Beckham is pregnant. Split in the family: David Beckham greatly offended his wife Victoria

Sources close to the designer's family and former football player Victoria was said to have cried for two days after her husband David described their marriage as "a daily grind". Mrs Beckham was left distraught and "totally devastated" that the father of her four children was so insensitive, The Sun reported.

Victoria's friends claimed that after her husband's scandalous interview she was not herself, and after two days of hysteria, the star settled at an elite resort in Germany, which specializes in restoring emotional balance. However, this information official representative denied the spouses - the former member of the Spice Girls really rested body and soul, but before her husband’s unexpected performance, and not after.

In a recent interview on The Sunday Project David Beckham made several sensational statements. Among other things, the athlete spoke about the biggest regret of his life.

During his conversation with journalist Lisa Wilkinson, it turned out that David felt worst during a meeting in 2003 with one of political leaders- namely, with former president South Africa.

Mandela, who died in 2013, was even asked to comment on the football captain's hairstyle at their meeting in Johannesburg, but the peacemaker resisted provocation and said he was "too old to express an opinion on the latest trends among young people."

The same interview became the subject of discord in the family, but Victoria was worried in vain - according to the father of the family, “the essence of any marriage is always hard work.”

The couple started dating in 1997, and Brooklyn, the oldest of their children, is already 19 years old. Since they married in Ireland in 1999, the Beckhams have fought off rumors of an impending divorce.

Posh Spice's ex in all her interviews throughout many years continues to state that she and her husband rarely spend time in each other’s company, but this only makes their meetings brighter. In an interview with Vogue magazine two years ago, when asked which living or deceased person she would like to have dinner with, she answered: “With my husband.”

It's not just journalists who have to convince them that everything is fine - in September 2018, the 44-year-old designer said that during a family vacation in the south of France, she and David had to talk to their 7-year-old daughter Harper and three teenage sons to convince them that mom and dad are not going to get a divorce.

That interview was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Victoria Beckham brand, but the star wanted to focus on false rumors about the difficult situation in her family. In September, family friends confirmed to The Sun that David and Victoria are always “crystal honest” with their children. “Rumors about the state of their marriage and ridiculous statements about David are painful, and, of course, very harmful to the children,” a source close to the couple commented.

The spouses pointedly mock all the gossips who, several times a year, speculate on the imminent end of the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples show business, in their house they take it much more seriously.

At the Women's Summit in June, the 44-year-old Victoria Beckham found time to once again brag about your husband: “I have the support of an amazing husband. We are truly equal in everything we do at home with the kids. When I'm away, he drops off and picks up the kids from school and cooks."

The need for this statement arose after the contents were made public email, which revealed that David had cheated on Victoria with schoolteacher Harper, and now the woman was pregnant. However, these false accusations quickly came to an end - immediately after the angry father of the unborn child showed up.

The football player’s family has not officially announced the addition, but Victoria and David are already being congratulated on the sidelines

British media reported Victoria Beckham's pregnancy. Allegedly, the star of the pop group Spice Girls is preparing for the birth of her fifth baby. If this is true, then David Beckham's wife is once again a mother at 45.

On this occasion, we decided to remember which other celebrities were not afraid to give birth after 40 years, despite the warnings of doctors.

Evelina Bledans plans to give birth at 50

Who will be braver than Beckham! Russian actress At 49 years old, she underwent the IVF procedure and is expecting a baby. Evelina hopes that a girl will be born, because she has dreamed of a daughter all her life.

Halle Berry gave birth at 47

The first black actress in cinema history to win an Oscar, she has done everything. Halle Berry became a mother twice after 40. She gave birth to a daughter at 41, and a son at 47.

Lera Kudryavtseva followed in the footsteps of Halle Berry

The star TV presenter gave birth to her second child at a respectable age - at 47 years old! The baby was born healthy, and Kudryavtseva returned to work literally two weeks later. And everyone is happy.

Monica Bellucci became a mother twice after 40

One of the most beautiful actresses in Italy first built a career and then a family. Monica was married to her second husband, Vincent Cassel, for five years before giving birth to a daughter. Then Bellucci was already 40. Five years later, she became a mother for the second time.

Salma Hayek was not afraid to give birth at 41

The star of From Dusk Till Dawn, Bandits, Spy Kids and other box-office films did not have children until she was 40 years old. Then Salma decided to become a mother and, at 41, gave birth to a daughter in a clinic in Los Angeles.

Svetlana Permyakova became a mother for the first time at 40

In an interview, she admitted that she had an abortion twice, so when she became pregnant for the third time, she decided to give birth at all costs! Although at that time Permyakova was starring in the top-rated TV series “Interns” and she really didn’t want to quit her job. In the end, she coped with everything and at the age of 40 became a mother for the first time. Hooray!

It has become known that a joyful event will soon happen in the family of David and Victoria Beckham - they are expecting a new addition and Victoria is preparing to give her husband a fifth child!

And the baby is due in March next year, as the happy parents informed their loved ones, gathering them at a common table and opening a bottle of champagne.

According to a person close to star couple, they are both very happy and consider this event God's blessing. Moreover, both David and Victoria dream of having a girl.

It's no secret that lately their relationship could not be called ideal, there were even rumors about their imminent separation, but, apparently, God gave them another chance, and this is the best thing that could happen to them.

“Whenever they have problems, their family gets bigger. This is a proven method that has worked for them for many years,” says a family friend frankly. “When Victoria is pregnant, they are the happiest and most in love with each other. David adores his pregnant wife, and she beams with happiness when her husband is gentle and careful with her.”

It is worth recalling that the couple already has four children. Parents were a little worried about how they would react to the arrival of a new family member. And they were not worried in vain, because the children’s reactions were very different.

The eldest son, 19-year-old Brooklyn, was shocked, 16-year-old Romeo and 13-year-old Cruz were very happy, and 7-year-old Harper was simply happy, but a little embarrassed.

The couple have already come up with a name for the girl they dream of - Caroline, which is Victoria's middle name, and David would be happy to name the baby after his beloved wife and thus pay tribute to her.

The news that the wife of ex-footballer David Beckham is actively planning a fifth pregnancy is reported by DailyMail, citing a chatty (what to do with these women) friend of Tana Ramsay, the wife of the famous British chef and showman Gorodon Ramsay. 41-year-old Tana – close friend Victoria, is now pregnant with her fifth baby. Their common friend with Victoria, 41-year-old Jules Oliver, the wife of restaurateur and chef Jamie Oliver, is also pregnant for the fifth time. In such an environment, it is not difficult to “get infected” with the idea of ​​“jumping into the last carriage” and, while health and feminine nature allow, to have another baby.

As a friend of Tana Ramsay said, Victoria has taken her nutrition seriously, adjusted her diet and is leaning on foods that increase fertility, primarily spinach, broccoli, and fresh lettuce rich in folic acid.

Victoria and David Beckham on Vicky's birthday, April 2016

Back in 2012, 7 months after the birth of her daughter Harper, Victoria Beckham gave an interview to one of the British glossy magazines: “I love being a mother and my children are the most important thing to me. And, to be honest, I'm not against having a fifth child. I am happy that I have my children, and I would love to give birth to another one.” But then Vicki clarified that first she would like Harper to grow up, so as not to “miss something important” in her development. And now, Harper has already entered her fifth year, and Victoria celebrated her 42nd birthday in April. So, if you are thinking about having a fifth baby, now is the time.

The Beckham family in full at the show in 2015

At the beginning of 2016, the media began to actively discuss the division of the Beckham family business, which many perceived as a sign that the relationship between Victoria and David was in crisis. Then rumors spread that David was insisting on a fifth child, and that Victoria was ready for this to save their marriage. Whether this is true or, as often happens, a figment of the rich imagination of journalists, we will never know. However, this time the source of information about Victoria Beckham’s planning for her fifth pregnancy turned out to be solid enough that even such a portal as the Daily Mail allowed itself to publish this news.

A week ago, Victoria and David were guests at the wedding of Vika’s friend Eva Longria, and after the celebration they spent a romantic weekend in Mexico City, in a bungalow on the seashore. Following this trip, a photo appeared on Victoria’s Instagram - she and her husband, hugging, admiring the sunset, which Vicky signed, addressing a message to her husband: “Full of love in Mexico X feeling blessed, I love u baby @davidbeckham.” So, anything can happen...
