Karachentsov’s difficult journey: an accident, leaving the stage and the fight against cancer. Photo with Karachentsov after illness

Today is 10/26/2018in a Moscow hospital, in intensive care,Nikolai Karachentsov diedat the age of 73 years. He would have turned 74 the next day. Last days Nikolai Karachentsov was very in serious condition, his kidneys failed this morning.

Lyudmila Porgina - his dead mother came to him

Shortly before his death, Nikolai Karachentsov told his wife, Lyudmila Porgina, that he really wanted to go home to his family, and that his mother came to him at night. (His mother died a long time ago). The vision turned out to be prophetic.

Cause of death: lung cancer

Karachentsov for a long time suffered from lung cancer. After a serious accident, which significantly damaged the artist’s health, he was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor.

Lyudmila Porgina:“We suspected cancer, we flew to Germany, where they told us it was just inflammation. But after a while, during a new examination, a tumor was discovered, which turned out to be inoperable. But we hope for the best"

The tumor first began to subside after radiation therapy, but soon Nikolai Karachentsov fell ill with pneumonia and the oncology worsened. He was very ill - constant fever, high blood pressure, difficulty breathing. In recent days, Nikolai did not leave the room; his wife Lyudmila Porgina always supported him and was next to him.

Accident with Karachentsov in 2005 and 2017

On the night of February 27, 2005, the first accident occurred with Nikolai Karachentsov, and again a few years later, on the same day, a second accident occurred at night.

- Is he seriously injured?

- I don’t know, now Sklif will show everything

In 2005 Nikolay Karachentsov on high speed I was driving home from the dacha after learning about the death of my mother-in-law. On Michurinsky Prospect, the actor lost control and got into an accident. After this accident, he spent almost a month in a coma and it took him years to rehabilitate.

In 2017 the actor was sitting in the passenger seat. His wife was driving the car; their SUV collided with a cargo gazelle. The driver of the gazelle was found to be at fault for the accident.

Farewell to Karachentsov

Let them talk (Live) about Karachentsov - last episode

Program with Andrey Malakhov about the death of Karachentsov. "We won't forget you"

Photo with Karachentsov before illness

Photo with Karachentsov after illness

On the evening of February 27, People's Artist of the RSFSR Nikolai Karachentsov was involved in an accident. The accident occurred in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The foreign car in which the actor was traveling collided with a Gazelle. As a result of the accident, Karachentsov received a concussion and was urgently hospitalized at a local hospital. Auto expert Kirill Brevdo spoke about this in more detail on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“In 2005, I remember Karachentsov was driving a Volkswagen Passat. Now it was a Toyota Highlander. But in any case, both times Nikolai Karachentsov was not wearing a seat belt,” the specialist said.

The auto expert noted that it was precisely this circumstance that could lead to the tragic consequences that we are seeing now.

“A car means not only using it “according to the instructions.” You need to wear a seat belt in a car, even if you are confident that nothing will happen to you. Modern cars are equipped with airbags that do not deploy if the person is not wearing a seat belt,” Brevdo added.

It is known that in 2005 Nikolai Karachentsov had an accident that interrupted his acting. The artist received a serious traumatic brain injury, was in serious condition and temporarily lost his speech.

The media learned that at the time of the traffic accident, Nikolai Karachentsev’s wife Lyudmila Porgina was in a state of alcohol intoxication. This is evidenced by the results of a medical examination.

According to the life.ru news agency, 0.3 ppm of alcohol was detected in the woman’s blood at the time of the accident. This value corresponds mild degree intoxication. This shows that the car lady could have drunk a glass of wine or a glass of beer shortly before the incident.

At the end of February 2005, the famous Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov was involved in an accident, after which he was in a coma for almost a month and, as a result, actually ended his career. Last night, exactly 12 years later, the artist was involved in an accident again. “360” tells the main thing that is known about the incident.

The accident occurred on the evening of February 27 in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The Toyota Highlander car in which the 72-year-old artist was in collided with a Gazelle.

The accident happened not far from the actor’s dacha. He and his family were going to go to the cinema and then to Moscow, reported TASS citing a source at the Lenkom Theater.

The impact caused the jeep to overturn and stand on its wheels. The actor was in the front passenger seat and was hospitalized as a result of the accident. The actor has a concussion. The media also reported that in addition to him, his relative, a nurse and his wife Lyudmila Porgina were in the jeep.

Versions of what happened differ. IN law enforcement agencies According to preliminary data, the driver of the Gazelle was considered to be the culprit of the accident, Gazeta.ru reported, citing a source. According to the publication, the truck driver did not notice the Toyota driving into the intersection and hit it in the side.

At the same time, the Gazelle driver himself denies his guilt: REN TV channel that the Toyota in which the actor was driving overtook and hit the minibus. The driver admitted to journalists that he had never heard of Karachentsov.

Later, information appeared that the culprit of the accident could have been the actor’s wife Lyudmila Porgina, who was allegedly driving the Toyota. Interfax reported this with reference to a source. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

Reports about Karachentsov’s condition also differ: on the morning of February 28 at help desk The Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine told RIA Novosti that Nikolai Karachentsov remains in the hospital and is in neurosurgical intensive care. At the same time, earlier a REN TV source from the actor’s family circle reported that Porgina went to the hospital to take her husband home.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA Novosti

12 years ago

Many media outlets drew attention to the fact that another accident, which actually put an end to Karachentsov’s career, occurred exactly 12 years ago. On the night of February 28, 2005, on the icy road of Michurinsky Prospekt in Moscow, a Volkswagen Passat B5, driven by Karachentsov, crashed into a pole. The actor hurried to Moscow from his dacha because of the news of the death of his mother-in-law. He was not wearing a seat belt and exceeded the speed limit.

As a result of the accident, the actor received a severe traumatic brain injury. Karachentsov underwent craniotomy and brain surgery, after which he was transported to the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor was in a coma for 26 days.

The recovery process took a long time, and only in May 2007 the actor was able to go on stage. Another time, the artist appeared in public at the presentation of a joint CD with composer Elena Surzhikova, but Karachentsov’s speech did not recover; he reacted sluggishly to the surrounding situation.

In March and April 2011, Nikolai Karachentsov underwent treatment in a clinic in Israel. It was reported that the artist's speech had improved.

Karachentsov - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

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The accident occurred at about 19.30 Monday in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, in the village of Zagoryansky, at the intersection of Pushkin and Tennisnaya streets. A Toyota Highlander SUV, in which a 72-year-old man was in the passenger seat, collided with a Gazelle cargo truck. According to unofficially confirmed data, the foreign car was driven by the actor’s wife. His relative and nurse were also in the cabin. According to unconfirmed reports, they also received various injuries.

Information about the accident was confirmed by the Moscow Region police, but the department did not name any names of its possible participants. Now the police are establishing all the circumstances of the incident and the degree of guilt of the participants in the accident.

The evil fate of the Karachentsov family

Car accidents became a real evil fate for the Karachentsov family. The first serious accident famous actor theater and cinema hit exactly 12 years ago - on the night of February 28, 2005 on Michurinsky Avenue in Moscow.

Karachentsov, while driving a Volkswagen Passat, lost control and crashed into a pole. The artist was in a hurry from his dacha to Moscow, excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law, Nadezhda Porgina, without wearing a seat belt and exceeding the speed limit.

The car also contained the art director of a restaurant in the capital, who after the collision passing car took Karachentsov to the hospital. According to doctors, the actor suffered a fracture of the cranial vault, a traumatic brain injury, an internal cranial hematoma, and blunt trauma to the abdomen. His fellow passenger was practically unharmed - he was saved by a deployed airbag.

Karachentsov lay in a coma for three weeks. As a result of the injury, he developed aphasia - a speech defect due to damage to the temporal and lower parts of the cerebral cortex. Then doctors at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, where the artist was admitted, estimated the patient's mortality rate at approximately 20-30%.

In addition, according to doctors, “if the patient lives, it will be difficult to preserve his intelligence.” Karachentsov lay in a coma for about a month; he underwent several operations, including on the brain. The public's favorite survived, but the recovery period took several years, and the actor was never able to return to the stage.

At the beginning of November 2007, Nikolai Karachentsov underwent bypass surgery: doctors pumped out fluid from the cerebral cortex. Everything went well. The actor had a shunt inserted - a tube through which the fluid was drained. His condition improved so much that after discharge he presided over the jury of the acting song festival named after.

However, at the beginning of December 2007, he was again urgently hospitalized - this time with an epileptic seizure in the neuro intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor stayed here for less than a day and returned home. At the beginning of March 2008, he underwent two-week therapy at the clinic of the Institute of Human Brain (HBI RAS) in St. Petersburg.

In the hospital Karachentsov was treated for new technique, which is based on the impact electric current on the brain and, according to the institute’s specialists, will help partially restore the actor’s speech. The artist spends most of his time at his country dacha.

Following Karachentsov, his daughter got into an accident. Fortunately, the consequences were less serious. On December 8, 2014, at about 8.20, on Leontyevsky Lane, the driver of a Hyundai car was driving unregulated pedestrian crossing hit a nine-year-old girl. As a result, the child received minor injuries and was sent home by doctors after examination. It is reported that officers filed a traffic accident.

During the inspection, it was determined that the driver did not have the right to drive the vehicle.

Nikolai Karachentsov began acting in films in 1967, and has more than a hundred roles to his credit.

The artist was in the passenger seat of a Toyota Highlander. When colliding with a gazelle, the foreign car turned over and stood on its wheels. Nikolai Karachentsov suffered a concussion and was taken to the hospital, Life.ru reports. The actor’s relative Lyudmila Ivleva and his nurse also needed help.


The information was confirmed by the artist’s wife Lyudmila Porgina. “Everything is fine, everyone is alive. Nikolai Petrovich has been hospitalized,” she said.

Police have established the preliminary cause of the accident. The car where Karachentsov was was driving along Pushkin Street in cottage village, the gazelle was moving ahead in the same direction and began to slow down before turning.

Toyota began to overtake, and the driver of the gazelle began to turn left. As a result of the collision vehicles A Japanese SUV belonging to Porgina overturned.

Note that this accident has something in common with the accident that Karachentsov got into on February 28, 2005. Such a coincidence cannot be called anything other than mystical.

On that fateful night, the actor lost control of the car when trying to brake sharply in front of by railway crossing. The car skidded and hit a lamppost. Karachentsov suffered a severe head injury, blunt abdominal trauma and three broken ribs.