What is the infinitive form of a verb. What questions are answered by the infinitive form of the verb: rule

When it comes to the form of a verb, we say: “Build the verb in the 2nd person form plural future tense.” Based on this, we can say that the form of the verb is person + number + tense. By building your answer using this formula, you will never miss anything. Now let's move on to defining all three terms.

Person and number to determine verb form

The person is the one who performs the action. To determine it, we ask a question to the verb Who? or What? If the answer is:

  • I/we is a 1st person verb, it refers directly to the speaker or the group of people in which he is a member. For example: I cook, we build;
  • you/you – this is a 2nd person verb, it refers to the one/those with whom we are talking. For example: you are lying, you are walking,
  • he/she/it/they – then this is a 3rd person verb, it refers to someone else (not the speaker or the interlocutor). For example: he runs, she drinks, they are friends.

Time to determine the form of the verb

Determining the time is very simple: it is done almost intuitively:

  • In present tense verbs, the action happens now, this minute. Even if the time is not specified in the sentence, it can be understood independently. For example: I sculpt (When?) now they are building (When?) Today,
  • in past tense verbs the action takes place in the past: yesterday, a week ago, etc. For example: painted (When?) yesterday,
  • in future tense verbs the action will only happen in an hour, tomorrow, etc. For example: I will learn (When?) Tomorrow.


Verbs in the indefinite form do not have gender, person or number, but they do have an aspect. Such verbs end in -t, -t or -ch. Their type is determined by asking:

  • what to do?, then it is of an imperfect form. For example: (what to do?) read ;
  • if a verb is followed by a question what to do?, then he looks perfect. For example: (what to do?) read.

Other verbs also have aspect, but this is not indicated when determining their form. It is worth noting that perfective verbs do not have a present tense, because it is implied that the action was either completed in the past or will be completed in the future.

Determining the form of a verb is easy, since everything is done almost intuitively, the main thing is to remember the algorithm: person + number + tense.

Lesson topic: “Indefinite form of verbs.”

It is called indefinite because it cannot be used to determine either time, number, person, or gender of the verb.

Listen to the poem, find the verbs.

It’s so good, friends, to walk

Along the trail with a backpack.

It’s wonderful to jump across the field

On horseback.

It's also nice to take the express -

Will flash in the window there is a meadow and a forest.

Slide not bad on the waves

On a sea ship.

But it's better to race in the skies

On a steel liner. (I. Kholin)

Walk, jump (what to do?),

sit down (what to do?),

slide (what to do), rush (what to do?).

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender are determined for it.

Verb will flash(what will he do?) is used in the future tense, singular, 3rd person. You will learn to determine the faces of verbs in 4th grade.

Find out the fairy tales of Pushkin, from which excerpts were taken, and find verbs in them that are in the indefinite form. How can you tell them apart?

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do?

The mirror had the following properties:

It can speak well...

“You, queen, are the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter."

And the queen laughs

And shrug your shoulders

And wink your eyes,

And click your fingers...

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

Verbs in the indefinite form:

what to do?






Tsar Dadon wanted in his old age

Take a break from military affairs

And give yourself some peace.

The neighbors are disturbing here

Steel the old king,

Doing terrible harm to him.

So that the ends of your possessions

Protect from attacks

He should have contained

Numerous army.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."

what to do?



what to do?



If you want, remember.

Verbs that answer the question what to do? are imperfective verbs. Verbs that answer the question what to do? are perfective verbs.

Verbs that answer the questions what to do? and what to do?, are considered in different words , even if they are the same root. They differ from each other in some parts of the base and therefore differ in meaning.

What to do?




What to do?

for laughing


before talking

laugh - laugh out loud

The words are distinguished by the prefix za- (the prefix za- means “to begin an action”).

shake(root press -) - shake(root zha-)

The verb to shake names an action that is performed often (repeatedly), the verb to shake names an action that is performed once (one time).

talk - finish

The words are distinguished by the prefix do - (the prefix do- has the meaning “to complete the action”).

In order not to switch from one verb to another, you need to follow the prefix in the question.

1. Put a question to the form of the verb and find out whether the question contains the prefix C - or not.

2. Ask an indefinite question with or without the prefix C-.

3. Name the indefinite form of the desired verb.

The indefinite form of the verb most often ends in -т or -ти(go, go out, find, carry, crawl). Scientists have not yet agreed on what to call this part of the word. Some consider it an ending, while others consider it a suffix.

Sometimes the indefinite form of the verb ends in -ch, but these letters are part of the root:

guard - guard(root guard-, guard-), I'll lie down - lie down(root lie-, lie-).

In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь. It is also written after the letter h (-ch) - this is a spelling for the rule: ь in the indefinite form of the verb.

Let's determine the tense of verbs and find the indefinite form.

leaked- what did you do?, last century, what to do?, leak(root flow-flow)

I cut my hair- what am I doing?, now, what to do?, cut(root shear-cut)

I'll save save(root shore - take care)

I'll carry you away- what will I do?, bud.v., what to do?, captivate(root attract-attract)

The vowel letters in the indefinite form of verbs before -т are most often suffixes. They can be different: -a, -e, -i, -i, -o.

If they are unstressed, then there is always an orthogram in their place. Determine these suffix letters by the rule is not allowed, they can only be learned from the dictionary and remembered.

Suffix -a: hear, swim, jump, listen

Suffix -e: see, offend, depend

Suffix -i: build, iron, cook, glue, put, construct

Suffix -ya: bark, melt, winnow, sow

Let's find the verb in the indefinite form.

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass,

In the noise of the oak forests,

You just need to listen.(V. Semernin)

What does it do?, sings, sighs, lives- verbs in the present tense.

What to do?, listen - verb in an infinitive form.

Verbs often contain a special suffix -sya or -sya. It is special because it is located after -ТН. To distinguish it from other suffixes, scientists gave it their own name - postfix (“attached after”).

Form infinitive verbs using these suffixes and prefixes.

Prefixes VZ-, PO-, PRI-, OT-.

Roots -DREAM-, -COUGH-, -DANCE-.

Suffixes -IVA-, -NU-, -YVA-, -A-, -I-, -SYA.

Vz doze - prefix vz-, suffix -nu-,

doze - prefix po-, suffix -a,

po cough - prefix po-, suffix -ya-,

for cough - prefix from-, suffix -я-,

to dance - prefix po-, suffix -a-,

when dancing - prefix pri-, suffix -yva-,

from dancing - prefix from-, suffix -yva-.

Who eats what?

A fly can only suck up liquid food with its proboscis. Some butterflies have incisor-like teeth at the end of their proboscis, which they can use to gnaw through the peels of fruits and drink their juice! Eight flexible tentacles with suction cups help the octopus to grab and hold any prey very tightly. Long neck The giraffe is able to reach tree shoots. A snail living in a shell is capable of cutting and grinding food with its tongue. The spider can produce sticky silk for its web to catch insects. There are webs with lids, then the prey cannot escape from it.

Can (what to do?) suck in,

can (what to do?) chew and drink,

help (what to do?) to grab and hold,

able (what to do?) to get,

capable of (what to do?) cut and grind,

can (what to do?) produce,

should (what to do?) get caught,

what to do? don't slip away.

During the holidays.

It’s good early in the summer….and…to the lake. Nice...in the sun,...in clear water, ...in the forest there are mushrooms, berries, ....birds singing. Interesting...the behavior of insects,...playing football with friends. Useful...in the garden and vegetable garden,...for housekeepers.

During the holidays.

It’s good in the summer to get up early (what to do?) and (what to do?) go to the lake. It’s nice (what to do?) sunbathe in the sun, (what to do?) swim in clear water, (what to do?) pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, (what to do?) listen to birdsong. It’s interesting (what to do?) to observe the behavior of insects, (what to do?) to play football with friends. It is useful (what to do?) to work in the garden and vegetable garden, (what to do?) to help elders with housework.

How to cook pancakes.

You (take) half a liter of kefir, (add) a little salt, sugar and soda, (beat) one egg and (pour) into this mass, (add) flour and (mix) everything. We can (bake).

Let's put the verbs in the indefinite form.

let's take - what will we do?, what to do?, take

let's add - what will we do?, what will we do?, add

let's beat - what will we do?, what to do?, beat

pour out - what will we do?, what to do?, pour out

add - what do we do?, what do we do?, add

mix - what do we do?, what do we do?, mix

baking - what are we doing?, what to do?, baking

How to cook pancakes.

You need to take half a liter of kefir, add a little salt, sugar and soda, beat one egg and pour it into this mass, add flour and mix everything. You can bake.

(What to do?) Dress or put on? These two words are often confused.

The verbs dress and put on are similar, but they have different meanings.

You can dress someone, but you can only put something on yourself.

Therefore it is correct to say this:

put on (something)






dress (someone)






In the lesson, you learned that verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender are determined for it.

The infinitive form of the verb most often ends in -т or -ти, sometimes in -ч. In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in Russian. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Cdo.omrc.ru ().
  3. Oldskola1.narod.ru ().
  • Read the poem. What part of speech is “main” in it? Indicate in what form the words of this part of speech are used? Emphasize the sign of this form.

Don't stop me from dreaming!

I wish I could get a bag of sweets,

Unwrap, chew, suck,

Slurp, smack, gobble up,

For a long, long time not to swallow,

Enjoy, savor.

  • Put questions to these verbs. Form an indefinite form from them and emphasize the sign of the initial form.

Carrying, running, whistling, carrying, cutting, looking for, drawing.

  • Write out the verbs in the indefinite form from the poem in two columns.

What to do? What to do?

There is no need to pester your mother...

No need to beg your sister...

No need to call

No need to wait

Indefinite verbs are used in dictionaries. What is an infinitive? Features are as follows:

  1. Verbs in the infinitive form answer the questions “what to do?” and “what to do?”
  2. Endowed with grammatical features of the form (perfect or imperfect).
  3. It can be returnable or non-refundable.
  4. Saved.
  5. When forming, suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb are used -т, -ти, -ч. For some verbs it is -st, -sti.

Important! Any verbal word form can be put into initial form using the question “what to do?” or “what should I do?”

Such word forms are called indefinite because it is impossible to determine their basic grammatical features: tense, person, mood, gender and number, which is how they differ from the rest.

Infinitive form of the verb: signs

Signs of the infinitive form of the verb

The main features are the endings of verbs in -ti, -t and -ch. The questions “what to do?” will help determine this. and “what to do?”

Examples of education

The infinitive ends with the suffix -ti if it is preceded by a consonant: come, crawl, shake. The suffix –т is used after vowels: write, fly, shoot, pull.

In some words ending in -ch, there is no ending in the initial form, and -ch is included in the structure of the root. For example, attract, bake, preserve, grind.

How to use the infinitive form of a verb

The infinitive is necessary to form other verb forms and check spelling.

Often the endings of verbs in personal word forms are unstressed, which raises doubts about their writing. To check your spelling, you need to know how to put a verb into the indefinite form.

For example:

  • You are building - What to do? build. This means that the correct ending is -ish.
  • Gluing, gluing - What to do? glue. Correct spelling-it and -il.
  • I hated it - What should I do? hate. Correctly write the vowel -e.

An unstressed suffix in an infinitive indicates its writing in the past tense, in the adverbial and participial form.

Gluing - gluing - gluing - gluing - gluing.

What is a reflexive or non-reflexive verb?

Sometimes after the word-forming suffix –ть, -ти, -ч, an additional postfix – ся or –сь is used. For example, pray, take care, ask, take shelter.

Postfix allows you to determine returnable and non-returnable forms.

The rule explains that word forms with -sya (-s) are considered reflexive and mean the action of someone or something directed towards oneself, contact or the position of an object. For example, capsize, deteriorate, equip, make your way.

Irreflexive infinitives express an action towards someone or something. For example, reeling, eavesdropping, stroking.

Reflexive verb

Signs of transitive and intransitive infinitive

Transitivity in an indefinite form allows us to identify an additional word indicating an object or phenomenon involved in the action.

The following is used as an additional word:

  • Noun or pronoun used in accusative case and without an excuse. For example, putting on a coat, preparing lunch.
  • Noun (accusative or genitive), expressing an attitude or share of something and used without a preposition. For example, pouring tea, waiting for guests.
  • A negative expression with an infinitive uses a genitive noun or pronoun. For example, not to have a chance, not to hurt her.

Additional words give meaning to the infinitive, and without them the essence of what is happening is lost. Some part of the action is transferred to objects or circumstances, they acquire a clear meaning.

In an intransitive infinitive, the action denotes one word.

Perfect and imperfect types

Verb words are classified into perfect and imperfect.

Imperfects characterize an action that lasts without a specific time reference. These actions can be called eternal; there is no indication of their completeness or incompleteness. The question “What to do?” comes to them.

  • I'm going on a trip.
  • The street lights began to go out.

Perfect infinitives indicate completed action or something that will definitely happen. The result can already be observed or is still expected. The question “What to do?” is used.

  • After opening the can, the contents must be transferred.
  • Have you received instructions on what to report?

Known a small part of ambiguous infinitives. They are used in both forms in one word form. They are defined by meaning. A standard question can be asked about dual verbs in the infinitive.

  • The entire area should be cleaned tomorrow. - “What should I do?”
  • Remove trash from your desk and room. - "What to do?".
  • You need to explore the city. - "What to do?".
  • They were to explore the city at dawn. - “What should I do?”

Perfect and imperfect view

Lesson topic: “Indefinite form of verbs.”

It is called indefinite because it cannot be used to determine either time, number, person, or gender of the verb.

Listen to the poem, find the verbs.

It’s so good, friends, to walk

Along the trail with a backpack.

It’s wonderful to jump across the field

On horseback.

It's also nice to take the express -

Will flash in the window there is a meadow and a forest.

Slide not bad on the waves

On a sea ship.

But it's better to race in the skies

On a steel liner. (I. Kholin)

Walk, jump (what to do?),

sit down (what to do?),

slide (what to do), rush (what to do?).

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender are determined for it.

Verb will flash(what will he do?) is used in the form of the future tense, singular, 3rd person. You will learn to determine the faces of verbs in 4th grade.

Find out the fairy tales of Pushkin, from which excerpts were taken, and find verbs in them that are in the indefinite form. How can you tell them apart?

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do?

The mirror had the following properties:

It can speak well...

“You, queen, are the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter."

And the queen laughs

And shrug your shoulders

And wink your eyes,

And click your fingers...

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

Verbs in the indefinite form:

what to do?






Tsar Dadon wanted in his old age

Take a break from military affairs

And give yourself some peace.

The neighbors are disturbing here

Steel the old king,

Doing terrible harm to him.

So that the ends of your possessions

Protect from attacks

He should have contained

Numerous army.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."

what to do?



what to do?



If you want, remember.

Verbs that answer the question what to do? are imperfective verbs. Verbs that answer the question what to do? are perfective verbs.

Verbs that answer the questions what to do? and what to do?, are considered in different words, even if they are the same root. They differ from each other in some parts of the base and therefore differ in meaning.

What to do?




What to do?

for laughing


before talking

laugh - laugh out loud

The words are distinguished by the prefix za- (the prefix za- means “to begin an action”).

shake(root press -) - shake(root zha-)

The verb to shake names an action that is performed often (repeatedly), the verb to shake names an action that is performed once (one time).

talk - finish

The words are distinguished by the prefix do - (the prefix do- has the meaning “to complete the action”).

In order not to switch from one verb to another, you need to follow the prefix in the question.

1. Put a question to the form of the verb and find out whether the question contains the prefix C - or not.

2. Ask an indefinite question with or without the prefix C-.

3. Name the indefinite form of the desired verb.

The indefinite form of the verb most often ends in -т or -ти(go, go out, find, carry, crawl). Scientists have not yet agreed on what to call this part of the word. Some consider it an ending, while others consider it a suffix.

Sometimes the indefinite form of the verb ends in -ch, but these letters are part of the root:

guard - guard(root guard-, guard-), I'll lie down - lie down(root lie-, lie-).

In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь. It is also written after the letter h (-ch) - this is a spelling for the rule: ь in the indefinite form of the verb.

Let's determine the tense of verbs and find the indefinite form.

leaked- what did you do?, last century, what to do?, leak(root flow-flow)

I cut my hair- what am I doing?, now, what to do?, cut(root shear-cut)

I'll save save(root shore - take care)

I'll carry you away- what will I do?, bud.v., what to do?, captivate(root attract-attract)

The vowel letters in the indefinite form of verbs before -т are most often suffixes. They can be different: -a, -e, -i, -i, -o.

If they are unstressed, then there is always an orthogram in their place. These suffix letters cannot be determined by rule, they can only be learned from the dictionary and remembered.

Suffix -a: hear, swim, jump, listen

Suffix -e: see, offend, depend

Suffix -i: build, iron, cook, glue, put, construct

Suffix -ya: bark, melt, winnow, sow

Let's find the verb in the indefinite form.

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass,

In the noise of the oak forests,

You just need to listen.(V. Semernin)

What does it do?, sings, sighs, lives- verbs in the present tense.

What to do?, listen - verb in an infinitive form.

Verbs often contain a special suffix -sya or -sya. It is special because it is located after -ТН. To distinguish it from other suffixes, scientists gave it their own name - postfix (“attached after”).

Form infinitive verbs using these suffixes and prefixes.

Prefixes VZ-, PO-, PRI-, OT-.

Roots -DREAM-, -COUGH-, -DANCE-.

Suffixes -IVA-, -NU-, -YVA-, -A-, -I-, -SYA.

Vz doze - prefix vz-, suffix -nu-,

doze - prefix po-, suffix -a,

po cough - prefix po-, suffix -ya-,

for cough - prefix from-, suffix -я-,

to dance - prefix po-, suffix -a-,

when dancing - prefix pri-, suffix -yva-,

from dancing - prefix from-, suffix -yva-.

Who eats what?

A fly can only suck up liquid food with its proboscis. Some butterflies have incisor-like teeth at the end of their proboscis, which they can use to gnaw through the peels of fruits and drink their juice! Eight flexible tentacles with suction cups help the octopus to grab and hold any prey very tightly. With its long neck, the giraffe is able to reach tree shoots. A snail living in a shell is capable of cutting and grinding food with its tongue. The spider can produce sticky silk for its web to catch insects. There are webs with lids, then the prey cannot escape from it.

Can (what to do?) suck in,

can (what to do?) chew and drink,

help (what to do?) to grab and hold,

able (what to do?) to get,

capable of (what to do?) cut and grind,

can (what to do?) produce,

should (what to do?) get caught,

what to do? don't slip away.

During the holidays.

It’s good early in the summer….and…to the lake. It’s nice...in the sun,...in clear water,...mushrooms, berries in the forest,...birds singing. Interesting...the behavior of insects,...playing football with friends. Useful...in the garden and vegetable garden,...for housekeepers.

During the holidays.

It’s good in the summer to get up early (what to do?) and (what to do?) go to the lake. It’s nice (what to do?) sunbathe in the sun, (what to do?) swim in clear water, (what to do?) pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, (what to do?) listen to birdsong. It’s interesting (what to do?) to observe the behavior of insects, (what to do?) to play football with friends. It is useful (what to do?) to work in the garden and vegetable garden, (what to do?) to help elders with housework.

How to cook pancakes.

You (take) half a liter of kefir, (add) a little salt, sugar and soda, (beat) one egg and (pour) into this mass, (add) flour and (mix) everything. We can (bake).

Let's put the verbs in the indefinite form.

let's take - what will we do?, what to do?, take

let's add - what will we do?, what will we do?, add

let's beat - what will we do?, what to do?, beat

pour out - what will we do?, what to do?, pour out

add - what do we do?, what do we do?, add

mix - what do we do?, what do we do?, mix

baking - what are we doing?, what to do?, baking

How to cook pancakes.

You need to take half a liter of kefir, add a little salt, sugar and soda, beat one egg and pour it into this mass, add flour and mix everything. You can bake.

(What to do?) Dress or put on? These two words are often confused.

The verbs dress and put on are similar, but they have different meanings.

You can dress someone, but you can only put something on yourself.

Therefore it is correct to say this:

put on (something)






dress (someone)






In the lesson, you learned that verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender are determined for it.

The infinitive form of the verb most often ends in -т or -ти, sometimes in -ч. In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Cdo.omrc.ru ().
  3. Oldskola1.narod.ru ().
  • Read the poem. What part of speech is “main” in it? Indicate in what form the words of this part of speech are used? Emphasize the sign of this form.

Don't stop me from dreaming!

I wish I could get a bag of sweets,

Unwrap, chew, suck,

Slurp, smack, gobble up,

For a long, long time not to swallow,

Enjoy, savor.

  • Put questions to these verbs. Form an indefinite form from them and emphasize the sign of the initial form.

Carrying, running, whistling, carrying, cutting, looking for, drawing.

  • Write out the verbs in the indefinite form from the poem in two columns.

What to do? What to do?

There is no need to pester your mother...

No need to beg your sister...

No need to call

No need to wait

Uncertain or initial form verb (and strictly in the language of science - it is called an infinitive), linguists call its form, which strictly denotes the action itself, regardless of such grammatical categories as person and number, and answers the question “what to do?” The word “do” itself is an example of an infinitive, or indefinite form of a verb.

This answers the question, what is the peculiarity of the indefinite form of the verb.

In Russian schools, the topic of the infinitive is usually discussed in the middle classes.

Formal features of the infinitive

In Russian, the signs of the infinitive are the suffixes “t” or “ti”: go, run, stand, crawl, find, determine, etc. After vowels, “t” is used, after consonants - “ti”: run, but go.

It also matters that the infinitive always answers one question - what to do?

The group of verbs that ends with “whose” stands out: lie down, bake, take care, burn, etc. Initially in Old Russian language they also had the suffix “ti” at the end after “g”: lay down, bake, take care, burn. This archaic form has been preserved to this day in others closest to Russian Slavic languages- Ukrainian and Belarusian. In Russian, “gti” gradually transformed into “ch”.

In English, the indicator of an indefinite form is the particle to used before the verb: to go, to love, to run, etc. formal signs the infinitive exists in every language, but it is not possible, and it does not make sense, to consider them all within one publication. Everyone who has studied English knows this, and it doesn’t matter whether it was taught in the first grade or in higher grades.

In the Russian language, a verb in an indefinite form is characterized by such constant features as transitivity, reflexivity, and type of conjugation. All this is also studied in middle school, which can be easily remembered.

The indefinite form usually determines the conjugation of those verbs whose endings in other forms are unstressed. We have all heard about this more than once in school Russian lessons.

Features of the syntactic role of the infinitive

If various options conjugated forms of the verb in a sentence most of all gravitate to the role of the predicate, and other cases of their use are rather an exception to the rule, then the infinitive can be used as any member of the sentence: subject, object, determiner.

In a sentence it is usually used together with a predicate, in the role of which a noun, adverb, indefinite form of another verb or full adjective in the instrumental case with a linking verb.

Look to have a positive outlook on the world is an important skill.

Believe the deceiver is stupid (option: no sense).

Save- this means making money.

Come in the area has become unsafe in the evenings.

Don't make mistakes- means doing nothing.


There are two cases of using the infinitive form of a verb as a predicate:

  1. As part of a compound predicate of a two-part sentence.
  2. In a one-part impersonal sentence.

Examples of two-part sentences:

  • I have to do this.
  • I really want you help.
  • The worker has finished grind detail.
  • He dreams go abroad.
  • He continued intensely work on the project.
  • The new employee soon adapted to the team and stopped ask unnecessary questions.

Examples of impersonal one-part sentences:

  • Well, why not? love this city!
  • Impossible pass!
  • How could we meet.


How inconsistent definition An infinitive verb is used when explaining a noun.

We often tend to strive (for what?) hug immense.

Usually in such cases the infinitive form of the verb is combined with abstract nouns expressing desire, desire, intention, habit, inclination, ability, readiness, etc.


Usually in this role the indefinite form appears with a verb of movement or other action and explains why this action was taken. Between the predicate and such a circumstance, the goals can be put “so that.”

For example:

  • I went to drink some water.
  • The major went out to check the posts.
  • They came to Sochi to relax by the sea.


The infinitive acts as a complement when it refers to the subject to whom the action expressed by the predicate is directed. So, in the sentence “I want to help you” it is part of a compound verbal predicate. But if we say “I asked a colleague to help me,” “help” already acts as an addition. This nuance must be taken into account in order to determine the role of the infinitive in such sentences.

Here are a few more examples in which the indefinite form acts as an object:

  • We asked a friend meet us at the station.
  • The authorities persuaded him take vacation later.
  • The boss asked me come in to him as soon as I show up at work.

Stylistic nuances of using the infinitive form of the verb

Verbs in the indefinite form are often used in official instructions, orders, written and oral orders. Speeches addressed by officers to soldiers are especially often full of them.

The infinitive conveys an indication of the rigidity of a particular order or requirement and the strictness of its observance. For example: “Provide results no later than July 20.” Sounds even stricter than the form imperative mood- “provide.” Although the imperative itself, especially if it is not accompanied by the word “please,” carries a considerable similar load.

It is not surprising why their use is so popular in the army, where great importance is attached to discipline, diligence and subordination, and in civilian structures with a rigid management vertical, for example, government agencies.

And various prohibitions, formalized as a combination of the infinitive and the particle “not,” have the same function: do not smoke, do not litter, etc.

After all this, it’s unlikely that you have any doubts about what an indefinite form of a verb is.