Yoga morning exercises for easy awakening. Morning yoga poses to help you wake up

I think many people have a good tradition of making a promise to themselves in the evening to do exercises in the morning. True, in the morning the enthusiasm disappears somewhere, the strength is only enough to pull your hand out from under the robe and turn off the alarm clock.

It is useless to scold yourself; not everyone has strong, persistent motivation that can get them out of bed an hour earlier. But if you manage to force yourself to do quality morning physical activity for several weeks in a row, then soon the habit itself will get you out of bed. Morning exercise should be something you enjoy. Yoga in the morning is a great alternative to boring regular exercise.

The first set of exercises with Irina Mezhakova will help the body slowly wake up and prepare for the start of a new day. Yoga in the morning should be performed especially carefully, avoid sudden irritated movements. To always wake up easily and start studying with pleasure, place a bottle of your favorite aromatic oil by your bed: citrus, rosemary, juniper or basil. They will help you cheer up and wake up faster.

Next comes a more complex complex with Katerina Buida. Here the exercises are more dynamic, the stretching is stronger and deeper. But the effect is worth the effort - a slim figure and a great mood are guaranteed. This is because yoga in the morning promotes the production of endorphins and perfectly replaces a chocolate bar. A little secret: to make it easier to get up in the morning before getting out of bed, drink a glass of warm, clean water. This will not only set your body up for work, but will also help you lose weight.

For those who have finally woken up and are full of energy, I suggest continuing the morning exercise with hatha yoga. This ancient practice, which helps to bring into unity the masculine (“ha” - sun) and feminine (“tha” - moon) principles, will set the necessary rhythm for the beginning of the day. To perform yoga in the morning with greater psychological comfort, practice in the same clothes, on the same mat at the same time. This helps you form a good habit faster.

And the last complex for working out energy channels using breathing techniques and special asanas will set you up for a harmonious perception of the internal and external aspects of life, and will help you remember that we are not so much physical beings as spiritual ones. Actually, this is why the yoga system was created a long time ago.

We finish our complex with meditation to pleasant music. Let this light, pure melody make the rhythm of your day harmonious. Good luck!

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Good morning everyone! Many of you, in moments of lack of energy, are concerned with the question - how to achieve an active, energetic life? An important step in this direction is the habit of starting the day with exercise, for example, the practice of greeting the sun “Surya Namaskar”. In yoga, this is a whole set of asanas aimed at rejuvenating the body.

And where, if not in our youth, were we so cheerful and managed to do everything? If you have not yet mastered this complex, then in this article you will find simple exercises to cheer up in the morning. Yoga in the morning for beginners has a whole range of advantages:

  • allows you to start meditating right in bed;
  • effectively warms up the spine;
  • strengthens and tones the ligaments and muscles of the whole body;
  • massage of internal organs ensures the launch and synchronization of their work throughout the day;
  • Through conscious breathing practice, we harmonize our internal state and ensure an optimistic mood and the production of endorphins.

By doing a few simple exercises every morning, you will soon feel a gradual healing effect on your body. For me, wake up and breathe, then work out - and the morning turns into a magical ritual.

Train yourself to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. Not cooked and at room temperature. We will discuss in detail where to get clean water or how to clean the water that flows through our pipes, how to properly structure water in further articles, follow the publications.

You can acidify the water to activate intestinal function. To do this, drop a little lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar into the water.

Ginger added there will invigorate you better than any coffee. Experiment, listen to your body and together you will find what suits you.

Let's start warming up right in bed

It has been noticed that in the morning hours the body is measured and relaxed. With a fresh look, your consciousness gradually clears up and you have time to properly occupy it with future affairs. For each asana, choose a pace that is comfortable and suitable for you. In each pose, hold for 3 inhalations and exhalations. Pauses between poses are at your discretion.

We work to strengthen the spinal canal - sushumna. You woke up, stretched, now remove the pillow from under your head and lie on your back. Hands lie palms down, legs stretched as far as possible, toes pointing towards you.

Focus on your tailbone, feel how each vertebra stretches, allowing energy to flow freely. As you inhale, lift it up, slowly. First the stomach, then the chest, we held our breath. Exhale slowly, your chest drops, your stomach contracts.

If you want to slowly come out of sleep, keep your eyes closed. And in order to wake up faster, on the contrary, keep your eyes wide open.

I also add here a bending and stretching exercise - lowering the bent legs alternately to the right and left. We put our thoughts in order and watch how the breath moves through the body. If we notice blocks, we remove them.

Having mastered this complex and supplemented it with classes with a trainer, you will more easily move towards achieving your own peaks!

  • Next, we stretch and unload the lower back. On your back or side, first taking a baby pose, bend and press your legs tightly to your stomach. Then, grabbing our fingers, we clasp our legs with our hands. Without letting go of your fingers, we stretch and straighten your legs at the knees. After this exercise, completely relax and rest. That's it, it's time to get up!

  • Open the curtains, ventilate the bedroom, drink water and feel free to proceed to the second part. We stand in tatdasana, mountain pose, moving our big toes and heels towards each other. And we take the heaviness of the stomach to the feet. We stretch the back of our head up, stretching the spine. We press our palms tightly in front of our chests to each other, stand, breathe. Let's feel how the energy flows through our arms and hands, then relax them. We make sure that the shoulders do not rise.
  • The time has come for intensive stretching of the back of the legs and the entire spine. We place our feet shoulder-width apart. Let's take a breath. Slowly bend forward as you exhale until your ribs touch your hips. We intertwine our hands in an elbow lock, straighten our knees. Your arms and head are hanging under their own weight, and at the same time, unload your neck!

  • Now we lower our hands to the floor and step back up the hill with our feet. We straighten our knees and elbows and try to transfer our body weight from our arms to our legs. Breathing is smooth and calm, enjoying the inclusion of the whole body.

  • From the slide we move into tree pose. We “root” our feet in the ground, and our hands, together with our stomach, stretch upward, towards the sun. You can either extend your arms parallel or join them, see which is more convenient for you. We stretched all the joints, bent over, let the solar prana into ourselves and lowered our arms to the sides. And, filled with energy, step into a new day!

Undoubted benefit

As you can see, warming up will not take much time, and in combination with a refreshing shower and a full breakfast, they will charge you with energy for further action. You can change the sequence of exercises; they will not affect the healing properties of the morning warm-up.

You will certainly get a boost of energy before work!

Dedicating 30 minutes to exercise every day or carving out time in the evening is a must-have program that you should start with. I took care of you and developed a 30-day yoga marathon. Its participants receive a 30-minute training plan daily by email, which includes a simple set of exercises and pranayama. You can get it for free trial lesson.

Today we will tell you how yoga will help you wake up in the morning. Below are asanas that invigorate better than coffee!

Today, the problem of difficult morning awakenings and hated partings with your favorite bed and pillow will be left behind! We have collected ones that are ideal for morning yoga. Perform them every morning to improve your well-being and recharge your batteries with vigor and energy for the whole day!

Morning yoga: asana No. 1

Sit in a sitting position, pull your legs as close to your pelvis as possible.
Relax your hands. Place your right hand on your left knee and place your left hand behind your back.
As you inhale, relax and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, turn your torso to the left.
Take 5-10 deep breaths, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Morning yoga: asana No. 2

Get on all fours so that your hands are under your shoulders and your feet are at hip level.
As you inhale, arch your back and lower back and look up, separating your shoulders from your ears.
Exhale as if pressing the surface with your hands and knees, and round your back as much as possible, pressing your shoulders to your ears.
Do 5 repetitions (5 inhalations and 5 exhalations), and move on to the next asana.

Morning yoga: asana No. 3

Get on all fours, pull your right knee towards your body and place your foot at hand level. Extend your left leg to the floor (knee down).
Take a vertical position, join your hands and raise them up.
Lean back slightly. Stick to what feels comfortable.

Morning yoga: asana No. 4

Stand up straight. From a standing position, shift your weight to your left leg.
With your right hand, grab your right leg by the inside of your ankle.
Gently lift your right leg back. You can also raise your left arm for balance.
Take 5-10 deep breaths and repeat the asana on the other side.

Morning yoga: asana No. 5

Get on your knees, then place your palms on your heels and arch your spine. Pull your shoulder blades toward each other, keeping your hips level with your knees. Take 5-10 deep breaths.

Morning yoga: asana No. 6

Squat down a little, keeping your legs and knees together. As you exhale, clasp your hands at the center of your chest and twist your torso to the right, placing your left elbow outside your right hip. On the next inhalation, return to the original sitting position, and on the exhale, do the same, but with a turn to the left. Repeat this asana continuously for one minute at a moderate-fast pace.

Now you know how to recharge yourself in the morning with vigor and the right mood for the whole day! Do morning yoga daily to feel good and healthy!

If you want to consistently practice yoga, one of the first steps you need to take is to choose a convenient time of day and make sure to be on the gymnastics mat at that hour every day. It doesn’t matter exactly when it will be, but it makes sense to adjust the practice to the rhythm of the day. As for the morning yoga routine, it will help you shake off the remnants of sleep and recharge your energy for the coming day. This is a great morning exercise!

We have already told and shown how and where to start classes. This time we have prepared a morning set of asanas that will help you wake up and prepare your body for the working day.

Morning yoga for beginners starts with you lying on your back with your knees bent. If you feel more comfortable, pull your knees toward your chest.

Extended Toe Pose - Supta Padangusthasana

Supta Padangusthasana will help you wake up your hamstrings. If you have a resistance band or resistance band, this is a good way to add tension, but you can also just grab your leg on either side with your hand. Another option involves placing the leg that you are not currently stretching with the sole on the floor. This will help relieve tension in your back muscles. Rotate the ankle of your leg while it is in the air. The exercise is good for beginners.

Eye of the Needle Pose - Sukirandhrasana

The eye of a needle is a good way to gently wish your thighs a good morning. The tension in this pose is easily controlled by changing the position of the lower leg. The gentlest variation is to bend the knee of the lower leg, but leave the foot on the floor. If you want to stretch further, place your hands under the knee of your top leg, grab the thigh of your bottom leg and begin to pull it towards your chest. This movement will help you open the hip of the opposite leg. You can also grab the front of your shin, as shown here.

Downward Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward-facing dog pose will make you feel better at any time of the day, but it is especially pleasant to do in the morning. This is a transition pose to several others that will fill the coming day with energy. Gently straighten your legs one at a time, this will make it easier for you to get into the desired position. After taking the pose, try to freeze for about five breaths. Of course, it is impossible to remain completely still in any yoga pose because you are breathing and your body continues to make subtle adjustments to maintain balance and improve the pose.

Step your right foot forward and touch the inside of your right arm, this is a preparatory pose for lunge variations. Then it's up to you to choose. You can stay in a deep lunge and try to keep your right thigh parallel to the floor, while strongly straining your left leg. You can straighten your right leg and begin to reach for its toe. You can lower the knee of the back leg to the ground, then it will be more anjaneyasana. You can even raise your hands up, as if you were illustrating the exclamation "Get away from me!" (high lunge) and rocked several times, bending and straightening the knee. Make choices based on what your body needs today. You don't have to do the same thing every day.

Crescent Moon Pose - Ardha Chandrasana

Ardha Chandrasana will help you recharge your energy. You can use a lower arm support if you feel comfortable doing so. (If you don't have equipment at home, improvise with a chair or stool.) You'll get the best feel for the hamstrings of your supporting leg in this pose. Focus on turning your chest toward the ceiling and imagine the morning sun shining onto (or from!) your heart.

After this pose, lower back into downward-facing dog through a lunge and stand in Ardha Chandrasana with your left foot forward.

Take a lying position. This is another great opportunity to add strength to your arms and legs as you will need to be able to hold the pose well. Try to stay there for five slow breaths. If necessary, you can lower your knees to the mat.

Knees, chest and chin - Ashtanga Namaskara

Place your knees on the mat. Move your buttocks up, and lower your chest and chin towards the floor. You should look like a little worm. You can do chaturanga instead of this pose, but I highly recommend knees-chest-chin to start the morning with a gentle back stretch.

Low Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

Press your pelvis into the floor and lift your chest into a low cobra pose, without pressing too hard with your hands. If you want, you can begin to straighten your arms and thus move into high cobra pose, or even raise your knees and end up in upward-facing dog pose. (Obviously, this will require some force with your arms.) If you decide to choose one of the last two variations, remember to squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower your shoulders as low as possible. This is your chance to greet the new day with an open, radiant heart.

Child's Pose - Balasana

Spread your knees wide and lower yourself into child's pose, with your chest falling between your knees and your forehead touching the floor.

This completes the complex for beginners and you can safely move on to other things that you do in the morning. Breathe a few times to feel the effects of your practice and think about all your plans for the day. When you get up, you will be ready for any challenge that comes your way. You may enjoy yoga in the morning so much that you even want to give up your morning coffee!

The best way to wake up and prepare for a new interesting day is morning yoga. By regularly performing morning yoga exercises for beginners, the overall well-being of the body will improve, the back will straighten, the muscles will become more elastic, and blood circulation will improve.

The benefits of morning yoga

To provide the body with an effective load at the beginning of the day, experts recommend regularly performing simple morning yoga exercises. Why you should do yoga after waking up:

  1. If you want to lose weight by practicing morning yoga for beginners, you need to know that morning asanas have a more beneficial effect on weight loss compared to evening ones.
  2. A charge of vivacity and excellent mood after the classes will be provided for the whole day.
  3. Morning exercises help you build a clearer daily routine. With constant exercise, waking up and going to bed at the same time will become habitual for the body. Your sleep will become strong and healthy, and awakening will be easier and more joyful.
  4. Simple asanas in the morning calm you down and help you relax.
  5. Morning exercises improve metabolic processes in the body.
  6. The level of self-discipline increases. By waking up at the same time every day, the practitioner trains endurance and willpower.
  7. There is a pleasant feeling of an important task well done.
  8. Yogic asanas add physical and moral strength.

Gradually, such yoga classes in the morning for beginners bring more benefits than evening exercises.

Correct breathing

When performing the listed morning yoga exercises for beginners, it is important not to forget that yoga trains not only a person’s physical capabilities, but also makes him mentally stronger and more purposeful. In all exercises, the technique of correct measured breathing must be observed.

To master this technique and constantly apply it in the future, you can complete the following tasks. They need to be performed in the classic lotus position:

  • take slow, deliberate breaths, after a while slow down your breathing a little and exhale sharply;
  • inhale as much air as possible, do not hold your breath, take a long, measured exhale.

If you spend a few minutes every day practicing these simple techniques, then after a while the practitioner will notice how much easier it becomes for him to perform asanas.

Things to remember

Morning yoga for beginners includes a wide variety of poses that are aimed at maintaining flexibility and endurance of the body. You should not do too much stretching in the morning; there are evening hours for this.

It is not possible to become healthier, stronger and stronger in spirit by doing yogic exercises from time to time. The whole essence of classes lies, first of all, in regularity and self-discipline. If you practice yoga in the morning every day for several months, the practitioner will notice an improvement in his internal state, increased resistance to stress and self-control.

Instead of a cup of invigorating coffee during morning yoga, experts recommend drinking purified water. From the very morning, the practitioner’s body will be filled with life-giving energy, which will help him to be cheerful and active during the upcoming working day.