Barley in a slow cooker recipe without soaking. Pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker recipes without soaking

Barley is a grain that has been used by humans for food for a very long time. Although not everyone likes porridge made from it, it has great benefits for the body. Today, most often it is a raw material for the production of beer, but there are many unique recipes on how to make delicious porridge without soaking.


There are so many dishes you can make with barley. The grain has a special nutritional value and is high in vitamins. In addition, it is an excellent source of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates. It can be used in casseroles, salads, soups, stews and even desserts. But it's also important to note that barley has no cholesterol and is low in fat.

The grain comes in many forms, but one of the most commonly used is pearl barley, when the outer hull has been removed. There is pearl barley, which cooks quickly, as well as regular barley.

How to cook?

The recipes described below will help any housewife quickly and effortlessly prepare delicious pearl barley porridge. The method of cooking in a slow cooker without soaking is especially popular.

No added meat

If you don’t want to soak the cereal for a long time, you can cook it right away. To do this you will need 115 grams of pearl barley and 545 grams of water. In the end, the grain will be denser in structure than if it had first been placed in water for several hours.

The multicooker helps you prepare delicious and healthy dish quickly, since all the moisture remains inside, and the cereal absorbs it in the required quantity. When the equipment notifies that the time is up, open the lid, add salt and, if desired, butter.

Before you start cooking the porridge, the cereal should be rinsed well under running water to remove dirt from its surface. If you do not follow the proportion specified in the recipe, it is worth remembering that in any case there are five parts of liquid for one part of barley.

With meat

With the advent of a multicooker in the kitchen, the work of housewives has become easier. This small technique saves time and effort, and the food it produces tastes better.

For a small container to get a couple of servings, 125 grams of cereal and 255 water are enough. It is best to use the stewing and cooking pilaf mode if there is no special one for porridges. Do not open the lid until it is completely ready. Oil and salt are added after the program is completed.

Before adding to the cereal, the meat is fried with onions and carrots, but not cooked until cooked. You should not take chicken, as it boils too much in 45 minutes; beef or lamb is ideal.

It is worth saying that the multicooker copes with the task perfectly. The porridge turns out to be loose, well-cooked, and the meat is tender and tasty. This cooking speed cannot be achieved with gas.

With added vegetables

A good option for cooking pearl barley in a slow cooker with vegetables. The main thing is to correctly calculate the proportion of cereal and liquid and set a regime in which the vegetables do not boil over. You can add beans inside, since they cook for almost the same amount of time as cereals and carrots. You can add the greens and onions after the dish is ready, cover with a lid and wait until it sits.

Soaked cereal cooks faster and this fact cannot be disputed. She doesn't lose hers useful properties, but when you don’t have time, you can cook good porridge without preliminary preparation. Every housewife can prepare any dish step by step according to the specified recipe.

To learn how to cook pearl barley pilaf in a slow cooker, watch the following video.

The example of pearl barley porridge especially shows how a multicooker simplifies the life of housewives. Barley in a slow cooker is faster and easier than on the stove.

Barley in a slow cooker

A multicooker is not just an assistant in preparing dishes and minimizing dirty dishes, but also easy way please yourself and other family members with a delicious dish.

Only for this you don’t need to stand near the stove, but just prepare everything correctly and start the desired cooking program.

Cooking pearl barley in the Redmond multicooker is a pleasure.

By the way, did you know that pearl barley is a grain made from barley? Pearl barley is obtained from whole barley grain, after the first processing and removal of the skin and bran part. Last years pearl barley was considered an unpopular and unprestigious cereal because it was used in the army, prisons, etc.

However, it is useful! Porridge contains protein, vitamins A, E, D and group B, as well as some minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, even iodine). And also an essential amino acid for humans - lysine (for example, it protects against influenza viruses).

Since pearl barley porridge is rich in various useful microelements and serves as a charge for the whole day! This easy preparation just another plus of this tasty and satisfying dish and a serious breakthrough in home cooking.

Pearl barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker

So, let's move on to our pearl barley porridge in the Redmond multicooker, with meat for satiety. In this recipe you need to soak the pearl barley in advance, so with the help of a slow cooker you can tame this capricious barley.

You will need:

  • Medium carrot and onion.
  • Pearl barley - 2 measuring cups.
  • Pork fillet – 200 gr.
  • Water – 4.5 measuring cups.
  • Salt.


Let's start the preparation itself, preparing pearl barley porridge in the Redmond multicooker.

1. First, rinse the pearl barley until the water is clear and pour it in for 15-20 minutes.

At this time, while our grains are absorbing water, we should prepare vegetables for further preparation of the dish.

Peel the onion and cut it finely, and the carrots should be peeled and grated on a coarse grater.

2. Let's start with the meat: rinse thoroughly under running water, completely remove veins and cut into small cubes.

Now we put the pork cubes into the bowl of our Redmond multicooker, having poured it in advance vegetable oil and set the “Frying” function - 7 minutes will be enough. Then we add vegetables there and, without changing the program, set the time period to 10 minutes.

3. Now pour out the cereal and pour in water. Add salt at your discretion. If you have a desire and you like spices, you can use spices. Lightly stir the contents and select the “Grain” mode. Cooking time will be 45 minutes.

Simple barley in a slow cooker

Yet classic recipe pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker also involves soaking the cereal.

  1. Wash and soak the pearl barley overnight, or for at least 3 hours. Take 2-3 times more water than cereal
  2. Drain the water, place the pearl barley in a multi-bowl, and pour clean water(2-3 cm more than cereal). Add salt and butter to taste.
  3. You can cook using the “Rice”, “Pilaf”, “Porridge” modes. Cooking time - hour.
  4. Grease with butter, mix and serve.

To make pearl barley tastier and more interesting, you can add vegetables to the porridge during the cooking stage, in this case - onion, carrots and tomatoes.


  • carrot, one piece
  • medium onion, one piece
  • small tomato, one piece
  • pearl barley, 1 cup
  • water 2 glasses
  • butter and salt to taste, a spoonful of vegetable oil

Prepare pearl barley with vegetables:

  1. Soak the pearl barley for 5-6 hours, preferably overnight
  2. Carrots, onions, tomatoes - cut; add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the multicooker bowl, add vegetables
  3. There, in the bowl we send the pearl barley
  4. Fill with clean water and set to “Stew” or “Porridge” mode for an hour.
  5. Remove, add butter, mix. Ready!

Bon appetit!

Pearl barley is one of the most wonderful cereals, affordable for any consumer. Due to its properties, porridge prepared from it represents hearty lunch and a whole range useful vitamins. In this case, it takes about 40-90 minutes to cook pearl barley, depending on its age, but in a pressure cooker the process is faster.

Below we will try to describe in as much detail as possible a recipe that will help you figure out how to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker and in the photo we will show the cooking process itself. To find out how much and what to add, first of all, you need to decide on the final volume and the basis for the future porridge. To cook pearl barley yourself simple recipe, the list of required components is as follows:



1. Pearl barley is sorted, cleaned of possible debris and thoroughly washed under the tap. cold water. After this, soak for an hour or two. If time permits and you don’t need to cook in a hurry, it would be a good idea to leave the cereal overnight - this will only make the porridge tastier. If there is no time for this and you need to prepare dinner urgently, after washing it is permissible to immediately place the cereal in a multi-cooker bowl (as in this recipe) and pour boiling water over it and leave for ten minutes.

2. Drain the water from the soaked cereal and transfer the barley into the multicooker bowl, then fill it with water/milk in a ratio of approximately two to one (two glasses of liquid per glass of cereal). To prevent the porridge from running away, it is advisable to take into account the volume of the multicooker and not bring the mass to the extreme.

You can first grease the pressure cooker bowl with oil, or simply add it to the already poured cereal. We set the multicooker mode to the code “porridge” (“buckwheat”), in this case the program will automatically set the cooking timer, so you don’t have to wonder how long you need to cook it. 3. Having established the desired mode, we patiently wait for its completion and the corresponding signal. Afterwards, open the pressure cooker, stir the porridge and add salt (sugar, if the barley is made with milk) and butter to taste. Then you can leave the pearl barley in the multicooker to heat it up, or you can serve it immediately if necessary.

Video recipe

Here is the simplest recipe that allows you to understand how to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker. As you can see, to prepare a tasty and healthy dish, no complicated manipulations or unnecessary ingredients are required, but we get an excellent breakfast (lunch, dinner) with high nutritional value. If you want to meat dish then here is a recipe for pearl barley porridge with chicken in a slow cooker.

Pearl barley, made from barley, has always been known as a rich source of protein and carbohydrates. However, one can hardly call pearl barley a favorite on our table, because not only children, but also many adults do not like it. Several multicooker recipes, which we will discuss in this article, will help you make pearl barley not only healthy, but also tasty.

Recipe for pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker

This recipe is more of a base, telling you about the technique of preparing pearl barley using a slow cooker.


  • pearl barley – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • salt - to taste.


First of all, pearl barley must be washed and, if possible, soaked for a couple of hours. Place the washed cereal in a multicooker bowl and pour in two glasses. clean water, add salt to taste and a piece of butter.

Set the “Milk porridge” mode and cook the barley until the signal indicates readiness, mix and serve with your favorite gravy, vegetable salad or meat.

Based on the proportions of cereal and water 2:1, you get crumbly pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker, but if you like thick porridge, you can add another half glass of water and increase the cooking time.

Milk pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker

The recipe for pearl barley porridge has exceptional benefits. Such a side dish would be especially appropriate in dietary, children's and vegetarian menu. In addition, cooking with milk in a slow cooker will not be difficult.


  • pearl barley – 1 tbsp.;
  • milk – 2 tbsp.;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • butter.


We wash the pearl barley and soak it in cold water for 1-2 hours. After this, drain the water, rinse the pearl barley again and place it in the multicooker bowl. Add water, milk, sugar and salt there and mix well.

Cook the pearl barley porridge in the “Milk porridge” mode for one hour, then stir, close the lid again and continue cooking in the “Stew” mode for another hour.

Add butter to the finished pearl barley and let it brew. Seasonal fruits will be an excellent addition to such a sweet dish.

Recipe for pearl barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker

The classic recipe for making a side dish of barley is a recipe using meat. This hearty dish can be prepared at home or on the go.


  • beef – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • pearl barley – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 4 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • parsley – 6 sprigs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Cut the beef into small pieces and fry in a multicooker bowl in vegetable oil (“Baking” mode). Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion and add to the meat, fry for another 10 minutes.

We wash the pearl barley until it is clean and add it to the vegetables and meat. We also send spices and chopped parsley there. Fill the contents of the bowl with water and set the “Pilaf” mode. After the signal indicating the end of cooking, mix the porridge and serve.

You can prepare this dish yourself. For this we will need: meat (500 g), carrots, onions (1 piece each), butter (2 tablespoons), flour (2 tablespoons) and spices (salt, pepper, dried herbs). Simmer the meat with broth until half cooked, add chopped onions and carrots and continue simmering for another hour. Fry flour and butter in a frying pan, add half a liter cold water, let the mixture thicken and mix it with meat and vegetables. The universal meat gravy for pearl barley porridge (and more) is ready.

Pearl barley is one of the most affordable and healthy among its varieties. And porridge prepared from these grains is a hearty lunch, saturating the body with a whole arsenal of essential vitamins.

A little history

Back in the days Ancient Rus' pearl barley porridge was loved and respected. Not only was it consumed daily, but also festive table I rarely did without dishes prepared using these kernels.

No matter how surprising this fact is, pearl barley was then called royal cereal. And all because only the rich and socially influential castes could afford such a healthy delicacy.

But in our time, on the contrary, dishes from pearl barley are cooked extremely rarely. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that such a mess is associated with the time of service in the ranks of the state army.

Undoubtedly, many servicemen they knew complained that army cooks only indulged in other drugs on holidays, and even then not always. This state of affairs is very regrettable, because pearl barley is a storehouse of life-giving microelements and vitamins.

Such positive properties are bound to bring this cereal to a new popular level, especially in our era of prosperity of preservatives, GMOs, stabilizers and harmful food additives, which, naturally, only bring harm to the body.


Often such porridge is prepared by cooking on a regular gas stove. And the time required for this process depends on the age of the grains. Accordingly, the older the cereal, the more minutes the procedure will take, on average, approximately from half an hour to an hour and a half.

And with the development of scientific progress, preparing this dish has become even easier, because the multicooker can do everything itself, you just need to load the food into it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ingredients and see from your own experience that this porridge is incredibly delicious.

A simple recipe for pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker

  1. Before you start cooking, pearl barley must be sorted and separated from good grains from unsuitable grains and various debris. Next, rinse the kernels under cold running water and soak for several hours. If possible, it is better to leave it like this overnight. But if you don’t have that much time to wait, then you can do without soaking;
  2. It doesn’t hurt to lightly grease the multicooker bowl with oil, and the prepared pearl barley is sent there. Next are two measures of water;
  3. The electric sorceress is turned on and the “Porridge” mode is selected, and the time is set to 60 minutes;
  4. After the treasured signal, the multicooker is opened, almost ready dish season to taste and mix thoroughly;
  5. The food can be left in this miracle technique for infusion or served immediately.

How to cook barley porridge with meat


  • Favorite type of meat in the amount of 350-400 g;
  • Pearl barley – 2 measuring containers;
  • Water – 5 measuring containers;
  • 2 onions;
  • One medium carrot root;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Spices - as needed.

Calorie content depends on the type of meat chosen, so, per 100 g of finished dish:

  • Pork – 130 kcal;
  • From poultry – 90 kcal;
  • Veal - 180 kcal.

Cooking steps:

    1. First of all, the meat should be cleaned of possible films and veins and cut into small cubes;

    1. Onions and carrots must be peeled and peeled, washed thoroughly and chopped in any way;

    1. Now it’s the turn of the pearl barley grains. Using the sorting method, it is important to remove debris from the cereal and rinse it several times under running water;

    1. When the preparatory procedures are completed, you can begin the preparation itself. Set the multicooker to “Frying” mode and set the timer to 15 minutes. The container in which the dish will be prepared should be greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Next, the chopped meat is sent there and fried for a given period of time;

    1. After the allotted period, chopped vegetables are loaded into the multicooker bowl. Now the timer is 10 minutes;

    1. The signal sounded - the pearl barley is poured in, hot water and flavored with the necessary seasonings;

  1. The lid of the miracle helper is closed and the following task is given: “Baking” for 50 minutes;
  2. Wait for the desired signal indicating the completion of the manipulations, mix everything thoroughly and leave it alone for 10 minutes.

Pearl barley porridge with stewed meat: cook in a slow cooker

To prepare this delicious concoction you will need:

  • Pearl barley – 2 cups;
  • Stewed meat – 1 can, approximately 500 grams;
  • Medium sized onion;
  • Small carrots;
  • 5 corresponding glasses of water;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Favorite seasonings.

Cooking time: one and a half hours.

Calorie content of 100 g of ready-made porridge is 140 kcal.

Cooking begins by preparing the cereal. First of all, it is extremely important to sort it out, thereby separating the good grains from the unnecessary garbage. Then you must rinse thoroughly, preferably under running water. To make the porridge much softer, if desired, the pearl barley can be soaked for a couple of hours or even overnight.

Well, the cereal is prepared. Now it’s the turn of vegetables, which must first be removed from the upper contaminated layers and husks. The washed onions and carrots are chopped. The onion head is cut either into half rings or medium cubes, and a grater is perfect for root vegetables.

The cooking container of the multicooker is covered with frying oil, and chopped vegetables are immersed in it. The Redmond magician is turned on by setting the “Frying” mode for only 5-7 minutes.

When the contents of the bowl are stewed a little, the stew is sent there. Next is the prepared pearl barley and the required amount of water, as well as seasonings and spices. The choice of mode depends on the type of multicooker. If there is a task such as “Porridge”, “Pilaf” or “Stewing”, then that is the one that is selected. In the absence of the above commands, the mode most similar to them is set. As for time, 80 minutes is enough.

When the countdown on the timer ends, you need to stir the porridge and let it simmer for another 10 minutes.

How to cook the simplest one, read the most interesting recipes cakes prepared according to our recommendations.

How to cook pearl barley porridge with mushrooms


  • 1 measuring container of pearl barley;
  • 4 same water containers;
  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • One large onion;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Spices - optional.

Cooking time: 60-70 minutes.

Calorie content: 55 kcal per 100 g.

Before starting cooking, it is advisable to soak the cereal for a period of time from a couple of hours to the whole night. This procedure will allow the porridge to become softer and take less cooking time. However, if there is a time frame, then you can freely skip this point.

It is better to do all the preparatory procedures first. Namely:

  1. Sort the cereals, rinse;
  2. Peel the onion and mushrooms and cut them in a suitable way, preferably into half rings.

The mode on the Polaris multicooker is set to “Frying” or “Baking,” depending on availability. The bowl is covered with a thin layer of sunflower oil, and then chopped onions are poured into it. 10 minutes is enough to achieve a golden color.

Then chopped mushrooms are added to the sauteed onions, and everything is fried together for the same time. Next, you need to load the main ingredient – ​​pearl barley – into the multicooker container. It is also worth seasoning and filling everything with water. The contents of the bowl are carefully mixed and cooked in the “Stew” mode for 40-45 minutes.

How to cook pearl barley porridge

For this you will need:

  • A glass of barley grains;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • Also 3 glasses of milk;
  • 3 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

Cooking time: minimum 3 hours.

Calorie content directly depends on the fat content of milk and can range from 100 to 130 kcal per 100 g.

Rinse the cereal thoroughly under running water and repeat the procedure several times until the water becomes clear. You should definitely let the barley stand in the water for at least a couple of hours.

The prepared ingredient is then sent to the bowl of the electric assistant, poured with milk and water, granulated sugar and salt are added. Then the finished mixture is thoroughly mixed. Set the multicooker to “Porridge” mode for a whole hour. Next - just wait sound signal, indicating the completion of the selected program.

Now the semi-finished milk barley needs to be mixed and then sent to prepare. But the “Extinguishing” program is already selected, and the time is 120 minutes. As soon as the desired signal is heard, you can add butter, this is not necessary, purely optional. And, of course, the finished treat is left undisturbed for 10 minutes.

If pearl barley has not been used in cooking before, then it’s worth putting aside your prejudiced attitude towards it. You just need to cook something with it at least once, and that’s it - now it’s one of your favorite products.

Bon appetit!