Collecting documents, as they call it. Hobbies of collecting antiques

Perhaps few hobbies can reflect inner world a person is as complete as collecting. This type of activity involves the systematic collection of homogeneous (however, sometimes heterogeneous) objects. For a long time, collecting has remained a popular and accessible hobby, in particular because you can collect whatever your heart desires.

This hobby not only allows you to diversify daily life and have fun, but also retains memories embodied in things, the joy of owning the desired specimen.

Items in the collections of wealthy people include sculptures, antique paintings, expensive wines, cars. Considerable sums are spent on such a hobby. If you cannot or are not mentally prepared to deal with money in this way, think about creating a collection of something not so expensive. Here everything depends, of course, on the preferences, interests and financial capabilities of the collector.


Quite extravagant cases occur among celebrities. For example, actor Johnny Depp collects stuffed animals and skeletons, Helena Bonham Carter collects props from filming and dentures, and John Travolta collects real airplanes. Founder of the company Microsoft Bill Gates collects antiques and rare books, including the handwritten diary of Leonardo da Vinci himself.

Collecting certain things may have a special name. For example, everyone knows philately and numismatics - collecting postage stamps and coins. Within each category, various subtypes can be distinguished: for example, stamps from one country, rare or anniversary stamps, of a certain period.


Majority modern youth, collecting countless musical compositions, does not even suspect that he is seriously interested in philophony. Even the collection of wrappers and inserts from chocolate or chewing gum has its own name.

It is worth mentioning such an original hobby as collecting information on a certain topic. There are many collectors who are interested, for example, in old newspaper notes, descriptions natural disasters, information about exceptional human abilities, reports of plane crashes, the history of flags or coats of arms, descriptions of unusual dog breeds, rare names and much more.

Collector Rules

To prevent collecting from becoming a pointless collection, it is recommended to remember several important rules.

Instances must share the established characteristic. That's why a few nice ice cream wrappers and five Christmas cards don't constitute a collection. It is not recommended to simply dump everything you have collected into a pile. For example, stamps need to be pasted into special albums, and postcards can be kept in boxes. Take the time to designate a shelf or cabinet for larger figurines or models.

In addition, it is recommended to write down in a notepad or electronic document name of the item, its number and location. It is useful to make notes about the date of appearance of this item, where it was purchased and its value.

Collecting has a number of advantages:

  • contributes to the discovery of a large amount of necessary information (collectors can often become good experts in their topic);
  • provides an opportunity to communicate with people with similar interests and make new acquaintances;
  • Comparing favorably with embroidery, sports or music, it does not require a significant investment of time and is ideal for busy people.

There are enough cases of turning this hobby into real profession and the work of my whole life. This is possible if the amateur collection is highly systematic, complete and unique, and has scientific, cultural and historical significance.

It should be remembered that a collector is respected, first of all, for his excellent knowledge of his topic, and not just for the number of copies in his collection. Studying specialized literature and catalogues, searching interesting information will always come in handy.

Collecting is a type of human activity recognized as the most popular hobby in the world. What do people collect? Everything from traffic jams and similar trinkets to expensive cars.

A collection is an ordered collection of things united by a common characteristic.
Collecting is a widespread, interesting and often expensive hobby.

What true collectors do not collect: stamps, coins, toys, souvenir magnets, postcards, weapons, watches, dolls, mugs, books, candy wrappers, sea shells, books, maps, flags, etc.

Wealthier people collect paintings, weapons, rare books, cigarettes, icons and wines. Significant amounts of money are spent on this type of hobby. The cost of some collectible exhibits reaches hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Some people even collect cars, planes and ships. There are enormous opportunities for those who want to do this. You can collect items easier and cheaper, but the activity will not lose its originality.

The amazing imagination of people is amazing when you find out what people collect. Many people collect incredible things. It turns out that there are collectors of bricks, just bottles and medicine bottles, cameras and celebrity autographs.

What are collectors of various items called?

Collectors of certain items are called by different names. People who collect matchsticks are called philumenists, and postcard collectors are called philocartists. Humophilia - collecting candy wrappers from chewing gum. Plangonologists are doll collectors. Hepatophiles collect ice cream wrappers, and vromologists collect cheese labels. Collectors of magnets are called memomagnets. collecting money in the form of paper signs, faleristics - awards. Psaligraphophilists collect newspaper clippings, conchiophilists collect seashells.

What do lepidopterophilists collect? Butterflies. Such unusual names a lot of. It is impossible to list everything.


A person who collects coins is called a numismatist. The word "numismatics" comes from the Latin numisma - coin. began to be practiced in the 14th century. And as one of the fields of science, numismatics arose in the 18th century.

In Russia, Peter I initiated coin collecting. He bought (1721) in Hamburg a collection of Moders coins for the Kunstkamera.

Now the collection of the Russian State Hermitage includes 63,360 ancient, 360,000 Western European, 220,000 Eastern and 300,000 Russian coins. Their age is equal to the period from the 7th century BC to the present day.

Of the world's most famous ancients, the largest was found in China. total weight- about 500 kilograms. The oldest of these coins was minted in 206 BC. Its owner was a man who lived in the 13th century.


A person who collects stamps is a philatelist. Philately as a field of collecting emerged in the 1840s. At that time, postage stamps were introduced into circulation (1840).

In Russia, the emergence of philately is associated with the release of the first stamps in Russia (1858) and envelopes (1845). In the 19th century, a 6-kopeck stamp for eastern correspondence envelopes (1863) was valued by collectors at 100, and a 5-kopeck stamp for a Moscow Post envelope (1846) was valued at 1000 German marks.

Today there are many regional philatelic organizations with their own websites.

Philatelics and numismatics are the most popular types of collecting.

There can be a huge number of ideas about collecting. Collecting will never lose its relevance, and, on the contrary, will be replenished with the latest original ideas.

Antique stamps, figurines, figurines and much more are of interest to modern people.

Such interest in ancient beautiful things in a person is due to the desire to touch our history and roots, knowledge of the culture of the past and simply aesthetic pleasure from storing and constantly contemplating the incredibly beautiful works of handmade masters.

Nowadays, collecting collections of antique figurines and various figurines is very common. Such collections have been collected before different people in the 70s, 80s and 90s.

In addition to collecting such collections, people different ages, from schoolchildren to old people, they collected various antiques, such as cars, nesting dolls, ashtrays and much more. The hobby of collecting these items and many others has survived to this day.

Different times - different collections

In the last century, collecting anything was much more difficult than it is now. This is due to the fact that the average working person did not have enough time for this, and there was no such opportunity also due to the fact that there was no such mass production then.

And if there was production of anything that could be collected, then these items were not so diverse. As for our time, every person has such an opportunity. Now you can collect everything, starting with the same postage stamps, antique coins , rare cars, kitchen cups painted in Khokhloma style various kinds

unusual natural stones. Entering many houses, you can see different collections, for example, in the 90s it was widespread, metal beer or juice cans, posters with stars and beautiful painted plates. Any collection collected by man

takes place. Collections that have been collected over years and decades show the evolution of humanity in any area and the history of human thinking and values ​​at that time.

Collecting, storage and protection of objects

Often, many people have dozens of different items in their collections that already have a certain value. So many collected collectible cars and coins are now very expensive and are very popular.

Collecting is a fun hobby that doesn't require much effort. Include it in your hobbies by choosing something interesting for your collections.

Collecting is a hobby of ancient origin, the essence of which does not change over the years - enthusiastic people collect any objects, cultural values, works of art, jewelry, antique furniture, musical or literary works. There is no object that cannot be used as the basis for collections. These could be plants, envelopes, stamps, bottle caps, cake recipes and candles. The choice is limitless!

Who is it suitable for and where to start collecting

The hobby of collecting is suitable for calm women who like to look at something for a long time, move it from one place to another and organize it. This hobby does not have to be expensive - inexpensive and even waste items can be made into luxury collections.

Most often, the desire to collect comes spontaneously - someone accidentally becomes infected with it after seeing a collection at a party or in a magazine, while others simply fall in love with a new craft or creativity and want to see a piece of it at home. Collecting is perfect for anyone looking for a new hobby, because the collection can be quite small if interest in it suddenly disappears.

First of all, decide what you would like to see in your collection. Consider your hobbies, as well as the cost and size of items. Some interesting things require large areas. It's stupid to collect ten sewing machines or antique chairs in a studio apartment.

Please note that for some specimens it is necessary to observe certain temperature, light and humidity conditions. Eat interesting ideas, but they are not suitable for keeping at home because they emit an unpleasant odor or release harmful chemicals.

Among the advantages of the hobby of collecting are:

  • the versatility of the hobby - it does not require special talents;
  • no effort or physical activity required;
  • broadening one's horizons and raising one's cultural level;
  • increasing your social circle, meeting new people for the purpose of exchange;
  • does not require much time;
  • does not disturb the cleanliness of the apartment and does not require organization of the workplace.

Most Popular Collection Items

In this hobby, coin collecting – numismatics – can be put in first place. Coins are collected according to some characteristic. This could be ancient money, anniversary rubles, coins issued for certain events, banknotes with images of cities or famous persons.

As a rule, such collections begin with a nice ruble randomly received as change. Later, numismatists buy collection money at a cost many times higher than the face value, exchange it with each other, and put their rubles up for auction. If you suddenly get tired of collecting coins, you can always sell your collection at a profit.

No less popular is collecting postage stamps from different times and countries. In the last century, this hobby was as in demand as a tablet or laptop is now. To store and organize stamps, special folders are produced - bookkeepers.

Collecting porcelain figurines is a lovely hobby for women of all ages. Some people collect figurines united by theme, for example, only cats, children or dogs, while others select objects by size or other characteristics. Separate direction here are porcelain dolls.

Women often collect interior and household items from a chosen era, dishes of a certain style, for example, crystal, Gzhel or silver, jewelry, boxes, and candlesticks. In the collections of needlewomen you can find full meeting thimbles, crochet hooks, needles, all kinds of hoops.

Refrigerator magnets are at the peak of popularity among modern people. Just don’t hang the whole door with them; collections united by one theme – cities, countries, architectural monuments – look much more interesting.

Ideas for Collectibles on a Budget

It is better for a novice collector to take his first steps with inexpensive items that are suitable for use as decoration. Here are some collecting ideas for women:

  • beautiful figured candles;
  • hairpins;
  • semiprecious stones;
  • figurines from kinder surprises;
  • keychains;
  • small soft toys;
  • photographs of one type of animal or plant;
  • tea or coffee spoons;
  • pens;
  • and berries;
  • postcards, pocket calendars.

If you don’t want to spend money on purchasing items, collect plastic cards from various stores, business cards, flyers with movie announcements, bottles of perfumes and lipsticks, beautiful corks, interesting packaging, and lucky tickets. A good idea is to collect photo frames, they will turn into fashionable ones.

What to collect for a needlewoman

If you have a favorite craft, try connecting your new hobby with an existing hobby. If you sew, create a collection of scraps, leaving a small piece of fabric each time. Arrange it all beautifully in an album, make signatures. Later, the album will become a chronicle of your sewing creativity.

What can a girl who is passionate about knitting collect? Do unique collection different knitting patterns, also arrange everything in a beautiful album with signatures, maybe in the style. By working to order, you can demonstrate your samples to potential clients.

Pretty buttons are another affordable idea to start a new collection with. It is convenient to organize buttons in albums by sewing them into in a certain order. When the passion for collecting wears off, they will turn out great.

Nowadays it is very fashionable to collect handicrafts: dolls from polymer clay, beaded figures. You can collect not only your masterpieces, but also the results of the creativity of other needlewomen.

Collecting gifts of nature

If you cannot pass by the gifts of nature indifferently, make them the subject of your collections. These could be pine cones, beautiful stones, seashells, or unusual driftwood. Herbariums made from dried flowers and leaves look impressive, but creating them will require a little work.

Collecting cacti is another useful hobby for a woman. Desert inhabitants do not require much attention and do not take up much space if you choose miniature specimens. An equally impressive collection is made from violets.

Look at collecting as a hobby, but don’t become a slave to collecting - moderation is good in everything! On our website you will find, in which, perhaps, new discoveries await you. Visit us more often and subscribe to news at in social networks, we always welcome enthusiastic guests.