Before diagnosing yourself with depression, make sure. Cognitive statements of S. Freud

Sigmund Freud

When talking about self-esteem, it is important to understand the main thing - the higher it is, the better. Low self-esteem is a serious problem for a person, it is his weak side, his vulnerable spot. Inflated self-esteem is also, to some extent, a problem for a person, since it distorts his self-image, which in turn can cause him to make erroneous decisions in certain life situations. But this is all nonsense, trifles compared to the problems that a person with low self-esteem faces. Even overly high self-esteem does not so much hinder, but rather, on the contrary, helps a person achieve success in life. She makes him feel happy. But low self-esteem really prevents us from living well and happily, so it must be increased by all means.

You, dear reader, have probably already read more than one article on this topic, wanting to increase your self-esteem. And it seems that everything you read and what smart people advised you is true, and you understand it. But your self-esteem, unfortunately, has remained low as it was. And you don’t know what else you need to learn in order to improve it. And I know. This article will be your last - after it you will no longer need to read anything, you will only need to do what I advise you to do, and then your self-esteem will fly to the moon. I know what I’m saying, I know how to raise self-esteem, believe me. Better yet, check it out. Read this article carefully, do as I advise you to do, and everything will be fine - your self-esteem will rise and with its help you will change your life for the better.

So, you can increase your self-esteem in many different ways, and tons of articles and books have been written about all of these methods. But I want to draw your attention, dear readers, to the most important way to guarantee that your self-esteem will skyrocket - communication. Not only the state of your self-esteem, but your entire life will depend on who and how you communicate. Why do you think you have low self-esteem? Because you think there is something wrong with you, because something is not working out in your life, or because you were born such a person - with a weak character and low self-esteem? Nothing of the kind - these are all leaves on the tree of evil. The point is that until now you have been communicating with the wrong people, basically. And these wrong people sucked the life energy out of you, rather than filling you with it. They lowered your self-esteem with their attitude towards you. This is where the root of evil lies! Few people will tell you that communication between people always comes down to the exchange of energy between them, which determines how good or how bad a person will feel after communicating with certain people. And people are different - some elevate us in our own eyes and instill self-confidence in us, while others trample us into the dirt, lowering our self-esteem below the level of the city sewer. At the same time, it does not matter at all how exactly communication and the accompanying exchange of vital energies between people is carried out - live, by telephone, through letters or via the Internet. The information we receive from another person, as well as his reaction to our information that we convey to him, has a strong influence on us.

Let me give you a simple example: communication on the Internet, for example, on social networks, on forums, or through email correspondence, can lift your mood or completely ruin it. Agree - if someone humiliates, judges, insults, criticizes you via the Internet, then you will not feel very good. And if this happens constantly, if people tell you every day that you are somehow wrong, then sooner or later you will believe it, and your self-esteem will fall very low. And vice versa, if you, from at least one person, regularly receive good letters in which he will speak very highly of you, will praise you, encourage you, admire you, list your merits and always agree with you on everything, thereby showing your importance to him - your self-esteem will very quickly grow to unprecedented heights, thanks to such a positive informational impact on you. It would seem that everything is very simple - ordinary communication, even if not live, but via the Internet, but how much harm or benefit it can cause to a person. It is better, of course, that such communication would be beneficial, that your self-esteem would increase rather than decrease. Therefore, any communication with people, in any form, must be approached very seriously, in terms of the fact that you need to carefully choose who to communicate with and whom to ignore. Of course, this should be done if possible and if necessary. It is difficult to create an ideal situation in this life, in which only the right people surround you. But you need to strive for this in order to have high self-esteem and a generally good mood.

The problem with communication that is beneficial to you is that other people are not particularly interested in raising your self-esteem at their own expense. And the point is not only that they feel sorry for you to raise it, and not even that they no longer think about yours, but about their own self-esteem, but that raising another person’s self-esteem through proper communication with him is not it’s so simple – you need to be able to do it. Telling another person that they are cool does not boost their self-esteem. They can praise you, they can flatter you, they can admire you, they can write you very beautiful and pleasant words, very strong words that can awaken a great personality in you. But the fact is that without a competent approach to this matter, all these words, all these emotions will not look sincere, and therefore the effectiveness of these words will be low. Deep down in your soul, you will feel some kind of falsehood in other people’s words, you will doubt that everything that they tell and write to you is the pure truth, that you are really such a good, so strong, so smart and such a special person as they tell you . And these doubts will not give you peace. Therefore, to increase your self-esteem through communication, you need to involve good specialists in this process, who know what and how to say to each specific person in order to awaken in him a strong personality, whose self-esteem will be at the highest possible level. You must feel the magic of very powerful and insightful words in order to use them to believe in your own greatness and exclusivity. Psychologists, my friends, are at your service. Who else but them can you entrust with such an important matter?

Having started communicating with the right people who, with their words and their attitude towards you, will help raise your self-esteem, you, friends, will, of course, need to refuse to communicate with those who intentionally or unknowingly lower your self-esteem. You need to isolate yourself from such people as much as possible. Otherwise, you understand, some people will fill you with energy, instilling self-confidence in you with their attitude towards you, while others will take it away from you. In this case, you are unlikely to progress successfully, if at all. Therefore, at least at first, you need to avoid communicating with the wrong people - those who deprive you of vital energy. Then you will be able to communicate normally with them when your self-esteem increases and you become more relaxed about other people’s criticism and their negative opinions about you. But you need to grow to this point - through communication with the right people. These people will teach you to believe in yourself and love yourself. And having low self-esteem makes it very difficult to believe in yourself, in your strengths, in your abilities and in your own exclusivity. And it is very difficult to achieve success in matters that require a person to have at least some kind of perseverance, patience and more or less strong character. Therefore, a person with low self-esteem needs nourishment - in the form of powerful support from other people - the right people. Get it - cultivate a strong personality in yourself, and then no one will be able to break you morally.

When a person’s self-esteem increases, he will inevitably begin to achieve success in a variety of things, overcoming any resistance in the person of people who are unkindly disposed towards him, who have always been, are and will be in our lives. In this world, it is impossible to achieve success in any significant endeavors without overcoming a certain resistance and thereby accumulate the positive experience of personal victories necessary for self-confidence and high self-esteem. Therefore, friends, if you do not yet know how to overcome the resistance of life circumstances and your self-esteem is at a low level, then you need a person who will help you believe in your own strengths, in your own importance, in your own uniqueness and exclusivity, in your own capabilities, who will help you start achieving success, first in small and insignificant things, and then in more significant matters. You need someone who will help you grow a great personality in yourself, in the greatness of which you yourself will believe, first of all, and then other people will believe in it. But remember that the power of your greatness will not lie in your faith in it, for faith is an empty illusion that needs to be filled, but in the great things you will do in your life and in which you will be successful. Your victories, which you will achieve thanks to high self-esteem, will concrete your self-confidence and strengthen your belief in your own greatness and exclusivity. Positive life experiences always have a positive impact on our self-esteem and self-confidence.

And the greatness of any person begins with the right communication with the right people, after which he can literally soar in the skies. Think about how many people in your life make you feel great after communicating with them? Do they even exist, these people? If you don’t have such people in your life, look for them, including on the Internet - there are people here who can help you feel not just like a person, but like a superman. Do not waste time or money on communicating with such people. Charge yourself with positive energy and become stronger. And be sure to avoid communicating with those who suck the energy out of you, who condemn you, criticize you, humiliate you, insult you, who yell at you and suppress your will. Drive such people as far away from you as possible, or run away from them yourself.

Communicate only with those who fill you with vital energy, who give you self-confidence and raise your self-esteem. These are the people who will help you become a strong and self-confident person; they are the ones who will teach you how to achieve success in life. So, dear friends, hanging out with the right people, better than anything else, will help you raise your self-esteem to a very high level very quickly.

I collected quotes from a scientist about the inner world of man.

1. “Before you diagnose yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by idiots.”

2. “The only perversion is the absence of sex. Everything else is a matter of choice."

3. “A person never gives up anything, he simply replaces one pleasure with another”

4. “The more perfect a person is on the outside, the more demons he has inside.”

5. “We enter the world alone and we leave it alone.”

6. “You never stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should look within yourself. They are there and have always been there."

7. “The masses have never known a thirst for truth. They demand illusions without which they cannot live."

8. “Experience teaches that most people have a limit beyond which their constitution refuses to follow the demands of culture. Everyone who wants to be nobler than their nature allows falls into neurosis; they would feel better if they were given the opportunity to be worse.”

10. “If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value, this means that he is sick.”

11. “Ideal, eternal, hate-free love exists only between an addict and a drug.”

12. “We only meet those who already exist in our subconscious”

13. “A husband is almost always just a substitute for the man he loves, and not the man himself.”

14. “People in general are not sincere in sexual matters. They do not openly demonstrate their sexuality, but hide it by wearing a thick coat made of a material called “lie,” as if the weather is bad in the world of sexual relations.”

15. “When someone in my family complains that they bit their tongue, pinched their finger, etc., instead of showing the expected participation, I ask: why did you do that?”

INFORMATION: Sigmund was born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg. Soon his family moved to Leipzig and then to Vienna.

After graduating from high school, he entered the medical faculty of the University of Vienna.

He worked as a surgeon at the Vienna City Hospital, then retrained as a neurologist. It was Freud who introduced the term “cerebral palsy” into medicine.

At the age of 29, having won the competition, he went to Paris for an internship with the famous psychiatrist Jean Charcot. There, Sigmund devoted a lot of time to studying hysteria and began studying sexology.

Returning to Austria, he got a job at the Max Kossovitz Institute. He began to conduct a private practice, working mainly with neurotics. Analyzing cases from practice, I came to the conclusion that the causes of most neuroses are repressed memories of an erotic nature.

Freud is considered the founder of psychoanalysis. His most famous books are “The Interpretation of Dreams”, “Totem and Taboo”, “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”, “The Future of an Illusion”.

The scientist died after a long illness at the age of 83, having asked his attending physician to inject him with a lethal dose of morphine.

A person, having experienced through experience that sexual (genital) love brings him the greatest satisfaction, so that, in fact, it becomes a prototype of happiness for him, is forced, as a result, to seek his happiness along the path of sexual relations, to place genital eroticism at the center of his life.

We all have repressed polygamy.

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them, and psychiatrists collect rent.

Before you diagnose yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by idiots.

Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty.

When a neurotic comes face to face with a conflict, he flees into illness.

Neurotics complain about their illness, although for the most part they create it themselves. When you get close to debunking their illness, they rush to its defense like a lioness saving her cubs.

In neurosis, after the initial submission to reality, there follows a belated attempt to escape.

Neurosis has as its result and, apparently, the intention of displacing a person from real life, alienation from reality.

Neurosis does not deny reality, it just does not want to know anything about it; psychosis denies it and tries to replace it. We call normal or “healthy” an attitude that combines certain features of both reactions, which just as little denies reality as neurosis, but which also strives to change it, like psychosis.

The distinction between health and neurosis exists only during the day, but does not extend to dreams. In other words, even a healthy person is neurotic, but a dream, apparently, represents the only symptom that he can develop.

In psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of a storehouse, from which psychosis draws material or patterns for constructing a new reality.

Neurosis represents a partial victory over the ego, after the ego has failed in its attempt to suppress sexuality.

Neuroses are caricatures of the great social products of art, religion and philosophy. Hysteria is a caricature of a work of art, obsessional neurosis is a caricature of religion, paranoid delusion is a caricatured distortion of a philosophical system.

Mental changes do not occur too quickly, except perhaps in revolutions (psychoses).

For each of us the world disappears with his own death.

In the unconscious, everyone is convinced of his own immortality.

We strive more to avert suffering from ourselves than to receive pleasure.

The ego is not master in its own house.

The ego can treat itself like other objects, observe itself, criticize itself, and God knows what to do with itself.

What the infantile Ego fled in fear, often seems like child's play to the adult and strengthened Ego.

Psychoanalysis has its own scale of values ​​- a higher harmony of the Ego, which must fulfill the task of successful mediation between the onslaughts of instinctive life (Id) and the external world, that is, between external and internal reality.

Living for the Ego means the same thing as being loved by the Super-Ego, and death by suicide symbolizes or acts out a kind of abandonment of the Super-Ego from the Ego. This situation is reminiscent of the separation of a child from a protective mother.

Delirium is a patch applied to the place where the breakdown in the ego's relationship to the outside world originally occurred.

The ego ideal is a reflection of the old idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe parents, an expression of surprise at their perfection, which the child then attributed to them.

The acute grief after the loss of our own child will be erased, but we remain inconsolable and will never be able to find a replacement. Everything that takes the empty place, even if it manages to fill it, remains something else. That's how it should be. This is the only way to prolong the love that we do not want to renounce.

The one whose lips remain silent blurts it out with his fingertips. He reveals himself at every pore.

Wishes for a long and happy life are not expensive; they are a vestige of that era when man believed in the magical power of thought. It is better when compassionate fate interrupts the course of our life in time.

Human culture is based on two principles: on mastering the forces of nature and on limiting our desires. Chained slaves carry the throne of the ruler. Woe if they were freed: the throne would be overthrown, the ruler would be trampled upon. Society knows this and doesn't want it talked about.

The peculiarity of the spiritual past is that, unlike the historical past, it is not squandered by descendants.

The intimate desires and fantasies of the artist become works of art only through transformation, when the obscene in these desires is softened, their personal origin is masked, and as a result of observing the rules of beauty, other people are offered a seductive share of pleasure.

We adults do not understand children, since we no longer understand our own childhood.

Every philosopher, writer and biographer comes up with his own psychology, puts forward his own hypotheses about the laws and purposes of mental acts. The field of psychology lacks respect and authority. Anyone can “poach” here, following their own tastes.

Science is not a revelation; from the very beginning it does not have the character of something definite, unchangeable, infallible, which human thinking so passionately desires.

People talk about money issues with the same deceit as they talk about sexual problems. In psychoanalysis, both need to be discussed with equal frankness.

In our dreams, we always have one foot in childhood.

The unconscious does not know the word “no”. The unconscious cannot do anything other than desire.

We live in very strange times and we note with surprise that progress keeps pace with barbarism.

The constellations are certainly magnificent, but as far as consciousness is concerned, the Lord God has done a disproportionate job and done it carelessly, since the vast majority of human beings have received only a modest part of it, barely enough to be worth talking about.

When an old maid gets a dog, and an old bachelor collects figurines, then in this way the former compensates for the lack of married life, and the latter creates the illusion of numerous love victories. All collectors are a kind of Don Juan.

A child in the womb is a prototype of all types of human relationships. To choose a sexual object simply means to find it again.

The psyche is vast, but does not know about it.

A tolerant attitude towards life remains the primary duty of all living beings.

If you want to be able to endure life, prepare for death.

The death of a loved one can stir up a person's entire past.

The Russian psyche has risen to the conclusion that sin is clearly necessary in order to experience all the bliss of God's mercy, and that, at its core, sin is a matter pleasing to God.

Everyone in their unconscious has a tool that allows them to interpret the messages of other people's unconscious.

Anxiety is a fundamental phenomenon and a central problem of neurosis

We want to exist, we are afraid of non-existence, and therefore we invent wonderful fairy tales in which all our dreams come true. An unknown goal awaiting us ahead, the flight of the soul, paradise, immortality, God, reincarnation - all these are illusions designed to sweeten the bitterness of death

The deep-rooted belief in mental freedom and choice is completely unscientific and must give way to assertions of determinism that governs mental life

The only purpose of life is the process of existence itself, i.e. the eternal struggle for survival

The task of making people happy was not part of the plan for creating the world.

If you want to endure life, prepare to die

In a certain sense, what we call happiness occurs as a result of the (preferably unforeseen) satisfaction of long-held needs.

The question of the meaning of human life has been raised countless times; a satisfactory answer to it has not yet been found, and it may not be found at all. Some of the questioners added: if life has no meaning, then it loses all value for them. But a threat of this kind does not change anything. Rather, it would seem that we are justified in dismissing this question. Its premise is human doubt, the manifold manifestations of which we are already familiar with. After all, they don’t talk about the meaning of animal life, except perhaps in connection with their purpose to serve humans...

We enter the world alone and we leave it alone.

If we accept as a fact that does not admit of exceptions that all living things die, return to the inorganic, for internal reasons, then we can only say that the goal of all life is death, and, going even further, that the inanimate existed before the living... Ours instincts, these guardians of life, were originally companions of death

The ego is the real place of anxiety

The program to become happy, to which the pleasure principle forces us, is impossible to fulfill, and yet we should not, no, we cannot, give up trying to somehow fulfill it... Happiness - in the moderate sense in which we can recognize its possibility is the problem of individual economy of libido. Here it is impossible to give advice that would suit everyone: everyone should tailor their own happiness to their own style...

Incredible facts

The masses have never thirsted for truth. They require illusions without which they cannot live.

Sigmund Freud was a neurologist, scientist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

All his life he studied the psyche and human existence, making significant contributions to modern psychology.

Although his views are considered quite controversial, interest in him still does not subside.

IN We all know that the truth can be very difficult to accept.

And so, a few truths that will make you face the truth.

Psychology of Sigmund Freud

1. The purpose of life is death.

A person who is aware of this world will show courage. For this reason, the greatest truth of this life is death.

2. Work and love are the cornerstones of our humanity.

Just because we're all going to die doesn't mean we shouldn't live at all. We can love flowers, trees, rain, the smell of the earth after the rain. Of course, there are things in life that you can love. Don't think that the glass is half empty. But don’t be mistaken that it’s half full. We need to see the glass for what it is.

Your job can make or break your life. The pain of hating your job can be worse than the pain of getting punched by your little finger because the latter only lasts a few minutes while the former can last a lifetime.

3. Our strength is in our weakness.

The only way enemies can destroy us is by pressing on our weaknesses. If a person accepts his shortcomings, others will have no weapons to use against him. We can become stronger by accepting the fact that we have our weaknesses.

4. There is no such thing as love, there is only libido.

Although this statement is quite controversial, many would agree that there is some truth in it. Perhaps you should take this fact for granted and not be upset about it.

5. People are more moral than they think, and much more immoral than they can imagine.

In life you always choose your path. Whatever path you choose, you should not criticize someone who has chosen another. Only an immoral person would do this.

6. Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.

Dreams help you understand yourself better, and we should pay as much attention to them as we do to sound sleep.

7. Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty.

One of the most painful and pleasurable emotions is our feeling towards uncertainty. However, it affects everyone differently.

8. People can defend themselves against attacks, but they are powerless against compliments.

Many of us cannot handle criticism, and we try to find weaknesses in those who criticize us in order to sting them.

9. To understand a woman, you need to turn the labyrinth into a straight line.

Perhaps the reason is that men are more predictable.

10. I have always looked for strength and confidence outside, but it is always inside, and you can always find it there.

Confidence is believing in yourself. This is the basic thing that everyone needs, as long as we do not exalt selfishness. Everything is in our hands, and it has always been so. We always think what we want to think, hear what we want to hear, and see what we want to see.

We find it difficult to accept things as they are. We don't understand what they tell us. And yet we get upset all the time. And the reason for this is a lack of confidence, because if we believed in ourselves and in the power that we have, we would understand and see reality.

Quotes from Sigmund Freud

    Suppressed emotions do not die. They were silenced. And they continue to influence a person from within.

    We choose each other for a reason. We only meet those who already exist in our subconscious.

    The first man who threw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.

    We are never more defenseless in the face of suffering than when we love.

    The more perfect a person is on the outside, the more demons he has inside.

    If you have forgiven a person everything, then you are done with him.

    The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

    Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and responsibility is scary to most people.

    The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now.

    The moment a person begins to think about the meaning and value of life, one can begin to consider him sick.

    Before you diagnose yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by idiots.

Sigmund Freud is known as the founder of psychoanalysis. He had a huge influence on psychology, medicine, sociology, anthropology, literature and art of the 20th century. Freud's views on human nature were innovative for his time and throughout the researcher's life caused resonance and criticism in the scientific community. Interest in the scientist’s theories continues to this day. Today we publish observations of the famous psychoanalyst, which are very similar to the truth.

1. The purpose of life is death

A person who is aware of this world will show courage. For this reason, the most important truth to be realized is death.

2. Two things help you stay healthy – love of life and a job you love.

Just because we're all going to die doesn't mean we shouldn't live at all. We can love flowers, trees, rain, the smell of the earth after the rain. Of course, there are things in life that you can love. Don't think that the glass is half empty. But don’t be mistaken that it’s half full. We need to see the glass for what it is.

Your job can make or break your life. The pain of hating your job can be worse than the pain of getting punched in the little finger, because the latter only lasts a few minutes while the former can last a lifetime.

3. Our strength is in our weakness

The only way enemies can destroy us is by pressing on our weaknesses. If a person accepts his shortcomings, others will have no weapons to use against him. We can become stronger by accepting the fact that we have our weaknesses.

4. What we are accustomed to consider love is not love, but libido. It has little to do with true love

Although this statement is quite controversial, it is closer to the truth than it seems at first glance. Try to think about how love can cause suffering and many things will fall into place.

5. People are more moral than they think, and much more immoral than they can imagine.

In life you always choose your path. Whatever path you choose, you should not criticize someone who has chosen another. Only an immoral person would do this.

6. Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious

Freud was the first to understand the role of dreams and began to use them in therapy. No matter how they joked about it, at that time it was a real breakthrough.

7. Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty.

Our anxiety towards uncertainty is one of the most painful emotions. But everyone reacts to it differently, of course.

8. People can defend themselves against attacks, but they are powerless against compliments.

Most of us cannot tolerate criticism, so we try to find the weaknesses of those who criticize us in order to hurt them, see fact 3.

9. To understand a woman, you need to turn the labyrinth into a straight line.

Perhaps the reason is that men are more predictable.

10. I have always looked for strength and confidence outside, but it is always inside, and you can always find it there.

The less your self-esteem depends on the opinions of strangers, the happier and more productive you will be.

Here are some interesting quotes from the founder of psychoanalysis.

Quotes from Sigmund Freud

Suppressed emotions do not die. They were silenced. And they continue to influence a person from within.

We choose each other for a reason. We only meet those who already exist in our subconscious.

The first man who threw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.

We are never more defenseless in the face of suffering than when we love.

The more perfect a person is on the outside, the more demons he has inside.

If you have forgiven a person everything, then you are done with him.

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and responsibility is scary to most people.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now.

The moment a person begins to think about the meaning and value of life, you can begin to consider him sick. Before diagnosing yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure that you are not surrounded by idiots.