The father of the actor is a policeman. Mikhail policeman's ex-wife is preparing to sue him

Michael, Can you say that the profession was passed on to you by inheritance? Was it genetic? Mikhail Polizeimako: I would argue about genetics. Because if you take a boy from acting family and send him fishing from childhood, he will become a fisherman. And when you are constantly on tour with your parents from infancy, you see only the theater, filming and nothing else, then most likely you will be an actor. And here it’s not about genetics, but about what surrounds you since childhood.

So, it is the environment that influences the choice of profession?

M.P.: Yes. For example, I was never forced to become an artist. Never. For some unknown reason, my dad sent me to the math school at the academy. Pedagogical Sciences USSR. I studied there until the 8th grade and sincerely did not understand what I was doing there. Therefore, I can honestly say that when you get used to a certain atmosphere, you no longer want to plunge into another. This is what grabs you in childhood and never lets go. And this has its downsides. Because acting is a very the hard way and dependent profession. It is impossible to earn big money as an actor. At least in our country.

It turns out that work is a thrill for you?

M.P.: This is a way of life. I look, again, at people who go to sea. They are stormy every day, they lower the anchor on old longboats, raise the nets, the sun, the heat... And from the outside you don’t understand how this is even possible... But they are used to it. Just as a fish is used to living in the water, I am also used to being behind the scenes or on the set. I don't treat it like a job and don't wait for it to end. For me, a performance is a way of self-expression, an energy release even on a physiological level...

What then
influences the formation of character?

M.P.: Well, this is somewhat different. Character is formed, it seems to me, from the first months of life. And, in my opinion, until the age of 5, a child should live in love. When I see a mother who shakes her baby by the hand and shouts: “Shut up, I told you!”, I imagine what will happen to this child at 13-14 years old. I can't look at this calmly. Because he still doesn’t understand what they want from him. Although I myself am a supporter of strict education.

Are you a strict dad?

M.P.: No, I can’t say that I’m strict. Rather, demanding. In general, I very rarely perform the functions of a dad because of my busy schedule. True, I recently vacationed with my wife Larisa and Milenochka at friends’ dacha. For four whole days I was a real dad - I nursed my daughter and fed her. And so basically my Lara is with her all the time.

Were you also left to your own devices as a child? Who raised Mikhail Polizeimako, the actor whose biography is so well known throughout the country?

M.P.: I had two grandmothers. Moreover, two opposites. My mother’s mother, grandmother Zhenya, came from the Alshvangi dynasty and was an extremely intelligent lady. Even when she was arguing with my dad, she told him: “Young man, I’m going to hit you with a stick.” Dad's mother, Baba Ida, worked as a pharmacist all her life and was from working family. And so they constantly argued about my upbringing. Because one grandmother said: “A boy should eat,” and the second: “A boy should not be fat.” In general, as you can see, the grandmother who said that the boy should eat won. I also had an amazing nanny - Varvara Grigorievna Zaitseva, who also raised my older brother Yura. Our home has always had a noisy, friendly, open atmosphere. In general, I really loved the moments when I found myself with my parents.

Were you punished for pranks or did your life go by without a belt?

M.P.: I don’t even know what a belt is, thank God! I wasn't punished, just scolded sometimes. But I was not a spoiled child. I remember funny moment, when at the age of 6 I stood up on a chair and began to tell Baba Ida, who simply could not stand swearing, that I knew words in be, pe and he. And she ran and shouted: “My God, what is he saying! What to do now with this child! This was such fun.

What are your
most vivid childhood memories?

M.P.: There are a lot of them. But first of all, related to touring. When I was 5 years old, I traveled with the Taganka Theater to Tashkent. Summer, the honey aroma of ripe melons on the banks, heat... I also remember the cruise with my dad and Mark Rozovsky on the Taras Shevchenko motor ship, when we sailed from Odessa to Crimea. It was very cool! The warmest memories of Koktebel, where I vacationed every summer from 6 to 18 years old. I remember performances at the Taganka Theater, which I watched 20-30 times backstage... Oh, I wish I could bring back my childhood!

Children usually brag about their parents. Were you bragging?

M.P.: I continue to do this now. I have unique parents, I am very proud of them. And I am happy that I was born into this family.

Who are you most similar to in appearance and character?

M.P.: As for appearance, everyone tells me that I look very much like my mother. My character is more like a father's. Although, not quite, it’s probably still a kind of mix of mom and dad’s.

Do you think you were raised correctly?

M.P.: Absolutely. And the main achievement of my upbringing is that I can really evaluate myself. I look at myself in the mirror and don’t overestimate my self-esteem, and at the same time, I don’t underestimate. I see what I see. However, as a child I did not have situations in which I had to overcome difficulties. And this is a minus. For example, many children are sent to real sports. And already at the age of 12-13 they know what it means to work hard.

I didn't know that. Therefore, when I entered college, in my first year I began to have a crisis. How was it such a prosperous life, but now we have to work hard? For me it was like a blow to the head. Boxing too...

By the way
, what prompted you to take part in the “King of the Ring” project? Have you ever had enough adrenaline in your life?

M.P.: Firstly, I was pleased that I was invited to this male appearance sports, and not some poppycock. Adrenaline is when you don’t know what it is, but when you already start training and get hit in the face and realize: this is all for real... These are the situations I missed. Therefore, I believe that at some point children should be given a taste of what it is like to work hard. I would like Milka to play tennis and swim until she sweats from the age of 9. And with a coach who would give her a workout. Children must be placed in situations in advance from which they would independently look for a way out. This is preparation for real adult life. And it definitely has to be.

In what fundamental difference in raising a son and daughter?

M.P.: Raising children generally begins at 5-6 years old. Despite the fact that I rarely see my son from my first marriage, Nikita, I am already beginning to accustom him to the main principle of discipline: “said, done.” If I once asked him to do something and he did not do it, I will definitely remind him again and, in the end, he will heed my requests. Unfortunately, he has a nanny who spoils him. For example, now I scold him for not dressing himself. Of course, it’s easier when the nanny laces your shoes. I myself remember how my grandmothers dressed me as a child, and it irritated me terribly. This must be eradicated immediately. A girl is a girl. But, if you pamper her too much, she will also sit on mom and dad’s neck, lay out her bast shoes and say: “Here, this is who I am!” I will not allow this under any circumstances. Of course, there should be no cadet education, when children quietly hate their parents and then at the age of 17-18 tell them everything. But I want children from the age of 8 to wash dishes, to obey their parents - if dad says to take out the trash, then it must be taken out, and computer games- this is not an excuse. That is, we need to start with such ordinary things so that children understand that free time you have to earn it. All these spoiled Moscow children who drive Ferraris at the age of 16 are not just big boys, but real double-sharps. At 25 they become disillusioned with life because they have everything and have nothing to strive for...

My daughter's
somewhat different upbringing than my son. My wife and I refused a nanny on principle. Of course, I understand, it’s fashionable. But it’s a shock to me when some famous woman within a few days after giving birth, she is photographed for magazines, and gives the child to be raised by a nanny, instead breast milk feeds him formula. A visiting mother is wrong. In the future, this will come back to haunt you, and at some point the child will say: “Mom, screw you!”

Larisa Polizeimako: In fact, I am a crazy mother and even with my grandmothers I don’t always leave my daughter. And the nanny is generally a stranger in the house. And so much more scary stories They show on TV about how nannies abuse children. And then mother and child are so interconnected! Can I leave my baby with someone and leave?

Mikhail, you were present at the birth. Whose initiative was this? What are your impressions? Did you faint? M.P.: It was entirely my initiative. I really wanted to support my beloved wife and be with her. We “gave birth” to Emilia in the Perinatal Medical Center. And we will give birth to our second one there. When you are present at the birth of your own child, it is unforgettable...

L.P.: It was very easy for me to give birth with Misha. He was next to me for 1.5 days. He came home from tour, tired, and came straight to me. When he entered the room in a cap and robe, I didn’t recognize him at all, I thought he was some kind of new doctor. Look, my husband! M.P.: I kept looking at the device, which showed the dynamics of contractions. Then I saw Milka's forelock. Moreover, she was born and is silent. I was so scared! I ask the doctors: “Is everything okay?” They: “Yes.” And when they cleared her mouth and nose of mucus, only then did I hear my daughter scream.

L.P.: Misha took her in his arms, and tears rolled down his cheeks, real beautiful male tears. It was the first time I saw my husband cry. It was so touching and pleasant! M.P.: I have the best memories of being present at the birth. We will give birth together a second time, and a third. I think there should be a lot of children. Therefore, in the near future I am going to build big house, in which there is enough space for everyone.

Why did you name your daughter Emilia?

M.P.: We had two options for the name - Sophia and Emilia. But still we decided to go with the second one. She's so cute and sweet. Also, the names Larisa and Emilia are both Greek. We are actually Greeks. And most importantly, if you look at the name “Mil”, then the first syllable “Mi” is from the name Mikhail, and the second “La” is from the name Larisa. So we got Emilia Mikhailovna Polizeimako in person.

Who is she most like?
L.P.: Outwardly, she is the spitting image of her great-great-grandmother, and is also very similar to Misha in childhood. Was recently funny incident. A massage therapist came to us, looked at Misha’s childhood photograph and said: “Oh, how photogenic Mile is!” And I say: “Actually, this is our dad.” This is such an amazing resemblance.

What fate do you predict for your daughter?

M.P.: Milya loves music very much. Therefore, let's see if we have an ear, if we want to play the piano. We will definitely learn English and play tennis. And then we'll see. L.P.: Our daughter is also interested in literature. He can spend hours looking at books with his grandmother. So she's a serious girl.

What do you think about early development methods?

M.P.: I believe that a child under 5-6 years old should not be loaded at all. He must have happy childhood. And if there is genius, it will manifest itself. L.P.: I went to school for general development with Milya for a month, and from September 1st we will go there again. She really likes it there. Because teachers develop their perception of the world through play.

You will influence
on the choice of profession for your children?

M.P.: No way. Although I’ll be honest, I’m afraid to hear from my daughter the phrase: “Dad, I want to become an actress.” This is a very difficult path. And not everyone can stand it.

What character traits would you like Mila to take from you, and which from her mother?

L.P.: Personally, I want her to have Misha’s character. He is such a kind dad!

M.P.: Now we can philosophize about this as much as we like, but she already has her own character. Larisa is an amazing mother and wife, so I want Milya to be like her. In general, the most important thing is that our girl always says “hello” and “thank you.” For her to be good person, and this consists of actions. Children, they are always better than their parents, so she must have a better character than us.

Mikhail Polizeimako was born on April 7, 1976 into a family of talented and creative people. His father is the famous master of stage and cinema, Semyon Farada, his mother, Maria Polizeymako, was a leading actress at the Taganka Theater. Grandfather Vitaly worked in Bolshoi Theater, and grandmother, Evgenia Fish, performed on the stage of the New Theater.

But it was his grandfather who began to teach little Misha acting. And the parents often took their son to their performances and filming, where the boy watched everything that was happening in fascination. And at the age of 8, he himself starred in the film “What is Yeralash” for the first time.

However, until he received a certificate of secondary education, the guy was not firmly convinced that he would follow in the footsteps of his parents. Mikhail studied at a school with in-depth study of mathematics, studied piano at a music school, and independently mastered playing the guitar. He loved to kick the ball with the kids in the yard, despite his fatness.

Mom was the initiator of her son entering the theater. After thinking a little, Misha agreed and submitted documents to GITIS. Having passed the entrance exams brilliantly, he was enrolled in A. Borodin’s course.

Upon graduation, Polizeymako was immediately offered a job at the Russian Academic Youth Theater. His future roles were predetermined by the artist’s appearance: a big-eyed, plump guy with curls on his head was ideal for images in comedy productions. Mikhail performed Mr. Dussel in The Diary of Anne Frank, Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet, and Tartaglia in The Hart of the King.

At the same time, the actor began collaborating with the Modern Enterprise Theater, where his characters were Alexander Gachin in the play “The Woman Above Us” and disc jockey Max in “Radio Day” and “Election Day”. According to the artist, modern repertory theater is not at all what it used to be, so enterprise productions increasingly attracted Mikhail’s attention.

He played in private performances of the LA Theater, Quartet I, Art Salon Theater, Art Partner XXL: “A Man and a Gentleman” by E. de Filippo, “Little Comedies” by Chekhov, “Love Potion” N. Machiavelli, “Joan of Arc. At Court and in War" by G. Strelkov, "Dads" by D. Decca. Subsequently, Polizeymako decided to seriously engage in cinematography and work on TV.

As already written above, her first film work was a role in the film “What is Yeralash?” At that time, Polizeymako was only eight years old.

To date, Mikhail has starred in more than 120 projects, the actor mainly played supporting and episodic roles. Some of the most popular films are “Beyond the Wolves”, “DMB”, “Hello, We Are Your Roof”, “Money Day”, “Tycophs”, “I Know How to Be Happy”, “Topsy-Turvy House”, “Secret city" and many others.

In 2007, Polizeimako without hesitation accepted the offer of director Murad Ibragimov for a role in the film “Three Girls”. The actor really liked the comedy plot of this film, and they are on good friendly terms with the director.

Interesting notes:

The artist copes well with the role of any genre, is not afraid to experiment, and his characters quickly win the sympathy of the viewer. So he played a correspondent in “Radio Day”, English Ambassador in “Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancellery”, businessman Denis Shilov in the film “Caramel”. Mikhail is in demand not only in domestic cinema, he is also known and loved in the post-Soviet space.

In 2016, Polizeimako starred in the comedy film “Friday”, where his partners on the site were, .

In 2017, such films with the participation of the actor as “I will love you, is it possible?”, “Raising and walking dogs and men”, “Desperate Householder”, “War and Peace of the Torbeevs”, and the short film “Shoes” were released. On at the moment There are four projects in production in which Polizeimako is again involved.

The artist's first appearance on television occurred in the mid-2000s. He became the host of the health program “Exercise for the whole country” on the TV channel “7 TV”. His co-host was figure skater Maria Butyrskaya. The program was received with delight by the viewer, its ratings went up.

Then 2 more well-known channels became interested in Policemako - “Domashny” and “NTV”. At the first of them, he became the host of the show “Culinary College”, and at the second he hosted the program “Morning on NTV”.

One of the most popular programs with his participation was the health program “About the Most Important” of the Russia-1 channel. From 2010 to 2012, his co-host was Doctor of Medicine Sergei Agapkin. After 2012, Mikhail himself began to have health problems and left the show. In 2017, this medical show was restarted, and Polizeimako again became its host. His colleague in the program was Doctor of Medical Sciences Tatyana Shapovalenko.

An interesting project with the participation of the artist was the reality show “House Upside Down” on TVC. In addition to Mikhail himself, his wife Larisa and daughter Emilia took part here. Policeman is often invited to various entertainment projects of famous channels STS, Channel 1, Russia1.

The artist’s first wife was Olga Lysak. A son, Nikita, appeared in the family, but the young couple soon divorced. In order to communicate and see his son more often, Mikhail bought him a living space next to his apartment. Now they are neighbors. The second marriage became stronger and happier. He has been happy with his wife Larisa Polizeimako for quite some time; the couple has two daughters – Emilia and Sofia. The artist often says that family is the most important thing in his life.

When actor Semyon Farad's father became seriously ill (stroke and its severe consequences), Mikhail's friends turned away from him, and he had to take on any job to provide for his family and parents. It was then that the artist realized that the most important thing in this life is the help and love of loved ones.

Policemako considers himself a rather gentle person who loves to eat delicious food. He once weighed 112 kg, and doctors said that a stroke was inevitable if nothing was changed in his lifestyle and diet. Then Mikhail gathered all his will into a fist, and together with nutritionists, he lost 25 kg. It was hard, but the actor did it and can now be proud of himself.

Films by Mikhail Polizeimako

Year Movie Role

“What is Yeralash?”

1991 Bolotnaya street, or a remedy against sex Kolya Pakhomov
1991 Tyoma's childhood high school student
1999 Directory of death

Kolya (short story 1 “Buy glasses”)

1999-2003 Simple truths

Physics teacher Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin


True incidents, or a lineman's crazy day (Russia, Azerbaijan)

2001 Down House Dmitrievich
2001 DMB 3
2001 DMB 4
2001 DMB: Back in the fight

Senior Sergeant Lavrov

2002 Everything you love episode
2002 Don't even think about it!

Security guard at a drug lab

2002 Gossip Chronicles

Video director


Theater Academy

2002 On the other side of the wolves

Horse thief Grishka

2003 Angel on the roads

episode ("Amnesia")

2003 I planned to escape Boris

Captain Truth

2003 Farewell in June

Presenter Muz TV

2004 72 meters episode
2004 Afromoskvich

Count Krestovsky

2004 Dasha Vasilyeva 3. A lover of private investigation. "Pool with crocodiles" Timofey
2004 Dasha Vasilyeva 3. A lover of private investigation. "Unclassified materials" Timofey
2004 Dasha Vasilyeva 3. A lover of private investigation. "Tired toys sleep" Timofey
2004 Starfish Cavaliers Investigator
2004 Forest Princess Merchant
2004 Love adventures

Marie's second husband (short story "Marie")


Operation Eniki-Beniki

2004-2006 My fair nanny

Director, Vitka (“Poor Vika”, “Goblins”)


Prime Time Goddess

2005 Agent in love. Don't give up hope, maestro! episode
2005 Girls
2005 Yesenin episode
2005 Hello, we are your roof!
2006 Airport 2

Markus Schwitzer

2006 money day Writer
2006 Big girls

Policeman (Series “Uncle Vanya”)

2006 Brothers in different ways

Host of the program “Wow Repair”

2006 Mustang (was not completed) Bruno
2006 Infidelity

Senior police lieutenant

2006 Russian translation

Fikret Huseynov, Azerbaijani translator

2006 Movie Passion: Mad Money main role
2006 Three Half-Graces

Venya, son of Sonya's mother's friend

2006 Who's the boss in the house?

Director (Episode “Rush Reaction”)

2007 Waiting for a miracle

Unpleasant guy in a cafe

2007 Gloss Journalist
2007 House topsy-turvy

Zhora, Andrey's friend

2007 Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman of Detective 2

Igor (“Inflatable woman for Casanova”)

2007 Ideal wife (Russia, Ukraine)

Dmitry, Oleg's friend and colleague

2007 Zero kilometer

Manager Stas

2007 The Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin
Mikhail Polizeymako is a bright actor who seems to have been born to play in films and theater. His career path began at the age of eight, but this extraordinary actor had more than enough creative energy for many years.

At the moment, our today's hero is a recognized figure in cinema and theater. His filmography includes many interesting roles. Therefore, a conversation about his life and acting fate should certainly turn out to be interesting. Well, then let's not waste time. We're starting!

Early years, childhood and family of Mikhail Polizeimako

Mikhail Polizeimako was born in Moscow into a family that was notable for several stellar personalities. So, the father of our today's hero was a recognized master Soviet cinema– actor Semyon Farada. No less a “star” personality was also the future actor’s mother, artist Maria Polizeymako, who spent most of her life playing in the Taganka Theater. Even the grandfather of our today’s hero, People’s Artist of the USSR Vitaly Polizeymako (Bolshoi Drama Theatre), was a bright and extraordinary person. Thus, immediately after his birth, our today's hero was constantly surrounded by famous theater actors.

Probably, growing up in such an environment, Mikhail was doomed to become a famous actor from childhood. He learned the trade from his grandfather, closely followed the career of his popular mother, and also did not miss a single film with his father.

Thus, almost the entire childhood of the young actor passed behind the scenes of various theaters, in dressing rooms and on film sets. However, in all other respects, our today's hero was the most an ordinary child. He learned to play the piano and then taught himself the guitar.

In addition, the main passion of his childhood was football. Despite being overweight, Mikhail played quite well, and therefore for some time he even seriously thought about becoming a professional football player.

However, at some point my mother suggested little son try yourself as an actor. Mikhail agreed and after graduating from school he took the documents to the theater university. Oddly enough, it was only at this moment that our today’s hero began to truly get involved in acting.

Actor Mikhail Politseymako - A glass of vodka on the table

The acting craft and creative environment of GITIS so impressed Mikhail Polizeimako that subsequently he simply could not imagine his life without cinematic and theatrical art. He himself stated this several times in his interviews. However, what makes these statements somewhat strange is the fact that even in childhood our today's hero managed to star in several interesting films. Perhaps the actor simply does not take those roles seriously?

Career of actor Mikhail Politsemako, filmography and roles in the theater

A new stage in the actor’s career began the moment he successfully graduated from GITIS. During this period, he began to often participate in various cinematic projects, as well as perform with the troupe of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. At the very beginning, theatrical roles occupied a dominant place in the fate of the actor and prevailed over cinematic works. However, over time, everything turned upside down. Subsequently, Mikhail Polizeimako repeatedly criticized Russian theaters and the very principle of their construction.

At some point, he began to play almost exclusively in film and television projects. Most successful work The actor’s films in this field were “DMB”, “Beyond the Wolves”, “Daria Vasilyeva: Lover of Private Investigation”, “Money Day”, “Hello, We Are Your Roof” and some others. He worked with such actors as Stanislav Duzhnikov, Ivan Okhlobystin and others.

These films, as well as many other films, brought the actor fame in wide circles, but, unfortunately, there was no need to talk about real popularity.

Mikhail Polizeimako at the Comedians' Shelter

Subsequently, our today's hero continued to frequently act in films, but most often, as before, he played mainly minor and episodic roles. He was respected by directors and appreciated by his colleagues, but leading roles in Mikhail Polizeimako’s career remained a rarity.

In total, our today's hero has performed more than seventy-five roles in film and television. And such efficiency ultimately bore fruit. Currently, Mikhail Polizeimako is a popular actor who is known and loved in all corners of the CIS. What does a real actor need, besides people's love?

Career of Mikhail Polizeimako as a TV presenter

Our today's hero first appeared quite late in the role of a TV presenter. Already a well-known and popular actor, Mikhail began hosting the program “Charges for the Whole Country” on the 7TV channel (paired with figure skater Maria Butyrskaya). After his first successful job, the actor (or is it already a TV presenter?) began to receive new offers to work on television. So for some time he worked as a presenter on the Domashny channel, and also hosted the Morning on NTV program on the corresponding channel.

Mikhail Polizeymako lost weight

However, Mikhail Polizeimako became truly famous as the host of the medical program “About the Most Important Thing.” On this project our today's hero worked from 2010 to 2012.

It is very noteworthy that before filming this program, the actor himself experienced big problems with health. His weight began to reach 112 kg, and doctors began to warn Mikhail about the high likelihood of a stroke. At this moment, our today's hero was forced to seriously think about his health. He lost 25 kg and began to carefully follow doctors' recommendations in the field of healthy eating.

Personal life of Mikhail Polizeimako

There were two marriages in Mikhail's life. The first wife of the representative of the famous theater dynasty was actress Olga Lysak, who gave birth to his son Nikita. However, this family union fell apart quite soon. After divorce ex-spouses decided that it was better for them to live close to each other. Currently, Olga and Mikhail are neighbors, and therefore they common son can spend a lot of time with both parents.

Polizeimako's second marriage turned out to be more successful. Our today's hero has been happily married to his wife Larisa for many years. As part of this union, two daughters were born - Emilia and Sofia, whom the actor loves very much.

Name: Mikhail Politseimako

Age: 41 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 92 kg

Activity: theater and film actor, TV presenter

Marital status: married

Mikhail Polizeimako - biography

Mikhail Semyonovich became famous not only as the son of the famous artist Semyon Farada. He himself made his way to fame as a showman, artist and TV presenter.

Childhood, family

Misha was born in Moscow, father and mother - famous actors. The boy's grandfather was People's Artist Soviet Union. Grandmother gave her life to the service of the variety theater. How could there be any doubt that creative biography destined for Mikhail too! He was 8 years old, and he had already managed to act in a movie.

While studying at school, the boy was already loaded to the limit. Math school, music school, football. Mikhail mastered the piano and at the same time playing the guitar. From birth, Misha was quite plump, but this did not bother him.

He has Jewish blood in his blood, which he inherited from his father, and Greek blood from his mother. His mother was married twice, and on his mother’s side, Mikhail has a brother, Yuri. Mikhail bore the name of his famous father until he was sixteen years old. When Misha received his passport, he chose his grandfather's surname. At first the father was very offended by his son’s action, but then he reconciled himself. In the family, the boy grew up as the only child, whom everyone in the household played with, raised, and spoiled. The choice of an artistic institute was influenced by my mother. At her suggestion, the young man entered Professor A. Borodin at GITIS.

Work in the theater

After graduating from the theater institute, Polizeimako began his service on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. It so happened in the directors’ minds that Mikhail should play roles in comedies. The actor has become incredibly popular in short term.

Active collaboration with the Contemporary Enterprise Theater gave the audience many interesting stage images performed by Mikhail Semyonovich. But the theater was often criticized by Polizeimako. He decided to find himself in films and on television.

Mikhail Polizeymako - films

Mikhail Polizeimako's career in filming films begins in 1985. At this time he was still a child, sixteen years later he began to receive proposals that were far from childish. But the films were of the most diverse genres, as were the roles: the series “Simple Truths” - a physics teacher, the comedy “Hello, we are your roof!” - businessman from the province, "Money Day" - writer. The actor has always been lucky to have partners film set, V lately he plays with talented young people: Danila Kozlovsky, Pavel Derevianko, .

Filming in the film about “Jumble” gave me my first experience on set. From this moment on, all the actor’s film works are counted down. In the list of works, which are already more than one hundred and twenty, there are supporting roles, episodic, and main ones. But in each of them, Mikhail is remembered by the audience for his incredible charisma and unusual appearance. Most often, the choice of painting is influenced by the plot you like, and more often friendly relations with the filmmakers.

This happened with the film “Three Girls,” which was directed by Murad Ibragimbekov. The film was filmed in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. Policemako very carefully observed how the indigenous Azerbaijanis behaved in order to fully correspond to the image of his hero. The actor approaches his work professionally, so he is equally good at diverse roles.


At the beginning of the 2000s, Mikhail tried himself as a TV presenter. The health program brought popularity to the young actor, and soon several more leading television channels invited the successful young man host your own shows.

Everything went well, the actor’s biography is wonderful vocational training Mikhail added new offers from producers and directors. But Polizeimako’s body began to malfunction. Despite his ailments, the actor continues to work under pressure.

Personal life

In the biography of Mikhail Semenovich Polizeimako’s personal life, there were two marriages. The first marriage did not last as long as we would like. His wife Olga Lysak gave birth to a son, Nikita, from Mikhail. After the parents divorced, they did not separate, but began to live next door. They both participate in raising their child.

The actor’s second wife Larisa gave her husband two daughters. When the first Emilia was giving birth, Mikhail supported his wife in the delivery room. The second girl was named Sofia.

A difficult moment in the life of the whole family was the stroke of Mikhail's father. The result of the disease was bedridden for nine long years. There is a re-evaluation of many concepts, because at this moment the number of family friends has sharply decreased. The young actor shouldered the unbearable burden of supporting his father.

But Mikhail differs from many of his peers in his enormous willpower. He was able to curb his desire to eat tasty food when doctors told him that his excess weight could lead to a stroke. Having lost twenty-five kilograms, the actor now feels great.

Mikhail Polizeymako - Filmography, films

What is "Yeralash"?
- Down House
- DMB - 003
- 72 meters
- My beautiful nanny
- Yesenin
- Gloss
- Morozko
- Caramel
- Secret City
- Friday