactly. On Epiphany Eve, services are held in all churches, during which the great consecration of water is performed. After which with a small amount Using this water, the clergyman goes to the place where the Orthodox ritual will be performed.

After performing the necessary ritual, the priest gives a blessing, which means the water is suitable for bathing. Therefore, if you are planning to swim in specially consecrated fonts, check in advance the time for this procedure. In some places, swimming in an ice hole or river is allowed as early as 20:00 on January 18, in other places not earlier than 22:00.

If you decide to swim in an ice hole or other body of water where the priest could not bless the water, then your time starts from 00:00 on January 19 until dawn. Now you also know what date they bathe at Epiphany.

Baptism - where to bathe

On this holiday, you can wash your face and swim at any point where there is water, not necessarily in a hole, but also at home in the bathroom or under running water. It is preferable to do ablution in specially designated and equipped points, under the supervision of rescuers and doctors.

If there is no such opportunity to swim on January 18 or 19 in a baptismal or illuminated area, perform this ritual in another place, in particular, in a lake located nearby or a flowing river. In this case, swimming should begin at midnight on January 19th.

Epiphany bathing at home is not excluded. This can be done in the bathroom or shower. You can immerse yourself in the bath completely, or you can wash only your face and hands. If your body is not suitable for stress and there are contraindications, then you should protect yourself from cold water from the shower. There is no need to force your body and pour ice water on it.

After washing your face three times for Baptism at home, say the same words as when swimming in the ice hole, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” There are no time restrictions for Epiphany 2018, this year is no different from others, so you need to swim from January 18 to 19.

Where to swim for baptism in Moscow

In Moscow people bathe on Epiphany usually in the same places; they are indicated in advance in newspapers and in social networks. The exact location can be clarified in the church or temple. To help, I can provide you with a list of where you can swim at Epiphany in 2018 in Moscow.

In the same article you will find places for ablution in Krasnodar.

Baptism - is it possible to swim?

When people swim in an ice hole in winter to wash away their sins, I often hear a similar phrase on the eve of the holiday. If you are healthy and fully confident that swimming will cleanse you of bad deeds, then on the night of January 18-19, you can expose your body to stress.

Is it possible to swim at Epiphany, of course you can, if the health of your body allows you. Persons who have a number of contraindications are not allowed to swim on the Epiphany holiday.

  • Persons with inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and ear diseases should not plunge into frosty water.
  • Cardiac ischemia and angina attacks.
  • Epilepsy and after traumatic brain injury.
  • Neuritis or polyneuritis.
  • It is not advisable for any type of diabetes.
  • Glaucoma and conjunctivitis are also prohibited.
  • Any disease related to the lungs should stop you from performing this ritual.
  • It is not recommended to perform the ritual with problems of the urinary tract; such an act risks exacerbation.
  • Peptic ulcers and hepatitis.
  • Skin and venereal diseases.

The list of those who are excluded from swimming at Epiphany is small; if you belong to one of the points, then forget about diving into frosty water; winter swimming is contraindicated for you.
The fact is that when suddenly immersed in ice water, a person experiences severe stress, which not everyone can endure. Such a test can result in an exacerbation of the disease, in the worst case, death.

How to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany

This procedure has a number of rules that must be strictly followed; ignoring them can lead to irreversible consequences.

  1. First, read the list of those who should not perform this ritual.
  2. In case you are on the list of contraindications, limit yourself to washing your face cool water at home.
  3. Some time before ablution, do not drink alcohol; the blood vessels are not always able to withstand such a load.
  4. It is dangerous to go into frosty water with a full stomach.
  5. For the duration of the procedure outside the home, take flip-flops.
  6. I don’t advise women to wear high-heeled boots at Epiphany bathing; no one needs your beauty there, and it’s very dangerous.
  7. Even at home, put on swimsuits, because there are not places for changing clothes everywhere.
  8. Bring a blanket with you; one towel will not be enough.

This important rules and points that a person should know when going to swim on Christmas Eve, a river or a font. Be careful, follow them, and then your life will not be in danger.

How to swim properly at Epiphany

How to properly bathe at Epiphany for a woman, this situation worries many representatives of the fairer sex, let's start with it.

  1. Women and girls during menstruation are prohibited from swimming on Epiphany Eve, thus, sinful acts will obviously not be washed away, but will only be added to.
  2. You can't swim naked either.
  3. Women are supposed to swim in long white shirts so that they cover their shoulders and buttocks, not to mention a swimsuit and naked.
  4. If a ladder is lowered into the font, during a smooth immersion in the water, under no circumstances throw one hand; it must hold securely on the handrail.
  5. There is no need to plunge headlong into it.
  6. After each dive, even if not completely, do not forget to say the words that I wrote above.
  7. Even if you come to wash yourself with holy water, do it three times, saying the same words.
  8. Don't be a hero and don't stay in the water for a long time, otherwise you risk hypothermia.
  9. Still, limit small and infant children from swimming in the winter ice hole on Epiphany.

Friends, on Epiphany Eve and the Epiphany of the Lord, holy water runs even in the water supply; if your health does not allow you to jump into an ice hole in winter, do not be upset, wash yourself three times at home in the bathroom, wash your little children and thank the Lord God.

I hope I was able to answer all your questions by telling you when to swim at Epiphany, how to do it correctly, who should not swim and identifying the main places for Epiphany bathing in Moscow and Krasnodar. Share information on social networks, help others find out where to swim in cities and how to do it correctly, observing all traditions.

Baptism in Greek means “immersion in water.” All nations adhere to this holiday. In the Church, Epiphany is considered one of the main holidays. What's happened? It takes place on January 19, when people set tables, go swimming in an ice hole or douse themselves with water. There is an opinion that the time of Epiphany on the night of January 18-19 is the time when sacred water flows from the tap. We invite you to take a closer look at this significant holiday.

What is the Baptism of the Lord

On this day, many Christians not only from Russia, but also from all over the world remember where the holiday came from. Let's remember - Baptism, what is it? On January 19, John the Baptist (Baptist) baptized Jesus Christ.

It is with this holiday that begins New Year according to old traditions.

Today, Epiphany Day is celebrated on the night of January 18-19. People celebrate it in much the same way as Easter. Cooking delicious dinner, in the morning they go to Church and bless the water, and not only that. Some people like to bless various products, such as sausage, cheese and kutia.

Many people like to go to the ice hole on the morning of January 19, where they swim. There is an opinion that even if it’s frosty outside, it’s still not cold to take a dip. Some are afraid to swim, they think that they might catch a bad cold, because the temperature outside is sub-zero.

In order to absolve sins on the feast of Epiphany, it is advisable to fast for a day. That is, do not eat meat and fatty foods. You need to give preference to lean foods.

Peculiarities of the Epiphany Service

The priest and all church ministers are dressed in white robes on this day. In Epiphany, what is water? It gives strong energy to a person and cleanses him of sins. However, only if you adhere to all the rules.

The very first feature on the day of Epiphany is the blessing of water.

Even if it comes from a tap, nothing will happen to it. will not deteriorate for a very long time. It is often used for human health, the evil eye, cleansing, etc.

Church service begins at evening time January 18. The next day the priest also conducts a service. Everyone who wants to cleanse themselves and sanctify their water in the church usually goes first to the Divine Service. After the service has passed (2-3 hours), people can get holy water in the church or wait for the priest to bless it himself.

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, you cannot quarrel or swear. It is advisable to read as many prayers as possible from January 18 to 19. If you don't know them, then just turn to God. You cannot ask him in prayers for money and fame. After all, this is a non-financial God. Ask him not to get sick so that you can earn money for your needs. You'll see if you speak from pure heart, it will give you health.

Meals before Epiphany

The day before, that is, January 18, you need to stick to a light diet. Be sure to eat kutya on this day, which is made from cereals, honey and raisins. Some people add nuts and sugar to it.

Of course, not only kutya should be eaten at Epiphany. What else is tasty and interesting? Probably nothing. On this day, try to avoid pork, eggs, fish and dairy products.

Try to prepare soup on January 18 without frying vegetables. Place potatoes, carrots and onions (all raw) into the water. Just a little salt. One day on this lean soup you can sit. In addition to the first course, make porridge (buckwheat, wheat or rice). They will even make you healthier this day. After all, as you know, porridge is very beneficial for the human body.

But on January 19, have a holiday. You can also cook chicken in the oven, various salads, cutlets and much more.

Traditions of Epiphany

Any religious holiday intertwined with folk traditions. Baptism in Rus' was given special significance. The girls stopped guessing and testing their fate. They began to go to church, pray and stand at services.

The girls thought that Christmas fortune telling- it is a sin. Therefore, they knew that after going to church they were purified.

Today, all the people are preparing for the holiday in advance. People create menus, buy groceries and prepare a variety of foods. They do not change long-standing traditions and also come to church for purification. As in Rus', even now, the priest sanctifies water twice. The first is in the church itself in the font, and the second is in the bathing pond.

If for some reason a person was unable to come to church, he is cleansed by swimming in an ice hole. However, remember that this tradition is optional. There is a risk, so you need to be careful. If you have a heart condition, are weak or have chronic bronchitis, then it is better to avoid swimming in the cold.

In Rus', on the day of Epiphany it was forbidden to wash clothes not only at home, but also in the river, since water is considered holy.

Where to swim on Epiphany

Many citizens are wondering where to swim at Epiphany? The choice is very large. You can swim in any place where there are specially equipped places. For this there must be special steps from which it is easy for a person to descend. There may also be tables where a person can put his clothes. Rescuers are on duty in special places on Epiphany Day. After all, anything can happen. They help in unexpected situations. In these places you can go through the entire bathing ritual.

Many people also dip in unofficial places. It is very dangerous. Where there are no lifeguards or a special entrance to the water, this place can be fatal. So don't take risks. Places of baptism are no different; they are equipped in the same way. Therefore, it is not necessary to travel somewhere far from your home to plunge into holy water. If you have an Epiphany pond nearby, you can safely go there. It is advisable to find out in advance whether there are doctors or rescuers there.

If you want to swim on a holy day, go where there are specially designated places and there are a lot of people. If you don’t know where to swim on Epiphany, it’s better to ask friends who have tried several options.

Proper bathing for Epiphany

You can plunge into this holiday at any age. Of course, you need to be prepared for this ritual both physically and mentally. If you are preparing your child, you must first harden him for a year. Give your baby a contrast shower and dousing with water. At first the water should be warm, gradually turning into colder water.

If you have rheumatism, heart disease or certain chronic diseases, then you need to consult your doctor first. After all, plunging into ice water can cause a person to go into shock.

If you are allowed to swim for Epiphany, follow the rules:

  1. Swim only in designated areas.
  2. Go diving accompanied by loved ones; diving alone is very dangerous.
  3. Do not drink alcohol or cigarettes before swimming. They cause the blood vessels to narrow, which can lead to shock.
  4. Take a change of warm clothes with you.
  5. To easily approach the water, shoes should be non-slippery and comfortable.
  6. It is better not to plunge your head into it, as a sharp narrowing of blood vessels can cause trouble.
  7. You should not stay in ice water for more than 60 seconds. After all, hypothermia is a very serious test for the body.
  8. Where there is ice, you should not plunge, it is very dangerous.
  9. After swimming in ice water, you should rub your body well with a terry blanket or towel to disperse the blood throughout the body, and only then get dressed.
  10. To prevent hypothermia, drink hot tea immediately after swimming.

The Epiphany of the Lord is a holiday that not only cleanses a person, but also renews him spiritually.

Folk signs for Epiphany

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to the weather and events to determine what spring, summer or autumn will be like. Here are some folk signs:

  1. If it is clear on this day, but there is frost, there will be little rain in the summer, and there will be little harvest in the fall.
  2. Round for Epiphany full moon- There will be a flood in the spring.
  3. The night from January 18 to 19 will be clear and there will be many stars - a good harvest for berries in the summer.
  4. If there is a positive temperature at Epiphany, summer and autumn will be fruitful.
  5. South wind on January 19 - there will be frequent thunderstorms in the summer.
  6. Dogs bark at Epiphany - the hunting season will be successful.
  7. Chickens are not fed on this holiday. It is believed that if they are well-fed on January 19, they will spoil the garden in the summer.
  8. If Epiphany turns out to be sunny and frosty, the summer will be very hot and dry.
  9. If at 12:00 noon on January 19 the clouds are blue, you will reap a rich harvest from the garden in the fall.
  10. A snowstorm on Epiphany means that spring will not soon knock on the window.
  11. If there is a strong whirlwind on January 19, there will be plenty of honey.
  12. A snowstorm on Epiphany means that the weather will be the same on Maslenitsa.
  13. You will be healthy all year long if you swim in an ice hole at dawn on January 19th.

All these signs were considered very important by the people. If the weather really indicated that there would be no harvest, then people would stock up for next year. Over the years, people have become convinced that all the signs are true. Many people are wondering when Epiphany is in 2016. This holiday falls from Monday to Tuesday.

Epiphany water and its features

This water is called agiasma. In Greek it means "shrine". It has long been considered healing. To this day, people remember her if someone in the family is feeling unwell, they give holy water to drink, they wipe their face, hands, and feet. There is an opinion that people are healed. Indeed, it remains a mystery how water can stand for a long time and not spoil.

Scientists have studied ordinary and sacred water. They proved that the second one actually approaches in density sacred river Jordan. Its healing properties are explained by the fact that it is on Holy Days that the Earth’s magnetic field is deviated from the norm and magnetizes all water. Scientists have not been able to fully prove this phenomenon. After all, it is on Church holidays that a miracle occurs. So from a scientific point of view, even the water that flows from the tap into the Church holidays, becomes perfectly clean and retains its special qualities for decades.

What date should I swim for Epiphany in 2019? Since for many people this church holiday is associated specifically with visiting the font, this question the day before is one of the most popular. As in the case of Easter, Merry Christmas, believers celebrate Epiphany on the night of January 18 to January 19.

In addition to the fact that the holiday is called Epiphany, it has a second name: Epiphany. It means that in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on the water in the form of a dove, and the Father spoke from heaven.

Interesting! After the sacrament of baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus Christ received remission of all the sins that he had during his life on earth. He came to life for a new spiritual life.

In honor of how Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, today on the feast of Epiphany many decide to swim in an ice hole. It is important to understand that swimming is not the most important thing to do. It is more important on the eve of this sacrament to confess and also take communion.

When to bathe at Epiphany

, of course, occurs according to all the laws of the church only after the service is over and the priest blesses the water in the ice hole or font. The first time this happens is on the evening of January 18th. All together, the believers and the priest leave the temple and head to the ice hole (it’s called “Jordan”). There, prayers are read over the water, and then, in honor of the consecration of the waters, a silver cross is lowered into them.

When a person enters the water, he must read a prayer, dive headlong three times and cross himself after each time. You should say the words silently or out loud: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” If possible, you should not swim in swimsuits, but wear a shirt or long T-shirt on top.

It turns out that baptism has two dates. You can take a dip already in the evening of January 18th on Christmas Eve, after evening service. At this time, the first baptismal blessing of water is held, and you can also plunge into the ice hole throughout the day on January 19th. What is important here is not so much the date and time as the correct spiritual preparation. Only she will help, during winter swimming, to cleanse the body and soul of sins, and to take the right path of an Orthodox righteous life.

Interesting! On Epiphany Christmas Eve, when a person returns home from church, set the festive table. Traditionally, they put it on it juicy. This is a special porridge made from wheat or barley seeds, or rice with the addition of honey, nuts and dried fruits. Relevant on any festive table.

Signs and traditions for Epiphany

It would also be useful to talk about other traditions, folk and church, that are directly related to this holiday.

It was believed that if a wedding takes place between Epiphany and Maslenitsa, it will bring happiness to the young couple. Matchmaking at Epiphany is another very good omen for a long time and happy life. If the frosts on Epiphany are stronger than on Christmas, then in Rus' they believed that this a clear sign good harvest.

It happens that on the 19th the water in the ice hole reaches the very edges. This means that in the spring you should expect high water. When the weather on the day of the holiday is clear and icy, this indicates a dry summer. But if it snows on Epiphany, and in large flakes, this is an important sign that this year’s harvest will be excellent. Another sign is to say that a child born on the day of the Epiphany will be happy and blissful throughout life. It is recommended to give him a jade stone as a talisman.

Hello, dear readers! On January 19, all believers celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, the most ancient Christian holiday. Since ancient times in Rus' it was believed that swimming in Epiphany water, relieves many ailments. Swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany - what is it? A tribute to fashion or, indeed, is there healing of soul and body behind this? This is what we are talking about today.

Some believe that the roots of this holiday date back to pagan culture. Currently, on the night of January 18-19, the consecration of holy water and springs takes place. Many people line up to take holy water or bathe in the consecrated spring.

According to the Gospel, it is believed that on this day Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River in Bethabara, where John the Baptist was, in order to receive baptism from him. John, who preached the imminent coming of the Savior, was surprised when he told Jesus that he should be baptized by him. But in response, Jesus replied that “It is fitting for us to do all righteousness” and received baptism from John. During baptism, the sky opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ with the words “You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased!”

Usually at this time there are severe frosts in Russia, they are also called Epiphany frosts. But the frosts seem to have passed, and the weather is now relatively warm throughout Russia.

On the eve of Epiphany on January 19, special ice holes are cut down on reservoirs and rivers in many cities, and even in small villages where there are churches, in which anyone can plunge. Many do this because of true faith in God, while others simply do it for extreme sports.

But for whatever purpose a person plunges into the icy water in an ice hole, first of all he needs to be prepared for this, not only physically, but also mentally. This is, after all, stress, especially for the body of an unprepared person. An unprepared body can experience a feeling of cold, but only for a short time. The hardening method is based on this.

You need to know that water has the ability to perceive any information, while changing its structure under the influence of the source of information. When entering the ice hole, first of all, you need to be in the mood for the good and useful. Water feels this and will respond to you with what you want.

How does the body react to swimming in an ice hole?

Constantly swimming in an ice hole in winter is one of the ways to harden the body and prevent colds, training blood vessels. But if a person decides to swim in an ice hole once a year at Epiphany, won’t his body be harmed? How can his body react to such severe stress as immersion in ice water?

  1. When immersed in cold water with the head, there is an instant awakening of the central nervous system, the work of many centers is activated.
  2. At the same time, there is a release protective forces body, body temperature after contact with cold water reaches a temperature of 40⁰. We know that this temperature is destructive for viruses, bacteria and diseased cells.
  3. During stress (positive) from immersion in ice water, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increases mental energy and activity. In addition, adrenaline has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood composition, relieves pain, swelling and spasm.

Swimming in the Epiphany ice hole

Of course, to get into icy water, I repeat, you need a special attitude. But attitude alone is not enough. Eat certain rules who will help you perform this ritual correctly.

  1. Firstly, you need to swim only in a specially equipped ice hole. It will be good if the descent into the ice hole is equipped with a ladder with handrails.
  2. Secondly, never go swimming in an ice hole alone. Unforeseen circumstances may arise and you may need help.
  3. And one last thing. When planning to swim in an ice hole, dress properly. For swimming, take a swimsuit or a simple shirt, flip-flops or so that you can walk comfortably on snow or ice. To change clothes, take dry clothes, but such that they can be put on quickly.

How to swim in an ice hole correctly

Approach the ice hole slowly, go down into the water carefully, preferably holding on to the handrails, slightly tilting your body forward so as not to slip. Do not dive or jump into the water under any circumstances - this is life-threatening.

While swimming, according to church rules, you need to plunge your head into the water three times. But if you are not in the mood for this, then you should not do this; immerse yourself in water up to your neck. You should not stay in the ice hole for more than 1 minute to prevent your body from becoming hypothermic.

If you have a child with you, be sure to monitor his well-being and hold his hand. With small children, I personally would not recommend performing such a procedure.

Get out of the water also very carefully, holding on to the handrails so as not to slip. Immediately after this, try to take off your damp clothes and rub yourself dry with a towel. Although, a towel is usually not required: the body dries itself instantly - double checked for personal experience. And immediately put on dry underwear.

If you feel that you are cold, then make vigorous movements, and when you come home, drink hot tea to warm up.

Who should not swim in an ice hole - contraindications

  • Acute diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, otitis media and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, heart defects);
  • Epilepsy, consequences of traumatic brain injury, encephalitis;
  • Endocrine diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
  • Acute conjunctivitis, glaucoma;
  • Inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, venereal diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How I swam in an ice hole - personal experience

I had the opportunity to experience such happiness three times. True, this was the first time late autumn in the village of Velikoretskoye. This village is famous for the fact that once, back in the 19th century, a peasant found an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker under the roots of a pine tree on the banks of the Velikaya River. This icon subsequently healed many people and since then it has been very revered. Now this icon is in the Tryphon Monastery in the city of Kirov. With this icon, Velikoretsk is held annually in June. procession, which brings together tens of thousands of people from all over Russia and beyond.

The second time I plunged into the hole was at Epiphany. I want to tell you about my feelings.

That time the frost was about 20⁰. But it so happened that a group of us, when returning from fitness, decided to go and swim in the ice hole. For a whole week, remembering that I had to go swimming, everything inside was cold with fear. But since I promised, I have to go.

The ice hole was blocked by a tent, in which people undressed and entered the ice hole. After standing in a short line, we also went into the tent, quickly undressed and went to the ice hole. A ladder with a handrail descended into the hole. As I entered the water, I felt my legs burn. There was only one thought in my head: don’t stop! Entering the hole, I felt small needles piercing my body, but still I plunged headlong into the water three times!

Coming out of the hole, my body was burning. My skin blood vessels must have dilated so much that I felt hot. The skin immediately dried out. Only on the head were icicles. Having quickly dried our heads with a towel and changed into dry clothes, we left the tent. The queue to the ice hole increased even more.

But most of all I liked the feeling I had after the ice hole. There was an amazing lightness, joy and feeling, I would say, pride in myself - I could do it! The most interesting thing is that after such a bath I didn’t even sneeze even once, which means that such a bath was only beneficial for me.

The third time I plunged into an ice hole at Epiphany was 2 years later. Remembering that day, I had no intention of swimming in the ice hole. Everything happened spontaneously, my friends arrived and said, “Let’s go swimming, dress accordingly!” Got ready in 3 minutes. And again I felt that unforgettable thrill of immersing myself in ice-cold water.

Dear readers, have you swam in an ice hole? It was interesting to know about your feelings from ice water, write about it in the comments.

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