Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake showed rare family photos. Jessica Biel dreams of escaping from Justin Timberlake and her mother-in-law Personal life of Jessica Biel

Rumors that not everything was going smoothly in one of the most exemplary couples in Hollywood began back in the fall. Then a source close to the actress told reporters: the girl is on the verge nervous breakdown due to postpartum depression. But on last week it turned out that Bill was actually thinking that he and Justin were no longer on the same path. And there were several reasons for this. First of all, Jessica was tired of control. After the birth of baby Silas in April this year, the singer became downright obsessed. “He doesn’t find a place for himself. Jess calls constantly, asking how things are going. This can’t help but irritate,” the insider said. According to informants, Beal is literally going crazy because of her husband’s “all-seeing eye.” Several times a day he asks what his wife ate, what she drank, what she did and what she wore. And all questions are asked for the sole purpose of finding out if something happened to Silas. The actress believes this is simply offensive. She gets the feeling that Timberlake suspects her of wanting to harm her own child!

Jessica wants to howl from the number of questions and calls from her husband and mother-in-law

Mother-in-law Bill also adds fuel to the fire: Justin’s mother is actively involved in the life of her son and grandson. However, Jessica reportedly believes that Lynn Harless is overprotective. She also terrorizes Beale over the phone. A woman cannot do a single evening without talking to a beauty and demands daily reports on the boy’s achievements. In addition, Lynn turned out to be a big fan of getting off the ground and delighting her son and his wife with sudden visits. At the same time, the girl has to constantly adapt to her relative.

Baby Silas has become a bone of contention between lovers

But main reason The reason Bill wants to escape from Justin is work. If you believe the rumors, Jessica is tired of sitting at home after 8 months - she just wants to get back to the set. However, my husband is against it! Justin sincerely believes that his wife should diligently raise the child, and not run to castings and kiss her colleagues. “Since Jessica became a mother, she realized that she was not ready to nurse a baby 24/7. The girl has become more confident and wants to continue her career. She’s afraid of turning into a housewife,” insiders said. But Justin doesn’t even want to hear about the option with assistants.

Moreover, the spouses constantly quarrel over the second offspring. And it is clear who is not planning it at all. In a word, Jessica, according to informants, has thoughts that such a life is completely not for her, and she will be better off alone. We hope that Bill will come to his senses and will not join the ranks of single mothers of his own free will.

In a recent interview Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel talked about how many children they would like in the future.

Photo: Legion-Media

One of the most strong couples in show business. The couple have been together for more than ten years, but they were at the very beginning of the romance.

Celebrities are exemplary parents and actively participate in raising their son Silas. However, it is possible that soon star family replenishment will occur.

Justin hinted at this during a recent interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1 radio. The singer admitted that he and his wife are unlikely to stop at one child.

I want to have as many children as possible, to be honest,” Justin said. “I have never felt more inept and inexperienced in my life.” You wake up and suddenly realize that there is a person for whom you are responsible.

The singer also discussed what it is to be a parent. The answer was interesting and inspiring: “I believe that being a good parent- this is when you realize that you have failed the whole day, but you are ready to wake up the next morning and repeat it again.”

Now Justin and his wife are immersed in work. Jessica Biel shines in the series “The Sinner,” for which role she recently (like the series itself) was recently nominated for such a prestigious award. Justin will soon be seen in Woody Allen's film Wonder Wheel.

(34) and Jessica Biel(33) are undoubtedly one of the most harmonious and beautiful couples Hollywood. Each of them had their own path, and who would have thought that someday these bright personalities unite in great mutual and strong love. PEOPLETALK invites you to remember how this romantic story began.

He is the dream of millions of girls around the world, and every music lover on the planet knows his songs.

Jessica Biel- one of the brightest and most beautiful actresses in Hollywood.

Timberlake was born in Memphis (Tennessee, USA) in the family of a Baptist minister Randall Timberlake and his wife Lynn Harless. However, when Justin was four years old, his parents divorced.

Since childhood, the future singer was drawn to music. First steps in musical career were made on an American television show Star Search, where a very young Justin performed country songs.

Jessica was born into a businessman's family Jonathan Edward Beale And Kimberly Beal. Future actress, like Justin, was a creative person from childhood and, before connecting her life with cinema, studied singing.Biel participated in many musical projects and starred in commercials, and was soon noticed by a modeling agent. At the age of 14, Jessica began to break into films and received her first role in a drama. "Family Sky".

Next step Timberlake's career, which was rapidly rising, began with participation in a popular children's show "Mickey Mouse Club", where he met his first love - (33). This novel was brilliant. Young, beautiful, successful and passionately in love with each other - Justin and Britney were America's most beloved couple. Their separation was a real shock. In 2002, the union broke up, and, according to rumors, the reason for this was Spears’ betrayal, which Justin could not forgive.

First high-profile romance in Biel’s personal life it is considered to be an alliance with a handsome man and the favorite of many girls Chris Evans(34). They met in 2001 on the set of the film Cellular. Feelings flared up between the young actors, but in 2004 they fled, nevertheless maintaining friendly relations.

Justin Timberlake after a painful breakup with Britney Spears starts solo career, which brings him success and recognition. Song Cry Me a River literally blew up all the music charts, because, according to Justin himself, it was dedicated to Britney, and the plot of the video told about true reasons separation of a bright couple.

Jessica breaking up with ex-lover She endured it quite easily and immediately embarked on new love adventures. The actress's next choice was a famous baseball player from the New York team. Derek Jeter(41), with whom she began a long and, as it seemed then, promising romance.

After breaking up with Spears in 2003, Justin falls in love with another bright blonde - (42). Despite the age difference of nine years, things broke out between them. strong feelings. The singer even gave his new lover diamond ring. The press prophesied for the couple fast wedding, however, in 2007 the union broke up. According to rumors, the reason was Cameron's jealousy and the actress's bad relationship with Justin's mother, who has always been an authority for the musician.

After breaking up with Diaz, Justin releases a video for the song What Goes Around... Comes Around, in which the musician portrays passionate love with one of the sexiest actresses Hollywood− (30). The press immediately began to attribute an affair to the celebrities, but neither Justin nor Johansson confirmed the rumors.

And finally, in the same 2007, a fateful acquaintance happened Justin Timberlake And Jessica Biel. It happened at a party after the closing of the Golden Globe ceremony. “There was nothing stellar about our meeting.” It was very un-Hollywood, so to speak. We met and started talking. Then I asked my friend to ask Jessica if I could call her. My friend asked her, she said yes, and I called back. I did it in the traditional style - over the phone. Nobility should not die with the birth of the Internet - that's what I learned from my adoptive father and grandfather. And I believe that when you ask a girl out, she should hear your voice. I had to be very persistent to get her consent. But I have perseverance, and if I want something, I achieve it. In the end, she agreed,” Justin said at one of the press conferences.

In 2011, information appeared in the press about the separation of Jessica and Justin, which was eventually confirmed. The artists did break up, though not for long; six months later they made up again. It was rumored that the reason for the breakup was the musician’s infidelity with the actress. Olivia Munn(35).

Justin Timberlake is a popular American pop singer, R'n'B performer, actor, composer, producer, dancer. Winner of 4 Emmy awards and 9 Grammy awards.

Childhood and youth

Justin Timberlake was born in Memphis, Tennessee on January 31, 1981. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. The singer has English, German, French roots and unconfirmed Indian ancestry. His father, Randall Timberlake, worked as a conductor in a church choir, and his paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister, so the boy was raised in classical Baptist traditions. However, despite his religious upbringing, Timberlake still considers himself a Christian rather in spirit.

Justin's parents separated in 1985, when the boy was not yet 5 years old. Both soon started their own families. So Justin got a stepfather, as well as two stepbrothers by father. Despite popular beliefs, the divorce of his parents did not affect the psyche of the future star - the boy grew up healthy and ambitious beyond his years.

Justin took his first steps in his musical career on the TV show “Star Search”. There he performed a country song. The singer's idols since childhood were Al Green, .

Like many Hollywood stars, the musician began his path to fame by participating in the then popular children's television show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” Together with 12-year-old Justin, they performed, who later became his fiancée, and Jacey Chases, Justin's future partner in "N Sync". After the end of the show in 1995, Justin and Jacey teamed up to create a new boy band - "N Sync".

Justin Timberlake in the movie "In Time"

During the same period, Justin visited snow-covered Russia for the first time, arriving at the premiere of the film “Sex for Friendship” along with his partner, a sultry actress. In 2013, Timberlake came to Moscow again, this time to present the crime thriller “Va-Bank”, in which he played one of the main roles. At the same time, the musician came to visit the program. Timberlake talked about his new film, played forfeits and played with spoons. And at the end of the show, the singer received unusual bast shoes as a gift from the host.

Justin Timberlake with Ivan Urgant

A year later, the musician gave concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow as part of a tour in support of the album “The 20/20 Experience”.

Personal life

Justin Timberlake's personal life has always been associated with high-profile female names. In the period 1999-2002, during the “N Sync” era, Justin experienced a serious romance with Britney Spears. However, the much-anticipated wedding did not take place. The 4-year relationship ended, culminating in the worldwide popular hit “Cry Me a River.” According to Britney, their love story ended because they "wanted different things in life."

Then for some time the singer had a relationship with the actress and almost immediately with the popular Stacey Ferguson. This was followed by a romantic meeting with the love of his childhood, an actress, but this relationship lasted no more than six months, the couple broke up under unpleasant circumstances: journalists photographed Justin at a romantic meeting with an unknown girl.

In 2003, Timberlake began dating a popular actress. The couple looked happy, and Justin was not bothered by the 9-year age difference (at that time the singer was 22, and the actress was 31). But after 4 years, this relationship also ended.

In January 2007, Timberlake began a dizzying affair with. They appeared in the press joint photos snowboarding during Sundance. However, Justin and Jessica officially began dating in early 2008. And in 2011, the tabloids were full of news that the couple had broken up, but maintained friendly relations.

All the more amazing was the news that on Christmas Eve 2011, Justin proposed marriage to Jessica Biel. Love turned out to be stronger than friendship, and on October 19, 2012, Timberlake and Bill got married in Italy. Their son Silas Randall Timberlake was born in April 2015.

And only when the boy was three years old, his parents lifted the veil of secrecy over his birth. Timberlake and Bill said that they were preparing for a natural birth, found a clinic, agreed with obstetricians, and prepared the house to welcome the baby. The woman attended special courses and read a lot of literature. But at the last moment everything did not go according to plan. As a result, Jessica ended up in the hospital, where she was urgently treated C-section. Justin admits that this was a real blow for them. The family returned from the hospital crushed and devastated. But they thank fate that, despite such difficulties, Silas was born absolutely healthy.

Now the artist continues to go on tour, often accompanied by his beloved wife and son on these trips.


  • 2002 – “Justified”
  • 2006 – “FutureSex/LoveSounds”
  • 2013 – “The 20/20 Experience”
  • 2013 – “The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2”
  • 2018 – “Man of the Woods”


  • 2005 – “Edison”
  • 2006 – “Alpha Dog”
  • 2006 – “Stories from the South”
  • 2008 – “Sex Guru”
  • 2009 – “Open Road Back”
  • 2010 – “Social Network”
  • 2011 – “Very Bad Teacher”
  • 2011 – “Time”
  • 2011 – “Sex for Friendship”
  • 2012 – “Curve Ball”
  • 2013 – “Va-bank”
  • 2017 – “Wonder Wheel”

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel got married on October 19, 2012 in southern Italy, more than five years after they started dating. Things haven't always been smooth sailing for the couple. Both suffered greatly from all sorts of rumors over the years about his deception, her needs, which led to a break in the relationship in March 2011, but four months later the couple reunited.

Their relationship even started out a little strange. At the 2007 Golden Globe Awards, just weeks after Timberlake ended his four-year romance with Cameron Diaz, the new couple immediately received negative press.

Although Diaz and Timberlake were candid with each other, during the awards afterparty, the jilted Charlie's Angels actress became furious when she saw her ex and Biel getting cozy - and she took her negativity out on them (very loudly). all evening. According to the New York Post, Diaz "exploded" at Biel because she was flirting with Timberlake. She then ran out of the hall, with Timberlake following behind her. They talked for about 40 minutes in a separate room, during which Justin even “punched the closet,” as the press reported at the time.

Like Diaz, Beal may also suffer the same grievances in the years to come. Timberlake has been accused of cheating on the Total Recall actress countless times with Kate Hudson, Olivia Munn, Rihanna and many others less famous women. Then in April 2010, he did perhaps one of the most unpleasant things he could do against Beale: he took on a movie role with his ex-girlfriend. In the movie Very Bad Teacher, Diaz's character is in love with Timberlake, and the couple even takes part in an awkward sex scene.

"He was testing Jess by taking on the role," a friend of hers told Us Weekly at the time. “They are reaching a critical point. Really, I don’t know if they can survive this.” A source close to Timberlake added that he "won't marry" Biel because "he doesn't respect her anymore... When she's not there, he makes fun of her in front of his friends."

Of course, Timberlake and Biel announced their split in March 2011, and six months later a very detailed report about Timberlake's latest romance appeared in the press. But in July of that year, the actors seemed to be working towards a reconciliation as they were spotted in Toronto together, hand in hand. And during holiday season in Jackson, Wyoming, Timberlake proposed to Jessica and put an exclusive 6-carat diamond ring on her finger.

Wedding of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

The Timberlake family decided that they would sell their wedding photos to Hello! for $300,000, which is unlikely to help them financial situation, since their Italian wedding cost them approximately $6.5 million.

The couple's friends and family joined them at the Borgo Ignasia resort in Puglia, where Justin serenaded Jessica as she walked down the aisle. He wrote this ballad especially for her.

“I thought I should give Jessica some kind of gift. I decided to write a song that would walk my bride down the aisle,” he said. “Grown men were crying. I hope it's not because I sang badly."

He also said his wife's pink Giambattista Valli Haute Couture dress was "the most beautiful I've ever seen." It's a pity, but some critics do not share his opinion.

Justin said the moment after exchanging vows was one of the most unforgettable moments of the day. “All of our family and friends were easy to hear because their cheers were very loud, which was the highlight of the ceremony,” he said.

Justin about his wife

And recently, Justin Timberlake rocked the stage with Ellen DeGeneres during an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which took place on April 25, 2013.

The 32-year-old artist talked about how he is happily married to his wife Jessica Biel.

“Every time I get a chance to look at her when she doesn’t see me looking. This is the moment when you know you made the right decision... if you only make bad decisions in your life. But it was a really worthwhile thing to do!” said Justin. “Because she's just like... it's good to marry your friend. It's good to marry his own best friend. I'm fine with that."