What does the fattest man in the world look like? The fattest people in the world

Weight is a problem that has always worried people. Most people think that their body weight could be less and they could lose a couple of pounds. extra pounds almost every woman dreams. One can argue for a long time about whether it is worth striving for ideal figure or follow the proverb “ good man there must be a lot,” but obesity is one of the main problems of our age. Affordable carbohydrates, constant meals at fast food restaurants, and a sedentary lifestyle lead to the fact that the weight of many people reaches critical levels. However, your extra pounds may seem like a mere trifle if you learn about the monstrous numbers a person’s weight can reach. Maybe this article will help someone stop and think about what is better to stick to healthy eating and don't take things to extremes.

This Englishman was not only the keeper of a transit prison and an expert on sporting animals, but also one of the most obese people in the entire history of Great Britain. Daniel was born on March 13, 1770 in Leicestershire and died at the age of 39. At the end of his life, Daniel eked out a very miserable existence: he could not work because of his weight. Therefore, the man rented an apartment in London and took money from curious people who were eager to see with their own eyes the fattest man in England.

By the way, during his lifetime Lambert did not like to weigh himself. To find out his weight, his friends had to resort to deception. Having lured him out of the house under the pretext of going to the cockfights so beloved by the man, they put him in a carriage, drove it to the ground scales and quickly jumped out. Knowing the weight of the empty carriage, they calculated that Lambert weighed 320 kilograms.

Lambert's second weigh-in occurred only after his death: at that time his weight was 335 kilograms. It took more than 10 years to make the man's coffin. square meters wood.

Despite the fact that the man’s weight was not a record, for the British he is a kind of cult figure and one of the city’s idols.

Mills Darden is believed to be the fattest man on record official medicine in the 19th century. He was born on October 7, 1799 in North Carolina. The man weighed 463 kilograms and was 2.3 meters tall. The enormous weight did not prevent Mills from starting a family; he even had children. The height of the heavyweight's wife was only 1.5 meters, and she weighed 44 kilograms.

Mills Darden died at the age of 58.

Minnock Brower, born on September 29, 1941, weighed 630 kilograms. Minnock is the heaviest man in the world in history.

However, this number is only approximate, since due to Minnok’s limited mobility and the terrible state of his health, accurate measurements could not be made. Obesity tormented Minnok since childhood: already at the age of 12 he weighed 130 kilograms. The boy's parents did not try to fight their son's overeating, and his body weight increased and increased with age. The man gradually lost the ability to move independently and stopped leaving the house. At 37, Minnock was hospitalized for the first time because he developed heart failure. A rescue team had to be deployed to transport him to the hospital. In the hospital, Minnock occupied two beds at once, and in order to change him bed sheets, had to use a team of 13 people. The doctors decided to help the unfortunate man lose at least a little weight and prescribed him a strict diet. As a result, after 16 months, Minnock lost 419 kilograms, which became the official weight loss record for men. Brouwer left the hospital weighing “only” 215 kilograms.

Unfortunately, he was unable to maintain this figure, and a year later he was again in the hospital weighing 419 kilograms. Minnock's disease was declared incurable, and doctors refused to treat him. As a result, the unfortunate man died at the age of 41 with a weight of 362 kilograms.

Manuel is often called “the fattest Mexican in the world.” In 2001, Manuel's body weight was 588 kilograms. At that time, he had not left his bed for a long time.

Manuel dreamed of getting rid of his enormous weight and sought help from doctors on television. He received a number of offers: doctors suggested performing a gastric resection operation and removing part excess fat. However, Manuel decided to lose weight naturally with a protein diet. As a result, already in 2007 he weighed 381 kilograms. This allowed Manuel for the first time in for many years leave the house and go outside.

In 2008, Manuel even proposed to a woman named Claudia Solis, who came to cut his hair. Claudia agreed to marry Manuel.

However, this story does not have a happy ending. “The heaviest Mexican” could not maintain weight: if in 2011 he was able to reach 187 kilograms, then in 2012 he reached 444 kilograms.

Manuel died in 2014 from diseases arising from obesity and constant fluctuations in body weight.

Carol is considered the largest woman ever recorded by medicine. Her weight may be shocking: it was 727 kilograms. This figure is unofficial, and is recorded in medical documents Weight Limit 527 kilograms. Carol's height was 170 centimeters, so you can imagine what her body looked like. Carol could not move on her own: her muscles simply could not support the enormous weight of her body.

The woman's illness was the result of an eating disorder. Carol claimed that she began to overeat after being exposed to sexual violence from the outside close relative.

By the way, Carol holds another record among women: she managed to lose as much as 236 kilograms without resorting to surgery. True, the weight quickly returned, because after leaving the clinic, the woman continued to kill herself with huge portions of food.

Carol passed away before the age of 35. At the time of death, she weighed 544 kilograms.

All the heroes of the article suffered from their weight and realized the harmfulness of their own eating habits. Surprisingly, there are people who voluntarily decide to set unique records. For example, American Donna Simpson said in 2010 that she intended to become the heaviest woman in the world. In order to gain weight, she consumed 12 thousand kilocalories daily. Donna had her own website where all her fans could watch her gobble up huge portions of fast food.

Donna has already managed to break one record: she became the most obese mother in the world and gave birth when her weight was 241 kilograms.

The girl stubbornly pursued victory until a tragedy occurred in her personal life: her boyfriend, whom she had been dating for five whole years, left Donna. After this, the girl went on a diet to lose two hundred kilograms.

Doctors say that in the near future obesity will become a real disaster for humanity. Fortunately, in Russia there is no global problem with obesity, although there are increasing reports of people whose weight reaches unprecedented levels. For example, the heaviest boy in the world is Russian Dzhambulat Khotokhov. At the age of 10 years he weighs 150 kg.

The life of people suffering from monstrous obesity can hardly be called happy. They have to give up all the joys of life, and they die quite early. Maybe you should deny yourself another donut or sandwich to avoid such problems?

Very large number modern people are strenuously fighting overweight. In the 21st century, a slim and fit body is considered the ideal of beauty. But there are also those who do not fit into the established framework and suffer from obesity. For them, excess weight is not a couple of tens of kilograms, because of which you cannot fit into your favorite jeans, but a very dangerous condition that can lead to death.

The fattest people in the world are unlikely to get much pleasure from life. Most of them leave this world in very early age. The exception is those who realized in time that they were suffering from a serious illness and turned to specialists for help. Only through a strict diet and treatment can they prolong their lives.

Main causes of obesity

One of the main causes of weight problems is a change in diet. Many housewives exclude natural foods from their daily menu. healthy dishes, since you need to spend a lot of time preparing them. Women try to save time with the help of semi-finished products. This food consists of refined and preserved ingredients and is rich in fats and carbohydrates. This lifestyle, which has not changed over the years, leads straight to acquiring the title of “the most fat man".

In addition to the fact that food should be healthy and properly prepared, you also need to control the number of times you eat it. Constant overeating will lead to extra pounds. In order to satisfy your appetite in small portions, you need to create a diet and strictly adhere to it.

Another cause of obesity is new technologies that have significantly reduced physical stress on humans. Because of this, a person spends much less calories during the day than he consumes through food. Which leads to the formation of fatty deposits.

In which country do the fattest people live?

The United States population is considered to be the most obese population. But in lately this country began to lose ground. According to the UN, Mexico came out on top. It is here that about 70% of the population has extra pounds.

Because of this, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, and cancer also increases. Obese people also often develop depression. The fattest people in the world are Mexicans due to the fact that they consume fast food, soda more often than others and practically do not engage in physical activity. Fast food in Mexico is represented by meat tortillas different types with hot sauce and vegetables. All the food here is fried and very fatty and high in calories.

Obesity mainly affects poor Mexicans and young people. They prefer fast food and do not exercise at all. The worst thing is that children have also begun to suffer from obesity. WITH early years parents feed their children various goodies, without thinking that this could cripple their lives.

Today, the United States is in second place after Mexico. Russia is among the top twenty countries whose population is obese. According to statistics, every fourth resident of our country is overweight.

The fattest man in history

American John Minnock became famous throughout the world thanks to obesity. His case proves that this disease cannot always be overcome. Sometimes even doctors are unable to cope with this.

Since his youth, John was not particularly slim and was not at all worried about this. Soon he got married and had children. He worked as a taxi driver and realized that he had serious problems when I couldn't fit into the car. But he did not take any measures, but simply sat at home. Because of this, the weight increased even more, and the day came when John could no longer get out of bed.

Thanks to his enormous weight, his name was included in the Guinness World Records. The fattest man in the world - John Minnock weighed 630 kg. In order to look after him, 14 people were needed.

Only after becoming a record holder did he decide to seek help. But it was too late, the process turned out to be irreversible. A strict diet did not bring any results. Because of this, he only lost strength, as a result of which he was hospitalized. In the hospital, John lost weight to 215 kg. But after returning home, he began to rapidly gain weight again. He even set a new record, gaining 90 kg in a week.

John Minnock spent the rest of his life under medical supervision and died at the age of 42. Then he weighed 363 kg. The photo of the fattest man proves how sad his situation was.

Carol Yeager

Unofficially, Carol Yeager was considered the fattest person. Her weight reached 727 kg. Unfortunately, there are no documents that could confirm this figure.

Carol herself claimed that due to the violence she experienced, her appetite greatly increased, which led to obesity. The woman was treated all her life. She went on various diets, but to no avail. Due to her enormous weight, she often got sick. It took 20 people to take her to the hospital.

Carol Yeager's cause of death was kidney failure. increased level blood sugar and heart problems.

Manuel Uribe

Due to obesity, Mexican resident Manuel Uribe entered the Guinness Book of Records. Throughout his life he struggled with the disease, but it did not bring results. In 2001, Manuel's weight reached 587 kg, and he could no longer move independently. But the man did not give up and, with the help of diets, lost about 200 kg. Such changes gave him strength, and he continued to work hard.

Thanks to perseverance, in 2011 Manuel Uribe’s body weight dropped to 187 kg. But he still remained in the top ten of the rating called “The Fattest People.” Manuel's photos show how much he appearance changed after losing weight.

After such successes, the Mexican decided that he could relax. This was his mistake. In just a year, his weight reached 444 kg. This forced him to take up work again, but illnesses caused by obesity interrupted his life at the age of 49.

Terry Smith

The fattest people in the world aren't just men. Representatives of the fair sex often top such ratings. These days, American Terri Smith is recognized as the fattest woman. On at the moment its weight is more than 300 kg. She cannot walk without assistance.

Terry is now cared for by her husband and daughter. Her health condition is deteriorating. Doctors say that if she doesn’t go on a strict diet, she won’t last long.

Keith Martin

Many people are interested in how much the fattest person weighs. Until recently, Keith Martin was considered the heaviest man in the modern world. His weight was almost 445 kg. He was only 44 years old.

He became overweight due to long-term depression. He “ate up” the stress a large number junk food and washed it down with sweet soda and coffee. He did not expose himself to any physical activity, and spent the whole day watching TV and playing video games.

Martin spent the last months of his life in bed. Doctors removed part of his stomach. He died in December 2014 from pneumonia and severe stomach upset.

Paul Mason

Sometimes the fattest people try to overcome obesity, but few succeed. One of the lucky ones who managed to achieve this is Briton Paul Mason. He weighed 440 kg, and it seemed that he would not last long, but the forecasts turned out to be wrong.

Thanks to the operation, he managed to overcome obesity. During the procedure, most of his stomach was removed. In addition to losing weight, Paul was lucky to find love. Filmed about him documentary, and seeing him, American Rebecca Mountain decided to write to Paul. As a result, they began to communicate.

After the operation, Paul Mason was not immediately able to live a full life. For a long time he had to move on wheelchair. But love gave him strength, and soon Rebecca proposed to him. It happened right on the air of a TV show.

Suzanne Eman

The fattest people in the world are most often dissatisfied with themselves and have severe complexes due to excess weight, but there are also those who like it. Thus, American Suzanne Eman is very pleased with her appearance and is not going to stop there. Despite her 300 kg, she got married and gave birth to two children. In addition, she works as a model.

Unlike other fatties, Suzanne is not going to struggle with excess weight. Moreover, the woman wants to get the title of the fattest person and tries to gain even more weight, despite doctors’ orders.

Her chef husband is completely happy that his wife is one of those called “the fattest people.” Photos of the woman prove that she is proud of her curves, and her husband does not deny his beloved anything. Suzanne dreams of gaining more than 700 kg.

The fattest child in the world

In 2007, on TV screens, people saw a little girl whose appearance shocked the public. It was Jessica Leonard. At 7 years old, she weighed more than 200 kg.

This was due to the mother's negligence. She wasn't at all worried about the girl's huge appetite. Instead of taking measures to lose her daughter’s weight, she fed the child fast food and sweets.

After the broadcast, many people sent letters demanding that the mother be punished for what she turned her daughter into. Specialists took care of Jessica. Due to her heavy weight, the girl could not walk, but moved around the house sitting or crawling, and she spoke very poorly.

Thanks to the efforts of nutritionists, at the age of 10 the girl began to weigh 140 kg less. Now Jessica goes to school and tries to lead healthy image life.

Every year the number of fat people increases. The public is shocked by their photos. The fattest person cannot be seen walking on the street, he cannot attend children's parties and other entertainment events, few of them will be able to see their grandchildren due to illness, some cannot even have children. Therefore, it is worth thinking about your lifestyle and adjusting it in time so as not to expose yourself and your loved ones to such a fate.

Obesity is a real scourge of our time. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are overweight. Most obese people now live in developed countries. Excessive nutrition, lack physical activity, the huge amount of carbohydrates that we consume - all this leads to extra kilos am. Who are they, the fattest people in the world? We have prepared for you a list of the fattest people on the planet, some of them are no longer alive. Remember, obesity is not only unsightly, but also deadly.

Mayra Lizbeth Rosales 500 kg

This woman can become an example for all those who are overweight and want to get rid of this problem. Myra weighed about five hundred kilograms, but was able to pull herself together and lose about four centners.

Mayra Lisbeth Rosalas was born in the USA in 1980. At 32, she weighed about 500 kilograms and was bedridden. But even there she could not move. Myra managed to lose about 400 kilograms thanks to a special diet, exercise and eleven surgeries.

In 2008, she was accused of killing her nephew, and she confessed to it. But then it turned out that the woman had incriminated herself in order to protect her sister, who beat her own son to death. The court acquitted Myra.

Today Myra runs a special program for those who want to lose excess weight. Her life itself is proof that a person can get out of the most difficult situations, the main thing is to just want it.

At the moment, Myra believes that she needs to lose another thirty kilograms.

486 kg

Born in 1926, in the USA. At one time he was considered heaviest man in the world, his weight reached 486 kilograms. Since childhood, he had problems with excess weight: at the age of six he already weighed 92 kilograms, and at the age of 13 - 248. At an early age he suffered from whooping cough and after that he began to rapidly gain weight. He tried repeatedly to lose weight, but these attempts were unsuccessful.

He even made money using his physique. It was shown to people at fairs, and they willingly paid money for this spectacle. True, Hughes had to be taken there in a special cart, because he could hardly move. People who knew Hughes noted his kind nature. But at that time there were no special clinics for overweight people in the United States, and so he was left to his own devices.

During the next tour, he fell ill with measles and died from this disease. They simply could not take him to the nearest hospital. Thousands of Americans came to the funeral of the heaviest man. He died at the age of 32.

511 kg

Born in 1962, in the USA. Is one of fattest people in the world. And one of the few people on our list who are still alive. Diuel's maximum weight was 511 kilograms. For several years he did not leave his room because he could not move.

After this, he was hospitalized and part of the stomach was removed, as well as fatty tissue. For several months he worked exercise and followed a diet. As a result of all these actions, he was able to lose 260 kilograms. The total weight loss is 318 kilograms, and today he weighs 193 kilograms.

Michael Hebranco 453 kg

This man managed to lose and gain a total of 2000 kilograms in his life. Herbanco was born in the USA in 1953. IN early childhood he started having problems with excess weight. At sixteen years old he weighed 160 kilograms. At the age of 23, his weight had already reached four hundred kilograms, and it became difficult for him to move independently.

After treatment, Michael's weight dropped to 90 kilograms, and his waist size decreased three times. All this was achieved thanks to a special diet and exercise.

However, after a few years he gained weight again and reached 453 kilograms. He was again admitted to the hospital. This courageous man was able to pull himself together and reduce his weight to 80 kilograms. Herbanco died in 2013, weighing 250 kilograms. He entered like a man who was able to throw off the most heavy weight in history.

544 kg

Rosalie Bradford is the holder of two records at once. She was also a woman who managed to reset greatest number kilogram.

Bradford was born in the USA in 1943. Already at fourteen years old, her weight reached 93 kilograms. She gained her maximum weight at the age of 44, it reached 544 kilograms. After this, Rosalie fell into a deep depression and even tried to commit suicide.

At that time, the only movement she could do was clap her hands. But then the woman decided to change her life: she went on a special diet and started exercising. In a year she managed to lose 190 kilograms. In total, thanks to the exercises, she managed to lose 416 kilograms. Then, however, she abandoned her exercises and diet and began to rapidly gain weight again.

Rosalie Bradford died in 2006 due to post-operative complications while having excess skin removed.

544 kg

Is one of the heaviest people throughout the history of medical observations. Its maximum weight was 544 kilograms. He was born in the USA in 1944 and lived in New York.

Walter Hudson is the owner of the widest waist, its volume was more than three meters. He died at the age of 47 in 1991. The coffin in which this fat man was buried is truly impressive: it looks more like a railway container.

587 kg

This cheerful Mexican takes third place on our list the fattest people on the planet. Its maximum weight was 587 kilograms.

Uribe was a fat child; at the age of 22 he weighed 130 kilograms. Then he could not leave his house on his own. He was offered to do special operation, but he refused and went on a strict diet. He was able to lose weight to 381 kilograms and go outside for the first time in many years.

In 2008, he got married and three years later he managed to lose weight to 187 kilograms. However, in 2014 he died in hospital.

610 kg

Citizen Saudi Arabia, who was born in 1991. His weight is 610 kilograms. Shaari can no longer move on her own. Now he is considered the heaviest man on the planet.

By personal order of the King of Saudi Arabia, Shaari was transferred to the capital of the country and hospitalized. In 2013, he underwent surgery, which helped him get rid of 150 extra pounds.

635 kg

He is not only the fattest man, but also officially recorded the fattest man in the world. He was born in the USA in 1941 and already at the age of 20 he weighed 180 kilograms. By the age of 30, he gained 400 kilograms and stopped walking. This led to an even greater increase in weight, and within a few years it reached 635 kilograms. Minnoch could no longer turn over on the bed on his own.

Minnoch was then hospitalized and with the help of a special diet he was able to lose weight to 215 kilograms. This is another record: no other person has lost so many kilograms. However, after stopping treatment, Minnoch very quickly regained his previous weight. He died in 1983.

727 kg

The fattest man in history considered Carol Yeager. She is also the fattest woman in the world. At a certain period of her life, the weight of this woman reached an unimaginable 727 kilograms. She lived in the USA, was born in 1960 in Michigan and had problems with excess weight since childhood. IN at a young age she experienced severe stress - one of her relatives tried to rape her. After that she started eating a lot.

She was hospitalized several times (each time the fire department had to be called). Doctors helped her lose a small number of kilograms, but then she gained them back. Yeager managed to gain 727 kilograms. At the same time, her width was 1.5 meters, and her body mass index was 251. Obesity made her a sick person. She couldn't walk, she was sick diabetes mellitus and heart failure. Carol Yeager died in 1994. At the time of death, her weight was 545 kilograms.

According to World Organization healthcare, 650 million people were obese in 2016. And it's not funny at all. Obesity can cause a huge number of health problems.

But it can be prevented by taking care of yourself and your diet in time; many people from the list below continue to gain weight...

The fattest man in Australia. Before he had to be hospitalized, Andre Nasr weighed 199.5 kg and ate 12 thousand calories a day.

2. Donna Simpson

She wanted to become the heaviest woman in the world and tried to bring her weight to 450 kg, but she could not achieve the goal - she was “stuck” at 270 kg. But Donna was not at a loss. She created her own website and now earns 90 thousand dollars a year from the fact that everyone can watch her eat online.

3. Michael Edelman

When the man weighed 360 kg, he fell and could not get up - Michael simply did not have enough strength. He failed to cope with the task of raising the fallen man and the police squad. Over time, Edelman recovered to 470 kg, and then died of pneumonia and malnutrition.

4. David Ron High

He weighed 450 kg. It took 6 hours to get the man out of the apartment, a stretcher and ropes - David was lowered through the window. Hai died in hospital due to liver and kidney failure.

5. Sylvanus Smith

The man encountered a problem at the age of 54. His weight reached 450 kg and a forklift was needed to place him in the ambulance. In the hospital, Silvanus managed to lose 130 kg, but soon the weight returned to its previous level. Possible reason his death is believed to be diabetes.

6. Jose Luis Garza

Supposedly, he weighed 450 kg, but in fact, Jose Luis did not weigh himself for a very long time. He was once a chef, and then depression and alcohol played a cruel joke on him. At some point, Garza pulled himself together and said that he did not want to become the heaviest man in the world.

Terry weighs about 320 kg and is rightfully considered one of the fattest women in the world. Because of her weight, Terry is unable to get out of bed, and her care falls on the shoulders of her family.

Andres weighed 440 kg and died on Christmas Day at the age of 38 from a heart attack. For some time he was the fattest man in the world.

9. Keith Martin

At the age of 44, Keith Martin weighed about 450 kg and was forced to resort to bariatric surgery, which effectively helps to get rid of excess fat. The operation was successful, but unfortunately the man contracted pneumonia and died just 8 months after the operation.

In addition to the fact that she could die with her weight of 450 kg, Myra also faced the death penalty. She was accused of killing her nephew. But later it turned out that Rosales could not have fallen without a child - the woman did not even have the opportunity to get out of bed. When it turned out that the fattest lady in the world was innocent, the police found her sister, who turned out to be the killer. Realizing that there was now no one to look after her nephews, Myra gathered her will into a fist, went through several operations and began to weigh 91 (!!!) kg.

11. Mills Darden

With a height of 2.3 meters, his weight was almost 465 kilograms. There are no photographs of Darden left - he lived from 1799 to 1857, but if rumors are to be believed, the man lived a fairly active life. Mills died, allegedly asphyxiated by folds of skin around his neck.

Its maximum weight was 500 kg. Over the course of his entire history, Michael has lost and gained about 2,000 kg in total. Hebranco died of heart, kidney and liver failure.

13. Mike Parteleno

In memory of Mike Parteleno

A person's wealth is not measured by the size of his bank account or any other material possessions, it is measured by the number of friends, family and lives and hearts he is brought into.

Weighing almost 460 kg, he followed Dick Gregory's Bahamian diet and loved to take part in fatman competitions.

A documentary film, Half ton dad, was made about the man, who weighed almost 470 kg. In his youth he was an athlete, but then he retired and began to gain weight. According to eyewitnesses, he ate up to 30 thousand calories a day.

Dzambik became the fattest child in the world at the age of 4, when he weighed 56 kg. After that, his weight only increased, and by the age of 9, Khatokhov began to weigh 184 kg.

Due to a congenital pathology, he quickly gained weight and became the fattest person on the planet. In 1958, he was 32 years old, weighed 472 kg and died of congestive heart failure.

He became the fattest man with a weight of 444 kg. Paul's problems began after the death of his father and his mother's illness. But after stomach surgery, Mason began to lose weight.

18. Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty

He ended up in the hospital weighing almost half a ton. The operation helped Patrick lose some weight, but surgery did not solve all of Deuel’s problems.

Its maximum weight was 544 kg. At 43, Robert died due to sepsis.

The fat man weighed 550 kg. At the time of his death, at 46 years old, Walter weighed 510 kg.

In 1993, when she was 34 years old, Carol weighed 539 kg. She was taken to the hospital with the help of a fire brigade. For 9 months, Yager did not move. In the hospital, Carol lost 226 kg, but her weight was still not normal.

23. Manuel Uribe

Before his death at the age of 48, Manuel weighed 557 kg. Uribe did not get out of bed for 6 years. The man's cause of death was heart and liver failure.

24. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

A resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kg as a teenager. Having learned about his problem, the king intervened in the situation and ordered Khalid to be hospitalized.

He is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest man. In 1978, John weighed 635 kg. It took 13 people to turn him over at the hospital. He managed to survive after a strict diet, and Minnock eventually died in 1983 weighing 361 kg.

There are many inexplicable things in life. Some people spend their whole lives searching for suitable program for weight loss, and some, on the contrary, certainly want to gain extra pounds and, losing control over their appetite, reach record heights. Is it good for people to be overweight and is it easy to live with?

Top 10 Most Surprisingly Fat People

1.Manuel Uribe

The fattest Mexican. At the age of 20, he got a sedentary job and began to gain weight. His weight gradually crept up to 599 kg. His weight made him feel worse, and he could not get out of bed. A diet program developed by doctors helped him lose 180 kg.

2. Francis John Lang

He is a native of Clinton. He weighed 540 kilograms with a height of 1 m 88 cm. He began to gain weight already at mature age, although he was not overweight in his youth.

3. Walter Hudson

This fat man has the biggest waist. Weighing 543 kg, his waist circumference was 3 meters. Daily requirement in water was equal to 17 liters. The daily diet included 12 eggs, 3 steaks, 4 baked potatoes, 4 cheeseburgers (double), 4 hamburgers, a loaf of bread. In addition, to satisfy his hunger he needed to eat 2 boxes of sausages, a large pie, 2 chickens or ham.

4. Rosalia Bradford

Her weight reached 477 kg with a height of 1m 66 cm. The woman did not stop there and gained almost 70 kg more and began to weigh 544 kg. Then she suddenly began to lose weight and lost weight to 134 kg. To achieve this, Rosalia Bradford had to put in a lot of effort.

Born in 1958. Since childhood, he was given a terrible diagnosis: severe obesity. When he got to New York's St. Luke's Hospital, his weight was melting before our eyes. At the very beginning, his weight was 411 kg, and after losing weight - 90 kg. Before losing weight, his waist was voluminous - 290 cm, and after following the diet - 91 cm. He entered the Guinness Book of Records as a person who managed to lose a lot of fat. But then the record holder returned to his usual lifestyle and gained 500 kg.

6. Patrick Dewell

When Patrick's weight became 488 kg, he was admitted to the hospital and lay completely immobile for six months. The desire to get back on his feet forced him to lose weight, which is what he does to this day.

7. Paul Mason

The fattest man in the world, who required 20,000 kcal per day, and to an ordinary person, only 2,000. According to his story, his gluttony began after breaking up with his girlfriend. He gained 445 kg. Poor health forced Paul to undergo surgery. He underwent gastric bypass surgery. After a successful surgical intervention Paul began to weigh 245 kg.

8. Donna Simpson

Already as a child, she decided for herself to become the fattest woman. And so it happened. She gave birth to her first daughter weighing 241 kg. I couldn’t give birth myself, they did it C-section. Gradually her weight increased and reached 445 kg. In six months she gained more than 200 kilograms. The media attributed another 45 kg to her. The appetite was enormous. She swept away everything in her path. But, having achieved a certain goal, she decided to lose weight.

9. Jessica Deonard

When the girl turned 8 years old, the public intervened in her life. People didn't like that it was so at a young age the girl weighed more than 200 kg. The young lady is still following various weight loss programs.

10. Terry Smith

Born in America. She was a large baby from birth and gradually gained weight. At the age of 7 her weight was 51 kg, and at 20 it was already 100 kg, then gradually it equaled 320 kg. It was difficult for the woman to move and take care of herself. And then she completely fell ill and was bedridden for many years. A caring husband, daughter and grandchildren support Terry as best they can. Doctors recommend that she adhere to a certain diet, otherwise this could all end in tears.

Many problems accompany a person from childhood. Parents need to pay attention to the child’s weight and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice.