Why do people drink alcohol? Reasons for drinking alcohol

They probably wondered why a person drinks. I have prepared an article for you where I will try to answer this question.

Much will be a revelation for you, you will learn a lot of new things, so read.

The problem of excessive alcohol consumption in Russia is growing every year. According to statistics, more than 5 million people in the country suffer from alcoholism, and about 500 thousand men and women die every year as a result of this addiction.

Ischemic heart disease, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, suicide attempts, and domestic homicides lead to early mortality due to alcoholism. In addition, the frequency of consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages and alcohol substitutes is growing, which amount to up to 40 thousand cases of poisoning per year, including fatal. Why do people drink alcohol? Why do they feel such a painful attachment to strong drinks? There are many reasons, let's look at the main ones.

Genetic factor

Scientific research and observations of experimental groups of people from various social strata have proven the influence of genetic predisposition on the occurrence of alcoholism. In other words, in people’s DNA there is a special gene for alcoholism, which affects the tendency to drink excessively and quickly become addicted to ethyl alcohol.

Thus, a person who does not have such a gene does not experience euphoria when drinking alcohol. On the contrary, she feels a deterioration in her general condition, nausea, and headaches. Addiction to ethyl alcohol rarely develops over a long period of time. People who are carriers of a pathological gene, when first acquainted with alcoholic beverages, feel a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and pleasant relaxation. Addiction sets in quickly and leads to a painful craving for ethanol.

Social factor

The social environment and close circle of a person from birth influences his worldview and understanding of the world. If a child was born from a drinking mother who drank alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then the risk of developing an addiction increases tenfold. A child becomes dependent on ethyl alcohol from infancy. Growing up in a drinking family strengthens children's craving for alcoholic beverages, which leads to childhood and youth alcoholism in 90% of cases.

The harmful influence of society does not necessarily come from the family. There are many known cases of alcoholism in children of non-drinking parents. IN adolescence child by virtue of his psychological characteristics becomes a rebel against family, school, and the rules of behavior accepted in society. If you find yourself in bad company, someone who is fond of alcoholic drinks, quickly succumbs to influence and does not notice how bad habit becomes a serious illness. Alcohol advertising in the press and on television, as well as films with main characters boldly walking through life with a glass of strong drink, play a significant role.

Psychological factor

The most powerful factor that gives birth to millions of alcoholics around to the globe, of course, psychological. Like any other drug, alcohol initially causes psychological dependence. The fact that ethyl alcohol can be classified as narcotic substances, no longer raises any doubts. Unlike heroin and cocaine, alcoholic drinks form physical dependence - hangover syndrome, delirium tremens, delirium tremens 7-15 years after the start of drinking alcohol.

Of course, at the time of appearance physical dependence is influenced by the quality and quantity of alcohol consumed, standard of living, health status and the presence of a pathological gene, but on average statistics usually indicate such figures. People have been poisoning their bodies for years just because of the feeling of relaxation and false happiness that ethanol brings. Mental dependence becomes a powerful factor that forces you to take alcohol again and again.

Scientists have proven that ethyl alcohol causes increased production of endorphins in the human body, the so-called “hormones of happiness.” They are the ones who dull the feeling of shame, anxiety, shyness, liberate and give a feeling of freedom. After drinking alcohol, problems fade into the background, life seems easy and relaxed, self-esteem increases - people feel happy. With regular consumption of alcohol, your own endorphins cease to be produced, which forces you to take strong drinks in order to again feel a state of euphoria.

Unfortunately, the understanding that minutes and hours of euphoria in an alcoholic stupor does not bring real happiness, does not solve problems, does not lead to development, comes quite late or does not come at all. A drinking person loses his family, job, friends, property. The alcoholic becomes lonely or is surrounded by equally dependent people, which reinforces the “normality” of such behavior in the mind.

People often start drinking after a tragic loss loved one, as a result of the financial crisis, disappointment in the world around us. Great stress brings injury, leading to disfigurement or disability. Unfulfilled hopes of achieving a high position in society or recognition among athletes, artists, artists, and politicians usually lead to alcohol addiction. Easy money turns the unattainable into accessible, makes a choice in favor of a wild life and, as a result, loads people with an addiction as an integral attribute.

However, the most banal and less tragic reason is drinking in company. There is probably no more senseless reason for drunkenness. Seeming like everyone else, being on trend, and joining the company makes people drink alcohol regularly. Fun life in a circle of tipsy friends leads to alcohol addiction, and subsequently to moral, physical and social degradation.

Who is most likely to suffer from alcoholism?

Genetic, social and psychological factors may act together or separately, thereby causing addiction to ethanol. However, in contrast to these factors, one can put upbringing, determination, culture of behavior, high moral principles and religious beliefs. A passionate person will never have a problem with alcoholic beverages. It doesn’t matter what a person is passionate about - work, family, sports, hobbies, faith in higher powers, travel.

Busy people who have a goal and the will to achieve it do not fall into the ranks of alcoholics. The ability to switch from problems to positive thinking, to rise from your knees after family grief or financial collapse, no matter what, does not give alcohol a chance to take over your soul and body. Man, sincerely loving life, will not allow the drunken fog to change her and make her unreal.

They say that statistics are a stubborn thing. And she points to the growing problem of domestic drunkenness and alcoholism every year. But it’s worth thinking about why this happens? Of course, it’s easier to drown your grief with vodka or lose your individuality in order to be like everyone else. But what will this life position lead to? Spiritual emptiness, unemployment, tears of loved ones, alien surroundings of the same losers that he becomes drinking man. If there is even one chance to stop drinking alcohol, you need to take it. And every person has such a chance.

Main reason for drinking alcohol

And now I will tell you the main reason for drinking alcohol. We can say this is the root of all other reasons. And here lies the secret of how to finally get rid of the addiction to alcohol, i.e. stop drinking once and for all. After all, only by eliminating the root cause, or one might say the cause of all causes, will we no longer want to be poisoned by this terrible poison.

So, attention. But first I will say that the main reason lies not in physiological or even psychological factors. Yes, alcohol, like a drug, leads to addiction, and subsequently the body will need more and more new doses. This is physiology. Psychological factors also play a significant role. But still, the root of the problem is buried in the deep spiritual essence of a person, in his soul. It is in the discord between the soul - the higher self and the psyche, the lower self or ego, that lies the main reason for drinking alcohol. You are surprised. I'll explain everything now.

In the meantime, that's all happiness and health to you .

There are many explanations for why people drink alcohol. As a rule, each person has his own motives that push him to drink. At first, he drinks alcohol little by little, usually “for company” or “out of boredom.” Soon the drinker becomes dependent on alcohol and begins to drink it every day. It should be noted that in women and men the disease progresses at different rates.

Quite often, alcoholism has fairly obvious causes. For example, a person begins to drink heavily because of the death of someone close, the loss of a business, or a divorce. However, there are situations when a man or woman touches the bottle without any reason. In this case, it becomes extremely difficult to find out the cause of drunkenness. The psychology of alcoholism can sometimes be quite complex, just like the disease itself.

All the reasons for drinking alcohol can be divided into several main groups: physiological, social and psychological. As a rule, the cause of alcohol dependence is a combination of several provoking factors. For example, the influence of bad company or bad upbringing against the background of a genetic predisposition to alcoholism.

A person with a family history is more likely to develop alcohol dependence. He gets used to alcohol much faster than people who did not have alcoholics in their family. However, the immediate cause of drunkenness is not “bad” heredity. A man or woman begins to drink precisely under the influence of some external or internal factors.

Physiological reasons:

  • genetically determined predisposition to alcohol dependence;
  • features of intrauterine development, metabolism in the body;
  • gender of the person (women are more prone to the disease than men);
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries and brain diseases.

Psychological causes of alcoholism:

  • the desire to liberate, relax, rest;
  • the desire to get rid of fear, anxiety, feelings of inferiority;
  • the presence of complexes, low self-esteem, dislike for oneself;
  • loneliness, hidden desire to attract attention;
  • mental disorders;
  • long-term depression, inability to occupy oneself with anything other than drinking.

Social causes of alcoholism:

  • habit of drinking “socially” with friends, colleagues, relatives;
  • boring, uninteresting work that does not bring moral satisfaction;
  • heavy, exhausting activity, forcing you to look for opportunities to relax with the help of alcohol;
  • unsettled personal life, lack of relationships or family, recent divorce;
  • constant lack of money, quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, social instability, housing problems.

The causes of female alcoholism are often due to the character and physiological characteristics body. Representatives of the fair sex are more suspicious, they more often experience mood swings that push them to the bottle. Teenagers very often start drinking under the influence of peers, because of problems in the family or school. Male alcoholism can have any number of reasons.

Important! It is quite easy to explain how one becomes an alcoholic. At first, a person occasionally drinks beer, cognac or vodka, while completely controlling himself. After some time, he begins to drink every day and soon becomes completely dependent on alcohol.

Why do men start drinking?

Many married women do not understand why their husband drinks. It seems that the living conditions are satisfactory, and everything is normal in the family, but the person drinks almost every day. The psychology of an alcoholic is quite complex, and understanding it will require a lot of patience and effort. It is worth remembering that a man will never abuse alcohol without certain motives.

Male alcoholism most often develops for the following reasons:

  • Regular alcohol abuse against the background of a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Often the reason for this will be a harmless desire to relax. However, if a person starts drinking every day, he cannot avoid addiction. Therefore, men with a family history of alcoholics should not drink beer or other drinks every day;
  • The presence of drinking friends, a company in which recreation without alcohol is unacceptable. At first, a person drinks exclusively “for company,” so as not to offend anyone. Soon a harmless habit turns into an addiction and;
  • Lack of motivation in life, frequent stress, prolonged depression, low self-esteem, inferiority complex. Male alcoholism develops due to the fact that a man tries to distract himself and find solace in drinking;
  • Frequent family quarrels, recent divorce, dissatisfaction with one’s own life, difficulties and misunderstandings at work. A man at any age tends to avoid problems, which alcohol helps him with. Once a person starts drinking, it is quite difficult to stop him.

You can find out why men drink only by talking to them or carefully analyzing their behavior. Many alcoholics tend to personally explain their motives while intoxicated. To find out the reasons why men drink alcohol, it is enough to talk calmly and carefully with them. Most likely, during the conversation everything will become clear.

If a man starts drinking almost every day, his loved ones should start to seriously worry. They should not allow a novice alcoholic to continue in the same spirit. If he does not change his behavior, he will soon become addicted and will no longer be able to stop drinking without the help of specialists.

Why do women start drinking?

The causes of alcoholism and the characteristics of the problem in women are quite unique. Female representatives most often drink beer or low-alcohol drinks, later switching to cognac or vodka. At first they drink occasionally, then more and more often. After just a few months, they drink every day (or even several times a day), justifying their behavior in every possible way. It should be noted that female alcoholism progresses much faster than male alcoholism. It is extremely difficult to treat.

The most common reasons alcoholism in women:

  • loneliness;
  • marriage to an alcoholic;
  • unhappy family life;
  • loss of someone close;
  • recent divorce;
  • boredom, excess free time;
  • prolonged depression;
  • regular stress, neuroses.

There are other causes of female alcoholism, but they are much less common. Alcohol addiction develops mainly in lonely, unhappy and unsuccessful women, as well as in women whose husbands, sons or other close people abuse alcohol. They begin to drink a little socially, then they drink every day and soon become an alcoholic.

Fact! Women develop alcohol addiction much faster than men. This is due to physiological characteristics female body, namely low body weight and low levels of alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that breaks down ethyl alcohol).

Why do teenagers start drinking?

Many boys and girls begin to abuse alcohol in their teens. The motives that push them to do this are completely different, but the outcome is usually the same. Teenagers get used to alcohol very quickly and soon drink it every day. Naturally, this entails certain consequences. Because of this, teenagers begin to quarrel with their parents, they have problems with their performance at school and even with the law. As a rule, by the time they reach adulthood, they become drunkards.

Often the reasons for childhood alcoholism are completely obvious. At this age, the child is very susceptible to the influence of peers and parents, which is why his environment most often pushes him towards alcohol addiction. If he started drinking beer, wine or vodka in early age– this threatens big problems.

Most probable reasons alcoholism in adolescents:

  • the desire to assert oneself, not to disgrace oneself in front of peers, not to become the subject of ridicule and contempt;
  • the desire to “join the company” - teenagers are very suspicious and are afraid that their friends will turn away from them if they refuse to share their hobby;
  • lack of parental attention, frequent quarrels with parents, attempts to attract attention and other similar motives;
  • living in a dysfunctional family, where the father or mother personally pours alcohol for the child or, by their example, pushes him to drink;
  • boredom, excess free time and pocket money, lack of parental control and other motives.

The causes of childhood alcoholism do not end there. Sometimes teenagers begin to abuse alcohol for fun, a feeling of high and a desire to relax. As a rule, they quickly realize how pleasant it is to drink alcohol and don't want to stop anymore. They drink alcohol at the first opportunity, not imagining a vacation without it.

There are many situations that can be considered as to why people drink alcohol. This mainly happens at festive events, to raise the mood and spirit of the company. A person drinks different drinks, and they also differ in the quality of the manufacturer. Before production begins alcoholic products V industrial scale, people prepared moonshine, which they consumed at home. But with the beginning of its widespread production, a large assortment of this type of product appeared on the market. Apart from holidays, there are many reasons why people drink alcohol.

There are traditions all over the world and different holidays, which are completely impossible without drinking alcohol. Both women and men drink alcohol. But statistics show that men are more susceptible to this influence. Why men drink more can be examined using the example of behavioral stereotypes of a wide range of people. Women are still more inclined towards domestic activities. As a result of arranging a “warm hearth”, a woman should be constant time Houses. However, this is not the case in all cases.

Scientists have proven that when a man starts drinking, his body secretesdopamine, which is popularly called the hormone of joy. When drinking alcohol, a man produces more of the hormone than a woman. Subsequently, when drinking strong drinks, its level drops and more alcohol is needed to form. Due to this fact, alcohol addiction sets in. Let's look at the main reasons for drinking alcohol.

  • The first time a person tries alcohol is to satisfy an interest. Hearing the stories of his comrades or following the example of the people around him. Sometimes this happens to support the company, so as not to stand out and be like everyone else.
  • Feeling relaxed, avoiding your problems. This is why people drink alcohol after they try it for the first time. Besides, with alcohol, it’s always fun within a large company. This forms a certain stereotype that leads to a habit.
  • Later, psychological dependence is formed. And along with the habit, it is effectively integrated into the lifestyle. Harmful attachment suppresses pleasure in other activities.
  • As a result hangover syndrome, a person becomes intoxicated in the body. The condition is very serious, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To alleviate the feeling of well-being, the individual begins to drink alcohol again. As a result, this develops into a protracted binge. A person who is on a drinking binge is constantly hung over. Coming to a sober state, due to dehydration and an excess of toxins in the blood, general condition becomes unbearable. Subsequently, the most the best solution This situation becomes a continuation of the banquet.

As a result, you can notice that increased alcohol consumption leads to addiction. Alcohol addiction is a bad habit that not everyone can get rid of on their own. It is formed gradually, as a result of a certain incident or facts.

Psychology of the problem of drunkenness

In most cases, the cause of alcoholism lies deep within a person. If a person lives in abundance, he has good job And loving family, many loyal and kind friends who will support him in difficult times - such a person is unlikely to become an alcoholic. After all, a person who drinks is someone who is not happy with life; he carries a heavy load. And he dilutes his bitterness in the soul with alcoholic drinks. This can lead to internal complexes, childhood problems, psychological trauma.

Thus, the feeling of intoxication removes him from problems and internal tension. This allows you to be on short time happy and self-sufficient. When a new day comes, the sunny mood is replaced by the same burden that he was quickly trying to get rid of. The drinker wants to return to where it is good and carefree.

Unresolved problems can become a motivator for alcohol addiction. The more there is unsolved problem, the stronger the tension becomes. Not everyone copes with this load and becomes like drunken habits. It can start quite unnoticed, from evening beer drinking to alcohol abuse.

At the same time, a lever for a bad alcohol habit can become negative memories. Scientists argue that the genetics of parents and ancestors play a significant role in initiation into drunkenness. You need to pay attention to your passions special attention, and be more careful with entertainment activities. You can try to switch to another interesting hobby that brings pleasure.

Low social status in society, may be the answer to the question why people drink alcohol. There may be restrictions on activities due to financial instability. And in the future, personality degradation, depending on related factors. Actually, you can endlessly dilute your life with alcohol, but this will not lead to anything good.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Long-term drinking of alcohol in all cases leads to negative consequences. Problems begin in your personal life and when interacting with others. Alcohol has a negative impact on health, sometimes with irreversible consequences. We all know many cases from others about people who drink and drink. People around them speak unflatteringly about them. Subsequently, one can observe a tendency towards a decline in the overall influence on the life position of the alcoholic himself.

  • Quarrels occur with loved ones.
  • Dismissal from work.
  • Arrests or more serious administrative or criminal penalties.
  • Causing harm to health.
  • Loss and damage to your property and those around you.
  • Families are breaking up.
  • Plans collapse, and along with them hopes for a happy future.
  • Financial difficulties arise.
  • An alcoholic takes things out of the house to sell them and get another dose.
  • Personality degradation.

And this is far from full list negative consequences from the abuse of high-grade drinks. Appearance dependent person changes before our eyes: the skin turns pale and sagging, bags and wrinkles appear, the oval of the face swells. Alcohol in the body turns into a derivative substance - acetaldehyde. The result is a more detrimental effect on the body. In other words, in large quantities alcohol is poison.

Diseases associated with alcoholism

Alcoholic drinks themselves are not harmful if consumed in moderation, observing proportions relative to body parameters. But an excess leads to a serious deterioration in well-being and health. In addition to the standard hangover symptoms such as headache, nausea, apathy and others, there are also real threat health, which is formed as a result of both long-term and one-time consumption of alcohol.

Anemia. This is the number of red blood cells in the blood. These components serve as transporters of gas in the blood. They supply vital oxygen to cells and remove harmful carbon dioxide. As a result, there is constant fatigue, shortness of breath, drowsiness, and dizziness.

Cirrhosis. The liver is the body's main filter. With this disease, the cells of the organ change and cease to perform their functionality. This disease develops depending on the metabolism of a particular person. It may also appear with small doses of alcohol.

Malignant tumors. Acetaldehyde, a derivative of alcohol, is a severe carcinogen. Malignant tumors may affect the gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes of the larynx and mouth, liver and mammary gland.

Dementia. As a result of excessive consumption, brain processes deteriorate. Cells die in the brain and its volume decreases. Memory deteriorates, analytical thinking decreases, and there is a decrease in general intellectual abilities.

Infectious and viral diseases. When drinking alcohol, a person's immunity decreases. This affects the body’s ability to resist mild infections and severe pathogens that develop into a chronic form.

Pancreatitis. Inflammatory processes occur in the pancreas. As a result, there is a deterioration in digestive function.

Depression. As a result of long-term alcohol consumption, depressive disorders develop. The body stops receiving joy hormones synthesized as a result of drinking alcohol. A rapid increase and a sharp, prolonged hormonal decline indicate further depression.

Destruction nervous system. As a result of the toxicity of substances formed as a result of catalysis in the body, damage occurs nerve cells at the micro level.

This is not the entire list of problems. There are problems such as cardiovascular diseases, gout, epilepsy, diseases associated with damage to the brain and nervous system. The list can be continued endlessly, since the abuse of alcohol-containing substances disrupts metabolism. And this leads to other health problems.

To drink or not to drink is everyone's business. Alcohol can have a positive effect, normalizing blood pressure, both increasing metabolism and negatively, causing the above-mentioned complications. It is necessary to take into account not only the volume, but also the quality of the drink, in order to prevent other serious consequences. The key concept here is moderation. Drinking a drink in moderation will give you good mood and will allow you to relax.

The question of why people drink alcohol is usually associated with an attempt to understand the causes of addiction to drinking alcoholic beverages. Not every person who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic. Any medicine that is beneficial in small doses becomes poisonous in large doses. The development and dissemination of a culture of drinking alcoholic beverages is important, especially in our country, where drinking alcohol is practically national tradition.

Alcohol drinking culture

The tradition of drinking alcohol goes back a long way. The ancient Romans, Vikings and Egyptians made wine and spirits from fermented grape juice. Drinking alcohol accompanied festive feasts, and intoxicating potions were also used in rituals of communicating with spirits. IN ancient Rus' The most popular alcoholic drinks were intoxicated mead and beer. Since the invention of bread vodka in the mid-15th century, taverns have appeared - establishments intended for drinking alcohol.

Why do people drink alcohol

The answer to the question why people drink alcohol lies in the positive feelings and emotions that alcohol causes when consumed in small doses. Ethanol molecules suppress the activity of neurons in the prefrontal and temporal parts of the cerebral cortex, while increasing the activity of dopamine receptors. As a result, rational thinking weakens and psychological barriers are removed. A person becomes relaxed, sociable, disconnects from stress factors, and experiences a feeling of joy, pleasure, and mild euphoria.

Why do you want to drink

The positive effect, once experienced after moderate consumption of alcohol, is consolidated in the subconscious. Alcohol is perceived as a means to relieve stress, improve mood, and social emancipation. It also has an influence social factor. People who categorically refuse alcoholic beverages, in most cases cause bewilderment and slight hostility among those around them, and with their behavior provoke persuasion to drink a little “for company.”

Reasons for drinking alcohol

In addition to the positive effect, the effect of alcohol on the body causes negative consequences, the main one being the risk of developing alcoholism. Alcohol helps cope with stress and difficulties social adaptation, but with regular use it causes depression in some people, which triggers mechanisms of addiction, leading to binge drinking that threatens health and interferes with leading a full life. Becomes topical issue, why do you want to drink alcohol when a person understands that he is prone to alcohol abuse.


A number of personal characteristics, such as lack of self-confidence, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, egocentrism, place their owners at risk of developing alcoholism. Alcohol intoxication the initial stage makes such people more sociable and relaxed, they feel more confident, and begin to enjoy communication. Presence of psychological difficulties of different nature is a factor answering the question of why a person drinks alcohol.


The role of the influence of the social environment is no less significant. The presence of drinking parents answers the question of why a teenager wants to drink alcohol, who is beginning to grow up and, since childhood, has been watching the adults around him drink strong alcoholic drinks on holidays. A teenager begins to drink because he perceives drinking as an integral part of growing up, but it is forbidden because everyone tells him that drinking is bad.


There are biological factors contributing to the development of alcohol dependence. According to statistics, with a genetic predisposition (blood relatives who drink), the risk of developing alcoholism is four times higher. The absence or small amount of a number of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of ethanol products leads to the fact that the body is susceptible to more strong impact and low resistance to alcoholic drinks. In combination with a number of personal characteristics, this factor becomes decisive in the formation of a stable dependence on alcohol.

False reasons for drunkenness

Many of the myths that surround alcohol use can be considered false reasons why people allow themselves to abuse alcohol. For example, part strong drinks affects blood vessels, expanding or narrowing them (depending on the type of alcohol). This factor is beginning to be used to justify drunkenness, citing the healing effect of alcohol for headaches. Regular consumption of beer, in the initial stages, indicates everyday promiscuity and ignorance, and not addiction.

Why do people start drinking

The question of why some people drink alcohol without becoming dependent on it, while others should never drink alcohol, worries many specialists who study alcohol dependence and looking for ways overcoming it. The emergence and development of alcoholism in women and men is influenced by a huge number of factors - their biological and personal characteristics, the lifestyle they lead, the social environment in which they find themselves.

There are several stages of alcohol addiction. From stage to stage, the body's resistance to alcohol decreases (withdrawal syndrome and inability to control the dose of alcohol occurs), the need for regular drinking increases, up to the loss of all other desires and complete personal degradation. In severe stages, a person suffering from alcoholism needs professional help to combat their disease.


Why do people drink alcohol? The question is, of course, interesting. Civilization has been familiar with strong drinks for about 6 thousand years, that is, people have been drinking almost always. And today many people are “friends” with alcohol. Each person drinks alcohol differently, some drink a glass of beer every day, some drink a glass of wine in the evening, and some generally start in the morning and finish at a party or just like that.

Why do people drink? No holiday is complete without alcoholic drinks. The tradition of drinking on holidays has been going on since ancient times. But some people can stop and say “stop” to themselves, while others don’t have enough willpower. The second option includes weak people who wash down their grief and problems with alcohol. This habit is more common among men than women. They may also start taking alcohol to wash down their emptiness, for example, after the death of a loved one, or when a person cannot find a job and it seems to him that everything is lost in life.

Why do men start drinking?

Men may start drinking for a variety of reasons, but none of them is an excuse. There are many men who drink alcohol daily. Some of them may look healthy, but in reality they have no idea what the consequences of touching the bottle will be.

There are internal and external reasons alcoholism of men. Psychology considers the following to be external:

  1. Selfishness. Any man, walking home after work, might think: “Shouldn’t I have a beer?” And he immediately buys himself a bottle of beer, not suspecting that by submitting to a moment of weakness, he is harming himself.
  2. Large team. Sometimes, thinking that in order to maintain friendly relations with the team it is impossible to refuse to go to a bar together, a man allows himself to drink too much. But such friendly relations it won't come to any good, and in the end the man will still be left alone.
  3. Fictional circumstances. Sometimes men work themselves up and start drinking because of a lack of appearance or in the intimate sphere. Some because they were unlucky with their wife or career. But this is just a reason to drink an extra bottle and feel sorry for yourself.
  4. Weakness. A person's weakness lies in abstaining from alcohol. He drinks a little at first, thinking that it won't hurt and that he can stop whenever he wants. But over time, he begins to abuse and can no longer stop. In such cases, you need to understand in time that you are sick and contact a narcologist.


  1. Relaxation. Stressed at work or other circumstances, a man begins to look for a way to relieve tension. And alcohol helps him with this.
  2. Jealousy. Jealousy towards his wife stresses the man even more. Just like in the first option, he starts drinking in order to relax and forget about worries.
  3. Lack of happiness. Any man needs female attention. If a man does not have such attention, then he fills this void with alcohol.
  4. Sadness. A man can also drink out of loneliness, boredom, or problems.

Why do women start drinking?

When a woman starts drinking, she is judged more than a man. The cause of alcoholism can be an unhappy life, problems with family, children and much more. Stress or tragedy can push a woman to drink. After all, this is the easiest way to get away from all problems for a while. Of course, not all women can drink; weak-willed women succumb to alcohol in to a greater extent than ladies with strong force will.

Family and children suffer from female alcoholism. Children born to an alcoholic mother may also become alcoholics in the future. Also often drinking women sick children are born. Of course, when a wife starts drinking, not every husband will help her cope with alcohol; someone can simply quit and go live their own lives.

Five main reasons why people start drinking

  1. Alcohol dependence is absent in people who drink for the first time or drink socially in small doses and very rarely.
  2. A person who drinks several times a month. A person begins to drink for company, and the next time he tries to repeat these sensations. Alcoholism in such people is absent or less pronounced.
  3. If a person drinks regularly on weekends, this is already a sign of alcoholism. This is already a psychological addiction of a person, in which a person is used to drinking every week on the weekend.
  4. A person who drinks every day has already poisoned his body, and he drinks alcohol to relieve discomfort. Thinking that he is making things easier for himself, he is ruining himself even more.
  5. A person who is constantly in a drunken state has impaired functioning of the entire body.

The lack of spirituality, morality, and any hobbies leads a person to alcohol.