Where to look when taking a selfie. Don't overestimate the capabilities of the front camera

Technologies do not stand still and finally there is an opportunity for anyone to freely engage in such an exciting activity. What are we photographing? That's it! Including ourselves, especially after the advent of Instagram. For those who are little familiar with the main principles, we dedicate this review! We'll tell you how to take cool pictures, for example, on ava. The main thing is that we will tell you in detail and give advice on how to take selfies for girls correctly (lessons, description).

How to take selfies correctly and beautifully with your own hands

It’s not always possible to ask a master to do a photo shoot for you, and is it necessary? The main thing is to have, say, a smartphone or camera at hand, ideally with good resolution, so it’s better to use Android. The most successful in this regard are iPhone, Zenphone and Samsung Galaxy. For a camera, the best option is GoPro. And it will be really great if you have a selfie stick.

However, sometimes you can do without it. Some people manage to hold a phone or camera using improvised means, for example, a wooden mop. By the way, many people take selfies using a laptop, tablet (they take a screenshot on a computer), etc. The company does not have special significance, Asus, Lenovo and whatever is at hand will do.

The right to be called the pioneers of the invention of the monopod (selfie stick) belongs to the Koreans, who appreciated the idea in time, adding a little convenience to the original version in the form of a button. This method allows you to take photos from a distance.

Basic rules for girls

For a beautiful photo, two components are very important:

good camera– in most cases the frontal one is used, i.e. front (again, if we're talking about about the phone). This is very convenient in all respects, for example, it allows you to immediately see the future photo and evaluate (albeit approximately) its quality. Its only drawback is that most often it has a worse resolution, unlike the main one, which produces high-quality images;

correctly chosen background– you’ve probably come across ideal pictures that were negated by the background (a naked man in the mirror, for example, or some kind of antics), so we recommend, if possible, to exclude strangers from entering the picture. Please note that if the photo is taken against the backdrop of any landmark, it is important that it stands out well against the background, but does not overshadow the poser, also make sure that the photo is not covered with your palm.

A successful selfie at home - the best poses

And now the most important thing - poses for a beautiful photo. You've probably noticed that there are both successful shots and vice versa. The whole secret is in the right pose, and if the photo is taken in a group (regardless of the number of people), you should take care of each character. We will reveal some secrets. The instructions are:

1. Good angle. For an inexperienced photographer, this can be a challenging experience. But we can fix everything. Learn to “feel” the lens. Take pictures of yourself from different angles and, as they say, feel the difference. Experiment with head tilts and choose the most advantageous option. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

2. The camera senses falsehood, so try to be sincere: smile, laughter, joy, delight or grief - everything should be extremely natural, otherwise the most important thing will be lost - naturalness.

3. Makeup or disguise. We recommend using small tricks that will add zest to your look. These can be highlighting bases, meteorites, shimmers, illuminizers, etc. If illness prevents you from creating a cool photo (puffiness appeared in the morning, for example), mask it with sunglasses and you will definitely get normal shots.

4. Use celebrities. It's no secret that the most cool photos with the participation of stars. This will add charm and immediately raise the rating, especially if among them there are people like Brian Spielberg, Casey, Cage, or actors from the film “San Andreas”, fashion model Kim Kardashian, etc. It’s not bad if Russian stars/supermodels also get into the lens, for example , participants in “Comedy Woman”.

5. Take photos with animals. Animals (no matter what) are always cute, and studies have shown that the vast majority of people like such photos. These ideas are very common in the advertising business, you can take advantage of them too.

6. Use your imagination and sense of humor. Yes, don’t be surprised, this is a great move. This way you will attract more viewers to your Instagram account or other network. Take photos against the background computer games, for example GTA, MTA, RP, draenor or minecraft (for boys) or pictures where you can depict yourself on paper, for example, on a tank or on a rover. Add jokes, for example, draw pictures of a doll or fold your lips into a bow (for girls), in a word, don’t be afraid to fantasize and don’t be shy. Photos with a friend, for example, in the dark under an umbrella and with flowers, are suitable for girls. In a word, look for interesting and unusual options.

7. Add extreme, but make sure it's safe. Now considered mainstream (fashionable trend) are fatality shots - riding on the roof of a train or on the hood of a car. Take a few shots, capture a cool moment of euphoria step by step. You can make a panoramic video and post it on YouTube for viewing online. However, these options are more suitable for boys and slightly older boys.

Most teenagers and young adults are entertaining themselves with a new trend in photography - selfie. What is a selfie? Let's just say it's a self-portrait. True, with some nuances. In a classic self-portrait, it is not always possible to understand whether the photographer took the photo himself or someone helped him. A selfie is an obvious self-portrait, the image of which shows that the author of the photo is taking a picture of himself.

Any photographs of any genre are divided into . The components of these concepts are different, but some are absolutely the same for everyone. Let's look at what you need to pay attention to in order to get quite decent pictures that will differ from a billion other self-portraits for the better?

You all remember that is an integral element of any photograph, and selfie is no exception. of this rule. Before clicking on the photo button, choose a place where there is enough lighting. Also make sure that the sun or light source is in front of you and slightly above eye level, and not shining from behind your shoulders directly into the camera.

If possible, use a thin curtain to cover a window that has direct sunlight, or cover the only source of light with a thin fabric, which will diffuse the light and allow for soft and enveloping lighting, which is undoubtedly in the best possible way will be reflected in the final image. Natural light conveys colors much better than artificial light, but when taking a selfie, color accuracy is not so important, since color temperature distortion can serve as a kind of artistic “trick” of the photograph. For convenience, studio equipment manufacturers have developed a camera on which a lightweight camera can be attached, which significantly increases the convenience of taking self-portraits.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is the place where you are going to take the photo. There are some places where taking a selfie would be completely inappropriate. Probably, we shouldn’t even talk about funerals or weddings, as well as other special events. Just ask yourself the same question every time: “Is something more important than me happening here and now?” If you are inclined to answer “yes”, postpone the creation of your self-portrait to another time.

One of the most common mistakes when taking selfies is that almost all photographers pay little to no attention to. But for the background is an integral and significant part of the photograph. The general perception of the photograph by the viewer depends on the background. If your portrait was taken in the bathroom with a towel rail behind you, it is unlikely to be of interest to anyone except a small circle of friends who are also keen on creating self-portraits in any circumstances and under any conditions.

Think about how nature is always a beautiful backdrop. In spring and summer, you can sit on green grass, near beautiful rose bushes or against the backdrop of a “curly” sky. In the fall, you will be helped by bright, variegated carpets of leaves, and in winter there will be an appropriate background of blocks of ice or mountains of snow.

by Valentin Kouba

If you think that nature is not quite suitable for you as a setting for creating a portrait, stay indoors, just look around. Before taking a portrait, remove things that are probably in the most inappropriate place and will draw attention to yourself in the picture. You can also show what you like or what you do in at the moment time, organizing the background yourself - stack books and magazines or place yourself in front of a bookcase if you are reading at the moment or love this activity very much and want to “tell” everyone about it. Try to include elements of the gym in the frame if you are taking a selfie while working out. Background should become your co-author, then the photo will look much more interesting.

Always pay attention to whether there is someone else in the background who wants to ruin your photo. Little brothers and sisters, who at the last moment will gladly give you “horns” or unexpectedly jump out of cover and scare you with their screams. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you must always remember that they can happen.

Very often, personal portraits are taken to show off a new haircut, earrings or glasses that were purchased just a few minutes ago. Despite the excitement of a new look, make sure that the framing is chosen correctly and the emphasis is on the part that you want to show off above all.

Quite often you can find selfies of young girls who, wanting to show the world their natural beauty, post photographs directly, one might say, from bed, immediately after sleep, etc. But even if you think that you look like an angel, believe me, such pictures can only be shown to your mother. She will appreciate, be touched and be very grateful that an adult child decided to extend such threads of communication to her. All other spectators, at best, will simply grin.

It is quite possible to show natural beauty and morning angelic freshness by slightly tidying yourself up. Even light makeup can make it seem like you're showing your natural face, especially if you tend to wear a lot more makeup than you currently see in the photo.

When taking personal photographs, do not forget about strengths your appearance. If you have great hair, try to make sure it gets noticed, even if you're shooting in front of the Eiffel Tower and taking an "I was here" selfie. Let there be a selfie “I was near the Eiffel Tower, look how beautiful my hair is.”

by Valentin Kouba

Maybe you think that smiling at yourself at a camera or phone camera is a very stupid thing to do and you also don’t look your best. Cast aside your doubts! And smile, smile! Remember that taking a selfie on a smartphone is a rather... awkward activity in itself, so smile at this fact!

There are different smiles - with closed mouth a sly smile, a wide-open mouth and laughter so that all the teeth are visible, or the mega-popular, but sore-tongued “bow/duck/tail sponge”... However, a smile is one of the most popular and charming facial expressions that can be used always and in almost any situation.

Avoid typical mistakes. They include funny poses that are mistakenly considered cool or seductive. For example, when, when posing, the butt is pushed back too much or the person pretends to be asleep or to have been taken by surprise. Consider this bad manners in a selfie photo.

Full-length selfies apply general rules portrait photography- position yourself half-turned towards the camera, this will visually elongate your growth line and you will look slimmer.

When photographing legs (or new sandals, it doesn't matter), try to capture the angle from the knees. This framing will emphasize the length of the legs and remove the excessive solidity and heaviness of the upper part.

Selfie photography involves taking photographs with smartphones, which means the ability to use various filters. And there is no need to be shy about it! What may seem deliberate and tasteless during regular photography, is funny and even artistic when photographing a self-portrait with a phone camera. There is no definitive recommendation for using filters, so experiment! The same simple black-and-white or sepia filters have more options in applications, don’t be shy - try everything.

And finally, I would like to note for lovers of selfie photography that it is absolutely not bad when you share your own images with your friends. But if your portfolio contains more than 1 selfie per 8-10 photos, think about whether it might be worth diversifying your photographic delights and try shooting something different with your smartphone camera? Attention to your person will still be ensured!

← Tell your friends

For several years, people had no idea what a “selfie” was. Now, this word is perhaps the most common on the Internet, on blogs and social networks. Every day a huge number of selfies are published online - self-portraits taken from tablets and mobile phones. And the editors of Sekretik magazine found out how to take the right selfies.

Don't stay away, get involved

If you haven't posted your photos online yet, you've probably looked at selfies of your friends or celebrities. Among them, undoubtedly, there are good and interesting photographs, but there are also frankly unsuccessful, caricatured and extremely dangerous ones.

The main idea of ​​a selfie is to take your photo now and in this exact place. It would seem that you don’t have to bother. But if you don’t want your photo to be made fun of or lost without a trace on the Internet, follow certain rules.

Take the right selfie

It seems that everything is very simple: hold your smartphone at arm's length or stand in front of a mirror and press a button. In fact, to take good, high-quality and original photographs you need to work a little.


The main attribute is a mobile phone with a good camera. Despite the fact that most people use the front camera of their phone, the pictures taken with the rear camera are better.

A camera, even a DSLR, is not exactly what you need for a selfie. Although as an option it is quite possible.

Background for the photo

You want to capture yourself in front of a specific landscape: rose bushes, snowy peaks or alpine meadows? Be natural and everything will work out.

The purpose of the photo is just you - pay attention to what is there in the background. It is better if there are no people behind you who can distract attention from your person.


Try to choose a position in which you look most advantageous. Listen to the advice of professional photographers:

  • A strong tilt of the head back distorts the oval of the face.
  • A shot with the body rotated three-quarters looks better than a profile and full face.
  • When stretching your arm forward, do not overdo it - in the photo it may turn out to be absurdly long.
  • Positioning the camera too low or high will make the image in the photo disproportionate.


Before starting a photo shoot, look around to see if there is enough light. The sun or artificial light source should be directly in front of you, slightly above eye level. If the lamp or the sun is behind your back, facial features and clothing details will be blurred. On the other hand, a photo in a halo sun rays can be very interesting.


Many cool and seductive poses, according to girls, look funny and vulgar in the photo. Some selfies, such as the duck face, pretending to be asleep, or pretending to be caught off guard, are no longer trendy.

Staged body positions, fake emotions, forced smiles are no longer interesting to anyone. If you want to hug, make faces, laugh - go for it, just be as natural as possible.


If you intend to post selfies on social networks, be more attentive to your appearance. Even if you don't wear makeup at all, a little makeup won't hurt you. Tint your eyelashes, apply gloss to your lips, remove dark circles under your eyes and see how much better you look in the photo.

Makeup is an integral part of your life - don’t overdo it. Remember the golden mean.

  • Smoky eyes are not the best good option. Smoky, dense shadows look heavy and massive.
  • Focusing on the lower eyelid will make the eyes appear smaller.
  • Ungroomed eyebrows will make your entire face look sloppy.
  • Selfies and “Spider” eyelashes are not compatible.


Gadget manufacturers couldn't stay away from the fashion craze. The process of creating a selfie was made very easy by creating monopods. If you don’t know what to give your friend, buy a selfie stick. A shooting stick consists of a housing for attaching a camera or smartphone and a telescopic structure. Within a minute, the small tube turns into a photo device. The higher the cost of a monopod, the more complex the design.

Photo processing

If you decide to post a photo online, check the quality again. Try to edit your photo using photo editors, photo filters and photo effects, but don't get carried away. Don't forget that the main thing in a selfie is naturalness. If the photo is completely unsuccessful, it’s better to retake it, it will take less time and effort.

Selfie mania, which swept the entire planet a few years ago, does not seem to be slowing down. That’s why we want to devote today’s article to how to take a selfie so that not only you like it and get a lot of likes.

We will reveal lifehacks and secrets of successful selfies using the example of 10 ideas for beautiful photos.

A selfie is not only a portrait photograph taken with one’s own hand. This is a photo in which you are present or only part of your face or body that you took yourself. To make your feed more diverse, do not overload it with the same type of selfies, which only show your face in close-up.

We will teach you how to diversify your profile content and how to take a selfie using simple tips.

1. Beautiful selfie. Find the lucky light

Before starting any photo shoot, the photographer first of all chooses good lighting. The ideal light for selfies is natural. Photo by the window when it’s bright sunlight lies on the face - often the most successful. This light itself can hide any imperfections in the skin and make the eyes brighter.

Avoid taking selfies with flash and in very dark rooms. In the first case, colors may be greatly distorted and the eyes may become red. In the second, the graininess of the photo increases greatly, and you risk getting a low-quality selfie with blurry details.

If it is possible to use artificial lighting for selfies, it should be of high quality and properly directed.

The light should be soft, or better yet, diffused, directed towards your eye, but from the front. Otherwise, the face may be either overexposed or sharp shadows will fall on it.

Alternatively, you can also use additional flashlights, phone flashes and miniature lighting panels.

#selfie #girl #beauty #instagirl

2. A beautiful selfie. Find a good background

Carpets on the walls, doors and floral wallpaper will not contribute to the success of your selfie. In order to focus the attention of Instagram users on you, and not on the background, it should be uniform or less bright than your makeup and clothes. Or vice versa, if you want to stand out in a photo with a bright wall, choose clothes in pastel colors or a monochrome color scheme for this look.

This is why it is so difficult to take a great selfie against the backdrop of nature - the riot of colors and numerous details simply do not allow you to focus attention on your face.

The ideal background for a selfie will always be brick walls, wooden panels, sky, sand, bed.

3. Beautiful selfie. Find good selfie poses

It's not surprising that good poses Each girl has her own for selfies. One boasts long legs, another boasts lush breasts, and the third boasts beautiful long hair.

Finding a good angle for a selfie is also very important, because we all have a “working” side of our face – the one with fewer imperfections of all kinds.

Avoid frontal photos: very often the lighting can let you down and your chin will merge with your neck. In addition, this angle for a selfie will emphasize the existing asymmetry of facial features, if one eye is larger than the other, and one eyebrow is raised higher. It’s better to take a selfie half-turned, ¾ of the face – in this angle, the chin and cheekbones become sharper and the face looks chiselled.

Selfies in which part of the face is missing or in which an unusual angle is found look very impressive. You can lift the phone almost above your head and look into the camera.

#instagirl #beautifulgirl #beautifulbody #selfie

4. Beautiful selfie. Find something interesting to do with a selfie

Selfies in which Instagram users can only see their own face can quickly get boring, and they will lose interest in your account. In order to diversify the subject of your photos, show your followers what your daily life is filled with.

Maybe you have some interesting hobby - needlework, scrubbooking, soap making. Then the Instagram community will be curious to see you at work - take a selfie in the process of creating your works.

All these cute girly things will always serve as an excellent setting for a selfie and will cause a stream of enthusiastic comments.

You can also take beautiful selfies in store fitting rooms while shopping, asking users if this outfit is worthy of becoming an addition to your fashionable wardrobe.

#handmade #knitting #brags #handicrafts

5. Beautiful selfie. Show what you can do

Anyone can do the boring duck face by artificially pouting their lips. And show on Instagram that you are capable of more.

A healthy lifestyle is back in fashion. Therefore, a selfie from the gym is a great opportunity to tell everyone that you are improving yourself, and your workouts are not in vain. Confirmation of this is yours beautiful body, captured in a selfie in a large mirror.

A popular direction for selfies on the topic healthy image life began with photographs capturing intricate asanas during yoga classes.

#fitness #sport #workout #yoga #bodyshape

6. Beautiful selfie. Don't waste time

If you want to capture a memory or image, do it right after creating it - don’t put it off. Otherwise, you risk that an unwanted shine may appear in the T-zone over time, the lipstick will lose its brightness and clarity of contour, and the lush curls created by such efforts will unwind.

Plus a selfie beautiful makeup They look very good against the background of a beautiful dressing table. Especially if your mirror is equipped with additional lighting.

#beautifulmakeup #makeup #muotd #instabeauty

7. Beautiful selfie. Full length

Look for large mirrors to capture yourself in full height or at least capture more of yourself in the frame. Elevator looks are still relevant, because it is in elevators that you can most often find ceiling-to-floor mirrors, and unlike shopping centers and only you will be in the photo of the windows.

Large mirrors will allow you to show your OOTD (outfit of the day) in all its glory, without hiding a single wardrobe detail from your followers.

#outfit #ootd #liftoluk #selfie #selfishmelfi #crossbow

8. Beautiful selfie. Don't miss the details

The cute things that surround you can serve as an excellent setting for a beautiful selfie.

On the eve of the New Year, they can be Christmas tree decorations, a cup of cappuccino with a beautiful topping, or an interesting book.

You may not be able to take a selfie like this. your face, but the details that you want to focus on should be precisely included in the frame - a new pair, a beautiful bag, a chunky knit sweater, a warm scarf.

#shoes #bag #details #girlie #new thing

9. Beautiful selfie. Use a monopod

An arm's length is not always enough to capture all the important details you want to show in the frame.

For this purpose, you can use a monopod (selfie stick) with a telescopic handle. Its length will allow you to capture the entire space around you for a selfie. We strongly recommend not using the front camera for this purpose, as its properties are inferior and selfies are of worse quality than those taken with the phone’s external camera.

#holiday #couple #nature

10. Beautiful selfie. Use photo editors

If the built-in list of filters for photos on Instagram seems insufficient to you, use photo editors. With their help, you can play with lighting, lighten or darken certain areas of the photo, and add funny captions.

In addition, photo editors will help you hide those imperfections that were included in the selfie - a pimple, a mole, a disheveled strand of hair.

Here is a list of the most popular photo editors for phones:

  • Instabeauty
  • Avatan
  • Snapseed
  • Facetune

Bonus life hack on how to take a beautiful selfie

Smile. Followers and guests of your profile will like a smile on your face more than an expression of sadness or melancholy.

Today, photography has become a way to present and promote yourself, your creativity or business. We take photographs to capture moments in life or develop our business, but in many situations it is easier and faster to photograph ourselves without outside help. Who knows better than you yourself how to take pictures of you, especially if you use all the tricks of a successful selfie. So, what are these secrets that will help you look beautiful in the photo?

1. Light

The right light is at least 60% of success. When there is good lighting, your face looks best and the quality of the photo is the best. The ideal light is moderately bright and diffused. It’s best to shoot at home with your face facing the window. If the sun is scorching on this day, you can curtain the window with light tulle, which will soften the rays. Outdoor photos work best on a bright but cloudy day. Clouds scatter light in the same way as tulle. In a room, it’s good when the light source is slightly to the side and above eye level, but electric lighting is inferior to natural lighting.

2. Angle

Of course, you need to build on your appearance. You've probably noticed a long time ago when you do your best work. If not, try filming yourself, changing the position of your face a little with each frame. In most cases, the most successful angles are considered to be turning your head 3/4 and shooting from above or slightly above, i.e. The phone should be above eye level. Be sure to catch the light and don't turn against it. Many studies on facial asymmetry have found that the left side tends to look fresher and younger. Check which side of your face is “working”. Better not film yourself from below. The risk of getting a double chin and a wide face is too great. You can get a very good shot by tilting the phone a little to one side. This way you will direct the viewer's eye in the photo a little differently, which can work into your favor.

3. Makeup

Be sure to mask minor skin imperfections and dark circles under the eyes. Usually the phone camera betrays them treacherously. Beautiful skin makes the best photo impression. Ideally, you can do a full makeover. It is good to highlight the skin with concealer or highlighter. To prevent your face from looking flat, you can highlight your cheekbones. Very impressive shots are obtained if you focus on your lips by choosing bright lipstick. Too lazy to put on makeup? Wear beautiful sunglasses that suit you and highlight your lips.

4. Image

It’s good if you are remembered by some detail. Earrings, necklaces, glasses and other accessories can make a very stylish selfie. Jessica Alba, for example, loves taking photos in hats.

5. Facial expression

It’s better to forget about duckface and smile pleasantly. Even when you're not smiling with your mouth, use the Tyra Banks trick and smile with your eyes. The emotion in the photo makes it very attractive. Take selfies whenever you're in the mood. This way the photos will turn out as natural as possible.

6. Background

Avoid shots with clutter in the background, gloomy passers-by, and simply those who want to ruin your photo. If something like this happens, and there is no way to re-photograph it, treat it with humor and write something funny under the photo. It’s also good if your outstretched arm doesn’t get into the frame. In most cases it looks out of place.

7. Filters and retouching

How better quality photo(see point 1), the more opportunities to process it. Very often, during the processing process, a photo loses quality and an initially weak frame does not improve after retouching. Filters are more efficient. You can highlight the face or add an interesting effect. With photo high quality you can do everything in combination, successfully retouch and add a filter.

8. More views and likes

If you want to get more likes and views, the time of publication matters. Typically, bursts of activity occur around 7-9 am, when users wake up and check their phones, 11-1 pm, during work breaks and at 17-18, after the end of the working day. Posting photos at midnight our time, target audience America will become. Popular hashtags will also attract the attention of fans of relevant topics.

How often do you take selfies? What do you do to look good in photos?