Development of a "concert script in English". Essay in English with translation my impressions after the concert Concert in English translation

Stepanova T.V.

English teacher

MAOU "Secondary School No. 2" MO "LMR" RT

Concert script

as part of English language week

Ved.1 : Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Ved.2 Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Ved.1 I hope you will enjoy our songs, poems and dancing.

Ved.1 From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can prove it.

Well, we begin. Come on let's go!

Ved.2 Spring is coming, spring is coming, Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Birdies, build your nest: Flowers are coming too.

Weave together straw and feather Snowdrops, lilies, daffodillies

Doing each your best. Now are coming through

Ved. 1 Let’s listen to the song “Sunshine reggae”. Meet David Tamamyan from the 9 th V form.

Thank you very much. It was great!

Ved. 2 Now let’s listen to the poem by Adilya Galieva, form 3B

Thank you

Ved.1 And now please watch very interesting and beautiful dance. 3A form.

Let's applaud to our children

Ved.2 There's a poem for you. Misha Ganin 6B form

Ved.1 And now the song “Time for school” Albina Gayazova 7A form

Ved. 2 Dear guests, let’s have a rest and meet the 6 V form!

Thank you very much, children.

Ved.1 Now the poem for you again.6 A form. Dasha Bogdanchikova

Ved. 2 And now a song “Raindrops keep falling on my head” Please, Meet David Tamamyan.

Thank you very much David

Ved. 1 And now I invite a pretty girl Diana Tambovtseva to the scene. 7A form

Ved. 2 Now let’s listen to Alina Khusnutdinova from 8b form. A poem “She walks in beauty like the night.”

Ved. 1 A funny poem “My parents sent me to the store.” Medvedeva Arina 5B form

Ved. 2 And we meet Bolotova Dasha. "The show must go on"

Ved. 2 Dear women, mothers, girls! We congratulate all of you on the International Women's Day. We wish you to be always beautiful, happy and fine

Ved. 1

I came with the spring sun to us.

You ring funny songs,

Today holiday of our mothers!

Ved. 2 Alina Aglieva is singing for you “You and I”

Ved. 1 Very, very brilliant children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye. Thank you very much! See you!

Decoration for the holiday:

    On the stage it is written in colored letters: “HappyBirthdaytOSpring!», « Zinn Geburtstag, der Frü hling

Concert script for Foreign Languages ​​Day

1 Presenter (English)

2 presenter (German)

Leading – 1: (reads a poem in English).

“Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen.

Gray winter, go away?

The world looks new and gay."

Leading – 2:

"Er ist"s" (Eduard Mörike)

Frühling lässt sein blaues Band

Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte;

Süsse, wohlbekannte Düfte

Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land.

Veilchen träumen schon,

Wollen balde kommen.

Horch, vom fern ein leiser Harfenton!

Frühling, ja du bist´s!

Dich hab ich vernommen!

Leading – 1: « Springcoming» (TranslationA. Karelcwhom)

Again the blue scarf

Spring waved in the clouds;

Suddenly it smelled like smoke and childhood

Above the silent earth.

And there's a flower in the snow

Frozen in anticipation.

The sound of the harp is both timid and distant...

You're coming, spring!

To your breath?

Leading 1 IN. Good afternoon!

Presenter2 . GutenTag! Dear guys, dear teachers, as you already understand, our concert is dedicated to foreign languages ​​and will speak to you in English......

Presenter1 . I am glad to see you at our party! And our program in German will be conducted by Arthur Enikeev

Presenter 2 . Ich bin froh Sie in dieser Aula zu sehenen!

Presenter1. LETSSTART!!!

Leading 1:

1.Good afternoon dear Ladies and Gentlemen. Hello boys and girls. We are very glad to see you here, at our foreign language concert.

Leading -2:

2. Guten Tag Damen und Herren, Liebe Gäste und liebe Teilnehmer. Wir begrüßen Ihnen herzlich.

Wir sind sehr froh, dass Sie zu uns gekommen sind.

Leading -1: Guests and hosts came together to share their talents. It is not a competitive program, there won’t be a jury, but every participant will be awarded later.

Leading -2: …..

Auf unserem Festival heute versammelten sich die Gäste und die Gastgeber, die uns seine Talente begeistern. Nun, so wie es das Programm wettbewerbsfähig zu sein, muss und gerechte Jury, die es schätzen..

Leading -1: Today all our foreign teachers are here to support you.

Leading -2: …….

Leading -1: They are: Shayakhmetova Olia Yarullovna,

Leading -2: Frolova Gulnaz Favarisovna,

Leading -1: Tareva Alsou Railovna,

Leading -2: Duseeva Venera Albertovna,

Leading -1: Grischuk Vera Ruslanovna

Leading – 1: The right to open our concertl is given to…

Leading -2: Das Wort für die Eröffnung des Festivals wird von …

Leading – 1:

Today you’ll hear children’s rhymes, songs and dances. We hope you’ll understand everything and enjoy our concert. Now let's start.

Leading – 2:

Also, wir beginnen unser Fest und bieten Sie an, am Fest teil zu nehmen

Willkommen, schöner Jüngling!

Du Wonne der Natur!

Mit deinem Blumenkörbchen

Willkommen auf der Flur!

Jetzt für Sie werden die Schüler der S singen.

Leading 1 Today is the Foreign Languages ​​Day and ew’d lirt to begin it with the German song

Leading 2 . Heute ist der Tag der Deutsche Sprache in unserer Schule und deshalb werden wir das erste Lied auf Deutsch hören! “Was Wollen Wir Lernen”- 5 form

1) 5th grades German. song " Was Wollen Wir Lernen ” 9 people

Leading – 1:

Foreign boys and girls study a lot of subjects as you do. They get different marks, good and sometimes bad, as you do. Do you know that their marks differ from yours? They are letters, the best mark is A, the worst one is D.

Leading -2:

Leading – 1: the pupils of the fifth grade A will show you their scene “English Language”

Leading -2:

2) Scene " A English language" grade 5a

Leading – 1:

Now the pupils of the sixth grade A will perform their song “I have a headache”

act “Englisn Language” Sketch “English language” grade 5a

Leading – 2: Jetzt für Sie werden die Schüler…….

3) “I have a headache” (6th grade, song)

Leading – 1:

European people have a lot of traditions. They celebrate a lot of holidays. They are all favourite. They like giving presents to each other, decorate their houses and sing songs.. They also like visiting Art galleries and Theatres.

Leading -2: ……

Leading – 1:

The scene “At the Theatre” will be shown by the pupils of the tenth form.

Leading -2: ……

4) Sketch “In the Theater”, 10th grade.

(Kildibekova Karina, Mikhaleva Larisa, Tukaev Vadim, Gumerova Albina, Strelnikov Emil, Bagautdinova Alina,)

Leading – 1:

Great!Guzel Shiriazdanova from grade 4A sings in English very well, not worse than Selena Gomez.

Leading -2: …………

Guzel Shiriazdanova from 4a sings in English no worse than Selena Gomez!

Leading – 1: Meet her and her friends Abdullova Ainaz and Ayupova Milla

5) Song "Love You Like A Love Song"

Shiriazdanova Guzel, Abdullova Ainaza, Ayupova Milla 4 A – 3 people. (song Selena Gomez)

Leading – 1: I hope you all like reading books. And no doubt you’ll like the famous Mark Twain’s Character Tom Sawyer. The group of pupils of the sixth A form will show you the scene about him.

Leading -2:

6) Scene “Tom Sawyer” -3 people , 6a

Leading – 1:

We are sure you enjoyed this item of our program, but the next one is also very beautiful. You’ll hear a very beautiful music and song. "Million Voices"

Leading -2: Jetzt für Sie werden die Schüler

7) Islakaeva Kamilla 6c - song “Million Voices”

Leading – 1: To study foreign languages ​​means not only singing songs, but also learning their literature, history and culture. Today you have an excellent chance to see there dances.

Leading – 2: ……. zu lernen bedeutet nicht nur Lieder zu singen, sondern auch deutsche Kultur, Literatur und Geschichte kennenzulernen.Heute haben wir eine gute Möglichkeit mit dem Schaffen…..

Leading – 1: You'll see the dance in country style.

Leading – 2:

Leading – 1: Meet the pupils Elvina Vakilova, Ralina Mustaeva - COUNTRY!

8) Vakilova Elvina 8a, Mustaeva Ralina 4b - Dance “Country”

Leading – 1: Today you have an excellent chance to know the works of famous Scotland poet Robert Burns.

Leading – 1: Heute haben wir eine gute Möglichkeit mit dem Schaffen von Robert Burns uns bekannt zu machen

Leading – 1: Farrakhova Diana, Shirgazina Aigul, grade tenth A- Robert Burns’s poem “My love is like a red, red rose”

9) Farrakhova Diana, Shirgazina Aigul, 10 a - poem R . Burns "My love is like a red, red rose"

Leading – 1: We continue learning the Robert Burns’ country with the Scotland Folk dance

Leading – 2:

Leading – 1: Meet our dancers. They are Valiakhmetov Aidar and Nasyrov Linar from grade 8A- “Scotland Falk Dance”.

10) Valiakhmetov Aidar , Nasyrov Linar 8 A "Scotland Falk Dance"

Leading – 1: Great! The dance was really very nice!

Leading – 2:

Leading – 1: The youngest participants of our concert are the pupils of the third D form. Please, meet the group “Jacksons” with their song “Ra-pa-pa”

Leading – 2:

11) Group uch - Xia 3 d class “Jacksons” - “Ra-pa-pa song”.

Narrator – 1:

The concert is over, it was really great!

Narrator -2

Leider unser Fest ist zu Ende. Leider unser Fest ist zu Ende!

Narrator – 1: Now it’s time when the words are given to our teachers.

Narrator -2

Narrator – 1: Thank you for your attention. We hope to see you at our next English party! Thanks a lot! Good-bye.

Narrator -2 Auf Wiedersehen! Wir danken allen. Ich glaube, es war lustig und interessant, stimmt das?

Now listen to a song and dances performed by the pupis ofl

Concert numbers for 03/20/16

Frolova G.F.:

1) Islakaeva Kamilla 6c - song “Million Voices”

2) Vakilova Elvina 8a, Mustaeva Ralina 4b - Dance “Country”

3) Farrakhova Diana, Shirgazina Aigul? 10a- verse R. Burns “My love is like a red, red rose”

4) Valiakhmetov Aidar, Nasyrov Linar 8a “Scotland Falk Dance”

Tareva A. R.:

1) Group of students of the 3D class “Jacksons” - “Ra-pa-pa song”.

Duseeva V.A.:

1) 5th grade German. song “Was Wollen Wir Lernen” 9 people.

Shayakhmetova O.Ya.:

1) 6a grade, song “I have a headache” 9 people. 6a

2) Sketch “Tom Sawyer” -3 people, 6a

3) Song “Love You Like A Love Song” Shiriazdanova Guzel, Abdullova Ainaza, Ayupova Milla 4a – 3 people. (Selena Gomez song)

4) Sketch “In the Theatre”, 10th grade. (Kildibekova Karina, Mikhaleva Larisa, Tukaev Vadim, Gumerova Albina, Strelnikov Emil, Bagautdinova Alina,)

5) “English” skit, grade 5a

Level B. My world.

My impressions after the concert

In the summer I managed to get to the concert of your favorite band in Moskvu.Ya was very happy before the trip, only when I bought a ticket. "Green Day" appeared on June 21 in "The Olympic".
All morning I was already in anticipation of this event, although the concert started at 7 pm only. At 16:00 I got on the train to Kazan railway station, and then I went on the subway. When the concert began, at first it was hard to get used to the loud sound, but then I started jumping with the crowd in the rhythm of the music.

I finally saw their idols live! At this point I was very pleased. And at some of the songs I was crying, I could not hold back emotions. More precisely, crying with happiness that I hear them live. I finally saw Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool, Mike Dern.

I can safely say that it was memorable. It was one of the most happy and joyful moments in my life.
The concert ended at 23:30. I was tired and went to the subway joyful, and I heard the fans shout quotes Billy. With some I was even on the way. In the train, I almost fell asleep. And when I came home in the morning to tell their experiences to parents and friends in the morning.

I will never forget this day.

In the summer I managed to go to a concert of my favorite band in Moscow. I was very happy even before the trip, when I just bought a ticket. "Green Day" performed on June 21 at the Olympic Stadium.

All morning I was already looking forward to this event, although the concert started only at 7 pm. At 16:00 I took the train to the Kazansky station, then I took the metro. When the concert started, at first it was difficult to get used to the loud sound, but then I started jumping along with the crowd to the rhythm of the music.

I finally saw my idols live! At that moment I was very happy. And under some songs I cried, I couldn’t contain my emotions. More precisely, I cried with happiness that I could hear them live. I finally saw Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt.

I can safely say that it was unforgettable. It was one of the happiest and most joyful moments in my life.

The concert ended at 23:30. Tired and happy, I entered the subway and heard fans shouting Billy’s quotes. I was even on the same path with some of them. I almost fell asleep on the train. And when I arrived home, I told my impressions to my parents until the morning, and to my friends in the morning.

I will never forget this day.

It is known to increase confidence ( increase confidence) practice helps in English, and you need to practice the language regularly, taking advantage of every opportunity. Such a case could be, for example, going to a concert ( going to a concert), plus it's a wonderful cultural experience ( cultural experience) and a great opportunity ( a great opportunity) learn English words for every day ( everyday words).

Different types of music concerts

To begin with, there are different types of music concerts ( different types of music concerts) that you can visit ( attend), for example, classic ( classical), rock ( rock) and pop ( pop). Classical music ( Classical music) is associated with orchestras ( orchestras) and ensembles ( ensembles), who often perform music ( play the music) composers such as Mozart or Beethoven.

Google shortcode

Rock music ( Rock music) is music where the main instrument is the guitar ( guitar-based music), and rock bands are called bands.

Pop music ( Pop music) is a short form of “popular music” and can also be called “happy music” ( happy music), suitable for younger audiences ( younger audience).

Let's go to a rock concert

Let's say you go to a rock concert ( go to a ‘rock concert’). If you pre-ordered tickets online ( have pre-ordered tickets online), they can be obtained at the box office ( collect them from the ‘box office’). Cash register ( box office) is the place where tickets are purchased (purchase tickets) or where information about ordered tickets is provided ( provide booking information) and take them away ( pick up the tickets). Sometimes instead of a ticket you will be given a so-called “bracelet” ( wristband) made of paper or plastic ( paper or plastic bracelet), which is worn on your wrist to show that you have paid for the ticket.

When you get to the place ( enter the 'venue') - that is, the building or venue where the concert is held - the controller at the entrance ( doorman) will check your ticket. Then you will be allowed into the hall to find your seats ( find your seats) or decided where you will stand (decide where to stand). You can stand at the railing ( at the front on the barrier), next to the stage ( close to the stage), or in the middle – at the mixer ( near the mixing board) is where people work to provide the perfect sound for the performing band, so it's a good place to be at a concert.

The support group will be the first to take the stage ( support band). Usually this is a lesser known group ( a lesser-known band), which simply “warms up” the crowd ( warms up the crowd). She performs a few songs before the main action begins ( headline act). Well, then the main performer comes on stage. If during a concert you hear shouts of “ Encore!", know that this is how the performer is called for an encore.

Armed with the necessary vocabulary, you can safely go to a concert in an English-speaking country!

Scenario of the concert “Closing of Foreign Language Week”

    Number. Sketch “The importance of learning languages”

Boy Petya
Petya's mom
English textbook
Petya's friends

Petya: (sitting at the table and holding a textbook in his hands) They gave the exercise again. Why do I need this English? I speak Russian, after all.
Mom: (talking on the phone) Yes..., No... This is nonsense...
Petya: (approaches) Mom, what is nonsense?
Petya's mom: This word means “nonsense.” By the way, why don't you do your homework? Go study.
Petya: (leaves through the textbook) Exercise 7... on page 90... (sighs). Well, that's definitely nonsense. Some kind of abracadabra.
(Nonsense and Abracadabra appear)
Nonsense and Abracadabra: (together) We are here, our lord. We completely agree with you.
Petya: Who are you? I don't know you.
Abracadabra: I am Abracadabra
Nonsense: And I am Nonsense. Well, why do you need this English? He's so strange. (leaves through the textbook) Complete nonsense! And we are just looking for close relatives. (Nonsense and Abracadabra cover the textbook with a blanket and cast a spell. An animated textbook appears from behind the blanket. They grab his hands.)
Abracadabra: Hello, dear. Come with us. Everything that is written on your pages is complete nonsense for Petya. But we are your real friends.
Textbook: Petya! Help out! I'll be useful to you! (breaks out)
Petya: (waves it off) But I have no use for English.
Abracadabra: Well, you see, he doesn’t need you.
Nonsense: And we will love you like our own.
Abracadabra: I'll draw something for you on every page! I'll decorate it with patterns!
Textbook: (shouts) Petya! Save me! I'll still be useful to you! (sings to the tune of the song “Winged Swing”)

Help me guys
Help me save myself
I'll be useful to you someday
You can't do it without me.
I don't want to go to the villains
They are very mean
Help out quickly
) 2 times
Help me out of trouble!

Abracadabra: (sings to the tune of the song “Blue Car” and teases)
You lost your ABC at home,
Don't expect to meet her anymore,
And although you feel a little sorry for her,
Look for her, of course!
Where to find it? How to find?
Learn all the words
Don't get lost along the way!
Nonsense: (sings to the tune of the song “I am a brilliant detective”)
I am a brilliant Nonsense,
I stole the alphabet
I'm capable of meanness
And I lost my conscience.
(Friends come to visit Petya)
Friends: Petya! Have you already done your English exercise?
Petya: I don’t need English. Why do I need it?
Abracadabra: That's right, Petya! Why do you need it? Let's say you grow up and become an architect. Well, think about it, why does an architect need English? Maybe the guys can give you some advice?

-English is an international language;
-English is spoken in many countries of the world;
-it is impossible to work on a computer if a person does not know English;
-a person of any profession, if he speaks English, can read literature in his specialty;
-We use many words that came to us from the English language.
Nonsense: Okay, okay, I agree. An architect needs English. Well, what about the doctor?
(children answer)

Children read books by foreign authors in a foreign language, exchange experiences, learn about medicines, foreign equipment...
Abracadabra: What if you are neither an architect nor a doctor, but just a worker? Yeah!
Friends: You will receive your salary and go to the store. And you buy some thing: a tape recorder or medicine, cream or toy. You come home and the instructions are written in English. How will you read it? What if you go traveling and get lost in a strange city. How to find out the way home? How to buy food in a store?
Nonsense: Let him draw a bun on a piece of paper!
Petya: No, I’d rather ask in English.
Friends: Well, have the guys convinced you that English is very necessary in life?
Petya: Convinced... Yes! But what should I do? Abracadabra and Nonsense stole my textbook.
Friends: We must take Petya’s alphabet away from them. But we need helpers.
Dictionary: I will be your assistant, Petya. (sings to the tune of the song “What They Teach at School”)

In English as “notebook”,
Like a “briefcase” and like a “bed”
We can quickly find it in the dictionary
No problem.
He will become your helper,
If it's at hand
This fat Mr. Dictionary is a dictionary.

(Abracadabra and Nonsense are holding the Textbook's hands)
Abracadabra: So be it, Petya, we will return your alphabet to you if you prove that everything that is written in it is not abracadabra or nonsense.
If you complete our assignments, the textbook is yours.
Nonsense: But you will never cope with these tasks.
Friends: And all the guys will help us. Can you cope with the tasks?
Children: Yes!
Dictionary: And I will help you.

1 task

Abracadabra: Oh, they're taking away a relative!
Textbook: Guys, don't let me down!

Abracadabra: Well, wait, this is just the first task! Nonsense, dear, wish them something more difficult!
Nonsense: Glad to try, your Abracadabrie!
Task 2 Translate - what is your name, how old are you, I can read and write.

Abracadabra: (Nonsense) It was you, fool, who came up with easy tasks! It was because of you that we missed a relative.
Nonsense: It's not my fault! All the guys helped them, but no one helped us! And their dictionary is so thick! (fight)
Abracadabra: Who are you?
Nonsense: Who are you? (fight) (Textbook runs away)
Textbook: Thank you guys for helping me save myself! And thank you, dictionary! (shakes hands with Dictionary)


Hello, dear guys and teachers. With this sketch we wanted to show you once again that a foreign language is necessary and important. Not a single modern educated person who wants to develop, grow as a person, travel, join new cultures, learn a lot of new things, communicate, read great works and watch films in the language in which they were created can do without it. A foreign language is simply necessary for all this. So here we go


    Good afternoon dear Ladies and Gentlemen

2. Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren

1. bonne journée

2. Good afternoon, dear guys and teachers

1. We are very glad to see you here

2. We are glad to see you at the celebration dedicated to the closing of Foreign Language Week

1. Foreign languages ​​are not only important, but they are also beautiful. 8a grade student Shorina Lyuba will help us make sure of this. Let's enjoy the song "" performed by her.


    And now we present to your attention the dance ““ 7b


2.Each country is rich in its culture, creativity and literary heritage. There are many works that are translated into dozens of languages; they are familiar and recognizable in all countries of the world. Today our students will show you one of them. "dragonfly and ant"


    As you guessed, this scene was in French. But the 4th grade students will show you the Little Red Riding Hood sketch in English. Meet “Little Red Riding Hood”


Girl: Hello! I"m Little Red Riding Hood. And this is my Mum.

Mum: Go to your Granny. Give her the cake and the pot of


Girl: All right, Mum. Goodbye!

Mum: Goodbye!

Wolf: Hello, little girl! What's your name?

Girl: Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Where are you going?

Girl: To my Granny.

Wolf: Where does she live?

Girl: In a little house near the forest.

Wolf: Oh, I see. Goodbye!

Girl: Goodbye!

Wolf: Knock-knock!

Granny: Who's there?

Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!

Granny: Come in, please. ...Oh, a wolf! Help, help!

Wolf: Oh, I"m still hungry. I"ll wait for the girl.

Girl: Knock-knock!

Wolf: Who's there?

Girl: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!

Wolf: Come in, please.

Girl: I"ve got a cake and a pot of butter for you.

Wolf: Thank you. Come nearer, please.

Girl: Why have you got such big eyes, Granny?

Wolf: To see you better.

Girl: Why have you got such big ears, Granny?

Wolf: To hear you better.

Girl: Why have you got such big teeth, Granny?

Wolf: To eat you!

Girl: Help, help!

Man 1: Stop! Hands up!

Man 2: Catch the wolf!

Granny: Thank you!

Girl: Thank you very much!

Men: Not at all!

    Who helps us study and read, laugh, frolic, work, make friends? And this is not a secret at all, friends.

    Our family

    Our family

    Let’s listen together to form 6a, poem “What is a family”


    I think we've started to be discriminated against


    Well, we only watch shows in English and French. What about the Germans?

    Don’t worry, there is such a berry in our field. Now we give the floor to the German group.


All presenters together

We showed you what we learned

We learned a lot and worked hard

Read, wrote, played and sang

After all, our parents really wanted

We can speak English

To travel, to work

To have many friends

And so that every lesson is ours

Lesson in English

Helped us in life.

So that you can always be proud of us

And now we tell you together

Good-bye, auf Wiedersehen, au revoir