Articles on magic and witchcraft. Slavic ritual for love from Elena Yasevich

They often come to me interesting questions about magic, signs of magical influence, methods of protection, etc. I decided to write a short series of articles in which I will try to give answers about what a love spell is, what ways there are to make a love spell, how to understand that a love spell is working, how to protect yourself from a love spell and many others .

Articles by the magician A. Petrov on other topics about magic

In addition to love magic and love spells, in practice magical help many more different types influences.

Here I want to collect some of my articles that may help you use magic yourself to solve your problems.

— We increase attractiveness by strengthening health, gaining beauty and youth.

- what this type of damage is and how black magic works.

- a reliable means of providing protection from love magic so that you can be calm about your life and feelings. But remember that it requires removal of the love spell if the influence has already been exerted on you.

- black magic for men that can remove an opponent.

- to quickly end a difficult and difficult relationship with a spouse in an unsuccessful marriage, and if the husband himself is against divorce.

— help yourself earn extra money and win the lottery with the help of my original and very simple ritual.

- you yourself can eliminate your rival by damaging her relationship with your loved one.

- a ritual of love magic, which I advise you to use if your feeling of jealousy interferes with your relationship and harms it.

- is it possible to do this? What is required for the ritual, how to remove damage to relationships at home? Is there a way to return the quarrel back to the one who caused it? I answer all these questions in this article. And I present a method of practical magical work.

- how to attract success and good luck in love and other relationships.

— about how the ritual for money works, how to use it to increase your own success and well-being.

- a magical effect aimed at separating people’s destinies, divorcing them life paths. It is used in love magic and to destroy other types of relationships, including friendships and partnerships.

— I explain in the article how this type of protection against negative energies and the effects of black magic.

- how does this work and manifest itself? severe damage relationships.

— how to divorce a husband from a rival, how black magic can help in the struggle for a relationship with a loved one.

- how to attract positive energy to yourself and make a talisman for money.

An article about quarrel questions that are asked when seeking magical help.

What is magical diagnostics, how is it carried out and what does not apply to it.

A few words and ways to protect yourself from negative influence evil eye and damage.

About what damage is and how to induce it through an object thrown to a person.

A way to fight a rival for a relationship.

Conspiracies to help get rid of alcohol addiction.

A selection of articles about magic

Interesting, in my opinion, articles about magic, about different branches of magic. Here there are materials about love spells, and about removing damage (the evil eye), and about protection with the help of talismans. Use with caution.

In the article you will find four ways to help remove the generational curse.

After reading the article, you will learn several effective and reliable ways to protect yourself from negativity, such as the evil eye or damage.

Methods and magical rituals that will help punish the offender and restore justice.

Four rituals of elemental magic for different cases life.

Magic will help you get rid of loneliness.

Ways to cleanse your home from negativity, evil and dark magical energies and forces.

Detailed information about love spells and their use in love magic, as well as means of protecting against love spells.

You will learn how to attract love into your life and find your “soul mate” from this article.

Good ways to eliminate negativity, even severe damage.

How to easily solve complex problems? The magic of candles will help you organize your personal life, protect against the evil eye and attract good luck.

Summoning rituals, various invitations, conspiracies for a meeting.

A collection of conspiracies against hiccups, damage, condemnation, influx, bringing, prizor, scratching, evil eye.

Conspiracies designed to protect against damage and the evil eye, and other malicious actions.

Ways to remove a love spell. An article about how to make a lapel.

Tips on how to remove the lining and protect yourself from damage and the evil eye.

What is a talisman and how the amulet works you will learn from this article.

These love drinks and love potions will come in handy if you want to cast a love spell on your loved one.

Using apples in love magic. Apple love spells.

A few signs and notes that will help you find luck.

For good and profitable trade, as well as spells and amulets against the evil eye.

To make money flow to you and avoid problems, use conspiracies for wealth, for success, and against the evil eye.

If you need to attract the energy of success and good luck, and earn more money, then you can use conspiracies for this.

If you need to repay a debt or if you need to force the debtor to plan, use the spells from the article.

If you want to sell property, a house, a car, then use conspiracies and slander to attract success in this matter.

Methods and simple love spell rituals that use spells. And also just a collection of conspiracies to enhance attractiveness and beauty.

Conspiracies to attract success in business. There are simple rituals for attracting good luck in your studies.

. An article about fortune telling methods for Christmas. Interesting way carry out free time. Some fortune telling is good to use with friends, and some fortune telling girls and young people should use alone. This especially applies to fortune telling for love, fortune telling for a betrothed, or fortune telling for a girl.

. The article will tell you about two simple and effective ways removing damage and the evil eye. This practice of cleansing from damage and the evil eye is easy and widespread both among magicians themselves and as a recipe for home use by ordinary people.

. Spells and small rituals of village magic that you can use for a love spell.

. Love spells that can be done using food.

. Spells used in love magic. They help you make a love spell.

. Article on Relationships and Usage psychological techniques flirting for their development.

. The method of fortune telling is fortune telling on cards. Very common methods of fortune telling.

. An article about talismans that can be created using natural sources magic - stones.

How wonderfully written!

But love, I think, is something special. This is art.

The more attention and time you devote to your questions, the more beautiful the answers become.

Life is a conversation. Make it beautiful.

Original article
Translation: Natalie Zhukova

When I was a mom to 3 tiny, beautiful messes, we had days that lasted for centuries. Craig left at 6am every day and I watched him shower, iron his clothes and leave the house, I felt incredibly grateful and excited to spend so much time with the children and terribly sad at the same time. If you don't believe that these feelings can arise at the same time, well, that means you've never been a parent. large quantity tiny, adorable messes.

When Craig returned every day at 6 pm (actually, at 5:50, but he took an INCREDIBLY LONG time to get the mail), he walked into the house, smiled and said - Well? How was your day?

This question was like a spotlight illuminating the crack between his perception of “DAY” and my “DAY”. How was my DAY?

This question hung in the air for some time while I stared at Craig, and the little one stuck her hand in my mouth as usual - while the oldest one screamed from the bathtub - MOMMY, HELP ME POOPE, and the middle one was crying in the corner because I NEVER EVER EVER let her drink dish soap. NOT ONE TIME, MOM!!! And I looked at my spaghetti-stained pajama top, my unwashed hair and the beautiful baby on my hip - my eyes wandered around the room, stopping at the toys scattered on the floor and the magnificent drawing of the child on the refrigerator.

And I would like to say:

“How was my day? It was an eternity. It was best time, it was worst time. There were moments when I thought my heart was so full that it might explode, and at other moments I was under such powerful pressure that I was sure that my heart would DEFINITELY explode. I was both lonely and absolutely desperate to be alone. I was soaked, simply SURROUNDED by hugs and the very second I let go of my baby, I again longed to hear the scent of his delicate skin. I was both bored as hell and completely overloaded with things to do. Today there was too much and something was missing. It was loud and quiet. It was disgusting and beautiful. It was my best day and, literally a minute later, my worst. At 3.30 I decided that we needed to adopt 4 more children, and at 3.35 I decided that we needed to give them back.

Husband - when your day absolutely, totally depends on the moods, needs and regimes of three tiny, charming dirty girls - your day is FULL OF BUSINESS and at the same time NO BUSINESS AT ALL, sometimes within three minutes. But I'm not complaining. This is not a complaint, so don't try to SOLVE THE PROBLEM. I wouldn't want to spend my day any other way.
I just want to say: it's incredibly difficult to explain - all day with several children."

But I'm too tired to say all this. So I just cry, or scream, or smile and say, “Okay,” and then I ship the baby and run to the Target store to wander aimlessly, because that’s all I wanted.

But I will be very sad, because love is when you are seen and known, but then they didn’t see me and didn’t know me. All this was really difficult to explain. I was lonely.

So we went to therapy as usual.

In therapy we learned to ask each other the right questions. We realized that if we really want to get to know each other, if it is important for us to get to know each other, we need to ask the right questions and sincerely listen to the answers.

Questions with the following subtext: “I’m not just asking out of politeness. It is important to me what you say and how you feel. I really want to get to know you."

If we want to receive one-time answers, we cannot ask one-time questions. A caring question is the key that opens up new space in the person we love.

So Craig and I no longer ask, “How was your day?” After years of practicing asking each other deep questions, we found ourselves asking each other questions like:

When did you feel loved today?
When were you lonely?
What did I do today that made you feel accepted?
What did I say that made you feel left out?
What can I do to help you right now?

I know – it’s SCAAAAAAAY at first. But after some time... It's no stranger than asking the same stupid, empty questions that you always asked and to which you received the same empty answers as always.

And now, when our children come home from school, we don’t say: “How was your day?” Because they don't know. They had a lot going on during the day.

Instead we ask:
How did you feel during the spelling dictation?
What did you tell the new girl before the holidays started?
Did you feel lonely today?
Were there any moments today when you were proud of yourself?
And I never ask my friends: “How are you?” Because they don't know either.
Instead I ask.
How is your mom's chemotherapy going?
How did that conference with Ben's teacher go?
What's good about your job now?

Questions are like gifts. These are the feelings hidden behind the respondent’s thoughts. We must know the person in order to give the right gift and ask the right question. There is nothing wrong with formal questions and gifts.
But love, I think, is something special. This is art.
The more attention and time you devote to your questions, the more beautiful the answers become.
Life is a conversation. Make it beautiful.

At all times, most people dream of their own home and put a lot of effort into it. But sometimes it happens that the income seems to be large and favorable opportunities are outlined, but dreams of your own corner remain dreams. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a ritual to attract an apartment, which has already helped many believers.

Who invented it, who first described it and who applied it, unfortunately, cannot be determined. However, one thing is clear - it works! And even those who do not have a special belief in God or magic were also once surprised by the opportunities that became available after it was held. Apparently invisible forces of the universe allow a person to achieve what seemed impossible or unlikely.

Open your Soul to April

Rain, snow, wind, frost and suddenly: one - and the shining sun! Let it be for a minute, let it be for half an hour, but it breaks through the dense cover of clouds and pierces the flickering drops on the swollen buds. It's the end of March, the prelude to flowering and wildness. And very soon April will open her soul to us.Can you feel it?

You peer into the sky and ask: “Well, how long is it possible?.. Well, when?..” And this “when…” is packed with so much anticipation, so much languor.

You pause near the wet lilac bushes and touch the green ones with your fingers. noses of future leaves? And you think: “Today a millimeter more))”

Do you smile at the dense greenery of the tulips?

Slavic ritual for love: appeal to the goddess Makosh

Slavic ritual for love from Elena Yasevich

The essence of the ritual is to appeal to the beautiful ancient Slavic goddess Makosh, which is the archetype of female strength. It is especially strong in the spring, mainly in the month of April, during the period of awakening and flowering of nature. So this ritual for love will be very useful, since it is spring and right now the help of the goddess Makosh will be most powerful.

Maslenitsa rituals for beauty and wealth

Maslenitsa is, first of all, a symbol of prosperity, a cozy home and family well-being.

The house and family hearth are protected by the spirit of the house - the brownie, and it is he who should definitely bow to Maslenitsa.

From the first pancakes that will be baked in Maslenitsa week You should put one pancake aside, pour milk into a bowl, and put everything in a secluded corner, saying the spell:

Carnival. Maslenitsa rituals.

Winter away! Long live Spring! Are you already feeling the warmth and sun approaching? How fresh and joyful does it feel around? And even if the cold wind is still blowing outside and snow is falling, spring is already on the way... and with it the most magical time of transition - Maslenitsa!

It marks the end of winter and is celebrated widely and cheerfully. Pancakes are the main delicacy during this wild week. They look like the sun and represent joy and prosperity. It is believed that the lives of those who try pancakes on Maslenitsa will definitely change for the better. I suggest adding even more magic to them!

Maslenitsa: rites and rituals

During the week before Lent, Slavic traditional holiday- Maslenitsa. Rituals and rituals performed at this time will help you get rich, get rid of diseases and find personal happiness.

Maslenitsa - folk holiday, which has centuries-old history. Initially, the celebration was pagan, but over time Orthodox Church included it in the calendar of church holidays.

The celebration of Maslenitsa always begins on Monday and lasts for the rest of the week. On Sunday evening before the holiday, young people went out into the street to cheerfully celebrate it. The most important dish of Maslenitsa is pancakes. They are baked in large quantities, treating them to relatives, friends and acquaintances. During the holiday week, it is customary to visit guests and eat heartily the offered treats.

Powerful rituals - February 15

For the ritual you will need:

1. Blank notebook or notebook
2. Printed image of Tara
3. Large candle (so that it burns for a long, long time)
4. Red pen or pencil
5. Simple blue pen and glue.
6. Good mood and pure intention.

Guardian Angel Watch in February 2019: golden minutes for making wishes

Behind every person there is an invisible Guardian Angel who protects and guides the right way. When is the most favorable moment in February 2019 to ask your angel for support and protection?

Every month there are truly magical moments when you can turn to your guardian angel with a request or gratitude and be heard. Use this time wisely, ask as needed and don’t forget to thank for the help provided. Sincere prayers and requests can change your life for the better and save you from many troubles.

February 8 - from 10:10 to 10:55 - sincerely talk with your guardian angel and ask him to protect you and your loved ones from any evil;

Morning ritual of luck, attracting good luck for the whole day

You know the expression: “I got off on the wrong foot”? It’s about how you set yourself up for the whole day, that’s how it will be for you. Many people know about this, so they meditate after waking up or perform morning rituals to attract wealth, good luck and happiness.

We invite you to get acquainted with light morning a ritual that will set you up for a productive day and attract good luck into your life. It is carried out in the first hour after waking up, when the body is just getting ready to work.

What is the essence of the ritual?
A morning ritual to attract good luck is a little gymnastics with motivating words. Try to do it every day, and you will notice that happiness begins to accompany you. Clothes during the ritual should be loose, so as not to “fetter” the release of positive energy into space.

This article is not about the rules of interaction with the Universe. There are three main laws in magic that every practitioner and every person who wants to clarify the seemingly inexplicable course of things needs to know. According to these laws, many rituals have been built that can be performed at a distance.

There are three lawssympathetic magic: law of the whole, law of contact And law of similarity. Very often in practice these laws are combined, i.e. one phenomenon that has occurred can be explained by two or three laws at once. Knowing the laws of magic is useful, on the one hand, for successful practice, and on the other hand, to protect your health and well-being.

For reference: Sympathetic Magic- this is the magic of relationship built on a common related trait.

1 - Law of the Whole

The Law of the Magic of the Wholereads:Parts of one whole forever remain connected to each other and influence each other.

We look at the fire of one candle and see the lights of all the other candles. Thus, through fire, you can establish a connection with any lit candle, since candle lights are parts of one whole fire.

In a ritual for money, when two candles (a person and money) are connected, his name is written on the candle symbolizing the person (or himself personally), and the color of the candle is chosen according to the color of his zodiac sign. Here a person and his name, the characteristics of his zodiac sign are part of one whole.

Many people know that cut hair (like nails) should not be thrown away, and not only because it can be used to cause damage. Our hair is a part of us, and every part of our body stores our memory and information about us. Therefore, it is best to burn cut hair. This is especially true for those with long hair.

The umbilical cord and placenta, which remain from the baby’s stay in the mother’s tummy, remain connected to him forever and have an impact on him. (Do not give this to doctors whose interests are to make money from selling the placenta.) If the placenta is harmed, it will negatively affect the baby. Traditionally, the dried placenta and umbilical cord were buried under a strong tree (such as an oak tree).

2 - Law of Contact

The Law of Contact Magicreads:Objects that once interacted (there was contact) remain connected to each other. The strength of the connection established between them depends on the degree and duration of contact.

A person’s clothes, which he has worn for a long time, retain a connection with him on a subtle energy level. Just compare your feelings when you put on new and old clothes: you have to get used to the first one, but in the second case, this thing is perceived as yours, it becomes part of you. For a shaman, his ritual costume is like a second body. And even if this suit hangs on a hanger, its presence will be felt. (Remember your night awakenings, when you were still a child in a semi-trance, looking at clothes lying on a chair, and saw a person sitting there...) Therefore, you should not throw away your clothes or give them to someone unknown: if you help a beggar in this way, you will attract problems with money , if you are sick, you will get sick.

There are signs that warn against sleeping on someone else’s pillow or wearing someone else’s hat, so as not to exchange thoughts. And all according to the same law. Also, you shouldn’t use someone else’s handkerchief - it’s like taking on someone else’s tears. And all according to the same law.

Based on a trace left on the ground or sand, an experienced sorcerer can cause damage. Catchphrase "cover your tracks", which is more often used in a figurative meaning: to remove all signs of one’s presence in certain place or in fact, has magical roots and was once used in direct meaning. (This information is not a recommendation to walk around the city with a broom and sweep after yourself. It is unlikely that someone will do this to you, unless, of course, you are a person like Peter I. i.e., where there is money and power , there is a risk of magical attack.)

3 - Law of Similarity

Law of magic of similarityreads:Objects and phenomena that have similar look, have similar properties.

An amulet with an image of a wolf, in itself, of course, is not a representative of this species, but it carries similar qualities ( magical properties this animal). It’s the same with icons: the saints depicted on them are not the saints themselves, but they are their images, so there is a connection. Likewise with the god and goddess figurines. The example with the portrait of Dorian Gray also refers to the magic of similarity. Drawn events can come true, especially if the picture depicting them is filled with strength. According to the magic of similarity, the healer helps his patient remotely, i.e. heals from a distance or performs cleansing.

It is impossible to know everything about yourself, about life, and about magic, but if you ask the question: everything about magic that you wanted to know, then it is possible to expand the topic.

Does magic work?

Everyone knows about numerous experiments varying degrees scientificity, to prove that magic does not work (or that magic works), attempts to understand, if not everything about magic, then at least something.

Since experiments are constantly repeated, it is obvious that nothing can be proven. Why? First of all, apparently, the problem is that one of the foundations of magical practice is a mystical way of understanding the world - that is, by finding the truth within oneself. The magician relies in his actions on himself, his knowledge and beliefs. This is very subjective, very personal and cannot be verified experimentally. There's nothing to test here - one person likes sushi, another likes Turkish delight, another likes beer. Some people think that the best time of life is carefree childhood, the other believes that this is maturity, with its baggage of experience and personal achievements. Which one is right? The question doesn't make sense. Everyone is right in their own way, based on proven personal experience. And everyone, based on their preferences, leads their life as best they can.

Therefore, experiments, attempts to understand everything about magic, whether it works, built on a scientific approach, fail. This is the essence of the subject under study.

What's true in articles about magic

Articles about magic are varied and numerous, they are written by magicians themselves - then what is written reflects the point of view of the author, and by copywriters to order - and then the quality of the information may not be obvious. As a result, the reader is unable to form his own point of view. This is understandable - magic is not theoretical, it is a path of personal activity.
Articles about magic and materials on the theory of magic are useful in that they give direction to personal interest and provide at least a little orientation in the ocean of texts. But in order to understand everything about magic that you wanted to know, you need your own experience, supported by knowledge. Until you try, you won't know.

In the past, there were no questions about whether magic works or not, or whether magic should be practiced. Magic, folk magic is an attribute of any traditional culture; magical practices are part of everyday life.

Folk magic in the calendar

In former times, days were identified in the year that had special energy when the seasons changed. As a rule, they were noted on fresh air, gifts were brought to the gods and spirits of nature.

Winter Solstice Day

Kolyada, the longest night of the year, after which the day began to arrive. Our ancestors dressed up in costumes and gathered in the forest, choosing the most beautiful Christmas tree- Veles tree, they dressed her up and, with songs, danced in circles, glorifying Veles.


Christmastide lasted from December 21 to January 5; it was believed that on these days the souls of the dead descended to earth and through them one could find out one’s future, receive encouragement, and correct mistakes. These days it was good to guess.

Blessing of Waters

On January 6, everyone who was dressed up for Kolyada or told fortunes at Christmas time was obliged to plunge into an ice hole in order to wash off the remnants of the navy spell and become invisible to evil spirits.


On March 14, Maslenitsa began, which lasted until spring equinox. On these days, they said goodbye to the winter with merry festivities, burned a straw effigy and baked pancakes.

Red Hill

March 21 is the day of the vernal equinox or Great Day. It is also called “Red Hill”. Celebration of the beginning of spring. According to legend, on this day the spirits of the dead turned into birds and at dawn flew to the very high mountain. The holiday was celebrated with round dances. They also lit a wheel and rolled it down a mountain into a river or lake.
On the night of April 30 to May 1, a fertility holiday is celebrated - we know it as Walpurgis Night. People gathered in the fields, lit fires and asked the gods for a good harvest.

Mermaid Week

From June 14 to June 20, on these days birch trees were decorated and generous tables were set right in the groves. The girls told fortunes about their betrothed, wove wreaths and floated them on the water. Swimming was forbidden, as water spirits were glorified on these days.

Ivana Kupala

June 21 – summer solstice or Ivan Kupala. The most short night and the longest day of the year. According to legend, on this night the fern blossomed with a magical color and whoever finds it will gain unprecedented power. It was believed that the flower was protected evil spirits and the one who managed to find him could even be deprived of his mind. Witches also stocked up on witchcraft herbs and Kupala dew for the whole year ahead, which could heal even seriously ill patients. In all villages, loud celebrations were held on this day with bonfires, songs and round dances. The girls told fortunes on wreaths, the guys measured their strength.

The magical purpose of each holiday, dance, game, song was known to each participant from childhood, then magic and life were not separated.

This is only part of the Wheel of the Year, the main points. Next come Spas, Autumn Grandfathers (Halloween) and so on.

With the advent of Christianity to our lands, many holidays changed greatly and not all lost their scale, but were transformed “to suit the new faith.” Probably, while reading, you yourself easily recognized by the attributes which modern holidays, church and secular, what they came from.

Folk magic, based on natural rhythms and the agricultural calendar, is fundamental, oldest species witchcraft, and trying to learn everything about magic, it is impossible to avoid this topic.