The fattest man in the world of photography. The world's fattest man may grow up in Russia

According to World Organization healthcare, 650 million people were obese in 2016. And it's not funny at all. Obesity can cause a huge number of health problems.

But it can be prevented by taking care of yourself and your diet in time; many people from the list below continue to gain weight...

Most fat man in Australia. Before he had to be hospitalized, Andre Nasr weighed 199.5 kg and ate 12 thousand calories a day.

2. Donna Simpson

She wanted to become the heaviest woman in the world and tried to bring her weight to 450 kg, but she could not achieve the goal - she was “stuck” at 270 kg. But Donna was not at a loss. She created her own website and now earns 90 thousand dollars a year from the fact that everyone can watch her eat online.

3. Michael Edelman

When the man weighed 360 kg, he fell and could not get up - Michael simply did not have enough strength. He failed to cope with the task of raising the fallen man and the police squad. Over time, Edelman recovered to 470 kg, and then died of pneumonia and malnutrition.

4. David Ron High

He weighed 450 kg. It took 6 hours to get the man out of the apartment, a stretcher and ropes - David was lowered through the window. Hai died in hospital due to liver and kidney failure.

5. Sylvanus Smith

The man encountered a problem at the age of 54. His weight reached 450 kg and a forklift was needed to place him in the ambulance. In the hospital, Silvanus managed to lose 130 kg, but soon the weight returned to its previous level. Possible reason his death is believed to be diabetes.

6. Jose Luis Garza

Supposedly, he weighed 450 kg, but in fact, Jose Luis did not weigh himself for a very long time. He was once a chef, and then depression and alcohol played a cruel joke on him. At some point, Garza pulled himself together and said that he did not want to become the heaviest man in the world.

Terry weighs about 320 kg and is rightfully considered one of the fattest women in the world. Because of her weight, Terry is unable to get out of bed, and her care falls on the shoulders of her family.

Andres weighed 440 kg and died on Christmas Day at the age of 38 from a heart attack. For some time he was the fattest man in the world.

9. Keith Martin

At the age of 44, Keith Martin weighed about 450 kg and was forced to resort to bariatric surgery, which effectively helps to get rid of excess fat. The operation was successful, but unfortunately the man contracted pneumonia and died just 8 months after the operation.

In addition to the fact that she could die with her weight of 450 kg, Myra also faced the death penalty. She was accused of killing her nephew. But later it turned out that Rosales could not have fallen without a child - the woman did not even have the opportunity to get out of bed. When it turned out that the fattest lady in the world was innocent, the police found her sister, who turned out to be the killer. Realizing that there was now no one to look after her nephews, Myra gathered her will into a fist, went through several operations and began to weigh 91 (!!!) kg.

11. Mills Darden

With a height of 2.3 meters, his weight was almost 465 kilograms. There are no photographs of Darden left - he lived from 1799 to 1857, but if rumors are to be believed, the man lived a fairly active life. Mills died, allegedly asphyxiated by folds of skin around his neck.

His Weight Limit was 500 kg. Over the course of his entire history, Michael has lost and gained about 2,000 kg in total. Hebranco died of heart, kidney and liver failure.

13. Mike Parteleno

In memory of Mike Parteleno

A person's wealth is not measured by the size of his bank account or any other material possessions, it is measured by the number of friends, family and lives and hearts he is brought into.

Weighing almost 460 kg, he followed Dick Gregory's Bahamian diet and loved to take part in fatman competitions.

A man who weighed almost 470 kg was filmed documentary Half ton dad. In his youth he was an athlete, but then he retired and began to gain weight. According to eyewitnesses, he ate up to 30 thousand calories a day.

Dzambik became the fattest child in the world at the age of 4, when he weighed 56 kg. After that, his weight only increased, and by the age of 9, Khatokhov began to weigh 184 kg.

Due to a congenital pathology, he quickly gained weight and became the fattest person on the planet. In 1958, he was 32 years old, weighed 472 kg and died of congestive heart failure.

He became the fattest man with a weight of 444 kg. Paul's problems began after the death of his father and his mother's illness. But after stomach surgery, Mason began to lose weight.

18. Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty

He ended up in the hospital weighing almost half a ton. The operation helped Patrick lose some weight, but all of Deuel's problems surgery didn't decide.

Its maximum weight was 544 kg. At 43, Robert died due to sepsis.

The fat man weighed 550 kg. At the time of his death, at 46 years old, Walter weighed 510 kg.

In 1993, when she was 34 years old, Carol weighed 539 kg. She was taken to the hospital with the help of a fire brigade. For 9 months, Yager did not move. In the hospital, Carol lost 226 kg, but her weight was still not normal.

23. Manuel Uribe

Before his death at the age of 48, Manuel weighed 557 kg. Uribe did not get out of bed for 6 years. The man's cause of death was heart and liver failure.

24. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

Inhabitant Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kg as a teenager. Having learned about his problem, the king intervened in the situation and ordered Khalid to be hospitalized.

He is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest man. In 1978, John weighed 635 kg. It took 13 people to turn him over at the hospital. He managed to survive after a strict diet, and Minnock eventually died in 1983 weighing 361 kg.

It's ugly appearance, problems in personal life, difficulties with choosing clothes and serious illnesses. But for some people, obesity is a source of pride. We present to your attention a list of the fattest people in the world. They became popular precisely because of their excessive fullness.

12th place. Mills Darden

Mills Darden is considered the most big man in the world. Why doesn’t he top the TOP, but is only in 12th place? Because he wasn't too fat by the standards of the other fat guys on the list. Mills Darden was heavy primarily due to his size.

The giant's height was 2.3 meters. Maximum weight – 463 kg. At the same time, his body mass index was below 90. For comparison, the other fattest people in the world from the TOP 12 had a BMI of 143 and above. Some people's index was around 200.

Compared to them, Mills Darden, who weighed four and a half hundredweight, looked like a slender, fit man. Unlike his “colleagues,” he did not lose his ability to work. He had a wife and children. By the way, my wife weighed only 44 kilograms and was about 1.5 meters tall.

Mills Darden died at the age of 58. Considering that this happened in the middle of the 19th century, at that time he lived long life, and passed away into another world as a very old man.

11th place. Kenneth Brumley

Kenneth Brumley was born in 1968 and is still alive, although bedridden. His maximum body weight was 469 kg, but today he weighs a little less - about 400 kg.

Kenneth Brumley is best known for the funny story of how firefighters had to dismantle the wall of a house in order to remove him and his bed. This was done to deliver the patient to a medical facility for the purpose of bariatric surgery.

Interesting facts:

  • Kenneth Brumley cannot move - he is bedridden.
  • As a child, he was not too fat, and even played team sports. Kenneth Brumley began to gain weight only at the age of 20.
  • His daily diet is 30 thousand kilocalories.
  • Kenneth Brumley once lost 76 kg in 40 days. To do this, he had to reduce the calorie intake by 25 times.

10th place. Mayra Lizbeth Rosales

One of the heaviest women in the world is Mayra Lisbeth Rosales. Its maximum weight was 470 kg. She is still alive, and has not even had time to grow old, since she was born in 1980. It would seem that there is still time to become the leader of the list of the fattest people in the world, but this is unlikely to happen. Mayra Lizbeth Rosales is famous for losing 400 kg. Today she may not be called skinny, but she is no longer a bedridden, ugly monster.

Interesting facts:

  • Myra was wrongly convicted in 2008 of murdering her two-year-old nephew, but was then acquitted when it turned out that the fault actually lay with her sister, the mother of the dead child.
  • Myra is an example for many people who want to lose weight. She is present in social networks, and the woman’s number of subscribers is in the hundreds. Myra is not shy about publishing her photos on the Internet, where she weighs almost half a ton.
  • At one time, Myra was the heaviest person on the planet, not counting people who had already died. But then “competitors” were found who were ahead of her.

9th place. Hughes Robert Earl

Robert Earl Hughes weighed 485 kg. He died young, at the age of 32. This man is known not only as one of the fattest people in the world, but also has the greatest chest circumference in human history - 315 cm.

Robert Earl Hughes was initially inclined to be overweight. He weighed more than 5 kg at birth. By the age of 6, body weight exceeded 90 kg. The guy celebrated his coming of age, weighing more than 300 kg.

Interesting facts:

  • Unlike many other fat men from the TOP 12, Robert Earl Hughes suffered from obesity not only due to chronic obesity, but also due to endocrine disorders.
  • Robert Earl Hughes was often sick, but could not get to the hospital because the doors were too narrow for him. He was treated in a trailer parked near the treatment facility.
  • There is a myth that this man was buried in a piano box. Although this tragicomic story was liked by many Internet users, it is fiction.

8th place. Patrick Deuel

Patrick Diuel was born in 1962 and is still alive today. Maximum body weight – 486 kg. Now he weighs much less because he suffered. Patrick's body weight does not exceed 200 kg (he was in his best shape when he weighed 170 kg, but then gained a little weight).

Interesting facts:

  • Patrick Diuel is short compared to most other participants in the list of the fattest people in the world - only 1.7 m.
  • After the operation, Patrick Diuel lost 260 kg in a year.
  • Before the operation, he did not leave the house for 7 years.
  • In 2005, a documentary was made about this man.
  • Reason excess weight Patrick Diuel believes it is due to bad heredity, although the size of his portions before the operation was calculated in buckets.

7th place. Michael Hebranco

Michael Hebranco was born in 1953 and died as recently as 2013. He lived to be 60 years old, which is not bad at all, considering the man’s build. He weighed more than 500 kg. Body weight began to increase in childhood. By the age of 16, Michael Hebranco weighed one and a half hundredweight.

Interesting facts:

  • Michael Hebranco got married with a body weight of 400 kg.
  • At the time of his death he weighed 250 kg.
  • Michael Hebranco, with the help of diets and surgery, twice reduced his weight to 90 kg, but subsequently recovered again.

6th place. Rosalie Bradford

This woman at one time weighed 544 kg. She lived for 63 years, and during this time she managed to be in the Guinness Book of Records twice. The first time - as the fattest woman in the world. The second is the record holder for the number of kilograms lost. She managed to lose weight up to 90 kg.

Interesting facts:

  • The woman's height was only 168 cm.
  • Rosalie Bradford once tried to commit suicide because of her weight.
  • Unlike most other participants in the TOP-12, she lost weight without surgery, through training and diets.
  • After losing weight, Rosalie Bradford had 30 kg of excess skin on her body.
  • The woman died from complications that arose after removing excess skin surgically.

5th place. Walter Hudson

Walter Hudson had a maximum weight of 544 kg. He went down in history as the owner of the largest waist - its circumference was more than 3 meters.

Interesting facts:

  • Walter Hudson did not want to lose weight due to his strong addiction to food. He did not suffer from complexes about his weight.
  • One day a man got stuck in the door of his house. He was never able to free himself - the firefighters had to be called. They pulled Walter out using a crane.
  • During one of the weighings on industrial scales, they broke. On this day, Walter Hudson's body weight could not be measured.
  • The man had normal level cholesterol in the blood.
  • The man spent the last 27 years of his life in bed because he physically could not get out of it.
  • Shortly before his death, Walter Hudson was getting married. His death at the age of 47 prevented him from doing this.

4th place. Carol Yager

Obesity did not allow Carol Yager to live a long life - she died at the age of 34. At the time of death she weighed 545 kilograms. The woman became famous as the record holder for the fastest rate of weight loss without surgery. The documented weight loss was 236 kg over 3 months. That is, on average, Carol Yager lost a little less than 80 kg per month. To do this, she only needed to reduce her diet to 1200 kcal per day.

Interesting facts:

  • There is a myth that Carol Yager at one time weighed 727 kg. This fact has not been confirmed, so the woman does not top the TOP of the fattest people in the world.
  • According to Carol Yager, the cause of her eating disorder is sexual violence in childhood from one of the relatives.
  • Obesity greatly undermined the woman's health, and ultimately became the cause of death. She spent a lot of time in the hospital. She died of kidney failure a week after being discharged from the hospital.
  • Each hospitalization of Carol Yager required the efforts of two dozen firefighters.

3rd place. Manuel Uribe

Mexican Manuel Uribe weighed 597 kg. This is the first person on our list of the fattest people in the world who is not a US citizen. He died quite recently - in 2014.

Interesting facts:

  • Manuel's first wife left him because he was getting fat.
  • Manuel Uribe remarried in 2008. At that time, he weighed 330 kg and could not walk, being bedridden. His wife clearly had a thing for fat people, since her first husband also died of obesity.
  • Manuel Uribe had to get married right on the bed that was decorated for the ceremony.
  • The wedding prompted the man to take measures aimed at losing weight. After 3 years he had a body weight of 187 kg.
  • The man refused bariatric surgery, which doctors offered him to reduce weight.

2nd place. Khalid bin Moshen Shaari

Khalid bin Moshen Shaari is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. This is the youngest member of the TOP 12 fattest people in the world, so he still has time to climb to the top of the hit parade. The man was born in 1991. With a height of 173 cm, Khalid bin Moshen Shaari weighed 610 kg.

Interesting facts:

  • The King of Saudi Arabia personally ordered Shaari's hospitalization. Before this, the patient had not left his home for more than 2 years.
  • Khalid bin Moshen Shaari is known as the owner of the highest body mass index in human history - 204 kg/m2. No one before him, including the leader of the fat people's chart, had surpassed the 200 kg/m2 mark.
  • Today his body weight has decreased by 2 times, which was a consequence of treatment.

1st place. John Brower Minnock

The palm belongs to US citizen John Brower Minnock. He died more than 20 years ago, but so far no one can surpass this man. When not the most tall, 185 cm, he weighed 635 kg in his “best” years.

Interesting facts:

  • John Brower Minnock is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the greatest body weight, although it can be measured with absolute precision It didn't work out that way.
  • He is the leader in the number of kilograms lost among men. After John was diagnosed with heart failure, his body weight decreased by 419 kg through a low-calorie diet.
  • This man is the record holder for weight gain per unit of time. It only took him a week to gain 91kg once he stopped the diet.
  • John Brower Minnock died at age 41 due to heart failure.
  • John left behind two children and a widow weighing about 50 kg.

Of the 12 people on the list, 10 are Americans. There are only 3 women in the TOP 12, all the rest are men. The vast majority of these fat people at some point began to lose weight, losing hundreds of kilograms of fat. Some of them gained weight again, others had a more or less acceptable body weight until the end of their days.


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Obesity is a real scourge of our time. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are overweight. Most obese people now live in developed countries. Excessive nutrition, lack physical activity, the huge amount of carbohydrates that we consume - all this leads to extra pounds. Who are they, the fattest people in the world? We have prepared for you a list of the fattest people on the planet, some of them are no longer alive. Remember, obesity is not only unsightly, but also deadly.

Mayra Lizbeth Rosales 500 kg

This woman can become an example for all those who are overweight and want to get rid of this problem. Myra weighed about five hundred kilograms, but was able to pull herself together and lose about four centners.

Mayra Lisbeth Rosalas was born in the USA in 1980. At 32, she weighed about 500 kilograms and was bedridden. But even there she could not move. Myra managed to lose about 400 kilograms thanks to a special diet, exercise and eleven surgeries.

In 2008, she was accused of killing her nephew, and she confessed to it. But then it turned out that the woman had incriminated herself in order to protect her sister, who beat her own son to death. The court acquitted Myra.

Today Myra runs a special program for those who want to lose excess weight. Her life itself is proof that a person can get out of the most difficult situations, the main thing is to just want it.

At the moment, Myra believes that she needs to lose another thirty kilograms.

486 kg

Born in 1926, in the USA. At one time he was considered heaviest man in the world, his weight reached 486 kilograms. Since childhood he had problems with overweight: at six years old he already weighed 92 kilograms, and at 13 years old - 248. In early age he suffered from whooping cough and after that began to rapidly gain weight. He tried repeatedly to lose weight, but these attempts were unsuccessful.

He even made money using his physique. It was shown to people at fairs, and they willingly paid money for this spectacle. True, Hughes had to be taken there in a special cart, because he could hardly move. People who knew Hughes noted his kind nature. But at that time there were no special clinics for overweight people in the United States, and so he was left to his own devices.

During the next tour, he fell ill with measles and died from this disease. They simply could not take him to the nearest hospital. Thousands of Americans came to the funeral of the heaviest man. He died at the age of 32.

511 kg

Born in 1962, in the USA. Is one of fattest people in the world. And one of the few people on our list who are still alive. Diuel's maximum weight was 511 kilograms. For several years he did not leave his room because he could not move.

After this, he was hospitalized and part of the stomach was removed, as well as fatty tissue. For several months he worked physical exercise and followed a diet. As a result of all these actions, he was able to lose 260 kilograms. The total weight loss is 318 kilograms, and today he weighs 193 kilograms.

Michael Hebranco 453 kg

This man managed to lose and gain a total of 2000 kilograms in his life. Herbanco was born in the USA in 1953. IN early childhood he started having problems with excess weight. At sixteen years old he weighed 160 kilograms. At the age of 23, his weight had already reached four hundred kilograms, and it became difficult for him to move independently.

After treatment, Michael's weight dropped to 90 kilograms, and his waist size decreased three times. All this was achieved thanks to a special diet and exercise.

However, after a few years he gained weight again and reached 453 kilograms. He was again admitted to the hospital. This courageous man was able to pull himself together and reduce his weight to 80 kilograms. Herbanco died in 2013, weighing 250 kilograms. He entered like a man who was able to throw off the most heavy weight in history.

544 kg

Rosalie Bradford is the owner of two records at once. She was also a woman who managed to reset greatest number kilogram.

Bradford was born in the USA in 1943. Already at fourteen years old, her weight reached 93 kilograms. She gained her maximum weight at the age of 44, it reached 544 kilograms. After this, Rosalie fell into a deep depression and even tried to commit suicide.

At that time, the only movement she could do was clap her hands. But then the woman decided to change her life: she went on a special diet and started exercising. In a year she managed to lose 190 kilograms. In total, thanks to the exercises, she managed to lose 416 kilograms. Then, however, she abandoned her exercises and diet and began to rapidly gain weight again.

Rosalie Bradford died in 2006 due to post-operative complications while having excess skin removed.

544 kg

Is one of the heaviest people throughout the history of medical observations. Its maximum weight was 544 kilograms. He was born in the USA in 1944 and lived in New York.

Walter Hudson is the owner of the widest waist, its volume was more than three meters. He died at the age of 47 in 1991. The coffin in which this fat man was buried is truly impressive: it looks more like a railway container.

587 kg

This cheerful Mexican takes third place on our list the fattest people on the planet. Its maximum weight was 587 kilograms.

Uribe was a fat child; at the age of 22 he weighed 130 kilograms. Then he could not leave his house on his own. He was offered to do special operation, but he refused and went on a strict diet. He was able to lose weight to 381 kilograms and go outside for the first time in many years.

In 2008, he got married and three years later he managed to lose weight to 187 kilograms. However, in 2014 he died in hospital.

610 kg

Saudi Arabian citizen who was born in 1991. His weight is 610 kilograms. Shaari can no longer move independently. Now he is considered the heaviest man on the planet.

By personal order of the King of Saudi Arabia, Shaari was transferred to the capital of the country and hospitalized. In 2013, he underwent surgery, which helped him get rid of 150 extra pounds.

635 kg

He is not only the fattest man, but also officially recorded the fattest man in the world. He was born in the USA in 1941 and already at the age of 20 he weighed 180 kilograms. By the age of 30, he gained 400 kilograms and stopped walking. This led to an even greater increase in weight, and within a few years it reached 635 kilograms. Minnoch could no longer turn over on the bed on his own.

Minnoch was then hospitalized and with the help of a special diet he was able to lose weight to 215 kilograms. This is another record: no other person has lost so many kilograms. However, after stopping treatment, Minnoch very quickly regained his previous weight. He died in 1983.

727 kg

The fattest man in history considered Carol Yeager. She is also the fattest woman in the world. At a certain period of her life, the weight of this woman reached an unimaginable 727 kilograms. She lived in the USA, was born in 1960 in Michigan and had problems with excess weight since childhood. IN at a young age she experienced severe stress - one of her relatives tried to rape her. After that she started eating a lot.

She was hospitalized several times (each time the fire department had to be called). Doctors helped her lose a small number of kilograms, but then she gained them back. Yeager managed to gain 727 kilograms. At the same time, her width was 1.5 meters, and her body mass index was 251. Obesity made her a sick person. She couldn't walk, she was sick diabetes mellitus and heart failure. Carol Yeager died in 1994. At the time of death, her weight was 545 kilograms.

From this article you can find out who is considered the fattest person in the world. This information has been officially confirmed, or has been recognized by the public, because people learned relatively recently to measure the mass of bodies.

Carol Yeager

A US citizen named Carol Yeager is considered the fattest woman on Earth. Carol was born in 1960 in Flint. She differed from her peers by her greater weight even in childhood. Main reason The girl's excess weight meant a constant and unlimited appetite that gave her no rest.

By the age of 20, Carol's weight had increased so much that her legs were no longer able to support her own weight. The girl was unable to make basic movements, and therefore she practically became bedridden. She required constant medical care, and her daughter Heather also looked after her. Carol's weight then was 544 kg, but her maximum weight was 727 kg.

Without a doubt, it became clear that the mass had acquired a life-threatening nature that threatened health and even life itself. Every day the woman added kilograms, and at the same time her health worsened.

Trying to lose weight

In the end, she contacted the popular nutritionist Richard Simonson and the then famous TV show host Jerry Springer.

According to the agreement, she took part in Springer's show, i.e. advertised his TV show, and in return Carol was provided with free treatment. Jerry Springer agreed to become his sponsor. However, in fact, the woman was unable to receive tangible help from the famous nutritionist - the result was zero.

John Minnock and his sad story

The title of “The Fattest Man in the World” was officially awarded to John Brower Minnock, a resident of Bainbridge, USA. His weight reached, scary to think, about 630 kg.

This weight indicator, truly fantastic, became known to the whole world after Minnock was examined in 1978. John was examined by a council of doctors at a Seattle clinic. Minnock was a taxi driver by profession, but due to his excessive weight, the man had to give up work completely.

Even to determine the “parameters” of a person of such thickness, it was necessary to solve a difficult problem. It took 13 or more men to turn Minnok from side to side!

Manuel Uribe and his success

Another one of the fattest people in the world is Manuel Uribe. In 2001, it weighed almost half a ton, and then it was no longer capable of outside help get out of bed. By 2007, he already weighed 560 kg. Manuel decided to turn to surgeons for medical care. They performed surgery on him to truncate his stomach. Manuel promised then that he would go on a diet and get rid of excess weight. And he succeeded!

The man was lucky - he lost almost 200 kg. Manuel Uribe managed to become a record holder in two categories at once:

  • As the person who lost the most extra pounds weight.
  • Like the fattest person.

Thanks to his weight of 560 kg, Uribe was included in the famous Guinness Book of Records. Having gotten rid of 200 kilograms, Manuel gained the ability to move independently, without the help of strangers. The first thing he did after losing weight was marrying the woman who had supported him all the time and helped Manuel over the past two years.

Of course, the fattest people in the whole world are doomed to experience a lot of all sorts of inconveniences in life. You need to understand that such a colossal amount of extra pounds poses a threat not only to human health, but also to human life itself.

Even surgical operations to reduce the stomach or the same liposuction are not able to help such people, because after this they again begin to eat food uncontrollably, and everything returns to its original place!