Maria Kulikova personal life latest. Personal life of Maria Kulikova: husband Denis Matrosov, Maxim Averin, children of the actress

“A year has passed since Denis and I separated. The breakup was long and difficult. We were connected by many things, and first of all by our son Vanya, whom we both love madly. One day they decided that everyone would go their own way, but this would not affect their son. For him everything will remain the same. We lived in country house. After the divorce, Denis stayed there, and Vanya and I moved to another one, just two kilometers from the previous one. We specially arranged it this way so that it would be easier to pass our son from hand to hand when one of us needs to leave for filming or touring. So he lives either with me or with his father. If necessary, relatives and a nanny get involved,” said Kulikova.


According to the artist, her son Vanya likes this “nomadic” life, because nothing has changed for him. "We haven't had it before classic family when both parents are constantly at home with the child: they have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and go for walks. Due to the specific nature of the acting profession, someone was always absent, me or Denis, but the son did not suffer from lack of attention,” the artist noted.

Sailors are very attentive to his son. " Dad constantly buys shoes and clothes for his son. He chooses everything carefully and consults with me. Not long ago I was filming in Zhitomir. Vanya stayed with Denis, and every day I received from him detailed photos– and video reports of how the child slept, ate, and walked. This is very touching,” said Kulikova.

Moreover, Matrosov supported Maria when she lost her mother. “I don’t know how I would have survived this tragedy if it weren’t for Denis. He not only provided moral support, but also took on all the organizational and financial problems. He and my mother adored each other. Sailors always helped his beloved mother-in-law, took her to the doctors when she got sick. Thanks to Denis for everything,” the actress thanked her ex-husband.

Denis is also responsible for sports. “I can’t calmly see Vanya skateboarding or skating, it’s scary. Let him better father is watching him. Vanka is a very athletic guy. Denis and I are thinking about sending him to some section. She and Denis have absolute mutual understanding. They not only engage in sports, but also other men's activities - laying water pipes, for example, building a barn. My ex-husband has golden hands. He can do anything - even fix a digital phone. Vanka also likes to make things. He is happy to help his father,” noted Maria.

Kulikova admitted that she is not one of those who scolds her ex-husband after a divorce. “I don’t understand at all how it’s possible to turn a child against his ex-husband and not allow him to see each other. In my opinion, if Vanya is busy with his dad, it’s only better for me - I have the opportunity to mind my own business. Moreover, they are both happy! Probably because of Vanya, our breakup with Denis was not terrible, “bloody”. Our son is our everything, life revolves around him,” said Kulikova.

Maria speaks only positively about her ex-husband. “I used to think that a man and a woman cannot maintain a normal relationship if love is over. But it turned out that everything depends on specific people, their ability to negotiate and sacrifice personal ambitions for the sake of something more. I'm lucky. My ex-husband- a wonderful person and an amazing father..." – quotes Maria Kulikova

Maria Grigorievna Kulikova. Born on August 4, 1977 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actress.

Her grandmother was the dean of the vocal department of the Gnesinsky School.

Father - Grigory Vladimirovich Kulikov - a professional singer who worked for a long time on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and later was a singer in a church choir.

From the age of 10 she played in a theater studio, her first role was Baba Yaga.

At first I was preparing to become a lawyer - I enrolled in courses at the Moscow state university, intensively studying with teachers. Secretly from her parents, she entered the Higher Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin, course E.V. Knyazeva.

In 1998 she graduated from a theater university.

From 1998 to 2011 - actress of the Moscow academic theater satires.

Since 2016 he has been collaborating with the Independent Theater Project.

Theatrical works of Maria Kulikova:

“We’re still funny” - Presenter
“Not a centime less!” - Wildi
"Eight loving women" - Suzon
"An Ideal Husband" - Mabel Chiltern
"The Threepenny Opera" - Lucy
"Secretaries" - Secretary musical
"Time and the Conway Family" - Hazel Conway
“Talents and Fans” - Alexandra Negina

Enterprises: “Khanuma” - Sona, “A Streetcar Named Desire”.

Participated in performances of the Independent Theater Project in the production “Name” (Margarita).

After graduation, she played a small role as Lena Rogozina in the series “Turn of the Key.”

In 1999, she starred in Yegor Konchalovsky’s detective film “The Recluse,” and then in feature film Sergei Gazarov and Andrei Malyukov “Empire Under Attack”, detective series Sergei Snezhkin and Evgeniy Aksenov “Deadly Force 3”.

The young actress was noticed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov, who were choosing actresses for the main role in a melodramatic series "Two Fates". This series made her famous. Her husband Denis Matrosov also starred with her.

Maria Kulikova in the series "Two Fates"

Interestingly, the first part of the series “Two Fates” was filmed in the apartment of the actress’s parents.

“In the evening, the film crew was leaving, and my relatives were walking among the cameras and lighting fixtures. For them it became an adventure. And it was funny to me. I’m sitting on my sofa, left hand- Dmitry Shcherbina (father Stepan), on the right is Lika Volskaya (mother Lida), and I play their daughter. In my own apartment!” she said.

In February 2003, together with her husband Denis Matrosov, she participated in a unique project by the famous German conductor Gerd Albrecht. This is a concert version of “Eugene Onegin” with music by Sergei Prokofiev, which the composer wrote back in 1936 for the play by Alexander Tairov.

She starred in the films “Two Fates 2. Golden cage", "Two Fates 2. Blue Blood", "Two Fates 3. New life“, played the main role of Princess Marya in the film by Teimuraz Esadze and Alexander Basov based on Russian folklore “The Forest Princess”. Then she starred in the drama “Silver Lily of the Valley 2”, the ironic detective story “Dasha Vasilyeva: Lover of Private Investigation” and the sitcom “My Fair Nanny”.

I remember her work in the TV series “Sunday in the Women’s Bath”, “One’s Own Truth”, “Let Me Kiss You”, “Flight of Fancy”, “Inheritance”, “Scarlet Rowan Clusters”, “Winter Woman” and many others.

In the series “Perfumer”, Maria Kulikova played the chief technologist of a provincial perfume factory, Natalya Baranova, who aspires to the position of director and dreams of creating a new collection of perfumes.

Maria Kulikova in the series "Perfumer"

In 2017, the 16-episode melodramatic television film “The Hornet’s Nest” was released, in which the actress played one of the main roles - Kira Maltseva. Her heroine lives in big house with his mother and three daughters. At some point, Kira finds out that she ex-lover started a relationship with his daughter and even expresses his intention to marry her. At the same time, she knows very well that this man does not need her daughter, but an inheritance, in particular, a painting by the famous Van Gogh.

At the beginning of 2018, viewers saw the TV series “Happy Hearts Hotel,” in which the actress played main character- I believe. She is beautiful, smart, an independent woman, a strict mother of two adult daughters. Several years ago, her beloved husband went missing in Africa, and since then Vera has been leading her family and family business alone - a small hotel.

In February 2018, the melodrama “From Hate to Love” with Maria Kulikova in the title role was released. Her heroine is Natalya Orlova. She is an attractive and self-sufficient woman, the owner own business and the bride of a loving, trusted childhood friend. Her ideal life Anyone would be jealous, but Natalya is missing something. A modern businesswoman keeps everything under control: her work, her personal life, and her teenage daughter. But in a series of identical events, she realizes that she is not truly happy and decides to radically change her destiny. In the daily routine of affairs and preparations for the wedding, she suddenly meets the man of her dreams.

Maria Kulikova - star life

Maria Kulikova's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova:

In September 2017, Maria was again in a relationship. However, she did not disclose details about her new chosen one. Later it became known that this is an actor. They met on the set of the series “Too Beautiful a Wife.”

Since 2018, the couple began to live together.

Although they did not get married, they began to build common Home in the village of Veshki near Moscow. The actress said about Vitaly Kudryavtsev: “I’m just enjoying my current state. I feel truly happy woman. Our divorce with Denis “gave birth” not to two unhappy people, but to four happy ones. Glad my baby's father found one that makes his face glow. My man and I love to travel. For the first time, I began to adjust my work to my personal life, and not vice versa. Together we have already traveled half the world."

Filmography of Maria Kulikova:

1999 - Recluse
1999 - Turn of the Key - Elena Rogozina
2000 - Empire under attack
2002 - Two destinies - Nadezhda Rozanova
2003 - Baby goat in milk - student Lucy
2004 - Forest Princess - Marya, Forest Princess
2005 - Sunday in the women's bathhouse
2005 - Two Fates 2 - Oksana Gorlenko
2005 - New Russian romance - Alena
2006 - Main caliber - Anna, wife of Sergei Gorodetsky
2006 - My Fair Nanny - Angelina Rode (episode 118 “Angel in the Flesh”)
2006 - It happened in Gavrilovka
2006 - Rails of Happiness - Nadya, conductor
2006 - Blood Sisters - Dominika Nikitina
2007 - Scammers - Yulia Nekrasova, psychologist
2007 - She said “Yes” - Tanya
2007 - Squirrel in a wheel - Irina Belkina, flight attendant
2008 - Two destinies-4. New life - Oksana Gorlenko
2008 - Inheritance - Daria Mikhailovna Korolenko, daughter of Elena Grigorievna
2008 - Flight of Fantasy - Anya Buzova
2008 - Let me kiss you - Natalya Kiseleva, ensign
2008 - Your own truth - Marina Gusko
2008 - Ukhna
2009 - First attempt - Larisa, Mary’s friend
2009 - Landing - Zoya
2009 - Scarlet bunches of rowan trees - Anastasia
2009 - Winter Woman - Polina Moroz
2010 - Lawyers - Larisa Serebrennikova / Oksana Alasheyeva
2010 - Greetings, Cosanostra - Manya
2010 - I'm happy! - Natalya Polushkina
2010 - Acceptable Victims - Katya
2011 - Summer of Wolves - Varvara
2011 - Golden skies - Daria Vitalievna Lelikova
2011 - Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka 3 - Katya
2011 - Dove - Kaleria Podolskaya (after marriage - Drobysheva)
2012 - Let me kiss you... again - Natalya Kiseleva, ensign
2012 - This is my dog ​​- Irina
2012 - It’s not harmful to dream - Marina
2013 - Sklifosovsky 2 - Marina Vladimirovna Narochinskaya, surgeon
2013 - His love - Sveta
2013 - Necklace - Marina Loginova
2013 - Looking for a man - Irina
2013 - Perfumer - Natalya Pavlovna Baranova
2013 - Let me kiss you... at the wedding - Natalya Kiseleva
2013 - Tasks of special importance. Operation Typhoon - Seraphim
2014 - Sklifosovsky 3 - Marina Vladimirovna Narochinskaya, surgeon / chief physician
2014 - Leave to return - Katya
2014 - Husband for an hour - Karina
2014 - Where does love go - Natalya
2014 - When the dawn comes - Sofia
2014 - Visiting fellow - Larisa
2014 - Let me kiss you... father of the bride - Natalya Vlasova
2014 - Late Flowers - Vera
2015 - Sklifosovsky 4 - Marina Vladimirovna Narochinskaya (Bragina)
2015 - Theory of Improbability - Irina
2015 - Two plus two - Alexandra
2015 - Too beautiful wife - Elena
2016 - Three roads - Valeria
2016 - From first to last word- Tatyana Krasnova, talk show host
2016 - Pearls - Anna Vasilievna

Maria Grigorievna Kulikova- an actress whose performance is admired by many. Her achievements in her acting career include several dozen films, including such well-known melodramas as “Two Fates”, “Sklifosovsky”, “Hornet’s Nest” and including one of the first films in which she starred, “Desired” . This woman amazes people not only with her acting skills, but also with her amazing tenacity of character, as well as her bewitching eye color.

Adolescence and youth

The baby was born into a very creative and intelligent family: the actress’s grandmother was the head of the vocal department in Gnessin, and her father sang in a spiritual church. The mother of a child talented beyond his years at that time worked as an engineer, but even with technical education her soul belonged to music. Everyone who is familiar with Maria’s biography is always surprised how she lived in such musical family and couldn’t master a single instrument.

At the age of 10, young Maria’s parents sent her to a theater studio, because even then they saw the acting abilities of their child. First future actress appeared on stage in the form of a little Baba Yaga. At school she studied diligently, but not excellently; the humanities were always easier for her, but sometimes she even had to get bad marks in mathematics.

When the time came to decide on a profession, Maria decided to follow the path of a lawyer. At that time it was a highly paid and popular profession. It was difficult for the student to leave the theater club and go to courses at Moscow State University to study additionally. But unfortunately or fortunately, studying was no longer to her liking and the future actress decided to try herself, on the advice of friends, at an audition for a theater school, she was noticed there, and she became a student at the Shchukin University.

The beginning of an acting career

The young artist graduated from the university in 1999. Subsequently, Maria was enrolled in another stylistic group, where the girl did what she loved for 12 years. Over the years, she was able to take part in many performances and productions, such as “Not a centime less”, “Secretaries”, etc.

After finishing her studies, Kulikova managed to grab luck by the tail and get a small role in the TV series “Turn of the Key.” Marina remembers those days with horror, since the filming was almost one take and she was very afraid of letting everyone down. But everything went well and she was invited to participate in the filming of the detective story “Empire Under Attack”, and then in one of the episodes of the series “Deadly Forces”.

But already in 2002, a completely different kind of luck awaited her, as they say - every cloud has a silver lining. And the whole point is that Marina mistakenly went through the wrong casting for which she was going, having mixed up the door. Ultimately, it was not possible to go to the casting where she was originally going, but the next day the news that the actress was approved for the series “Two Fates” was unexpected.

At first she was supposed to play a minor role, but already on the day of filming the director noticed her and offered her the main role.

To start filming the series, a place was required where the “spirit of the eighties” was preserved, but since budget funds It wasn't enough to find such a place; Kulikova suggested her parents' house. This was a very fortunate coincidence of events, since the family lived modestly and the rare design for the film was most welcome.

Despite the fact that this moment Maria drives a car very well, but at the time of filming, the actress did not even know how to start it, although in the series you can often see footage of her driving a car. In reality, the car was on a platform, and the driving skill essentially faded into the background. In the long shot, the actress was replaced by doubles. Due to the incredible success, the producers of the film decided to create a sequel, and within a few years the following parts appeared on television screens.


Afterwards, the actress got one of the main roles in the fairy tale “The Forest Princess” by Teimur Esadze. In 2007, the film “Sunday in the Women's Bath” was released on television, where the actress also played a leading role. Then, Marina played the daughter of a criminal figure in the film “New Russian Romance.”

Basically, the characters played by the actress appear before us as kind and bright, but she also played the role of anti-heroes, for example, in the drama “Witness Protection”.

In 2007, Kulikova went on the set of the film “Squirrel in a Wheel” with her husband. Then there were many more films, but in just a few years she managed to star in more than twelve films. During this period, another famous work was filmed called “Let me kiss you,” thanks to which the actress gained considerable fame.

In 2013, several serial films were released one after another, where the actress was in the main role - these are “Sklifosovsky” and “It’s Harmful to Dream.” Further, fruitful work began again and such popular films with her participation were released as:

  1. "Where does love go";
  2. "Perfumer";
  3. "Late Flowers";
  4. “Visiting fellow”;
  5. "When the dawn comes";
  6. "Eight Loving Women";
  7. "Blood Sisters"

This table shows the filmography of the most popular films in which the actress starred by date:

  1. 2002 - Two destinies;
  2. 2005 - Two destinies-2. Blue blood;
  3. 2009 - Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka;
  4. 2012-2016 - Sklifosovsky;
  5. 2016 - Hornet's nest.

In addition, Maria managed to appear in such films as:

  1. "My Fair Nanny";
  2. “This is my dog”, “It’s harmless to dream”;
  3. “Dove”, “I’m Happy”, “First Try”;
  4. "Winter Woman";
  5. "Proposed Circumstances";
  6. “The Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka: a challenge to fate”;
  7. “It happened in Gavrilovka”;
  8. "Rails of Happiness";
  9. "Where does love go";
  10. “It’s not harmful to dream-2.”

The actress Maria Kulikova appears in all these famous films.

Personal life

The serial film about two destinies played a decisive role not only in her career, but also in family life. Thanks to the filming, the successful, strikingly beautiful blonde Marina Kulikova met the fiery Denis Matrosov. On the day they met, the actress was bitterly depressed due to constant failures at love front. Sailors was also in apathy, since he ex-wife deceived and slandered him, depriving him of the opportunity to communicate with children.

Having met, they immediately realized that they were made for each other, having already forgotten about former problems and failures, the couple began to live together. Initially, they lived together in a civil marriage and decided not to rush into getting married. But later, as the actress says, she only jokingly suggested marriage to her lover, to which he replied that he had long wanted to propose a wedding. After they legalized their relationship, their son Ivan was born in 2011.

Denis always dreamed of a cozy family nest, faithful companion through life and a horde of children. In 2015, the couple separated. Perhaps one of the reasons for this was that for the last few years Kulikova’s husband has been directing all his efforts and funds to build a huge, luxurious cottage. Maria didn’t like this, she was quite happy with ordinary housing, since her husband constantly disappeared on the set of films or at a construction site, where he carried bricks with his own hands and built, as it seemed to him, their common future.

The artist did not want to give up her career and focus only on family, construction, and housekeeping. Because of this, the couple began to have their first problems in the family.

Further, the situation worsened, Maria intensively delved into filming, she kept getting leading roles in various soap operas, and had practically no free time. Matrosov was also offered various roles, where he, like his wife, had to play passionate love with partners on the set, and at home, because of this, swearing and scandals motivated by jealousy were constantly heard. Perhaps this was not unreasonable, since at that time there were rumors that Kulikova’s husband was in a secret relationship with the then-married actress Irina Kalinina.

Despite all family problems The star couple thought about having a baby from the very beginning. It was theirs common dream, after all, even in the list of tasks for the day: “go to the store, call mom, have a baby,” Maria Kulikova jokingly added.

After ten whole years of married life, the couple finally had their long-awaited baby. The son again brought them closer than ever. Parents tried to prevent family scandals in front of the child. True, as a child, their son did not always have enough attention, because either mom or dad were on business trips filming various films and TV series. But fortunately, the couple understood this and all their free time tried to spend time with the baby. Despite the fact that with their son they were exemplary parents, the old relationship cooled down, the couple understood this and soon decided to divorce.

Relationships after a breakup

Marina Kulikova is an actress whose personal life has always been kept secret. She met during the same filming of “Two Fates” as her ex-husband. Andrei said that he had been partial to the artist since 2001. In communication with him, the blonde, now free in a relationship, is always friendly and sweet.

There have been a lot of rumors and gossip about their romance for many years, even when Maria was married she was often asked point-blank about her relationship with Andrei, to which she replied that he was only a good acquaintance and that between them there was purely friendly relations. In 2015, the actors were united by a common performance in the film “The Mystery of the Big House.” Why not rule out the fact that perhaps the actor fell in love with a charming and free colleague again.

Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin

Both talented actors They knew each other before, but they really became close only on the set of the series “Sklifosovsky,” which is currently quite popular. Since there they play not only doctors, but also a passionately in love couple.

Here the actors, unfortunately for fans, denied information about their relationship. Maria said that she fell under Maxim’s charm 20 years ago, when she first saw him at the Shchukin University. She liked him immediately, but at that time she was busy in love and therefore they were only acquaintances and nothing more.

Max Averin himself says that it is very easy for him to play with Maria in general scenes and she always charges him with positivity, and he also likes her, but only as a friend.

Actress Maria Kulikova, biography, husband and children- that's what interests fans. After the breakdown of her relationship with Matrosov, the artist and her son Ivan moved into a house next door to her ex-husband. It was theirs common decision, because the former spouses are of the opinion that the child should not suffer because of their breakup.

Maria says that she and Matrosov still have good, adequate, friendly relations. She speaks positively about him and says that he exemplary father, a kind person and they do not hold any grudges against each other. Denis himself, after breaking up, has already managed to be in a relationship more than once and have a fourth child.

After the separation, Maria had a lot of responsibilities: raising her son, providing for her family, building a further career. Nevertheless, the artist states that now, on the contrary, she feels strong, confident woman and now she will be very picky about candidates for her hand and heart, Maria Grigorievna Kulikova shared in an interview. Personal life, divorce, failures in relationships and constant intense filming in various films - all this has not made the actress lose her optimistic attitude today, because she believes that everything that is done is for the better.

Attention, TODAY only!

Representatives of creative professions tend to often come under fire from the Amur. Actors, getting used to the roles of happy lovers, sometimes play so hard that they destroy their own families, causing pain to their loved ones. Due to the inconstancy of her loving husband, artist Denis Matrosov, she suffered Russian actress Maria Kulikova. The personal life of the theater and film star collapsed instantly, like a house of cards. Family drama didn't break the strong lady. After the divorce, Maria Kulikova continues to work, create, laugh and believe in love.

Maria Kulikova in the film “Let me kiss you”

Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova: beautiful love and bitter separation

The blue-eyed handsome man and the spectacular blonde met on the set of the series with the self-explanatory title “Two Fates.” On the day she met her future husband, Maria was depressed due to failures on the love front. Denis was in endless depression - ex-passion, theater star Lyudmila Tatarova slandered him and deprived him of the opportunity to communicate with children. Maria Kulikova healed the wounded soul of a confused man, brought him back to life and jokingly called him “her Matroskin.” They made a wonderful couple - people of art, who experienced more than one disappointment, became a close-knit family. However, Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova were in no hurry to “surrender” to the registry office. They simply lived together - they took a break from past suffering.

Denis Matrosov, ex-husband of Maria Kulikova

One day, Maria, being in a joking mood, approached her lover, knelt down and ironically said: “That’s it, Sailors! I’m tired of waiting, marry me now!” The desperate girl's boyfriend was a little taken aback, although he had long understood that actress Maria Kulikova was his joy and love.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov

A rich biography of Maria Kulikova: husband, children, home, filming, novels...

The blonde beauty usually plays powerful and courageous women in films. In life, our heroine, like all impressionable young ladies, sometimes gets sad, cries, reproaches herself for imaginary shortcomings, suffers from lack of time and eats up stress with an impressive portion of ice cream. Anything could happen in the biography of Maria Kulikova. The actress's student novels usually ended in unbearable torment. The star has always wanted to embrace the immensity. Maria Kulikova dreamed of a husband and children, but devoted herself to work without reserve. The actress could not make a choice in favor of one thing. Perhaps the star's perfectionism was one of the reasons why her family broke up.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matroso

Maria Kulikova's husband always dreamed of an economic life partner and a cozy home. After the wedding with his beloved Masha, he invested all his strength and savings in the construction of a luxurious cottage. The wife did not want to wait - she would have been quite satisfied with modest housing. The first disagreements in star family were associated specifically with the construction site. Denis was constantly either laying bricks with his own hands or disappearing somewhere on set for weeks. Masha wanted to give up everything - stop pouring all her earnings into the house and start enjoying family happiness.

Maria Kulikova and ex-husband Denis Matrosov

Playing the main roles, devoting time to your other half and “housekeeping” - it’s impossible to do everything! Problems began in the personal life of Maria Kulikova. The situation was aggravated by the constant roles in soap operas, which constantly went to the star couple. On the screen they passionately played love with their partners in the films, and in life they staged family scenes of jealousy for each other. Rumor has it that the impressionable Denis Matrosov, being a married man, “twisted” secret romance with married actress Irina Kalinina.

Irina Kalinina

Despite the hassle and turmoil, the couple planned to have children. Maria Kulikova, even in notes for her husband, which were traditionally attached to the refrigerator door, wrote down her dream of a baby: “To have a baby, go to the grocery store, buy sausages...”

Son Vanya - a reward for love

After ten years of marriage star couple the long-awaited child appeared. Maria Kulikova’s son Vanya brought his parents incredibly closer. They tried to ensure that the baby never saw family scandals. True, from infancy Vanya was constantly worried because of separation from famous mother, then I missed you star dad. But on weekends, the parents tried to rehabilitate themselves - and spent all the time with their baby. Touching photos of children, according to Maria Kulikova, should not be looked at by strangers. The actress is in no hurry to share pictures of her son online. Still, the paparazzi managed to capture Matrosov Jr. walking with his mom and dad around Kyiv.

Denis Martynov, Maria Kulikova and their son Vanya

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov: working together in 2016 and hints of a secret romance

Actor Andrei Chernyshov has long been breathing unevenly towards the gifted blonde - since 2002, from the filming of the same series “Two Fates”, which brought Maria together with Denis Matrosov. When communicating with Andrem, Maria Kulikova is always suspiciously friendly - she flirts and gives meaningful glances. There have been rumors about the romance between the actress and Andrei Chernyshov for several years, but Maria herself has always maintained that gossip should not be believed. Andrey is just a family friend, and she only loves the “Matroskins”. True, in 2016 the stars were again united by work - filming in the Russian film “Secrets of the Big House”. It is possible that Andrei Chernyshov Once again fell in love with a beautiful colleague - now free and open to new passions. What if Maria Kulikova, after her divorce, looks at Andrei Chernyshov with completely different eyes?..

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov, frame from the series “Two Fates”

Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin: game or love?

Artist Maria Kulikova is familiar with the unsurpassed Maxim Averin student years. The incorrigible heartthrob always attracted her with his sense of humor and cheerful disposition. In the series “Sklifosovsky”, as conceived by the creators of the film, a wild passion flared up between the characters Averin and Kulikova. It’s no wonder that fans of the stars immediately suspected their idols of having a whirlwind romance. The actors, answering questions about their relationship, only laugh it off and assure that it didn’t go beyond “work” flirting. Although Maxim Averin states that he was ready to lead all the women with whom fate brought him down the aisle. A confirmed bachelor and womanizer, apparently, cannot be changed.


Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin in the series “Sklifosovsky”

Maria Kulikova: personal life after divorce

After the divorce, actress Maria Kulikova and her son moved to a house located almost next door to Matrosov’s cottage. Former spouses decided that they shouldn’t cut ties completely. The child should not suffer.

Maria Kulikova speaks exceptionally well of her ex-husband and believes that he is an excellent father and a decent person. Denis, after breaking up with his wife, managed to fall in love several times and become a dad again - for the fourth time! Maria Kulikova is not trying to resurrect her former love. After a divorce, a woman tries to cope with a million responsibilities alone and devote time to herself and her child. She felt strong, confident and now makes many demands on potential suitors. Despite the divorce, the woman does not lose optimism. The mood for new victories will definitely change Maria Kulikova’s personal life for the better.

Maria Kulikova is not only very talented actress, which was able to win the sympathy of many television viewers and continues to do so. But she is also simply a charming woman who can easily arouse the sympathy of any man. In addition, she not only acts in films, but also performs in various theater productions.

Over the course of her career, she has starred in approximately sixty films and TV series, and these, apparently, are not her last works. Fans of her talent will be able to admire Maria’s acting for a long time. And look forward to her new films.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Kulikova (actress)

Many fans of this actress are interested in facts such as her height, weight, age. How old Maria Kulikova (actress) is is not so difficult to calculate. This woman was born in 1977, which means that she is now 40 years old. And she is still young and attractive. Well, it’s true what they say is that at 40, life is just beginning.

Height and weight of this wonderful actress are also not a secret. With a rather tall height for the average Russian woman of 174 centimeters, she weighs about 60 kilograms. However, weight often varies depending on the role, so you can’t give exact numbers here.

Biography of Maria Kulikova (actress)

Maria Kulikova was born in early August 1977. She was born in Moscow. Maria's family was very intelligent and cultured. For example, her grandmother was a dean at the Gnessin School, and her father was a talented singer. He first worked in radio and then began performing in a church choir. Only the girl’s mother, who was engaged in engineering, was not connected with music. But even despite this, everyone in the Kulikov family loved music. Interesting fact: Maria had the opportunity to learn to play the piano, but she was never able to do it, which she now deeply regrets.

The biography of Maria Kulikova (actress) began to sparkle with new colors when she entered a drama school at the age of ten. The little actress remembered her debut role of Baba Yaga for the rest of her life. After graduating from school, Kulikova decided to go to study to become a lawyer. Moreover, at that time it was very prestigious. However, after attending preparatory courses for some time, the girl was able to understand that this profession was not for her, and decided to become an actress. After her graduation from school, she secretly submitted documents to the Shchukin School and entered there with success.

From this very moment it begins actor career Maria. Just a year after graduating from college, the young actress was offered a role in a series called “Turn of the Key.” It was far from the main role, but the girl accepted the offer with great enthusiasm. Although later she began to worry that nothing would work out for her. Moreover, the scene had to be filmed from the very first take. But it was too late to turn back. Maria was worried in vain. Everything went great and the young actress no longer experienced panic attacks. Later there were a couple more small supporting roles in TV series, which, however, did not bring her either fame or glory.

Maria Kulikova's debut leading role was in the series “Two Fates”. Moreover, it is worth noting that she got to this casting by chance. But, as you know, nothing happens in life for nothing. Kulikova was supposed to become a participant in a completely different project, but she simply entered the wrong door. When she realized that she had made a mistake, she went to her casting, but she was not accepted there. One way or another, a few days later they called her from the casting of “Two Fates” and offered her a role. For Maria this was a real surprise, and she agreed without hesitation.

Here's another one interesting fact. The first episodes of the project were filmed in the apartment of Maria’s parents. The fact is that the budget of the series was limited, and it was really difficult to rent an apartment decorated in the style of the seventies for little money. Then the actress offered them her parents' house. The role in this series brought Kulikova stunning success and real fame. The series gained enormous popularity, so after some time it was decided to film a couple more seasons.

It’s no wonder that after such success, Maria Kulikova simply began to receive offers for roles. So she starred in the films “The Forest Princess”, “Little Goat in Milk” and many other films.

In 2006, she played a role in the incredibly popular series at that time called “My Fair Nanny.” That same year, she starred in three more films, which later became popular.

Surprisingly, Maria Kulikova tried to work to the limit of her strength. For example, in 2007, she played roles in several more films with her husband. Over the course of a couple of years, she starred in twelve films, and played leading roles in most of them. In addition, over the following years she was involved in nine more films.

The second surge of fame came after filming the insanely popular series “The Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka 2” at that time. The success was simply stunning. And in 2011, Maria starred in the continuation of this series.

According to the actress herself, the most successful project for her was called “Sklifosovsky”. He brought her such fame and popularity that she has been part of the cast for the third season. Although Kulikova does not hide the fact that the character was not easy for her. After all, she herself has real life completely different character. And yet she was able to cope with this image perfectly.

In addition to TV series, the actress also managed to star in large quantities films, but listing them in full would be very troublesome.

Kulikova's fans are really looking forward to her new works and the continuation of her already favorite film adaptations. And they hope that Maria will not delay this.

Despite the busy filming schedule, Maria does not forget about theatrical productions, in which she also plays important roles.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress)

On the Internet you can find a lot of different information about Maria Kulikova’s new hobbies and novels. But none of them have been proven reliably. The actress was married, but is now divorced and raising her son alone. The personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress) is not easy to build now. She loved her husband very much and finding a replacement for him turned out to be difficult. But she is still young and attractive, so there is no reason to worry.

For example, there was a rumor that during the series “Sklifosovsky” she met with Maxim Averin, but the couple denied these rumors, assuring the media that their relationship had only been friendly for twenty years. Her son remains her favorite man. Maria Kulikova: personal life after divorce does not work out at all. It is also known that her husband wanted a quiet and calm wife, but Maria is far from being like that. The family broke up in 1015. But they maintained friendly relations and are raising a common child together.

Family of Maria Kulikova (actress)

At the moment, the family of Maria Kulikova (actress) consists of herself and her beloved son. Of course, the actress is still quite young and very beautiful. If we talk, for example, about her figure, then Maria definitely has something to brag about. So, it is likely that she will soon be able to meet her love again for the rest of her life, and her family will finally be complete again.

We can only hope that Maria Kulikova will really be able to meet a worthy man who will be real hope and support for her. Fans undoubtedly wish for this simple female happiness for the actress.

Children of Maria Kulikova (actress)

The children of Maria Kulikova (actress) are something that the woman’s fans can only dream about for now. After all, now Mary has only one son from her first marriage. But we can hope that he will not be her last child. After all, the woman is still only forty years old, and she can still give birth to as many healthy babies as she wants.

It's no secret that Maria herself dreamed of a big and friendly family. True, first you need to find a good man, who could become a father both for these children and for those already born son actresses - Vanechka. Maybe one day the boy will have more brothers or sisters.

Son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov

After a rather painful divorce from her husband, she is currently the only man In the life of the actress there was and remains the son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov.

Since, today, the actress does not have any officially confirmed novels and Serious relationships, one can only express great hope that in the future the actress, in addition to her beloved Vanechka, will have more children. And although Vanya is now being raised in a single-parent family and lives with his mother, he does not feel any inferiority, because he is not deprived of his father’s love. The man takes great pleasure in spending as much time as possible with his son.

Former husband of Maria Kulikova (actress) - Denis Matrosov

The couple met on the set of the series “Two Fates” - the same one that brought Maria popularity. The young people fell in love with each other at first sight. The couple lived for about three years civil marriage, but then they decided to legitimize the relationship. Despite her busy work schedule, she really wanted children. And in 2011, they had a boy, Vanya.

The ex-husband of Maria Kulikova (actress) Denis Matrosov fell in love with his son very much. Among the actors, their relationship was considered the strongest, but this turned out not to be the case. The actors took on the task of building a private house for their family. Denis took the construction too seriously, and this is where all the conflicts began. He could disappear at a construction site for whole days. And this, of course, could not but have an impact on their relationship with Maria. They say that family relationships They only become stronger if the couple survives a joint renovation. In a sense, the construction of a family nest can be attributed to a similar case. And it was his family of actors who couldn’t stand it.

Photo of Maria Kulikova (actress) in Maxim magazine

Unfortunately or not, there is no photo of Maria Kulikova (actress) in Maxim magazine, and never has existed. If somewhere you can watch this woman, for example, in a swimsuit, then perhaps in the films and TV series where she starred. In addition, it is worth noting that Maria Kulikova never appeared on film set completely naked. Yes and candid photos There are no photo shoots in her collection either.

Thus, if you want to admire the excellent (for a forty-year-old woman) figure of this charming actress, watch films and TV series with her - in any case, you will not regret it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress)

Like most modern artists, Maria can also be found in in social networks. She has profiles on a variety of sites. Including Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress) have a place. It is very important for her to communicate with her fans. And share the events that happen in her life.

You can look it up on Wikipedia short biography actress, information about her personal life. And among other things, Maria’s complete filmography, as well as a list of performances. Both lists indicate the roles she played. The woman regularly posts new photos on her Instagram.