The magic of knots: Slavic sciences that work wonders. Slavic sciences: the magic of knots and weaving patterns


I will start with a lengthy quotation from the pen of Krasnov I.P. from the book “Slavic Amulets”. I think that such a story could happen anywhere and to anyone, and you, my dear readers, have also probably at least once heard something similar from your friends or witnessed it yourselfsimilar miracle EU.

So, this is what Krasnov wrote (I give it with abbreviations):

This story was told to me by an old friend, Evgeniy, a specialist in the history of Ancient Rus', a man accustomed to being very suspicious of everything that he cannot personally see And explain from a scientific point of view. Once I asked him a question why he became interested in the history of the Slavs. He made me promise not to laugh and told me about an incident that happened to him back in school. One day Evgeniy was returning to his place And , lost in thought, got hit by a car. The ambulance doctors took him to the hospital, Where They put a plaster cast on the broken leg. But h Two days later, Evgeniy’s temperature rose and complications began. R The parents called a doctor, who gave several injections and left. And at that time a relative was visiting the neighbors from the village, which, having learned about the misfortune, asked to look at the young man. At Evgeniy's The fever started again, the injections did not help. The old woman touched her forehead and looked at her leg in a cast. And She clasped her hands: “His blood circulation is impaired! This often happens with a fracture - the natural flow of blood is interrupted by external influence, and it needs to be restored b ». She from somewhere in the depths of her pockets she pulled out several red threads And tied it around Zhenya’s wrists and ankles, twisting special knots . Evgeniy’s parents agreed that woolen threads would not make things worse for their son, and that his grandmother would feel good knowing that she helped. However, to In the evening, Zhenya’s temperature subsided, and the doctors admitted in surprise that, perhaps, the patient no longer needed an antipyretic. The fever and fever did not return the next day. The doctors looked at the strings, shrugged their shoulders doubtfully, were surprised and happy for the patient. old lady same often came to visit the young man. “They call me a prisoner in my village,” she said, “because I tie things together with such knots and help people. There is a lot of power in science, grandson, oh, a lot. If kind person wants to help someone else, with their help things go easier.”
Evgeniy was forced to lie with a cast on his leg for a long time, but there were no more complications. The good old witch went back
home , but before leaving I managed to tell Evgeny a lot about folk customs, beliefs, superstitions and rituals. This is how my friend’s genuine interest in the history of our ancestors arose . Evgeniy, while remaining outwardly a skeptic and a completely modern person, believed in the possibility of the existence of ancient methods of treatment, which modern science can't fully explain. “We have not yet matured enough to know our ancestors,” he told me in conclusion.”

What kind of magical knots are these - sciences?

It turns out that this phenomenon was very common among all pagans, but the longest-lasting custom was tying knots for good luck, health or lovewas preserved(and is still alive in some places) in the Russian North. In the localIn the villages live old masters who, with the help of various nodes, can influence complex processes both in the human body and in the surrounding space. When I was in Karelia, we were told a lot about this extraordinary skill and even had a master class where we were taught how to make an amulet with our own hands.

By the way, in Russian there is set expressions, referring us to the ancient science of knitting knots. For example, everyone has heard the phrase “Tie a knot for memory.” Or, when someone advises someone to stop doing bad things, they say: “Quit it!” All this is an echo of the ancient belief that knots tied in a special way can protect, correct the situation or save from major troubles.

Nauzas can be either simple knots on a string or thread, or contain a special filler (herbs, magical things, roots, salt, bones, animal skin, snake heads, etc.). Cure from drunkenness, dryness, damage, amulet against illness or evil forces - for all this in Rus' it was often usedknot magic , as one of the most effective and easiest to implement. In other words, in order to perform a certain action, it was “tied up.” All sorcerers could knit knots, and almost all people could knit the simplest knots.
The mother tied the thread onto the clothes of her children, thus protecting them from the evil eye and illnesses. Or she protected her warrior-husband by tying a knot on the handle of his weapon.

The very tradition of tying knots dates back to ancient times, when our ancestors were just settling Eurasia. For example, the nauzes are mentioned in the ritual songs of the Slavs, collected by S. Verkovich. He writes that in ancient times, in every village in the spring, when the swallows had just arrived, nine girls gathered, dressed up and walked from courtyard to courtyard, and tied one white and one red thread twisted together on the children’s right hand. This thread was called marenka (in honor of the Goddess Mara) and was worn on the hand until the end of Lent. After the madder was saturated with human energy, it was untied and placed under a sacred stone (for example, the Veles Stone or the Stone Throne of the Mother Goddess).

Also, these marenki could be tied to the branches of sacred trees (oak, ash, birch). An energetic connection was established between the person wearing the marenka and the sacred object or tree. Until now in Rus' you can see trees tied with multi-colored ribbons. And it should be noted that these trees stand in places of power (often near springs or former temples). So the ancient rituals of the Slavs, using the power of knots, have reached our times.

" One of the most common ways of transmitting magical power was nauzes or knots, – writes the famous historian N. Kostomarov. -- The Magi, speaking certain images over the knots being tied, associated them with various forces (which were supposed to protect against various misfortunes), and then gave the nauz to anyone who wanted it.".

Nauz "Betrothed, come" "To attract money"

The sciences are spoken of in almost all church books of the beginning of the second millennium. Here are a couple of examples. In a collection of instructive words of the 16th century it is written:« N With the help of magic they cure and teach and bring demons, and they drive away the demon, which is called shaking (fever) ... This is cursed. Having shared many punishments from God for our iniquities; It’s out of the question for God to be treated with enchantment and science, neither in meeting, nor in crawling, nor in believing anything: that is, it’s a filthy thing ».

Tsar's district charter of 1648: “A “Some people call those sorcerers and magicians into their homes and for small children, and those magicians perform all sorts of demonic magic on the sick and on infants.”

The Church has always had a negative attitude towards such methods and despised witchcraft, however it should be noted that, say, in The era in defense of the amulet, which was so widespread in Orthodox Rus', had its roots precisely in the power of knowledge, decorations and amulets.

In chronicles and legends, the story of the great-grandson of the Baptist of Rus' Vladimir, Prince Vseslav of Polotsk, who was popularly nicknamed “Vseslav the Magician,” has been preserved. In The Tale of Bygone Years there is a mention of how the mother of the future sorcerer prince gave birth to her long-awaited first-born with the help of sorcery. The Magi commanded that the child continue to wear a bandage on his head, tied with a special tricky knot. This amulet awarded Vseslav, as his contemporaries believed, not only with the soul of things, but also with the abilities of magic and werewolf. Chroniclers repeatedly mentioned the supernatural talents of the Polotsk prince.

Here, for example, is how Vseslav is presented in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”: “...he himself prowled the night like a warrior;dabout the roosters he made it from Kyiv to Tmutarakan,ToHe scoured the path of the great Kherson like a wolf. »

Through the action of this science, the chronicler of The Tale of Bygone Years tried to explain, on the one hand, the luck, and on the other, the belligerence and cruelty of Vseslav the Magician. The chronicle, by the way, was created in an era when Christianity and paganism had not yet reconciled with each other, had not merged, mutually enriched with wisdom. Therefore, the author-monk has a negative attitude towards traditional methods. However, even here, faith in the power of knots is clearly visible, which can be used both for serving good and for evil, unworthy purposes.

Since ancient times in Rus' there was a belief that a knot is one of the most strong influences for any aspect of life. You can tie black forces into a knot and they will no longer bother you, or you can tie up an illness, tie up someone’s will, tie a loved one to you, etc. Accordingly, the person who used such methods was called Nauznik, and his business was called Nauznik.

Not every thread is suitable for magic ritual actions. The material from which it is made is important. For simple divination, they took wild hemp or nettle. For complex magical rituals - wool or silk. The thread was always spun with the left hand and best of all - on the night of Ivan Kupala, standing on the threshold. Moreover, the thread must be made within one day.

The magic itself Same I understand lassedlike invisible fetters and knots. The sciences are, as it were, its embodiment in the world of Reveal and help in the spell. Even in our time, many, without knowing it, wear nauz. Most often it is a thread or rope with knots, which young people wear on their hands like a bracelet. From time immemorial, such a thing was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

Ties, shoelaces and many other things are also knots. And you can also think about such art as macrame.

In addition, nauzami can also be braids made from hair, worn by women, and in ancient times men also braided them. If now braiding is a way to embellish oneself, then in pagan times braids were braided in a special way and for a specific purpose. One's own hair, which was given great mystical significance, helped in battle, warded off misfortune and confused evil forces. When tying a belt or other items of clothing, men and women always said certain words so that the knot could not only support the clothing, but also be useful.

A node is alsoclosed line. According to legends, not a single creature from the world of Navi can cross the circle with which a person has surrounded himself or his home. A knot (a rope with a knot on the arm, a belt, a chain around the neck, etc.) has the same effect. This is where the belief came from that walking without a belt is a sin. Any evil creature from Navi can do whatever they want with such a person. In ancient times they even slept with their belts on.

In addition, sorcerers and witches represent a rope that is tied into a knot as the fate of a person, the thread of his life. RememberMakoshwith her assistants Dolya andNeaters who weave the fate of man. Stuck in certain place with the necessary hex node, you can influence the course of a person’s life, or cause necessary events. In this regard, our ancestors had many concerns. At a wedding, they always made sure that there were no knots in the clothes of the bride and groom. The same is the case with women in labor - the woman was examined to ensure that there were no knots on her clothes or hair.

If a person suffers for a long time before death (as the ancient Slavs said, he works), then in this case they untangled all the knots on his clothes, in the house, unlocked all the locks, opened doors and windows in order to untangle the magical loop from which the dying person cannot get out.

It is appropriate to mention sea knots here. It was the sailors who still preserved hundreds of different knots. Nowadays, they are used only to make a reliable fastening, but sailors once attached knots special meaning.
According to the beliefs of the peoples of the North, with the help of knots you can influence the wind. When fishermen went out to sea, they put on a special shirt, the threads of the hem of which were tied with special knots for good luck and well-being, protecting them from the dangers of the insidious water elements. Sometimes sailors took with them bunches of “good herbs” tied with a ribbon with a large knot. This beam attracted the necessary wind and pacified the waves.

Estonian sailors believed that Finnish and Karelian sorcerers could distill bad weather storms and storms to their neighbors, since they are capable of sharpening the wind force to three knots. If you untie the first knot, a light breeze will blow, if you untie the second, a strong squally wind will break free, and the third knot contains a storm and a hurricane.
And with the help of nodes it was possible to treat warts. To do this, they took a harsh thread, tied as many knots on it as there were warts, and over these knots they read a spell, typical of all conspiracies. The thread was tied over the warts, and then removed and buried in the ground. It was believed that when the thread rotted, the warts would fall off.

Northern healers gave threads with knots to patients with damaged bones or joints. The beginning of the procedures was marked with a loop; on the thread, certain combinations of knots marked the number of procedures and the days on which these procedures should be carried out. The color of the thread indicated exactly what procedures should be carried out. Thus, green color indicated the use of herbal infusions, yellow - wax applications, red - dry heat, white - cold, orange - hot poultices, and gray - steam treatments or steam baths.

As you understand, knots played an important role not only among the Slavs, but also among other peoples. This is most clearly confirmed by the fact that in ancient times knots replaced writing.

KIPU knot letter

Knot writing was widespread among the Indians of pre-Columbian America; knot writing was used in India and other Asian countries, in some places in Africa, and it was also used by the aborigines of Australia. In the Baltic states it was used even in20 century.

Murmansk Museum of Local Lore

In the ethnographic museums of Lithuania you can see balls and bundles of multi-colored threads, which are either household records or traditional medicine recipes.
The Sami also wrote down complex methods of treatment in knots. With the help of knotted writing, the pedigree of the Vepsians was kept, compiled (weaved!) family trees branched families.

The meaning of rope and knots in mythology and symbolism different religions truly very diverse. It can be argued that at all times and among all peoples, a knotted rope has had some magical and symbolic meaning.

Others European peoples the memory of the knotted writing that they once had in ancient times remained in the custom of counting rosaries.

When fingering the rosary, which could consist of both beads and knots, the worshiper remembers correct sequence corresponding prayers or names of god.

IN Ancient world and among modern peoples at a low stage of development, the idea of ​​a braided rope stretched from earth to heaven is widespread. This rope was a kind of connection between the human world and the otherworldly, divine world. Nowadays, shamans have the same “magic rope” hanging from the ceiling in the tent or room where they perform their rituals. It is obvious that Homer's image of the golden chain (mentioned by the singer in the Illiad and Odyssey) connecting heaven and earth historically and culturally goes back to these more ancient times, which reached the Greeks in the form of myths and traditions.

In general, the image of a chain consisting of links, like a rope with knots tied on it, have common roots.

Elected government officials, such as city mayors in Europe, still wear chains as a symbol of dependence.society from his master. Thus, the chain of the mayor became a kind of symbol of high social status and at the same time a safe conduct. Chains can also represent social harmony or family union, which also has its roots in ancient culture. The chains of Hymen placed on the young couple signified the legal beginning of their marriage.

In the Middle Ages, a rope tied around the neck was worn by penitent sinners as a sign of humility and repentance. And today, the rope belt of the monks symbolizes the vow they made and their dependence on the divine will. Also in the rope belt of the monks there is an allusion to the bound and scourged Christ.

The Franciscan monks had three knots in their belts, symbolizing obedience to Christ, the vow of poverty and the vow of chastity.

In Hinduism, a rope is an emblem of the spiritual path to self-improvement, and knots tied on it symbolize religious rituals.

In antiquity, the rope was an integral attribute of the goddess of fate - Fortuna, symbolizing transience human life and the suddenness of its end. A rope noose, personifying retribution, was a companion of the goddess of justice Nemesis (and only in later times was replaced by a punishing sword). In Orthodoxy, the rope noose became a symbol of St. Andrew, who was not nailed, but tied to the cross.

In the rites of the Freemasons, a rope tied in a knot signified their union (In the photo on the right -Kafinsky knot - a symbol of the Masonic brotherhood)

So, we can concludethat the nodes are sciencesThisvery very ancient art, so peculiara folk method of dealing with adversity, a way to convey information and protect yourself from harm. But, as often happens, the magic of knots was lost over the centuries, although echoes of its symbolism are still observed everywhere in our lives.

I hope that this article has revealed to you, dear readers, another undeservedly forgotten page of our common past.

It is not difficult to make a magic item nauz with your own hands, but the effect is amazing.

Among the multitude and variety of Slavic amulets, one can highlight large group- science. These are nodules, bags, filled with a variety of contents. Sciences are used very rarely today, because they were undeservedly forgotten and became a thing of the past. But in vain. This is effective magic that protects and helps against all misfortunes. The magic of knots has created amazing Slavic amulets, which were used by people several hundred years ago. It is possible to revive this skill, you just need to try to make a knowledge for yourself or your loved one. Whether it will be a gift, or whether you want to use the amulet yourself, it doesn’t matter. Your good intention will serve. Try it - making such a magical item is not difficult, and its power will amaze you.

What are sciences

Nauz - ancient amulets. It always represents the same thing: a thread, rope, leather cord or chain on which knots and bags with contents are hung. Today girls wear bracelets with different pendants, which can be changed depending on your mood. This is very similar to Slavic sciences. Only, you need to change the contents of bags and bundles not according to your mood, but in accordance with life circumstances.

Sciences have several functions:

  • protection;
  • support;
  • fulfillment of desires.

Human I could choose for myself exactly how to put things inside. It could be:

  • ritual figurines, images of animals;
  • plant seeds;
  • dry roots or flowers;
  • stones, minerals;
  • precious stones;
  • metals;
  • wooden roundels or plates with symbols;
  • parchment;
  • animal parts(wing bat, dog claws, snake skull, lizard bone);
  • and much more.

The Slavs believed that almost any thing could become a talisman, so the scope for imagination was unlimited. IN depending on the situation you can change the contents of your bags and bundles. During illness they were placed in it symbols of health and longevity, useful herbs, magic crystals , taking away diseases.

If a woman could not get pregnant for a long time, then the nauz was filled with a traditional set: dry rosehip flowers, ears of wheat, symbol of the goddess Lada. With the help of such knowledge, she quickly became a mother, and all fears went away. These amulets were widespread - everyone wore them without exception. Tradition, unfortunately, is a thing of the past.

How to wear a hat correctly

You can put whatever you want, but just remember the rule. There shouldn't be too many pendants. Nauzs are amulets that take yourself a piece of your strength. They build a connection with the owner based on faith in the powers of the amulet. If you wear 2-3, then your faith is strong. You have chosen what you really need. If a person hung 30 pendants with the most different symbols , protective herbs, crystals and stones - his faith in the amulet is not very strong.

You may have large stock of items, which can be put into science. Prepare for all occasions. But, all at once - bad recipe for amulet. Choose only what is necessary, trust the magical item, then it will serve you faithfully.

It is very important that the knots are strong. There is no need to remove the contents of bags and bundles once again. The knot is one of the components of the amulet. Almost all magical traditions have knots. If you say a word and tie a knot, it will be very strong, so strong that even an ax cannot be cut. Choose natural thin leather, linen fabric for creating knotted bags.

Most common symbols

Among the many symbols, the most common ones can be identified. They were used by people all over the Slavic world. The meanings of the symbols are the same, or almost the same throughout the entire territory of ancient Rus'.


A symbol of freedom, unity with nature. The silver fish often hid in the nauz, because in those times were not calm. The invaders could kidnap a person and do his work. It was believed that the silver rack would protect against such a sad fate.


Knowledge. In order for children to learn and gain experience, a key was hung around their neck. It can be made from any material. Most often, these are small metal keys.

Bird (dove)

Good news, innocence. The dove passed from paganism to Christianity. The dove brings good news so that you can receive it - wear a silver or gold dove in your amulet.

Bird (falcon)

Sun symbol. Charms with a falcon - for men. It gives the necessary strength, energy for life, courage.

Bird (swan)

Symbol of femininity. Gives girls the opportunity to preserve their natural beauty until old age.


A sign of victory, perfection. This can be a victory over evil, which means this sign protects against black magic.


Male sign. They put him in the sciences only when they were getting ready for battle. Symbol of indomitability courage, combat courage.


Building your own home, family. Home comfort. Worn mainly by men.


Continuation of the family. If there were no children in the family for a long time, it was necessary to put a tree in the house. You can make it from wood, or from any other material. Then it will appear soon child.


Eye charms protect against black magic, remove evil eyes and curses. Such a talisman made of silver, hid very carefully. They almost always put it in science, especially for children.

Except figurines, it was possible to put ordinary planks with Slavic symbols. These are the ones everyone knows:

  • Kolovrat;
  • Velesovik;
  • Ladinets;
  • Tsaetok Fern;
  • Black Sun;
  • Volot;
  • Makosh;
  • Lada Mother of God.

They were burned on tablets, this is the simplest and most effective way. The energy of the fire tempered the symbol, breathing into it a powerful positive charge. Try it, it's not as difficult as it seems.

How to make a talisman yourself

If you want to make Slavic sciences yourself for yourself, friends, and family, then you need to prepare everything. It's not difficult, because Even children were able to make such amulets before. Take:

  • waxed or leather lace;
  • iron pendants, clay, stones in the form of animals or symbols of your choice;
  • quartz crystals (drive away evil forces);
  • pieces of wood;
  • seeds, dried flowers;
  • any other small items by choice;
  • pieces of leather or fabric that can be tied into a knot (a strip of fabric or leather works great).

You can make amulets or give a person a complete set of pendants so that he can choose what and when to wear. On lace put on 2-3 knots, no more, otherwise the strength of the knot becomes weaker.

A person can put in bundles everything that he considers valuable to himself. Some images, objects with the energy of “success”, memorial stones or shells from the sea. Memorabilia reminds us of happy moments of life- this is magic in itself. This item is warm. He carries a huge charge of positivity. Why not? Little shell from happy honeymoon will become the best amulet of family happiness.

Slavic magic will help you from all troubles

Slavic magic is good. She draws her strength from the elements of nature. People's reverence for Earth, Water, Air and Fire gave birth to great power that helps people against all troubles. If you feel bad, you have depression, constant melancholy - go out into nature. Here you are find ancient power.

Your amulets charge better in nature. Take your knowledge with you. This is very useful, especially in summer when it is sunny energy reaches its peak.

In the modern world of high technology, it is difficult to believe in the power of a knot that can protect you from troubles and attract good luck. You should not be skeptical about this; the magic that came to us from time immemorial has not lost its significance even today.

The Slavs believed in the power of a tied thread, for centuries they created weaving methods, knowledge was passed down through generations. Unfortunately, many secrets have been lost due to persecution Christian Church, but a piece folk wisdom called Nauzy, has survived to this day. The basis for creation is an ordinary thread, which itself carries sacred meaning depending on the color, and a knot tied in a certain way doubles its strength. Since ancient times, people have worn a knotted bracelet on their wrist or around their neck. Depending on the purpose of the amulet, the strings were different colors. In addition to knots, pendants were used: bags with herbs, coal, salt, and medicinal plants were woven into them.

The question arises: “What is the magic of the knot?” The secret is simple - faith. When a person creates a node, his thoughts are directed in a certain direction. Here it is important to think about what you want from the amulet: protection from damage, getting rid of illness, attracting fortune and money. Thoughts should be aimed at good, you should not make many dreams. By making one knot after another, you consolidate your desires. In addition to the mental message, conspiracies should be read during the ritual. It is best to entrust the creation of a talisman to a blood relative or make it yourself, certainly in good mood and good health. When making nauzs, it is advisable to use natural threads (wool, linen, cotton, silk) - they retain the energy of nature. Weaving from ribbons, ropes and even hair is acceptable. If you decide to create such a talisman yourself - great option make it in a field, forest, park, away from noise. This is an opportunity to concentrate and direct thoughts only on creating an amulet. Before use, keep it under the sun's rays or moonlight.

Video "Nauzy"

The magic of a talisman on your wrist

For many peoples, the hand is a channel open to negative energy. In Ancient Rus', a knot was considered a reliable protection against the evil eye. The work used threads made from hemp and nettle. Nowadays, there are enough decorative materials to create for yourself not only a magical, but also a beautiful bracelet. However, the decorative nature of such an item is not the main thing - what is important is the meaning put into the amulet at the moment of tying the knots. Decide on the purpose of the talisman: for happiness, love and good luck, to improve health, or it will protect you from negativity. Depending on your preferences, choose the color of the threads. Each shade has its own meaning:

  • Red - protection from the evil eye.
  • Green - will protect against deception and attract money.
  • Yellow - envy.
  • Blue - promotes emancipation, relieves inhibitions in communication, and gives self-confidence.
  • White - should be worn by those who are planning changes in life, to reach their intended goal.

Video “Nauzy - knot magic”

How and when to tie the knot

Before making a knot, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for creating it. It is made only in the waxing moon phase; this should not be done during the waning moon, since magical powers will be very weak. The day of the week is also important:

  • Monday - knots for love.
  • Tuesday - from damage and the evil eye.
  • Wednesday - for achieving success.
  • Thursday - attracting financial flow.
  • Friday - a conspiracy for love, female beauty.
  • Saturday - from evil spirits.
  • Sunday - protection from disease, healing.

Before tying a knot, decide on the purpose of the bracelet, clearly say your wish out loud, read the spell, or prayer.

Video “Weaving nauz”

Which hand should I tie it on?

It matters which wrist you put such a talisman on. On the left they wear a bracelet designed to protect against the influence of devilish forces. It is believed that there is a channel for the penetration of negative energy. On the right, charged with desires. You should not share information about your amulet with others, or advise others to tie the same one. To enhance the effect of the nauz, it is recommended to place pendants on the talisman. These can be mineral stones, metal and wooden figures. Before creating such an attribute, familiarize yourself with the meaning of the symbols common these days:

  • Bird - longevity.
  • Angel - honest thoughts.
  • Libra - focus on the right decisions and actions.
  • Wolf - success in career, luck in business.
  • Horse, unicorn - spiritual purity and purity.
  • Star, sun - from dark forces.
  • Coin - lures wealth.
  • Heart - love, strong marital relationships.
  • Palm - from negative energy.
  • Fish - financial success.

The meaning of the black thread

The use of this color in science raises doubts. If we exclude the unpleasant associations that the thread causes, then we can understand how powerful positive energy it possesses and is capable of bestowing balance and self-confidence. Suitable for weak-willed people - it will help them become decisive and help the unrestrained to curb their emotions. Paired with a white thread, they help achieve the goal.

The meaning of the red thread amulet

A similar node has wide application. It can serve as protection against negative bioenergy - in this case, put the bracelet on left hand to block the channel of dark energy. At the same time, there may be such a talisman. Then put it on your right hand. Often the amulet is used to spell love; it consists of 3 threads that are tied into 7 knots. The color red in Slavic culture was a powerful talisman. In esoteric teaching, Kabbalah also has magical powers. Because these days are popular, often used as a talisman.

Knot for love

If your relationship with a loved one has gone wrong, you want to find your soulmate, reach an agreement family relationships- a talisman spelled for love is needed.

- will kindle the fire between spouses, increase physical attraction and spiritual unity. To weave such an amulet, you need to choose the right material - it could be a ribbon with which joint memories are associated, or even shoelaces. If you weave the hair of the spouses into a knot, the witchcraft will increase several times. As you work, imagine tying your love tightly together. The first days are close to the body, near the heart, then give it to your spouse. Best option make a nauz in the form of a keychain. A similar tie can be made on interior items.

and Burning Hearts - are also able to restore a faded feeling, protect against family discord and betrayal. A cupid knot is tied only on the waxing moon.

Girls should know that braiding is magic ritual. If you think about your chosen one, repeating the spell, you will certainly achieve mutual feelings.

Video “Nauzy - a love adventure”

Sciences for health and healing

People susceptible to illness, without a doubt, should believe in science. or on the neck will help heal and protect from illnesses. For pain in lower limbs, the knot is put on the legs. People of harmful professions use such talismans.

One way to get rid of the disease:

  • Take the black thread;
  • Tie an odd number of knots;
  • For each one, pronounce the name of the disease;
  • Set it on fire or bury the thread far from home;

Nauz Zhiva - helps to improve well-being, fills weakened organs with healing energy.

Solar - indispensable for exhaustion of the body, constant fatigue.

- knitting knots is done on a thick green thread. Hung at the head of the bed, it can reflect negativity and maintain health.

Celtic knot - a strong science against diseases, helps rid the body of heavy energy that destroys the human biofield.

Video “Health Knot, Celtic Knot”

Evil eye knot

Poor health, fatigue, malaise, a series of incipient failures - may be the result of the evil eye. A knotted talisman will be a faithful protector from such troubles. The most effective is considered a bracelet made from. Such amulets can be worn around the neck, on the hands, attached to a purse, or hung above the entrance to the home. By creating the amulet yourself, you charge it with the direction of your thoughts and convey a good message. The purchased unit must be cleaned and activated. You don’t know who made it, whether he was healthy, what thoughts he had while tying the knots.

Video " How to start a health science? »

Nauzy - a do-it-yourself amulet

When making an item, do not forget the main rule - a state of peace and tranquility in the soul, good thoughts. It is advisable to do the work outdoors; if this is not possible, a lighted candle of the same shade as your future talisman will be a good “helper”. Threads of different shades will enhance the protective effects, according to their sacred capabilities.

The simplest knowledge of our ancestors is considered to be Solar - a sign personifying the luminary. They weave a magical wreath of three or four threads. At every start, clearly imagine what the amulet protects you from, the main thing is to believe in its power and positive energy that will be with you in difficult times.

Shield Knot- was considered a talisman of the home. It brings protection from dark energy and attracts harmony into the family.

Video “Weaving knots”

Knowledge that brings good luck

Our ancestors believed not only in the protective powers of the knot, but also believed that such talismans bring success. It is important what meaning we put into each of them during weaving. Try to clearly formulate your desire; if the thought escapes, then something is wrong here. Make sure your messages are kind. It is not necessary to carry it with you all the time; you can only take it during important events.

Video “Slavic science for good luck”

Money knot - its meaning, how to do it

At first glance, weaving nauzs may seem like a difficult task. There are quite complex schemes, but most of the magic knots can be done by anyone. The simplest one can be tied daily, using a scarf or tie, saying out loud a conspiracy aimed at attracting money. There is no need to look for texts of such conspiracies, they can be yours. The main thing is to believe and have good thoughts, not to wish harm on others. The most popular and easiest to perform is the knot money tree. It consists of 3 equal nodes and resembles a crown. For work you should use a thick thread green. The talisman should be made for the waxing moon. It is recommended to keep it in your wallet; do not tell anyone about the existence of a magical item, especially do not let strangers touch it.

Video “Teachings for good luck in trading”

A knot for all occasions. Weaving patterns

The technique of creating nauzs has not been forgotten, because such amulets work. They were created by our ancestors and tested by time. To understand the step-by-step diagrams you need to be patient. But it is precisely such talismans, created through painstaking work, that have great power.

Opinions expressed by university holders

These talismans are gaining popularity. People different ages acquire to the magic node. For the most part, bearers of such amulets give positive reviews:

  • "They really have the power..."
  • “I never feel depressed since my girlfriend gave me a bracelet woven from threads...”
  • “... began to hurt less. The demolished nooses must be burned. Don't throw them out on the street..."
  • “In my wallet I placed a money tree made of knots. It works, but that doesn’t mean you have to quit and do nothing. I have a permanent income and financial stability in my life...”

Video “Conspiracy for a better future from the book “Nauzy - Slavic magic of knots”

A knot is not just a talisman or another fashion fad, it is part of culture.

Sciences are a kind of Slavic magic. It involves weaving knots in a special way with their spell. The result was a talisman that was supposed to preserve health, attract money and bring good luck. This is not surprising, because a knot is a mandatory attribute of magic and witchcraft.

The Slavs often wove various objects into sciences. These could be images of gods, stones - talismans and various plants. This way the knot magic was strengthened and a powerful amulet was obtained.

Until now, Slavic sciences have not lost their relevance. Absolutely anyone can weave them with their own hands. In this case, it is not necessary to have a magical gift. It is enough to choose the right materials for weaving, avoid negative thoughts during work, and also know the weaving patterns and the required plot.

The magic of knots is a special magic and in order to master it, first of all, you need to know the rules of weaving knots.

It is necessary to work for the growing Moon. It is best to weave amulets in nature.

It is also important to choose the “right” day of the week:

  • Monday - on this day love knots are made;
  • Tuesday – suitable for making amulets against the evil eye and damage;
  • Wednesday – on this day lessons are made for good luck, as well as knots for successful trading;
  • Thursday - suitable for making money amulet, knots for debt repayment, as well as attracting good luck;
  • Friday - this day, like Tuesday, is suitable for weaving a talisman for love and happiness;
  • Saturday - on this day they make a talisman against evil forces;
  • Sunday - on this day learning is done for health.

The materials from which the knot is made are also important. First of all, they must be natural. You cannot use synthetic materials in your work. Knots can be made from laces, threads or ribbons.

The color of the materials also matters:

  • Red – for protection from evil forces and to attract love.
  • Purple - for protection against premature and violent death, accidents and accidents. Nauses are also made from this thread for health purposes.
  • Green – helps attract wealth and promotes career growth.
  • Yellow and orange - these colors will protect against evil witchcraft.
  • Light blue and blue - grant protection from various ailments, as well as from quarrels and scandals.
  • White – helps to fulfill desires, including the most secret ones. The technique of making wishes come true is quite simple. A white cord or thread is woven into a knot and during this you need to imagine that the desire has already come true. Then it will really come true. In addition, a white thread is tied for studying. It improves memory and enhances attention. Such a knot will help you achieve success in your studies both at school and at the institute or academy.
  • Black – gives confidence in own strength and relieves excessive emotionality.
  • Black and white netis, used simultaneously, bestow wisdom and help achieve your goals without anyone’s help.

You can use three laces or any other material of different shades in the amulet. The number of threads may be greater, but it is desirable that their number be a multiple of three. In this case, knowledge will be obtained for all occasions. Such a talisman will protect, maintain health, give love and attract money. The more complex the knot is woven, the stronger it will be.

In addition, colors can be selected according to the horoscope:

The Slavic magic of knots, as mentioned above, allows the use of pendants in sciences. Metal, paper, wood, natural stones, cereals, and various plants can be used to make them.

These materials are used to make various figures. They can be woven directly into the knot itself or embroidered into a bag and hung from it. The main thing is to choose the right figure for the amulet and know its meaning. Here are the most popular pendants:

  • horseshoe - bestows good luck in any endeavor, brings happiness;
  • bird - helps to find love and attracts money;
  • key - bestows wealth and protects against theft;
  • tooth or claw of an animal - protects from evil forces and enemies;
  • slave - bestows good luck and attracts money;
  • sickle - helps to get a rich harvest;
  • spoon - bestows wealth and well-being.

Nauzas can be worn on the hand or on the neck. From time to time, the sciences need to be kept in the sun so that they are charged and freed from accumulated negativity.

Manufacturing of items

Knowledge for wealth

You can make money out of anything. It could even be a scarf tied around the neck, a ribbon with a knot woven into a braid or a tie. While tying a knot, you need to think about money, wealth and imagine material goods that are bought with money. Under no circumstances should you allow negative thoughts, especially thoughts about poverty. This is the easiest way to make signs to attract money.

In addition, wealth knots can be made in a more complex way. These sciences are called “Money Tree”. It consists of three identical knots that are woven in the shape of a tree. The talisman is not worn on oneself, but is stored on the desktop or in a desk drawer. It can also be hung above the front door. When making a talisman, you need to say the following spell: “Grow money. Multiply your money. Add more money. Make me (name) rich, come to me. So be it!”

There is another way to make a bundle for wealth, as well as for repaying a debt. You need to buy a green candle for the waxing moon. You will also need nine identical green threads. They need to be placed next to each other and rolled into one bundle.

At the same time, the following conspiracy should be pronounced: “By nine roads, nine ways, what I desire will come to me, copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.”

After this, exactly nine knots need to be tied on this tourniquet. For each of them you need to read a conspiracy:
“I fasten with this knot everything in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.”

This cord can be placed in a wallet, bag or desk drawer.

Sciences for love

Ordinary braids can become a tool for attracting love. To do this, while weaving them, you need to think about love or a loved one. You can also represent family and children.

In addition, you can weave a “knot of passion.” To do this, you need one piece from yourself, and another from your loved one. You can, for example, take shoelaces. Such knowledge will help revive old feelings or reunite with your loved one. While working, you need to think about him and your shared happiness. In addition, there are other knots for attracting love - these are “lovebirds” and “flaming hearts”.

While weaving, you need to say the following words: “Knot, strengthen the union. There are no stronger love bonds!” The conspiracy must be pronounced with confidence that the amulet will really help you find love and revive old feelings.

Nodules for health

There are several ways to make knowledge for good health. For example, if a person is sick, then you can take a black thread and tie an odd number of knots on it. For each weave you need to say the name of the disease. After this it must be destroyed. The surest way is to burn the thread. After this, the diseases will immediately recede. You can also attach the thread to the ground. It is believed that after this the disease will also go away immediately.

There are also such sciences for promoting health as “alive”, “solar” and “tree of life”. Each of these nodules helps get rid of existing ailments and also prevents the occurrence of diseases.

To activate the sciences to improve health, you need to think about the recovery and health of loved ones while working.

Nauzs are not simple knots, but magical ones. The main thing is to know how to whip them and what words to say when doing so, and also to believe in their magical properties.

Since ancient times, various peoples of the world have used amulets and talismans for protection. They were made from herbs and flowers, stones and minerals, spells and magical rituals. And this is far from full list. Quite often, the ancient Slavs made special knots on threads.

The knotted amulet had to be made with one’s own hands. They can be supplemented with special pendants - roots, herbs, fabrics or metals. Slavic knots are nauzes, these are very complex plexuses of threads.

Slavic sciences are still one of the most powerful amulets. Their actions are quite varied. Some knots bring good luck, others - material well-being, third – love and so on. The magical effect of the bundle extended only to its wearer. It is recommended to wear nauzas either on the neck or on the wrist. Modern people wear magic bracelets on their wrists with a red thread.

Every nation in the world, including the Slavic ones, has its own specific techniques for weaving bracelets by hand. They are used in sewing various clothes, in magical rituals and in making talismans. This amulet is able to save its owner from all sorts of troubles, helps in difficult life situations, and develops creative abilities.

You must believe your magical talisman one hundred percent. Only in this case will he be able to protect you.

Scope of application of magic knots

Today there is no exact information about the origin of the node. In ancient times, knots were used to make items of clothing, build houses, fish, harness horses, and the like.

It is quite difficult to do without this element these days. Tourists and travelers very often use knots in their everyday life. Climbers will not be able to climb to a height without special units.

The navy also cannot do without special units. Sea knot was invented many years ago and still remains indispensable among sailors.

How did it happen that ancient thread weaves are still widely used today? The reason is this. In ancient times, ropes were braided for protection. Their main action was aimed at confusing traces, protecting against evil spirit. It takes quite a lot of time to find the solution and correctly unravel the plexus. And this is not always possible to do.

Today, various weaves are used in interior decoration, to decorate clothes and shoes. And few people know that such a knot can cause both harm and benefit to its owner. It all depends on who made this plexus and for what purpose. Therefore, such elements must be used with caution. Especially when they were made by a stranger.

How to make sciences with your own hands

An excellent protection against damage and the evil eye is a knotted thread worn on the wrist. To make such a talisman, you can use threads from any material. They can be made from the following materials:

  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • flax;
  • silks.

Find a quiet, secluded corner. Concentrate and direct all your thoughts towards your desire. And start weaving Slavic knots with your own hands.

IN different countries there were their own beliefs about this.

  • The Finnish peoples were sure that magicians were able to contain the power of the wind in three knots.
  • The Germans and Austrians used special knots to get rid of warts on the body.
  • In China, they weave quite complex configurations of knots on a red thread, and then attach special amulets to them. They believe that a red thread will help increase the power of objects.
  • Indian, Hindu, African and Australian tribes used “knot letters”.
  • The Baltic people wrote down magical recipes of sorcerers and healers on knots. “Tie a knot for memory” is still very popular today.

The simplest and most uncomplicated way is to weave a nauza on your wrist with your hands. The more knots there are on the thread, the stronger the effect of the nauza will be. Although, even the simplest knots on your wrist can cope with the task.

How does the color of the thread affect the action of the nauza?

The color of the thread also has a special meaning. Red knowledge is a very strong defense against bad people and ill-wishers. They are used in love magic. They help maintain love, mutual feelings and good relationships between spouses.

If you wear such a thread on the wrist of your left hand, it helps block negative energy. On right hand they wear it family girls, and on the left - idle. If such a rope is wound three times around the wrist, it has greatest strength than the rest.

  • Nauzu orange or yellow It is recommended to use it to protect against damage, the evil eye and all kinds of envious people. They protect you from any negativity.
  • A green bracelet very well attracts material wealth and well-being to its owner. It protects a person from deception and theft.
  • Blue and blue bracelets can give you subtle intuition and the ability to maintain a conversation at the proper level. A thread of this color will help you at an important meeting, negotiations and other personal conversations.
  • A purple bracelet protects its owner from various dangers. It can protect you from an accident.
  • A white nauza on your hand will help you intellectually. With it, the learning process will be more fruitful and exciting. A person becomes more open and inquisitive and develops his memory.
  • If you use three wool threads at once different colors, you can achieve a stronger effect. You can improve your health, restore lost strength, and so on. Each thread must be tied into seven knots. Each node represents one of the seven spiritual dimensions.

What is the difference between magic knots

There are various ways to tie knots with your own hands. Their differences are as follows:

  1. in the weaving method;
  2. what thread was used;
  3. how many knots were tied;
  4. what spell was used at the time of weaving the nauza;
  5. which, in addition to the thread, was woven into the science.

Knots are allowed different styles and ways. You can use specialized literature and watch videos on the Internet. The more complex and intricate your knot is, the more unusual the magical effect will be.

Each node carries a certain energy. If it is done smoothly and quickly, then he will be able to accumulate more energy. It is very important that the knot is original. Only in this way can he accumulate greater strength within himself.

There was such a belief: Healers and sorcerers used special enchanted ropes to treat seriously ill people. A sick person had to unravel the enchanted rope one knot per day (usually there were seven or nine of them). Every day he felt better and better. And with the last knot he became completely healthy.

The abilities of tied ropes are enormous. Some are able to bewitch oneself, others protect from evil spirits, and still others can make you a financially secure person. And this is not a complete list of the capabilities that these magic ropes are capable of.

Spells that seal the knot

One of the best sealing spells is this hex:

“In my knots the mighty serpentine power is hidden - from the twelve-headed serpent.”

“So that it is the way I want!” and “My word is strong!”

Which “seal” you choose is not so important. The magic words you said only mean that you have not tied simple knots. Now this is your talisman and amulet, a magical thing.

“Tie, Gods, the sorcerer and the sorceress, the sorcerer and the sorceress and the upirtsa to (your name) and not think from the black, from the blue, from the red maiden, from the white-haired, from the black-haired, from the red-haired, from the fair-haired, from the one-eyed, odd-eyed and from stubborn, and from dashing and evil misfortunes.”

This is another example of knot sealing. It is very important to put your faith into your words. You need to believe in what you say.

Very important point in weaving a rope with your own hands is a head free from any extraneous thoughts. You should not get down to business with bad thoughts and various problems. According to the healers, negative energy It can get woven into knots and linger there for a long time. Therefore, for a good magical effect, you need to think positively.

When weaving a nauza, you must constantly chant the “seal.” It is said until your magic bracelet is completely ready.

Equally important is the ability to concentrate on a specific action. Do not be distracted by extraneous conversations and noises while weaving.

How to make a knowledge that protects against lies

If you have a constant feeling that you are constantly being deceived. You can make such a magical bracelet with your own hands. To do this, you will need a wool thread (without various additives and inclusions). The size of the thread is determined by the size of your palm.

When braiding the first knot in the middle of the thread, say the following:

“I will tie the falsehood tightly with the first knot.”

Braid the second one at one end:

“I will tie the tongue of the infidel with a second knot.”

And the third is at the other end of the rope. Chant like this:

“I will tie false thoughts with the third knot.”

The thread charmed in this way should be placed in the liar’s clothes.

How to lead a person astray using science

If you need to lead a person astray or confuse his thoughts, use a simple trick. To confuse thoughts you need to prepare a thread blue and a small tuft of your victim's hair. The length of the thread should be approximately equal to the circumference of the head. And in order to knock a person away from the intended goal - black or brown tape, or a shoelace from the victim's shoe.

Braid seven knots in the following order.

  • At the first end.
  • At the second end.
  • In the middle.
  • In the middle of the first end and the middle knot.
  • In the middle of the second end and the middle knot.
  • Tie the first and second ends together.
  • Tie one common knot on the resulting configuration.

Knots can be tied in any order. The more intricate and complex your science is, the better the effect will be.

If you no longer need the magical effect of this knot, unravel it in the opposite order (start with the last knot).

How to make a protective amulet from nauza

To make such a talisman with your own hands, you will need a thread one meter long. In ancient times, such threads were made by hand from hemp fibers or nettles. Such string acquired enormous power during the holiday of Ivan Kupala. Such twine must be made within one day.

Today it is quite difficult to get such a rope. You can use silk or wool thread. It is best to use red thread.

Tie your first knot in the middle of your rope. It doesn't matter what shape it will be. When tying a knot, say your desire. It might sound like this:

“By tying a knot, I achieve success at work. This knot will bring great luck into my life.”

You can vary the meaning of your hex depending on your desires. Say it with all your heart.

Tie a second knot on the first one. Say the same curse. Tie the third knot over the first and second knots. Say the same spell.

You can put such a talisman in your pocket, fasten it on your arm or neck, or sew it into your clothes.

When you no longer need the magical effect of your knowledge, it must be destroyed. Do not under any circumstances throw it away. trash container. It must be burned or buried in the ground.

What is the difference between macrame and a magic knot?

The first and main distinguishing feature is the weaving style. In magic, a knot is not a simple weaving of threads - it is a real labyrinth from which it is quite difficult to get out. Macrame is a style of weaving beautiful thread patterns. The complexity of weaving is not important for him; beauty and appearance products.

The magic knot is quite difficult to untangle. This is very easy to do in macrame.

The style of macrame weaving is very diverse. And in magic you can count them on one finger.

If you unravel the magic knot, its effect may end. There are a lot of weaving techniques in macrame. They are all very confusing, but their effect is not as strong as in the sciences.

Beautiful knots of amulets are used only as needed. Do not use magic knots unnecessarily.