The image of God was furious. The symbol of Yarilo in the history of the Slavs and the meaning of the amulet tattoo

Slavic culture identified natural phenomena with a specific deity, where each god was a patron in a certain area or cycle of life. Attitude towards various phenomena and the plants of the surrounding world as living entities helped our ancestors live in harmony with nature and themselves.

According to Slavic legends, the sun god had 4 hypostases corresponding to the seasons (life cycle).

    metal - used to create men's amulets (gold and iron);

    day of the week - Sunday.

In addition to those listed, the attributes of the spring sun are all solar symbols, as well as white horse, ears of ripe wheat, human skull. The Yarilo amulet is created using any of the attributes and is designed to enhance fertility, including for childless couples who want to conceive and give birth to a child.

Yarovit was depicted on a white horse, holding ears of wheat in one hand and a skull in the other. So he traveled around the spring fields, bestowing fertility. This image was created based on a description of the celebration of Yaril’s Day, found in many literary and historical sources.


The symbols of Slavic patrons have great strength and are used in the manufacture of amulets and amulets. Each god is the patron of certain gifts. God Yarilo is no exception.

The symbols of the Slavic spring sun and love are also very powerful. The most common signs that have found evidence in mythology, legends and tales.

There are many other signs of Yarilo personifying the sun and fertility, but not all have been confirmed in historical works available to modern archaeologists and historians.

The power of the amulet

The Yarilo talisman (amulet with the image of the sun) belongs to strong amulet has a positive effect on the disclosure of a person’s internal potential, enhances creativity and the desire to create something new enhances the energy of the owner.

The image of the sun is also a symbol of male fertility.

Making a “sun” amulet from threads protects the home and family from influence negative energy, enhances positive thinking, relieves depression and unkind thoughts.

The image of the sun can be used to decorate clothing or interiors in the form of a panel, painting, embroidered or knitted product.

Anyone can wear a solar amulet (children, women, men). At the same time, amulets made of gold or iron are more suitable for men, while knotted (made of thread) or embroidered are well suited for women and children.

Yarila in Orthodox feces endare (personification of the spring equinox)

After the introduction of Christianity, the image of Ruevit underwent changes and was partially transferred to St. George (Egory, Yuri).

The main day is considered to be the spring equinox on March 21-22. IN modern times The holiday is called Maslenitsa and is held with the ritual burning of an effigy. This ritual has ancient Slavic roots when, saying goodbye to winter, they burned a ritual doll, saying goodbye to winter, they greeted the awakening of nature with fun and good games. The meeting of spring was called Yarilov's festivities.

Afterwards, the ritual of burning Yarilo and greeting Kupala (Ivan Kupala Day) was carried out, celebrated on June 3 and marked the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

Deities associated with Yarila

The image of the sun god changes with the seasons from the newborn Kolyada to the elderly Svyantovit.

The god of spring and fertility is associated with Yarovit (the Baltic god of fertility). Ruevit is also associated with Yarila, which is translated from the Slavic “r’vati” as breaking the ice sheets.

They also compared it with Kostroma, where, according to some legends, she was Yaril’s wife - Yarilikha. According to other sources, the female hypostasis of the sun god (this assumption is not confirmed).

There was a ritual of honoring Yarila and Yarilikha, which indicates that these are different deities and Kostroma (Kostrobunka) still refers to his wife.

This ritual took place at Kupala, at the end of Rusalya Week (April 15). The role of Yarila and Yarilikha was played by a chosen guy and girl or costumed dolls. They dressed in white elegant clothes and celebrated with games and fun. At the end of the ceremony, the effigy was buried in the ground. The ceremony was dedicated to the main event of the Slavic family - the beginning of the sowing season.


Yarilo, the son of Veles, is the guardian of life and the patron of awakening. fertility and passion. The sun god favors people similar to him in character (cheerful, amorous and bright). The Yarilo amulet has many options, from a simple image of a celestial body to an image of the god himself and his attributes.

The power of the “sun” symbol is aimed at creation, development of talents and balancing of character. Suitable for home decoration and wearing as a body talisman. Refers to universal protective signs suitable for children and adults. However, metal options are still more masculine.

Slavic culture identified natural phenomena with a specific deity, where each god was a patron in a certain area or cycle of life. Treating various phenomena and plants of the surrounding world as living entities helped our ancestors live in harmony with nature and themselves.

According to Slavic legends, the sun god had 4 hypostases corresponding to the seasons (life cycle).

    metal - used to create men's amulets (gold and iron);

    day of the week - Sunday.

In addition to the above, the attributes of the spring sun are all solar symbols, as well as a white horse, ears of ripe wheat, and a human skull. The Yarilo amulet is created using any of the attributes and is designed to enhance fertility, including for childless couples who want to conceive and give birth to a child.

Yarovit was depicted on a white horse, holding ears of wheat in one hand and a skull in the other. So he traveled around the spring fields, bestowing fertility. This image was created based on a description of the celebration of Yaril’s Day, found in many literary and historical sources.


The symbols of Slavic patrons are very powerful and are used in the manufacture of amulets and amulets. Each god is the patron of certain gifts. God Yarilo is no exception.

The symbols of the Slavic spring sun and love are also very powerful. The most common signs that have found evidence in mythology, legends and tales.

There are many other signs of Yarilo personifying the sun and fertility, but not all have been confirmed in historical works available to modern archaeologists and historians.

The power of the amulet

The Yarilo talisman (an amulet with the image of the sun) is a strong amulet that has a positive effect on unlocking a person’s inner potential, enhances creativity and the desire to create something new, and enhances the owner’s energy.

The image of the sun is also a symbol of male fertility.

Making a “sun” amulet from threads protects the home and family from the influence of negative energy, enhances positive thinking, and relieves depression and bad thoughts.

The image of the sun can be used to decorate clothing or interiors in the form of a panel, painting, embroidered or knitted product.

Anyone can wear a solar amulet (children, women, men). At the same time, amulets made of gold or iron are more suitable for men, while knotted (made of thread) or embroidered are well suited for women and children.

Yarila in Orthodox feces endare (personification of the spring equinox)

After the introduction of Christianity, the image of Ruevit underwent changes and was partially transferred to St. George (Egory, Yuri).

The main day is considered to be the spring equinox on March 21-22. In modern times, the holiday is called Maslenitsa and is held with the ritual burning of an effigy. This ritual has ancient Slavic roots when, saying goodbye to winter, they burned a ritual doll, saying goodbye to winter, they greeted the awakening of nature with fun and good games. The meeting of spring was called Yarilov's festivities.

Afterwards, the ritual of burning Yarilo and greeting Kupala (Ivan Kupala Day) was carried out, celebrated on June 3 and marked the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

Deities associated with Yarila

The image of the sun god changes with the seasons from the newborn Kolyada to the elderly Svyantovit.

The god of spring and fertility is associated with Yarovit (the Baltic god of fertility). Ruevit is also associated with Yarila, which is translated from the Slavic “r’vati” as breaking the ice sheets.

They also compared it with Kostroma, where, according to some legends, she was Yaril’s wife - Yarilikha. According to other sources, the female hypostasis of the sun god (this assumption is not confirmed).

There was a ritual of honoring Yarila and Yarilikha, which indicates that these are different deities and Kostroma (Kostrobunka) still refers to his wife.

This ritual took place at Kupala, at the end of Rusalya Week (April 15). The role of Yarila and Yarilikha was played by a chosen guy and girl or costumed dolls. They dressed in white elegant clothes and celebrated with games and fun. At the end of the ceremony, the effigy was buried in the ground. The ceremony was dedicated to the main event of the Slavic family - the beginning of the sowing season.


Yarilo, the son of Veles, is the guardian of life and the patron of awakening. fertility and passion. The sun god favors people similar to him in character (cheerful, amorous and bright). The Yarilo amulet has many options, from a simple image of a celestial body to an image of the god himself and his attributes.

The power of the “sun” symbol is aimed at creation, development of talents and balancing of character. Suitable for home decoration and wearing as a body talisman. Refers to universal protective signs suitable for children and adults. However, metal options are still more masculine.

Yarilo - is the Slavic god of the spring sun, youthful strength, passion, unbridled thirst for life. This god is distinguished by purity, sincerity and fury. Yarilo let down to the ground sun rays, which in some cases are interpreted as love arrows. The Slavs represented God as the life-giving force of the spring sun, which fills the earth with life and joy after long winter, awakens from hibernation. The Slavic god Yarilo is considered patron of people with kind, pure, bright and heartfelt thoughts. They contacted him for help in conceiving children. He also answered for fertility and was considered the embodiment of rage in the most sublime sense.

Yarilo - God of the Spring Sun, son of Veles, God of the Three Worlds, and Divas-Dodols, Goddess of Heavenly Moisture. Slavic myths say that the God of young passion was born precisely from unexpected strong feelings. Veles once liked the beautiful Diva Dodola, but the wayward Goddess preferred Perun the Thunderer to him. Then Veles turned into a magic lily of the valley, which the Goddess Diva Dodola saw and could not resist smelling the magic flower. And so the young God appeared Spring Sun.

Yarilo took over from his father Veles male strength and the ability to shapeshift. Therefore, Yarilo became the patron saint of wolves, the Wolf Shepherd. From his mother Diva Dodola, he adopted his attractiveness and lively character, which is why Yarilo is revered as the God of Passion.

People believed that all wild animals, nature spirits and lower deities also obey him. In winter he became Frost and killed everything he created in the spring.

Main myth with the participation of this god is related to the creation of life on earth. When Mother Earth was sleeping under the blanket of Chaos, Yarilo appeared. He began to kiss her passionately, which made the Earth wake up. In the place where the sun god left his kiss, flowers, fields, forests, rivers, seas, etc. appeared. The warmth of the Slavic god Yarilo heated up the Earth so much that it gave birth to animals, birds, fish and other living creatures. That is why living beings are often called “children of Yarilo.” Special and passionate kisses led to the birth of a person.


Yarilo, the sun god, seemed to be an attractive young man. His hair was blond or reddish, his eyes were light blue, clear, and a red cloak fluttered behind his broad, powerful shoulders. Yarilo was seated on a fiery sun-horse. Many girls fell in love with the handsome young man. And God is ready to reciprocate each one. Being the god of fertility and childbirth, Yarilo also acts as the deity of bodily love between a man and a woman. This explains the fact that the Yarila doll was often made with a large phallus, which is the oldest symbol fertility.

Symbols of Yarilo.

Yarilo, as the sun god, had solar signs and symbols.

One of them is - "Solar Cross" . It was usually worn by priests, warriors of princes and warriors. The solar cross was used as a body amulet. He personified all the spiritual power and purity of Yarilo.

The next symbol of this god was - Salting. He served as the personification of the setting and falling asleep luminary Yarilo. This marked the end of the day, when work for the benefit of glorifying one’s family ended and twilight came. But this darkness was blessed for the working people, since it was righteous for the day’s labors and served as peace.

"England"- this is the idolizing fire from which both gods and worlds were born. This is the victory of the righteous light over the deceitful darkness. England burns in Yarilo, an eternal fire that spills onto the ground.

Svaor-Solntsevrat was a symbol of the movement. Yarilo, the god on his horse, moved across the sky from dawn to sunset. So Svaor-Solntsevrat personified the movement human soul from darkness to light, from doubts to the purity of your thoughts.

The rise of Yarilo the sun at dawn was personified "Kolovrat" . It was a symbol of the victory of life over death.

"Colard" was a sign of fertility that God gave Yarilo to the damp earth. It was a sign of filling with God's grace and blessing, purity and light, uniting the wisdom of the Family of all and bestowing prosperity.

Yarovik is a swastika, solar, four-ray symbol. The sign looks like an oblique cross ending in four crescent-shaped rays. The Yarovik symbol used to be not only worn as a personal amulet, but was drawn on barns with grain and on the gates of the yard where there were livestock. So Yarilo was asked to protect grain and livestock from wild animals that obey this Slavic God.

As a personal amulet, the symbol of God Yarilo worn for confidence, courage, vitality, vigor, for joy and happiness, for the birth of new love.

Equilateral five-pointed star or Oud rune , which is an allegory of male creative (or creating) energy.

Attributes of the god Yarilo

The sun god was endowed with attributes such as arrow, spear, ear of corn, wreath, golden shield or circle representing the sun.

Considered to be the stone of God amber,

Metal - gold and iron,

Day - Sunday.

Animal - wolf, hare

Treba (offering)- pancakes, grain, porridge, pies, eggs, honey.

Also, all solar symbols can be identified with Yarila.

Holidays of Yarila

Yarilo, the sun god, was revered since from March 21, day spring equinox , which also coincided with the pagan holiday Maslenitsa. From this day began the time of the spring sun god. And it continued until June 21-22 when the moment came have a long day and herself short night per year. Another day of Yarila - April 15. At the festival, a bride was chosen for God - the most beautiful girl in the settlement. They called her Yarilikha or Yarila.

Yarilo(Yarovit, Ardent Whirlwind, Ardent God, Wolf Shepherd) - Slavic God of the Spring Sun, revered by the Slavs as the God of Fertility and passion, a skilled warrior and the first farmer. Yarilo is revered as the Wolf Shepherd. Shepherds turn to God Yarilo with requests to protect livestock from wild animals. Farmers turn to Yarilo during the festival of the first furrow. Warriors also honor him. We can say that the Slavic God of the Spring Sun is revered by everyone.

Along with Yarilo comes the revival of earthly life, the awakening of feelings, and an influx of strength. It is Yarilo who brings Lelya, the Goddess of Spring, to the people on the day of the vernal equinox.

Yarilo is the God of the Spring Sun, the son of Veles, the God of the Three Worlds, and Diva-Dodola, the Goddess of Heavenly Moisture. Slavic myths say that the God of young passion was born precisely from unexpected strong feelings. Veles once liked the beautiful Diva Dodola, but the wayward Goddess preferred Perun the Thunderer to him. Then Veles turned into a magic lily of the valley, which the Goddess Diva Dodola saw and could not resist smelling the magic flower. This is how the young God of the Spring Sun appeared.

From his father Veles, Yarilo adopted masculine strength and werewolf abilities. Therefore, Yarilo became the patron saint of wolves, the Wolf Shepherd. From his mother Diva Dodola, he adopted his attractiveness and lively character, which is why Yarilo is revered as the God of Passion.

Legends and myths about the Slavic God Yarilo

Many myths and legends have been preserved about the Slavic God of the Spring Sun, Yarilo. In many tales, Yarilo is described as an assistant to lovers or as the patron of Wolves and other wild animals. The most famous myth about Yarilo is associated with him as the God of Fertility.

According to this myth, the Slavs did not always cultivate the land and grow bread. For a long time the ability to grow rye, make flour and bake bread from it. For the first time, God Yarilo tried wonderful cakes in an overseas country, and later he learned to make them himself. The people with whom Yarilo was visiting taught him how to make bread, and the God of the Spring Sun brought this knowledge to the Slavs. First, Yarilo gave the Gods a taste of bread, and after that they all decided together how to teach people to sow grain. The Slavs considered the body of the Mother of the Raw Earth inviolable and would not agree to cause her pain. But the Earth Goddess herself agreed that her son Mikula Selyanovich make the first furrow, and Yarilo sow the first grains. Since then, Yarilo has been revered as the God of Fertility.

Zelen Yarilo came to us -

Ardent God on a green horse,

Green like grass

Dewy like dew.

Brought grain of grain

And good news from the Sun!

Amulet - symbol of God Yarilo

Amulet Slavic God It's called Yarilo Yarovik. This is a swastastic, solar, four-ray symbol. The sign looks like an oblique cross ending in four crescent-shaped rays. The Yarovik symbol used to be not only worn as a personal amulet, but was drawn on barns with grain and on the gates of the yard where there were livestock. So Yarilo was asked to protect grain and livestock from wild animals that obey this Slavic God.

As a personal amulet, the symbol of God Yarilo worn for confidence, courage, vitality, vigor, for joy and happiness, for the birth of new love.

Attributes of God Yarilo

Animal- wolf, hare.

Heraldry, objects– ear, wreath, branch with young leaves.

Treba (offering)- pancakes, grain, porridge, pies, eggs, honey.

Yarilo - Patron God

Yarilo can become a patron god for those who are similar in character to him. These are people sociable, emotional, charming. They love to say kind, pleasant things to others, they know how to lift their spirits and cheer them up. Those who are close to God Yarilo are always ready to help those who are in trouble: they can give good advice or find a way out. difficult situation. People similar in character to Yarilo are bright, creative, but quickly cool down, begin to get bored and are looking for a new business or a new lover.

In the character of those for whom Yarilo can become a patron, there are such quality:

  • optimism;
  • goodwill;
  • sociability;
  • emotionality;
  • mood addiction;
  • dislike of order and schedule.

Yarilo in the northern tradition of fortune telling and magic

The Slavic Rez of God Yarilo depicts a sign Yarovik.

Reza number – 25.

Reza Yarilo falls out, when “spring” comes in a person’s life - a time of bright feelings, emotions, enjoyment of life in its earthly, obvious manifestation. This is the time when you should put aside calculations and trust your feelings, not be afraid to live boldly and open up to people. However, at the same time, sometimes unpleasant things are revealed that a person had not noticed before and did not find the strength to face.

Read more about the meaning of Reza God Yarilo in fortune telling in the article Reza Rod Yarilo

Holidays where Yarilo, God of the Slavs, is honored

Several holidays are dedicated to the Slavic God Yarilo:

March 20-21 (date changes depending on different years) – Spring Solstice, Yarilo brings Lelya-Spring into the world of Reveal.

The clear sun knows and knows what is in a person’s heart, what is hiding in the shade of branchy trees. Nothing can be hidden from the clear-eyed, not even a matter

sinners, nor good ones. With its rays it will warm the crippled and the suffering from the heartache from the winter cold. The shining sun sheds its love on the earth every single day, with the gold of its hair and the azure of its eyes.

In the spring, Yarilo, the god, emerges from the ring of cold hands of dark Mary and descends to the earth to melt the ice and snow, drive them in streams across the sleepy earth and give the seed of life to its depths. With the steps of Yarilo, the human tribe also comes to life: the maidens are filled with beauty, like apples in divine gardens, and young men light up from that beauty with a wild flame and the rage of their patron. And if the sun smiles on Yarilo, then there will be endless weddings and feasts, for he is life and strength, and blossoming and young exuberance.

The son of the eternal Veles is like the spring wind, wild and cheerful. Its strength lies in the warmth and light that the sun sends its rays to the earth during the day. And the god Yarilo breathes with love: from his love the fields are eared with gold, the rivers gurgle in the expanse, the maidens smile languidly, hiding their eyes under the shadow of their eyelashes, the boys’ shoulders become wider and stronger.

The son of Dodola, the rejected one, has a beautiful face. In his eyes is the carelessness of the spring sky and in his hair the rays of the sun weave a web. On his white horse, Yarilo gallops across the skies and illuminates the earth. On his head, like a crown, is a wreath of scarlet poppies, like blood itself, and the smile of the sun shines like pearls, blinding with its whiteness.

Wherever the bright god passes, there will now be a good harvest and human happiness. Yarilo God does not like the unfaithful and deceitful, for the light should not be stained by darkness. Only pure thoughts and a heart full of goodness are grace for the Most Serene One. Yarilo the Sun will love such people and will send them his grace: the ears of corn will grow heavy in the fields of the clear-eyed people’s favorites, laughter will be heard in the walls of their houses, and healthy children will be born, strong and cheerful in disposition. Because Yarilo is the protector of the kind and cheerful. Life from him through light is given to the human world, therefore they called him a great luminary and loved and prayed for him.

They came to the clear-eyed one for advice, for he knew about human feelings and that reason prevailed. But it was not blind and insignificant lust, but love that burned between human hearts. And the lovers asked Yarilo the Sun for help and protection, so that no one could separate them and take away the half they had acquired. Yarilo himself, however, also madly loved all women both on earth and in the expanses of heaven. His heart is great and his love is for everyone. The goddesses fell in love with him and forgot about their pride and destiny, they swore their feelings to the beautiful Yarilo. Such was Lelya, born at dawn and beautiful. And Yarilo loved her, like the ancestor of the gods Lada and the cold Mara, for his love was too great for one.

Yarilo shot his rays as if he were shooting arrows. They fell into the ground, and the grass grew lush and lush there, and they fell into people’s hearts, and they completely fell in love. But one day the wind, called to the aid of the Fathers by Veles, returned the solar arrow to Yarilo and great love befell the heart of God. He saw the beautiful Taya and forgot everything, for that maiden was more beautiful than any spring. I forgot about all the red maidens, the Sun Yarilo and passion flared up in him like a flame. He desired only her - Taya, the daughter of Svetogor and Plenka, and took her as his wife before the human and divine race, for from now on only the cheerful and mischievous Yarilo God will remain faithful to her.

Yarilo - God of the Slavs.

The ancient Slavs believed in the sun, but they just called it differently. Someone prayed in the name of Yarilo, someone in the darkness of the night prayed for the dawn of Yarovit, someone called the sun Jaromir, for he gave the world a bright light. There were many and different names, but the Slavs still believed in the same god - the Sun, who drove away the winter cold with his warmth and filled the world and human hearts with light.

The name Yarilo seems to speak of something fierce, bright, uncontrollable and strong. And such was God Yarilo - the god of youth and youthful strength, the god of feelings and flesh of love, the god of fertility and harvest, the god of light and warmth. He has many names and many opinions about where these names came from. The root of the god's name "yar" means spring and fertile. Hence the words “ardent” - angry, passionate; “yaritsa” - spring; “Yarny Bread” is fresh, fragrant bread. This is where the belief arose that Yarilo is God coming to earth in the spring, walking and bringing harvest and love.

Yarilo was also worshiped by other peoples. The Baltic Slavs worshiped a deity called Yarovit, otherwise Gerovit. This god had symbols: a golden helmet and a large round shield made of gold. They seemed to personify the duality of the Sun: its warmth and light, which gave life, and its rage and heat, which could incinerate enemies. Therefore, among the Baltic people, Yarovit was not only the god of the sun and spring, but also the god of war. Among the Serbian and Croatian tribes, such a god was called Lero.

Symbols of Yarilo.

Yarilo, as the sun god, had solar signs and symbols. One of them is “C”. It was usually worn by priests, warriors of princes and warriors. The solar cross was used as a body amulet. He personified all the spiritual power and purity of Yarilo.

The next symbol of this god was Salting. He served as the personification of the setting and falling asleep luminary Yarilo. This marked the end of the day, when work for the benefit of glorifying one’s family ended and twilight came. But this darkness was blessed for the working people, since it was righteous for the day’s labors and served as peace.

"" is the idolizing fire from which both gods and worlds were born. This is the victory of the righteous light over the deceitful darkness. England burns in Yarilo, an eternal fire that spills onto the ground.

Svaor-Solntsevrat was a symbol of the movement. Yarilo, the god on his horse, moved across the sky from dawn to sunset. So Svaor-Solntsevrat personified the movement of the human soul from darkness to light, from doubts to the purity of one’s thoughts.

The rise of the Yarilo sun at dawn was personified by "". It was a symbol of the victory of life over death.

"" was a sign of fertility, which God Yarilo gave to the damp earth. It was a sign of filling with God's grace and blessing, purity and light, uniting the wisdom of the Family of all and bestowing prosperity.

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