Where to put a crystal according to Feng Shui. Crystals

Greetings, dear readers of the site Your Feng Shui.ru!

In this article we will talk about crystals, representatives of the powerful element of the Earth. Accordingly, they need to be placed in the southwest (love sector), northeast (knowledge sector) or in the center of the room (sector personal growth and health). Crystals help to correct the space, activate positive energy and, finally, simply decorate the room. Their positive energy has a wonderful effect on a person. In Feng Shui, crystals are widely used for dispersal. negative energy and to attract good qi.

feng shui crystals

As a rule, crystals differ by type of origin:

  • Natural (have natural origin)
  • Artificial (man-grown)
  • Impact origin (cristobalite and tridymite, found in meteorites, on earth - in volcanic lava)
  • Glass or crystal

Of course, the most powerful crystals are those created by nature itself, as they accumulate, store and transmit the powerful energy of the Earth. They have a positive effect on people. In Feng Shui they are called “crystals of wisdom.”

Crystals used in Feng Shui come in various shapes

round crystals

Round and ovoid

Good for the family sector - they bring peace and harmony to the house, get rid of swearing and quarrels. Knowledge sectors - crystal globes - help in studying. Love sectors - bring love and stability in relationships. Balls made of yellow cetrine or lime spar perfectly attract material wealth into the house.


These can be any pointed crystals, as well as cones or pyramids. They perfectly absorb or dissipate negative energy, turning it into positive.

In the form of leaves on artificial trees

In Feng Shui, such trees with crystals are considered a symbol of strong family relationships, health and prosperity. The tree itself, rooted in the ground and growing upward, symbolizes income growth and stability.

The power of crystals according to feng shui

Amethyst is a type of quartz. The color is usually purple, but can range from dark purple to pale pink. This Feng Shui crystal is very good for attracting wealth and strengthening relationships between spouses. If you place it under the marital bed “at your feet,” it will symbolically strengthen your union. An excellent sector in the house for placing amethyst is the southwest. Since ancient times, this stone has been credited with healing properties. It is believed that if you place amethyst between your eyebrows, it will remove nervous tension and will calm the person. Effectively helps in the fight against insomnia.


Rhinestone another variety of quartz. A great helper for clearing space. It passes negative energy through itself, turning it into positive energy, and distributes it throughout the room. It is recommended to place crystal crystals in the center of the room, near a window, or in areas with stagnant energy. If you want to not only cleanse the space, but also improve other aspects of life, for example, attract love, improve a woman’s health, install crystal in the southwest of the apartment. Beautiful talismans and at the same time home decorations - crystal chandeliers, floor lamps with crystal pendants and other interior items.

Artificial crystal. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase rock crystal because of its considerable cost, then you can use high-quality cut glass crystals for the above actions. If the mechanical cutting is done well, then the structure of such a crystal will be as close as possible to a natural stone. There are quite a lot of different crystal and glass figurines that can be used in the same way.


Aventurine It happens different colors, but the most popular and frequently used is green. In Feng Shui, it is believed that this crystal helps in material terms, personal growth and advancement in life. career ladder.

Agate(preferably red) is very good for both women and men. It will give women the joy of motherhood, and help men with problems with potency and sexual desire. Protects against adultery.

Citrine. Another feng shui crystal bestows financial well-being and prosperity. Brings joy and has a positive effect on health.

When choosing a crystal, carefully inspect it, the main thing is that there are no cracks or chips, this can lead to incorrect refraction of light passing through the crystal. And accordingly, it can lead not to positive, but negative results. It is also very important to keep the crystal clean; do not allow dust to accumulate on it.

To enhance the energy of the earth, it is best to use crystals, which are truly particles of the Earth and the maximum manifestation of its elements. They are especially well suited for the southwestern direction, symbolizing romantic relationship, and for the northeast direction - the sector of knowledge and wisdom, as well as for the center of your home - the place of your personal growth and health, connecting and holding all zones together.

The most commonly used crystals in Feng Shui are round or egg-shaped crystals, which favor family relationships and knowledge; pyramids that remove negative energy; trees with leaves made of natural stones that attract certain types good luck, as well as refined crystals of natural shape, pointed towards the top, which can become powerful talismans. Also, the earth element will be perfectly activated by the natural druse of a natural mineral.

When placing crystals in your apartment, try to expose them to plenty of sunlight or electric light. Crystals are often placed on a windowsill or on shelves equipped with lighting. Always keep your crystals clean, handle them as gently as possible, and periodically clean them with salted water.

When choosing a particular mineral, you can also pay attention to which zodiac sign this or that stone is suitable for, which chakras it opens and which magical and healing properties it exhibits. However, I would like to warn you that you should not strictly follow the instructions. At certain points in your life, completely different minerals may be suitable for you. In this case, you should trust your intuition in choosing crystals.

The Power of Crystal Balls

In the Taoist direction Feng Shui special meaning paid to beauty and extraordinary beneficial influence smooth and round crystals. In homes they ensure a calm flow of life. Round crystals are best used to activate dining rooms, living rooms and family rooms. The teachings of Feng Shui say that round and smooth crystal balls made from natural rock crystals have special powers.

Placed in a group of six or nine in the sector of the house responsible for family relationships, crystal balls create energy that favors love relationships and ensures a calm flow of life for the inhabitants of the house. At the same time, quarrels are reduced to a minimum, and soon become a thing of the past. Luck accompanies business, and victory is already on the doorstep. Crystals symbolize the energy of Mother Earth, so they are also favorable for the lady of the house. Placed in the southwest sector, they bring amazing luck in family and romantic relationships. To further enhance the power of the crystals, shine a bright light over them. Remember that in the southwest part of the house, crystals bring love and stability in relationships. A group of six crystal balls is considered especially beneficial. Crystal balls with an engraved map of the world are great for studying and taking exams, especially if placed in the northeast part of the room. One crystal ball will be enough if your child does not require constant stimulation. The choice of crystal type is a matter of taste, although clear crystals should be preferred. It is believed that balls made of yellow citrine and limespar are better than others in attracting material wealth. And any yellow stone symbolizes the power of the energy of the “earth”.

The Power of Pointed Crystals

Natural crystals with pointed shapes, as well as cones and pyramids, are excellent harmonizers, dispersing or absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive energy.

With the help of concentration, a pointed crystal can be turned into a powerful talisman. Reading mantras activates the extraordinary ability of psychic influence in the crystal and fills it with the protective energy of qi.

In order to make a crystal your talisman, activating its power, you need to cleanse it of the energy previously accumulated in it. To do this, you need to put the crystal in water with salt dissolved in it for 7 days. After cleansing, the crystal should be charged with its own energy. To do this, hold it in your hand, bring it to the heart chakra or to the “third eye” area located between the eyebrows. At the same time, you must be in good mood and think about your deepest desire. It is advisable to do this simple procedure every month.

Trees with leaves made of natural stones symbolize strong family relationships, health and prosperity. A growing tree with roots deep in the ground is a symbol of stability and growth of your income. The placement of this tree in the East contributes to good health, rapid implementation of plans and implementation of new projects.

Amethyst tree - popular symbol, bringing harmony to family relationships and wealth.

Quartz tree symbolizes romantic relationships. Quartz is considered a healer of internal wounds, helps to overcome losses, teaches forgiveness and attracts love.

The jade tree awakens in a person the best feelings, noble dreams and the desire to create. Jade tree also strengthens vitality.

The tiger's eye tree protects the owner from dangers, pacifies the pangs of jealousy, prevents rash acts, and also protects against damage and the evil eye.

Aventurine wood aggravates positive emotions a person: charges him with optimism, self-confidence, gives him clarity of mind and improves his mood.

Carnelian wood helps to soften anger and eliminate disagreements. Carnelian makes its owner more benevolent, protects him from the machinations of enemies and gives the owner creative powers.

Powerful Rituals Performed with Crystals

To create positive energy in your home, try using one of the three rituals described below. They are not difficult, however, they need to be carried out with a kind heart and in a good mood.

Below are three rituals from the Taoist practice of feng shui in which crystals are used to enhance the energy of the home.

  1. Bury three crystals in the ground in front of the house, placing them at the corners of a triangle (this position is called a mountain peak), pointing outward. You can use crystal balls or a single pointed crystal. This is a very effective secret way to remove negative energy from your home.
  2. Place seven pieces of sharpened crystals under the bed in the shape of an arrow, pointing towards the head of the bed. One central crystal forms the body of the arrow, and three crystals on each side form its tip and fletching.
  3. Six crystals on your desktop will ensure your work is recognized. Place them in the far right corner of your desk to improve concentration and creative potential. If you engrave powerful spells on crystals, they will bring you good luck in any business endeavors.

Amethyst Power

Amethyst is a purple-colored variety of quartz that can range from dark purple to pale pink.

Amethyst in Feng Shui:

In the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, amethyst is treated with great respect. It is especially valued for attracting great wealth and strengthening marriage bonds. An amethyst crystal placed under the bed at the foot of the bed symbolically binds the spouses to each other. Amethyst crystals are extremely effective in attracting material well-being. To do this, it is enough to place them in the Southwestern sector of your home. Amethysts have the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy, and yin fluids into yang fluids.

Magical properties of amethyst:

An amethyst crystal placed between the eyebrows calms the mind and helps achieve inner peace. It is believed that amethyst initiates the opening of the “third eye” - it helps to plunge into the subconscious area of ​​omniscience. Amethyst also gives a person insight, extinguishes heartache, anxiety, fills the aura with good intentions.

Medicinal properties:

Modern lithotherapists believe that contemplation of amethysts relieves nervous irritation and induces calm, which is why amethyst is used to combat insomnia.

Effect on chakras:

Amethyst affects the frontal chakra, which affects the organs of the head. It helps realize ideas and stimulates activity in the physical world.

The power of rock crystal (quartz)

Rock crystal, like amethyst, is a type of quartz.

Rhinestone in Feng Shui:

Small faceted crystals of quartz or rock crystal have the ability to purify the surrounding energy, passing through negative qi energy, transforming it into positive energy and evenly distributing it throughout the room. It is best to place crystals near a window, in the central part of the room, or in areas where energy can stagnate.

Crystal promotes concentration and enhances human energy. Crystal has always been considered the stone of emperors and kings, a symbol of luxury and prosperity.

With the help of crystal, you can create not only an influx of positive energy, but also harmonize many aspects of our lives. For example, the southwestern sector of the apartment, which is responsible for family happiness, love, romantic relationships and a woman’s health, is controlled by the elements of the Earth, and the best way Crystal serves to activate the energy of the Earth. A floor lamp with crystal pendants in the southwestern sector of a living room or apartment will help unmarried women find a worthy life partner, and married couple- strengthen feelings and bring pure, active energy of love and family happiness. And the more often you leave this lamp on, the big amount You will fill your life with positive energy.

Magical properties of quartz:

Quartz is believed to influence the parietal and frontal chakras. The parietal chakra nourishes the glands of the brain, promotes the development of communication with higher powers. The frontal chakra influences the organs of the head. It helps to realize ideas and stimulates activity in the physical world.

Medicinal properties:

Using rock crystal crystals you can relieve headaches and cope with stress. They are believed to help reduce fever.

Properties of artificial crystal

Of course, rock crystal is considered the standard; the purer and more transparent it is, the better. However, specimens with a high degree of purity and unturbidity - expensive pleasure. If you can't afford natural rock crystal, don't worry: you can use specially formulated glass lenses.

Well cut mechanically pieces of glass convey the crystal structure quite accurately. There are many various forms and types of glass crystals: crystal diamonds, faceted balls, faceted hearts and lotuses, as well as many crystal and glass figures. Place such a figurine on a special luminous stand - and your room will light up with colorful bunnies, attracting good energy and good luck.

Among the huge number of stones and crystals, a group of the most famous and popular can be distinguished. Since ancient times, stones have been ascribed special properties - they were used to heal, look into the future, and were used in various spiritual practices. The tradition of using crystals in the art of Feng Shui lifts the veil on the attitude towards crystals in the east in ancient times.

Stones and crystals work in the art of Feng Shui different ways. Attracted into the room the right energy, strengthen the personal energy field, cleanse and protect from negative energy, and so on. It is now fashionable for us to use various Chinese amulets, especially jade ones - money frogs, mandarin ducks and other figurines. But a person with a Russian mentality does not always “resonate” with exotic amulets. It is better to approach this issue creatively. Let's look at the 8 best, I would say, "orthodox" feng shui stones - how they are used, how and where they are placed.

Clear quartz

This is a crystal with many useful properties- it cleanses and protects space from negative vibrations, strengthens the energy field. It easily accumulates any specific quality of energy, be it attracting love or helping in passing exams. Pure clear quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow and can be programmed to help. This crystal should be in every home or office. It is the premier feng shui crystal and a favorite of interior designers because it goes with any style and decor. It can be used to make door handles, candlesticks or interior decorations. It could be stones different shapes- natural crystals, polished crystal balls, and so on - clear quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow, shimmering when hit by light.

Place clear quartz in areas that need fresh, clean energy, combining the power of sunlight and clean fresh water. You can't place this crystal wrong because clear quartz will generate positive energy anywhere in your home or office. My only advice is to not place it close to the bed. This stone is too active for the bedroom, however, this applies to many stones with a crystalline structure.

Rose quartz

Rose Quartz emits pure, soft, gentle energy of love and healing. It soothes and washes away pain and disappointments, as well as any other negative energies that are closing your heart. Rose quartz is considered healing when we're talking about about love in all its forms and manifestations - be it a lack of self-love or painful romantic experiences. This stone is strongly connected to your heart and constantly emits a calming flow of love. This is the best stone for the bedroom, both for adults and for children.

You can place a few pieces of rose quartz in or on your nightstand drawer. You can create a crystal grid or even place it under your pillow, especially when you are trying to make sense of your love experiences. Rose quartz is the #1 feng shui crystal for love and marriage. You can put stones in the shape of two hearts or rose quartz mandarin ducks as a symbol of perfect love.


Amethyst, especially deep purple- stone of meditation. It helps clear your energy and supports you in your pursuit of deep spiritual experience. There is very wide range The shades of this stone range from light lavender to intense deep indigo. The deeper the color of the crystal, the more powerful and expensive the stone. The most powerful are tall geodes with deep and clear purple crystals. Such stones heal any space by transforming low and negative energies into peaceful and powerful light energy. You can also use a few small crystals to cleanse a room and generate calm spiritual energy in any space.

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for your altar or meditation space; it can also be used as feng shui treatment, for personal and spiritual growth. If you are lucky enough to have a deep colored amethyst, keep it away from the sun to prevent it from discoloring.


Jade is the most valuable stone in classical feng shui. This stone has a very long story use in China. Jade still has a reputation as the number one stone in healing, the most famous amulets made from it are money frogs and the laughing Buddha. The market is overflowing with imitations of this stone, this applies to all popular feng shui cameos, so if your heart is set on jade, make sure it is real stone. Genuine jade emits beautiful energy - calming, renewing and activating. Jade is a friend who accepts you for who you are and at the same time radiates optimism and wise energy that helps you become better. Its balanced harmonious energy makes a woman wise, gives love and acceptance of peace (everything is good).

Deep green jade is ideal for health and family areas, as well as areas of abundance. Jade has different shades. Blue jade, for example, can be placed in the quarry area.

Eye of the Tiger

It is not difficult to understand the energy of the tiger's eye - the tiger is careful, strong, fast and always achieves its goal. This stone is very popular in Feng Shui. His protective forces very strong and appear very quickly. The beauty of the tiger's eye protects and nourishes you, while creating a stronger, more dynamic, balanced, energetic sphere around you. Because of its strong earth energy, tiger's eye is used in feng shui as an earth element and to heal areas that are either fueled by this energy or contain the earth element. You can place the stone in the area of ​​love and marriage, in the nursery and in the area of ​​creativity. The energy of this stone is amazing, as is the number of variations in its colors and varieties. This is a must-have feng shui stone, especially since it is very accessible.


Despite the fact that pyrite is often called "fool's gold", it is very popular in feng shui specifically for healing the energy of well-being. Pyrite has wonderful properties that can be used to improve the energy in your home or office. And this is one of the best healing crystals for the office - with it, fresh, active, optimistic types of energy and the energy of discipline come into the room. It is also a cleansing and grounding stone. Pyrite often has beautiful shapes, for example, in the form of balls and cubes, so it is easy to introduce into any space as an element of feng shui decor. Pyrite carries the energy of metal and gold, which it is very similar to (when it was first discovered, it was mistaken for gold). This is the best feng shui stone for improving wealth and money energy and for healing these areas. You can place the stone in the Abundance zone in your home or office, you can wear it as jewelry, if you feel the need for pure and disciplined types of energy. Pyrite is one of the best stones for those who have water and metal as elements associated with birth (according to Feng Shui).


Carnelian is one of the most beautiful stones, for many it is the most beloved. There are always stones that will speak more than others. Carnelian exudes earthy, caring warmth and wisdom. The color of the stones ranges from soft yellow to fiery orange. Carnelian energy is permeated with happiness and optimism, while it is very calm. Thanks to its beauty, carnelian is one of the best cameos for jewelry. Carnelian is a must-have if you need to strengthen your energy and overcome limitations. This is also one of the best stones if you need to activate your physical energy and strengthen the first and second chakras.

Therefore, carnelian harmoniously combines elements such as fire and earth. You are free to use it in any of the areas that can benefit from warm energy. The presence of carnelian is welcomed in the area of ​​love and marriage, as well as in the area of ​​personal growth and spirituality.


Ammonite is neither a stone nor a crystal, but nevertheless it made it onto our list of the best feng shui stones and crystals due to its unique properties. Ammonites acquired their remarkable qualities over the 100 million years of their existence. These fossilized shells of ancient mollusks bring extraordinary energy to any space - cleansing, very powerful and "connecting". The amazing spiral design of this fossil shows how this energy works - it radiates out in a constant rotation and clears the room of any stagnation and remnants of low energies. Information about it is stored in a solid and unchanging form - there is nothing momentary or temporary here. How different this is from our perception of time as a fleeting illusion...

Colorful ammonites are in high demand in Feng Shui. Beautiful fragments of jewelry-quality ammonites are also used. Ammonites come in a variety of colors - from airy white to deep bright red colors that lift your spirits and fill you with energy. Of course, the larger the stone is in your space, the more incredible the effect it can have. R The placement of ammonites is limited only in terms of color. For example, if you have an ammonite that is bright red in color, you yourself will not want to place it in your home in the health zone. If the color of the fossils is neutral, this ancient beauty can be placed in any area.

So there you have it, the 8 top feng shui crystals for your home and office: clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, jade, tiger's eye, pyrite, carnelian and ammonite. There aren't many good stones on this list - you may have noticed that citrine isn't here, for example. It is very popular in Feng Shui, and citrine amulets are no less popular. But this stone is difficult to buy - almost 90% of commercially available citrine is heat-treated amethyst.

If you're new to feng shui, it's best to start with this list of 8 stones, and then add other beautiful and powerful crystals and stones to your arsenal, such as tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, black onyx, jasper and others. Where to buy stones? This is the most difficult question, even though a large number of thematic exhibitions in Moscow and a huge offer both on the Internet and in off-line sales. This needs to be discussed - write, I’ll share what I know. When going shopping for stones, try to find time so as to avoid rush. When you choose stones for yourself, it is important to feel their energy - the crystals you need will attract your attention more. And sometimes love for a crystal suddenly overtakes you right at the moment when you first see it.

The purpose of the mascot

Crystals are traditional Feng Shui talismans, which, like Wind Chimes, are used to dispel negative energy and to activate positive energy.

Activation of the talisman

In order to “turn on” the beneficial effects of the talisman, you first need to clear the crystal of unknown energy - put it in water with salt for 7 days. After cleansing, the crystal should be charged with its own energy. To do this, hold it in your hand, bring it to the heart chakra or to the “third eye” area located between the eyebrows. At the same time, you need to be in a good mood and think about your desire. By the way, it is advisable to do this every month.

A Feng Shui master's story

Crystals of any configuration are used as Feng Shui talismans: crystal ball, crystal pyramid, prism and paired crystal eggs. Lamps and chandeliers are increasingly being used, which also activate the positive energy of the home and improve its circulation.

The ideal material is rock crystal, which has amazing magical and medicinal properties. It is believed that rock crystal brings longevity and health, protects against negative energy, protects against infertility, improves memory, promotes concentration and enhances human energy. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find a crystal of the correct shape, and it is an expensive pleasure.

Therefore, crystals and lenses made from glass of a special composition are most often used.

Well-cut mechanically cut glass pieces convey the crystalline structure quite accurately. With good crystal, the sound after striking should last on one note for 3-4 seconds and only then decline.

The best crystal products, in terms of their ability to refract and scatter light, are recognized as Swarovski crystal and Bohemian crystal. Swarovski chandeliers contain silver, which gives them not only wonderful light refraction properties, but also, from the point of view of Feng Shui, creates conditions for additional energetic cleansing of the room.

The crystal should be placed so that sunlight or electric light falls on it. In good lighting, the crystal can be rotated, illuminating the walls, ceiling and all objects in the room. Refracted rays of light give birth to colorful rainbows or sunbeams - this is good energy, which means good luck is already in your home. The crystal must be hung on a red ribbon or thread. The length of this ribbon or thread must be a multiple of 9. That is, 9, 18 or 27 cm. This is due to the fact that the number 9 is sacred number in Feng Shui and unites the power of heaven and earth.

It is best to hang the talisman in the window opening, in the middle of its upper part. In sunny weather, the crystal refracts sunlight and fills the room with energy and light of all colors of the rainbow. It also dissipates the energy that entered the apartment through the front door throughout the room, preventing it from quickly leaving through the window.

Chandeliers consisting of a set of faceted crystals are also used. They are hung in the central part of the room. A crystal chandelier, in addition to generating positive energy, is capable of redirecting energy to other rooms.

In an apartment where the toilet or bathroom door is opposite front door, it is useful to hang a crystal ball in front of the toilet door to prevent the direct flow of qi through the toilet.

The only caution is not to place the chandelier directly above the rest areas, as this will create an excessive influx of active energy, which will lead to anxiety.

Crystals can harmonize many aspects of our lives. A talisman in the southwestern sector of a living room or apartment will help unmarried women find a worthy life partner, and a married couple will strengthen their feelings and bring pure energy of love and family happiness into their relationship. In the bedroom, according to the canons of Feng Shui, it is necessary to observe the principle of pairing and symmetry, so the ideal option would be to use paired crystal lamps. Crystals in a children's room promote the growth of creativity, concentration and increase the child's performance.

Greetings to all readers of rich Piggy Banks! Today's tips concern beautiful and unique natural creations - crystals. Or rather, how to use them to invite luck, health and love into your life. After all, transparent stones have long been attributed magical properties.

Moreover, than larger size sparkling pebbles, the stronger their influence on the surrounding space. Small “tears of the earth” are usually worn as jewelry and amulets, and large crystals are kept in the home. It’s the latter that we’ll be talking about.

Crystal selection

Natural semi-precious stones so many. To make your choice, you can listen to inner voice. You can choose based on the horoscope, or you can simply evaluate the aesthetic qualities of the gem.

The most important condition is that the crystal must be natural and not have threatening shapes. You should not use a crystal that appears dull or has cracks. It will only bring stagnant energy into the house, devoid of freshness. And you must also like him personally.

When choosing a crystal, you need to focus on these signs. You can also entrust the choice to children. Their innate intuition works unerringly and they unconsciously like stones with strong positive energy.

Unprocessed rock crystal, which contains a so-called “phantom” - a crystal within a crystal, is especially valued. Inside such a stone you can see an unusual inclusion, cloudiness, inclusion. This mineral is rare, but its possession is believed to bring magical abilities. Therefore, magicians and psychics in all centuries have hunted for such value.

Crystal Cleansing

Having brought such talismans into the house, they need to be cleansed of accumulated foreign energy. After all, these creations of the Earth have the ability to absorb any vibrations. That is why it is not recommended to allow strangers people to pick up your crystals. The energy emitted by a person is absorbed by the stones and then radiated back. But people’s thoughts and auras are not always pure and benevolent!

For effective cleansing stones must be placed in salt water for 7 days. You can fumigate them with incense to the sounds of a protective mantra or prayer. Having cleansed the crystals in this way, it will not hurt to additionally charge them with sunlight. To do this, they are kept in the open sun for three hours.

This cleansing procedure must be repeated periodically. Especially if there was a serious quarrel in the house or unpleasant guests visited. But even if everything is calm and wonderful in the family, it is useful to wash the crystals every week - they will definitely reciprocate your care with sparkling light.

Where to place crystals in the house

“Magic” stones cannot be left on the floor. Their place is exclusively on a shelf, windowsill or table. The southwestern, northeastern and central areas of a room or apartment are ideal for natural gems. Accordingly, it is in these places that they have maximum strength.

If you place a large clear crystal (such as rhinestone) on northeast, then it will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and facilitate learning. For the health sector located in center Apartment's ideal talisman is a crystal ball.

For southwest The use of heart-shaped crystals is also very effective. However, you should not buy hearts in blue and green shades, as they always suggest a fleeting romance. For better results, use hearts made of clear, rose or red quartz. This talisman is also ideal for wedding decorations.

By placing a druse of crystals in the southwestern part of the house, you can strengthen the love affection in a couple. If a person is lonely, this great way attract a partner into your personal life. A bright crystal chandelier in the southwest room helps perfectly in the implementation of marriage plans.

There are a couple more places, regardless of the sector, where you can place the crystal for the benefit of yourself and other family members. These places include your son or daughter’s desk. Such a talisman will stimulate the child’s mental and creative abilities on a subtle level and help him in learning. But for this purpose, it is advisable to choose an uncut mineral - it symbolically implies growth.

The second suitable place is the head of the bed. An intergrowth (that is, a druse) of a crystal gives a sleeping person bright dreams and helps to get rid of nightmares.

Hanging Crystals

Crystal drops and balls hanging on a red thread or rope under the ceiling or along a window have an excellent energetic effect. In this case, overflowing into sun rays crystals will add positive energy to the room.

But there is a small nuance in this matter. The length of the thread should be 9, 18 or 27 cm (that is, a multiple of 9). It is believed that the number 9 unites heavenly and earthly forces, and therefore enhances the effect of the crystal.

With the same success, quartz can be used to neutralize negative energy. For example, it is useful to hang a cut crystal ball in front of the balcony door in the bedroom. It will dissipate the flow of negative Qi coming through the additional door in the room. When we lived in a one-room apartment, I for a long time There was a crystal hanging in front of the balcony door, since due to limited space there was a sleeping place opposite.

Light for crystals

Having “settled” transparent gems in your room, you need to create very good natural or artificial lighting for them. Reflecting on the edges of transparent stones, the light creates positive Qi, and the power of the crystals increases. Usually houses flooded with sunlight and full of rainbows - happy homes. Their inhabitants always have many friends and many opportunities for pleasant communication.

By choosing a suitable place for the crystals, you can relax and not constantly think about whether the talisman is working or not. After some time, crystals in the house will definitely attract what you want and change your life for the better!