Which house number is the happiest? Apartment number and floor according to Feng Shui

Apartment numbers can be happy, unlucky and neutral. Find out which apartment you live in from a Feng Shui point of view, and what to do if its number turns out to be unfavorable.

How to determine the apartment number for interpretation

The art of Feng Shui is directly related to the arrangement of living space. According to his rules, a place to build a house is chosen, plots are divided, and interiors are planned. And, of course, Feng Shui influences such an important characteristic of housing as the apartment number. Numbers leave their mark on all areas of life, especially if residents spend a lot of time within the walls of their home.

To determine the apartment number according to Feng Shui, you need to consider each number separately. For example, if the apartment number is 208, you will have to take into account the numbers 2, 0 and 8.

In Feng Shui, numbers influence each other. An inharmonious neighborhood can negate the positive meaning of any number and vice versa. Therefore, even if there is a “bad” number in the apartment number, there is no need to get scared prematurely. It is quite possible that the poor value of the figure is offset by its neighbors.

Interpretation of each number

It is more convenient to present the meaning of each figure in a table:

NumberMeaningAction on adjacent numbers
1 Honor, gain
2 EaseEnhances positive and negative values
3 Increase, lifeEnhances good numbers
4 DyingNegatively affects neighboring numbers
5 NegationCancels positive and negative values
6 Money, wealth - a very favorable numberDoesn't affect others
7 ConfirmationSignificantly enhances
8 Prosperity, happiness – is highly revered by the Chinese as the most auspicious numberDoes not affect other numbers
9 Long life, healthStrengthens
Neutral number, has no energyDoes not affect

Example 1. It is necessary to decipher the meaning of the number 642. The literal interpretation means “income - death - easy.” That is, the apartment number indicates that its residents will easily lose income.

Example 2. Residents of apartment 59 are likely to suffer from chronic diseases, since their apartment number translates to “denial of health.”

Lucky apartment numbers

Lucky combinations:

  • 1-6-8 and 7-8-9 in any combination;
  • 167 – a great combination, brings great luck;
  • 28 – easy money;
  • 48 – helps to get rich, but wealth will come through hard work;
  • 97, 99 is the luckiest combination.

Your apartment number can have a subtle impact on your life. It is better to know about this, and if the number is unfavorable, be able to neutralize its effect.

Combinations of numbers that bring financial losses and failures:

The number 4 is unfavorable. It means death. If the four doubles, as in the number 44, the negative influence of the number intensifies. But the number 48, despite the four, means “great wealth.” The correct way to read it is not “deadly money”, but “hard-earned money”.

What to do if you get an unlucky number

The Chinese technique allows you to transform human life and neutralize any negative influences coming from outside, including the bad effect of an unlucky apartment number. If the numbers have an unfavorable meaning, you need to pay special attention to the interior decoration of your home - organize the space wisely, following the rules of Feng Shui.

Mathematical numbers are not just a set of soulless symbols: each number has its own specific meaning, living energy.

It turns out that even an apartment number according to Feng Shui has a very specific meaning, which can be either positive or negative. And, as you know, any person spends most of his time within the walls of his home - no matter what its numbers turn out to be.

Apartment numerology according to feng shui

So, mathematical numbers are not just a set of numbers, they are a real secret world of energy flows, which not all of us know about. In the spiritual practice of Feng Shui, it is customary to consider a number not as one integral value or a set of symbols, but as if to split it into the numbers that make it up in order to understand exactly how each number affects the entire number.

That is, if your apartment number is 102, according to Feng Shui this value for interpretation will be divided into separate numbers: 1, 0 and 2.

Any correct feng shui based on apartment number starts with this. Thus, it is easy to interpret the influence and meaning of even the longest number - all you need to do is break it down into its component segment numbers.

As already mentioned, the influence of mathematical numbers can be divided into certain categories. That is, each number carries its own separate type of energy.

These vibrations can be:

  • Positive;
  • Negative;
  • Neutral.

It is a mistake to believe that if there is one positive number, the Feng Shui number of a house (apartment) automatically has good meaning and energy. This is not always true. The fact that each number has a clear influence on the others that make it up was noted above. And it may well turn out that a negative number simply cancels out or significantly reduces the positive energy of your good number.

How exactly do numbers influence each other in Feng Shui?

Everything here is quite simple, and therefore you are unlikely to get confused. Feng Shui practice interprets the influence of numbers as follows: the number is first directly broken down into its components (for example, 832 is the numbers 8, 3 and 2), and then the influence of each number on the neighboring ones is studied.

That is, a single number has a clear influence exclusively on those numbers that are either to the right or to the left.

For example, in the number 832 we see that the central number 3 is influenced by the two on the right and the number eight on the left. The number 8 itself is influenced by the number 3, and the value of the number 2 deforms and modifies the number 3.

This, at first glance, may seem somewhat complicated, but this is absolutely not the case. There is nothing complicated or tricky about interpreting numbers according to Feng Shui. Moreover, there are ready-made tables with the meaning of each number (see below). And all that remains for you is to break your Feng Shui apartment number into its component numbers, and then read the meaning of each of them.

It is important to remember that an inharmonious juxtaposition of numbers can actually reduce or even completely suppress the effect of positive mathematical values.

However, there are very few such negative numbers in Feng Shui; most of the numbers have either a relatively neutral meaning or a clearly positive one. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a “bad number” in your apartment room, if it is there. Since numbers have a pronounced influence on neighboring ones, it may well turn out that positive values ​​“clog” the energy of a bad number, and therefore there is no need to worry. After all, it’s not only bad numbers that have this effect – positive numbers also have a very strong effect on neighboring numbers.

To demonstrate the ambiguity of negative numbers, let's give a clear example. Thus, the numbers 2 and 4 are considered not very good in Feng Shui practice.

For example, the value of the number two can have both a negative and a positive effect (depending on which number is to the right or left of the two).

In Feng Shui, four literally means “death,” so often knowledgeable people try to avoid this number at all costs. However, if your apartment number is 44, according to Feng Shui this will mean the sum of two numbers 8. And eight is already one of the most favorable numbers in Chinese Feng Shui. On the other hand, apartment number 42 according to Feng Shui will literally mean “easy death”, and this, you see, is a completely unpleasant meaning.

What does an apartment number mean according to feng shui?

So, any number, even the most complex and long, can be broken down into its component numbers. In total, as you may have guessed, there are 10 such numbers. And it is these ten numbers that are decisive in the interpretation of the numerology of an apartment or house number according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui table of apartment number meanings

Number The meaning of the number in feng shui
1 « Honor, gain " It is a positive and good number, signifying unity, harmony and creation. Has reinforcing properties (affects other numbers).
2 « Easily " Two is an ambiguous number, since it can be both a catalyst for a positive number and a negative one.
3 « Height " Three is rapid development and growth, it is life itself. Three has a pronounced positive meaning and complements other good numbers.
4 « Death " It often carries a negative meaning and has a negative impact on neighboring numbers. Practitioners of Chinese Feng Shui avoid it.
5 « Nothing, no " Five can sometimes have a negative effect if it is unsuccessfully adjacent to other symbols. However, it can also have a good meaning.
6 « Income and wealth " This number is very favorable in Chinese practice and projects an increase in material well-being.
7 « Confidence, for sure " Seven most often seems to confirm the meaning of other numbers, making their influence firm and decisive.
8 « Jewel " The number eight symbolizes income, prosperity and happy wealth. It is revered by the Chinese as the most auspicious number.
9 « Longevity " Nine means health, physical and mental, symbolizes longevity. It has a very positive effect and is revered by practitioners.
0 « No value " Zero is a completely neutral value; it is believed that the number 0 does not affect other numbers in any way, and also does not have its own energy.

Now you can easily interpret any number. Let's look at a simple example of the meaning of an apartment number according to Feng Shui. Let's take two numbers - 628 and 742.

  • In the first case, we get a literal interpretation that sounds like “income, easy, precious.” This meaning is interpreted as “easy income and wealth, prosperity.”
  • In the second case, the meaning of the number 742 is interpreted as “surely, death, easy.” That is, it turns out “surely death will be easy.”

People are increasingly beginning to pay attention to the numbers and numbers that surround them. And experts assure that this is not in vain. It may well turn out that long-term stagnation and a barrier in financial affairs are caused by the combination of numbers “56”, which translates as “there will be no wealth”, and stubborn, unrelenting ailments are provoked by the number “59”.

Lucky apartment number according to feng shui

Numerology of a house and apartment according to Feng Shui is far from an empty task. If any secret and hidden forces are influencing your life from the outside, then it is better to study them and know how to “deal” with them. For example, you can completely neutralize the negative impact of your apartment number by moving to a new one.

But it would be stupid to stop there. So, thanks to the banal number of your apartment, you can attract wealth into your home, set up a business, and even provide your family with a healthy and cloudless life. There are particularly favorable number combinations that are worth paying attention to.

Feng Shui table of auspicious numbers

23 « Easy growth " It will ensure a rapid rise in your business, enhance your efficiency, help you achieve what you want and implement your plans in a short time.
76 « Surely wealth " Focuses attention on material well-being, will help improve financial affairs and increase income.
29 « Easy longevity " It will help you enjoy a cloudless and long life, get rid of illnesses and illnesses, and protect the health of the whole family.
21 « Easy win " It will give you good luck and unprecedented success, literally - “to catch luck by the tail.” Things will turn out to be the most beneficial for you.
39 « Health growth " It will improve physical health, help you find harmony and balance within your own soul, illnesses will bypass your home.

Don’t despair if your Feng Shui apartment number doesn’t have the most favorable meaning. As a last resort, you can always change it to feel dramatic progress and a positive push in your life and business. To begin with, you can try to neutralize the negative energy of numbers by arranging the interior decoration of your home using the Feng Shui technique. This is an accessible and effective technique that allows you to instantly transform human life.

Feng Shui places a lot of emphasis on numbers. It is believed that each number has its own energy and carries a certain meaning. According to Feng Shui, there is lucky and unlucky numbers.

If you believe in their energy, then it is important to surround yourself with only favorable numbers so that they attract luck, money and health into your life. Start with your apartment number and find out how it affects your life.

What does a feng shui number mean?

In order to determine the number of your apartment according to Feng Shui, you need to add up all the digits of the number. For example, you live in apartment 12. The calculation of the number will be as follows: 1+2 = 3. Three in this case will be the number of the apartment according to Feng Shui.

If after adding the numbers the result is two-digit, then you need to add the resulting numbers again. For example, apartment number 48: 4+8= 12 = 1+2 = 3.

If you live in an apartment numbered 1 to 9, then you don’t need to add anything. After calculating the number of your apartment, you can proceed to its interpretation.

Number 1

This number is under the auspices of the Sun. The energy of one gives a person strength, fuels his ambitions and helps fulfill desires. The atmosphere in such houses, where one rules, is carefree and light. It is very pleasant to be here, to be inspired, to relax and to work.

According to Feng Shui, the number 1 helps to realize oneself in creativity. Apartments under this number live well for those who have connected their lives with art: artists, singers, dancers, actors, writers, etc.

Number 2

Patron of the deuce - Moon. In this apartment, a person can reveal his hidden talents, get to know himself and learn to see what others cannot see.

The energy of the Moon grants intuition, clairvoyance and the ability to empathize. In apartment number 2, special attention should be paid to the bathroom and mirrors - they should always be clean, since the well-being of the owners of the home depends on this. People working in the social sphere and with children live well in a two-room apartment.

Number 3

The apartment is under the influence Mars - planet of war. The atmosphere in such an apartment may not be the friendliest. Quarrels, fights, disagreements and disputes often occur in triple apartments. The energy of Mars is very strong and even affects things and household appliances - in such apartments something is constantly breaking.

In an apartment with the number 3, life is good for those who are used to acting and not sitting still. Confident, strong-willed people will find happiness here.

Number 4

This apartment is affected by energy Mercury - planet of communications. Your home will attract people who are interesting and useful to you. Guests in such an apartment are a constant occurrence, as the owners become very sociable and cannot spend time alone.

Apartment-four has a beneficial effect on those who are engaged in trade or work with people. The number 4 will bring them good luck in money and career.

Number 5

The apartment is located under the influence of Jupiter. The Five creates a favorable atmosphere for the comprehension of science and the development of political activity.

The owner of this living space will find it easy to study and speak in public. The aura of the house contributes to the emergence of innovative ideas and the implementation of plans. Such an apartment is good for leaders, self-confident people who have a specific goal in life.

Number 6

Six rules Venus is the planet of family, beauty and love. The atmosphere in such apartments is often very cozy and comfortable. People in apartments of six like to cook and do things with their own hands. The atmosphere of the space is conducive to the birth of children and strengthening the family. This is the home of kind, merciful and sincere people.

Number 7

Apartment number 7 is under the influence complex planet Saturn. Living in such an apartment is not easy. The owner of the living space faces constant restrictions, problems and obstacles. The apartment seems to test his strength every time. However, if the tenant overcomes all the tests, then all doors will open for him.

Number 8

Eight – Uranus number. This planet has a beneficial effect on a person striving for discovery, communication, and everything new. Realists and pragmatists should not live in such an apartment; the plans of these people will not be realized. But those who believe in miracles, are ready for new achievements and like to rely on intuition will be lucky here.

Number 9

The apartment with the number 9 is ruled by Neptune. The energy of the planet is not the most favorable. Things will always get lost here and strange things will happen. Owners are often drawn to alcohol and smoking. However, this housing can be favorable for people involved in music and extrasensory perception. Oil workers and deeply religious people also live well in apartment nine.

How to fix

Living in an apartment that does not suit Feng Shui is quite difficult. As a rule, in such a space it is difficult to relax, calm down, have a good rest and sleep.

The energy of the number will always remind you of itself through quarrels, everyday problems, and illnesses. You often don’t want to stay in such an apartment for a long time.

If the living space number does not match your personal energy, and you want to correct its influence or at least adjust it, then in this case you can resort to several tricks:

  • Remove the apartment number sign from the door. Of course, the apartment will still remain under this number, but the constant reminder of it will disappear, and the influence of the unlucky number will significantly weaken.
  • Replace the old door with a black door. The energy of this color neutralizes to some extent the influence of the number.
  • Hang front door mirror. According to Feng Shui, the mirror will be able to absorb some of the energy that your apartment number emits.

How happy

According to Feng Shui, the most successful apartment number is 28. This is the number of success in absolutely any business. The owner's luck will increase many times if he not only lives in apartment 28, but was also born on the 28th. According to Chinese teachings, this number represents destiny and personality.

A person who is under its influence will always be at the crossroads of two roads: whether to go with the flow, relying only on fate, or to strive for the desires of his personality, reveal it and become an independent unit.

The number 28 is also called the number of “easy money”. Those who are fixated on material values ​​will find their happiness. And people for whom the financial issue is not so important will be able to find harmony between the material and spiritual.

Nice apartment numbers

In Feng Shui there are several more numbers that are considered the most favorable. If this number is your apartment number, then you are very lucky. Luck, money, love, fulfillment of all desires awaits the owner living in the living space under the lucky number.

  • The number 168 is a successful combination of numbers, and they can be located in any variation. Means success in all endeavors.
  • The number 48 means wealth earned through one's own labor and sweat.
  • Number 68 attracts money, and welfare is constantly growing.
  • The number 0 is ambiguous in its energy. In Feng Shui it is interpreted as both emptiness and stability. If there is a zero in the apartment number, then balance will always be maintained in its space.

Remember that a favorable atmosphere in the house depends not only on comfortable furniture and beautiful decoration, but also on the influence of subtle energies. Learn to feel them in order to be able to manage them.

Such mysterious numbers

Feng Shui apartment numbers

At all times, numbers have been given special attention. They were used for fortune telling. On certain dates, the most important holidays and events occurred, which were attributed to a truly mystical origin. Even Feng Shui apartment numbers can carry a certain charge of information.

Belief in numbers is especially widespread in China. For a long time now, not a single operator there will be surprised if you ask him to change your phone number to a “more favorable” one. For example, 4, which means certain death, with the permission of the authorities can turn into 4B. In its Latin style, this number has much in common with the number eight (8). And this is already changing things. Thanks to this combination, a combination is obtained that promises prosperity. What about license plates? In a country with almost two billion people, there are a lot of cars! And choosing a lucky number turns into a sporting competition, even involving bidding. For example, it is reliably known that once number 2828 was sold for $63,000. Why? Because translated from Feng Shui, it means “easy money, easy money”! It is not surprising that they paid a considerable amount for the room itself.

Another example. It is believed that with number 28 it is very profitable to live in hotels or your own apartments. It is especially popular. Moreover, it is so large that you have to book just such rooms several months in advance, and then wait a long time for your turn. All this excitement did not arise out of nowhere. There is credible evidence of luck at certain numbers and the failure of entire companies, all because of numbers. So let's figure out together how Feng Shui relates to numbers. What they are like and what they promise each of us.

If apartment no....

Unit (1) – is under the influence of the Sun. It promises the release of creative potential, energy, and joy of life. If the Feng Shui apartment number includes this number, it means that creative people live there. It will be especially good to live in such an apartment for artists, writers, performers - all people whose line of work is important to create, discover something new, give joy to people, cover events. Such housing will help not only think and dream about the future, but also not forget about the present. An atmosphere of carefree and openness will reign in the house. But the unit constantly checks the person. If you have a good heart, nothing threatens your home. There will be neatness, cleanliness and peace. And if not - decline, dirt and a disregard for everything.

The meaning of numbers in rooms

Two (2) – she is patronized by the Moon. Among other numbers, it is responsible for intuition and contemplation. Such an apartment would be good for those who work with children by profession. Or those who work in the field of nutrition and water treatment. If a musician lives in such an apartment, he may find inspiration. In the color palette it is best to use soft cream and milky tones. You can use emerald green. If unbalanced and mentally unstable people live under this number, there may be exacerbations. To calm down, you can lock yourself in the bathroom and turn on the water.

Three (3) – the strong influence of Mars provokes action. You won’t sit too long under this symbol, you won’t meditate and dream uselessly. This apartment is the place where quick decisions and decisive actions will be most relevant. Sometimes those living under this number may feel like they are like firefighters or operatives. Always collected and ready for action, ready to solve emerging problems and fight all adversities. There will be a constant need to do something. It is ideal to decorate your apartment in red tones. The most comfortable places are in the hallway and toilet. It is better to avoid quarrels. Under such influence they can easily develop into tragedy.

Four (4) – has the patronage of Mercury. Responsible for contacts. Therefore, it would be useful to stock up on all the eloquence that you can muster. The telephone will be the center of attention in this apartment. You will feel like a telephone dispatcher. Always ready to take a call, any challenge, give orders to leave or something like that. It’s also not surprising to feel like a stock market tycoon. Financial matters will largely be handled over the phone. Those living under this number should be prepared to be shaken by hands for success and beaten for failure. There is no need to lie or mislead anyone. This attitude towards others will come back in a significant way. The most favorable colors are blue, light blue, and combinations with yellow and gray. Consumer electronics, any devices from which information can be obtained (computers for example), will be among the most used items.

Five (5) – is under the influence of Jupiter. The main property is expansion. In such an apartment, it is not surprising to notice a huge library or a large collection of something. In this place you will want to engage in science, politics or any business of a social nature. There will be a desire to unite and unite large groups of people, to exert influence on them. Be the center of attention in the team. In general, cultivate a serious, significant personality. It is possible that the residents of such an apartment will not be too comfortable in this place and will want to leave somewhere. As far as possible and even abroad. Auspicious colors include purple, and bronze utensils, telescopes and globes will be appropriate. You should not give in to angry emotions again, although strong cravings may appear.

Six (6) – the number is influenced by Venus. Every little thing seems to speak of peace and relaxation, comfort and love. In such an apartment it is quite easy and calm. You can bring friends for a friendly party or just sing songs. Nothing and no one will interfere. The owner of the apartment may be distinguished by her special culinary art. This is also influenced by Feng Shui and the apartment number. The owners are usually very kind and warm-hearted people and have excellent taste. They can do a lot of things themselves, which makes the house cozy and pleasant to live in. Of course, the worst manifestation is possible - overweight brawlers, but usually such a manifestation is rare. Most often, cats and dogs live in such an apartment; there are especially many fresh flowers in it. When you want to quarrel, it is better to figure out who is really to blame, and, most likely, it will turn out that the quarrel is not worth it.

The meaning of the number “7”

Seven (7) is the strong patronage of Saturn. Living in an apartment with such a number turns into a real challenge! All the time it will be hot and cold, hungry and stuffy. There may be permanent restrictions that constrain situations. However, not everything is so bad. If you want to master any profession or skill, you simply cannot find a better number. It is also good to make savings using this number. It is best not to do rash or reckless things. You need to sit down and think before every decision. Otherwise, ardor will become your constant problem. Problems that could not be resolved in time will return, troubles will grow, and in general life will not be the easiest.

Eight (8) – Uranus influences everything here. In such an apartment the spirit of freedom, mutual assistance and support will reign. It’s good to meet old fellow soldiers here, but you can also make new friends. Astrologers, psychics, and lovers of paranormal phenomena feel good under this sign. If you consider yourself to be a rationalist and materialist with a pragmatic bent, there is nothing for you to catch under this number. However, there is always the opportunity to change. If you can’t change your apartment number, try changing your worldview yourself. Feel the magic of life, all its subtle manifestations, and this will only lead to good things. The whole spectrum of the rainbow and sky blue will be the best colors for this number.

Nine (9) – ruler Neptune. An incredibly difficult place. If you are not a sailor or an oil worker, a psychic or a musician, a priest or just a lover of mysticism, then it is better not to live under such a number. Various problems with water, addiction to tobacco and alcohol are possible. In addition, you will constantly look for objects that are literally disappearing from under your hands, which at this moment are simply vital. Possible sleep disturbances. And beware of poisons. Strive to understand the nature of the unknown, study the invisible world.

Zero (0) is considered the most perfect of all numbers. He, like a great void, neither adds nor takes away anything. If you try to multiply it, it absorbs everything into itself. Not a single hexagram corresponds to zero, since it is the source of all these symbols. This sign has an ambiguous reading. Some feng shui experts say that it is bad if the apartment number ends in 0, others that it is good. There are also opinions that this sign carries neutral information and should not be taken into account.

Combinations and correction

The meaning of the combination of numbers

Naturally, single apartment numbers are much less common than combinations of two or three characters. In this case, the combination should be considered as a whole to get a complete picture of what is happening. Sometimes an apartment may have an unfavorable number from a Feng Shui point of view. Let's say we have apartment No. 50. If you look at the information above, five is an extension. It is possible to have a large library, successful studies in science, and travel abroad. This all sounds good, but when combined with a zero it makes the number negative. It is useless to fumigate, cleanse the room from the negative influence of evil spirits, or invite a shaman. People who are especially sensitive will practically feel the influence of an unfavorable number with their skin.

What can you do here:

  • The front door should be repainted gray or green - depending on its orientation to the cardinal points. Gray can neutralize, and green can completely destroy the influence of a number.
  • There is one more trick. Make a small sticker or sign with the inscription “+38”, attach this creation near our real number on the door. It turns out to be a kind of energetic message that turns 50 into 88. And this number attracts good luck not only to the apartment, but also to those living in it.

Such neutralization and improvement of living conditions according to Feng Shui is almost always possible. There is no need to change your place of residence or argue with the housing office about changing your number. It's simply unrealistic. It is much wiser to contact a specialist who will analyze the situation, give certain recommendations, and develop a strategy for further behavior. And the previously unloved home will appear from a completely different perspective. Everything is possible if you correctly use the wisdom of the great science of Feng Shui.

Not only apartments

The meaning of feng shui numbers

As already mentioned, numbers accompany us everywhere. Here we have looked at only a small part of what the science of Feng Shui can offer us. We spend a significant part of our time in apartments and houses, and they have a huge impact on us. But numbers are not only found in our homes. Phone numbers, zip code, passwords, whatever. If you want to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, consider looking at the familiar from a new angle. Suddenly, because of the wrong phone number, you are unable to establish strong relationships on the personal front or come to an agreement with business partners. What if your car number is not as lucky as you would like? What if you have troubles in your family or at work? It is worth taking a closer look at your life. Maybe somewhere, in a very visible place, there is simply the wrong number.

It’s wonderful to live in your own two or three-story cottage. In such a house it is easiest to maintain the harmony of energies. It is very important that it does not lose connection with either the Qi of heaven or the Qi of earth. The bedrooms are usually located on the upper floors, where it is easier to establish a connection with the heavenly Qi, and the living room and dining room are on the ground floor, where all the inhabitants of the house descend every morning and easily restore the connection with the earth's Qi.

It is no coincidence that many people in the West prefer low-rise individual houses.

Constant stay on the upper floors is less favorable, but the negative impact can be smoothed out if you go to a country house in the summer or at least periodically take walks, restoring your connection with the earth.

If you have to choose which floor to live on, it is advisable to approach this consciously. Different floors carry different energies, and the harmony of your life may depend on this. The most favorable from the point of view of energy harmony are three-, five-, seven-, nine- and twelve-story buildings. Four- and eight-story buildings, as well as all houses above twelve floors, are unfavorable. In a high-rise building, on floors above the twelfth, a person’s energy is most often not enough to fully master the space, so there is a feeling of restlessness, as if suspended in the air, discomfort, discomfort, instability and instability.

It happens that we do not have to choose which floor to live on - our karma decides for us. It simply brings a person to the floor that is most appropriate for him, or rather, for solving his karmic problems. Each floor carries some kind of karmic lesson for us.

A feeling of stability, stability and a strong connection with the earth appears, if you live on the ground floor, but this also causes an exacerbation of many problems. Strong Qi of the earth on the first floor will contribute to the fact that your unresolved psychological problems will quickly find expression in the form of illnesses. In this way, the Qi of the earth will push you to solve your problems, get rid of negative feelings and destructive attitudes, which on higher floors may not manifest themselves for years.

If you live on the second floor, get ready for the fact that you will have to learn to make decisions and act, and not run away from your problems. The energy of the second floor pushes us towards honesty with ourselves and others. It will be difficult here for someone who is used to dreaming and talking a lot and doing little. You will have to honestly look fate in the eye and figure out what you are really capable of and what you are worth.
· If you live on the third floor- your karma is to learn to achieve everything on your own. You will have to become stronger, more resilient, harden yourself, learn to cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles. This is not the easiest life, but it gives very good results - there is a chance to become a “self-made” person and achieve everything he wanted only through his own efforts. Such success is the most reliable and most worthy.
· The fourth floor is often becomes a habitat for people who are either insufficiently communicative or too conflicted, who do not know how to find a common language and establish normal relationships with others. The task is to learn to understand and hear others, to look for and find true friends and good acquaintances.
· For those who live on the fifth floor, it is very difficult to find harmony in life if they are confined only to home and family. To balance your energies and improve your karma, social activities are necessary.
Those living on the sixth floor must learn to earn money on their own, provide for themselves financially, and also get out of all sorts of dependencies on other people.
· For those who live on the seventh floor, you have to go through the path of spiritual formation and development. For them, with the move to this floor, the time has come to analyze their lives, look for the reasons for their failures and correct them through their own improvement. You cannot continue to complain about unfavorable circumstances - the time has come to harmonize your own energies and thereby improve your circumstances.
· If a person is on the eighth floor, this means that he does not have serious karmic problems, but he himself ruins his life with the habit of thinking negatively. You need to learn positive thinking, and then everything in life will go well.
· The man living on the ninth floor capable of foresight, he has been given the ability to comprehend the laws of world harmony, but he does not yet know how to use his gift perfectly. The task is to learn this.
· The tenth floor gives energy of leadership - a person living here must be active and lead people, otherwise unrealized energy will lead to illness. You just need to try not to abuse your power, not to put pressure on other people, but to lead them gently and with love.
· The Eleventh Floor Calls to intellectual activity, perhaps to science. In any case, those living here must develop and train their minds.
· The twelfth floor gives great willpower, allows you to achieve a lot, provided that the person living here can take control of their energies and curb their emotions, will not be scattered and will become a wise master of their life, directing it along a certain path.

What is written on the doors of each of us?

In Russia, the numbering system has become firmly established - both in apartments and houses. It’s a pity, because in England, for example, there is a tradition of giving residential buildings - not only mansions, but also ordinary, typical ones - poetic names, such as “Flower Field”, “Poplar Stable”, “Heron Yard”. The abstract numbers in our apartment numbers, it would seem, do not evoke any emotions and mean nothing. But the Pythagoreans, however, had a different view of things. Pythagoras viewed numbers as independent entities with their own qualities and individuality, which could be compared with the planets and their influence. Each number corresponded to its own planet, the conductor of which it was. The influence was determined using a numerological sum - the digits of complex numbers were added until simple numbers were obtained - the conductors of the planets. So, for example, the number 157 was represented as 1+5+7=13=1+3=4. Now let's see how your apartment number and the atmosphere of your home correlate from the point of view of one of the numerological systems.

Digit 1
Under the influence of the SUN. Creative energy, joy of life. This place promotes creative self-expression, allows a person to express himself, stand out, and attract the attention of others. Artists, actors, writers live well here - all those in whose work a personal position is important, whose calling is to illuminate the lives of others: these could be poets, writers, journalists. Such a home will help them, without forgetting about the eternal, to honestly and objectively record the present: knowing about the bad, loving life and enjoying the good - all kinds of lamps play an important role in the decor of the house. They stand out and attract attention. The colors are predominantly bright, orange-red. The whole atmosphere of the house is a little beachy, carefree, open. One tests a person: if he has a good heart, the house will sparkle, if he has an evil heart, there will inevitably be a dominance of flies, spiritual and material decline, and carelessness and disregard can lead to a heart attack.

Digit 2
Under the influence of the MOON. Intuition, contemplation. It would be good for those who work with small children or in the food industry, as well as clean rivers and canals. Folk musicians will find new themes here. In the apartment, the most eye-catching things are the mirrors and the bathroom. The color scheme of the interiors is in milky, soft cream shades, emerald green is possible. In people who are unbalanced and have an unstable psyche, mental illness can worsen and attacks of hysteria are possible. In this case, if things haven’t gone too far, you can lock yourself in the bathroom and, turning on the water, sit there alone to calm down.

Digit 3
Under the influence of MARS. Will. Here we need to act, and not sit in thought. A place where decisions must be made quickly, otherwise they will be made for you. At times you will feel like you are a firefighter or a detective. In a softer version - a mechanic or carpenter. At least no one at home will have complaints that you are sitting idle. And it won’t be long in coming - the water supply will require major repairs, and the tables and chairs will require minor repairs. In general, you will always want to do something. And don’t be lazy, otherwise you can get seriously ill, possibly even undergoing surgical intervention. This is how unclaimed energy will make itself felt. The most active colors are all shades of red. The most comfortable places in the house are the toilet (sorry!) and the hallway. Avoid quarrels and assault: you may be provoked.

Digit 4
Under the influence of MERCURY. Contacts. Arm yourself with eloquence: the maximum load in this house comes from the telephone and your thinking abilities. Here you will feel like a telephone dispatcher or a stockbroker. You will be doomed to handshakes (or hand-slapping, depending on your honesty). Don't lie or mislead anyone - everything will be returned in the same currency.
Favorable colors: blue and yellow, blue, gray. The favorites are those devices from which any information can be obtained. I often feel like going for a walk or going on a trip.

Number 5
Under the influence of JUPITER. Extension. This is where the big library will probably be. Here I only want to do something comprehensive: politics, science - something that can unite people on the basis of some common idea. Perhaps it will be a spiritual association, some kind of church. Residents of such a house will most likely want to be carried away into the distance (abroad, including the unknown, the main thing is not beyond the border of what is permitted). Favorable color is purple. The house will be decorated with things from afar and bronze dishes, as well as globes and telescopes. Don’t give free rein to your anger, although sometimes you are tempted to flare up: take care of your liver.

Number 6
Under the influence of VENUS. Everything here seems to be created for relaxation, love and comfort. You can feast with friends, sing songs. The owners are very cordial people, with good taste, they can make a lot of things, and make the house cozy and comfortable. They cook skillfully and tasty. In the worst case, they are obese brawlers, and they have a house to match. There are many large, soft objects in the decor: sofas, carpets. Colors are warm, flesh-colored, brownish. There is often a cat or dog living in the house, and there are many flowers. At times you really want to be among living nature - you shouldn’t deny yourself this. If you really want to make a scandal, first think about who is really to blame: someone else or yourself. If you don’t feel like cursing, then most likely it’s the latter.

Number 7
Under the influence of SATURN. This is where life is a test! In all respects! It’s very difficult to live here: it’s always cold, hungry, stuffy, and you’re constantly haunted by all sorts of restrictions and constraining circumstances. But this is the best place to master a skill, a profession, and for savings. If a person living here does not realize the need to sit silently and think about his life, he gets back his “deficiencies” in the form of problems with the spine and forced limitation of mobility: osteochondrosis, salt deposits, etc. But cleansing fasting and exercises are excellent here for concentration, Hathayoga classes.
The dominant color is dark blue.

Number 8
Under the influence of URANUS. Freedom, surprises, mutual assistance. A place to meet loyal old friends and make new ones. Any new beginnings and inventions are especially successful here. Glassblowers, astrologers and clairvoyants, lovers of anomalous phenomena and unconventional technologies will feel very at home here. Rationalists, materialists and pragmatists will receive nothing but collapsed plans, frayed nerves and confusion. Window glass should be thoroughly washed. Be careful with electricity! Preferred colors are the whole spectrum of the rainbow and sky blue.

Number 9
Under the influence of NEPTUNE. This is also a difficult place. If you are not..., not an oil worker, not a sailor or a psychic, not a musician or a priest, then you will have a hard time. Trouble with water, painful addiction, craving for alcohol and tobacco, an endless search for objects that have disappeared from under your hand at the moment when you need them most - all this will attack your psyche, shaken by sleepless nights. Beware of toxic substances, study the realities of the invisible world.

Why do different people live in the same building: some are rich and others are poor?

Without a doubt, Feng Shui should be the same in one building in general and different for different residents (visitors) in particular. Everyone has their own personal gua number, depending on their gender and date of birth according to the Chinese calendar. For example, a person was born in 1989. In this case, he (she) is a Dragon. His gua number is 2. This means he is a person of the Western group. Her gua number is 4. Therefore, she is a person of the eastern group. Their happy or unhappy directions, as we already know, are opposite.

If a person has Pig or Rat zodiac signs, their element is Water. The last numbers 1 or 6 (floor), another 11, 16, 21, 36, 41, 56, etc. all suit them. Besides these, a person with the Water element lives even better on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for the Metal element. Metal should enhance Water. If a person with the Water element lives normally on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for the Fire element, Water extinguishes him.

If a person has Snake or Horse zodiac signs, their element is Fire. The last numbers 2 or 7, 12, 17, 22, 37, 42, 57, etc. suit them. They live even better on the 3rd or 8th floors, which correspond to the element Wood - it enhances Fire. They normally live on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for Metal. The fire melts him. The zodiac signs Tiger or Rabbit correspond to the element Wood. They should live on the 3rd or 8th floors, it is better to live on the 1st or 6th floors, which are suitable for the element Water, which enhances Wood. They normally live on the 5th or 10th floors, which are suitable for the element of Earth - it is limited by Wood.

Zodiac signs Monkey or Rooster belong to the Metal element. They should live on the 4th or 9th floors; it is better to live on the 5th or 10th floors, which are suitable for the Earth element. It is strengthened by the Earth. They normally live on the 3rd or 8th floors, which are suitable for the Wood element. Metal cuts Wood. People with the zodiac sign Ox, Dragon, Goat or Dog (their element is Earth) are suitable for the 5th or 10th floors. Even better, they live on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for the Fire element. Fire strengthens the Earth. They normally live on the 1st or 6th floors, which are suitable for the elements of Water - it is limited by the Earth.

Water is good for the Tree - But the Tree devastates the Water

Wood is good for Fire - But Fire devastates Wood

Fire is good for the Earth - But the Earth is devastated by Fire

The Earth is good for Metal – But Metal depletes the Earth

Metal is good for Water – But Water depletes Metal

Therefore, it is better for a person with the Water element not to choose the 3rd or 8th floors, which are suitable for the Wood element, as well as the 5th or 10th floors, suitable for the Earth. It is better for a person with the Fire element to give up the 5th or 10th floors, which are suitable for Earth, but his life will be normal on the 1st or 6th floors, suitable for Water. A person with the Wood element lives worse on the 4th or 9th floors - they are suitable for Metal, also on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for Fire. A person with the Metal element cannot live on the 1st or 6th floors, which are favorable for Water. He also cannot live on the 2nd or 7th floors, suitable for Fire. It is better for a person with the Earth element not to live on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for Metal, let it be the 3rd or 8th floors, favorable for Wood.

If you don’t want to change anything or changes are impossible for some reason, then the following way out of this situation will help:

1)stick two yellow Ling Fu directly on your entrance doors for protection(Ling Fu talismans help protect against bad energy and evil forces in China. They are a special calligraphic inscription on yellow paper or peach wood. Such a talisman should be hung or pasted in four directions that are unfavorable for you. I must emphasize that Lin Fu must be in the original, and not in the form of a photocopy. Yellow is the color of the emperor, which gives strength and power, drives away evil spirits.
There are Lin Fus that help defeat evil forces or spirits, bringing victory in court. Others will help with promotions. There is Lin Fu to help with business, prosperity, increasing wealth, well-being and peace in the home. There are Lin Fus that protect against enemy attacks and robbery. These talismans will also help get rid of quarrels and disputes between spouses, children, neighbors, insomnia and nightmares, and will help women in labor and pets. When a new house is built, Lin Fu is always laid in the foundation. And if a wise person dies, Lin Fu is also placed in his grave), their image can be found on the Internet.

2)paint the entrance doors in a suitable color. For example, an apartment owner who belongs to the elements
Tree, lives on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for the Fire element, or on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for Metal. It is known that Fire burns Wood, and Metal cuts it down. This means that a person living on this unsuitable floor may suffer from regular health and business problems. If he wants to change this bad feng shui, then he needs to paint the front door blue or light blue, which is suitable for the element Water. Because Water not only strengthens Wood, but also extinguishes Fire and depletes Metal.

Another case: the owner of the apartment, belonging to the element Earth, lives on the 3rd or 8th floors, which are suitable for Wood, or on the 4th or 9th floors, more suitable for Metal. We already know that Wood damages the Earth, Metal depletes it. Therefore, you should paint the front door red or pink (orange), a color favorable to Fire. Fire melts Metal and warms the Earth.
Have you ever noticed how your mood changes every time you step into your own home? Observe yourself and you will see that this is so. In ancient times, people paid a lot of attention to everything that related to the place where they lived. The front doors of mansions and castles were decorated with family coats of arms and mottos, the portals and doors of churches, churches, and temples were decorated with sculptures and carvings.

If you live in an apartment building and this house has a number, just like your apartment (for example, your address is house 79, apartment 27), you are influenced by both the house number and the apartment number. However, your apartment number has a stronger influence. House number 79 is calculated as follows: 7+9=16; 1+6=7; Seven is the vibration of your home. The energy of the “Seven” signifies spiritual growth in solitude and solitude. Your apartment number 27 corresponds to 9 (2+7=9); The energy of "Nine" means promoting humanity. Thus, you will find that the energy of your apartment will be directed towards caring and devotion to people (Nine), albeit through loneliness and spiritual solitude (Seven).
If there is a letter in your address, for example, house 38A, translate the letter into a number (A=1) House 38A corresponds to 3+8+1=12; 1+2=3. Here's the key to converting letters to numbers:

S T U V H Ts Ch Sh Shch
b y b e y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Having determined the final number of your house, you can comprehend the numerology of your house. And now the aspects of each number.
House with vibration Units ideal for a person who is going to start his own private business. A person living in a One's house will learn more from his own experience than from the advice of others, and will also follow his intuition. A One's home will support the courage, individuality and integrity of those who live in it. It's not one of those houses that is always tidy. If your job involves caring for others and you are in a position where you always have to be first, then move into a One's home. You will feel more confident, independent and willing to take risks in a home like this. This house is also for you if you are too tired of people.
Problems at home Units. Sometimes in such a house you can feel lonely and isolated, even in the presence of other people. In this house, many will have to deal with the problem of tolerance. It may not be suitable for addicted people. In the house of the One, everyone is master and there is not a single servant.
House with the vibration of Twos great place for two people. The feelings of those with whom you live will be important to you. Living in the House of Two, you will strive for peace and harmony and try to share everything you have. You will often listen to the opinions of others and think through situations rather than insist on your point of view. You will find that you will understand others completely. In the House of Two, you will begin to develop a sensitivity to the subtle energies of nature, art, music, magic, and they will flourish in you. This house is perfect for exploring and developing your physical abilities and intuition. It will improve relationships and strengthen marital ties. You can't live alone in this house.
Problems of the House of Two. Since the vibration of Two can expand sensitivity, any conflict or disagreement will become a problem for those who live in it. In this house there may be a strong desire to accumulate a lot of unnecessary things. House number 2 requires balance in all respects.
House with Troika vibration is a home where you can feel confident and comfortable. This is also a house where you will have to socialize too much. Here you can expand your outlook on life. This house supports your enthusiasm and increases your charm. Here people of different views can meet and interact with warmth and love. It promotes self-expression and is great for parties and entertaining. The House of Three is a conductor of spiritual and sexual energy. Move into this home and you'll expand your social life.
Troika house problems. In the house of a Three, there may be a tendency to throw away energy and become overly enthusiastic. Take care of your finances, as there is a strong desire to waste money. Sometimes this house is in creative disorder. The problem at home can be spontaneous, impulsive actions. This house is best suited for carefree people.
House with Four vibration gives solidity and stability. If you have experienced destabilizing influences and uncertainty in your life, move into this house. You will feel practicality and security returning to you. This is a wonderful home to build the foundation of your future and nurture your dreams. It requires order and economy. In such a house it will be good to live for a group of people who are working towards a common goal. This house promotes respectability and solidity of the people living in it. It is a safe haven for those who are not afraid of hard and responsible work.
Problems of the House of Four. Sometimes, living in such a house, you feel like you are working endlessly and never resting. There is a danger of becoming curmudgeonly or stubborn. Relax. There are many other numbers in your life that can help you. This house is not suitable for workaholics as they will work even more.
House with Five vibration is the center of activity. If you are stuck in one place, then this is the home for you. The House of Five is all about energy, movement and change. Here you will find many meetings, phone calls and a busy daily routine. The energy of the Five stimulates connections, the collection of information and the ability to share it. This house allows you to gain experience in many areas. It promotes ingenuity, enterprise and encouragement. Anything can happen here. There will never be boredom here. In the house of a Five, your sex appeal will increase and it will be a good place for romantic adventures. The people living here have a special magnetism and are more prone to competition than others.
Problems of the House of Five. Sometimes life in such a house seems too busy. Most likely, hasty but correct decisions will be made here. Living in a Five's house, you usually need to trust your instincts. But if the decision is too important, then gather your thoughts and weigh the pros and cons again before making it. The house is contraindicated for people prone to a calm, measured life.
House with a Six vibration is the center of harmony and balance. This is a great vibration for a family, especially when there are children in the house. Living in a Six's house cultivates a sense of duty to society and a desire to help the less fortunate. This home is perfect for those who want to develop their artistic abilities. Money and comfort are constantly present in this house. Life here is filled with the energy of goodness and humanity. They love pets here. This home is especially attractive for those who like to decorate their home and yard with a variety of flowers.
Problems of the House of Six. Too much kindness and caring for others can upset the balance. In addition, responsibilities and duty will come first in this house. For many, this may not be possible.
A house with a Seven vibration is a temple of contemplation and solitude. This is a place where you can rest and recuperate, as well as reflect on past experiences and present situations. The house is good for those who want to live alone, reflect and seek divine revelation. Such a house is suitable for a student, writer or researcher, since the vibration of the Seven is conducive to concentrated research. The Seven vibration promotes intuition, dreams, visions, telepathic experiences, the study of philosophy and metaphysics - anything that helps you find your path in life. Luck in this house is achieved through knowledge, specialization and skill. This house is for very private people.
Problems of the House of Seven. This house is not for those who want to achieve material success or advancement in business. Energy focuses on spiritual rather than material values. It is problematic to establish marital or partnership relationships here. Number seven craves loneliness and is not conducive to living together.
A house with an Eight vibration means abundance in all areas of life: family, friends, material possessions, etc. If you want to improve your financial situation, move to a house with an Eight vibration. Eight strengthens organizational skills that contribute to the achievement of material well-being. With discipline and insight, you can strengthen your position. Awards, honors and social recognition are all possible when living in this home. This house is not a home, but a center of business activity. It attracts people of power, money and success. The number eight embraces integrity and promotes self-improvement. In this house, you will realize that your spirituality increases your material achievements.
Problems of the House of Eight. There are usually a lot of expenses in this house, so a constant flow of money and/or careful control of it is necessary. If you are focused on material wealth, you should always be focused and organized. This house is not suitable for people who do not know how to manage their finances wisely.
A house with a Nine vibration is a house where one reaps the fruits of past efforts. This is the house where your love and compassion for people increases. This vibration will allow you to see different possibilities and rise above pressure and limitations. In this house you gain wisdom, which can even result in prophecy. This is a wonderful home for accomplishing something, achieving deep understanding of other people. Dreams, intuition, spirituality, healing, art, philosophy - all of these can be a source of inspiration in this house. Such a home will help you find people and money: they will be attracted thanks to your compassion and wisdom.
Problems of the house of Nine. When you think about the needs of humanity, you may overlook the needs of those with whom you live. Nine is a very powerful number that demands impartiality and universal love. This house is contraindicated for altruists, since in it they will live with the problems of others, forgetting about their needs and thus harming themselves.
The above characteristics do not mean that you urgently need to change your apartment or house. We all understand that choosing the address of your home is very difficult and sometimes impossible. Therefore, it is very important to remember that the vibration of each number has its own beauty and at the moment the number of your house or apartment is exactly the one you need. But perhaps this knowledge will help you understand the reasons for some of your failures in life and will provide guidance in the future when exchanging real estate or purchasing it. It is not without reason that it is said: knowledge is power.