The new trend is democratic fascism. German Nazism originated in the USA

Column “Post from the Past”: In April 2005, photographer Anthony Karen began studying the Ku Klux Klan. After some time, he already had free access to some large American organizations of a similar nature. For the most part, these are a number of White Nationalist organizations, including the (NSD) National Socialist Movement, the Aryan Nations union, and the White Knights of America. The photographer continues his work on this topic so that others can look into a world that is closed to ordinary people. We can do this with photographs that speak for themselves.

(Total 41 photos)

1. Members of the National Socialist Movement during the annual congress, which takes place in Maryland. Ted Juncker, 89, a Waffen-SS veteran who served under Adolf Hitler, was scheduled to speak at the convention. Several performances were also scheduled for the evening. And also a gala dinner.

2. Members of the National Socialist Movement during the annual congress, which takes place in Maryland.

3. Annual two-day meetings of members of the National Socialist Movement are held in Lawrence, South Carolina. Activities at these meetings include a Bill Hoffa memorial evening, the Nazi Oath, seminars and awards ceremonies. These meetings bring together people from various Aryan parties and the Ku Klux Klan.

4. The son of one of the skinheads raises his hand in the traditional "Sieg Heil" greeting during the first annual Oi Fest. The number “88” on his T-shirt symbolizes the eighth letter of the alphabet, “H,” and is, for all nationalists, an abbreviation for the phrase “Heil Hitler.” The festival is dedicated to Ian Stewart Donaldson, who died in a car accident in 1993. Donaldson was the frontman of the British rock band Skrewdriver, which played punk rock and skinhead music. Skrewdriver is one of the most famous groups in the skinhead circle.

5. A member of the National Socialist Movement shows off his Nazi-themed tattoos at a hotel in Baltimore, Maryland.

6. Members of the National Socialist Movement are heading to a demonstration that will take place at the US Congress Building in Washington.

7. March of members of the National Socialist Movement along Constitution Avenue to the US Congress Building. They oppose illegal immigration.

8. One of the representatives of the National Socialist movement makes a speech against illegal immigration.

9. The gate leading to the closed IKA grounds during the "Nordic Fest", which takes place as part of the annual gathering for the promotion of Nazism, held by the "Imperial Clans of America". Concerts and rallies promoting the idea of ​​nationalism are supported by various groups, such as: Aryans, National Socialists, Ku Klux Klan. Such gatherings end with the ceremony of lighting the Swastika/Cross, which, in their opinion, symbolizes the light of Christ.

10. An Israeli flag that was removed from some embassy serves as a foot mat at the IKA headquarters.

11. This kid is holding sweets with the number 88 on them. The number “88” symbolizes the eighth letter of the alphabet “H” and is for all neo-Nazis an abbreviation for the phrase “Heil Hitler”.

12. 3 skinhead girls fool around during a break between band performances at the Oi Fest festival. The festival is dedicated to Ian Stewart Donaldson, who died in a car accident in 1993. Donaldson was the frontman of the British rock band Skrewdriver, which played punk rock and skinhead music. Skrewdriver is one of the most famous groups in the skinhead circle.

13. Skinheads from various organizations on the beach during the annual gathering.

14. "Charlie Boots"; one of the vocalists of the group "Stormtroop16".

15. One of the members of the "Imperial Clans of America" ​​laces up the new heavy boots usually worn by the Aryans during the annual Spring Festival.

16. Festival “Nordic Fest”.

17. A National Socialist family set up camp while attending their annual gathering.

18. Members of the Imperial Clans of America during the annual Nordic Fest. It is held on closed area of 30 acres, on which there are brick houses, and lasts 3 days.

19. One of the founders of the Supreme White Alliance

20. Annual festival “Nordic Fest”.

22. National Socialist Family

23. Annual festival “Nordic Fest”.

24. Annual festival “Nordic Fest”.

25. Traditional slam during skinhead concerts.

26. 2 skinheads during the annual general gathering.

27. Members of the National Socialist Movement and several skinheads erect a 15-foot swastika during a concert held as part of a general gathering.

28. Several members of various organizations decided to practice shooting during the annual general meeting.

29. Skinhead, member of the Supreme White Alliance shows off his tattoos.

30. The group “Stormtroop16” performs a song from the album “Braces Up, Straight Laces Up”

31. Skinhead at the Oi Fest festival.

32. The leader of one of the groups during a performance at the Oi Fest festival.

33. From German “Sieg Heil” is translated as “Long live victory!” This is the most common greeting among nationalists. Members of the White Knights support Stormtroop16 during their performance of the album song "Braces Up, Straight Laces Up".

34. Skinhead girl during a slam.

37. 3 skinheads at the first annual Oi Fest. The festival is dedicated to Ian Stewart Donaldson, who died in a car accident in 1993. Donaldson was the frontman of the British rock band Skrewdriver, which played punk rock and skinhead music. Skrewdriver is one of the most famous groups in the skinhead circle.40. First annual Oi Fest. The festival is dedicated to Ian Stewart Donaldson, who died in a car accident in 1993. Donaldson was the frontman of the British rock band Skrewdriver, which played punk rock and skinhead music. Skrewdriver is one of the most famous groups in the skinhead circle.

41. Charles (36 years old), lieutenant of the National Socialist Movement, addresses the public before starting the Swastika lighting ceremony. All this happens during a concert that took place on a small farm in central America.

Jeff Hall, one of the leaders of the National Socialist Movement ( National Socialist Movement), the largest neo-Nazi party in the United States. This gave Americans a reason to once again raise the debate around the existence of Nazis in the country. However, Nazi parties in the United States are officially registered and have long been part of the local political culture.

Hall was shot by his own ten-year-old son, who had been instilled with far-right views and a love of weapons since childhood. The motives for the crime are still unknown, although Hall’s supporters are inclined to believe that US intelligence services could somehow change the boy’s consciousness.

Jeff Hall was a cult figure of the US neo-Nazi party. He managed to breathe new life into the far-right American movements and attract new supporters: members of the Ku Klux Klan, as well as citizens with extremist views, both left and right. In the last year, Hall worked to create a broad opposition front, which was going to include even previously hostile political movements to the Nazis - from anarchists to environmentalists.

(Jeff Hall six months before his death)

In addition, American neo-Nazis have also reconsidered their previous attitude towards a number of national minorities. Thus, the Nazis were allowed to accept Indians, which they did not fail to take advantage of. Here is an illustrative example. In March 2005, Jeff Weiss burst into Red Lake High School in Minnesota, where he shot and killed an unarmed security guard, a teacher and five other teenagers before committing suicide. Before this, Weiss killed his grandfather and his girlfriend. Weiss was an Indian by origin, and believed that Hitler’s soul had entered into him.

This association of “new angry” people was called “white suprematism” in the United States. The first joint action of the extreme right and left political movements was the confrontation in Wisconsin, where for several months, starting in January 2011, rioters besieged administrative buildings, demanding the resignation of liberal fundamentalists from the so-called local government. "Tea Party"

Hall's murder shook America. Some received this message with joy, others with grief. But everyone interested in politics in the United States understood that with his departure the neo-Nazi movement would not cease to exist. Despite the fact that neo-Nazi parties in the United States are often leader-led, they have widespread civil networks. And this is the guarantee of their existence for more than half a century.

Photographer Julia Platner, “hot on the heels,” published several photographs of neo-Nazis in the New York Times to “remind” Americans of their existence.

Platner writes that she took some of the pictures with a hidden camera. However, neo-Nazis make no secret of their activities. On the contrary, the same photographs of their gatherings, festivals and party life are openly available on their website. For example, on the NSM88 party website:

At the same time, Nazi parties in the United States are an ordinary part of the local political culture. Among the 53 officially registered federal parties in the United States, two are neo-Nazi: the American Nazi Party (founded in 1959) and the National Socialist Movement (1974). From time to time they try to run for election to Congress and Senate, but without success. But neo-Nazis are regularly included in legislative and executive authorities at the level of counties and small towns.

In addition, in the United States there are many regional parties (they take part in elections only at the state level), such as the Alaska Independence Party or the New York Taxpayers Party. There are about 20 Nazi movements among them. In addition, there are still about 200 Nazi movements officially listed in America, such as the Aryan Nations, White Revolution, Aryan Renaissance Society, etc. .

On the one hand, this seems like a huge amount. But, unlike Russia, where the Kremlin has reduced politics to 7 pocket parties, dozens of parties and movements are registered in the United States every year. This is facilitated by an extremely simplified scheme for their registration: only its president, followers (minimum 2 people), a treasurer, and a minimum of formalities (such as a charter) are needed. Thus, 5 people are enough to register a party. For example, in 2004 alone, 95 parties were registered in the United States. Among them are such as the American Pagan Party, the Anarchist (Pogo) Party of America, the Star Party, the Idealist People's Party, the Imperial Authoritarian Party, International Party Justice, Nationalist Workers' Party, Netocratic Party, etc.

In America, unlike most European countries, the swastika is a legal symbol. On this matter, in 1977, the US Supreme Court considered the so-called. "The Skokie Case." That year, the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA) planned a march in the small Illinois town of Skokie, populated primarily not just by Jews, but also by victims of the Holocaust. The local community was outraged, and the Illinois District Court banned the display of Nazi uniforms and swastikas during the march in Skokie.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) volunteered to challenge this ban in a higher court. They argued that the district court's ban violated the First Amendment with respect to the free expression of marchers. It came to this Supreme Court. Referring to the same First Amendment, the US Armed Forces allowed a rally with Nazi symbols, arguing it this way: “The swastika itself does not belong to the so-called. “words that provoke conflict.”

Since then, in the United States, no branch of government has thought of banning the swastika, as well as the Nazi uniform.

Unlike Russia and other underdeveloped countries, American Nazis today are not so much measuring skulls as developing economic programs. At the same time, the ideology of “white suprematism” implies a greater emphasis on the implementation of socialism in the United States, and not so much Nazism. Here is a fragment of an interview with the leader of one of the Nazi parties, Jeff Schoep.

If you were in power, what would you do about the current financial situation?

Commander Schoep: We would establish a National Socialist Government. We would cut unnecessary aid to foreign countries such as Israel. Establish a policy of American primacy, withdraw troops from wars started by the Zionists and place them on America's borders to protect against illegal immigrants. We would stop the invasion of third world countries that is paralyzing our economy. We would abolish the Federal Reserve and ban foreign influence from all aspects of our economy and seats in government.

Oil will run out sooner or later. This may happen sooner, it may happen later, but it is definitely clear that prices for it, although they have fallen from a record height, will begin to rise again. Would you switch to alternative fuels and energy sources to counter this, or do you have a different energy policy in mind?

Commander Schoep: We need to look at alternative forms of energy, there have already been many bold attempts like Tesla's electric sports car, and hybrid cars are a step in the right direction. I would take some of the federal funds planned for foreign aid and war and use them to find alternative, greener sources of energy, and set aside the remaining funds to find a cure for cancer and treat our own American citizens.

In total, in the US Nazi parties different levels consists of about 70 thousand people (as the neo-Nazis themselves say, there are about 200 thousand more sympathizers). This is about 2 times less than in Lieberman's Libertarian Party. However, American realities give every constituent part of civil society the right to participate not only in open debate, but also in real action. The Interpreter Blog already wrote in the article “How Americans Unite in a Civil Militia Against the World Evil”: “Millions of Americans unite in hundreds of non-governmental organizations, whose main idea is opposition to the government, the defense of individualism, the priority of individual rights over the interests of the state. And hundreds of thousands of US citizens go further - and join the ranks of the so-called. "civilian militia", legal paramilitary forces, whose existence is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution "on guns".

According to official estimates, at the end of 2009 there were 932 such paramilitary NPOs in the United States (in 2008 - 926). In 1999, it became possible to create the so-called. “Citizen vigilance groups”, whose members began to receive material assistance from local budgets - their tasks include the capture of illegal migrants (mainly on the border with Mexico and on the coast of Florida), the capture of fugitive criminals, and the protection of public order. For example, over the past 10 years, the state of Illinois has paid such “vigilance groups” about 60 million dollars, the state of Alabama - 12 million. Police members can spend this money only on weapons, communications and transportation, but not material remuneration for “policemen.”

In total, there are about 250 thousand active members of the “civilian militia”. Another 100-150 thousand people are members of illegal or semi-legal organizations, mostly far-right.”

Neo-Nazi associations are also helping the American government with weapons in their hands. So, about 400 Arizona Nazis patrol the US-Mexico border, catching illegal migrants there. In Russia, such participation of society (be it Nazis, environmentalists or Trotskyists) in solving pressing problems is simply impossible to imagine.

Which will add to your reading pleasure.

It is very easy to forget that in the 1930s, Adolf Hitler and members of his National Socialist German Workers' Party, although considered radical, were not yet seen as a threat to the entire world. But what's even easier to forget is that Hitler had more than a few outspoken supporters in the United States. The following are pages from American history that are rarely talked about, but serve as a reminder that extremist ideals can take hold anywhere and at any time.

1. German-American Union

Much of Nazi ideology revolved around the purity of the German "race", and Hitler clearly understood that this could be used to influence German migrants living in enemy territory. Just four months after he came to power in 1933, an organization known as the Friends of the New Germany was founded in America. In 1936, it was reorganized into the “German-American Union”, into whose ranks only people of German origin were accepted, and there were about a quarter of the total population in the United States.

The leader of the German-German Bund, Fritz Kuhn, was dubbed the American Fuhrer. In order not to arouse suspicion, members of the organization tried to behave like true American patriots. They often held their meetings on national holidays or on the birthdays of US presidents. However, the fact remains that American citizens gave the Nazi salute, shouted “Heil Hitler” and acted as if they were full members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Fritz Kuhn was exposed by journalists in 1937 and imprisoned for two years for embezzlement.

2. Nazi summer camps

In 1936, the German-American Bund began making a concerted effort to promote Nazi ideology in the hopes that the United States would support Hitler or even become his ally.

Among the most alarming projects of the "German-American Bund" it is worth noting summer camps for American teenagers. They were not directly related to Hitler's infamous youth program, however, the similarities were glaring. Parents and children greeted the Fuhrer and wore Nazi armbands.

Summer camps existed all over the country, from New York to Los Angeles. There were sixteen of them in total. They were closed shortly after the outbreak of World War II.

Anti-Semitic sentiments were extremely high in the United States at the time, and these types of programs were intended to introduce racist and fascist ideologies. Children aged 8 to 18 learned German and took part in military exercises. Nazi ideology and German heritage, in fact, were presented as parts of one whole, and most US citizens of German descent were receptive to this idea.

3. New York Nazi Community

Of these summer camps, the most famous was Camp Siegfried, located in the small town of Yaphank, New York. Small town houses were originally built as bungalows for vacationers. Everyone who wanted to buy land plot in the city, must, first of all, be of “German origin”. Many of the main streets were named after Hitler, Goebbels and other famous leaders of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Even after the start of the war, pro-Nazi sentiment continued to flourish in Yaphank. Nazi parades took place on its streets, where SS flags flew next to American flags. The residents of Yaphank even created a huge fence in the shape of a swastika.

And although the city was eventually captured by the FBI after the war, it managed to preserve the houses that were built for pro-Nazi vacationers. And even today, Yaphank is inhabited mainly by people of German origin.

4. Rallies at Madison Square Garden

The headquarters of the Friends of the New Germany, and later the German-American Bund, were in New York, making the state the center of pro-Nazi activity in America. In early 1934, the predecessor organization held rallies at Madison Square Garden. Participants raised their arms in Nazi salutes, shouted slogans and carried banners with words like “Stop Jewish Domination of Christian America.”

The most famous of these meetings took place on February 20, 1939, when the German-American Bund was at the height of its power. The rally was called "Pro-America"; More than 20 thousand people took part in it.

The "German-American Bund" was dissolved after the United States declared war on Germany in late 1941.

5. Bush connection

Conspiracy theorists believe that the United States government and the Nazi regime were in cahoots. Circumstantial evidence abounds, from the similarities between CIA programs (such as Project MK Ultra) and the Nazis to the contributions that German rocket scientists made to NASA.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, another incredible truth emerged: Prescott Bush, an American senator and father of future US President George W. Bush, had mutually beneficial business relationships with German companies that were directly related to Hitler's rise to power.

The secretive nature of this relationship has helped it avoid attracting too much attention for decades. When she was eventually exposed, the question arose: Should Bush be tried for war crimes? His company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. This relationship not only helped finance the war waged by the Nazis, but also may have laid the foundation for the Bush family's fortune.

6. Nazi radio

As noted earlier, fascism was not considered a bad word in the 1930s, unlike today. However, the vast majority of Americans feared fascist regimes and tactics. After German paramilitaries and citizens took to the streets on November 9, 1938 (the infamous Kristallnacht), poll results showed that 94% of US citizens disapproved of fascism, despite the anti-Semitic sentiments that permeated American society at the time.

However, there were those who defended and supported Hitler. These included Father Charles Coughlin, catholic priest and a radio host with an audience of millions. Coughlin gained the trust of so many people by attacking "bankers" during the Great Depression. Eleven days after Kristallnacht, he went on air criticizing Jews. He argued that German Jews were trespassing on Christian property and helping to spread communism.

His show was canceled soon after, but not before it did its damage. Coughlin became a hero in Berlin... and America. The owner of the radio station reported that after Coughlin's show was canceled, several thousand people surrounded the building where the studio was located and began shouting slogans like “Don't buy anything from the Jews,” “Down with the Jews,” and so on.

7. American roots of eugenics

Eugenics was a key component of Nazi ideology. The concept is believed to have originated with the Nazis, or at least in Europe, but in fact the birthplace of eugenics is America, with its most prominent scientific and business leaders of the era.

Funded by such venerable institutions as the Carnegie Institution for Science and the Rockefeller Foundation, many of America's most respected scientists developed theories of "race science" at the behest of their corporate sponsors. Data was manipulated and falsified in order to make “non-white” races appear to be genetically inferior and subject to destruction.

This "science" rose to prominence in the early 1900s and became an important part of Hitler's ideology. At that time, laws regarding eugenics began to be passed in the United States. Hitler studied them carefully, which allowed him to formulate anti-Semitic provisions using medical and scientific terms. He once confided to one of his subordinates: “I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states which relate to the prevention of the reproduction of people whose descendants are likely to be of no value or to become a danger to the race.”

8. The failure of the American press

After Hitler came to power in 1933, much of the American press seemed puzzled about how to present this to the public. Within a couple of years, the small Nazi movement had grown into an influential political party. Many newspapers thought that Hitler would abandon his expansionist rhetoric. Some reporters even claimed that he would bring peace and prosperity to Germany.

The international newspaper Christian Science Monitor praised Germany's "peace, order and civility" and reported that its correspondent "noticed anything unusual" while in the country.

The New York Times wrote that the political situation in Germany underwent significant changes with Hitler's rise to power. The New York Herald, in turn, said that stories of atrocities committed against Jews "are exaggerated and often unfounded."

Much of this can be explained by the Nazi regime's skillful influence on the foreign press, as well as by a profound misunderstanding on the part of Americans of the nature of Hitler's problem with the Jews. Many US newspaper editors characterized it as a conflict between ideologies and different political views, and not by the race of people and those who want to destroy them.

9. Celebrity support for fascists

American pilot Charles Lindbergh was considered a hero in the 1930s. In 1927, he made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935, he was accused of kidnapping and murdering his infant son. In addition, he was a supporter of eugenics and a close friend of the French scientist Alexis Carrel, who also firmly believed in it.

In a 1935 interview, Lindbergh stated, “There is no escaping the fact that men were not created equal.” After this, he discussed Dr. Carrel's main ideas regarding "racial purity." Lindbergh's radio appearance in 1939 dealt the final blow to his image. During it, he expressed the opinion that the “penetration of lower blood” into the pure race could only be stopped with the help of weapons.

American industrialist, automaker, and inventor Henry Ford was also an anti-Semitic and Nazi sympathizer, allowing members of the German-American Bund to work in his factories and hiring Gestapo thugs to kill employees who tried to unionize. . Konrad Hayden, Hitler's biographer, claimed that Ford provided the Fuhrer with direct financial support totaling at least $340,000. Ford even paid to have the racist, fraudulent brochures, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, reprinted and distributed throughout the United States.

10. Lasting impact

In politics and culture, the words "Nazis" and "Hitler" came to be used as comparisons to those who abused or tried to subjugate other people. However, America's relatively short-lived flirtation with this toxic ideology has had long-term consequences.

Racist movements and neo-Nazi groups have long flourished in the United States. Failed attempt Hitler's establishment of world domination gave many of them a new focus and a specific ideology. According to the advocacy organization Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), as of 2016, neo-Nazi organizations still exist in every American state.

The CIA's conscience is also not clear. Documents released in 2014 showed that during Cold War The department recruited about 1,000 former Nazis as spies. Some of them still live in the United States, under government protection.

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It turns out that fascism did not originate in Germany. In the early 20th century, eugenics was national policy in 27 US states, through forced sterilization and segregation laws and marriage bans.

About this article “Hitler borrowed the technology for breeding a “superior race” from the Americans”

Hitler made life hell for an entire continent and killed millions of people in his search for the so-called “superior race.” The world considered the Fuhrer a madman and poorly understood the motives that drove him. However, the concept of a superior race - white-skinned blonds with blue eyes - was not formulated by him: this idea was developed in the United States by the American eugenics movement two to three decades before Hitler. Not only developed, but also tested in practice: eugenicists forcibly sterilized 60,000 Americans, prohibited thousands from marrying, forced thousands into “colonies” and killed countless people in ways that are still being studied.

Eugenics is an American racist pseudoscience aimed at the destruction of all people except those who fit a given type. This philosophy grew into national policy through forced sterilization and segregation laws and marriage bans in 27 states.

When assessing the intellectual abilities of people subject to sterilization and compiling tests to determine the level of intelligence, knowledge of the US culture was taken into account, and not the actual knowledge of the individual or his ability to think. It is quite natural that most immigrants showed low results on these types of tests and were considered not quite normal in terms of intelligence. At the same time, the influence of society and environment.

It should be noted that not only characteristic features among members of the same family, but there were also attempts to identify traits that were inherited within an ethnic group. Thus, eugenicists defined good blood as the blood of the first American settlers who arrived from the countries of Northern and Western Europe. They, according to eugenicists, have such innate qualities as a love of science and art. While immigrants from the South and Eastern Europe have a less favorable set of traits.

All this contributed to the introduction of restrictive laws for those entering America and laws against mixed marriages between representatives different races and nationalities. Otherwise, as eugenicists argued, there was a high probability of corruption of American blood.

But the most radical political action of the eugenic movement was the official permission of sterilization. By 1924, there were 3,000 forcibly sterilized people in the United States. Forced sterilization was primarily carried out on prisoners and the mentally retarded.

In Virginia, the first victim of forced sterilization was a seventeen-year-old girl, Carrie Buck. In 1927, she was accused of bad heredity, and therefore contamination of the American race. The basis for accusing Carrie of unhealthy heredity was that her mother was in a madhouse, and the girl herself gave birth to a child out of wedlock. Her child was judged to be subjectively abnormal by an ERO sociologist and a Red Cross nurse. However, when Carrie Buck's daughter went to school, it turned out that her abilities were no lower than usual, and the girl studied very well.

The Carrie Buck case served as a precedent for the sterilization of 8,300 Virginians!

Moreover, Nazi Germany used ERO’s developments. In 1933, following the American model, the Hitlerite government passed a sterilization law. This law is immediately reprinted in the USA, in Eugenics News. Based on the law, 350 thousand people were sterilized in Germany!

It is not surprising that the head of ERO received an honorary doctorate from the University of Heidelberg in 1936 for “the science of racial cleansing.”

Hitler diligently studied American eugenics laws and arguments and sought to establish the rights of racial hatred and anti-Semitism, giving them a medical basis and providing them with a pseudoscientific shell. Eugenicists would not have moved beyond strange talk if they had not had powerful financial support from a corporation of philanthropists, mainly the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad business. They were part of a league of American scientists from universities such as Harvard, Princeton and Yale (note, as we know, the nest of Masonic ideology, raising loyal politicians and scientists), within whose walls data was falsified and manipulated in the name of eugenic racist goals.

The Carnegie Institution was at the cradle of the American eugenics movement, establishing a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island. Millions of cards with the data of ordinary Americans were stored here, which made it possible to plan the methodical liquidation of families, clans and entire nations. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated among American legislators, social services, and national associations.

From Harriman's railroad treasury, funds were transferred to local charities - such as the New York Bureau of Industry and Immigration - which would single out Jewish and other immigrants from the general population for eventual deportation, imprisonment, or forced sterilization.

The Rockefeller Foundation helped create and finance the German eugenics program and even subsidized monstrous research Joseph Mengele in Auschwitz. Subsequently, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institution, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and the Max Planck Institute (predecessor of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute) provided unrestricted access to information and assisted in the ongoing investigations.

Long before leading American philanthropists became involved in the issue, eugenics was born out of scientific curiosity in the Victorian era. In 1863, Sir Francis Galton developed this theory: if talented people would marry only talented people, their offspring will be noticeably better quality.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Galton's ideas were brought to the United States when Gregor Mendel's laws of heredity were rediscovered. Supporters of American eugenicists believed that Mendel's concept, which explained the color and size of peas and cattle, was applicable to the social and intellectual nature of man. At the beginning of the 20th century, America was reeling under the onslaught of mass immigration and widespread racial conflict. Elitists, utopians, and progressives, driven by latent racial and class inclinations and at the same time a desire to improve the world, turned Galton's eugenics into a repressive and racist ideology. They dreamed of populating the planet with white-skinned, blue-eyed people of the Nordic type - tall, strong and talented. In the course of this work, they intended to exclude from the lives of blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Eastern Europeans, Jews - a crowded people with dark hair, poor and frail. How were they going to achieve this goal? By identifying "defective" family branches and condemning them to lifelong segregation and sterilization to eliminate entire bloodlines. The maximum program was the deprivation of the reproductive ability of the “unfit” - those recognized as weak and at the lowest levels of development.

In the 1920s, eugenics scientists at the Carnegie Institution established close personal contacts with German fascist eugenicists. In 1924, when Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, he often quoted the tenets of American eugenics ideology and openly demonstrated his good knowledge of American eugenics theorists and their phraseology. He proudly told his supporters that he was a firm adherent of American eugenics legislation. Hitler's struggle for a super-race resulted in a mad struggle for a Superior Race, in the terms of American eugenicists, when the concept of “Nordic” was replaced by “Germanic” or “Aryan”. Racial science, racial purity and racial domination - that's what became driving force Hitler's fascism.

Nazi doctors became behind-the-scenes generals in the Fuhrer's war against Jews and other Europeans deemed an inferior race. They developed science, invented eugenic formulas, and even personally selected victims for sterilization, euthanasia, and mass extermination. In the first decade of the Reich, eugenicists throughout America unanimously welcomed Hitler's plans, seeing in them the consistent implementation of their decades of research work.

The matter, however, was not limited to the support of scientists. America financed and helped create German eugenics institutes. By 1926, Rockefeller had donated $410,000 (4 million today's greenbacks) to the work of hundreds of German researchers.

In May 1926, for example, Rockefeller paid $250,000 to the German Psychiatric Institute, which became the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry. One of the center's leading psychiatrists, Ernest Rudin, later became its director and is widely believed to have been the architect of Hitler's system of medical suppression. There was also an institute for brain research in the Kaiser Wilhelm scientific complex. A grant of $317,000 allowed this institute to build a main building and become the center of national racial biology. Over the next few years, the institute received additional grants from the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Brain Institute - also headed by Rudin - became the main laboratory and testing ground for deadly experiments and research conducted on Jews, gypsies and representatives of other nations. Since 1940, thousands of Germans from nursing homes, psychiatric clinics and other care institutions have been systematically gassed. In total, between 50,000 and 100,000 people were killed.

A special recipient of financial assistance from the Rockefeller Foundation was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin. If American eugenicists for decades only sought to obtain twins for research in the field of heredity, the German institute was able to conduct such research on an unprecedented scale.

At the time Rockefeller made his donations, the head of the Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics was Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, a star in American eugenics circles. During Verschuer's first years in this post, funding for the Institute of Anthropology was provided by Rockefeller directly, as well as through other research programs. In 1935, Verschuer left the Institute to establish a eugenics center in Frankfurt. The study of twins in the Third Reich proceeded brilliantly with the support of the government, which issued a decree on the mobilization of all twins. Around that time, Verschuer wrote in Der Erbartz, a eugenics medical journal of which he himself was editor, that the German war would lead “to a total solution of the Jewish problem.”

On May 10, 1943, Verschuer's longtime assistant Joseph Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Mengele selected twins directly from the transports arriving at the camp, conducted brutal experiments on them, wrote reports and sent them to the Verschuer Institute for analysis and generalization.

As The San Francisco Chronicle wrote in 2003:

“The idea of ​​a white, blond, blue-eyed master Nordic race predates Hitler. The concept was created in the United States and nurtured in California for decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, if little known, role in the American eugenics movement for ethnic cleansing.”

Eugenics is a pseudoscience that set itself the goal of “improving” humanity. In its extreme, racist form, this meant the destruction of all “unfit” people, retaining only those who fit the Nordic stereotype. The ideas of this philosophy were enshrined in national politics by laws on forced sterilization, segregation and marriage restrictions. In 1909, California became the third state out of 27 to have such laws. As a result, about 60 thousand Americans were forcibly sterilized by practicing eugenicists, thousands were denied marriage to their chosen ones, thousands were driven into “colonies” and huge number people were persecuted in ways that are now being clarified. Before World War II, nearly half of forced sterilizations took place in California. And even after the war, a third of such operations were carried out in this state.

California was considered the center of the eugenics movement in America. In the early 20th century, California eugenicists included powerful but little-known race scientists. Among them were: Army venereologist Dr. Paul Popenow, citrus magnate Paul Gosney, Sacramento banker Charles Goethe, and members of the Council charitable organizations and California State Corrections and the Board of Regents of the University of California.

Eugenics would be like that by and large unusual topic conversations in living rooms, if it were not so generously funded by large philanthropic organizations, especially the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. All of them collaborated with outstanding American scientists from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton. These scientists supported race theory and eugenics itself, and then fabricated and distorted the data in favor of eugenic racist goals.

In 1904, Stanford University President David Starr Jordan introduced the concept of “race and blood” in his “Blood of the Nation” message. A university scientist stated that a person's qualities and position (for example, talent and poverty) are transmitted through blood.

The Harriman railroad fortune paid local charities (such as the New York Bureau of Industries and Immigration) to help find Jews, Italians and other immigrants in New York and other populous cities, deport them, restrict their movement, or force them to be sterilized .

Almost all of the spiritual guidance and political agitation materials for the eugenics movement in America came from California's quasi-autonomous eugenics societies, such as Pasadena's Human Betterment Foundation and the California Chapter of the American Eugenics Society, which coordinated most of their activities with the Eugenics Research Society in Long. Island." These organizations (which functioned as part of a closely knit network) published racist eugenics leaflets and pseudoscientific magazines, Eugenical News, Eugenics, and promoted Nazism.

The most common weapon of genocide in the United States was the “death chamber” (better known as the local government gas chamber). In 1918, Popenow, a World War I Army venereologist, co-authored the best-selling textbook "Applied Eugenics," in which he argued that "from a historical point of view, the first method speaks for itself." , there is the death penalty... Its importance in maintaining the purity of the race should not be underestimated.” This textbook also has a chapter on “selectivity of death,” which “kills an individual by environmental factors (such as excessive cold, bacteria, or physical disease).”

Eugenics breeders were confident that American society was not yet ready for the use of organized killing. But many psychiatric clinics and doctors independently practiced improvised lethality and passive euthanasia. At one clinic in Lincoln, Illinois, incoming patients were given milk from cows with tuberculosis, in the belief that a genetically pure individual would be invulnerable. Between 30% and 40% of deaths per year occurred in Lincoln. Some doctors practiced “passive eugenocide” on each of the newborns. Negligence was common among other doctors in psychiatric clinics, often resulting in death.

Even the US Supreme Court supported eugenics approaches. In 1927, in his sad known solution Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: “It will be better for the whole world if we do not wait for a generation of degenerates to drown us in crime, and do not allow them to enjoy their imbecility when society can prevent the reproduction of those who are not fit for it.” Three generations There are enough degenerates.” This decision opened the door to forced sterilization and persecution of thousands who were considered inferior. Subsequently, during the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis cited Holmes's words as their justification.

Only after eugenics gained a foothold in the United States was a campaign launched to impose it in Germany. This was largely facilitated by Californian eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and distributed them among German officials and scientists.

Hitler studied the laws of eugenics. He tried to legitimize his anti-Semitism by medicalizing it and giving it the even more attractive pseudoscientific guise of eugenics. Hitler was able to attract a large following among rational Germans by declaring that he was engaged in scientific research. Hitler's racial hatred was born in his head, but the ideological foundations of eugenics, which he accepted in 1924, were formulated in America.

During the 1920s, eugenics scientists at the Carnegie Institution developed deep personal and professional relationships with Nazi eugenicists. In the book "Mein Kampf", published in 1924, Hitler referred to the ideology of American eugenics, demonstrating deep knowledge in it. “Today there is one state,” Hitler wrote, “in which at least some progress towards a better concept (of immigration) is noticeable. Of course, this is not our model German Republic, and the United States."

In the early days of the Reich, American eugenicists hailed Hitler's achievements and plans as the logical conclusion of their many years of research. Californian eugenicists republished materials with Nazi propaganda for dissemination in America. They also staged Nazi science exhibitions, such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibit in August 1934 and the annual meeting of the American Health Officials Association.

In 1934, when the number of sterilizations in Germany exceeded 5 thousand per month, the leader of Californian eugenicists C.M. Upon his return from Germany, Goethe admiringly told one of his colleagues: “You will be interested to know that your work played a huge role in shaping the views of the group of intellectuals behind Hitler in his epoch-making project. Everywhere I felt that their opinions were very subject to American influence... I want, my friend, that all your life you will remember that you gave impetus to the development of a great government governing 60 million people.

In addition to providing a plan of action, America funded scientific institutes working on eugenics in Germany.

Since 1940, thousands of Germans were regularly gassed, forcibly taken from nursing homes, psychiatric institutions and other places of care. Between 50,000 and 100,000 people were systematically killed.

Leon Whitney, executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society, said of Nazism: “While we are on our guard, the Germans are calling a spade a spade.”

The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin enjoyed particular favor from the Rockefeller Foundation. For decades, American eugenicists needed twins to conduct research into heredity.

The institute was now ready to undertake such research at an unprecedented level. On May 13, 1932, the Rockefeller Foundation in New York sent a radiogram to its office in Paris: “JUNE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS FOR THE KAISER WILHELM INSTITUTE OF ANTHROPOLOGY FOR RESEARCH OF TWINS AND INFLUENCE I AM TOXIC SUBSTANCES ON THE GERMPLASM OF FUTURE GENERATIONS."

Rockefeller's period of charitable giving fell during the leadership of the institute by Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, a famous figure in eugenics circles. Rockefeller continued to finance this institute at the beginning of Verschuer's leadership, both in the main direction and through other research channels. In 1935, Verschuer left the institute to create a rival eugenics institute in Frankfurt. This event was publicly announced in the American eugenics press. Supported by government decrees, experiments on twins began to be intensively conducted in the Third Reich. Verschuer wrote in the eugenics medical journal he headed, Der Erbarzt, that war against Germany would “settle the Jewish problem once and for all.”

As Michael Crichton wrote in 2004: “Its supporters also included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill. She was approved by Chief Justices Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis, who ruled in her favor. She was supported by: Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone; activist Margaret Sanger; botanist Luther Burbank; Leland Stanford, founder of Stanford University; novelist H.G. Wells; playwright George Bernard Shaw and hundreds of others. Provided support Nobel laureates. The research was supported by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. To conduct this research, a scientific complex was created at Cold Spring Harbor, and important research was also carried out at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and Johns Hopkins universities. Laws to combat the crisis have been passed in states from New York to California.

The effort was supported by the National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, and the National Research Council.

They said that if Jesus were alive, he would also support this program.

Ultimately, research, legislation and formation public opinion regarding this theory lasted almost half a century. Those who opposed this theory were ridiculed and called reactionaries, blind, or simply declared ignorant. But what is surprising from the point of view of our time is that there were very few who opposed.

There was a plan - to identify mentally disabled people and stop their reproduction through isolation in special institutions or sterilization. They agreed that it was mainly Jews who were mentally retarded; and many more foreigners and black Americans.

Such views have found wide support. G. Wells spoke out against “poorly trained crowds of inferior citizens.” Theodore Roosevelt argued that “society has no right to allow degenerates to reproduce their own kind.” Luther Burbank demanded that “criminals and weak-willed children should be prohibited from giving birth.” George Bernard Shaw declared that only eugenics would save humanity.

American eugenicists were jealous of the Germans, since they took over the leadership in 1926. The Germans were amazingly successful. They brought the “mentally disabled” into ordinary houses and interrogated them one by one, and then sent them to a back room that essentially served as a gas chamber. People were poisoned there carbon monoxide, and their bodies were transported to a crematorium located on private property.

Over time, this program grew into a wide network of concentration camps located near railroad tracks that provided efficient transportation. Ten million “unnecessary people” were killed in these camps.

After the Second World War, it turned out that eugenicists do not exist, and never have existed. Celebrity biographers and powerful of the world they did not mention the interest of their heroes in this philosophy, and sometimes they did not remember it at all. Eugenics is no more academic subject in colleges, although some argue that her ideas continue to exist in modified form.

By the way, it should be noted that the most active adherent of eugenic science, Dr. Mengele, who is notorious for his terrible experiments on living people, including children, and even newborn babies, was carefully transported to the USA at the end of the war, where he received everything necessary documents to move to Latin America. Where even the Mossad didn’t dare touch him. And in 1979, he died quietly and peacefully from a stroke while swimming.

Strange as it may seem, fascist parties exist and flourish. And, most surprisingly, they are thriving in a “country of democracy.” is a far right wing anti-Semitic racist group closely emulating the Nazi Party of World War II Germany. According to themown propaganda, the American Nazi Party is “a legal political-educational organization concerned with the preservation of the white race, the Aryan Republic and Western European culturalheritage. As numerous enemies in every corner of the globe wage war against the White Race and Western civilization, we have realized that the only thing that can awaken our people is vigorous action. Too many people prefer empty chatter, but we know that the time has come to fight! Only the swastika, the time-honored symbol of the white man, has the power to shut up the Jewish press and make White America wonder what is going on. Our spiritual leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, created a plan by which we will succeed if we have the strength and courage to do so. Many believed that they knew better. They have already tried different methods, but their defeat only confirmed how right our Commander Rockwell was... Here, at the headquarters of the Nazi Party, we gather the best and most active fighters for the rights of White People, men and women who they understand that this is not a game or a club of interests, a deadly battle to preserve the way of life of our White Caucasian race.” Their motto is the “Fourteen Words” - “We must preserve the existence of our people and provide a decent future for the children of our White Race.”

George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, was born on May 9, 1918. His parents were vaudeville performers. Soon after the birth of their son, they divorced. Innate artistry obviously explains why Rockwell feels so free on stage and easily captures the attention of the crowd. He received a bachelor's degree in sociology. And then he joined the US Navy. He rose through the ranks until he received the rank of commander of the US air and naval base in Iceland. During the 50s of the last century, he organized the American National Fascist Party. The party's first planned action was the failed attempt by General Douglas MacArthur to win the 1952 presidential election to unseat Harry Truman, the man who Korean War demoted General MacArthur for excessive aggressive behavior. Rockwell said that MacArthur would have won the election if not for Jewish propaganda. In 1959, Rockwell changed the name of his party to the American Nazi Party. As a candidate of his own party, he made an unsuccessful attempt to win the election for governor of Virginia in 1965. His speeches often ended in massive disruptions of public order, because he was often attended by spectators with completely opposing views. .

American Nazi Party and Freemasonry

Rockwell once met with Malcolm X, who at the time was the spokesman for the black separatist group the People of Islam. They reached agreement on a surprisingly large number of issues, including the idea that races should not mix with each other. Subsequently, Malcolm X left the People of Islam and changed his separatist views. Both Rockwell and Malcolm died in different times from assassins' bullets.

Rockwell was killed on August 25, 1967, in a parking lot in Arlington, Virginia. His killer turned out to be a former party member named John Patler, who thought that Rockwell was trying to send out materials promoting communism along with a selection of party news.

For monthly contributions, party members receive a membership card and a subscription to the Sturmovik magazine.

The following should be noted. In fact, there is nothing surprising in the prosperity of the fascist party in the United States, if you understand who is the source of this movement. To do this, you should turn to the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, published by S. Nilus in his book “It is Near, at the Door”. Here, in particular, is what this Masonic document “Protocol No. 2” says: “...Don’t think that our statements are unfounded: pay attention to the successes of Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzscheanism that we have orchestrated. The corrupting significance of these trends for the goyim minds should at least be obvious to us.”

The horror is that such cynical statements belong to the leaders of Freemasonry of Jewish nationality, who, without any regret, sacrificed not only countless numbers of foreigners (provoking numerous wars, revolutions and conflicts), but millions of people of their own people.

The above quote is more than a hundred years old, however, the principles of Freemasonry not only have not changed, but have also been concretized in the “New World Order” it creates. To achieve the latter, any, most unprincipled methods are used, including support for the American Nazi Party, whose activities are directed in line with the ideas of Adolf Hitler.

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