How to make a voodoo doll and what can it be used for? The powerful magic of a voodoo doll.

Practical Voodoo magic requires the use of specialized ritual instruments to perform a certain type of ritual. A Voodoo doll is one of the main tools of a magician when performing rituals, the purpose of which is to have a negative magical effect on a person.

Voodoo doll - a tool that helps bring death to the victim

With the help of a magic doll, Volt, a practicing magician can reward a person with illness, deprive him of happiness, and turn away love and luck. But the most terrible ritual in Voodoo, which is performed using volts, is the induction of deadly damage. Only experienced magicians with a large amount of knowledge can correctly perform a ritual to kill a person using a Voodoo doll

How to make a voodoo doll

Before I explain to you all the nuances of the ritual of killing a victim through working with a Voodoo doll, I’ll say: don’t even think that this magic is positive, or that this is some kind of joke. If you are not internally ready for such rituals, then it is better not to risk it. I never condemn rituals of damage, the evil eye, death rituals, and so on, I do not talk about the morality of such actions, and I do not demand morality from anyone. Ritual

Voodoo for death is a ritual for death, nothing more and nothing less. Whether you do it according to the rules of Voodoo magic or according to the rituals of Slavic, Chinese or Indian magic, the effect implies serious illness or even the death of an opponent. This is important to understand, it is important to accept this before starting the ritual. The difficulty in creating a volt is that not every material can be used for such a ritual. You cannot make a volt from:

  • artificial fabrics;
  • plastic elements;
  • iron elements;
  • artificial aromatic wax, etc.

Volt dolls cannot be made from artificial fabrics

As a practitioner, I will tell you that ideally a Voodoo doll should be created from the wax of a candle with which the victim was in contact: held in his hands, sat on it, lay down, etc. But, also as a practitioner, I will say that it is almost impossible to get such material . Therefore, to create a volt we will use the following materials:

  • natural white candle wax;
  • wood shavings;
  • pieces of natural fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • canvas fabric and so on.

Features of creating a Voodoo doll

There are a number of features in creating a volt according to Voodoo. The thing is that Voodoo is magic, which is based on religion, and therefore the first thing a magician needs to remember is the fact that spirits invisibly protect every person, regardless of his behavior or age, or social status.

Before you begin the session of creating a volt, you need to denigrate your opponent in front of the spirits. In central Africa, such a ritual involves entering a trance to communicate with spirits and, already in an unconscious state, the magician complains to the spirits about his offender. But we can skip this ritual since, according to ancient legends, Voodoo spirits give their protection only to those who profess their religion. It is unlikely that among your enemies there are those who devote their time to serving the Pantheon of Gods of the Voodoo religion.

A practicing magician must know that when creating a Voodoo doll, you need to identify its appearance with the appearance and essence of your enemy. To do this you need:

Genetic material (such as hair) will enhance the effect

  1. Identify the Volt's appearance as much as possible with the opponent's appearance. To do this, the magician, as best he can, gives the doll a resemblance, you can dress it in clothes of the same colors as the enemy wears, you can attach scraps of wool or thread in color reminiscent of the victim’s hair, it is advisable to stick the victim’s face on the doll’s face. Previously, it was difficult to do this, since it was not always possible to get photos. Now everything is as simple as shelling pears, download a photo of the offender from the Internet, cut out his face and stick it on the doll.
  2. Will enhance the effect and application of elements genetic material victims. You can use nails, hair, even a drop of the victim's blood. I had a client, a girl, who even got into a fight with her rival, and all in order to get a clump of her hair and a drop of blood that got on her clothes in the fight.
  3. Some sources advise christening a ready-made volta, giving it the name of the victim. But I did not advise resorting to this method; the struggle between two religious movements can only harm you, the performer. It’s better when you finish creating the volt, just light a candle, drop three drops of wax on the doll and say three times in the process:

    Your name now is (such and such). Everything that is destined for your doll awaits you. I said so, you heard so. Ago, Ago, Ago!

  4. If you have the victim's hair, "implant" it into the volta's head, nails into the doll's hands, and blood into the torso itself.
  5. Strengthen the energetic connection between Volt and the victim using a doll outfit. To make clothes for the volt, it is best to use the victim's personal wardrobe.

Before performing the ritual, you must fast for 3 days.

It is very important in the process of making a Voodoo doll to have the right attitude. In Africa, Guinea, and other countries where the Voodoo cult is practiced, magicians, sorcerers and just beginning practitioners take a light drug before a session. But we don't need such preparation. For our latitudes, the usual ritual of preparation for working with magic spells or rituals according to Voodoo is simply to endure three days of fasting.

Features of a death ritual using a Voodoo doll

In rituals with Voodoo dolls, it is especially important to accurately maintain the sequence of actions:

The first stage is preparation

The black rooster is necessary for the sacrifice

  1. In the evening before the ritual, make a sacrifice to the spirits. Sacrifice is an important part of Voodoo rituals.
  2. It is best to choose a black rooster as a lamb for slaughter.
  3. The bird needs to be kept for a day in a dark closet and fed only with live food, that is, earthworms, flies, beetles, or just buy bloodworms for fishing.
  4. After 24 hours, the bird must be slaughtered; it is advisable to cut off its head and drain all the blood into the soil.
  5. Next, you need to put the bloodless carcass on fire, but you need to burn it not in the stove, but on a fire. An important condition is not just to fry the carcass, but to burn it to a coal.

The second stage is killing the victim

  1. In practical magic there are many rituals for killing a victim through manipulation of a doll.
  2. Volt can be cut with a knife, pricked with pins, burned to ashes, chopped into pieces with an ax. What is closer to whom, so to speak. Among my colleagues, I met practitioners who preferred to break the volt, tear it into pieces, crush it with a car, or let it be torn to pieces by dogs. Any option that involves the death of the victim will do.
  3. Consider the fact that it is necessary to preserve the remaining volts. The thing is that the next stage of the ritual involves burying the doll.

Stage three - volta burial ritual

When all the steps to create the doll are completed, when you have already completed the session to destroy the volt, it is time to finish the work by performing the ritual of burying the victim.

What will you need for the Volta burial ritual?

After destroying the doll, that is, when you have already performed the ritual of killing your victim, you need to leave the doll for a day, for fresh air. This is one of the main rituals of farewell to the dead world.

I would not recommend ignoring this stage; to achieve the full effect, it is better to do everything correctly and step by step. While the doll says goodbye to the world of the living, you need to prepare a burial ritual. For the process you will need:

For the ritual you will need three black candles

  • three black candles;
  • black silk ribbon;
  • a piece of white fabric;
  • box with a lid (you can use a shoebox to hold the volt).

At the end of the day, choose the method of burial. If you choose the ritual of burying in the ground, then you will need to dig a hole in the ground, similar to the one they make for the dead. If you chose burning as a burial option, then prepare a ritual fire. To do this, you first need to make something like a trestle, on which you place a box with a volt, and prepare firewood for burning. If you commit Volta to fire, then later you will need to mix the remains of the funeral pyre with earth.

Burial ritual

  1. Take Volt and his remains, wrap them in a piece of white cloth, like a shroud.
  2. Now place the bundle in the box and arrange the candles: one at the head and two on the sides.
  3. Light the candles and wait until they burn completely.
  4. Place the candle stubs in the box.
  5. Cover the box with a lid and tie it with black silk ribbon.

The box must be tied with black silk ribbon

Now the box needs to be either burned, as I described above, or buried. In both the first and second options, a stone will need to be installed at the burial site, similar to a funeral stone monument. From this moment, the witchcraft comes into force, that is, the death of Voodoo began to move towards your opponent. I cannot guarantee that you will one hundred percent cause the death of your opponent.

Since everything will depend on your strength of your skill, on how correctly you do everything, on how strong the guilt of your victim is, on how powerful your opponent’s defense is and on how quickly he will understand that magic is involved here, if he has time to understand. But I can guarantee you the fact that you will cause him damage, harm, illness or a series of troubles.

Finally, I will say a few words to all practitioners or those interested in magic. I know that in our age of high technology, computerization, and scientific discoveries It’s somehow difficult to believe in magic and its effectiveness. Most dark rituals are perceived by ordinary people as a scary bedtime story. Sometimes you hear ignorant people claim that if you don’t believe in magic, nothing will happen, no magician or sorcerer can harm you.

I will not argue or prove anything, I will only say that: Magic, occultism and religion are all the personification of a special unexplored force, a natural force that has the right to exist and therefore exists. You may not believe in magic and you may not believe that life exists on Mars.

Somehow, the inhabitants of Mars and the Mystical forces are absolutely not interested in whether you believe in them or not. There on Mars they don’t believe in the existence of life on Earth, but this does not prevent us from living happily. Regardless of whether you believe in Voodoo Magic, Slavic magic or any other or not, this is not a reason to experiment for the sake of interest. Don't forget, we will have to answer for all our actions and pay for all our actions. Don't tempt Fate once again.

The Voodoo doll belongs to ancient African magic. This magical tool is used to achieve good and bad goals. A doll can be a talisman, a means of causing harm or attracting benefit. This is a dangerous tool and must be used very carefully. Before creating such a doll, you need to assess your risks.

Rules for making a Voodoo doll

It is important to remember that harming a person can come back like a boomerang. The spirits that are addressed in the process of witchcraft will certainly take their payment. This could be various illnesses or the death of someone close. Only experienced practitioners can buy them off.

To make a Voodoo doll with your own hands, you use wood, straw, wax, wool, cotton fabric. Appearance the doll can be anything, as long as it does not belong to to a certain person. Otherwise there must be a resemblance to the victim. The color of the doll also depends on the purpose.

  • Yellow – success;
  • white – sincerity, honesty, peace;
  • red – passion, love relationship, energy;
  • purple – healing, wisdom, protection;
  • green – prosperity, health;
  • blue - sympathy;
  • blue – protection from evil;
  • pink – well-being, friendliness, harmony;
  • black - change in habits, damage;
  • brown – timidity, doubt;
  • gray – hopelessness;
  • orange – triumph, addiction.

When making a doll, it is important to focus on achieving your goal. For example, if a doll is created to attract material well-being, then you need to think about favorable solutions to money issues. You must talk to the doll without cursing.

The Voodoo doll should be made at night alone: ​​for luring - when the moon is waxing, and for deliverance - when the moon is waning.

How to make a classic doll at home?

Prepare materials:

  • two branches,
  • rope,
  • textile,
  • glue,
  • beads,
  • a piece of the victim (for example, hair or scraps of clothing),
  • Spanish moss (analogues: cotton wool and straw).

Cleanse materials from foreign energy using salt, incense, or earth. Fold two small branches crosswise, fasten with wax and lace. Wrap the base with moss, starting from the middle, first up, then down. Wrap the workpiece with thin strips of fabric of the desired color. Decorate the doll's face: sew on the eyes, embroider the mouth. Attach the hair of the hidden person to the head and give the doll a resemblance to him.

The finished doll should be blessed with fire. To do this, light a candle and fumigate the room with the aroma of incense or sage. Then hold the doll over the candle fire and say a spell seven times calling the instrument to serve.

“Zamr kor opr ​​vukmel, opos karm (doll’s name) smart shorp.”

The doll should be named after the victim. If a curse is placed on such a doll, it will also affect a person. After this, the doll must be discreetly placed in the victim's house.

How to take away health using a doll?

African Voodoo magic belongs to the section of black magic. It is no secret that with the help of a doll, they mainly try to harass a person or “dry” him.

There are many techniques for working with a doll to worsen the victim’s health or even death. An example is the following, simple but effective ritual.

  • Make a doll from scraps of black fabric. Write the name of the offender on her figurine.
  • As a tool of influence, take seven new needles of the same length. They should be purchased on the waning moon.
  • With the first needle, pierce the head of the victim’s doll through and slowly pronounce the curse: “I (your name), pierce you (name of the victim), bind your body tightly (name of the victim), as I pierce, bind tightly the body of this doll.”
  • With a second needle, pierce the area of ​​the offender’s heart and say: “Take my oath (name of the victim), in the name of Loa, that from now on you will not know peace!”
  • Insert the third needle into the stomach area, saying: “Take my oath (name of the victim) that by the powers of the Loa, all life will flow out of you.”
  • Insert the fourth and fifth needles into the doll’s thighs with the words: “From now on, you are in my power.”
  • Secure the sixth and seventh needles in the area of ​​the doll’s feet, completing the spell with the words: “You are forever bound by the forces of my curse, and only I can save you.”

From this moment on, your enemy is doomed. He will quickly lose vital energy, acquire illnesses and soon leave his physical shell. The doll needs to be hidden in a secluded place so that no one can pick it up. If you wish to spare your enemy, then you need to carefully separate the needles from the doll, disassemble it into its component parts and burn it.

Love spell using a voodoo doll

A Voodoo doll is often used for love purposes, as it can easily bewitch a person for the rest of his life.

This ritual is performed during the full moon phase after midnight.

  • Take a doll made from red scraps with the name of your love object written on it.
  • Light a candle and heat three needles in its flame.
  • Pierce the heart area, third eye area and genitals with needles, reciting the following spell:

“As my needles are sharp, so let your (name of the victim’s) thoughts about me (your name) be sharp. From now on, your feelings will be warm towards me, like these needles and also strong forever. I don’t stick needles, but I kindle fire, I awaken love, and I don’t cause pain.”

Destroying a Voodoo Doll

There are three ways to destroy an unwanted or broken doll:

1.Wrap the doll in white cloth and sprinkle with salt taken from the sea. You should contact the spirit of the forest or river. To do this, you need to bring gifts to the chosen spirit in the form of coins and fruits. And after that ask the spirits to cancel the evil action. After thanking them, you need to bury the doll in the forest ground or throw it into the river. After getting rid of the tool, without turning around, return to the house and clean the bathroom with sea ​​salt by the light of a white candle.

2.Wrap the doll in white cloth and go outside. You need to move as far as possible from your house and dig a small hole at the foot of some lonely tree. You need to burn the doll in this pit. Then spray blessed water the remains of the fire and fill the hole. At home, take a bath with sea salt by the light of a white candle. This ritual can only be performed on Saturday.

3. Disassemble it into its component parts, remove all the needles, and burn the doll.

The Voodoo doll is a powerful tool that needs the right approach still at the stage of preparation for creation. You shouldn't make a doll for the sake of curiosity. Also, you should not damage another person under the influence of a surge of emotions. This magic should be taken seriously.

Do you want to take revenge on an evil boss, your husband's mistress, or your sworn rival? Perhaps you will find useful information on how to make a Voodoo doll with your own hands. You can also make such a doll for yourself - made yourself, it has more direct access to your aura. In this way you can influence your personal life, attract love, money, luck.

Anyone who wants can learn about creating such a magical artifact at home, regardless of ability level. You need to use a Voodoo doll based on your own religious needs, as well as personal life principles.

Voodoo originated in the mid-16th century when African slaves landed in Haiti. Catholicism prevailed there, which then mixed with Hinduism and Islam. From this mixture of religious and cultural aspects this religion arose. This hybrid form then returned to Africa.

Today, Voodoo cult practices are carried out in West Africa, especially in Gabon and Ghana. These are basically transrituals intended to treat various diseases. The doll itself has a name - Volt.

Like many primitive religions practiced today, Voodoo magic is dominated by the idea that “reality” exists only as a human façade, with hidden people behind it. powerful forces gods and spirits. Therefore, in rituals there are spirits of vengeance and healing.

Voodoo is commonly associated with black magic and in many forms mass media positioned as ritual murders and the like. In fact, it is like a tool that can be used to create something beautiful and at the same time can help someone destroy the thing.

Those who believe in the effectiveness of thoughts, in the positive or negative charge they carry, can imagine how Voodoo works. For in every ritual personal beliefs are invested and strengthened. In this regard, it is the duty of the person who wants to know how to make a Voodoo doll to be aware of the responsibility that he bears for his thoughts and actions. What we send always comes back.

Making a classic Volta

Needle selection

The color of the needle head represents the areas that may be affected. If you want to do something good for a person yourself with the help of Voodoo, then, for example, yellow (success) is the right color. If you curse someone, contact yellow can change the fate of this person and luck will not shine on him.

Color meanings:

  • yellow is a symbol of success;
  • white - health;
  • red is suitable for those who seek power;
  • purple - spirit;
  • green - wealth;
  • blue – love relationships;
  • black: reflect or attract negative energy.

We are looking for the necessary materials

In case you are going to make Volta yourself, you will need some materials:

  • 2 sticks;
  • soft filling material (for example, Spanish moss);
  • several threads or cord;
  • buttons;
  • strips of fabric and glue.

You can also use narrow leather strips to tie together loose materials if you have them at home. The more windings of material on one part, the easier it is to connect it to others. Part clamps must be flexible.

If you want to know how to make a voodoo doll in dress, decorate or make a detailed face, you can, for example, use beads, buttons, feathers, fur, jute, leather, raffia, reeds, wood, shells, snail shells, teeth, bones , wax, clay, fabric and other materials that will add personality to the doll or give it a special aura.

Make sure materials are clean and dry to avoid possible mold growth.

Creation process

First you need to connect the sticks in the form of a cross, with one stick being slightly shorter than the other. We connect them crosswise with a tourniquet to make a semblance of a human figure.

Then wrap the sticks with material. Start about the middle, it works better this way. Wrap your head completely, and then return back to your hands, move to the middle and at the end - down. Volt works best if the material consists of a continuous strip. The idea is that the doll thus becomes stronger. Leave moss or bark on the ends before wrapping.

After this, wrap a piece of fabric around the body so that the doll's head and torso are wrapped.

Make sure to leave moss or bark on the ends of the doll, for example to create hair, and for arms and legs. Split the ends to shape and secure them with glue. You can enhance it all with a few stitches of needle and thread.

To make a face, attach, for example, 2 beads for the eyes, stitching them with a needle and thread, or glue. Add another bead to create the doll's mouth.

If you can make clothes for a Voodoo doll yourself at home, you will get more individuality and your own gender. You can add other accessories to your doll, such as a gris-gris, amulet or talisman.

Remember that a voodoo doll can be a symbol of a specific person or spirit. If you mean special person, it will be more effective to add something that belongs to this person, that is, for example, a strand of hair, a piece of clothing, a picture of this person or another thing. The goal is to give Volt that person's energy.

Making a modern voodoo doll

A wax doll is very popular, as it is easiest to attach foreign objects to it. If you have clay at home, you can create an image of a person from it.

Materials – a couple of small planks or sticks, cord or thick wool threads, fabric (color according to what you have in mind), thread and needle, gluing materials, everything to create a face (what you can find at home or you can easily find yourself - beads, buttons). And, of course, a particle of the person being conjured.

Volt from yarn

How to undo a spell

You won’t be able to revoke the spell at home; you need to turn to the forces of nature:

  1. Wrapping Volt in cloth white, sprinkle with salt and throw into the river or deep in the forest, along with an offering of fruit. We say thank you to the spirits you have called upon. We leave without looking back, upon arrival - a bath with salt.
  2. The doll wrapped in white cloth should be placed in a hole under a tree as far as possible from the house and set on fire (on Saturday). You need to take holy water with you and pour on the ashes. Upon arrival, we also take a bath with salt.

Many of you have probably heard about such a phenomenon in the world of magic as a Voodoo doll. It is believed that with its help you can control a person like a plastic doll, that is, completely subordinate her mind and consciousness to your will. There is information that black magic can even kill a person with the help of the same voodoo doll that accumulates tens of volts of negative energy. Before starting to talk about this item, it is worth saying that making it with your own hands will require both time and some endurance, since this is not a simple process.

The difficulty lies in the fact that you are faced with the task of recreating the likeness of a human victim, both externally and internally, in other words, we can say that you are creating a double of a person who, upon seeing her, could say that I am a voodoo doll, whom you are going to annoy or take revenge on , because it is for these purposes that the doll is most often used.

General information about the Voodoo doll

The voodoo doll takes its roots in distant America, where thousands, and maybe tens of thousands of rituals were performed with its help. At that time, dolls were used exclusively for black magic, which often involved sacrifices, and these were not always animals. Some rituals required blood, human nails, sometimes hair or even sweat, and these are the conditions in which sorcerers worked. Now that the development of mankind has stepped forward, genetic code a person can be brought into the ritual with the help of a personal item that was in direct bodily contact with the victim. It could be:

  • T-shirt
  • Underpants
  • Socks
  • Favorite thing that a person cannot part with, etc.

In addition, the very direction of working with the doll has changed. If previously the only purpose for its use was evil, now the doll is also made for good purposes, for example, if you desperately want to help to a loved one overcome some life trials, for example, to get rid of an illness. The influence exerted has become softer and does not interfere globally with a person’s fate. If you want a larger-scale effect from the ritual with a voodoo doll, performing it yourself will be extremely difficult and dangerous because it can feed on your energy. Therefore, it is recommended to take the help of professionals who know a lot about this matter, then scary side effects there won't be.

As for modern voodoo dolls that can be made at home with your own hands, they can be made from a variety of materials, which will depend in part on what purpose you have in mind. Let's find out in more detail how to make a voodoo doll at home and whether you are choosing the right ritual.

How to make a voodoo doll from threads

How can you make a voodoo doll from threads? Voodoo doll from wool threads more like ours Slavic doll motanka and is considered the simplest and most primitive option for man to manufacture a magical object. Drawings, photos and videos with her image can be viewed in more detail. For reference, let's say that previously they used exclusively Icelandic moss, which grows vigorously in South America, as a basis.

It is worth saying that even the most primitive version of making a voodoo doll will require some skills from you, because, do not forget, you are going to intervene in someone’s fate and history, mystically change the course of events that were programmed by someone from above.

Even though external resemblance with an ancient Slavic toy, makes a magical object look like a toy, its effect can be stunning, so do not underestimate its power. The fact is that all other materials remain the same that were used several centuries ago by man, and the words and texts of conspiracies and spells that are read during the ritual will also be identical. Most often nowadays, a thread doll is used for love spells.

Technique for making a doll from threads

As mentioned earlier, thread voodoo can be made with your own hands at home, without having any experience in working with witchcraft and otherworldly powers, without knowing how to work with spells. To make it you will need the following items:

  • Thread made of natural wool (do not use synthetics, it will not allow the energy to escape from the magical object)
  • A pre-cut rectangle of thick cardboard, approximate size 20x10 cm
  • Cardboard blank for hands

Start tying the rectangle, this is how you form the future body of the magical voodoo doll by connecting it with a person. It is believed that more revolutions will contribute to the ritual being more powerful and effective. After the rectangle is tightly and tightly tied, you need to carefully remove the resulting item from the cardboard and put it aside for a while, tie the free end with a knot so that the threads do not come undone.

Now it's time to tackle the head. To do this you will need the same threads that were used to create the body. Using a short piece of thread, wind the head of the future doll and attach it to the body. Let's start making hands; for this you already have a prepared cardboard template. As with the body, you need to tightly tie the workpiece with thread; about 50-60 turns are considered sufficient. After which the thread is also removed from the cardboard, your hands are ready. Next, you need to attach the arms to the body; this is also done using thread.

To make the doll look as realistic as possible, you can tie a small piece of thread in the middle of the body, this will indicate the location of the waist. As for the color of the threads, it should be the same color, that is, the head and body should not differ from each other. If the victim of the ritual is blond, then you should give preference to a light color of the thread, if he is dark-haired, then a darker one. The same applies to special differences, such as moles, tattoos, and so on, you must try to depict them on the doll.

How to make a voodoo doll from fabric

A fabric doll is also not considered difficult to make; it will only take 30-40 minutes to make. From the materials you need to prepare 2 pieces of fabric, each measuring 20 by 20 centimeters, these will be the two halves of your future bird. With the help sewing machine or manually, if it is not available, you need to sew two pieces so that the two corners form a hole, it will be needed so that in the future you can fill the bag with filling, usually dry grass or moss.

The legs of the arm are made by analogy, that is, two identical pieces of fabric are sewn together for one arm and for the second, and the same is done with the legs. The head is not made separately; in order for it to appear, you just need to tie it top part bodies with thread. Next, select the material that will be inside the doll, fill all the holes with it, that is, the torso, head and limbs. After this, all the parts are stitched into a single whole. In this case, the product is charged with the energy of negative volts, which will also be present in magic.

If you want to add additional resemblance to the ritual victim, you can add rag doll hair. To do this, they use the same threads that are sewn to the makeshift head. Facial features can also be embroidered with thread to add additional resemblance.

If you managed to get pieces of human biomaterial, they need to be placed correctly in the doll. So, hair is sewn into the head, nails into the legs or arms, blood can be soaked into the fabric, and so on. A doll is made from paper in a similar way.

Making a voodoo doll from plasticine material

If you prefer modeling, you can make a voodoo doll using this method; in this case, plasticine is used as a basis. Important Feature of this material is that plasticine is influenced external environment, that is, heat, which does not allow it to hold its shape for a long time. For example, if you hold a plasticine voodoo doll over a fire, after what time it turns into a shapeless mass, the same can be done with a person, that is, destroy him as an individual. Thus, we can conclude that plasticine voodoo should be used only in black magic and nothing else.

As in previous cases, for a successful ritual, you need to have at your disposal the victim’s biomaterial, that is, blood, saliva, husband’s sperm, nails or hair, this is the only way to evoke a subtle energetic connection with the victim, creating a love spell, calling to change the course of events. In addition, the body itself will be made of plasticine mass; the clothes must also be made independently, but from fabric sewn independently. This is the only way you will be sure that everything was done correctly by following the instructions for the ritual.

It is important to show maximum artistic qualities so that the doll’s face is as similar as possible to a human one, the same applies to the structure of the body, this will mean maximum similarity.

If your abilities do not allow you to achieve the desired resemblance, that is, you cannot draw and sculpt a face, you can attach a photograph of the victim to the place where the face should be. Nowadays such photos can be easily found in social networks on the Internet. It is very important not only to draw similar features, but also to clearly indicate the gender of the victim; for this, men need to mold a penis from plasticine mass, women – breasts.


BURNING A VOODOO DOLL At night in a cemetery! SHE CAME BACK AT 3 AM AND WAS TAKING REVENGE ON ME! You can't burn voodoo!

Voodoo doll ✝


Voodoo wax doll

Wax, as a material, is used in every second magical ritual. This is explained by the fact that candles are made from it, which are used quite often in magic and witchcraft. Thus, the candle wax voodoo doll also has some popularity in the narrow magic circles. It is believed that a voodoo doll made from light candle wax is a fairly powerful item that has an additional connection with fire, making it stronger and more powerful. It is noteworthy that wax dolls can become objects of both white and black magic, because wax perfectly absorbs any energy, accumulating tens of volts. With the help of a wax doll, you can cast love spells, rituals for love, create amulets for wealth and health, but at the same time, commit such sinister things as the death of a person or lifelong suffering.

If you want to perform a white ritual, you need to get church wax, this will make it much easier to help the person who is the core of the ritual. If you are planning to do something dark, you should buy dark-colored wax in the store, preferably black or gray.

In order to make a wax doll, you will still need minimum quantity biomaterial, that is, blood, sperm, hair or nails, without this the ritual is impossible.

Techniques for making a voodoo wax doll

In order to create a wax double of a victim, you need:

  • Twine cut
  • Cloth fabric for an imaginary person
  • Board (2 pieces)
  • Thread with a needle
  • Super glue
  • Heat source
  • Beads, sequins or buttons
  • Biomaterial

First of all, you need to create the frame of the future doll; they will serve as two boards that need to be folded together and fastened tightly. After this, you can start working directly with wax. It needs to be preheated minimum temperature should be about 30 degrees. Let the material cool a little and start working on wax modeling, this happens quite quickly.

As mentioned earlier, the basis is a board on which this or that part of the doll’s body will be gradually applied. You should start with the head; it is rolled out of wax, sculpted into a ball. If you managed to find the hair of the ritual victim, then you need to insert it into the doll’s head before the wax has had time to cool completely. In order to make the eyes, you will need beads, sequins or small buttons, which are also inserted into the still warm wax. After the head is ready, proceed to the body, it is also cast from wax, making the likeness of a female or male body with obvious sexual characteristics.

Afterwards it was time to deal with the clothes. The ideal option is if you manage to make a robe from the old things of the person who will be influenced. If this fails, try to recreate a similarity appearance using other materials. Do not forget to name the doll and henceforth refer to it only by name, the same as the name of the person whose likeness it is. The doll carries with it many volts of spiritual tension.

Now you know how to make a voodoo doll for a person yourself, you can independently choose the material with which you will work, depending on why the doll is being created. Now it remains to wisely approach the question of how to use it competently, without committing actions that you may later regret, since playing with fate can be dangerous because the accumulation of negative volts of anger can automatically hit the performer of the ritual.

The ancient African religion of voodoo is still preserved in some backward states of the Black Continent and in Haiti. The local population there knows well how to make a voodoo doll with their own hands. This is black magic, so the purpose of using the doll is unkind, since voodooism itself belongs to black magic. Thanks to many films, we know how voodoo sorcerers stick needles into different parts of a doll, and at the same time the same part of the body begins to hurt the victim it symbolizes. Then she dies in terrible suffering. Is this so in real life? Nobody will undertake to say so. What can you make a voodoo doll from? Yes, from almost everything, but the most common are dolls made of fabric, wax (candles) and thread.

  • What biological components are needed?
  • Fabric voodoo doll
  • Voodoo doll made of wax

What biological components are needed?

Despite the harmlessness of this religion, and perhaps because of it, there are people who certainly want to learn how to make a voodoo doll at home.

The doll must receive the energy of a specific person, for which it will need from him:

  • hair;
  • nails;
  • saliva;
  • blood;
  • leather, etc.

It’s clear that it’s not easy to get all this to make voodoo dolls with your own hands, but if this magical attribute is so important to you, you’ll probably come up with something. For example, you can cut your hair at night or examine the place where the person was sitting, because hair often falls out on its own, especially in people with long hair.

Fabric voodoo doll

Turning to black magic, Europeans quite often choose the method of making a magical voodoo doll from fabric. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • pattern;
  • thin leather or fabric;
  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • needle and thread;
  • buttons, buttons;
  • any filling for the doll (straw, cotton wool, rags);
  • biological material from the person for whom the doll will be made;
  • glue.

Manufacturing process

  1. Before you make a voodoo doll for a person yourself, you need to draw or find a suitable sample for it and make a template from thick paper based on it.
  2. Pin the template to the leather or fabric and cut it out, stepping back from the edge of the template by 5 mm. Prepare the second side of the doll in the same way.

  1. You can complicate the task by cutting both parts in half and connecting the different pieces together. Sew only the first two pieces completely, and the rest only from the bottom and top, without touching the middle.
  2. Then you can finally sew the doll along the edges of the patterns, leaving only a hole on one side for filling the filler there. It is also convenient to leave the legs unstitched.

  1. Then the doll needs to be stuffed with any suitable material at hand, not forgetting to add hair or other biological materials victims.

  1. After stuffing, you need to tightly sew the voodoo doll with your own hands and bandage the legs.

  1. The voodoo doll does not need clothes, you just need to mark the eyes with a couple of buttons on the face.

Voodoo doll made of wax

It’s even better to learn how to make a voodoo doll from wax, since this is what African and Haitian sorcerers use, since wax is the easiest way to give the necessary shape to a human figure with all the details.

You will need the following materials:

  • a lot of wax, paraffin or stearin;
  • two planks or sticks;
  • fabric of the desired color;
  • leg-split;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • gas stove or alcohol burner;
  • container for melting wax;
  • buttons or beads;
  • biological material of the ritual victim.

Manufacturing process

  1. Two planks of any wood that will serve as the doll’s frame need to be tied together.

  1. Melt wax, stearin or paraffin in a water bath. As soon as the melt has cooled slightly, you can continue working.

  1. It’s easier for people who know how to work in the technique of modeling from plaster or clay, who can make molds into which the body and limbs will be cast. The rest will have to manually sculpt the figure around the wooden frame.
  2. To get a doll's head, you can first roll out a wax ball, or you can take the head of an old doll as a base and cover it with a thin layer of wax, although the first option is preferable.
  3. If the entire head is wax, then the victim’s hair must be secured in a still plastic, warm material.

It may take several hours for the wax to cool completely, after which the hair will be securely attached to the head.

  1. You can work on the details of facial features as you wish. The same eyes can be made by cutting them out with a blade or pressing in wax, but it is much easier and more visual to use small peas, colored beads or buttons for this.
  2. Then you should let the figurine cool completely and begin dressing it. Clothes can be depicted with strips of fabric draped in the shape of the letter “X” over the shoulders and secured with twine or ropes at the waist of the figures. Then you can sew on the sleeves with threads. However, a voodoo doll does not need much clothing.
  3. Then you need to carry out the rituals of naming the voodoo doll and purifying it, but not get too carried away with them, so that it inadvertently melts prematurely. Then she becomes suitable for the ritual.

Video on how to make a voodoo doll from candles:

The last option will be described on how to properly make a voodoo doll from threads and twines, for which you will need:

  • three pieces of thick copper wire;
  • thin threads;
  • twine or thick knitting threads;
  • several buttons or beads;
  • suitable glue.

Manufacturing process

  1. Two pieces of wire need to be intertwined so that a pair of free ends remain at the bottom, which will become the doll’s legs, and a small loop is formed at the top, which is necessary to form the head. Then you need to attach a third wire perpendicularly to them, from which the figure’s arms will then come out.
  2. You should begin to tightly wrap a thick thread or twine around the resulting frame, stopping when the doll has received sufficient “fullness.” You can choose any color of thread that is closer to the skin color of the selected victim. Each end of the wire should be wrapped until they resemble the arms, legs and head of a normal proportioned person.

Of course, you shouldn’t strive to keep the proportions 100% - in any case, the head will turn out to be disproportionately large.

  1. After winding is completed, the ends of the threads can be secured to the doll’s body with glue prepared in advance. This will be the base of the voodoo doll.

  1. Using buttons, beads, pins and others suitable items All that remains is to design her face. You can make it more attractive by painting the limbs and body or wrapping them with colored thin threads instead. Natural hair here is not as easy to strengthen as in wax, so they can be replaced with thin fabric strips or threads.

How do you feel about black magic and do you believe that voodoo dolls are... real threat for a person? Tell us about it in the comments.