Cabbage: beneficial properties and contraindications. Which cabbage is healthier for the human body?

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


White cabbage is one of the most common folk products. In addition to its wonderful taste, it is highly beneficial. Its use is recommended for men and women. It is worth considering the varieties of culture: maritime, Brussels sprouts and other options. Their healing qualities are wider than those of their white relative.

Beneficial properties of cabbage for the body

Using vegetables to prepare various dishes, few people think about the beneficial effects of the culture. It is a real source of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Even stewed cabbage can compensate for the body’s deficiency in ascorbigen (a complex antitumor substance based on ascorbic acid and glycosides). The useful substance is contained in large quantities in the culture.

The leaves of young cabbage are rich in vitamin C - 10 times more than in lemon. The main contraindication for use is high acidity in the intestines. The fresh product contains a minimum amount of calories: from 16 to 48, which depends on the type. The main vitamins that may be contained in the culture include:

  • folic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.


Why this cabbage is useful: it can be classified as a rare type of plant that contains a large amount of protein and has medicinal properties. Vitamins and minerals help remove cholesterol from the body and normalize digestion. 100 g of product contains only 34 kcal, so it can be considered dietary. To check the quality of a vegetable and choose a fresh one, buy one whose buds have not yet bloomed.

White cabbage

The most common and accessible variety. Vitamins C and U stimulate cell regeneration, making skin restoration much faster. The product improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens blood vessels, and normalizes heart function. For those who suffer from gout or kidney stones, medicine also advises to lean on the vegetable, especially the Savoy variety. In addition, cabbage juice has medicinal properties. It will help protect the intestines and stimulate weight loss.


If you don’t know how cabbage in brine is beneficial, then keep in mind: the acidic product prevents cell aging. The dish saturates the skin with vitamins, improves immunity and the body’s ability to resist stress. The favorite snack contains a lot of lactic acid, which prevents stomach upset. Women often use salted cabbage as a mask. To make sauerkraut yourself, you need to mix 10 kg of finely chopped vegetable with 200 g of salt and 300 g of carrots. Then you need to put it in containers, put the load and wait for several days.


The largest amount of vitamins is contained in thermally untreated culture. In ancient times in Rus', this vegetable was considered the basis of all dishes until potatoes were introduced. A nourishing, tasty product rich in microelements and vitamins. It contains manganese, iodine, copper and other substances necessary for the body to function normally. Not all cabbage is consumed raw. Some varieties need to be fermented, stewed or fried.


Why Brussels sprouts are useful: they have a rich composition. The nutritious vegetable has a large amount of vegetable protein, vitamins C, E and K. Its consumption is beneficial for people who suffer from hypertension and ulcers. The product should be handled carefully, as it becomes bitter when overcooked. Brussels sprouts can be used in salads or sautéed. Cabbage dishes will compensate for the lack of potassium, phosphorus and iron in the body. The average calorie content is 38 kcal.


Very tasty, exotic dishes are prepared from algae - kelp. It is rich in iodine, phosphorus, B vitamins and a number of microelements. The product is considered an excellent preventative against atherosclerosis, normalizes metabolic processes, and restores water-alkaline balance. In addition, seaweed is very useful during pregnancy. However, girls and ladies “in an interesting position” can use it strictly in organic quantities.



Chinese cabbage is used to prepare salads, casseroles and other dishes. Vegetables contain vitamins that help with radiation sickness. Chinese cabbage cleanses the intestines and eliminates constipation. The calorie content in the product is minimal - 16 kcal, which allows it to be actively used by those losing weight. The main contraindication is use for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Red cabbage

The culture has a characteristic blue and red tint of leaves, which is why it got its name. Everyone knows how beneficial this variety of cabbage is. Biologically active substances prevent the development of tuberculosis, act as an antioxidant and prevent cardiovascular problems. Cabbage leaves can be stewed, pickled or eaten raw in salads. The vegetable is low in calories - only 24 kcal per 100 g.


The vegetable crop is especially useful for children and pregnant women. With it, the body receives the required amount of potassium and fiber. Kohlrabi is an excellent preventative against gastrointestinal cancer. Traditional medicine recommends a decoction of the leaves of the plant to relieve asthma symptoms. If you are a follower of proper nutrition, then kohlrabi should definitely be added to your diet. Only 42 kcal will help you always stay in shape.

The benefits and harms of cabbage for the body

While the healing and beneficial properties of the product are obvious, few know about the contraindications. In case of increased acidity, colitis and indigestion, it is not recommended to consume the culture in its raw form. It is strictly forbidden to eat the stalk, because it contains all the toxic elements. Overeating vegetables can lead to bloating and colic.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Cabbage actively used in folk medicine. Its juice helps heal ulcers and wounds, and relieves inflammation in the intestines. This is not only a vegetable crop, it is also an excellent cure for many diseases.

Historical background

Descriptions of the cultivation of cabbage crops are found in ancient Egyptian papyri. At the beginning of our era, the inhabitants of the Caucasus began to grow cabbage. In Kievan Rus it became popular in the 9th century, coming to us from Greece. Ancient Roman patricians, known for their lavish feasts, loved to eat cabbage for dessert as a delicacy.

After so many centuries, it’s hard to believe that ancient doctors and historians once sang the praises of this everyday product. By the way, cabbage was praised for good reason - it really has unique properties.

Marcus Porcius Cato, a writer and statesman of Ancient Rome, who was heavily involved in agriculture, wrote in his treatise on agriculture that this vegetable is indispensable in the treatment of patients with wounds and ulcers; with a diseased liver; with stomach disorders; with damage to joints and eyes. He advised feeding weak and sickly children cabbage leaves to improve their health.

Pythagoras wrote that this wonderful product promotes vigor and good mood.

Old Russian handwritten sources contain instructions on treating burns using cabbage, crushed and mixed with egg white. They also mentioned a unique treatment for urolithiasis, for which it was necessary to burn the cabbage root and take the ashes inside.

Description and chemical composition

This is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Belongs to the cruciferous family. Has many varieties. Widely distributed in Europe and America. It is stored for a long time, practically without losing its properties. This is not only a tasty vegetable crop, but also an excellent medicinal plant.

Cabbage contains mineral salts ( phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, potassium), lipase, lactose, fats, vitamins, phytoncides. Cabbage is 90% water.

In addition to vitamins A, C, B1, B6, K, P, cabbage contains vitamin U. Methylmethionine sulfonium chloride, or vitamin U, is an antiulcer agent that is a derivative of an essential amino acid methionine. The name of the vitamin was given in honor of the Latin word " ulcus", which means - " ulcer" It was experimentally discovered that this artificially synthesized substance perfectly cures peptic ulcers.

Cabbage contains significant amounts of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid). It also contains a particularly stable variety of ascorbic acid - ascorbigen.

In many ways, this vegetable owes its beneficial properties to phytoncides And lysozyme. Phytoncides are natural substances contained in some plants that inhibit the proliferation of microbes and protozoa. The substance lysozyme has a powerful bactericidal effect.

The low carbohydrate content allows diabetic patients to eat cabbage without any restrictions.

Use in folk medicine

The most famous and significant property of cabbage is its ability to stop the ulcerative process in the gastrointestinal tract. Its second, no less popular property is its external use for bruises and inflammation.

Cabbage juice

It is extracted by squeezing fresh leaves. The juice has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. A simpler treatment option is to grind a cabbage leaf into a paste. However, it is not always recommended to use such a gruel for treatment, since it will contain fiber, and for many diseases, fiber can be an exacerbation factor.

The juice is obtained using a juicer. If it is not available, cabbage leaves can be minced or chopped in a blender. The resulting mass must be squeezed through cheesecloth to separate the juice from the pulp.

If the juice is stored in a cool place, it retains its beneficial properties for two days.
Indication: take 250 ml of juice orally three times a day before meals, for 30 days, for the following diseases: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, liver and gallbladder diseases. In addition, the juice is effective in the treatment of jaundice, hemorrhoids, and spleen diseases.

The course can be repeated once every six months for preventive purposes, with a lower dosage.

Juice with other healthy ingredients added

To treat some diseases, juice is not used in its pure form, but with the addition of beneficial ingredients, such as honey and carrot juice.

Cabbage leaf

Fresh leaves are recommended to be applied to bruises, sore joints, burns, and abscesses.

If bruises or bruises occur on the body, apply a fresh and well-washed cabbage leaf to the affected area. Then fix the sheet with a gauze bandage. The sheet must be changed every four hours.


Sauerkraut is not only a tasty food. It creates excellent conditions for the active growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. It contains lactic acid, which is formed when glucose breaks down. Glucose, breaking down, becomes the main source of energy for the body.

Sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, when consumed regularly: lead to a speedy cure of bronchitis; prevent intestinal atony (this is a state of “sluggish” intestines in which the intestines almost cease to function); reduce inflammation of veins; heal trophic ulcers.

This useful product is included in the diet of patients suffering from atherosclerosis, gout, obesity, and cholelithiasis. Cabbage juice softens the throat, reducing pain when coughing.


Cabbage decoction is good to take for respiratory diseases. Dosage - a quarter glass five times a day.

To alleviate the condition of joint diseases, you can make a compress - soak a piece of wool in cabbage juice and fix it on the place where the pain is felt.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the most common disease in proctological practice. The formation of hemorrhoids leads to severe pain and bleeding.

Take half a glass of sauerkraut juice half an hour before meals as a stool softener. Gradually, the amount of juice should be increased to five glasses a day.

Getting rid of a hangover

Cabbage or cucumber pickle is good for relieving signs of a hangover. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome, popularly known as a “hangover,” is a state of physical discomfort that occurs after drinking a large amount of alcohol.

Changes occur in the body that affect well-being:

  • Headaches occur.
  • The mouth feels dry.
  • Swelling appears.
  • Increased diuresis begins, that is, frequent urination.
  • Homeostasis is disrupted, improper distribution of fluid in the body occurs - water “goes” into edema, the blood thickens, and the brain receives insufficient nutrition.
The brine contains mineral salts in large quantities. These salts normalize homeostasis and lead to improved well-being.

Headache treatment

Headache is a general and nonspecific symptom, the cause of which is very difficult to identify. Traditional medicine suggests using analgesics to relieve headaches. However, frequent use of medications can lead to gastric disorders and gastric ulcers, so you should not abuse them.

The folk method for treating headaches is as follows: lightly mash cabbage leaves, cover your head with them and secure them on top with a warm, preferably a woolen hat.

Abscess treatment

Purulent inflammation of tissues, followed by the formation of a purulent cavity, is called an abscess. It occurs independently or as a complication of another disease.

It develops when pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream through damaged skin. While the abscess matures, pus collects in it. It hurts a lot. Most often, an abscess is treated surgically - opened. However, for this it must be ripe in order to clean out absolutely all the pus.

You can apply cabbage leaves to the site of the abscess to speed up the ripening process.

Treatment of gout

This is a disease in which monosodium urate is deposited in tissues ( it is a salt formed from uric acid). Deposition occurs due to the fact that uric acid accumulates and is practically not excreted from the body. Accordingly, the concentration of this substance in the blood increases.

Symptomatically, gout manifests itself as acute arthritis. The disease is more common in men, but recently the number of affected women has increased.

Traditional medicine uses to treat gout:

  • Drugs that affect the pathogenetic mechanism of the disease.
  • Drugs for symptomatic treatment.
Cabbage leaves can be used as a symptomatic treatment. Raw, well-mashed leaves relieve pain and bring relief.

Treatment of scurvy

This is a disease that occurs when there is a severe deficiency of vitamin C in the body. Mostly, people who suffered from scurvy were those who had been in isolated places for a long time - these were long-distance ships, prisons, and besieged fortresses. Previously, scurvy was called " seafarers' disease».

Even in naval battles, people did not die as en masse as from scurvy. For a long time it was believed that this disease had an epidemiological distribution - like plague or typhus. However, in 1932 it was proven that scurvy has nothing to do with infectious diseases. Subsequently, the sailors noticed: on those ships that carry cargo of citrus fruits, almost no one gets scurvy. Thanks to this observation, oranges and lemons began to be added to the diet of sailors.

When Peter the Great while building his fleet, he adopted the experience of building and arranging ship life from Dutch masters. Thanks to this, Russian sailors had oranges in their diet, which were brought especially for them from the south of Europe, as well as cranberries and sauerkraut. These products contain large amounts of ascorbic acid.

Of course, at that time there was no scientific explanation for the fact that sauerkraut and cranberries save you from scurvy. But savvy sailors themselves noticed such a positive feature of these delicious food products. Moreover, sauerkraut and cranberries are common products; they were accessible even to the poorest, unlike citrus fruits, which at that time were an expensive curiosity.

Recipes for effective cosmetic masks

For aging skin: grind fresh leaves, add a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of yeast and 50 ml of fresh apple juice. Stir until smooth, apply to face and neck for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water.

For wrinkles: Soak a gauze pad in fresh cabbage juice and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water.

Cleansing and nourishing dry skin: make a “paste” of cabbage leaves, apply to the skin, rub in lightly. Repeat every few days.

To nourish dry skin: Boil fresh leaves in milk to form a thick paste. Apply it warm to the skin, rinse after 15 minutes.

Softening dry skin when peeling: take large leaves, scald them with boiling water, then grease them with sunflower or olive oil and apply to your face. After 20 minutes, the oil can be washed off the face with warm water.

For peeling: Mix the cabbage pulp with the egg yolk and add a little sunflower oil.

To dry out oily skin: Grind the sauerkraut into a pulp, apply to the face, cover the face with a napkin or towel. The mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes. Repeat once a week.

For matte and fresh skin: take large fresh leaves, rinse well in cold water. Then apply the concave side of the sheet to the skin of the face. The cabbage leaf should heat up when it touches the skin. This procedure is best performed in a lying position. When the sheet heats up, the procedure can be completed.

Contraindications and restrictions for use

Fresh cabbage and juice should not be taken if there is increased acidity of gastric juice, with pancreatitis, with stomach bleeding, or with gastroenterocolitis.

Sauerkraut and brine should not be taken by people with kidney disease. The exception is when the cabbage starter is made not according to the usual recipe, but according to a recipe with a minimum salt content.


Once upon a time, only wild cabbage grew on the earth. Centuries later, thanks to breeding work, it has undergone many changes. Now on our table we have white cabbage, red cabbage, Beijing cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi.

White cabbage is the most common in the CIS. It is not grown or eaten only in Kazakhstan.

Early varieties are used for preparing salads, borscht, cabbage rolls; eaten raw. Late varieties are usually heat treated ( boil, stew, fry) and fermented.

Red cabbage is no less popular in Russia. It contains more vitamins. However, the large amount of coarse fiber does not allow it to be used as widely as cabbage. Its dense, strong heads of cabbage are well suited for pickling, pickling, salads, and for winter storage.

White cabbage– contains many useful substances: vitamins B1, B2, P, C, PP; fiber ( promoting good digestion); choline ( gives an antisclerotic effect).

Brussels– contains vitamins PP, B1, B2, B6, P, C, folic acid, mineral salts, vegetable protein, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus.

Broccoli– contains vitamins, methionine, choline, carbohydrates, proteins, potassium salts, phosphorus, magnesium.

Savoy– its composition is close to broccoli.

Colored– rich in substances such as choline and methionine.

Beijing– contains carbohydrates, proteins, nitrogenous and pectin substances, carotenes, vitamins.

Red cabbage– contains fiber, carotene, vitamins, pantothenic acid, mineral salts, iron, iodine, cyanidin ( it affects the permeability of the walls of arteries, veins, capillaries).


This tasty and healthy vegetable is grown everywhere. The original wild ancestor of cabbage grew in the Mediterranean coast region, as well as in Western Europe.

The value of this vegetable crop is due to its numerous medicinal and dietary properties; a large number of species; Possibility of long-term storage in fresh as well as processed form.

Growing is not too difficult. Constant care of seedlings planted in the ground consists of timely watering, feeding with nutrients, weeding and hilling the plant. However, in nature there are many “enemies” of cabbage – garden pests. Constantly fighting them is the key to successful cultivation.

The plant needs constant watering. Good growth of the root system occurs only in conditions of high soil moisture. After planting the seedlings, the plant is watered every three days. A square meter of soil requires at least 5 liters of water for irrigation.

Cabbage is a biennial plant. In the first year, a head of cabbage forms, and in the second, the cabbage begins to bloom and produce seeds. The lower part of the stem, to which the older leaves are attached, is called the outer stump. Cabbage varieties with a high outer stalk are more suitable for moist soil.

Cabbage leaf with honey is the most effective of all home remedies for cough. It is usually used as a compress that helps soothe pain and reduce inflammation in the human body. Sometimes it is enough to do just a few procedures to overcome the disease. The most important thing is not to start the course of the disease and start doing procedures on time.

Cabbage leaf medicinal properties and contraindications

Cabbage allows you to saturate the human body with a huge amount of diverse and beneficial substances. At the same time, it has very few contraindications for use.

Medicinal properties

The fact that ascorbic acid predominates in cabbage leaves has long been no secret to anyone. However, some medicinal properties have been discovered only recently.

The main benefits of eating cabbage leaves:

  • In addition to its main medicinal properties, it has an anesthetic effect and is successfully used in the treatment of joint diseases.
  • Helps treat cough. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Successfully used in the fight against mastopathy. Has a general strengthening effect.
  • Helps cope with swelling.
  • Cabbage leaves improve blood circulation and remarkably reduce cholesterol levels; its medicinal properties can hardly be overestimated.


  • It is not recommended for spasms and intestinal diseases, as it may cause increased pain;
  • Contraindicated for people with high levels of acidity in the body;
  • Should not be used by people after a heart attack;
  • A poorly processed vegetable can cause stomach problems.

Some types

People who are interested in treatment with home remedies have a question: “What kind of cabbage is there, what beneficial properties and contraindications does it have?”

There are many different types of cabbage. The most famous are cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Peking and broccoli. All of them undoubtedly have healing qualities.

White cabbage

  • Enriches the human body with vitamins and helps strengthen its protective properties.
  • With regular use, it reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Cabbage leaves are excellent for arthrosis of the knee joint.
  • Used as therapy for colds.
  • Used to treat mastopathy.


Kohlrabi cabbage beneficial properties and contraindications:

It has a lot of medicinal qualities: strengthens the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, helps in the treatment of kidneys and liver. Used in home medicine to treat asthma attacks and tuberculosis, and used in the diet for diabetics.
This product has very minor contraindications: it is not recommended for people with hypotension, as it lowers blood pressure and people with high acidity should not eat kohlrabi.


Broccoli has not only beneficial properties and contraindications. Thanks to its amazing chemical composition and high concentration of vitamin C, this species has the following effect on the body:

  • Helps strengthen the body's defenses.
  • Prevents the development of stomach and intestinal diseases.
  • Normalizes and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Regulates blood pressure.
  • It has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and the thyroid gland.
  • In pregnant women, it reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies.
  • It has an amazing effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Contraindications include personal intolerance and severe gastric diseases.


Cauliflower beneficial properties and contraindications, as well as its general availability, are the main advantages of this type. Regular use leads to the following changes:

  • Helps improve digestion, reduces the risk of developing peptic ulcers.
  • Prevention of cancer.
  • Reduces the risk of birth defects in pregnant women.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

This vegetable is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity, for patients with gout, and for allergy sufferers.

The use of cabbage leaves in folk medicine

For any inflammation and pain, you can apply cabbage to the sore spot. Cabbage leaf compress is used to treat varicose veins. Due to its rich vitamin composition, the vegetable is successfully used to treat many diseases.

For cough

For a compress, use cabbage with honey. The leaf must be intact; before use, it must be washed and dried with a napkin. The prepared cabbage is dipped in boiling water, then smeared with honey and the smeared side is applied to the chest area or back.

Cabbage leaf and honey should be used carefully for a child's cough. Reviews about this treatment are mostly favorable, but in some cases children may have allergic reactions to honey.

For lactostasis

Cabbage leaf is very effective for lactostasis; it successfully removes stagnation of milk in the breast.

Basic rules of application:

  • It is necessary to remove the outer white leaves, leaving only the green inner ones.
  • Only freshly washed leaves should be used.
  • Before applying the leaf, remember well, you can grease it with honey.
  • Cover the sheet applied to the diseased area with insulation and create a compress.

For mastopathy

Such a disease as mastopathy is unfortunately familiar to a large number of women. With the help of cabbage, it is possible to quickly prevent swelling and pain. You can use cabbage leaf for mastopathy in the following variations:

  1. Make a compress of fresh cabbage with honey and apply it to your chest overnight.
  2. Grease the leaf with butter and sprinkle with salt, apply three times a day.
  3. Beat with a hammer and apply softened to the chest at night.


What is cabbage?

Cabbage is a very frequent guest on our table. How much do we know about her? It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were the first to cultivate cabbage long before our era. Cabbage was considered a delicious dish and was served for dessert. The Egyptians believed that cabbage had special healing powers and could expel any disease from the body and prolong youth.

Roman legionnaires regularly ate cabbage, as it was believed that it made people stronger and more resilient. When going on a campaign, a Roman soldier took with him a special vessel with medicine made from cabbage. The drug healed wounds well and stopped bleeding.

This vegetable is known and revered in many countries and corners of the globe. A variety of cabbage varieties are grown throughout the world. Even beyond the Arctic Circle, cabbage lovers receive excellent kohlrabi harvests.

In Rus', cabbage was considered the most important vegetable dish. A popular proverb says: “Bread and cabbage will not be tolerated.”

Orthodox monasteries kept the secrets of preparing and salting cabbage. It was believed that only native Russian varieties of this vegetable have a special taste.

What is cabbage, the benefits and harms of white cabbage for the human body, all this is of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Useful properties of cabbage:

White cabbage contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C in the leaves of early varieties contains 20 mg%, in late-ripening varieties – 70 mg%. Cabbage has the ability to retain vitamin C for a long time. The secret of this “longevity” is that vitamin C is found in cabbage not only in its pure form, but also in a chemically bound form – “ascorbigene”. Ascorbigen is the most stable form of vitamin C, and cabbage contains 50 times more of it in this form than, for example, potatoes. In general, there is only 1.5-2 times more vitamin C in cabbage than in potatoes. There is more vitamin C in cabbage than in tangerines and lemons, and 10 times more than in carrots.

In addition to other vitamins, cabbage also contains vitamins B1, B2, PP (albeit in small quantities), as well as folic, pantothenic acids, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, etc. White cabbage contains almost the entire set of vitamins necessary for humans.

Cabbage is a source of minerals, mainly potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. The predominant microelements are aluminum, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Scientists have discovered that a distinctive feature of white cabbage is vitamin U - methylmethionine, which can cure gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, gastritis and intestinal lethargy.

The pharmacological effects of cabbage are very diverse. Cabbage stimulates metabolic processes, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (calorizer). It is included in the therapeutic diet for atherosclerosis (the dietary fiber contained in cabbage helps eliminate cholesterol, and vitamins C and P, which it is rich in, strengthen blood vessels and have an anti-sclerotic effect), coronary heart disease, gout (cabbage practically does not contain purines, which cause gout). deposits), cholelithiasis (cabbage dietary fiber binds and prevents the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids in the intestines, from the excess of which deposits are formed - atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and stones in the gall bladder), heart and kidney diseases (potassium salts promote fluid excretion), gastritis with low acidity and constipation.


We have already figured out why cabbage is useful. But can it do any harm?

Compared to the beneficial properties, there is little harm; there are some contraindications. Thus, overeating the product in its raw form can lead to nausea, bloating, and heaviness in the stomach.

You cannot constantly eat raw stalks, since they accumulate harmful substances that the vegetable absorbed during growth (copper salts, nitrates, cadmium).

It is not recommended to eat cabbage if you have thyroid diseases! Cabbage helps cure gastric and duodenal ulcers, but in severely advanced cases and severe exacerbations, cabbage can already cause harm. Increased acidity of gastric juice also does not like cabbage, but in this case it is not contraindicated, but should be consumed within reasonable limits and preferably not raw. Sauerkraut can also be harmful to the kidneys and liver due to its high salt content, and can also harm hypertensive patients. If you really want sauerkraut, we advise you to wash it well from the brine or initially ferment it with a minimum of salt.

When choosing cabbage, the head should be dense and the cut should be white. If the cut is dark brown, it means that it has already been stale and has lost a significant part of its beneficial properties. You should not buy vegetables with stains, deep damage or foreign odors. Fresh cabbage should not have limp leaves, it is usually bright green in color and heavy in weight.

Benefits of cabbage:

For women:

Women who care about their figure need to pay special attention to this vegetable. After all, it contains tartronic acid, which prevents the carbohydrates we consume from turning into fatty deposits. But for many, it’s so hard without sweets. By the way, tartronic acid is susceptible to heat treatment, but it is preserved perfectly in fermented water.

Cabbage also contains folic acid, which is so necessary for us women. Cell renewal and oxygen saturation cannot occur without it. And it is indispensable for the skin and hair. Probably everyone knows about the need for folic acid during pregnancy. But it is necessary for both teenage girls (corrects puberty) and older women.

It’s unlikely that anyone is serious about the possibility of enlarging their breasts by eating cabbage, but it has been proven that this vegetable contains a substance that is effective in preventing breast cancer. This substance is sulforaphane.

For men:

As for men, earlier, if their male power weakened, potency deteriorated, ancient healers prescribed wrapping the penis in a fresh cabbage leaf and keeping it there all night.

When talking about the benefits of cabbage for men, we cannot help but talk about sauerkraut. This is a popular, favorite snack, which Russian feasts cannot be without, strengthens the immune system, and increases resistance to stress. It activates metabolic processes. Moreover, it improves blood quality, reduces cholesterol and has a rejuvenating effect on the body, strengthens the heart.

Men who regularly consume sauerkraut remain energetic for many years and do not lose interest in life until old age and retain their virility. Well, its brine is a unique source of vitamin C. Brine is very useful for digestion, eliminates constipation, and relieves hemorrhoids.

For children:

The list of first complementary foods for babies, of course, consists of vegetables, but white cabbage for children under the age of one and a half years is not included in this list. The reason is trivial - a popular vegetable in our country can cause bloating, and the digestive system of babies is especially sensitive to excessive gas formation.

However, your child’s future diet will certainly contain white cabbage. In kindergartens, in the school canteen or in the home kitchen, this vegetable has no substitute, because not many products are available fresh all year round and without loss of taste and beneficial qualities. It is rich in phosphorus and potassium salts, contains a number of vitamins and minerals necessary for both children and adults. Nutritionists have not ignored it either: white cabbage is not dangerous for children with food allergies, and therefore fully complies with dietary requirements.

Kids, as a rule, respond well to cabbage dishes. It does not burden the digestive system, cooks quickly, and has a pleasant taste.

What does cabbage cure?

How to treat gastritis with cabbage?

One of the most proven methods is to treat gastritis with cabbage juice. Most people underestimate this vegetable, but in vain. After all, white cabbage is a real chest of vitamins. In particular, it contains a unique vitamin U (methylmethionine), especially necessary for a person with gastritis or ulcers, as well as PP, which tidies up the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

We can say that cabbage juice is considered somewhat exotic, and sauerkraut is a completely familiar dish, which, however, should not be consumed during the phase of exacerbation of the disease. And in the subsiding phase of the disease, sauerkraut for gastritis contributes to:

  • improving motor skills;
  • eliminating constipation;
  • improving microflora in the intestines;
  • increasing immunity;
  • eliminating inflammation in the mucous membrane.

And sauerkraut for gastritis with high acidity can be consumed limitedly, but only during the period of subsidence of the disease. It is best to abandon it in this form when the acid level increases, so as not to cause complications of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The main product in the treatment of this disease (especially when the acidity level decreases) can be stewed cabbage. During stewing of vegetables, useful elements are preserved, which help improve the functioning of the digestive tract and reduce the load on the stomach tissue. Stewed cabbage for gastritis has the following effects:

  • eliminates inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • improves digestion;
  • perfectly satisfies hunger while following a strict diet;
  • reduces pain.

How to eat cabbage with pancreatitis?

White cabbage in the acute phase of pancreatitis:

The inflamed pancreas quickly and violently reacts to any dietary deviations with painful attacks, increased vomiting, profuse diarrhea, renewed fever, bloating and some other serious symptoms. Dishes with white cabbage can provoke or intensify all these unpleasant signs of an acute process in the pancreas. This negative impact is due to the content in it:

  • Essential oils (it is their presence that explains the pungent taste of raw cabbage);
  • Coarse fiber (fibers are visible even to the naked eye in cabbage), the amount of which is 2 g per 100 g of product.

White cabbage in remission phase:

After inflammation subsides or completely resolves, the diet of patients with pancreatitis expands significantly. The introduction of white cabbage begins with its inclusion in vegetable soups. If the patient does not experience any adverse changes in well-being after such a lunch, then other boiled, stewed and baked dishes with cabbage (casseroles, cabbage rolls, stews, cutlets, rolls, etc.) are added to the menu. If stable, satisfactory health is maintained, then fresh and non-acidic sauerkraut is included in the diet. However, in this form it can serve as an impetus for a new exacerbation, so you should eat it very carefully and in limited quantities.

Dietary recommendations for patients with pancreatogenic diabetes (caused by pancreatitis) are no different in this case. After all, white cabbage contains little sucrose and starch, so it changes blood sugar levels little.

Great video about cabbage! Worth a look!

How to treat bruises, swelling and bruises with cabbage?

The properties of cabbage leaves to heal wounds and stop bleeding are used for bruises, especially on the arms and legs. Swelling and pain decrease, hematomas resolve, and the consequences of bruises are not so serious.

You can apply a clean whole cabbage leaf to the bruised area, or you can squeeze the juice out of it, moisten a piece of cotton or linen cloth with it and apply it to the damaged area, applying any securing bandage. This lotion quickly relieves pain and restores damaged tissue.

How to apply cabbage leaves to sore spots?

First of all, I would like to say that it is best to take cabbage leaves for medicinal purposes from a head of cabbage grown on your own plot or purchased at the market from farmers and individuals. Leaves for compresses must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and dried.

If the leaves are applied to wounds or other damaged skin surfaces, they should be doused with boiling water before use. You can prepare several leaves in this way, put them in a plastic bag, place them in the refrigerator and use them as needed.

Before use, the leaves need to be kept at room temperature for some time, do not apply them when cooled.

Before use, the leaves must be rinsed, after removing the hardest parts of the veins. This is done so that the leaf releases juice, thereby ensuring that all the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf are released. You need to knead its outer side, which is applied to the sore spot, for which you can use a wooden hammer, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, or the blunt side of a knife. You can even cut the leaves slightly, but not all the way through, so that the juice does not leak out, but only moisturizes the leaves.

The thickness of the compress depends on the size of the painful area and the size and thickness of the leaves themselves. Sometimes one or two leaves are enough, and sometimes you may need a stack of leaves that overlap each other with a slight overlap.

The cabbage leaves should fit tightly to the sore spot and be secured with a bandage.

White cabbage is considered one of the most commonly used vegetables in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology.

The rich vitamin composition allows you to saturate the body with all the microelements important for maintaining normal life.

Cabbage has virtually no contraindications, so both adults and children can enjoy its beneficial properties.

Calorie content and product composition

Cabbage: beneficial properties for the human body

Cabbage, which has virtually no contraindications for consumption, is a very valuable product for the human body.

Cabbage: beneficial properties of the product

1. Enriches the body with vitamins, replenishes the deficiency of other useful substances, thereby strengthening the immune system.

2. Regular use of the product reduces the risk of cancer. This applies not only to white cabbage, but also to Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage, and broccoli.

3. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, improves blood circulation and normalizes cholesterol levels.

4. Removes excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body.

5. Normalizes intestinal microflora, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Cabbage has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, reduce bleeding gums and soothe toothache.

7. Allows you to effectively get rid of excess weight, improves intestinal motility.

8. Kills microbes, including fighting Staphylococcus aureus and tuberculosis bacillus.

9. Cabbage is extremely beneficial for children; the product improves brain function and relieves fatigue.

Cabbage, the beneficial properties of which have been listed, is useful both fresh and in the form of juice. Sauerkraut is often used in folk medicine.

Cabbage: beneficial properties and use in folk medicine

The rich composition of the product increases its value; it is for this reason that cabbage is used in folk medicine to combat many diseases.

1. Simple sauerkraut lotions are great for headaches; you can also use the juice of the fresh product. The leaf is beaten, the resulting juice is smeared on the forehead and temples.

3. For sore throat and stomatitis, mix cabbage juice and boiled water in equal proportions. You need to rinse your mouth with the resulting solution 4-5 times a day for a week. However, inflammation and pain will begin to subside the very next day.

4. For any cough, you need to drink cabbage juice 3 times a day; before drinking, it is heated and diluted with a small amount of honey. The course of treatment is 4-5 days.

5. If a girl has mastitis, she needs to apply fresh cabbage compresses to her breasts.

6. Compresses made from fresh cabbage leaves perfectly relieve tension in the joints. It is recommended to do them before bed.

7. To strengthen your immune system, you need to eat 100-150 grams of sauerkraut daily. This is especially true for young children.

9. Boiled cabbage is an excellent remedy for constipation, but after boiling, you should cook it for no longer than 10 minutes.

Cabbage, which has many beneficial properties, is truly a medicinal product. However, this treatment should not be abused; even the safest vegetables can cause bloating when overeating.

Application in home cosmetology

Simple and delicious cooking recipes

Cabbage: contraindications for use

As already mentioned, cabbage has practically no contraindications. The only exception would be individual intolerance to the product, but this is extremely rare.

You need to remember that you cannot overeat cabbage, otherwise it will lead to stomach pain and bloating. If you have diarrhea, the product should also be eaten with caution, as it has a laxative effect.

Cabbage has many beneficial properties. The product is recommended in moderate quantities for both children and adults. Cabbage nourishes and saturates the body with important microelements, improves immunity and is an excellent prevention of runny nose and colds.

Cabbage - benefits and harms for the human body

Cabbage is a simple and familiar vegetable to everyone since childhood. At the same time, the benefits of cabbage for the human body are very great and everyone knows about it. But can cabbage harm humans? Let's take a closer look at two varieties: white and red.

Useful properties of white cabbage

Both its beneficial properties and its harm to the body have been very carefully studied. This vegetable is good primarily because it can be used to prepare a wide selection of varied and tasty dishes. It can become the basis of a healthy, balanced diet.

White cabbage is a generous source of vitamin C, and the fresher the vegetable, the more vitamins it contains. During storage there is a tendency for the amount of vitamins to decrease. If you ferment cabbage, this, on the contrary, increases the content of vitamin C in it.

Without exaggeration, we can say that this vegetable contains the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy functioning. Of the microelements, white cabbage contains the most potassium, calcium and phosphorus. The benefits of potassium are great for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it prevents the formation of blood clots and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Calcium is necessary for strong bones, healthy teeth, nails and hair, so that stress and a negative environment do not harm them.

Since white cabbage is low in carbohydrates, it is ideal for feeding people with diabetes.

The benefits of cabbage are great in normalizing the functioning of the digestive system due to the presence of fiber in it. In folk medicine, white cabbage is used as a medicine. Fresh juice helps cope with gastrointestinal diseases. Cabbage leaves are effective in treating inflammation. Fresh cabbage is also used to treat obesity. Tartronic acid prevents fat deposition.

Cabbage for beauty

Contraindications for white cabbage

Useful properties of sauerkraut

The benefits of sauerkraut are especially high in Siberia, where winter lasts for a very long time, the supply of fresh vegetables comes to an end quickly, and with them the supply of vitamins. This is where jars of aromatic, crispy sauerkraut come in handy.

If you have vitamin deficiency, dishes made from sauerkraut and a glass of cabbage brine will provide significant help, because they contain a significant amount of vitamin C. In winter cold and chilly weather, it will not harm the immune system. The benefits of sauerkraut are only enhanced. In addition to the general strengthening effect on the entire body as a whole, it also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Sauerkraut, thanks to the lactic and acetic acid it contains, has antibacterial properties and acts as a “gut nurse.” Improves metabolism in the body, brings sugar and cholesterol levels back to normal. There are even studies that confirm the ability of cabbage to slow down the formation of malignant tumors.

The diet of obese people necessarily includes sauerkraut dishes as the optimal combination of low calorie content and high nutritional value.

The benefits of sauerkraut


The beneficial properties of sauerkraut are undeniable. However, if you use it excessively or if you have certain health problems, unpleasant consequences may occur. For example, mustard oils contained in cabbage accumulate in the intestines and cause flatulence (bloating). It is contraindicated to eat sauerkraut for people with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, people with cholelithiasis, as well as for renal failure, hypertension and pancreatic diseases. People with high acidity of gastric juice should use cabbage with caution.

Video about the beneficial properties of sauerkraut

Kohlrabi cabbage. Useful properties and recipes

In European countries, kohlrabi is called cabbage turnip. According to the classification, it belongs to the type of white cabbage, and with turnips they only have in common external similarity and a sweet taste. According to historians, kohlrabi, recipes for dishes from which were found even among the ancient Romans, began to penetrate into Germany and Sweden already in the middle of the 16th century. After 100 years, it becomes so popular that it is called the vitamin bomb due to its high vitamin C content.

Features of culture

Oral cavity


Culinary processing of kohlrabi

To get the most health benefits from kohlrabi, it is best to eat it raw. Young cabbage tops have a piquant taste. It is added to salads with other vegetables. But usually they use stem fruit. It is passed through a grater and flavored with vegetable oil. In this form, kohlrabi has the juicy and sweet taste of turnips, but is much more tender.

When preparing cabbage dishes by hot processing, it is recommended to chop it into small cubes, which can then be used in frying, stewing, baking and boiling. It is often included in various vegetable stews, soups and salads. Kohlrabi dishes are especially good when stuffed with meat and vegetables. The middle of the fruit is removed and the crushed filling is placed there.

To enhance the taste of raw kohlrabi, soy or cheese sauce is added to fresh salads (by the way, you can read the article about the benefits and harms of soy sauce). Many seafood, poultry, peanuts and legumes go well with cabbage turnips.

To preserve the beneficial properties of kohlrabi, first of all, you should not subject it to too long processing. As you know, at high temperatures, many vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid, are destroyed. This circumstance must be especially taken into account when preparing vitamin and dietary dishes for vegetarians, children and the sick. All other categories of eaters, even if they agree with this situation, are still more interested in the gastronomic component of the dishes.

Several popular recipes

1. Korean kohlrabi salad

2. Cream soup

3. Stewed kohlrabi

Composition and biological value of kohlrabi

Useful properties of kohlrabi and contraindications

The rich set of biologically active elements in cabbage tissue has a positive effect on health. Eating it maintains tone and stabilizes the physiological processes of many organs in case of imbalance in their work.