Winx biography. All about WinX Club (Winx Club) - Bloom's biography

Age: 20 years
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Home Planet: Melody
Power: The magic of music and rhythms
Hobbies: Music, dancing
Favorite color: red, blue, white
Guy I like: Riven
Talisman flower: Orchid
Talisman Stone: Striped Agate
Patron Beast: Crane
Best Friend: Aisha
Roommate: Tecna
Pixie: Tune - pixie of good manners
Personality: creative, cheerful, cheerful, doesn’t give a damn, friendly, but sometimes nervous, irritable and touchy

BIOGRAPHY: Muse's childhood was very difficult: her mother, a great singer, died when Muse was little, and her father (a pianist) became so withdrawn after the death of his wife that he devoted little time to Muse. Because of this, she was at odds with him for some time. Therefore, she does not celebrate “Rose Day” - a holiday when the whole family gets together and congratulates their mothers. Muse is often left alone, going to one of the towers in Alfea, where her parents once met. There she takes out a special projector in the shape of a flower, which has little secret. This is not a simple projector; when you turn it on, it creates a monogram of her mother. She cannot speak, but she understands everything that the Muse says, smiles if the Muse is happy, or is upset if she is sad. Not many people know about this tower. More precisely, few people know how to get there, but Muse’s father told him about it. In Alfea, she constantly experiences adventures with her friends. In the company of Winx, she is the “guy in a skirt” and a real rebel! Her nerves often give way, all because difficult childhood which she experienced. Most often she yells at Stella, who constantly teaches her how to look right. Despite her hot temper, everyone wants to be her friend. The muse dresses like a hip-hopper or rapper, and in general loves hip-hop very much, which is very noticeable in her style. When she listens to him, she literally goes into nirvana. The muse loves to play musical instruments, especially on guitar and saxophone. In her first year, she really liked a guy named Riven, and she tried to get his attention. Although she had a rival, one of the Trix witches - Darcy. One day, Darcy almost killed Muse... Muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under Darcy's hypno-gaze and was completely in her hands. Subsequently, he was able to get rid of Darcy's influence, and admitted to Muse that he liked her. In her second year, Stella arranged a date for Muse with another handsome guy named Jared. The muse liked him, but she couldn’t help but think about Riven... Subsequently, she finally got a confession from him, but she was not completely sure of his words. Muse really wants to become a singer, and she has all the data for this. She has a very musical voice, although this can only be heard when she sings. In her second year, Muse sang a song at one of the concerts. That day she finally made peace with her dad. She loves to make fun of her friends and sometimes it is dark humor. She considers Aisha, the new girl on their team, to be her best friend. He hates Darcy very much and this hatred is mutual. Muse is interested in boxing and can stand up for herself. She always smiles and can charm anyone. The muse loves dancing, regardless of style. If she had her way, she would have parties every day. With the new girl on their team, Aisha, she often goes to dance clubs; she learned many dance moves from Aisha. She found her charmmix third, in the Rezot reality, when she told Riven everything she felt. Muse constantly quarrels with her pixie Tune, who dictates to her what manners and style a true fairy should have.

Age: 20 years
Birthday: December 16
Zodiac sign: Triton
Home planet: Zenith
Power: the magic of technology
Hobbies: technology and science
Favorite color: purple, black
Guy I like: Timmy
Talisman flower: Apple flower (?)
Talisman stone: Malachite
Patron Beast: Eagle
Best friend: Flora
Roommate: Muse
Pixie: Digit - nano-technology pixie
Personality: brave, diligent, smart, intelligent, cheerful, cautious, quick-tempered, stubborn, sometimes seems cold

BIOGRAPHY: Tekna, the most ordinary girl from the planet Zenith, where most people are scientists or inventors. On her planet, everything is technologized, and if you fly to it, you might think that you are in the future. She is not a princess like many of her friends. Tekna has been fascinated by technology since childhood and now simply cannot live without her PDA, which she constantly takes with her. Without him, she is like without arms or wings. She has a very high intelligence, she is one of the best students in Alfea. Although she still can’t outpace Flora in medicine and potions. Tecna's peculiarity is that she is half an android, although it looks strange, and in her hands there is simply a whole help system, in the literal sense of the word! She is well developed logical thinking. She only understands technological things, she won’t understand simple primitive things like a bucket and puts them on her head like a hat (I wonder what she will do with a mop!). loves very much active recreation, play sports, skateboard, often invent new things and love to tinker with everything new and unknown. Also cannot live without electronic games. Tecna knows a lot about the universe and various peoples. She has a very hot-tempered nature, but she tries to balance her character, although this does not always work out. Tecna is a brave girl, she is not afraid of dangers and never cries. Her magic is also technology-based. She can “strike” the enemy with an electric discharge or show him what a futuristic action movie blaster is. If enemies attack, she will either attack herself or hide her friends under her shield. Another feature of Tecna is her wings. Her wings hang only for beauty, and in order to fly, she needs to create a field on her back in the form of a check mark or an airplane, as you prefer. She is a brave, strong fairy among the Winx team. Many consider her cold, although in fact she is very cheerful, her cheerful character bursts out of her, although she does not like it when people make fun of her. She constantly thinks through detailed and detailed plans actions. In the first year, it seemed that she was more friends with Muse, but then she realized that her real friend is Flora, although in many ways they are very different, and some people think that they are not suitable for each other at all. But as we know, opposites attract! She also constantly denied that there was anything between her and Timmy and that they were nothing more than friends. Although she secretly dreams about him. As for clothes, Tecna loves to dress in high-tech style. She dresses simply as she is a minimalist and doesn't wear a lot of jewelry on herself. Her pixie Digit is very similar to her owner, especially in character and slightly in appearance. Tecna is very cheerful, her cheerful character bursts out of her. Tecna opened her Charmix penultimately, in the reality of Rezot, when Timmy was in danger, and she was very worried about him.

Aisha Leila
Age: 20 years
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac Sign: Chimera
Home planet: Andros
Power: the magic of liquids and ductility
Hobbies: sports and dancing
Favorite color: light green, purple, blue
Guy I like: Nabu
Best friend: Muse
Roommate: lives alone
Pixie: Piff – pixie of sweet dreams
Character: very brave, does not tolerate her own failures, proud, always ready to face dangers, athletic, energetic, adventurer

BIOGRAPHY: Aisha was born on the planet Andros, where she is a princess. Aisha did not enter Alfea right away, alone academic year she was on homeschooling. She tries to do without magic and uses it only in extreme cases. She has known pixies for a very long time, they used to be hers best friends. Aisha is one of the few people who knows about the village where all the pixies live. When the pixies were kidnapped by Lord Darkar, it was Aisha who rushed to save the babies. Unfortunately, she didn’t succeed, Darkar turned out to be stronger, and Aisha woke up in the Alfea first-aid post. After this, the rescue mission was entrusted to Aisha, Bloom, Stella, Prince Sky and Brendan. And after many adventures, Aisha became a full member of the Winx team. Aisha – athletic girl and is ready to devote herself entirely to sports. She is very brave, but proud and does not tolerate her own failures, a real adventurer. Her fears are darkness and too wide rooms. He plays sports to keep himself in shape and just for fun. Aisha believes that Winx girls lack sports training. She doesn't understand how you can get by with just magic or technology. In addition to sports, Aisha loves to dance. She knows many types of dances, different nations and styles. Aisha is very lucky with the pixie, as Piff is able to turn her nightmares into sweet dreams. Her best friend- Muse. Aisha has never been so friendly with anyone else. Also gets along very well with Bloom. At first, Aisha was very worried about her friends. She considered herself a burden to the Winx and generally unnecessary in their company, but after that these fears evaporated. Aisha's style is all sporty. She may not fully control her power, but she dreams of becoming a real Winx, like other Alfea students. Aisha is able to control viscosities called Morfixes, which can take on any shape she wants. She acquired her fourth charm when, stuck in a cave in the Rezot reality, she proved to herself that she could get out of there.

winx club:
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Name: Bloom
Age: 17 years
Birthday: December 10
Zodiac sign: Dragon
Home planet: Domino, but lived on Earth
Power: Fire Dragon Magic
Interests: magic, dreams
Favorite color: red, blue
Guy: Prince Sky
Best friend: Stella
Roommate: Flora
Pixie: Lockette - portal pixie
Personality: dreamy, courageous, open, jealous, strange due to her obsession with magic.
BIO: She was born on the planet Domino, but when the planet was attacked, the little girl was sent to Earth through a portal. Firefighter Mike found a newborn baby in a fire that did not harm her. The girl’s parents were not found, and he and his wife Vanessa began to raise Bloom as their own girl. Over the years, they became very attached to her and fell in love with her. Most best gift, which they have ever made for her is a small rabbit with big ears, whom Bloom named Kiko. Bloom lived without knowing about her gift and therefore did not develop it at all, although she still secretly dreamed of magic. Her favorite book has always been a book of fairy tales. At the age of 16, she discovered her magical abilities when she tried to save a blonde fairy girl. She invited Bloom to go with her to the Alfea magic school, the best school for fairies in magical reality. At first, everyone considered Bloom to be a princess from the planet Velister named Viranda. But then Bloom told the truth, although she was not kicked out of school. In her first year of study, she was looking for an answer to the question: where did she get her magic from? In addition, she was also tormented by another mystery: what kind of girl constantly comes to her in her dreams. But one day she found all the answers to her questions: she is the princess of the planet Domino, who was turned into ice block, this girl is her dear older sister Daphne, who saved her little sister from enemies and now lives in the palace of the planet Domino in the form of a ghost. Thanks to her determination and character, Bloom became the leader of the Winx. Already at the end of the first year of study, Bloom confronted the Trix sisters, did not allow them to conquer magical reality and sent them to a super-kind correctional “camp”. In her second year, she learned more about her home planet, found her personal pixie as a partner, but most importantly, for some time she turned into a dark fairy and began to fight against her friends and help her enemies. But thanks to Skye's love, she regained her normal state. She found her charmix first when she saved her friends in the Rezot reality.
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Name: Stella
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: August 18
Zodiac sign: Nereid
Home planet: Solaria
Power: Sun and moon magic
Interests: Everything related to fashion and style
Favorite color: gold, yellow, orange
Guy: Brandon
Best friend: Bloom
Pixie: Cupid (real pixie - Chatta!)
Personality: elegant, full of charm, graceful, sometimes selfish, arrogant, in general she has a very complex character.
Biography: Stella is the princess of the planet Solaria. Her parents: Radius and Luna, are on the verge of divorce and Stella is very worried about this. As a child, Stella was not a beauty, but quite the opposite. She suffered throughout her childhood because of this. But one day she decided it was time to change that. And so, from an ugly, bespectacled girl, she turned into the first beauty of magical reality. She entered Alfea twice. In her first year, she was expelled from school because she accidentally blew up the Potions classroom. Because of this, she is a whole year older than her friends. Before heading to Alfea, Stella visited Earth, where she met Bloom and invited her to a magic school. Stella took part in the Miss Magix beauty contest and won it. Although at first the first place went to one girl, she received the crown of the winner by deception, and when she was exposed, Stella became the winner. Stella doesn't like to study and her results are not the best. She doesn't understand why she should study if she's going to become queen anyway. When Stella found out about Skye and Brandon's deception, she literally lost her temper, in particular because Brandon is not a prince. Stella has the ring of the planet Solaria, which Stella transforms into the rod of Solaria during battles with witches. Stella did not understand why the witches were so fiercely trying to take the ring from her, although she later found out that her ring was stronger than she thought. In her second year, Stella, along with Bloom, Aisha, Brandon and Sky, went to save the pixies. A little pixie named Cupid chose Stella as her partner and said that she was beautiful. But during this adventure, Stella almost lost Brandon. The princess of the lower world, Amentia, fell in love with Brandon and wanted to marry him to herself, and for this she decided to get rid of Stella. Stella was not killed, but was sent far from the underground kingdom. At first, Stella could not turn into a fairy because there was no sun. Although later she and her friends were able to save her boyfriend from the wedding. Stella was the second to receive her charmix, in reality Rezot, when she made peace with Aisha, the new Winx
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Name: Flora
Age: 17 years
Birthday: March 1
Zodiac sign: Dryad
Home planet: Linphea
Power: the magic of plants and flowers
Interests: nature and romance
Favorite color: green and pink
Guy: Helia
Best Friend: Techna
Roommate: Bloom
Pixie: Chatta (true pixie - Cupid)
Personality: kind, sweet, gentle, romantic, responsible student, peace-loving, easily vulnerable and modest.
Biography: Flora was born on the planet Linphea, where all magic is associated with nature. Flora's mom is one of the nicest people on the planet and runs her own potions shop. Flora's dad is an agronomist and spends a lot of time in gardens and parks. Flora and dad are not doing well good relationship. At first, Flora was afraid that she wouldn't be able to make friends in Alfea, as she found it a little difficult to meet new people. From the very first day of her studies, Flora showed extraordinary success in potions. He often brews special potions for his plants. Flora's room resembles a small garden. In her first year, it was impossible to say that she had a best friend or boyfriend... But when she moved to her second year, everything changed. She and Techna became best friends, and she also met the guy of her dreams. When she met him, she really liked his drawings, on the same day she truly fell in love with him, when he saved her from the monster... True, at first she was not sure of Helia’s feelings. Although her friends assured her that he loved her: after all, he painted her portrait and wrote a poem for Flora. During lessons, Flora began to constantly get distracted and dream about a guy, how they would get married... The girl decided to write him a letter confessing her feelings, but when she met him, she was afraid to give it to him. For this, pixie Chatta constantly called her a coward. When she and her friends were relaxing in the Rezot reality, Helia suddenly suddenly appeared... And when asked what he was doing here, he said that he wanted to check how the most beautiful flowers were in the Rezot reality. And it seemed to Flora that he was talking about her... Receiving the charmix is ​​also connected with Helia. Flora was the last to receive her charmix in the pixie village when she overcame her fear and confessed her love to him...
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Name: Muse
Age: 17 years
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Home Planet: Melody
Power: The magic of music and rhythms
Interests: Music, dancing
Favorite color: red, blue, white
Guy: Riven
Best Friend: Aisha
Roommate: Techna
Pixie: Tune - pixie of good manners
Personality: creative, cheerful, cheerful, friendly, but very irritable and touchy.
BIO: Muse is a princess on the planet Melody, although she herself does not like all these social events, etc. Muse's childhood was very difficult: her mother, the great singer and queen of the planet, died when Muse was little, and her father became so withdrawn after the death of his wife that he devoted little time to Muse. Now she is in a quarrel with her father. In Alfea, she constantly experiences adventures with her friends. In the Winx company she is the guy in the skirt! She dresses like a hip-hopper or rapper, and in general loves hip-hop. Muse loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and saxophone. In her first year, she really liked a guy named Riven and tried to get his attention. Although she had a rival, one of the Trix witches - Darcy. One day, Darcy almost killed Muse... Muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under Darcy's hypno-gaze and he was completely in her hands. Subsequently, he was able to get rid of Darcy's influence, and he admitted to Muse that he liked her. For Muse this was already something, but still, for her it was not enough. In her second year, Stella arranged a date for Muse with another handsome guy named Jared. The muse liked him, but she couldn’t help but think about Riven... Subsequently, she finally got a confession from him, but she was not completely sure of his words. In her second year, Muse sang at one of the concerts a song that her mother once sang... That day she finally made peace with her dad. Everyone tells Muse that she has a musical voice, although this can only be heard when she sings. She loves to make fun of her friends and sometimes it is dark humor. She found her charmmix third, in the Rezot reality, when she told Riven everything she felt. Muse constantly quarrels with her pixie Tune, who constantly dictates to her what manners and style a true princess should have.
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Name: Techna
Age: 17 years
Birthday: December 16
Zodiac sign: Triton
Home planet: Zenith
Power: the magic of technology
Interests: technology and science
Favorite color: purple, black
Guy: Timmy
Best friend: Flora
Roommate: Muse
Pixie: Digit
Personality: brave, diligent, smart, intelligent, cheerful, cautious, quick-tempered, stubborn, sometimes seems cold.
BIO: Techna, the most ordinary girl from the planet Zenith, where most people are scientists or inventors. Techna has been fascinated by technology since childhood and now simply cannot live without her PDA, which she constantly takes with her. In Alfea, Tekna is the best student, her knowledge is simply limitless! She's a lot smarter than she looks. Although she still can’t outpace Flora in medicine and potions. Techna's peculiarity is that she is half android, although this looks strange. He loves active recreation, playing sports and skateboarding. He also cannot live without electronic games. She is the brave and strongest fairy among the Winx team. She constantly thinks through detailed and detailed plans of action. In her first year, it seemed that she was more friends with Muse, but then she realized that her real friend was Flora. She also constantly denied that there was anything between her and Timmy and that they were nothing more than friends. Although she secretly dreams about him. As for clothes, Tehna loves to dress in high-tech style. She dresses simply as she is a minimalist. Her pixie Digit is very similar to her owner, especially in character and slightly in appearance. Techna opened her Charmix penultimately, in the Rezot reality, when Timmy was in danger and she was very worried about him. The most powerful WinX.
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Name: Leila
Age: 17 years
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac Sign: Chimera
Home planet: Andros
Power: the magic of liquids and ductility
Interests: sports and dancing
Favorite color: light green, purple, blue
Guy: ofir
Best friend: Muse
Roommate: lives alone
Pixie: Piff – pixie of sweet dreams
Personality: very brave, does not tolerate her own failures, athletic, energetic, adventurer
BIO: She was born on the planet Andros, where she is a princess. Aisha did not enter Alfea right away; she was home-schooled for one academic year. She tries to get by without magic and tries to get by on her own, using magic only in extreme cases. She has known the pixies for a very long time; they used to be her best friends. Aisha is one of the few people who knows about the village where all the pixies live. When the pixies were kidnapped by Lord Darkar, it was Aisha who rushed to save the babies. Aisha believes that Winx girls lack sports training. She doesn't understand how you can get by with just magic or technology. In addition to sports, Aisha loves to dance. She knows many types of dances, different nations and styles. Aisha is very lucky with the pixie, as Piff is able to turn her nightmares into sweet dreams. Her best friend is Muse. Her fears are darkness and too wide rooms. Aisha's style is all sporty. She may not fully control her power, but she dreams of becoming a real WinX.

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Lockette is a little portal pixie and Bloom's patron. She chose Bloom for her kind, open heart. She always takes care of Bloom as best she can and protects her from danger. If something happens to Bloom, Lockette immediately starts crying. She follows her friend everywhere. You can say that she lives for Bloom. She is the leader among the other pixies and has a small rod with which she can open portals. Like all pixies, she lives in a pixie village, although few people know about her. The little fairy loves magic very much.
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Cupid - if you have problems in love affairs, then contact Cupid! It’s not for nothing that she’s the pixie of love. She is romantic and dreamy. She loves nature and would rather watch sunsets than attend some glamorous function. She is capable of mixing loving hearts, and can help you fall in love with the help of a rose of love, if one of the couple does not love. When Cupid saw Stella, she immediately chose her as her mistress, since she was very beautiful. True, Cupid herself doesn’t even suspect that dear Flora would be more suitable for her.
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Chatta is a little pixie with a cheerful character and radiant appearance. Her style of clothing is glamorous, and her hairstyle prefers ponytails. She has the magic of chatter and can chat with anyone. She tries to reveal her romantic side, but love for her is gifts and admiration for her person. She believes that she is Flora's pixie, but in fact Stella's pixie.
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Tune is an elegant pixie. She looks and acts like a real lady. Because of this, she often has misunderstandings with Muse. She constantly tells Muse how she should look and act. a real princess. Thune doesn't understand how this girl can be a rebel. Tune has a very high voice and if she doesn’t like how those around her behave, then she will hit the highest note and scream so loudly that everyone’s eardrums won’t stand it. She loves to listen classical music, she really likes earthly Mozart. Thune tries to behave diligently with both friends and enemies. Her strength matches her - she is a pixie of manners.
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Digit is a pixie who wields the magic of nanotechnology. It is immediately clear that her owner is Techna, a technological fairy. Digit chose her for her intelligence and logical thinking. Digit's character is identical to that of her owner: she can be terribly cheerful, or she can be a medium-sized hurricane. Also slightly similar to the Tech appearance. Digit is very, very smart. She often helps her owner with computers and other technological things. She loves to play electronic games with Techno. Quite often she tries to convince Techna that she is not indifferent to Timmy, but Techna doesn’t even want to listen to her.
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Piff is a newborn and very little pixie. She can't speak, she can only pronounce individual words. She sleeps very often and sometimes falls asleep mid-flight. So she is more often seen sleeping than awake. In general, her life goes like this: she sleeps and eats. Most of all, she loves sweet cookies, which she can eat without stopping. She is very whiny, like all newborns, but very kind. She has the magic of sweet dreams and if her owner, Aisha, has nightmares, she can turn them into sweet dreams just by touching her head.
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Livy, Pixie messages. Livy was forced to live in Alfea in season two to stop Lord Darkar and the Trix from discovering the hidden Pixie Village. She forwards messages from Alfea to Pixie Village and maintains contact between the pixies and the village. Since Livy had phenomenal speed, it was believed that the Trix would not be able to pursue her. But the Trix still tracked her down and attacked the village. Then they stole part of the Codex, which was kept in the Pixie Village.
Livi wears a scepter and has small wings on her ankles, like greek god messenger - Hermes. Livi is very lively, fast and restless. She can be very absent-minded. Often, when she needs to deliver a message, she flies away so quickly that she forgets to listen to the message itself. Her speed is so great that she sometimes crashes into obstacles without having time to fly around them. Livi loves to ride envelopes, like surfing, only in the air:
Livi has an older sister, Jolly (who predicts the future using cards.
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Zing is the ringleader among the pixies, very active, and never loses her optimism. Although she hasn’t chosen a fairy friend, in some episodes she accompanies the girls of the Club, cracking jokes and occasionally taking part in adventures.
The least favorite pixie of the 4kids TV channel. Episodes with her participation were mercilessly erased from the American version. Possibly due to rights issues with those being parodied.
tell the future using cards. A sort of Cassandra among pixies. She predicts troubles, but they rarely believe her. Appeared in episode 18 of the second season “The fourth witch” of the version (episode 16, “Hallowinx”, in the European version).
She flew in in the form of a card from the pixie village to visit her sister Livy (Livy, postal pixie).
And then she promised the Winx girls a meeting with the witches on their journey to Earth.
The predicted witches turned out to be Mitsi and her friends, however, real witch on a broom also flashed in the frame.

Ninfea – Head of the Pixie Village. She protects and hides from prying eyes Pixie Village in the Dark Forest. He behaves like a classic headman - he tries to maintain the isolation of the village from the rest of the world, adheres to a policy of non-interference, and almost never leaves the village. Her staff is a modified part of the Codex.
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Skye is the prince of the planet Eraklyon and the rightful heir to the throne
Eraklion is a place of harmony and somewhat strict order. Although there is little conflict, the king and queen rule very firmly and are difficult to please.
Despite this, Eraklion is a beautiful and pleasant place.
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Squire to the Prince of Eraklyon (i.e. Skye). The royal family sent Brandon along with the prince to guard and look after Sky. Brandon must always be with the prince. Throughout the first season, Brandon posed as Skye, on orders from the royal family, to keep the prince safe.
His girlfriend is Stella. He may not be of noble birth, but nature has blessed him with a beautiful body and a sweet face. Brandon has short ones brown hair. Many girls go crazy about him, but he even likes it! After all, his favorite hobby is going on dates with girls. He believes that he is the best gift for girls. And even if he has a beautiful loving girl, he will never deny himself the pleasure of flirting with a beauty. Despite this, he loves Stella and is devoted to her.
Brandon can be vain and loves to be the center of attention, but he has a good heart and is a man of honor.
He is a good swordsman and has excellent two-handed sword, throws spears. He has a green phantoblade (a specialist weapon), stylized as a broadsword. The name Brandon is translated from Old English as SWORD.
He was born on September 23, under the sign of Nereid, and is 19 years old. He is in his third year at Fonterossa.
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Helia is brave, like all the boys in Fonterossa. He was transferred to Fonterossa this year. Saladin, the director of Fonterossa, is his own grandfather. So I’ve known my current friends relatively recently. In the past he was best student, but then he wanted to devote himself entirely to poetry. His main weapon is a glove with a laser rope (the rope jumps out of the glove when you need, for example, to calm a monster, you just have to pull out the hook), a very convenient thing that from time to time serves a good purpose, and Helia is also very agile. He is said to be an eccentric idealist, pacifist, sensitive and a dreamer. But he is also unshakable and there is a piece of loner in her. He loves nature and his free time he draws or writes poems, for which he uses ordinary paper, and not technology, as is done in Fonterossa. He is a real romantic. For all these qualities, the romantic Flora liked him. The guy does not hide that the girl also touched his heart, and tries to somehow show it by drawing her, etc. True, he thinks that no one will guess about it. Although everyone sees this anyway, because if one of his friends mentions her name, he simply blushes. Helia is a 3rd year student. He was born on September 2, under the sign of the unicorn, he is 18 years old
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Independent and rebellious, he acts according to his own rules, without listening to anyone. In a word - a lone wolf. From the outside, Riven appears cold-blooded and arrogant, but in reality, he hides his emotions because he is afraid to show his feelings. He grew up alone and was used to acting by his own rules. Riven does not trust women, perhaps due to the fact that his mother abandoned him as a child. Riven believes that she did it for the money and now hates her. He is of the opinion that women should submit to a man and obey in everything. Because of this, he has clashes with the feminist-minded Leila.
Riven is a good swordsman. He is fluent with a saber, he has a purple phantoblade (a weapon of specialists) - stylized as a scimitar, called the “pearl blade”.
He is an excellent athlete, good at almost all sports, in which he has reached considerable heights. He exercises every day to break his own records.
Riven is shown to be a daredevil, hot-tempered, moody, smart and cautious. But he has a subtle nature, this is manifested in his relationship with the Muse. Riven is very gentle and attentive with her. They are interested in each other throughout the first and second seasons. Riven confesses to Muse that he loves her at the end of the first season, but they do not become a couple. One way or another, he is always there when she needs him.
In the past, he made many mistakes, in particular they relate to connections with witches, once, Riven fell under the hypnotic gaze of the witch Darcy and was completely in her hands, but now he knows who his real friends are.
Riven's birthday is November 6th in the 4kids version, and October 15th in the original version. He is 18 years old and his zodiac sign is Elemental. He is a 3rd year student
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Timmy is very similar to Techna. He loves all scientific subjects and prefers to use logic instead of violence. His family takes its roots from the oldest line of scientists. Timmy is introduced as thinking like a human computer. He puts all the events in life into pieces so that everything is clear. But this trend diminishes as his relationship with Techna begins to form. Although, it really took some time. Timmy is a very shy young man, especially in relationships with girls. Timmy heroically defends Techna on many occasions, but for a long time he does not dare to confess his feelings to her.
The relationship between Timmy and Techna soured after the theft of the codex from Fonterossa, when Timmy was unable to shoot the witches. From that moment on, Tecna began to consider him a coward. This episode was cut from the American version. Timmy is just shy there.
Timmy enjoys working in a group and prefers not to draw attention to himself. Not looking for glory, he wants to ensure the team's success by making smart moves or using distractions during battle. This is most notably shown in the second season, when the Trix invade the Resort Kingdom in search of the Winx fairies.
Timmy orchestrates a plan to lure them into a trap, using himself as bait. After this, the relationship between Tecna and Timmy improved. Timmy never believed that Techna died when she closed the gate from Omega to Andros. He calculated that Techna could slip through the gate and remain alive. And he was right. He insists on an expedition to Omega.
In battle, Timmy trusts strategy over brute force. Mainly, he is the one who comes up with plans of attack. Although he is proficient in ballistics and engineering, he is also proficient with a crossbow (which is more like laser weapon) and a sword.
Timmy is described as intelligent, intuitive, quiet, and shy.
Timmy is a diminutive of Timothy (in Russian Timofey), which means one who worships God.
Timmy's friend is Techna.
Timmy's birthday is January 13th in the 4kids version and February 15th in the original version. His horoscope sign is Centaur.
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He was first seen spying on the Winx girls and the Specialists. When he presented himself to them, he called himself Ophir, and not Nabu.
Leila's parents matched him for their daughter, observing all the traditions.
Leila had never met Nabu before, and was depressed and outraged by this fact, and did not even want to communicate with, in general, a not bad guy.
She hated him and stated that she had no intention of getting married at all, but by the end of the third season, she wants to consummate the marriage arranged by her parents as she falls in love with Nabu.
Nabu is a powerful sorcerer. His magic is almost exactly the same as that of the witch Darcy. He helps in the fight against Baltor, coming to the aid of the Winx girls from time to time.
At first, the Winx girls and Specialists do not trust him, and Riven is generally jealous of Muse for Ophir. One day, Flora sends a greeting from herself and the girls to Helia. In one shot, Muse is captured from behind as she handcuffs Ophir. Riven saw this moment and thought that there was a romantic connection between Muse and Ophir. He is outraged by this, and later attacks Nabu, accusing him of trying to steal his girlfriend (the first time Riven calls Musa his girlfriend)
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Age: 18 years old

The Power of Ice and Cold
BIOGRAPHY: Icy is one of the strongest witches in magical reality and the leader of the Trix team. Icy has the power of Ice and Cold, the energy for which she takes from her aura. However, Icy wants to increase her strength as much as possible. He wields his power professionally. If you make her angry, she can send a blizzard. Her main dream is to capture reality and bend it to her feet. She formed the TRIX team together with her sisters: Darcy and Stormy. In the first season, she was a senior at the Torrenuwalla school for witches and was one of the most popular girls in the school, but at the end of the season she was expelled from Torrenuwalla and, along with Darcy and Stormy, was sent to the Re-education Camp for trying to take over the Magical Reality. But at the beginning of the second season, the three sisters were pulled out of LichFort by Lord Darkar. Darkar also gifted TRIX with Glumix, a talisman that increases strength. Icey's Glumix is ​​located on her neck. Icy has a difficult character: she hates everything warm and fluffy, she is also very angry, harmful and power-hungry. To gain power, Icy tries to take away the Solaria ring from Stella and the power of the Fire Dragon from Bloom. This witch never does anything without her sisters. Icy has a little annoying duck, Pepe, who constantly runs after her and considers Icy her... mother
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Age: 17 years
The power of hypnosis
BIOGRAPHY: Darcy is a witch of darkness and friend of Stormy and Icy. Witch with brown hair, also studying at Cloud Tower. Her essence is hidden behind darkness. Darcy has excellent manners. Cold and deceitful, quiet, indomitable, stubborn, mean, vindictive, but also quite punctual and very smart. This is her advantage, because she splashes out all her character on the enemy, finds him weak point and disables it. Because of Darcy's beauty, boys lie at her feet. Uses a hypno-gaze to bewitch. Using hypnosis, she bewitched Riven. The muse was very worried then!

Age: 17 years
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Home Planet: Melody
Power: The magic of music and rhythms
Hobbies: Music, dancing
Favorite color: red, blue, white
Guy I like: Riven

Talisman flower: Orchid
Talisman Stone: Striped Agate

Patron Beast: Crane

Best Friend: Aisha
Roommate: Techna
Pixie: Tune - pixie of good manners
Personality: creative, cheerful, cheerful, doesn’t give a damn, friendly, but sometimes nervous, irritable and touchy

BIOGRAPHY: Muse is a princess on the planet Melody, although she herself does not like all these social events and appearance She doesn't look like a princess at all. Muse's childhood was very difficult: her mother, the great singer and queen of the planet, died when Muse was little, and her father (a pianist) became so withdrawn after the death of his wife that he devoted little time to Muse. Because of this, she was at odds with him for some time. That's why she doesn't celebrate Rose Day, a holiday when the whole family gets together. The muse is often left alone, going to one of the towers in Alfea, where her parents once met. There she takes out a special projector in the shape of a flower, which has a little secret. This is not a simple projector; when you turn it on, it creates a monogram of her mother. She cannot speak, but she understands everything that the Muse says, smiles if the Muse is happy, or is upset if she is sad. Not many people know about this tower. More precisely, few people know how to get there, but Muse’s father told him about it. In Alfea, she constantly experiences adventures with her friends. In the company of Winx, she is the “guy in a skirt” and a real rebel! Her nerves often give way, all because of the difficult childhood she experienced. Most often, she yells at Stella, who constantly teaches her how to look like a princess. Despite her hot temper, everyone wants to be her friend. The muse dresses like a hip-hopper or rapper, and in general loves hip-hop very much, which is very noticeable in her style. When she listens to him, she literally goes into nirvana. Muse loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and saxophone. In her first year, she really liked a guy named Riven and tried to get his attention. Although she had a rival, one of the Trix witches - Darcy. One day, Darcy almost killed Muse... Muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under Darcy's hypno-gaze and was completely in her hands. Subsequently, he was able to get rid of Darcy's influence, and admitted to Muse that he liked her. In her second year, Stella arranged a date for Muse with another handsome guy named Jared. The muse liked him, but she couldn’t help but think about Riven... Subsequently, she finally got a confession from him, but she was not completely sure of his words. Muse really wants to become a singer, and she has all the data for this. She has a very musical voice, although you can only hear it when she sings. One of her favorite attacks: Sonic Blast, where the enemy is hit by powerful sound waves from the magic speakers that appear during this spell. In her second year, Muse sang at one of the concerts a song that her mother once sang. .. That day she finally made peace with her dad. She loves to make fun of her friends and sometimes it is dark humor. She considers Aisha, the new girl on their team, to be her best friend. He hates Darcy very much and this hatred is mutual. Muse is interested in boxing and can stand up for herself. She always smiles and can charm anyone. The muse loves dancing, regardless of style. If she had her way, she would have parties every day. With the new girl on their team, Aisha, she often goes to dance clubs; she learned many dance moves from Aisha. She found her charmmix third, in the Rezot reality, when she told Riven everything she felt. Muse constantly quarrels with her pixie Tune, who dictates to her what manners and style a true princess should have.

Interesting facts from lifeBloom :

favorite food:pizzafavorite color:redhobby:reading books about spells!favorite pet:my little Kikoideal boyfriend:Sky!best friends:Stella and... Skye!favorite movies:romantic comediesI love:play with KikoI don't like:clean your room...favorite music:pop musicfavorite shoes:comfortable but stylish!favorite subject:potions makingfavorite spell:dragon flame

Bloom talks about himself:

“Hello, my name is Bloom! I was born on December 10th, and my zodiac sign is Dragon. I am from the city of Gardenia on planet Earth. Here I lived with my parents: my mother Vanessa and my father Mike.

Until one day in the park I met fairy Stella and a large and very dangerous troll.
To protect this fair-haired fairy, I used magical powers that I did not know about before. This is where it all started!
I left Earth and went to Alfea School of Magic.
Since then, many changes have occurred in my life. I saw the evil witches Trix, fought against Lord Darkar and Valtor. But the most important thing is that I found out that I lived with foster parents.

My real parents, Marion and Oritel, are the Queen and King of Domino! I found out that I have a sister, Daphne.
Unfortunately, she can’t be with me anymore, but she always comes to me in my dreams... Then I got my cute bunny Kiko and Pixie Lockett!”


Bloom - main character series. She founded the Winx Club and is a central figure in the plot of the animated series.

First appearance - the first episode of the animated series "An Unexpected Event".

Bloom was born on December 10 on the planet Domino in royal family, but when the planet was attacked by three ancient witches, the little girl was sent to Earth through a portal. Firefighter Mike found the baby in the fire, which did not harm her. The girl’s parents were not found, and Mike and his wife Vanessa adopted Bloom and raised her as their own daughter. Over the years, they became very attached to her and fell in love with her. The best gift they ever gave her was a small rabbit with big ears, which Bloom named Kiko. Bloom lived without knowing about her gift and therefore did not develop it at all, although she still secretly dreamed of magic. Her favorite book has always been a book of fairy tales. At the age of 16, she discovered her magical abilities when she tried to save a blonde fairy girl named Stella. She invited Bloom to go with her to the Alfea magic school, the best school for fairies in the magical world of Magix. When Bloom was accepted into school, Stella named her Varanda Calisto, a princess from the planet Velister. Bloom later told the truth about her name, but this did not stop her from staying at school. During the big ball in Alfea, Bloom tried to save Stella's ring, which was stolen by the Trix witches. As a result of the attacks, Bloom almost fell into the abyss, but was so angry with the witches that she turned into a fairy for the first time. As it turns out later, Bloom's power is the magic of Dragon Fire, the most powerful magic magical world. In her first year of study, Bloom was looking for an answer to the question: where did she get her magical powers? In addition, she was tormented by another mystery: what kind of girl constantly comes to her in her dreams? But one day she found the answers to all her questions: she is the princess of the planet Domino, transformed by three evil witches into icy desert, this girl is her own older sister Daphne, who saved her little sister from enemies and now lives in the palace of the planet Domino in the form of a ghost. At the end of her first year, Bloom confronted the Trix and prevented them from conquering the magical dimension. In her second year, she learned more about her home planet and found pixie Lockett as a partner, who became very attached to her. In one of the last episodes of the second season, Bloom turned into a dark fairy and began to fight against her friends and help her enemies, but later, thanks to Skye’s love, she regained her normal state. She acquired her Charmix first when she saved her friends during the holidays. Bloom acquired her Enchantix last on the dragon island of Pyros, when she concentrated her positive powers and believed that she could stop Valtor. However, due to the peculiar method of obtaining, Bloom's Enchantix, unlike the others, was incomplete, and Bloom tried in every possible way to become stronger. To find new strength To fight Valtor, the girls went for Water Stars, which could extinguish the power of the Dragon Fire. But due to the incompleteness of the Enchantix, Bloom was unable to participate in receiving the stars, because the passage to the Golden Dimension was small, and she could not shrink. To defeat Valtor, Bloom risked her life and last battle Almost died, but completed her mission. Bloom received the full power of the Enchantix in the cartoon "Winx: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom" when she saved her planet along with all its inhabitants. In the fourth season of the animated series, Bloom received the power of Believix along with the rest of the Winx fairies.

Bloom has fiery red hair Blue eyes and light skin tone. Her casual wear is a blue and yellow cropped T-shirt, blue jeans with stars and yellow sandals. Since the second season, she wears a blue and white striped sweater with small pink hearts or a T-shirt with one large heart in the middle, a cotton miniskirt with light blue stockings, and blue lace-up sneakers. Her style has changed in Season 4, with her favorite outfit being a pink polka dot heart t-shirt, a blue elasticated skirt, and pink shoes with charms. The bangs on the forehead are sparser, sometimes just one strand.

When transformed, Bloom acquires a fairy costume, consisting of a blue sparkling top, decorated with precious stone, a light miniskirt, translucent sky-colored gloves and small platform boots. The fairy's head is decorated with a small golden diadem - Bloom's affiliation with royal family. Her wings are light blue. Her Charmix features a heart brooch and a miniature pink heart-shaped down bag.

Enchantix Bloom - a multi-layered dress in blue and pink tones, long pale pink gloves on her hands, short ribbons with hearts on her feet. The hair is longer, tied at the back of the head. The hairstyle is decorated with elegant heart-shaped hairpins. Double wings, in blue color, two semicircles on top form a heart above the head.

Believix Bloom consists of a stylish top with pink sleeves and a full, layered skirt; on her feet are pink knee socks and high heels; the hairstyle is more neat: strands of hair are laid at the back; wings with curls are rounded, bluish in color with hearts.

Sofix: top colors sea ​​wave with voluminous pink sleeves; a blue skirt covered with thin pink ribbons; green lace-up sandals; the wings are blue-green.

Lyuboviks: a blue sundress, the bottom of which is decorated with fluffy fur; long gloves; warm pink knee socks and stiletto boots. Blue-pink wings.

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Bloom's biography
Name: Bloom
Age: 17 years
Birthday: December 10
Zodiac sign: Dragon
Home planet: Domino, but lived on Earth
Power: Fire Dragon Magic
Interests: magic, dreams
Favorite color: red, blue
Guy: Prince Sky
Best friend: Stella
Roommate: Flora
Pixie: Lockette - portal pixie
Personality: dreamy, courageous, open, jealous, strange due to her obsession with magic.
BIO: She was born on the planet Domino, but when the planet was attacked, the little girl was sent to Earth through a portal. Firefighter Mike found a newborn baby in a fire that did not harm her. The girl’s parents were not found, and he and his wife Vanessa began to raise Bloom as their own girl. Over the years, they became very attached to her and fell in love with her. The best gift they ever gave her was a small rabbit with big ears, which Bloom named Kiko. Bloom lived without knowing about her gift and therefore did not develop it at all, although she still secretly dreamed of magic. Her favorite book has always been a book of fairy tales. At the age of 16, she discovered her magical abilities when she tried to save a blonde fairy girl. She invited Bloom to go with her to the Alfea magic school, the best school for fairies in magical reality. At first, everyone considered Bloom to be a princess from the planet Velister named Viranda. But then Bloom told the truth, although she was not kicked out of school. In her first year of study, she was looking for an answer to the question: where did she get her magic from? In addition, she was also tormented by another mystery: what kind of girl constantly comes to her in her dreams. But one day she found all the answers to her questions: she is the princess of the planet Domino, who was turned into an ice block by three evil witches, this girl is her older sister Daphne, who saved her little sister from enemies and now lives in the palace of the planet Domino in the form of a ghost . Thanks to her determination and character, Bloom became the leader of the Winx. Already at the end of the first year of study, Bloom confronted the Trix sisters, did not allow them to conquer magical reality and sent them to a super-kind correctional “camp”. In her second year, she learned more about her home planet, found her personal pixie as a partner, but most importantly, for some time she turned into a dark fairy and began to fight against her friends and help her enemies. But thanks to Skye's love, she regained her normal state. She found her charmmix first when she saved her friends in the Rezot reality

Biography of Flora
Name: Flora
Age: 17 years
Birthday: March 1
Zodiac sign: Dryad
Home planet: Linphea
Power: the magic of plants and flowers
Interests: nature and romance
Favorite color: green and pink
Guy: Helia
Best Friend: Techna
Roommate: Bloom
Pixie: Chatta (true pixie - Cupid)
Personality: kind, sweet, gentle, romantic, responsible student, peace-loving, easily vulnerable and modest.
Biography: Flora was born on the planet Linphea, where all magic is associated with nature. Flora's mom is one of the nicest people on the planet and runs her own potions shop. Flora's dad is an agronomist and spends a lot of time in gardens and parks. Flora and her dad do not have a very good relationship. At first, Flora was afraid that she wouldn't be able to make friends in Alfea, as she found it a little difficult to meet new people. From the very first day of her studies, Flora showed extraordinary success in potions. He often brews special potions for his plants. Flora's room resembles a small garden. In her first year, it was impossible to say that she had a best friend or boyfriend... But when she moved to her second year, everything changed. She and Techna became best friends, and she also met the guy of her dreams. When she met him, she really liked his drawings, on the same day she truly fell in love with him, when he saved her from the monster... True, at first she was not sure of Helia’s feelings. Although her friends assured her that he loved her: after all, he painted her portrait and wrote a poem for Flora. During lessons, Flora began to constantly get distracted and dream about a guy, how they would get married... The girl decided to write him a letter confessing her feelings, but when she met him, she was afraid to give it to him. For this, pixie Chatta constantly called her a coward. When she and her friends were relaxing in the Rezot reality, Helia suddenly suddenly appeared... And when asked what he was doing here, he said that he wanted to check how the most beautiful flowers were in the Rezot reality. And it seemed to Flora that he was talking about her... Receiving the charmix is ​​also connected with Helia. Flora was the last to receive her charmix in the pixie village when she overcame her fear and confessed her love to him...

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Biography of Stella
Name: Stella
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: August 18
Zodiac sign: Nereid
Home planet: Solaria
Power: Sun and moon magic
Interests: Everything related to fashion and style
Favorite color: gold, yellow, orange
Guy: Brandon
Best friend: Bloom

Pixie: Cupid (real pixie - Chatta!)
Personality: elegant, full of charm, graceful, sometimes selfish, arrogant, in general she has a very complex character.
Biography: Stella is the princess of the planet Solaria. Her parents: Radius and Luna, are on the verge of divorce and Stella is very worried about this. As a child, Stella was not a beauty, but quite the opposite. She suffered throughout her childhood because of this. But one day she decided it was time to change that. And so, from an ugly, bespectacled girl, she turned into the first beauty of magical reality. She entered Alfea twice. In her first year, she was expelled from school because she accidentally blew up the Potions classroom. Because of this, she is a whole year older than her friends. Before heading to Alfea, Stella visited Earth, where she met Bloom and invited her to a magic school. Stella took part in the Miss Magix beauty contest and won it. Although at first the first place went to one girl, she received the crown of the winner by deception, and when she was exposed, Stella became the winner. Stella doesn't like to study and her results are not the best. She doesn't understand why she should study if she's going to become queen anyway. When Stella found out about Skye and Brandon's deception, she literally lost her temper, in particular because Brandon is not a prince. Stella has the ring of the planet Solaria, which Stella transforms into the rod of Solaria during battles with witches. Stella did not understand why the witches were so fiercely trying to take the ring from her, although she later found out that her ring was stronger than she thought. In her second year, Stella, along with Bloom, Aisha, Brandon and Sky, went to save the pixies. A little pixie named Cupid chose Stella as her partner and said that she was beautiful. But during this adventure, Stella almost lost Brandon. The princess of the lower world, Amentia, fell in love with Brandon and wanted to marry him to herself, and for this she decided to get rid of Stella. Stella was not killed, but was sent far from the underground kingdom. At first, Stella could not turn into a fairy because there was no sun. Although later she and her friends were able to save her boyfriend from the wedding. Stella was the second to receive her charmix, in reality Rezot, when she made peace with Aisha, the new Winx

Biography of Muse
Name: Muse
Age: 17 years
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Home Planet: Melody
Power: The magic of music and rhythms
Interests: Music, dancing
Favorite color: red, blue, white
Guy: Riven
Best Friend: Aisha
Roommate: Techna
Pixie: Tune - pixie of good manners
Personality: creative, cheerful, cheerful, friendly, but very irritable and touchy.
BIO: Muse is a princess on the planet Melody, although she herself does not like all these social events, etc. Muse's childhood was very difficult: her mother, the great singer and queen of the planet, died when Muse was little, and her father became so withdrawn after the death of his wife that he devoted little time to Muse. Now she is in a quarrel with her father. In Alfea, she constantly experiences adventures with her friends. In the Winx company she is the guy in the skirt! She dresses like a hip-hopper or rapper, and in general loves hip-hop. Muse loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and saxophone. In her first year, she really liked a guy named Riven and tried to get his attention. Although she had a rival, one of the Trix witches - Darcy. One day, Darcy almost killed Muse... Muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under Darcy's hypno-gaze and he was completely in her hands. Subsequently, he was able to get rid of Darcy's influence, and he admitted to Muse that he liked her. For Muse this was already something, but still, for her it was not enough. In her second year, Stella arranged a date for Muse with another handsome guy named Jared. The muse liked him, but she couldn’t help but think about Riven... Subsequently, she finally got a confession from him, but she was not completely sure of his words. In her second year, Muse sang at one of the concerts a song that her mother once sang... That day she finally made peace with her dad. Everyone tells Muse that she has a musical voice, although this can only be heard when she sings. She loves to make fun of her friends and sometimes it is dark humor. She found her charmmix third, in the Rezot reality, when she told Riven everything she felt. Muse constantly quarrels with her pixie Tune, who constantly dictates to her what manners and style a true princess should have

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Biography of Techna
Name: Techna
Age: 17 years
Birthday: December 16
Zodiac sign: Triton
Home planet: Zenith
Power: the magic of technology
Interests: technology and science
Favorite color: purple, black
Guy: Timmy
Best friend: Flora
Roommate: Muse
Pixie: Digit
Personality: brave, diligent, smart, intelligent, cheerful, cautious, quick-tempered, stubborn, sometimes seems cold.
BIO: Techna, the most ordinary girl from the planet Zenith, where most people are scientists or inventors. Techna has been fascinated by technology since childhood and now simply cannot live without her PDA, which she constantly takes with her. In Alfea, Tekna is the best student, her knowledge is simply limitless! She's a lot smarter than she looks. Although she still can’t outpace Flora in medicine and potions. Techna's peculiarity is that she is half android, although this looks strange. He loves active recreation, playing sports and skateboarding. He also cannot live without electronic games. She is the brave and strongest fairy among the Winx team. She constantly thinks through detailed and detailed plans of action. In her first year, it seemed that she was more friends with Muse, but then she realized that her real friend was Flora. She also constantly denied that there was anything between her and Timmy and that they were nothing more than friends. Although she secretly dreams about him. As for clothes, Tehna loves to dress in high-tech style. She dresses simply as she is a minimalist. Her pixie Digit is very similar to her owner, especially in character and slightly in appearance. Techna opened her Charmix penultimately, in the Rezot reality, when Timmy was in danger and she was very worried about him. The most powerful WinX.

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Name: Leila
Age: 17 years
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac Sign: Chimera
Home planet: Andros
Power: the magic of liquids and ductility
Interests: sports and dancing
Favorite color: green, purple, blue
Guy: Ophir
Best friend: Muse
Roommate: lives alone
Pixie: Piff - pixie of sweet dreams
Personality: very brave, does not tolerate her own failures, athletic, energetic, adventurer
BIO: She was born on the planet Andros, where she is a princess. Leila did not enter Alfea right away; she was home-schooled for one academic year. She tries to get by without magic and tries to get by on her own, using magic only in extreme cases. She has known the pixies for a very long time; they used to be her best friends. Leila is one of the few people who knows about the village where all the pixies live. When the pixies were kidnapped by Lord Darkar, it was Layla who rushed to save the babies. Leila believes that Winx girls lack sports training. She doesn't understand how you can get by with just magic or technology. In addition to sports, Leila loves to dance. She knows many types of dances, different nations and styles. Leila is very lucky with the pixie, as Piff is able to turn her nightmares into sweet dreams. Her best friend is Muse. Her fears are darkness and too wide rooms. Leila's style is all sporty. She may not fully control her power, but she dreams of becoming a real WinX.

Hardworking, restless, stubborn, disobedient, proud and wild by nature, this is how Leila can be characterized as a person. Leila is very strong, one might even say ethereal, loves to be the center of attention, an air scooter driver. Leila constantly needs praise and approval for her actions.
Always strives for leadership and loves to be the center of attention. By nature she is endowed with many magical abilities. Layla has liquid magic and can control the pink liquid Morfix, which has various forms. Her pixie is Piff, the pixie of sweet dreams. Leila loves traveling. She is not too tolerant of criticism. Very vindictive, but not vindictive. Leila's pixies help her fight nightmares. By temperament, Leila is sanguine, like her reliable boyfriend, Nabu. Nabu is also endowed magical powers, By social status he is a prince, and also from the planet where Layla herself is from.
