The penitential canon of Archimandrite Amphilochius. Complete collection of sermons and teachings of schema-abbot Savva Repentance and sighing

You will find about the sacrament of repentance itself, with a detailed listing of sins, in the books “Seeds of the Word for God’s Field” (Part 2) and “Answer to Questions about Monasticism,” so now I will answer briefly about fruits true repentance and how to prepare yourself for confession.

Questions about repentance are not only interesting to you. People often come to me with the same questions. They especially often ask: “Father, what is repentance?”, “Father, what does true repentance mean?”, “How should one repent correctly?” - and similar questions.

With God’s help, I will try to answer all your questions, but you also have questions that your conscience itself will tell you what to do. Conscience is for us what a compass is for a sailor. If the captain loses his compass, he will not know which way to steer the ship, especially in cloudy weather. So with us, Christians, who have lost their conscience and become unscrupulous, no longer knows how to achieve a safe haven of salvation.

The robber kills people, and if no one has discovered his crime, then he walks around happy and cheerful. Rejoices! What is he happy about? You and I know - his death, he does not understand this.

Conscience does not judge only those who have reached the heights of virtue or the heights of vice. There is no need to talk about the former: a judge is needed only for those who break the law, and for those who implement the law, he is not required. Their conscience is crystal clear, and it does not disturb the righteous. The latter have either lost their conscience or are sleeping soundly. For other sinners, a bad conscience bothers them all the time and seems to say: cleanse me with repentance, you did this and that, repent. So we need to listen as carefully as possible to the voice of our conscience. She will teach you everything good and good.

The voice of conscience is the inner, secret voice of God in us, and woe to those who do not listen to its advice and demands, who deliberately drown out its voice so as not to hear its judgment and not feel its torment, who leans more towards the side of sin and vice .

You, D., are doing well in this regard, but there is a gap in another. You ask some questions again. I already answered them, and that means you forgot. Why? Yes, because he is inattentive to the words of his spiritual father. This is a sin - repent.

You have to catch every word of your spiritual father on the fly, and you... Well, okay, I forgive you! Just get better!


My friend! Many times you confessed and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. God bless! This is good!

By approaching the sacraments of confession and communion, a person is cleansed, renewed, revived and leaves the church, as if from the baptismal font. In fact, this is true. Through repentance and communion, the grace that we received at baptism returns to us, because it returns lost grace. After repentance and communion, a person feels joy, peace and consolation.

But you’ve probably also experienced something else, when instead of joy and consolation after confession and communion, an incomprehensible feeling of languor suddenly appears in your soul: tightness, dissatisfaction, some kind of general relaxation. This is a sign that one confessed incorrectly and unworthily received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. At confession, it means that you were lethargic and cold, you did not have deep experiences, a thirst for purification, heartfelt contrition for your sins, an ardent desire to unite with the Lord: when the priest listed the sins, you said: “I am a sinner” - mechanically, this is the result.

True, vexation of spirit also happens for another reason, when the Lord is testing, but more often it happens when we repent incorrectly. Some mix self-justification and even condemnation with repentance, leave aside personal repentance for their sins and move on to spiritual conversation or, even worse, touch on everyday issues. This dispels them and weakens the repentant feeling.

Some blame the priest and say: “Father failed to bring him to his senses. The other one is crying, but this one...”

This concept is wrong. It is not the priest’s fault that the confessor has no contrition of heart, no tears of repentance. The reason for this must be sought in oneself. This means that not all is well in his soul.

It is commendable, of course, when a confessor conducts confession with great spiritual uplift, but if the priest is elderly and infirm, is it possible to demand special upliftment from him? And is it really necessary?

Previously, there were no general confessions. The priest did not have to remind the confessors what they might have sinned, because each of them knew their sins well. Christians strictly monitored their actions, deeds, words and even thoughts, so they quickly and confidently listed everything that was on their conscience.

They didn’t have to strain their memory too much: their conscience seemed to tell them all their sins.

Now, during confession, they come up to the priest and don’t know what to say. What's the matter? What is the reason that the conscience of people has become coarsened and dulled, and a person no longer feels its remorse, he has become unscrupulous. He sins and does not notice that he is sinning, and sometimes he belittles the sin, that is, he says: “This is a small sin, God will not punish for it” - and does not repent.

The devil rejoices at such carelessness of people, rejoices that they live inebriated, do not take care of themselves, and lulls them into imaginary righteousness. He instills in them the thought: “What special have I done? Didn't kill, didn't steal. I live like everyone else." It turns out that there is no need for repentance. This is how cunningly the evil spirit approaches...

So, my friend, in order to shame the evil force, so as not to fall under its influence and not perish forever, you also need to learn to repent correctly and not wait for others to make you lament your sins. After all, if contrition for sins is at confession, and moreover, only when the priest is eloquent and has the special power of grace-filled prayer that ignites hearts, then is such contrition reliable and durable? What fruits can such repentance bring?

We listen - we cry, we repent... We left the church and forgot that we lamented our sins, repented and made a promise to God, as if we were taking an oath before the Cross and the Gospel, that we would not return to our previous sins and that with God’s help we would correct ourselves... We forgot about everything , again we begin to idle, condemn, slander, get irritated, angry, quarrel... this is the worst thing. This means that we do not have real, true repentance: there is only one form of repentance, but there is no spirit of repentance. But the Lord does not need form, but essence! The essence of repentance lies not only in mechanically listing the names of sins to the priest, but the main thing is that the heart, from where the thoughts come, does not accept evil words and evil deeds, but only accepts pure and holy thoughts and sensations, and all evil would say: I will not deign. The essence of repentance lies in the correction of a sinful life, in self-improvement.

Such repentance can be fruitful; it always brings good fruits. If a person says in words: I'm sorry, but He himself has done evil and continues to do so, then this cannot be called repentance. This is hypocrisy before God. God forbid!


The purpose of repentance is correction of sinful life and good deeds. In repentance, as in any other matter, there are certain moments. True repentance is determined by three points:

1. Test of conscience.
2. Contrition of heart.
3. Verbal confession of your sins.

But before I begin to explain these points, I have to warn you that when you want to talk, you may encounter many obstacles, internal and external. Don't pay any attention to them. If you remain steadfast, all obstacles will disappear.

And the second thing that you should pay especially serious attention to is that the intervals between confessions be filled with spiritual struggle, efforts of the will to good.

For example, we are very talkative. We love to joke, laugh, we laugh ourselves and make others laugh, we tell jokes, but all this is a sin. After the first confession, rarely does anyone immediately regenerate and become serious and pious. They usually say: what should you do if you have such a character? These are the ones who need to painstakingly work on themselves, they need to force themselves to remain silent.


When you begin to prepare for confession, then first of all examine your conscience, look into your heart. Look to what extent it is contaminated with sins. With God's help, remember all the sins that you committed after your last confession, and whoever is preparing to take monastic vows remembers his sins from the age of seven.

Check yourself: is there a lack of faith, hope, love in you; is there any self-confidence, callousness, irritability, gluttony, cowardice, murmuring, despondency and other sins.

If you spend this moment of repentance with due attention, then you will inevitably experience contrition of heart, and if there is no contrition, then this speaks of petrified insensibility, of deathly coldness, which means that the soul is in danger.

In this case, one must read and remember the lives of the saints and their teachings. They considered themselves to be the first sinners and with sincere conviction they cried out to the Lord: “No one has sinned on earth from time immemorial, as I (I), the accursed and prodigal, have sinned.” If you look up to them and take their example, then contrition will certainly appear and you will weep for yourself.

Sincere repentance is the initial degree of holiness, and composure and indifference are moving away from holiness, dying outside of God. When grace touches the heart and illuminates it, then the disorder in the soul appears with all clarity and then we sincerely recognize our sins, ulcers and spiritual wounds. And those people who are not drawn to grace, they are immersed in the darkness of sin and do not see anything in their hearts, and if they see something, they are not horrified, because they compare themselves not with saints, but with others like themselves.

Check yourself also according to God’s commandments: are you violating any of them, as well as according to some prayers (for example, the 3rd Vespers and the 4th Communion).


It’s good if you can distinguish between basic sins and derivative ones. If you don't know how, learn. This is very important. We must know what we most need to lament and what we need to improve on. For example, if we are absent-minded in prayer, if in church we feel drowsy and are inattentive, if we are not even interested in reading the Holy Scriptures, then this comes either from lack of faith and weak love for God, or from laziness and carelessness.

If in Church during worship we walk, talk, push; if we approach the anointing of oil, the cross and the shroud without reverence, without holding back those standing behind us, and press on those who stand in front of us; If we don’t stand in line for Epiphany water and for the water of minor consecration at prayer services, but walk straight ahead, almost over our heads, then this means that we have no fear of God and no love for our neighbors. If we take great care of our appearance and the decor of our home, then this means we are vain.

If we take everyday failures too close to our hearts, have a hard time withstanding separation, grieve inconsolably for the departed, then this indicates that we do not believe in God’s Providence, and so on. Self-justification, impatience of reproaches, vanity, stubbornness, but it is even more important to see their connection with pride, selfishness, arrogance and pride; it is to these basic sins that one must turn all one’s lamentation.

There is a good way that leads us to the knowledge of our sins - this is to remember what people accuse us of, especially those living nearby and loved ones. Their accusations, reproaches, and attacks are almost always justified. When testing yourself, you must be careful not to fall into excessive suspiciousness of any movement of the heart. If we take this path, we may lose our sense of distinguishing between what is important and what is unimportant. In this case, you need to stop testing yourself and, through prayer and good deeds, beg and clarify your soul.

Preparation for confession consists not only in remembering as fully as possible or even writing down your sins, but first of all in sincerely realizing your guilt, in order to bring your repentant feeling to heartfelt contrition and, if possible, shedding tears of repentance.


Knowing your sins does not mean repenting of them. Grief over evil deeds done, crying about sins- this is what is most important in matters of repentance. Well, what if there are no tears? What to do then?

Don't despair! And in this case, we still need to repent, repent, repent, no matter how cold and insensitive we are, hoping only for the mercy of God. Coldness and insensibility usually occur when there is no fear of God in the heart, from lack of faith or from hidden unbelief.

Sometimes a person conceals in confession that he doesn't believe into the afterlife or doubts its existence, and for this the Lord punishes with coldness. The Lord seems to say to a person in his soul: “You are not a Christian, you are a pagan. Realize that you have no faith, repent, and then I will console you, forgive your sins and send you joy.”

In fact, What kind of Christians are we if we do not believe in the immortality of the soul? If we do not believe that we will praise the Lord forever, when will he honor us with such mercy? After all the whole meaning of faith is lost in God! And how many such pagan Christians are there? Oh-oh-oh! Check yourself, D.! Aren't you a pagan?


Crying over sins is of great importance in repentance. I will dwell on this in a little more detail, because you have the wrong concept about crying. Know that crying does not come from tears, but tears from crying. Some have no tears, they restrain themselves in the presence of others, but their hearts cry tears of blood, sincerely lamenting their sins. It is when a person does not pay attention to the sins of others and only analyzes his own sins and laments over them, then he begins to cry.

Crying is the name given to the abundant intensification of repentant feelings. A person acutely admits his spiritual weakness. He sees his weakness, his helplessness; realizes that on his own he will never be able to free himself from sinful ulcers, from spiritual defilements without the help of the Lord, and with the deepest humility he falls at the foot of the Cross, begging the crucified Lord to forgive him the sins with which he again nails Him to the Cross.

Again and again I always insult
You, my Savior, I crucify you
I am with my sins every day;
And You, merciful, and You, dying,
You still love me and, quietly bowing
Head on the Cross, You forgive me,
And you only expect repentance
And you still call me to heaven to Yourself...

The humble sinner begins to feel the presence of God. Sometimes it happens that every cell in the body feels His presence, His closeness. The fear of God appears, at times so strong that it seems that the hair on the head rises and a sacred trembling, like a chill, runs through the body. A person has a remembrance of death, a fear of condemnation at the Last Judgment for sins, and then tears flow from his eyes in an uncontrollable stream. And when in his heart a person feels forgiveness of sins, feels lightness, silence, joy, then from an excess of happiness and grateful feelings, like a comforted child on the chest of a tender father or mother, he constantly repeats the words: “My Jesus! My joy! My happiness! My love! Don't move away from me! At this moment, a person desires to be separated from the body, so as never again to be separated from Christ.

This is what true repentance means. After great sorrow, the sinner receives great, great joy, and consolation is the unity of the soul with the Lord. This is the highest fruit of true humility and repentance.

There are many pious ones
Smart and scientists;
there are many truthful people,
Chaste, ready
Help everyone, forgive sometimes,
But few can be found
With a humble soul -
Self-awareness is the worst of all!
See all the sins in yourself -
This is a feat!
It's the same as hating yourself
It means to give up
From the idol of self-conceit!
It means to agree
Accept all insults!
Pride is the most terrible sin of all,
But beautiful humility
Christ Himself became incarnate!

Help us, Lord, to imitate true humility!


A sure sign of completed sincere repentance, by which a sinner can learn that his sins are truly forgiven by God, is a feeling of hatred and disgust from all sins to the point that he agrees to die rather than arbitrarily sin before God; In addition, he develops a feeling of forgiveness, a feeling of lightness, purity, inexplicable joy, deep peace, a desire to do everything only for the glory of God, to hate and eliminate the proud desire to attribute glory to himself. And vice versa, unworthy repentance, after which sins remain, causes a feeling of dissatisfaction, falls heavily on the heart, with some kind of heavy, vague, unclear feeling of bitterness.

Remember, D., repentance will not be complete and useful if you internal there won't be no firm determination return to confessed sin. If you say with humility, no matter what your sin (fall), “Forgive me!” - you will be forgiven, but if you say so, and then return to sin and do not fight it, this means your repentance is false; it means to repent and remain in sin. Deliver, Lord!

We must realize our sin and hate it, we must make as much effort as possible so as not to return to previous iniquities.

Forgiveness of sins is freedom from passions, and whoever has not been freed from them by grace has not yet received forgiveness. And in order to receive forgiveness from God, you must make a change in your entire life and, leaving behind vice, constantly remain in virtue.

Repentance is valued not by the amount of time, but by the disposition of the soul. He who hates sin turns away from it and quickly conquers his passions, but it often happens that the confessor does not notice spiritual growth in himself and is embarrassed by this, like you, for example. It seems to him that he is standing still or even worse than he was: “one step forward and two steps back.” Don’t be embarrassed, my friend, it just seems so; in fact, there is no case when each confession does not produce good changes in the soul, when a person is drawn to grace and has a good desire to correct himself, to suppress sin in himself.

A person cannot correctly judge himself: whether he has become better or worse. The Lord reveals the truth only to the spiritual father; only he alone knows the state of the souls of his children. Usually, increased severity towards oneself and a heightened fear of sin create the impression that sins have multiplied and intensified and that the state of mind has not improved, but worsened. In addition, the Lord often hides our successes from us so that we do not fall into pharisaism, vanity and pride.

It also happens that although sin remains, frequent confessions and communion of the Holy Mysteries have shaken it and significantly weakened its roots, moreover, the very struggle with sin and suffering from the consciousness of one’s sinfulness brings great benefit to the soul. So do not be afraid, my friend, even if you fall every day... Rise quickly, repent and stand courageously in the feat, and the Lord will reward you for your patience.

Repentance is not only confession in church, it is a person’s whole life in repentance, in a repentant feeling. Until death, we must preserve this feeling, we must constantly remain in hell with our minds, that is, we must sincerely consider ourselves worthy of hell, but not despair, but trust in God’s mercy. If a person loses this sense of his worthlessness, he will lose grace.

Sin puts such a stain on us that cannot be removed by anything other than sincere repentance and bitter tears about it. He who does not cry for his sins will cry from the punishments for sin both in this and in the future life, therefore it is better to mourn his sins here voluntarily and suffer for them than to cry there forever from torment.

Every sin is committed for pleasure and enters through pleasure, therefore forgiveness of sins is given through suffering and sadness, and sin is driven out by bitterness and tears.


Tears are a sure sign that through repentance a person is born into a new life, a spiritual one. But these tears are not the kind that you have to squeeze out of yourself, that appear under duress, but the kind that are difficult to stop and hide from prying eyes. If a person has not achieved such tears, it means that he is doing God’s work only with the outer man, and his inner man is still sterile, because his fruit begins with tears. Those who are reborn for spiritual life cry continuously day and night for up to two or more years. This is when grace touches the heart and a person reaches out to grace. She, like a tender, caring mother, will sometimes reveal herself to a person, then hide for a while in order to teach him all spiritual wisdom and make him experienced and strong in spiritual life, for an inexperienced husband is not skilled.

With such abundant tears a person washes and cleanses the soul more and then comes to a peaceful, blissful state. The Holy Spirit inhabits a person and guides all his actions.

Every person who is with God also has tears: sometimes when he is in mental contemplation, sometimes when he reads the Holy Scriptures, sometimes during prayer, but these tears are moderate, joyful, sweet. In this case, we can say that the person is crying from an excess of happiness.

This is the kind of repentance we should strive for. Tears are especially useful in confession. They soften petrification and eliminate the main obstacle to repentance - our selfhood. Proud and self-loving people, as a rule, do not cry about their sins, but cry out of resentment, but such tears are sinful. Those who blame others and justify themselves do not cry.

Tears are only given humble sinners. Don't be ashamed of crying in confession. Let your soul be more completely cleansed from the defilements of sin, just do not forget that sadness about your sins is useful and saving in the case when it does not go beyond the limits of what is permissible, and if it becomes immoderate, as they say, goes beyond boundaries, then this sadness turns into disastrous feeling - despair. Deliver us, Lord, from this!

It is useful to have constant contrition for sins, but we must not forget about God’s mercy. The Lord forgives every sinner who repents and moves from the path of wickedness to the path of piety.

If, due to spiritual weakness, you cannot immediately be reborn and you sin again, then do not despair, but again and again resort to the sacrament of repentance.

Whatever fall happens, get up (repent) immediately. Shake off sin like dust, like dirt, and continue on your normal path with redoubled energy. Practice kindness non-judgment and other Christian virtues.

Schemamonk Nikodim of Athos writes: “So that we are angry with demons, and not with people, we must answer the demons this way: although I am a great sinner, I do not want to despair of salvation, for I hope in God’s mercy! I have sinned to my God alone, and to Him I repent. He alone is my Judge, and not you damned demons. What do you care about me? You yourself are apostates from God and rejected from Him, you have no right to torture me, you yourself are condemned to eternal destruction; I don’t want to know you damn people. God is my strength, God is my Savior, all my hope is in His mercy, and everything depends on His mercy. I will not be afraid of your fear, if even a thousand times more than this you had found me to have sins, then even then I would not have accepted the despair you inspired in me, I hope for the ineffable mercy of God, for the prayers of the Mother of God, the holy Angels and saints of God, whom I call for help. Amen".


One of the main acts of repentance is confession. After the sinner comes to his senses, like the Gospel Prodigal Son, tests his word and conscience, recognizes his sins, turns to God with a contrite and humble heart, reproaches, condemns and mourns himself before Him, he must sincerely confess his sins to the priest, discover your sinful state.

When starting confession, three conditions must be met:

You must make peace with everyone who is a burden to you and to whom you are a burden. If you haven’t had time to personally reconcile, then mentally forgive them from the bottom of your heart, justify them, and blame yourself. When meeting them, ask for forgiveness and behave in accordance with your repentant feelings.

We must have contrition of heart and humility. The repentant must outwardly show his humility and kneel down.

Pray without distraction.

So, first of all, you must make peace with everyone who is a burden to you and to whom you are a burden. Perhaps you will say: “Why go and make peace, I’m not angry with anyone. Let anyone who is angry with me ask for forgiveness.” Why are they angry with you? It means you upset them in some way. Check your conscience! And if your conscience turns out to be truly clear, if you have not offended anyone in any way, then for the sake of love for your neighbor, you still come up and ask for forgiveness from everyone who is angry with you out of envy, jealousy or for another reason. After all, they are in great danger. The Gospel says: “Everyone who is angry with his brother in vain is subject to judgment, the condemnation of God.” (Matt. 5:22). And if you do not make an effort to make them reconcile with you, then you yourself will find yourself violating God’s commandment about love. How will you approach the Cup of Life?

Some say: it’s shameful and humiliating to ask for forgiveness. It’s a shame to pick into someone else’s pocket, but doing a good deed is never a shame. By this a person shows his humility, and humility and love are the highest virtues. If someone is ashamed, it means that the passion of pride has not been overcome, then it is necessary to get rid of it, one must force oneself to ask for forgiveness by willpower. Sometimes they ask the question: “Father, what to do when they don’t want to make peace?”

They don’t want to put up with only those who ask for forgiveness and at the same time justify themselves.

Human souls understand each other, as they say, at a glance, the heart gives the message to the heart, so if we sincerely forgive, are not offended and blame only ourselves for everything, and justify others, then even the most irreconcilable enemies will certainly reconcile with us.

Well, if even under such conditions they do not want to reconcile, then “do good to those who hate.” (Matt. 5:44). If we do good to those who offend us, then this mercy, more than all other virtues, will protect us at the ordeal and the Last Judgment.

Let us not, my friend, humiliate anyone, let us not rise above anyone, let us remember that we are the worst of all and therefore, to every reproachful word we will sincerely say: I'm sorry. This word drives away confusion from the soul, suppresses anger, destroys disagreement, drives out the world, so that evil power has no opportunity to harm the one who says from the heart: “It’s my fault, forgive me.”

At confession, you don’t have to wait for questions from your confessor, but you have to confess your sins yourself, without being ashamed, without hiding or belittling their importance. If the confession is general, then we must bring all the sins that the priest lists to consciousness and feeling and admit ourselves guilty of everything, for if we did not commit any sins in deed, we could have committed them in word or thought. The word “sinner” must be pronounced with a feeling of deep repentance, and not mechanically.

Confession is a feat of self-compulsion. Many cannot avoid the temptation of self-justification and during confession they often tell their confessor that, they say, I sinned, but he forced me to sin... Especially when they repent of quarrels, anger, irritability, they will definitely condemn others. They will blame them and protect themselves. Such repentance is counterfeit, false, crafty, hypocritical, and contrary to God. This is a sign of pride and lack of personal deep repentance.

Sometimes they say:

- “Father, I have a weak memory, I cannot remember the sin.”

Look, a young healthy man complains of bad memory.

“No,” I say, “it’s not a matter of memory.”

- “It’s true, father, I don’t remember anything.” - “I believe, I believe! But this is not because your memory is bad, but because you live inattentively and absent-mindedly and do not attach serious importance to sins. You do not stop your attention on sins of serious significance. You don’t stop your attention on your sins, you don’t record them in your memory, and that’s why you forget.”

So you, D., need to pay serious attention to this, you also have a gap in this.

We do not forget to sit down to a meal, because we want to eat... Now, if we hungered and thirsted for heavenly food with the same intensity, then we would not forget our sins either. They don’t sit at the table with a bag on their shoulders, wearing a sheepskin coat and mittens. First they dump the load and get rid of it, because it will interfere with the meal. Likewise, we will not be able to enjoy the Heavenly Meal if we do not throw off the burden of sin through repentance. Every day the soul is burdened with a burden of sin, and every day it is necessary to throw it off through repentance.

Confess to God before your cross. For those who, due to their living conditions, cannot often confess and receive communion, this is extremely necessary. The Lord accepts such repentance. So you will get used to and remember your sins and will remain in constant saving repentance. An example is the Venerable Mary of Egypt.

Habit (skill) is the second nature of a person. It, as they say, enters his flesh and blood and becomes inseparable from a person; he develops a so-called reflex. A person does many actions out of habit, without thinking: he blinks, makes rhythmic movements with his hands when walking, etc.

The habit of blinking keeps the cornea of ​​the eyes from drying out, the habit of waving your arms when walking helps a person maintain balance; so in spiritual life, for example, with Rev. Macarius of Egypt developed the pious habit of making the sign of the cross before starting every task, that is, not starting anything without a blessing. One day the demon thought to tempt him. “I’ll climb into the washstand,” he thinks, “and I’ll bring oblivion on him, he’ll forget to cross the washstand, and then I’ll... oh, and I’ll make fun of him!” So he did. Rev. Macarius approaches the washstand, out of habit, crosses him and seals the demon in the washstand with the sign of the cross. The demon was burned by the sign of the cross, and he began to beg the reverend. Macarius to release him.

You see, D., how dear a pious habit is to us, but generally speaking, we must set ourselves up in such a way that we agree that it is better not to sin than to confess our sins after sinning.

No matter how complete and sincere the confession, traces of sinful stains will still be visible on the clothes of the soul. They will be completely erased only when with joy Let us accept penance (punishment) from God for our sins. But which of us rejoices in sorrows and illnesses? Units! So, from day to day, from year to year, sins are layered in the soul, and such a burden makes it difficult not only for the person himself, but also for the spiritual father. Demons usually inspire us either not to confess our sins to our spiritual father at all, or to confess as if on behalf of another, or to lay the blame of our sin on others. I, they say, swore and said a lot of unnecessary things because M. and P. drove me crazy and pushed me into it.

Confession with self-justification is an abomination before God! Where is the contrition for sins; where is self-destruction? Instead of them - condemnation! They added a new sin to the old sins... They mixed the porridge with broken glass (the sacrament of cleansing with the sin of condemnation) and instead of healing, they received new ulcers and mental illnesses: darkening of conscience, shame and reproach, heaviness in the soul.

No! This is not a confession. This is a perversion of the Holy Sacrament. In any case, it is not useful to justify yourself: if your conscience is clear, then there is no need to worry about it; sooner or later the Lord will bring the truth out and justify you, and if your conscience denounces you, then it is all the more impossible to justify yourself, because a new sin is added to that sin - lying. If your conscience or spiritual father denounces you, then you need to listen and correct yourself. You need to show interest in the matter of salvation, then you will remember your sins without additional techniques. Whatever a person is interested in, he does not forget about it.

If you are traveling on a train and looking out the window with interest, you will not miss anything unnoticed. Every little detail, every touch will remain in your memory, and you will be able to tell everything in detail to others. And if you look out the window with indifferent eyes that see nothing, if you are absorbed in your thoughts, then your story about the trip will be dry, brief, in general terms, without details. Otherwise you’ll be forced to say: “I don’t remember anything!” I forgot everything!” This is what happens in confession.


One confessor stands in confession, and his whole life passes before his mental gaze. He remembers and repents: today he slept an extra half hour and did not have time to read the morning prayers, he even forgot to kiss the cross... I repent, Lord, have mercy and forgive me! Yesterday on the road, in a hurry, I almost knocked over a stroller with a baby and pushed an old woman hard - I repent. God! During the day I offended and upset such and such with words and deeds, willfully and involuntarily, knowledge and ignorance - I repent, Lord! I punished Vanyutka unfairly, but Olya did something wrong and deserved punishment, but I didn’t even make a remark - I repent. Lord, have mercy and forgive, etc. And the more he goes deeper into his life, the more complete his self-knowledge, the more he is contrite in heart. It seems to him that he is worse than a robber, worse than a harlot. “The robber,” he thinks, “paid for his sin with blood, but I live in complete prosperity, and my deeds are no better than his deeds. Now I cut one with a word worse than a dagger, then I prick another like a sword. The robber only destroyed people’s bodies, but saved their souls: they died like martyrs, and I... poor people! How much grief I bring them! Either they suffer from me, or from the fifth or tenth, as unreasonable as me... And you don’t want to do anything bad, but it happens on its own when you forget your prayer and have fun. For example, yesterday’s incident... I bought flowers for my wife, I was going to congratulate her on Angel’s Day, to console her. Suddenly Tanyusha comes towards me with an unfamiliar young man. I shuffled in front of her like a boy, said a lot of pleasantries to her and put a bouquet in her hand... Poor thing, how embarrassed she was... Well, okay, I can justify to myself that she has done a lot of good to our family and deserves even more attention, and to my wife I I bought another bouquet. But that's not the point! Why didn’t I show sensitivity, caution, vigilance?... She came, poor thing, all in tears. He says the groom made a scene. He asked: who is this? What is this? I didn't know what to say...

And I’m always like this, that if I take a step without prayer, it’s a temptation for people, no matter what word I say, it results in embarrassment... Woe is me! Oh Lord! All hope is for you! Help me to always keep prayer in my mind. Make her unentertainable, so that the devil does not make me his toy and does not build his intrigues for people through me, the accursed one.

The Lord did not condemn the harlot, but others all condemned her and wanted to stone her. What a shame she suffered! What a shame, what a humiliation! And me?... Oh-oh! Most unfortunate creature! They consider me a pious person, they set me up as an example to follow, but I, worse than senseless cattle, am overcome by lust. Where is my abstinence? Where is the observance of the law, statutory days? Everything is trampled underfoot by the sin of voluptuousness. Poor wife! With my ignorance I am dragging you into hell... Pray for me, dear, I am weak... Oh, Lord, save us - weigh us with our destinies!

Heavy, muffled sighs escape from his chest... Complete mistakes, complete sins... Have mercy, merciful Creator, and help me correct myself, for without You I am unable to even think good.

He stands there and is sincerely heartbroken. He doesn’t notice how they press him, push him, step on his feet... He completely withdrew into himself, inside his bodily shell, as they say, crawled under his skin to internally work on his soul, on his heart, in order to cleanse them as completely as possible. From the depths of his heart he cries out: “Savior! I come to You not because I can bring You firm, unshakable faith, a heart full of hope and submission. No! I come because I have nothing, that I have become poor and would like to put on again bright clothes, clothes of purity. I endure cold and thirst, and You alone can satisfy me with the bread of life and give me to drink from the source of living water. Lord, don't move away from me. My strength! Hurry to my aid!”

He stands like a candle before God, repents, laments, prays earnestly, regretting that the service passed quickly. He would like to extend the service. I don’t want to part with the temple. It’s so good, easy, joyful here! Here he feels the closeness of God, the Mother of God and the saints, who look at him with living eyes from the icons with a gentle and encouraging look.

Such repentance is always fruitful. It brings many, many good fruits and improvement of life. A person, from strength to strength, ascends the ladder of virtues, and such laymen achieve purity and holiness of life, like the Venerable Jonah and Vassa of Pskov-Pechersk and others like them.

And the other confessor stands in confession and is tormented in soul and body. He doesn’t know what internal work on himself is. Why doesn't he know? Yes, because he doesn’t want to know! Why, they say, burden yourself with unnecessary worries? It’s more fun to live when you don’t think about sins (this is his reasoning). And so all his concern in confession is manifested in pushing everyone away from himself and standing spaciously, enjoying empty, sinful thoughts, dreams, or in his thoughts he is burdened with everyday affairs, but not with prayer. Worship is a burden to him. He came to church to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, outwardly fulfilling the duty of an Orthodox Christian, but not according to the inner desire of his heart. It’s unusual and difficult for him to stand in church, and so he grumbles: “Why is the priest hesitating, not starting confession? Why were you the first to get up? The last one has arrived! Baby, why are you standing here? You have no sins!”

What will this poor man get from confession? If he never comes to a contrition of heart about his sins, then he will only perform the ritual, but will still be far from repentance and he will leave the temple with the same heavy, vague feeling with which he came to the temple: not renewed, not healed .

I say sincerely, D., I feel sorry for such people, just as I feel sorry for the completely blind. But bodily blindness is temporary, just as our life on earth is temporary, therefore it is not as terrible and dangerous as spiritual blindness, which destroys the soul forever.


Inner life is the foundation of the Orthodox faith and an integral part of an Orthodox Christian. If we do not watch over ourselves, over our hearts, over our minds and thoughts, then we will not be saved. We must ensure that all the inclinations of our hearts are directed towards glorifying the Lord and that our thoughts are directed only to Him alone.

Through self-knowledge and self-vigilance we receive grace and strength to acquire immortal life.

Sometimes you look at a person - in appearance he is no different from others, but in his inner life he is high before God and often does great deeds of virtue.

Without inner life, without self-vigilance, a person easily falls into errors and lawlessness, therefore we must try to ensure that our external, external behavior is controlled by our internal, heartfelt disposition. If a person’s external life prevails over his internal life, if he is occupied only with earthly objects and does not care about spiritual objects, that is, about his salvation, then sooner or later he will feel dissatisfaction with life, emptiness, darkness, and this will inevitably lead him to despondency and even despair.

Yes, it is scary to live without God, in other words, without inner life such a person will never enjoy peace and spiritual joy, the joy of God in this earthly life, and even more so in the life of the next century.

Try, my friend, to give primary importance to inner life. Do not think that it is possible only for individuals. It is acceptable for all people of any rank, of any condition, living in any time, employed in any position, in any job, even the most difficult. There is no reason why a person could not go inside himself and observe every movement of his heart, every thought. The only one who cannot who doesn't want engage in the exercises of inner life, who wants to be more concerned with himself than with the Lord. But in a soul occupied only with itself, only with external life, grace cannot abide.

Ask, my friend, from our Lord Jesus Christ that pure the light of self-knowledge, who would teach you inner life, would teach you to always be inseparably with the Lord. When you taste the sweetness of the inner life, then no one and nothing can hinder you in pious exercises. Whoever engages in self-contemplation, the Lord grants him such an ability that he can simultaneously perform prayer and perform the most complex and labor-intensive work. For example, an artist, musician, sculptor and even a writer can simultaneously pray internally, engage in their work, and even participate in conversation.

For many this seems incomprehensible, impossible, but in reality it is so. These people constantly taste the sweetness of conversation with the Lord; they are saturated and oversaturated with spiritual joy. So you too strive for this.


In all cases of life, try to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ. Go within yourself and conform to the Divine example, act as Christ would act in this case. Honor Him in all your words and actions. And in order to know the words and actions of Jesus Christ, diligently study the Holy Scriptures and go to church more often. There is not a single action of His life that does not provide us with an example to follow.

Jesus Christ is a perfect example, and people will never be able to achieve such perfection, but our task is to imitate Him to the best of our ability and ability and to be His true followers. Without the grace of God, we cannot do this on our own, so earnestly ask the Lord for the grace of the Holy Spirit.

I advise you, my child, to do everything carefully, without haste, because haste greatly harms your inner spirit. Do not strive to distinguish yourself by spiritual and moral deeds in order to be known and admired for your deeds, in other words, for the sake of glorifying your name.


In the sacrament of communion we eat, under the guise of bread (prosphora) and wine, the true Body and Blood of Christ and through this we unite with Him. One must prepare for the sacrament of communion through prayer, fasting and repentance. This sacrament is performed in the church during the Liturgy. Patients can also receive communion at home. The priest brings the Holy Gifts in a monstrance. During communion of the Holy Mysteries, one must nurture pious feelings: reverence and fear of God. But sometimes we are cold and absent-minded, and this makes many people sad. There is no need to be discouraged. We must humble ourselves and admit that we deserve such a state. Tell yourself: “It’s a hat for Senka!” Because of my sins, the Lord does not give me joy; glory to the Lord for everything!” Bear it patiently and do not despair, but try to improve.

The Lord tests some pious and zealous people in their spiritual life: they do not give them joy - and thank God for this. The Lord knows better than us what is more useful to us: He sends sweets and consolations to some for reinforcement and encouragement, to others He does not do this, because in any state they must love Him with the same strength, and checks: are they like that? Still others are deprived of consolation for their sins. In any case, you cannot be discouraged.

Do not consider yourself an outcast from the Lord, even if you do not feel disposed to serve Him, but always try to please Him with equal strength. Don’t be more concerned with yourself than with the affairs of God, surrender to Him, and in this you will find joy and bliss.

When a person is careless about the work of his salvation, leaving a place for himself, then from communion of the Holy Mysteries he receives more weakness than healing. If after communion you remain vigilant over yourself, over your inclinations and use them to please God, then you will preserve yourself in piety and the joyful feeling that you received while communing.

To serve the Lord you need to have a pure, perfect and submissive heart to all His manifestations, so do not be surprised when He tests, instructs, teaches you to be more perfect.

Some are disdainful of taking communion after the sick and elderly, they are afraid of getting sick. Look, D., beware of this feeling of disgust: it is a very great sin. Priests in parishes where there is no deacon, and deacons in other parishes and monasteries, use the remaining Holy Gifts and live in good health until old age. Disgust shows that a person has weak faith. We must pray to God so that the Lord will increase and strengthen our faith.

It can be hard to watch how some frail old women and mentally ill people make an effort to be the first to approach the Cup of Life, just like children. They push each other and without reverence, without fear of God, they receive communion...

Mentally ill people are often a temptation to others. They inspire fear in some, and there are cases when a person was preparing for communion, but because of them he did not approach the Chalice. This also applies to other patients, especially the elderly. A prudent and pious elder and elder, if he feels bad, then sits somewhere on the side and calmly, reverently prays, and approaches the Chalice last, when there is free passage in the church. This is piety, and oneself receives great benefits for soul and body, and does not embarrass others. So do this, my child, this will acquire humility, fear of God and piety.


One day a spiritual child comes to me and says:

- “Father, is it possible to ask God for death?”

- “What is it?” - I ask.

- “I’m scared to live... I’ll have to answer for everything: for every step, for every look, for every word. It’s better to die now, otherwise many sins will accumulate in old age.”

- “Don’t put them in your suitcase. A step, a glance, an idle word - these are not mortal sins. They are terrible only for those who do not pay attention to them, who do not recognize them for their sins, do not repent and do not correct themselves, so immediately ask God for forgiveness in front of your cross, as the Rev. did. Mary of Egypt, and then you repent to your spiritual father and force yourself to correct yourself, then not a trace will remain of these sins. For you now it is more terrible to die than to live, because you have come to repentance, but you still do not have the fruits of repentance. And so that it is not scary to die, you need to stock up on the fruits of repentance.

Dying is easy. The faint-hearted even commit suicide. These are those who do not want to fight difficulties, but they are worthy of pity and even contempt. The Holy Church does not pray for such people. Who gave us the right to control our destiny? We were not born of our own will, and we must die not of our own will! To ask God for death is insolence! This is clear evidence that we do not want to live according to the will of God. It's clear?"

- “It’s clear, father, what are fruits worthy of repentance.”

- “The fruits worthy of repentance are Christian virtues and good deeds. The Gospel writes a lot about the fruits of repentance. For example, the apostle and evangelist Luke writes: “Produce fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8), and then explains: “Whoever has two coats, give to the poor, and whoever has food, do the same” ( Luke 3:11).

And here are more spiritual fruits: “As God’s elect, let us clothe ourselves with mercy, longsuffering, kindness, humility, meekness and love” (Col. 3:12-14). The main fruit of repentance is love (John 15:2-16).

The Apostle Paul says: “If I give away all my substance and give my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.” (1 Cor. 12:3-8).

“Do this (i.e., produce fruits worthy of repentance), knowing the time that The hour has come for us to wake up from sleep.”(Rom. 13, I).

The fruits of repentance come from true repentance. And true repentance means sincere, unfeigned contrition for sins. The Holy Scriptures provide specific examples of true repentance that brings worthy fruits. For example, Zacchaeus, the unrighteous tax collector, what fruit of repentance did he bear? He gave away half of his estate and abundantly rewarded everyone from whom he took extra.

Rev. Mary of Egypt led a vicious life in her youth. What fruit of repentance did she bear? She went into the desert and began to live chastely.

This is what we should do. For example, pride and vanity take over us. We pray to God to send us humility. How can we practically remake our sinful nature? It is necessary to melt us in the fire of slander, lies, ridicule, all kinds of humiliation and insults from all people and even from our closest relatives - so the Lord sends us what we ask for, because when we ask God for humility, it means we ask to send us people who who would humble us. And if we complacently, without grumbling, without bitterness and irritation, accept and joyfully thank God for all this, pray for the offenders and do not change our good disposition towards them, then this means we bear the fruits of true repentance.


In order for repentance to be not formal, not external, not fruitless, one must pray for enemies, and always do only good to everyone, even if to the detriment of oneself; give alms whenever possible. It is good to give alms from excess, but from poverty it is even better and higher to give.

The Lord looks not so much at people's deeds as at their intentions. There is such a story. When Jesus Christ was a boy, he made birds and began to color them. One bird thinks:

Oh, yellow... I don’t want yellow, I want red! Do you see? This is self-will! But the Lord did not give her anything for her self-will, no colors, so she remained gray. And for several generations these birds were gray. And when the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, the same bird sat on the Cross and thought: my ancestors were self-willed, and I am self-willed, and we all upset the Lord, and now he is suffering. I will help Him! I will pull out the nails, and He will forgive us. And so she began to peck at the nails... bale-buck, bale-buck, bale-buck, peck... Well, where is it! Could she have pulled out the nail? This bird is very small, smaller than a sparrow. Well, she pecked like she pecked at a nail, then she remembered about her children, that they were hungry, they wanted to eat, and quickly flew to them. She flew in, and they all shouted in one voice: “Mommy, mommy, how beautiful you are!” “What's the matter? - asks.” - “Your breast is red.” - "A! This is the blood of the Lord." - “And we want to be the same!”

She kissed the breast of each chick, and so all generations became red-breasted. Since then, this bird has been called a robin.

You see, the Lord accepts good intentions and forgives sins for them. Self-will - wow, what a great sin! For monks this is the most serious sin. This means there is no obedience, the monastic vow is broken, and the worldly must obey the Lord, and even birds and animals obey God.

The Lord forgave the bird because of its good intentions. She did not pull out the nails, but she really wanted to, and the Lord accepted her desire as the very thing.

So we, my friend D., need strive for good to good desires, intentions, deeds, words, thoughts, and so that all our feelings are aimed at pleasing God and our neighbors. If you practice kindness and force yourself to do every good thing, then the Lord and the Mother of God with all the saints will not hesitate to help you in this good intention.

Peace and God's blessing to you!

Schema-abbot SAVVA

Soulful instructions for those seeking salvation


We, Christians, must observe holy integrity in everything: deeds, words, thoughts - and we must keep our body pure and unblemished. Our soul is destined to be the bride of Christ and the dwelling place of God, therefore we need to keep it pure. It is necessary to cleanse it of passions and sins as soon as possible in order to achieve the goal and purpose of a Christian - the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

While our soul is dirty, it cannot be the bride of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit. It's clear as a sunny day. What kind of communication can darkness have with light? And in order to become enlightened and take the path of virtue, you need a sharp push... It’s like an explosion of an atomic bomb in the soul! You know what an atomic bomb does, right? It incinerates everything around, nothing remains, not even traces of stones and metal... Our repentance should have the same effect in the soul. It should be so sincere, so ardent, should be offered with such contrition of heart, with such fear of God and a cry to God for mercy, that nothing dirty, unworthy, sinful should remain in the soul, so that only a single ardent desire for God should appear.

We need to think hard and hard about ourselves... The enemy of our soul fears nothing more than our thinking about ourselves, because this leads to the correction of life. We must imagine with particular clarity that every day we come closer and closer to death, to judgment and eternity. No one knows the day of his death. Death can strike us suddenly, today, right now, this very minute... What then? Ah, my friend D., it’s scary when you think about it, when you think about it well...

Life is not a toy! A toy can be replaced, but life is given to us once. Every moment, day after day, is carried away into eternity, and the past is irrevocable for us. With what care must one live one’s life, so that later one does not have to regret what one has lived, so one does not have to repent of one’s deeds beyond the grave... Such late repentance only increases suffering and torment.


All Orthodox Christians at baptism put on a new, pure, bright, holy and immaculate Divine robe. But the trouble is that with our passions and vices we pollute and desecrate the clothing of our soul and thereby deprive ourselves of the right to eternal bliss. We sin a lot before the Lord. What kind of sinful defilements we have! We sin both externally and internally: we are lazy; voluptuous; capricious; flirtatious; we love bliss and luxury - wine, sinful entertainment; idle talk; slander; condemn; we lie, slander, and sometimes use obscene words.

Our soul and heart are infected with pride, ambition, greed, envy, hatred, gloating and other countless sins and vices.

How can we appear to the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven in such dirty, smelly, disgusting clothes? How can we, so dirty, appear there, where there is only shrine, light, glory, beauty, joy and the eternal triumph of those celebrating?... No one will let us like that there until we are cleansed by the Sacrament of repentance and put on the best clothes of Christian virtues - in clothes holiness, purity and innocence.


If the Lord were only just, then he would execute the sinner immediately, during the sin itself, but the Lord is loving, in His philanthropy and mercy He has mercy on the sinner, endures for a long time and waits for his conversion, waits for repentance, waits for correction. The Lord endures for a long, long time, but if an inveterate sinner stubbornly refuses to repent and reform, then a terrible execution of God awaits him. There are many such sinners whom He rejects forever.

These people often live in complete prosperity, rejoice, have fun and do not suspect, and more often do not want to know, that their well-being is a sign of eternal rejection. There is nothing more terrible than the well-being of sinners. The most unfortunate person is the one who does not feel how dangerously he walks over the abyss, and who rejects or postpones his repentance. Many people think, and some openly say: “When we are old, then we will repent, but while we are young, do we care?” But who can be sure that he will live to old age? Besides, who can say that in old age he will be wiser than now? Will he then, out of habit, reject repentance? Experience shows us that advanced age only makes us more experienced in life, not wiser. Will the Lord be pleased with such repentance, when a sinner with his deeds and his whole life seems to say: “It’s on You, God, that I am not worth it. Now I am old and weak, and involuntarily I turn to You.”

But will the Lord accept such a sacrifice if a person consciously moved away from Him all his life and came to repentance only when he no longer had the strength or means to serve God, when he could no longer bear Him the fruits of repentance? The Lord is merciful, but He is also just. Whoever remains faulty, He punishes him with sudden death, so that the sinner passes into eternal life unprepared and unrefined. The afterlife fate of such an unrepentant sinner is indescribable, terrible and desolate. He will forever suffer with other sinners, and the smoke of their torment will rise to heaven.

The Lord endures... endures for a long time and waits for the sinner to turn to repentance or fill the measure of his iniquities and sins, as the Holy Angel said to the Apostle John the Theologian: “The time is near: let him offend again, and let the wicked be defiled again...” (Rev. 22:10-11), and then it will be more joyful for the pagans, “it will be more joyful for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment” (Matthew 10:15), than for unrepentant sinners.

The Holy Apostle Paul had a vision of how the heavenly bodies, the ocean, and the earth, ready to swallow sinners alive, complained to the Lord about sinful people: he heard their groans and request that the Lord command them to destroy sinners, but the Lord answered them: repentance I am waiting!


The sun bowed to the surface of the waters,
The day fades and the night comes.
My spirit is troubled by grave anxiety:
In the general harmony a groan is heard...

The sun, golden crimson grief,
He prays with anguish, saying to the Creator:
“I cannot contemplate human affairs,
Let us put an end to lawlessness;

Oh, lead me, and I’ll light the air,
The creature that desecrated the world will perish in it.”
There was a voice to him: “I am waiting for repentance!
He who is unrepentant is guilty of judgment!”

The stars and the queen moon cry out:
“God, reveal Your all-righteous judgment:
People defile You with sin...
ABOUT! Command us, and we will bring darkness!

The voice answered: “I am waiting for repentance!

Shining with the tremulous light of dawn,
The stern giant of the ocean grumbles:

“People have brought down Your glory,
Eternal God, and this land,
They are worthy of execution - they led -
I will wash away the despicable from the earth forever!”

There was a voice to him: “I’m waiting for repentance!”
He who does not repent is guilty of judgment.”
Weeping bitterly and trembling in anger,
So the Earth exclaimed: “From the knife

The righteous perish, the wicked rejoices,
Mothers destroy innocent children
The son is not afraid to kill his mother, father -
There is no end to crimes!

Malice, betrayal, violence, fornication -
The temptations of the world are growing everywhere.
Oh, come on! I will open my mouth...
I will absorb everyone and remain clean,

Or let me not give them fruit,
Death will take them away, there will be no trace."
The voice answered: “I am waiting for repentance!

Complaints fell silent in the silence of the night,
The hymn of the universe is heard to me.
In the pale radiance of a million lights
I see the flight of angelic wings.

Angels bring things to God:
All manifestations of good or evil;
Everything that we accomplished last day.
Now the azure shadow has dissolved...

Suddenly the Spirit came out to meet the Angels...
My ears sweetly listen to His voice,
There is mercy in Him and love is deep...
“Where did you find such good deeds?” -

"We brought them from the terrible deserts,
Gloomy caves, rocky strongholds -
These are the deeds of those who have left the world,
Those who, having rejected the sweetness of vanities,

They hunger and thirst, grieving over sins..."
“Peace be upon them! Bliss awaits them in heaven!
The vision disappeared in the twinkling stars,
Again the flickering of ghostly wings.

Angels cry with drooping heads,
Heaviness is brought by human untruths.
Suddenly the Spirit came out to meet the Angels,
My ears timidly listen to His voice,

There is mercy in Him and love is deep...
“Angels, where did you find the burdens?” -
“We found them, Lord, from those
Who forgot You for fun,

Their hearts and minds are full of deceit,
God, do we really have to serve them?
“You guide them on the true path,
So that they too can rest,

It will be joyful in My Paradise,
In the unfading glory of the eternal day,
I expect repentance from them too -
He who does not repent is guilty of judgment.”

Instantly everything disappeared, only waves sometimes,
They timidly splash on the seashore...
In the diamond shine, in the silence of the night,
The hymn of the universe is heard to me.


My friend D., reading these lines, my heart trembles with tenderness, tears involuntarily come to my eyes... What is our Lord!.. How merciful He is! How loving He is! It is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the depth of His perfection! He is incomprehensible!

Now the sinner has come to the consciousness of his sinfulness, cries, sobs in deep sorrow and cries out:

- "God! How disgusting I am before You! How poor, beggarly, sinful, weak, disgusting, vile I am!.. Unbearable! I’m falling!.. I’m dying!.. Lord, save me!.. Lady!..”

The poor sinner wrings his hands in despair, torments his chest...

And the Lord is already stretching out his hands to him, with tender Fatherly love, hugging the sinner and comforting him. Peace, silence and tranquility and inexplicable joy are established in the heart of the sinner. He feels that the Lord has forgiven him, and in exhaustion falls at the feet of his Savior and in reverent feeling surrenders himself entirely to His holy will.

The Savior, in His mercy, forgiveness and love, always knocks on the sinner’s heart and calls him to repentance in order to save the soul and give it life and joy in communicating with himself. The influx of the Spirit of God covers us most often when we lament our sins, but it also happens at other times when we neither expect nor prepare for it.

When you realize how good and merciful the Lord is, then it becomes clear why despair is considered mortal, that is, a very serious sin. No matter how numerous a person’s sins may be and no matter how serious his crimes may be, God’s boundless mercy covers them all if a person repents, is contrite and sincerely wants correction. Sins, no matter how serious and numerous they may be, they have boundaries, they have a limit, and God’s mercy has no boundaries and limits, it is limitless, limitless. And when a person thinks that God will not forgive him his sins and despairs of his salvation, then he thinks of blasphemy against God, belittles His dignity, belittles Him in his concept, pushes God’s mercy away from himself, pushes salvation away from himself and, thus , he is destroying himself.

Glory to the Lord God that He gave us repentance! By repentance we will all be saved, without exception. Only those who do not want to repent and do not want to improve will not be saved.


Oh, how merciful and loving the Lord is! He is ready to forgive everyone and everything and is patiently waiting for our conversion, our sincere repentance. It is not quantity that awaits our conversion, our sincere repentance. It is not the number of sins and their severity that destroys us, but our unrepentant life. What destroys us is that we put off our repentance, as they say, in a distant drawer. This is why the Lord is angry with us. St. Apostle Paul writes: “But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath and revelation of righteous judgment from God, who will reward everyone according to his deeds” (Rom. 2:5-6).

The Lord wants to save everyone and give everyone eternal bliss, but we persist, remain stuck in our sins and turn a blind eye to repentance. Evil power distracts from repentance in various ways, but most often repentance is postponed due to negligence and false shame. But frankly speaking, one must be ashamed and afraid to sin, and when a sin has already been committed, then one must open it and confess it, because sooner or later the sin will come to light, if not in this life, then in the future, and then it will be scary and ashamed not only because of sin, but because of unreasonable secrecy.

To be a sinner is a common misfortune. There is not a single person without sin. God alone is sinless. If a person sins not by deed, then by word; if not by word, then by thought. We are conceived in iniquities and born in sins, so that in our very nature we are corrupted, therefore we are weak, infirm, passionate, willing to do everything evil, to commit every sin, so there is no need to be ashamed to repent.

There are Christians who do not repent and do not receive communion for another reason. They have forgotten about God’s mercy and repentance and reason according to human judgment: they say, I am such a great sinner that the Lord will never forgive me. This is already despair - a mortal sin. We must never forget that there is no unforgivable sin except unrepentant sin, that is, there is no sin that the Lord will not forgive if a person repents of it.

The worst thing is when they have no need for repentance, imagining that they are righteous and that they will be saved without repentance. No matter how righteously and holy we live, we cannot help but sin at all while we live in the body, and therefore the feeling of repentance should never leave us. With our minds we must always keep ourselves in hell, that is, we must sincerely consider ourselves worse than everyone else and worthy of hell, but just not despair.

The Lord does not enter the human heart until it is completely cleansed by repentance. And only when a person confesses to his iniquities, even small sins, when he judges himself and with the deepest contrition of his heart leaves his sins forever, and at the same time considers himself a great sinner, only then will the Lord visit the heart and fill it with peace and joy and love.

Usually a person tries to belittle his sin and present it as less worthy of condemnation than he actually is, and thereby harms his soul. After all, sin is the only reason that distances us from God and blocks His love from us. This means that in order to get closer to God, in your imagination you must not belittle sin and its destructive effect, but, on the contrary, you must imagine it in the darkest colors. We must imagine that any sin, both big and small, leads to eternal death. In fact, this is how it is.

Sin in the face of God is an abomination, and the Lord turns away from everyone who commits sin. The Lord also demands from us, Christians, that we be saints, that we live holy, imitating Him in everything. But we are content with a life that is free from gross crimes, from the greatest mortal sins, and do not pay attention to others. The Lord is waiting for us to repent. Let us go, my friend, to His call.

Repentance is the basis of our salvation, so it cannot be neglected. The holy sacrament of repentance is the font in which the sinner is cleansed for heaven. At baptism we we are born of water and the Holy Spirit, at repentance we we are reborn through tears and the Holy Spirit.

Repentance is a turning to something better, it is the beginning of a holy and immaculate life. In those who have faith and true, sincere repentance, that means there is also the determination to leave sin, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abides, cleansing sins through spiritual shepherds.

Rev. Ephraim the Syrian says this: “Repentance is a great crucible that takes in copper and turns it into gold, takes lead and gives back silver.”

To maintain and strengthen this feeling, the church gives a helping hand, directs a person on the path of the sacrament of cleansing of his sins. This sacrament cuts off the sinful part of his soul from a person. By this sacrament the past is destroyed, and therefore it destroys that which is worse for a person than sin itself - it destroys despair.

So, the merciful Lord forgives every sin, so there is no need to despair, there is no need to be ashamed to express your sins and there is no need to belittle them, but you need to repent with tears and the Lord will forgive them.

Anyone who wishes to begin the sacrament of repentance and the sacrament of communion prepares by fasting, that is, prayer and fasting. He expresses repentance for sins with fear before the priest by verbal confession or writes on paper if the confessor is deaf and dumb and for other reasons. Through the priest, the confessor receives forgiveness of sins. Sometimes the priest imposes penance on him, that is, punishment for a great sin.

The most important moment of the sacrament is the priest reading the prayer of permission, when he places the end of the epitrachelion on the head of the penitent.

We all want to be saved, but few people think and truly care about their salvation. Everyone wants to be in Paradise, but working and bringing good fruits for their salvation is a burden to everyone. This is why the work of salvation does not move forward. Few people grow quickly spiritually, the desire to be saved for many remains a desire, in words... But the Lord does not need words, but deeds!

Everyone knows that only a narrow, thorny and regrettable path leads to salvation, and a wide and extensive path of pleasing one’s sinful desires leads to destruction. But due to their carelessness, people forget about this. Sin is sweet and fascinating, and almost everyone surrenders to it willingly without thinking, without reasoning, they don’t want to think about the consequences of sin, but each of us knows what terrible consequences there are for sins in this life: illness, sorrow, all kinds of misfortune. In the future, afterlife, the soul is kept in hell for unrepentant sin.


The Monk Basil the New had Theodore's cell attendant. And so, when she died, his student Gregory wanted to know Theodora’s fate after death. He prayed fervently to God and went to bed. The Monk Theodora appeared to him in a dream and told in detail how she went through the aerial ordeals. Maybe you read it too, but let me briefly remind you again; it’s useful for me to remember this myself.

From the writings of the holy fathers you know that the airspace is filled with evil spirits, demons. And so, when after the death of a person the soul rises to God, on its way it meets many demons who torture it for its sins. They show charters on which are written all the big and small sins of a person that were not confessed to the spiritual father. It happens that a person sinned out of ignorance, that is, he did not know that it was a sin, but demons still demand an answer, as if a ransom for sin. How can a soul be redeemed? Good deeds! Demons, of course, do not need good deeds, and they gnash their teeth in anger when a soul pays off them. They would gladly cast the soul into hell, but the Angels protect it, and only if the soul has nothing to buy off, it has no good deeds, then only the angels leave, and the soul remains in the power of demons.

Rev. Theodora lived piously; it was not out of false shame that she hid her spiritual father, Rev. Vasily, the sin of youth is a prodigal sin. And if Rev. Vasily did not help (for ransom from demons he gave the holy angels his good deeds in the form of a bag of gold) to buy her off from demons, then even such a pious soul would have been cast into hell for unrepentant sin.

These are the ordeals the Rev. went through. Theodora and what sins are tortured from them:

1. At the first ordeal, human sins are tortured with the WORD, such as: idle talk, ridicule, blasphemy, singing obscene songs, countless exclamations, laughter and the like. For the most part, people impute these sins to nothing, do not repent of them before God and do not confess them to their spiritual father, so they are very dangerous.

2. At the second ordeal of LIES, all lies, perjury, calling on the name of God in vain (in vain), failure to fulfill vows given to God, and concealment of sins before the confessor in confession are tortured.

3. At the third ordeal of Slander, slander of one's neighbor, condemnation, and destruction of others are tortured.

4. At the fourth ordeal of Gluttony, the following are tortured: gluttony, drunkenness, untimely and secret eating without prayer, non-observance of fasts, voluptuousness, satiety, laryngeal insanity (even though you eat little, but it’s tasty), gluttony (even though it’s tasteless to eat, but more, to the point of oversaturation), etc. .i.e. all types of pleasing the belly.

5. At the fifth ordeal of LAZINESS, all days and hours spent in laziness, carelessness about serving God, and despondency are tortured; parasites who do not want to work themselves are tortured, as well as mercenaries who receive pay but do their work with carelessness.

6. At the sixth ordeal of THEFT, all kinds of theft and theft are tortured: gross and specious, open and secret.

7. At the seventh ordeal of the love of money, addiction to money and stinginess are tortured.

8. At the eighth ordeal of LICHVA, covetous moneylenders and appropriators of others’ property are tortured.

9. At the ninth ordeal of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, unrighteous judges are tortured, carried away in the courts by partiality or bribery, acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent; here the false scales and measures of sellers and other falsehoods are discussed.

10. At the tenth ordeal of ENVY, everyone who indulges in this destructive passion and its consequences is tortured.

11. At the eleventh ordeal of PRIDE, the following are tortured: pride, vanity, conceit, contempt (contempt), grandeur, failure to give due honor to parents, spiritual and civil authorities, disobedience to them and disobedience to them.

12. At the twelfth ordeal, ANGER and RAGE are tortured.

13. At the thirteenth ordeal, MEMORIES are tortured.

14. At the fourteenth ordeal of MURDER, not only robbery and murder are tortured, but also any kind of hitting, strangling, and pushing.

15. At the fifteenth ordeal of MAGIC, the following are tortured: sorcery, charm, making up poisonings, incantations, whispers (whispering) and the magical invocation of demons.

16. At the sixteenth ordeal of the PRODIGAL, all kinds of fornication are tortured, that is, the prodigal sin of persons who are not bound by marriage. Also tortured are: dreams of prodigal sin, consent to sin, pleasure in sin, voluptuous views, bad touches and touches.

17. At the seventeenth adulterous ordeal, the fornication sins of persons living in marriage, but who did not maintain marital fidelity and the marriage bed, are tortured; here, kidnappings and rapes of prodigal people are menacingly tortured, as well as the prodigal falls of persons dedicated to God and who have violated the vow of chastity and virginity.

18. At the eighteenth SODOM ordeal, unnatural sins, incest and other nasty deeds committed secretly, which are shameful and scary to even remember, are tortured.

19. At the nineteenth ordeal of HERESIES, the following are tortured: incorrect thinking about faith, apostasy from the Orthodox faith, blasphemy and similar sins.

20. At the twentieth ordeal of UNMERCY, unmercifulness, hatred and cruelty are tortured.

If someone has accomplished many feats, preserved the purity of virginity, exhausted the body with abstinence, but was merciless, then from this ordeal he is cast into the hellish abyss.


So, my friend D., let’s ask everyone for forgiveness and repent. Let us ardently and sincerely repent in order to throw off the sinful burden, otherwise sometimes it becomes scary...

Have you ever wondered: what if Christ comes to judge us today? What if I die today? What then? How will I be justified at the Last Judgment? How will I get through the ordeal?... I often think about this. After all, in essence, there is no sin for which we would not have to answer at the ordeal, no matter how unimportant the sin may seem to us. For example, idle talk! Who seriously takes idle talk as a sin! We are so used to talking a lot without need or benefit that we don’t even realize what we are saying and think: “Oh - nothing! It’s not a great sin!” And some simply cannot agree that it is sinful to even say simple, kind words. But the Lord Jesus Christ directly said: “For every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36).

Do you see? We will give an answer not for some evil, bad, harmful word, but for a simple, ordinary, but idle word.

What kind of idle words are these? And these are the words that we pronounce, as they say, out of nothing to do; empty words, without any inner dignity and meaning; words that mean nothing and have no purpose, that do not cause any need, have no useful use. So... we talk just to say something. Our whole life passes in idle talk and idle talk: both in personal family life, and in public places, everywhere and everywhere, wherever we are. In our conversations and conversations we hardly come across a reasonable, useful, soul-saving word, and, as a rule, our entire conversation consists of a collection of idle words.

How scary, D.! Let's look back at our lives and clearly imagine where we are going and what awaits us in the future eternal life, even if only for one sin idle talk.

In order to more clearly imagine the gravity of this, as it seems to everyone, “unimportant” sin, let’s try to make a small mathematical calculation: in order to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and slowly, it takes only one minute, that is, in one in a minute we say one and a half hundred words. This means that in one hour we speak nine thousand words. But which of us is such an ascetic whose conversation in twenty-four hours a day would be calculated in one hour? Of course, in the life of every person there are days that he spends in silence out of necessity, when there is no one to talk to, but... this is not a feat! Well one poet said:

And no matter how much dumbness is a feat,
Still, free silence is better!

In fact, if a person is forced to remain silent, and his thoughts wander everywhere and idle talk with his mind and heart with himself and with the one he is thinking about, then what good does his silence do to him? It would be better if he praised God out loud in private!

This is the purpose of abstaining from idle words, so that it is easier to assimilate unceasing prayer.

I have such spiritual children who love to talk. And you know how difficult it is to refrain from judging in a conversation. I have to deal strictly with such people, I impose penance: read the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian: “Lord and Master of my life, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk.” (bow to the ground)",“Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Your servant (bow to the ground)",“Hey, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for blessed are you forever and ever. Amen (bow to the ground). Then twelve small bows. For every bow say: “God, cleanse me, a sinner.” After this, repeat the entire prayer: “Lord and Master of my life... (bow to the ground) and have only soul-saving conversations, and for everyday use the conversation should be thirty-three words per day. They do it - well done! Of course, there are sometimes breakdowns, not without it, but mostly they stick to the blessing. And some even ask themselves: “Father, give me a penance of thirty-three words, otherwise I will talk a lot.”

So, my friend, let's continue our counting. This means that in one hour we can utter nine thousand words, useful or idle. And if we talk for a total of ten hours a day, it means that we speak ninety thousand words per day; per week - six hundred thirty thousand; for a month - two million seven hundred thousand, and for a year - more than thirty-two million.

If every word is compared to a grain of sand, then in one year of our life more than thirty million grains of sand will be put on the scale. Can you imagine? This is a whole bag! And, of course, the scales will immediately lower us to the bottom of hell for the sin of idle talk alone.

We do not forget serious sins, we lament, we force ourselves to correct ourselves, but such minor verbal sins, which we do not pay attention to, can imperceptibly lead us to hell without any sinful deeds.

They say this: “No condemnation means salvation without difficulty.” You can add: “Idle talk is an inconspicuous ruin.”

Every word, no matter how small or insignificant it may be, on the day of the Last Judgment will appear with us at the Judgment and will testify either for us or against us.

You see, my friend, how unhelpful and even harmful empty, idle talk is. I think now you will be more careful in your words, especially when we look at the sin of condemnation.


The Lord said: “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” This is the easiest way we can get rid of eternal condemnation, from destruction. But we forget the words of Christ, and as soon as two or three get together, we begin to sort out other people’s affairs: this one is a drunkard, that one is a villain, and that one is a thief and a libertine, the husband does not love his wife, the stepmother beats the stepdaughter, etc. And so we get carried away by the conversation, that you don’t want to part. We see how our interlocutor enjoys our conversation, we try, to please him, to remember the smallest details that, as it seems to us, prove the guilt of those whom we condemn. The interlocutors seem to us to be reasonable, pleasant people with whom we can “relax our souls.” There is an expression: “take your soul away.” Where? To hell, of course.

They say differently about spiritual conversation. They say that talking with this person delights the soul. And if the conversation does not delight the soul, but takes it away... from piety, then the interlocutors are pushing each other into absolute hell. Man himself sins and causes others to sin. That's how scary it is!

Why does the Lord ask so strictly for condemnation? Yes, because by doing this we oppose His holy will. Jesus Christ came into the world in order to save sinners, but we, without any compassion, beat them in word and deed, and thereby destroy them. Without noticing it ourselves, we imitate the ungodly demons and help them destroy themselves and their neighbors when we expose their sins and bring each other to condemnation.

After all, in essence, what is sin? This is a serious, dangerous, painful illness of the soul, and mental illness is more severe, worse than physical illness. No matter how seriously the body hurts, this illness is temporary, it disappears with death, but the illness of the soul, i.e. unrepentant sin passes with us into eternity.

Sin is dirt, darkness, stench, abomination... Judge for yourself, can a soul enter the Kingdom of Heaven if it is sick? Not only you and I, but everyone will say that until the soul recovers, until it is cleansed, it cannot enjoy eternal joy. But the Lord feels sorry for us, sorry for sinners - spiritual sufferers. He wants all Christians to be saved, so He calls for repentance, which, as a universal medicine, cures every illness of the soul, every sin.

We resist the will of God and instead of sympathizing with mentally ill sinners and tearfully begging the Lord to have mercy on them, so that the Lord would call them to repentance and cleanse their souls, with our condemnation we intensify their illness, make them worse, even more irritable, bitter , inveterate, and there are often cases when they repeat a sin as if only to spite those who condemn them. So it turns out that with one blow we kill two birds with one stone. It’s a sin to kill hares for fun; Let every breath praise the Lord! Well, maybe just for the sake of their skins... And there are times when they are killed, as they say, out of nothing to do.

Deliver, Lord!

And with one word of condemnation we prepare ourselves and them, if they become irritated, for eternal fire; we kill virtue in ourselves, grace departs, and we intensify mental illness and morally kill those whom we condemn. Each of us has experienced how difficult it can be to endure condemnation and slander, but who is enlightened by this experience? We ourselves suffer from others who condemn us, and we ourselves make our neighbors suffer for the same reason. It is for such foolishness that the Lord punishes us; for our cruelty and callousness He takes away grace. We blacken ourselves with sins, push salvation away from ourselves, and become obscene in the eyes of God.

The Lord says: “I want mercy, not sacrifice.” Some people pray to God a lot and eat little bread, spend their nights on vigil and wear chains, but they themselves are so angry that they cannot tolerate a single word of disagreement. He boasts and boasts about his external deeds, but the Lord expects from us, first of all, internal correction. The Lord needs a pure heart, a heart that has mercy on everyone, does not condemn, and is loving. If a person could keep his heart pure, the prophetic words of the Lord would be fulfilled on him: “But I tell you truly, there are some who are present here who will not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God” (Luke 9:27). And when deeds are performed for one’s own glory, and not for the glory of God, then this is not pleasing to God and is to the detriment of oneself. A person begins to be vain about his exploits and good deeds, like a Pharisee, and therefore condemns others. By the way, the Egyptian elders were so afraid of vanity that they avoided good deeds for the sake of it. Of course, this happened at a certain stage of wise work on oneself, and the one who looks only at his own sins and does not see good deeds will not condemn others, and when he sees someone sinning, he will say: “I am worse than him, help us, Lord, save yourself!”

In order not to fall into pharisaism, it is useful to do good deeds in secret from others and even from yourself, that is, so that your left hand does not know what your right hand is doing; do it as if in passing, as if by the way, and then forget it forever, let only God and the celestials know.

Condemnation is also very dangerous because the sin of the condemned is transferred to the condemner. I remember there was such a case. An old woman comes up and says: “Father, pray! What kind of misfortune? When I was young, I didn’t feel such carnal passion as I do now. What’s wrong with me?!” “So you have condemned the fornicator. Was it like that? “It was, father, it was! She condemned her neighbor...” “Well,” I say, “now repent and ask her for forgiveness. Don’t despair, it will pass.” And indeed, as soon as she told this to her neighbor and sincerely asked her for forgiveness, everything calmed down. There are even such cases. Sin does not recognize age. Condemned - get the same. She showed cruelty to the sick person - get sick yourself, so that later you will become more merciful. This is also the mercy of God, leading us to salvation. The old woman later said that this incident immediately sobered her up. “Like hell! Like an ax chopped off... I see who is sinning, but I say to myself: I don’t see anything. I’ve had enough of my own sins, I don’t need other people’s.”

Try, my friend, to take advantage of her experience. When a condemning thought comes, say to yourself: “Why do I need someone else’s sin? I don’t know how to get rid of mine!”

There is such a law in spiritual life: as soon as you condemn someone, you will certainly fall into the same sin. Many have learned this law through life experience, and some fall into new, unknown sins and wonder, no worse than this old woman: where does this misfortune come from? In such cases, you must quickly remember who you condemned, find this person, confess your sin to him and ask for forgiveness, and then confess the sin to your spiritual father, and then the Lord will forgive and remove this sin.

How tempting, how easy it is to notice someone else’s sin, shortcomings and condemn the person. This is because we indulge our passion - vanity. At this time, against the backdrop of other people's sin, we seem to ourselves better than others, almost great. This is just an effect, we indignantly attack the poor, unfortunate sinner both behind our eyes and in our eyes: “How is the earth holding you, hasn’t it swallowed you up yet? How can a wife not drive away a drunkard like that?”

- “Has your husband cheated? Ooh! I could deal with this in no time! What a fool for putting up with it!”

- “How fertile a rabbit is! She herself is a beggar... how many did she bring? Well... We must first learn to live, and then get married!”

In a fit of his imaginary greatness and omniscience, a person loses the boundary of what is permissible, his mind becomes darkened, and he ceases to recognize sin and piety. He no longer spares anyone: neither the sinner nor the righteous. He judges and disparages everyone, with a broad gesture he shrugs off someone else’s misfortune with one hand... but he doesn’t apply his mind to his own terrible misfortune (the danger of death for being convicted).

A serious sin is the condemnation of a sinner, and the condemnation of a righteous person is even more severe. The Lord immediately punishes for this sin.

Michalla, the wife of the prophet and king David, laughed at her husband - she lost the blessing to give birth to children! Mariam, the sister of the prophet Moses, condemned her brother - she became covered with leprosy, and Canaan was even cursed for condemning her grandfather, the righteous Noah, and laughing at him.

That's how scary it is! And many people think: “Ah! Nonsense! Just think - he said his word!

No, this is not nothing! The retribution will be severe for those who live this way. You cannot not only condemn, but even think bad things about a person. A humiliating thought is disgusting to God, and He punishes for it, especially when the righteous are condemned and destroyed, and it is often difficult to recognize them, because they hide their dispassion under the cover of a nasty passion. Therefore, you need to be very careful in everything. We must not forget that repentance destroys both evil and good deeds, so never regret the good you have done.

Yes, it’s scary to judge! In fact, we judge ourselves, because with the same court we judge others, we ourselves will be judged, and even more strictly. Just imagine: in a conversation you and I humiliate and condemn a sinner, and at this time the Lord accepts his repentance and forgives, or maybe has already forgiven his sin a long time ago. God justifies, and we accuse... which means we become opponents of God, antichrists, arrogating to ourselves the power of Christ. That's how scary it is!

God has a lot of mercy. Today a sinner is a friend of Satan, but tomorrow he will repent and become a friend of God. It is unknown what the end of his life and ours will be. The robber killed people and ascended with the Lord to Paradise, and Judas was considered a disciple of Christ for three years and ended up in hell.

So, with all your might, avoid the sin of condemnation.

The consequences of this sin are terrible: it breaks the union of friends, hatred and quarrels slip between relatives; Hatred takes root in people who have done nothing bad to each other.

Take your example from Jesus Christ. He did not condemn a single person among those who sinned through their weakness; He strictly rebuked only the Pharisees-hypocrites, for they themselves did not go to salvation and hindered others. With everyone, Christ was affectionate, courteous, attentive, sensitive; He consoled everyone, helped everyone.

When the thought of condemnation comes, remember the crucified Christ and His words: “Father! let them go, for they do not know what they are doing.” With these words you too pray for those who condemn, because those who judge and judge also often do not know that they often condemn not for sin, but for virtue.

Well, for example, they condemn a humble person for pride only because he does not want to talk to them (to talk idle and condemn), or they condemn pious spouses for having many children, etc. Such examples are countless, especially when the righteous act like fools. We very often make mistakes in our judgments: whoever does not deserve praise, we praise, and whoever is worthy of praise and honor, we blame and condemn. How terrible it is! Have a compassionate soul, be lenient towards everyone, and you will not judge.


Before judging others, it is better to know yourself. What are we? They say that in order to know someone else's soul, you need to eat three pounds of salt together. And to know yourself is even more difficult. You can eat ten pounds of salt and remain ignorant of yourself if you do not engage in internal self-knowledge. We will all seem good to ourselves, better than others, and then it will be difficult to get rid of the sin of condemnation. But if we really think about ourselves and look into our hearts, asking God for the light of Christ’s grace, we will be horrified... how dangerously we walk! Each of us will see in himself such a thing that the hair on his head will stand out of fear... Each will see that he is truly the worst of all, and, as if to prove himself, he will begin to think like this: although others sin due to weakness, they do not respect their neighbors. they condemn, but I... not a month, a week, a day goes by without me condemning, humiliating, insulting, or slandering anyone. Although others sin out of weakness, they are cleansed by repentance, but I... I can’t even repent properly: if I don’t justify myself with words, then in my thoughts I consider myself right and in the depths of my soul I continue to be offended by others or simply consider them bad, unworthy people, and therefore I do not purify myself, but become even more darkened, becoming even more indecent before God.

Others, although they sin out of weakness, lead them to contrition and humility. They do not try to hide their sins. They are despised and humiliated, but they are not offended for this, because they consider themselves sinners and worthy of all humiliation, and I... I diligently hide every sin, small and large, from everyone in order to seem good, pious... alas! alas!.. How far I am from real piety! Like gunpowder, I explode at the slightest reason or without reason, from mere suspiciousness, and in my soul I harbor anger and revenge...

This kind of thinking is very useful. We must further and further develop this contrition - self-knowledge, knowledge of our insignificance - and think about it not once a month or week, but daily, hourly, until this happens. repentant feeling will not become akin to our being, will not enter flesh and blood, will not become an integral part of our spiritual heart; and when we acquire this imperishable treasure, then we must guard it like the apple of our eye, until the last days of his life.


You ask to explain the similarities and differences between condemnation and reproof. Yes, this question is significant.

Recently, one child also asked: “Father, why do you write in some books: you must convict the sinner and help him correct himself, but in other books you write: you cannot condemn. Isn’t denouncing and condemning essentially the same thing?”

Far from the same thing! And it is precisely in essence that they are not the same thing, although, at first glance, they are similar to each other. Reproof has the goal of correcting a person, making him better and saving the soul, while condemnation has the goal of humiliating a person, darkening, breaking his life and destroying his soul. You can object to this and say: “Nothing like that! When I condemn someone, I never pursue the goal of destroying him. I’ll just express my opinion and that’s all.”

Oh my! Is this so, my friend? If I ask you, what goal are you pursuing when you condemn? Maybe in the eyes of your interlocutor you want to elevate the person being condemned? Maybe you want him to develop good feelings and disposition towards him? Maybe you want to reconcile them with your condemnation?.. Of course not, condemnation leads to just the opposite results.

The purpose of a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, is to do good and save souls. Save yourself, save your neighbors, therefore, when you see someone sinning, rebuke him meekly, with love, but try not to condemn him. The Lord commanded: “If your brother sins against you, then go and expose him.” The Lord did not say: “Judge,” but said: “Reprove” in order to correct the sinner. You can even tell another about his vices, so that he too can take part in the salvation of the sinner, if one does not listen to you. You can only talk about the vices of others to a reliable, pious, proven person, in whom you are confident that he will not condemn or harm the cause of salvation.

Advise the lost without hesitation, even if you have to suffer for it. Be patient, understand, help as much as you can, and you will receive a great reward from God. Just don’t be harsh and rude in your reprimand, keep yourself from irritation, from anger... - God forbid, if you feel that you are starting to get irritated, immediately move on to another topic of conversation, do not touch upon the reproof, or even quickly ask for forgiveness and get away, because the reproof, said with irritation, in a rude form this is condemnation. In this case, you cannot save the sinner and you will destroy yourself. Whoever denounces with bitterness and humiliation takes his sin upon himself in the same way as when condemning. Try to turn him away from lawlessness not with your judgment, but with the fear of God. Gently explain to him how dangerous it is for the soul to commit such a sin, how disgusting it is to God, and what punishment awaits him for this sin.

There are cases when such meek and loving admonition has such great power that an abyss immediately seems to open before the sinner’s mental gaze. He clearly begins to feel his doom and despairs of his salvation. In this case, console him with these words: “The Lord is merciful, he will forgive everything, just repent and don’t do it again later. And if you bear abundant fruits of repentance and purify your heart, then there will be no end to happiness...” And further develop the thought, explain to him what bliss the pardoned righteous look forward to while still living on earth, how such a state is achieved... and other things that you yourself know and can convey to another. And if he stubbornly makes excuses, then immediately move the conversation to another topic, otherwise you will harden his heart even more and destroy in him any inclination towards goodness.

To meekly reprove and admonish is very useful and soul-saving for both sides, but with meekness, humility and love only one who is free from passions and vices, especially pride, vanity and anger, can reprove with meekness, humility and love, who admonishes not only with words, but also with good deeds, and most of all an example of a good, pious life. Otherwise, we can start, as they say, about health, and end with peace, that is, a good intention to help a sinner correct itself can turn into the cause of his final death if we really act according to our passions. Therefore, the best thing for everyone is to pray to God for the sinner and kiss your cross for him five times in the morning and evening every day.

Have you yet experienced, my friend, what beneficial effects such a simple act has: kissing a cross? Try it! You will see for yourself, without further ado.

With regard to reproof, do not be embarrassed, approach it boldly: this is God’s will for you personally, but just do not be vain, do not be arrogant in front of yourself and others, which, they say, your spiritual father has blessed. Be more humble. Remember the words of the Holy Scripture: “Not many become teachers, knowing that we will suffer great condemnation” (James 3:1) if we condemn more than we admonish, or if we become vain about our knowledge and good deeds.

Open your lips only for prayerful glorification, glorifying God, for meek admonishment of those who sin and for a brief answer to those who question; the rest of the time, keep your lips, that is, be silent, and do unceasing, undistracted prayer.


It is difficult to save the soul for someone who does not remain silent, who is always engaged in empty talk about earthly and vain things, especially who condemns others. It is not for nothing that they say: “He who is long-winded is also many sinners.” What deep truth there is in these words!

Try, D., to analyze your ordinary conversation, as they say, to take it apart, and you will be convinced that almost every word is a sin: now a complaint, now a reproach, now a murmur, now an argument, or even even scolding or condemnation and slander. Take even the case when we ask each other: “How are you?” - Well, what do you think: is it good or bad? Is such a question good for the soul or harmful?

To answer these questions correctly, you need to know the intention of the questioner. If a person asks with the intention of helping a sick person: bring medicine, buy necessary products and things, clean the room, etc., then this is good; and if they ask only with the intention that show your love and care for your neighbor, but apart from ahs, groans and shaking your head, it does nothing to help the sick person, then this is very bad. Such hypocrisy is disgusting to both God and people. He himself sins by idle talk and leads others to sin. And the most important thing is that he, like a robber, robs the sick person, steals the reward that the Lord has prepared for the sick person for his patience. He grumbled about his illness and lost his reward. And whoever caused this grief doesn’t give a damn. He is cheerful and rejoices: “That’s how attentive I am! They won’t say about me, as they say about T. and A., that I’m heartless, that I only care about myself, I care about others too!” Who added his imaginary righteousness to all other sins and, like the Pharisee, is arrogant and exalted above others.

If a person asks about health with the intention of starting a conversation on this topic, in order to then complain about his illness himself, then this is also very bad for the same reasons, only in this case he becomes a robber for himself and robs himself.

This question is asked very often in church. If you take into account the fact that talking in church is a grave and great sin, then you can imagine the condemnation to which those who aimlessly ask such a question expose themselves.

Make it a rule every day to analyze your conversation in the same way, piece by piece, as it happens during the day. And you, like fire, will avoid communities and conversations, learn to remain silent and get used to not judging even in your thoughts.


A wise Christian is always silent, because he knows that the tongue, although small and soft, hurts and pierces the heart, and most importantly, destroys the soul.

The Holy Scripture tells us: “Whoever says: you are foolish will be subject to fiery hell.” (Matt. 5:22).

“It often happens that in a conversation, even if they don’t use the word “crazy,” they express the same thought in other words. They say to a healthy person: “What can we take from him! What does he understand! or “He’s not right in the head!” and other remarks.

Perhaps in your conversation, D., such humiliation of a person slips through? God forbid! This is a very big sin.

If you come across something incomprehensible to you in faith, then do not annoy the one who explains it to you with contradictions, but remain silent and pray and wait patiently until the Lord allows you to understand it. The time will come when you will learn this not only from words, but also from life experience. If any of your works of faith and love are subject to false judgments and criticism from your neighbors - keep quiet do not reveal your virtue, do not justify yourself to people, so as not to lose your reward, but pray to God, and He will justify you and reward you.

If disaster and sorrow befall you - keep quiet Do not complain to anyone, do not grumble, do not cry, but calmly, complacently endure the attack and thereby prove that you have no stubbornness and disobedience to the fate of the Almighty, but that you readily submit to the Providence of God.

If your temporary life is so prosperous that it is difficult for your heart to contain your joy and bliss, if you fly on wings of happiness... you want to embrace the whole world with your love and tell everyone about your joy - keep quiet and only offer thanksgiving prayers to the Lord. They may misunderstand you and be tempted, you will bring condemnation to sin, or you will unnoticeably fall into vanity and lose grace, lose joy. Shut up!

Silence is the root of sinlessness, so try to be silent as much as possible. If they ask you, say briefly, and if no one asks, be silent, for silence leads to a quiet, peaceful and sinless life. Even if you happen to be in the company of pious and godly Christians, it is still more pleasant to listen than to speak. Well, if you absolutely must speak, then speak the truth about everything openly, without any ambiguity, because ambiguity is almost the same as lying, and lying leads to Gehenna. It is better to suffer sorrow for the truth than to tell a lie. He who lies and deceives despises God and fears people; but people despise such people and do not believe them when they even tell the truth.

Do not make promises when you are not sure that you will keep them, but if you promise something, then make every effort to fulfill what you promised. Better are deeds without words than words without deeds, for grace is given not to the one who speaks, but to the one who lives well and does good deeds.

Do not show yourself to anyone that you are smarter and better than others, do not argue with anyone, do not explain your needs to anyone unless absolutely necessary; Don’t talk to anyone about your deeds, which could show you to be either great or despicable, and don’t judge anyone, but just consider yourself guilty and irresponsible for everything. If you do all this, then unnoticed by yourself you will climb the ladder of virtues, and if you do not refrain from speaking and do not force yourself to remain silent, then you will have to grieve a lot in life and will go along a long, roundabout path to spirituality. moral perfection. And the Holy Scripture speaks about this: “If anyone thinks that he is pious and does not bridle his tongue, his piety is empty” (James 1:26). Christ also said: “By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), so if you cannot or do not want to remain silent, then say only what serves for edification in the faith, so that your words deliver grace to those who listen.

If we spoke only good, holy, divine things, if we taught the ignorant, admonished those who wandered, exhorted those who were stuck in sins, comforted the sad, taught children everything good, then we would be pious teachers and comforters. Sound, reasonable, useful and godly words are not used to condemn us, but to justify us, and even a reward for them is sent from the Lord, for this is the main Christian virtue (Matthew 11, v. 19).


You write that you do not have a clear understanding of the Gospel saying “weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice,” and you do not know how to act in life.

Wisdom is needed here. Of course, those who weep with those who weep or rejoice with those who rejoice according to their passions act unwisely. They only tempt each other and harm the cause of salvation. Well, for example, a person cries out of resentment: someone upset him or he feels sorry for a lost thing or money - he cries again; cries with hatred and anger that his plan for revenge has failed; cries from jealousy, envy, etc. A compassionate “friend” patiently listens to his complaints, full of anger, condemnation, bile, cowardice, and sometimes curses...

He calms and consoles him with his assent and agreement with him to evil, and sometimes with unkind advice, instead of reminding him of the commandments of God and the benefits of sorrows and suffering in this life for eternal life.

Such crying is wicked, disastrous, and whoever cries with such a crying person sins himself and, by his participation, confirms his friend in wickedness, as they say, completely destroys him, does not give him the opportunity to come to his senses and come to repentance.

If a person cries, suffering for his loved ones, because they darken their lives with their sins and destroy their souls, then join him, console him as best you can, and with tears beg God to bring them to repentance by any means and help them to correct themselves. .

Also, you can only rejoice about good, pious things that are not dissolved by sin, and if a girl rejoices because she managed to win the groom away from her friend, or a neighbor is happy that her husband has updated the apartment with rich, fashionable furniture, or a friend is happy that she found out, from whom the rumors came, as they say, who washed dirty linen in public, and now she will bone that person, etc., etc. - to rejoice with such means to add sin to sin. Deliver, Lord! If you cannot meekly reason with them, silently make a prayer in your soul for them, silently... and this secret alms of yours will be pleasing to God.

Whoever sympathizes with those who cry because of their passions, as I have already said, aggravates this passion in them and incites hatred, and hatred is the most serious vice.


Just as love in the law of God is the highest virtue and saves the soul, so hatred, one of the most serious sins, destroys the soul. The Apostle says that whoever hates his brother is a murderer, he remains in death, he hates God Himself. Their afterlife fate is terrible: they will suffer along with the sorcerers and robbers who destroy people.

The sin of hatred is very common, and there are few people who are free from this sin, as well as from condemnation. Are you surprised? Don't be surprised, my friend! Whoever has not acquired true Christian love for his neighbor is not free from hatred, only this sin is so vile that people are ashamed of themselves when it manifests itself, therefore hatred is one of those sins that is carefully hidden from prying eyes and, unfortunately, even from myself. They deceive themselves that there is no hatred, they do not repent of this sin, so the sin, hiding, lives and thrives until it is revealed in a painful attack of psychosis. And then those around you will not recognize the person, and the person will not recognize himself:

- “Where does this come from?.. What’s wrong with me?”

- “For mercy, is this really the quiet, meek woman we knew her to be? Impossible! What's wrong with her?

It’s as if a person, subject to the passion of hatred, breaks loose from a chain. He is like a drunken man who has lost his sanity. He becomes insane. The rudest and cruelest words fly out of his mouth, he is ready to tear to shreds the person who has unbalanced him... In this state, parents curse their children, children curse their parents, and even go so far as to kill.

Do you think, D., that such people can be cured with pills and potions? No, my friend! Only love for one's neighbors and humility cure this disease, this serious mental illness - hatred.

If a nervous person wants to be cured of his illness, he must every day infringe on himself in everything and, instead of swallowing pills from chemicals or plants, he must swallow pills of ridicule, lies, and all kinds of grief from every person. It's hard... Yes, it's hard! But is it easier to be sick? And most importantly: what are the terrible consequences of this sin. I took the extreme, when the sin of hatred is revealed in the form of an attack, and I think there is no need to describe other types. As soon as everyone takes a closer look at all their actions and deeds in relation to others, almost everyone will certainly find in themselves signs of this sin to one degree or another.

You can object to this with these words: “I have never hated anyone, although I do not burn with love for everyone I meet.”

That's it, my friend! He who does not glow, in other words, in whom there is no love for everyone he meets, the sin of hatred lives in him, but it is either weakened, or dormant until the occasion, veiled, so that neither the person himself notices it, if he does not live an inner life, nor those around them do not notice this, because the concept of the sin of hatred is distorted in almost everyone.

We are accustomed to believe that hatred is revealed only in those cases when, say, an enraged husband in a fit of jealousy kills his wife and rival, or a rejected groom, harboring anger, secretly sets fire to the newlyweds' house, or a person dishonored by slander mutually spews blasphemy or slander, secretly or explicitly, etc. And if we do not have such manifestations, then we consider ourselves clean from this sin. But is this true? Everyone knows that sins: malice, hatred and revenge are inseparable from each other, they form, as it were, a single whole, and whoever has malice, that is, irritability, also has hatred. As proof, I will give you a few short examples.

In order not to bore you with countless facts from worldly family life, I will take a few examples from a pious environment, when we are in church, when we should not have even a shadow of the sin of hatred. What do we see? Spying, eavesdropping, denunciations, reproaches, various sarcastic words, ridicule; another crosses himself while pushing his neighbor; others go ahead and press so hard that the poor old women’s bones crack, and don’t look at the fact that they are crushing the children...

Tourists entered the church - irritation appears in the heart, many think, and others say: “Why are they walking around to no avail... They don’t pray themselves and they prevent people from praying.” But, frankly speaking, whoever prays earnestly and with attention internally, no one and nothing can stop him. Entire regiments of demons rushed towards the Holy Fathers, apparently, with shouts, terrible sounds and noise, they even shook the cell, it seemed that it would collapse and crush them to death, and even then they remained adamant in prayer, nothing bothered them. If something bothers someone, or someone gets irritated or becomes angry, that is the sin of hatred.

Internally, we must work on ourselves in such a way that in our thoughts there is no analysis of what he, she, they are like. And in all cases, you need to turn your attention only to yourself if irritation appears.

Here's an example: tourists came in while reading St. The Gospels shuffle their feet, drown out the words of the Holy Scriptures... Well, who will like that? Dissatisfaction involuntarily appears in your soul... Catch yourself immediately. Ah, they say, an evil soul! Don't you like it?.. You alone need to be saved, with all the comforts, and let others die? Yes? Or maybe today grace will touch their souls, maybe today that seed of piety will fall on their hearts, which will bear fruits more abundant than yours. What can you boast about yourself? What came to church? Relax! After all, you didn’t come for a feat, if everyone around you is bothering you, if you notice everything behind everyone... Did you come to have fun? Admit it! With a knife to the throat, approach your soul and do not let it come to its senses until it comes to terms; do not give her the opportunity to justify herself, frighten her with the wrath of God, so that she gains the fear of God, this invaluable treasure in the matter of salvation. Tell her: be silent, do not reproach those who entered, because your word may be a temptation for them, and you may be the cause of their death... You will not escape this fate if this happens.

Indeed, how many souls do we destroy with our seductive behavior and seductive words! If only in that we bring condemnation to sin, not to mention anything else. And who truly, consciously, with all sincerity repents of this sin?

And when you begin to so carefully analyze your every step, every word, then you will not need evidence that almost every soul, with the exception of the humble, is possessed by the passion of hatred to one degree or another.

Just as all virtues in the form of rays emanate from one center - love, so many sins emanate from one center - hatred.


The essence of repentance is to improve and do good deeds. Without good works, faith is dead. And good deeds mean not only giving alms, but also praying for our enemies, that is, for those who offend us, who are a burden to us. Such prayer is also counted as alms to us.

Why? Yes, because when our neighbors do dirty tricks on us, then they stain the clothes of their souls with sins, and for the sake of our prayers the Lord again cleanses their souls and forgives their sins. For example, they thought badly of us - it’s the same as if they shook out the rugs or cleaned the chimney in their wedding attire. They will definitely be covered with dust and soot. And the dust from sins is not just dust: it is not so easy to get rid of. If they forget to repent that they thought badly of us, then this sinful dust will remain on them or on us if we thought badly of others. During general confession, secretly repent to God of such sins (sin of thoughts) and lament for them, or even better: do not wait for confession, but as soon as you have sinned, quickly kiss your cross, which you wear on your chest, and confess your sins to him.

So, evil thoughts even leave marks on the clothes of the soul, and evil words are equated with evil deeds. For example, if someone slandered you, it’s like the slanderers poured a bottle of ink on you. They have denigrated your name, undermined your authority... it is difficult to restore your good name and authority, but it is even more difficult for slanderers to bring such repentance that would completely cleanse their soul from the sin of slander and condemnation, therefore slanderers need prayer, and we must pray for them earnestly, as for benefactors of our salvation. To cleanse themselves, they need to shed many, many tears, and most importantly, bear the fruits of repentance in order to completely erase the sin of slander. We must repent in front of everyone and say: “It was I who slandered this or that person... I seduced everyone: because of me you sinned with condemnation. Sorry".

There is nothing easier than to condemn and slander a person, and nothing more difficult than to mitigate the consequences of his sin. Slander is like a burning coal in a fire or straw. You threw the coal, but after a while you won’t be able to pick it up. Flame is not allowed!

There is a good folk saying: “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it!” How often do we regret what we have said!.. I have already spoken about the harm of idle talk, especially condemnation and slander, and now I mention it in passing so that it is easier for you to understand why prayer for enemies is considered the greatest alms for them.

Just imagine: our enemies, whether out of envy, jealousy, or simply out of habit, at the instigation of an evil force, insult us, oppress us, infringe on us in everything, cause us great losses, even sometimes inflict beatings... Who do they harm more? For us or for ourselves? Of course, for yourself! It's clear as day! They are truly enemies only for themselves, but for us they are benefactors. And here's why.

Our earthly life is like a dream. Decades flash before a person like calendar pages. Ask a very elderly person, whose life has been filled with continuous sorrows and illnesses, is he tired of life? Does he want to die? If his sorrows and illnesses are behind him, he will even be surprised. “How can you get tired of life? Life is so good! At every step you see the Creator and His creations. Feeling His presence within yourself is such happiness!”

“Yes, of course! Have you forgotten how much grief you suffered in life?”

“Eh, falcon! Everything went like a dream. Much is forgotten, and what comes to mind is as if it were not life, but from a book read.”

Only those who at this moment are experiencing the most severe sorrows and illnesses, only they, and even then not all, can say: “It is better to die than to suffer like this.”

The strong in spirit say otherwise. Once, when I was serving in the parish, they called me to give communion to a sick woman who had been confined to her sick bed for forty years. He confessed to her, gave her communion, and then began to console her... And she said to me: “Dear father, believe it or not, but I’m telling the truth: I’m so happy and satisfied with my life! It’s hard for me to hear when they call me grieving, or even unhappy. Forgive me."

I wanted to experience the pain, and I asked: “But would your joy increase if the Lord gave you healing?!”

"Oh no! I don’t have much time left to live: people don’t live for two centuries. But if the Lord commanded me to lie on this bed for three centuries and endure my illness, I would fulfill this command with joy and gratitude with God’s help.”

“But why? All people want to be healthy. After all, they say: in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. The Holy Church constantly prays for the health and salvation of its flock. Is this bad and unsaving?

“Father, don’t test me. All this is good, saving, but Christ said: he who is able to contain, let him contain... Here is my direct answer to your questions. As for “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” this is an expression of worldly people attached to everything earthly. They ate well, slept well - they are not dizzy, they are in a cheerful mood. That's all! The correct concept of a “healthy spirit” is constant remembrance of God, a pious life. And where this expression is used, they think very little about God or do not know Him at all. It would be more correct to say: “In a weak body there is a healthy soul” and “in weakness the power of God is known.” And in an ungodly healthy body, most often, all kinds of evil spirits live: nasty thoughts, shameful desires... Blood, like a red-hot Babylonian furnace, develops carnal passions..."

"Agree. Well, but still, why did you choose to be sick for three hundred years rather than to be healed of your illness? Are there no examples in our Orthodox Church? The struggle is more difficult, yes. But the Lord helps everyone who turns to Him for help. So why do you want to get sick so stubbornly?”

Would you believe it, my friend, I enjoyed the conversation with this servant of God. It is one thing to read the teachings of the Holy Fathers, and another thing to meet in life itself the living embodiment of their teachings. It was a long time ago, our conversation was clearly preserved in my memory.

I conveyed our conversation to you so that you can more easily understand why enemies are called benefactors. They help us acquire imperishable treasures in heaven when we endure their sorrows with the same joy as that sick woman endured her illness.

They upset us, but we forgave and also prayed for their salvation - this means: through them we acquired a good deed for eternal life, multiplied our treasures in heaven.

Evil people do not know about this or forget, otherwise they would not harm others. Demons do this too: they tempt a person and harm him until hope seduce and destroy the soul, and when they see that a person has decided to die rather than sin, then they run away from him, because the longer they tempt him, the greater the reward he will receive from God.

An evil person first of all destroys his soul, preparing it for eternal torment. Frankly speaking, few people sincerely and lovingly pray for their enemies... What do those who cause harm, even the slightest, to their neighbors count on?

This is the essence of repentance, this is its fruit: a burden, and immediately take measures to correct it, and cover those who are a burden to us with your love, do good to them.


So you write: “Father, it’s a shame! Why did she call me that? What harm have I done to her?

This means you don't understand the essence of the matter. You didn’t do anything bad to her, but when you turned not to her, but to someone else, then you hurt her passion opinions(a person imagines, i.e. thinks highly of himself). Her passion collided with your passion of pride, and now we have a fire: you are offended. And if you didn’t have this passion in you, but you would sympathize with her and pray for her as if she were mentally ill.

In fact, the one in whom passions have not been overcome is the sickest and most unhappy person. But then, for no reason, like a match, it flared up. Is it easy for her? She cried for three days from resentment that, they say, the closest friend who could be relied on managed to hurt her... He went to some... And what her sick imagination, a passionate heart, suspiciousness, suspicion cannot imagine...

If someone does not talk to someone else: they are offended and upset at each other, this means that both are acting according to their passions and both are going to destruction.

Whoever prepares for confession must test himself according to the commandments of Christ. So try it. Christ said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” that is, blessed are those Christians who are humble in spirit, who do not exalt themselves over others and consider themselves worse than all people and even creatures. So how? Are you fulfilling this commandment of God? Of course not. You don't consider yourself the worst. You boast of your human dignity and are indignant at every reproachful or humiliating word. They say, how, I’m a man! I am the image of God! Is it possible to humiliate me?

Of course, you cannot humiliate anyone, but the one who humiliates you will answer before God for his sin, and you just look at yourself, sort yourself out, save yourself.

What is the use of your indignation? He added his own sin to her sin and thereby increased the fire, and the fire of this fire can turn into hell, eternal... You will forget to repent, that’s it! Then no one will save: neither mother, nor father, nor friend, nor enemy... Now our enemies save us most of all. Without noticing it themselves, they lead us to salvation, and after death no one will help us and we will not be able to repent there: after death, sins are not resolved. There will only be terribly painful, late and never ending repentance, from which sinners gnash their teeth.


So you write: “I am the image of God.” I remember how one girl, too, indignant at her friend, said: “Father, I would not be upset with her, but the image of God has been desecrated in my face.”

The same disease, the same symptoms... Then I had to sternly rebuke it. I say: “You just have a sick pride, repent.” She began to make excuses, began to prove that she was right. Then I was forced to say: “Well, let’s take a deeper look, is this true? Okay, let's say you're right, but be stricter with yourself, like an outside judge. Look at yourself from the outside, what can you boast about?”

The external image of God was given to you by God. It was not of your own free will that you were born a human being, not an animal... The Lord honored you with His image and likeness. Do you thank Him - Your creator and Benefactor? At baptism you received the all-sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit and acquired the right to be an heir to God. The Kingdom of Heaven was predestined for you if you were a true Christian, if you lived according to the law of God and did not distort His holy image. But you, like a Pharisee, are proud of your imaginary righteousness, and not of your deeds... Look how you distort the image of God in yourself: you walk with your head uncovered, when according to the law and piety it is not necessary to walk without a headscarf. If you buy expensive clothes and shoes, there is no modesty. You follow fashion, and this is a sin. Do you see how many deviations you have? This is only in appearance. If you look inside, into the heart?”

I don’t even want to waste time listing all the virtues that we, Christians, are obliged to have and do not have, and listing all the passions and vices that should not exist in us, but they flourish in us. I don’t think you will object to this?

So, you see how the image of God has been desecrated in you by you! Why don’t you shout: guard, I’m dying! Why don’t you tearfully beg God and the Mother of God for help, for your salvation? Why are you not indignant against yourself the same way you are indignant against her? But you have desecrated the image of God more than she has, both externally and internally. You do not imitate Christian virtues and crucify Christ daily. You have neither humility nor patience, you grumble endlessly: he looked askance, he didn’t do it your way, he said an offensive word, he didn’t congratulate the Angel on his day, and he didn’t even respond to his bow...

So, all your days are spent in empty conversations, thoughts and grief.

The Lord commanded to pray unceasingly, but you cannot fulfill this commandment: “You have no time!”

He brought the girl to tears. I see that the tears are not from grief, but from repentance. I think: well, good. Let him get used to lamenting his sins, this is useful.

You, D., should also lament the same thing: the same medicine for the same disease.

You and I settled on one commandment of God: “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Test yourself for the rest of the commandments. Check to see if you qualify as a Christian?

Christ said: “Blessed is he who mourns (for his sins); blessed are the meek, humble, righteous, loving, merciful, pure in soul and body, living peacefully with everyone.”

And you also see like a Pharisee! What wrong did I do to her? This means: I, father, am good, and she is bad. And the Lord will take her and justify her for the sake of repentance or for the sake of prayerful intercession for her, and he will condemn you for proud thoughts and for condemnation... So you will remain so “good” in quotation marks with your own, as they say, interests - without grace. And who is to blame? Only himself, there is no one to blame. You cover up your sins with a plausible pretext: you write, I am the image of God. Here is Christ - the image of God in the flesh, and in the Spirit - God Himself! But he was not indignant when He was humiliated, insulted, spat on His most pure Face, beaten and even sentenced to the Cross. He did not reproach anyone, but lovingly prayed to God the Father for His crucifiers.

When we work on our inner man, when both externally and internally we are like Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, then we will have the right to say: I am the image of God, but for now we are only dust and rabble, and not people. Got it? Don't be embarrassed or offended by the harshness of your tone - this medicine is more effective.

A spiritual father should not be only a caresser. Reprove, exhort, but save!


We have intercessors before God - these are our righteous close or distant relatives, or just acquaintances. They pray for us, and through their holy prayers the Lord pours upon us extreme mercy, extreme grace. Another sinner is surprised: “What a miracle, a moment ago I was foaming at the mouth, proving that there is no God, and now... let them scourge me, let them do whatever they want, but I know... yes, yes! I not only believe, but I know that God exists. I feel Him in me as clearly as my breathing, as the fact that I am not dead, but alive.”

It is difficult for a sinner to understand what happened to him; he cannot know the reason for his rebirth, and the reason is simple: the intercession and intercession of the Mother of God, the prayer of saints, the prayer of living righteous and pious people and their deeds - atoning sacrifices for us, work such miracles, or rather, The Lord works miracles through their prayers.

Happy are the living and the deceased who have such prayer books in their family, but happy are all of us, Orthodox Christians, because the holy fathers in the monasteries constantly pray for us all day and night, who pronounce their prayers as if on behalf of the whole earth, i.e. . on behalf of those living throughout the Universe. They pray for the whole world and especially for us, fellow believers.

The laity sleep, and they keep vigil, do not sleep at night, pray; the laity eat several times a day, which is tastier, but they are content with the coarsest food in small quantities, and for some, abstinence reaches the point of dry eating. The remaining feats are performed secretly; we will not even talk about them. These monks imitate Jesus Christ with their lives. Just as Christ offered himself as an atoning sacrifice to free humanity from curse, sin and death, so the monks offer themselves as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of their fellow believers, and above all relatives and close people.

For example, Mary of Egypt made atonement sacrifices for her sins for seventeen years, and for the remaining seventeen years, when she herself had already been cleansed of sins, she made atonement sacrifices for the sins of her loved ones and for all Orthodox Christians.

With their deeds and prayers, the righteous redeem sinners from the Justice of God and deliver them from the punishment that they deserve for their sins. Through the prayers of saints and righteous people, the Lord sends His grace to the earth: the goodness of the air, life-giving rain for a thirsty land, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything necessary, everything needed for the whole earth, for those living in the whole Universe. As long as there are such righteous people on earth, it will not be in any danger!

For the sake of the prayers of the monks, the earth and the seas and all the heavenly bodies forgive sinners, humble themselves, are moved, and together with the monks offer their prayer, praise and worship to the Creator.


When the strings of stars light up
In the vault of heaven, and people and birds,
And the forest animals rest in sleep, -
Then everything in nature is full of tenderness,
And heaven and earth offer prayers
To the Creator of the universe, in the silence of the night.

Only the righteous will hear this prayer,
Which breathes deeply in faith;
It is not sinful, like the prayer of people,
Whose hearts are as hard as stone,
She is hot and pure, like a flame,
She is pure, like the souls of children.

Blessed is he who hears this prayer,
Whose ardent heart longed for light,
Whose feet walked the thorny path,
And there are no sins that the Eternal
I would not forgive him in endless love,
In the hours of inspired prayer of the earth!

The fog that swirls over the streams in the night,
And the air, shaking the leaves of roses, -
all these are the sounds of the holy prayer,
Which prayers to the Ruler of the world
Unable to bear even a breath of ether,
Nor the light fog that swirls in the ridges.

He will transfer them to the Creator from the entire Universe,
Favorite of the Lord with inspired prayer,
A humble servant is a monk in his cell.
And the ears of the Creator of so many creations
There are always openings for his chants:
Canons, stichera, psalms, troparia.

When everything is enveloped in a note of silence,
When the stars shine brightly with the moon,
The Savior looks at the earth with love
And sends the light of His grace,
And He generously pours out His mercy
To a sinful world for the sake of the prayers of the saints.

Showering the whole world with Your gifts,
He sends them: and with the wonderful rays of the sun,
And with a cloud that quickly rushes in the distance,
With the luminaries of the night, with the fragrant dew,
With the rains rustling in the green thicket -
In answer to the holy prayer of the earth.

Fierce storms and darkened light,
And this is the prayer of the burdened earth
Through need and the darkness of one’s sins.
She, struck by fear and sorrow,
Weeps before the Lord with fervent prayer
And asks for mercy: “Have mercy, save!”

When will the cruel storms pass?
And the lightning goes out in the blue sky,
And the thunderclaps subside in the distance -
The wrath of the All-Good Judge is softened,
And the fragrant wind carries to Him again
Praise to all creatures - the prayer of the earth!


Now, my friend, I want to give you a small, specific instruction. You may not like the fact that I repeat myself in places, but over many years of practice I have developed the following rule: repetition is the mother of learning. And you should not only memorize everything that is written here, but also put it into practice, as they say, undergo practice, so repetition will not hurt.

The instruction is this: guard your tongue, for it often says what you don’t want, keep in mind the Jesus Prayer constantly, it eradicates evil thoughts. Carefully observe all your thoughts, words and deeds. In the evening, consider the sins you committed during the day, and imagine how many unrepentant sinners went to hell that day. Thank God that He gives you still time to repent. Do not put off repentance until tomorrow, until another day: it is unknown whether you will live to see that day. There is nothing more disgusting to piety than to delay your repentance. Confess as often as possible, every time you go to church. Every day we sin, every day we need to repent, when, where and how conditions allow. If you can’t go to church, then repent at home in front of the cross. Write your sins for a certain period to your spiritual father. If you do not repent daily, your sins will be forgotten and remain unrepentant.

So, my friend, let us look for an opportunity to bring as many good fruits of repentance as possible, for “Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 3:10). Like a barren tree, those people who do not bear any spiritual fruit will be cast into eternal fire. Therefore, with the fear of God and love we will serve our neighbors, we will purify our hearts with sincere repentance and, like a publican, from the depths of our hearts we will always cry out to the Lord with contrition: “God, be merciful to me a sinner,” “Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!”


Sometimes, in a moment of soul enlightenment,
Let's look deeply, deeply into ourselves...
And a cry will burst from the chest like a prayer:
“Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!”

And laziness, and weakness, and lack of zeal...
My whole life disappears in vanity,
Only one hope
- Your mercy:

Scattered thoughts, blindness of mind,
Oblivion about the purpose of this existence,
Some kind of coldness towards the matter of salvation...
Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

How weak and fruitless repentance can be;
As soon as a living stream breaks through,
How sin is driven to despair again...
Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Let me think about the hour of separation of the soul:
What is my afterlife fate?..
Alas for me! I'm afraid of judgment and torment -
Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

“Neither hot nor cold... and there is no excuse;
I know the Savior’s covenants!
Oh faith, great are your hopes!
Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

The heart hurts, but the spirit flares up...
And with every holy grace of fire -
A prayerful cry breaks out from the chest:
Oh God, have mercy, have mercy on me!

So, my beloved friend D., run resolutely from every opportunity you encounter to sin. Do good to all people indiscriminately, close your lips, eyes, ears, so that temptations do not enter your temple through these holes. Work continuously for heaven, to become free from temptations and sins, to become pleasing to God. But just don’t forget that on your own, without God’s help, you can’t do anything good. Christ said: “He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Live in such a way that, having the sacrament of faith in a clear conscience, in peace of heart and in the silence of your whole being, you can preserve the grace entrusted to you with such firmness that no blows of troubles, no passion, no temptations could destroy.

Purify yourself as often as possible with repentance, sanctify yourself by communion with our Lord Jesus Christ in His Most Pure Mysteries, and decorate the clothing of your soul with worthy fruits of repentance.

Carefully turn your mind's gaze on yourself through prayer in order to reveal your sinfulness. Read more often a separate small book - REPENTANCE and SAUGHTING, which I enclose with this. This book is deep in content and simple in presentation. It is small in format, has only thirty pages, but brings great benefits to the soul. She will cleanse the heart and conscience from passions and vices. Study everything that is written in it for the salvation of soul and body.

This is all that, with God’s help, I was able to write to you, my friend, in response to your questions.

I ask for forgiveness and holy prayers.

Peace to you and God's blessing.

Glory to God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
And glory to the Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ
Our God, forever and ever! Amen.

Staying with you in prayer
your well-wisher D.O.
Schema-abbot Savva

From the manuscript of Archimandrite Amphilochius (Tumsky), who was at repentance in the Pereyaslavl Danilov Monastery in 1857.

Most merciful Lord! Grant us the Divine gift of holy prayer, pouring out from the depths of the heart, gather our wasted mind, so that it always strives for You, our Creator and Savior.

Crush the kindled arrows of the evil one, separating us from You. Quench the flame of thoughts that are stronger than the fire that consumes us during prayer. Overshadow us with the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit, so that until the end of our sinful life we ​​love You alone with all our heart, with all our soul and thought, and with all our strength, and our neighbors as ourselves.

And at the hour of separation of our soul from this mortal body, O Sweetest Jesus, receive our spirit in Your hands when You come in Your Kingdom. Amen.

SONG 1st.
It was as if You, O All-Praised Lord, had led on dry land the people You had chosen in the midst of the depths of the sea; bring me out of the abyss of sin, so that I do not wallow in the underworld.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!
Oh, that my heart would melt like water and pour out in bitter tears! If only my eyes would become an inexhaustible source of tears, so that I would cry day and night because with my sins I have upset Your fatherly goodness, Savior, and destroyed my soul!

But do not yet reject me in Your anger, Lord, grant me time for repentance, strengthen my will, in repentance crush the hardness of my heart, purge tears from the depths of my soul and have mercy on me according to Your mercy.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Have pity on me, inexhaustible in Your goodness, God, look at the suffering of my soul, do not yet betray me to the will of the enemies of my salvation, lest they triumph over me and rejoice at my eternal destruction.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not turn Your Face away from me, O Lord, remember that although I am an unrequited sinner before You, I am Yours, Your hands created me; Give my soul joy, cleanse it from sinful leprosy, remove my guilt from me, do not remember my sins and misdeeds!

I resort to You, zealous Intercessor of the hopeless! Hasten to help, ask me for the grace of repentance, strengthen my repentant sighs with Your intercession from Your Son and God.

SONG 3rd.
Establish me in repentance on the rock of faith in You, who came to call sinners to repentance. Yes, I, who have had mercy on You, forever extol Your mercy.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Hear me, O Savior, crying out, hear me, revive me with Your mercy, put me on the path of Your commandments, support and establish me on Your path, may Your grace be the healing of my soul!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not close Your humane womb from me, although I have been unfaithful to You; That’s why my heart is now dejected and tormented, overwhelmed by mortal horrors. But have pity on me, O Redeemer, do not alienate me from Your mercy!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Accept my repentance, you who do not want the death of a sinner, do not reject my sighs for mercy on me. Instead of deeds pleasing to You, accept my painful contrition that I have upset You with my crafty behavior, and fill the extreme poverty of my soul with Your mercy!


Suppressed by the immeasurable weight of my sins, I prostrate myself before You, Immaculate Mother of Christ God, with the cry of my heart: Help me free myself from the burden oppressing my soul! Do not let me fall into eternal destruction, but revive me with the hope of salvation!

SONG 4th.
Hearing about Your descent, O Lord, to save the world, the prophet trembled with fear. How can I not fear Your scorching wrath, O God, Who searches hearts and bellies, and Who comes to judge the living and the dead?

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

For lack of attention to Your Law, You left me, O Lord, to the will of my heart. And I uncontrollably rushed after my reckless thoughts and desires. Realizing my madness, I cry to You, God: Show me Your mercy, do not leave me in eternal shame!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You know, Lord, my mortal being, that I am nothing more than the dust of the earth. Do not continue Your anger forever, turn Your wrath away from me, grant me the grace to correct my ways and have mercy on me!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Seek not, Lord, I have nothing good, for I am unclean in heart. My soul and body are defiled by sinful abominations, my whole being is permeated with sinful poison. But You can do everything, Savior, cleanse and save me according to Your mercy!


I place all my hope in You, Most Holy Mother of the Virgin! Do not shame me in my hope in You! Intercede in my cause, protect me with Your intercession from the wrath of eternal truth!

SONG 5th.
Unrepentant sinners will not enjoy the contemplation of Your Divine Glory, Lord. Break my heart with sincere repentance, so that from the very morning I constantly cry out to You from the depths of my soul: have mercy on me!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not disdain my prayer, Lord, do not reject the cries of my soul, do not remember my sins, forget my insane behavior, do not reward me according to my deeds. Do not judge me according to Your truth, but have pity on me, O Merciful One, and have mercy on me!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not rebuke me in Your anger, do not punish me in Your wrath, forgive my iniquities, heal the illnesses of my soul, heal its ulcers, have mercy on me and revive me with Your grace according to Your word!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You know, Lord, all the secrets of my heart, but I myself know, I open them before You, I confess my sins, I groan in the sorrow of my soul, I sigh to You: Calm Your anger and leave your rage, create with me the miracle of Your mercy!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I feel as if my sins stand as a wall between me and You, Lord, destroy this barrier with Your word, draw closer to my soul with Your mercy; restrain Your anger, consign my sins to eternal oblivion!


O You, whose greatness the Mighty One has created! Do for me also according to Your mercy. Be an intercessor for the salvation of my soul before Your Son and God, may He who Shed His Blood for the salvation of the world have mercy on me too.

SONG 6th.
Imitating the prophet Jonah, in the sorrow of my soul I cry to You, O God, rich in mercy: Bring my life out of the sinful abyss, free me from the jaws of hell, so that I extol Your mercy throughout all eternity!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

The thorns of sins crushed in me and drowned out the saving desire. Evil does not leave my heart, madness has become close to my soul. So I apparently repent of my iniquities, but again I am carried away into the paths of vice. Hold me by Your strength, Lord!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Woe to me, unrequited sinner! Confusion has seized me, my sins burn me like fire with unrepentance. But I lift up my soul to You, the Redeemer of the world: Incline Your ear to my cry and revive me with hope in Your mercy!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I groan from the torment of my heart, tired of my painful sighs. But I will not cease to cry to You, Lord: Hear my cry of prayer, remember Your mercy and mercies, comfort me with the joy of Your salvation!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

My spirit has fainted within me, but lift up my eyes to You, from the depths of my soul I cry: Sprinkle me with the dew of Your grace, extend a helping hand to me, who is being drawn into the underworld, and save me for the sake of Your mercy!

I have no other refuge except You, Lady of the world. The accursed one, I resort to You, I seek salvation from You: Do not allow me to wallow in the underworld, ready to swallow me up forever!

My soul, my soul, arise, what have you written off? The end is approaching, and Imashi is confused. Rise up, may Christ God, who is everywhere and fulfills everything, have mercy on you.

SONG 7th.
The youths of old in Babylon, watered by grace in the midst of the flames, extolled Thy righteous judgment, O God, confessing the sins of themselves and their fathers. Should I not confess that I have upset Your goodness by my reckless behavior?

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I did not heed Your teaching, O Savior, I neglected Your commandments, I regarded the statutes of Your Church as nothing, I suppressed in my heart the inspirations of Your grace. But have mercy on me, restrain the thunder of Your justice, ready to strike me.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

By my crafty behavior I dishonored Your Name, defamed Your Church, desecrated holy places and earth, scattered temptations everywhere. Now I am tormented by the torment of my conscience, my sins testify against me, their burning poison scorches my soul.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

A storm of passions tossed me like dust. And, carried away by lusts, I acted hourly according to the will of my heart. Now, having become disgusting to myself, in the sorrow of my heart I pray to You, Eternal Goodness: For the sake of Your name, forgive me my sins!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Whirling around in a whirlwind of passions, I did not understand either the bitter consequences of my sins or Your mercies, Lord. Now, illuminated by Your grace, I recognize my guilt, and, contrite with all my heart, I cry out to You: have mercy on me, forgive me and blot out from the book of my deeds all my bad deeds!


Burning Bush, Mother of the Savior and God! Those who trust in You are safe under the shield of Your intercession. Take me under Your protection, and save me through Your intercession from eternal destruction!

SONG 8th.
Cherubim and Seraphim, Archangels and Angels, heaven and sun, all the stars and earth, and everything in it, light and darkness, aerial phenomena and all creatures, fulfilling Your laws, extol Your greatness, all-praised God.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

But I have turned aside from Your path, O Almighty, I have turned away from the path of eternal life, I have always wandered along the paths of vice, I have irritated Your truth with my sins. But have mercy on me, that I may extol Your mercy forever.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I am mired in the abyss of sin, my iniquities oppress me. The thought of Your judgment, Lord, makes me tremble, shocks me with all its horrors. But turn me to the path of repentance, so that I may glorify and extol Your mercy forever!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Knowing myself, I repent, I hit myself on the chest, I feel shame and disgrace, I am tormented in my conscience that I acted according to the will of my heart, like someone who has lost his mind. And in the sorrow of my heart I cry to You, Lord: Grant me the grace to exalt Your goodness forever!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

My conscience burns me like the fire of hell, the ulcers of my soul ached, and in the whole world there is no medicine to heal them. You, Lord, are the only physician of human souls and bodies. Heal my soul, extinguish the flame of my passions, so that I exalt Your mercy forever!


Deliver me from hellish horrors, Mother of Christ God! Ask for the grace of repentance for me, beg for forgiveness of my countless sins, inspire me with the hope of salvation and lead me into the haven of eternal life!

SONG 9th.
You, blessed among women, Mother of God, have been blessed by the Heavenly Father with every blessing. And on earth they extol all generations who sincerely seek spiritual salvation.
Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I cannot resist Your terrible judgment seat, O Savior, when Your wrath flares up like fire against unrepentant sinners. But trusting in Your mercy and Your sufferings on the Cross, I will not cease to cry to You, Lord: Cleanse me from all my iniquities!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Turn me, O Savior, to the path of Your commandments and establish my heart in them, keep my feet from the paths of sin, grant grace with tears to wash away sinful defilements from my soul and bring my sins into oblivion!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Grant me the grace from now on to avoid evil, curb passions, reject sinful habits, do good, always be careful in life, circumspect in all my deeds and words, cry and lament about my wretchedness until the end of my life!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You, Lord, strike and heal, kill and give life. Revive me too with Your mercy, grant grace to those whose sins have been forgiven, whose sins are covered by Your mercy; May I extol Your goodness forever!


Rejoice, Most Holiness of all saints, Mother of Eternal Life, joy of the Heavenly Powers, joy of the righteous, joy of the repentant! Strengthen me with Your prayers in repentance and comfort me with the joy of eternal salvation, may I magnify You forever. AMEN.

Oh, how merciful and loving the Lord is! He is ready to forgive everyone and everything and is patiently waiting for our conversion, our sincere repentance. It is not the number of sins and their severity that destroys us, but our unrepentant life. What destroys us is that we put off our repentance, as they say, in a distant drawer. This is why the Lord is angry with us.

St. Apostle Paul writes: “But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath and revelation of righteous judgment from God, who will reward everyone according to his deeds” (Rom 2:5-6).

The Lord wants to save everyone and give everyone eternal bliss, but we persist, remain stuck in our sins and turn a blind eye to repentance. Evil power distracts from repentance in various ways, but most often repentance is postponed due to negligence and false shame. But frankly speaking, one must be ashamed and afraid to sin, and when a sin has already been committed, then one must open it and confess it, because sooner or later the sin will come to light, if not in this life, then in the future, and then it will be scary and ashamed not only because of sin, but because of unreasonable secrecy.
To be a sinner is a common misfortune. There is not a single person without sin. God alone is sinless. If a person sins not by deed, then by word; if not by word, then by thought. We are conceived in iniquities and born in sins, so that in our very nature we are corrupted, therefore we are weak, infirm, passionate, willing to do everything evil, to commit every sin, so there is no need to be ashamed to repent.
There are Christians who do not repent and do not receive communion for another reason. They have forgotten about God’s mercy and repentance and reason according to human judgment: they say, I am such a great sinner that the Lord will never forgive me. This is already despair - a mortal sin. We must never forget that there is no unforgivable sin except unrepentant sin, that is, there is no sin that the Lord will not forgive if a person repents of it.
The worst thing is when they have no need for repentance, imagining that they are righteous and that they will be saved without repentance. No matter how righteously and holy we live, we cannot help but sin at all while we live in the body, and therefore the feeling of repentance should never leave us. With our minds we must always keep ourselves in hell, that is, we must sincerely consider ourselves worse than everyone else and worthy of hell, but just not despair.

The Lord does not enter the human heart until it is completely cleansed by repentance. And only when a person confesses to his iniquities, even small sins, when he judges himself and with the deepest contrition of his heart leaves his sins forever and at the same time considers himself a great sinner, only then will the Lord visit the heart and fill it with peace, joy and love.
Usually a person tries to belittle his sin and present it as less worthy of condemnation than he really is, and thereby harms his soul. After all, sin is the only reason that distances us from God and blocks His love from us. This means that in order to get closer to God, in your imagination you must not belittle sin and its destructive effect, but, on the contrary, you must imagine it in the darkest colors. We must imagine that any sin, both big and small, leads to eternal death. In fact, this is how it is.

Sin in the face of God is an abomination, and the Lord turns away from everyone who commits sin. The Lord also demands from us, Christians, that we be saints, that we live holy, imitating Him in everything. But we are content with a life that is free from gross crimes, from the greatest mortal sins, and do not pay attention to others. The Lord expects repentance from us. Let us go, my friend, to His call.
Repentance is the basis of our salvation, so it cannot be neglected. The Holy Sacrament of repentance is the font in which the sinner is cleansed for heaven. At baptism we are born with water and the Holy Spirit, at repentance we are reborn with tears and the Holy Spirit.
Repentance is a turning to something better, it is the beginning of a holy and immaculate life. Those who have faith and true, sincere repentance, which means they also have the determination to leave sin, receive the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, cleansing sins through spiritual shepherds.
The Monk Ephraim the Syrian says this: “Repentance is a great crucible that takes in copper and turns it into gold, takes lead and gives back silver.”
To maintain and strengthen this feeling, the Church gives a helping hand, directs a person on the path of the Sacrament of purification of his sins. This sacrament cuts off the sinful part of his soul from a person. By this sacrament the past is destroyed, and therefore it destroys that which is worse for a person than sin itself - it destroys despair.
So, the merciful Lord forgives every sin, so you don’t have to despair, you don’t have to be ashamed to express your sins and you don’t have to belittle them, but you have to repent with tears, and the Lord will forgive them.
Anyone who wishes to begin the Sacrament of Repentance and the Sacrament of Communion prepares by fasting, that is, prayer and fasting. He expresses repentance for sins with fear before the priest by verbal confession or writes on paper if the confessor is deaf and dumb, and for other reasons. Through the priest, the confessor receives forgiveness of sins. Sometimes the priest imposes penance on him, that is, punishment for a great sin.
The most important moment of the Sacrament is the priest reading the prayer of permission, when he places the end of the epitrachelion on the head of the penitent.
We all want to be saved, but few people think and truly care about their salvation. Everyone wants to be in paradise, but working and bringing good fruits for their salvation is a burden to everyone. This is why the work of salvation does not move forward. Few people grow quickly spiritually, the desire to be saved for many remains a desire, in words... But the Lord does not need words, but deeds!

Everyone knows that only a narrow, thorny and sorrowful path leads to salvation, and a wide and extensive path of pleasing one’s sinful desires leads to destruction. But due to their carelessness, people forget about this. Sin is sweet and fascinating, and almost everyone surrenders to it willingly without thinking, without reasoning, they do not want to think about the consequences of sin, but each of us knows what terrible consequences there are for sins in this life: illness, sorrow, all kinds of misfortune. In the future, afterlife, the soul is kept in hell for unrepentant sin.

Part 1

Continuing the book about the elder schema-abbot Savva, we decided to start with a visit to the blessed elder schema-nun Maria, who was a close spiritual friend of our spiritual father.
The four of us were visiting, where at that time there was a schema-nun who knew our priest when he was still young. She silently fingered her rosary. And suddenly she smiled in a special way. We began to ask her to tell us something about her father, about their meetings, but she was silent.
After a while she began to sing in her old, but very pleasant voice: “Come to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be ashamed.” Then she said: “Mother of God, help us. Lord, have mercy” and sang again:
My friends, my friends, run
You sinful life is like the plague,
And you will stop loving the insignificant world
And connections with sinful people.
We again began to ask her to remember at least something about her meetings with her father, and then she said:
- Mostly we met in churches or on the way to the temple of the Holy Martyr Tryphon, and when he came to our home, he talked more with the monk living in our apartment about monastic life. He asked me which path he should choose: monasticism or, perhaps, marriage? I told him directly: “Don’t look in all corners, where you are going, go there.” And he went to work and to church. What could I tell him, he was a comprehensively educated man, but who am I?
One day he came to see me, and I had three dolls, and he asked in surprise: “Why are you playing with dolls?” I answered: “These are good girls: Faith, Hope and Love...”
Our father combined in himself all these Christian virtues.
I knew Father Savva when he was still Nikolai Mikhailovich, long before he entered the monastery. He visited many churches, but most often he visited the church in the village of Leonov, where he read and sang.
One servant of God became very ill, she had terrible vomiting. One day she was going to see a doctor, but her friends took her to the temple. There, after the liturgy, a water prayer service was served, at which Nikolai Mikhailovich sang. After the prayer service, he gave her a glass of holy water, but she did not drink. Then Nikolai Mikhailovich told her:
- What are you afraid of, drink it - you won’t vomit.
He took one sip himself and gave it to her again. She drank. After that, she slept at home for a long time and woke up completely healthy.
Subsequently, she became his spiritual child.
After Nikolai Mikhailovich entered the monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, we began to go there often. There I kept asking St. Sergius that the Lord would send me a spiritual father.
When Nikolai Mikhailovich already became Hieromonk Savva, I did not dare to ask him to become a spiritual child, I was afraid that he would not take me. One day he read a prayer before confession and a general confession, and then said:
- Another priest will give the prayer of permission, and I will only release the spiritual children that I have had for a long time.
I stood behind everyone, and suddenly he himself was the first to call me to a prayer of permission. From that time on, I began to consider him my spiritual father.
I don’t know where to start and how I can describe all his miracles, healings and predictions not only to me, but also to my children, my whole family and friends.
I got very sick. I am sending my spiritual sister to my father and asking for his holy prayers. She comes to him, and he himself meets her and asks:
- What, are you sick? I’ll now bring you a shrine for the sick woman, and I’ll go to my cell to read the akathist to the martyr Tryphon. Don't worry, everything will be fine.
At this time I was lying in bed motionless, but suddenly I felt relief. She got out of bed, prayed, thanked God and her spiritual father, and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the children.
At this time, N. arrives from his father and sees that my bed is empty. She was scared, didn’t know what to think, and I walked from the kitchen to the room. She couldn’t believe her eyes, and I myself couldn’t believe that I was alive. Together we thanked the Lord and spiritual father.
Another time I was so sick that I lay breathless, with my eyes closed, in a dying state. I see that I’m lying on the bed, and a woman in all black is coming up to me. At this time, the father, as if in the air up to his waist, extended his hand to this woman’s chest and said: “Stop.” The woman immediately disappeared. I started to breathe, I raised my hand, crossed myself and said:
- Thank God, my father saved me, I came to life.
My daughter has a pain in her big toe; I went to the doctor and they suggested that I take my finger off. I tell her:
- Don’t agree, write to your father, and everything will be fine.
She wrote and sent it to her father, he said: “I’ll pray.” On the second day the pain went away.
My married daughter was pregnant. My father gives me two icons of the Child Savior for her, I immediately realized that these are not just two identical icons. I pass it on to my daughter and say:
- You'll probably have twins.
And indeed, she gave birth to two absolutely identical boys, who even now, already thirty years old, cannot be distinguished.
My youngest daughter dated one man for 10 years and was getting married, but he still remains silent. Her father told her:
- You will be Christ's bride.
The daughter was upset, burst into tears, and then told her fiance:
- Let's either sign or break up.
Then he was forced to admit that he could not marry her. She took it very hard, because she spent all her youth with him, but, according to her father’s prayers, everything worked out. Then she met someone else who proposed to her. They set a day for registration, but he didn’t show up. This hurt her pride so much that she didn’t even bother to find out what happened to him. And only a year later she asked her brother to call him. They answered that he disappeared a year ago, they only planted his passport - apparently he was killed. This is how my father's prediction came true.
N. became very ill - her leg was paralyzed, the doctors could not help, she walked on crutches. She went on vacation to her father, he gave her holy oil and told her to anoint her leg. N. returned without crutches, completely healthy.
I came to Pechory on vacation, very sick. I wanted to work in the monastery, but I can’t.
I’m standing in church, praying, and suddenly I feel: it’s become easier to breathe. My father and I went to the Holy Mountain. The father asks: “How, has it become easier?” I asked for a blessing to work in the monastery, and he blessed it. Through his holy prayers, she worked for the glory of God throughout her vacation and returned home completely healthy.
Four years have passed since my father's death. My age is in my ninth decade, and, according to his holy prayers, I live: I just have to ask my father, and the Lord sends healing.

TO I was first let down by my father at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra by a nun of the Kiev-Pokrovsky convent - Mother Sophia. I didn’t have a spiritual father yet, and when I read the morning rule, where there is a prayer for a spiritual father, I prayed like this: “Lord, send me a spiritual father! Save, Lord, all the priests!” So I asked for seven years, but I didn’t look closely at the priests and didn’t choose, for me they were all the same. Mother Sophia took me to my father and asked:
- Mariichka has no spiritual father. Father Savva, take her as your child.
- Fine! Do you pray to the Kazan Mother of God? - my father asks me.
- I pray as best I can.
- Well, here’s an icon of the Pochaev Mother of God.
This was my father's first blessing - and the blessing was not accidental. Soon I had to go to Pochaev (his other children were there) and live there for a long time. Our father came to us every year. On our first visit, he entrusted us for spiritual guidance to two elders, akin to his spirit: the hieromonk Nicholas and the old monk, the wanderer Konon, who, because of his foolishness, was persecuted by the monks and lived in a cold barn in summer and winter. Every day we were in obedience to Father Konon, who worked with us in the church, and for blessings and confession we went to the monastery to Father Nicholas. They worked both in the monastery and in the monastery. We often had to spend the night in the field, and in barns, and in the forest, and we did not catch a cold, were not sick and were never hungry, according to the prayers of our father.
When the priest came to Pochaev, it was a big holiday for us. He strengthened us spiritually, taught us how to behave in a monastery, so as not to lead the monks into sinful thoughts.
We asked the father:
- Some priests give us the keys to their cells and ask us to clean them up. Can we do this?
- Tell them: “Our spiritual father categorically forbade doing this.” You will clean up, and the monk, when he comes to his cell, instead of the Jesus Prayer, will think about who cleaned up.
We lived in Pochaev for three years, and then Father Nikolai sent two of us to our father so that he would bless us to the monastery. On the way, we agreed that we would not tell my father about the monastery; we were afraid that we would not be able to endure monastic life: what kind of patience, obedience, and abstinence are needed there!
We come to our father (he was already in the Pechersky Monastery at that time). He greeted us joyfully and first of all asked:
- What did Father Nikolai tell me to tell?
“He told me to bow,” we answered.
- And what else?
- Nothing more.
Soon my father was blessed to go to Moscow on monastic affairs, and he told us: “I will go, and you wait for me here.”
In the evening, novice Vasily brings him 200 rubles and asks him to take this money from him for us: “I have known them for a long time from Pochaev, they used to wash the clothes for me and all the brethren. They are wanderers, they need money, but I don’t need it, I’m ready for everything. They won’t take it from me, but you, for God’s sake, give it to them.” In the morning father tells us:
- Divine Providence! We need to take you with us. They gave you money for the journey. - And he told us everything about this money.
We are on the train and approach the Dno station. Father again hints to us: “Here is a transfer to the Ovruch Monastery. Or maybe Father Nikolai still told me to tell me something?” We nudged each other with our elbows and again did not confess.
With God's help we came to St. Sergius. At his relics, my father tried for the third time to persuade us to confess. Holds a beautiful white silk rosary and says: “Here! This is so that you have the same white and beautiful souls.” And he blessed us with these rosaries.
In the evening in Pavlova Posad, where about thirty of his spiritual children had gathered, in the apartment of one of them the father consoled us with spiritual conversation all night. And then he blessed us to go to the monastery after all. We fell at his feet and asked for forgiveness with tears: three times we did not admit that Father Nikolai sent us to him for this...
...In the summer, during Peter’s Fast, I received news of my father’s illness. Without thinking, without a blessing, I went to Pechory that same day and cried all the way.
My father was in the hospital, where I didn’t dare go. The days dragged on in agonizing anticipation. And when he left the hospital, he said sternly:
- Why did you come? We need prayer, not a date! Prepare the schema. As soon as your monastery opens, you will go to the monastery. If you are in danger, read the prayer: “To the Chosen Voivode” and “call” me. But don’t come again, even after death.
I returned to Pochaev with bitter tears. It was very difficult for me there. No one was allowed to spend the night. People were allowed to spend the night in the temple only on major holidays. But I always remembered my father’s words: “I will pray, and whatever thought comes to you, you carry it out.” And I, with God’s help, did just that and, through his holy prayers, miraculously avoided danger. I always felt his gracious help and his spiritual presence.
Whatever my father said, in hints or directly, was then fulfilled. “And why did my father tell me about the schema? - I thought. “I’m young, who will offer it to me now, and he ordered the schema to be prepared.” But then his words began to come true.
One day I was carrying peat into the church barn, and one priest called me a schema-woman three times. I objected that I was unworthy of this. And he again firmly said: “You will be a schema-monster!”
They signed me up at the Pochaev Lavra for eternal commemoration: “schema-nun,” and I began to ask to cross out “schema-nun” and write “nun.” The monk who wrote it down remains silent and does not correct it. Then I ask schema-abbot Abraham: “I am ashamed in front of the nuns that they remember me as a schema-nun, what kind of schema-nun am I?” And he replied: “It’s none of your business, the Lord made them write it that way.” One day he blesses the rosary for all the mothers. “And for you,” he says, “these are schematics!”
And I came to know the will of God and became convinced of the veracity of my father’s prediction: on the third day of the Baptism of the Lord (1964), by God’s Providence, they clothed me in a schema with a new name. My father blessed me to come to him; he canceled the great monastic rule for me and gave me another. Then he blessed me to obey one old schema-monk on New Athos.

U One of the children's husband drank heavily. My father immediately said: “Get a divorce from him.” She got scared and asked: “And if he asks for forgiveness, what then? And I lived with him for many years.” He repeats: “We need to get a divorce, but I will pray.”
She comes home and does as her father blessed. As soon as she told her husband about the divorce and was about to formalize everything, he was so amazed that from his worries he ended up in the hospital, stopped drinking and then began to behave as if he had never been a drunkard, so they didn’t have to get a divorce .

ABOUT Mother told me that the power of prayer stops trains. I didn't believe it. Three years have passed since this conversation, and now she advises me that I should go to Father Savva and ask to become his spiritual child. She gave me a traveling companion, our church warden; he suffered from asthma and had difficulty breathing. And his mother advised him to go to Father Savva and firmly assured him that Father Savva would heal him. He believed her and we went.
My father then served in the parish church of the village of Palitsy, Pskov region; from the train it was necessary to walk one and a half or two kilometers. We walked at an ordinary pace, but my companion says:
- You're walking fast, I can't walk like that.
- Sorry, I don’t know the state of your health. “I will walk at the quietest pace,” I answered. “And we slowly moved on.”
The Father took us among his spiritual children. After the Nativity of Christ, the priest blessed us to go to Pechory, to the monastery. On the day of departure, after the evening service, we had to rush to the train, but the priest spoke for a long time the word “On the Three Joys,” and we thought that we would not go today, because we were late for the train. We approach him, take the blessing, and he, smiling, cheerfully says:
- You are late, but I bless you to go.
It was already dark when we left. My companion says:
“I’m even afraid: it’s dark, but I have to go through the woods.”
- God is with us and we are walking with blessings.
Suddenly our father’s spiritual daughter comes up to us and says:
- I will also go with you to Pechory.
So the three of us went to the train.
We came out onto a flat, straight road and far, far ahead we could see the burning headlights of a steam locomotive.
“This is our train, but we won’t be able to make it in time,” says our fellow traveler.

As soon as she said this, my companion, without saying anything, suddenly ran, and I followed him. So we ran without stopping, in winter clothes and with suitcases, for at least one and a half kilometers.
The conductor gave us her hand, and we entered the carriage. Now the train has set off.
Then I came to my senses and said to the headman:
- Take off your clothes, you're tired.
- No, I'm not tired. “It seems to me that I didn’t run,” he answered.
I think: “My God, he’s going to die, because he couldn’t even walk quickly.” But he sits calmly and breathes normally.
- If you tell my wife that I ran away, she will never believe it. I don’t believe myself either! Mother G. told the truth that Father Savva would heal me. “When I come home, I’ll redo everything, rebuild my life, because we don’t live at all the way a Christian should live,” said my companion.
This is how our father revived, healed and reborn us!

WITH Father had the opportunity to visit our old house after renovations had just been made. With our own efforts, we removed the lower rotten logs and walled up the holes with stone, brick and cement. It seems that they were made firmly, enough for our lifetime. Father walked around the house, examined our work and said:
- Enough for two years.
We are surprised: have we really made it so fragile? Is it really only enough for two years?
And two years later, according to the city reconstruction plan, our house was demolished.

TO Actually, during confession, the father asked everyone to kneel and he himself also knelt opposite the altar, where the chapel of Saints Anthony and Theodosius. Raising his hands to the holy altar, he loudly, touchingly, boldly exclaimed three times:
- Lord God, Father Almighty, sanctify this repentant people with your Holy Spirit!
And I clearly saw how the Holy Spirit descended on my father and rested over him in the form of a dove, all golden, and golden rays, so large and thick, that they covered all the repentant people and penetrated through all the walls of the temple. And they were so low, right above my father’s head, that I, a sinner, could clearly see the Holy Spirit - and the nose, and the outstretched wings, and the legs pressed to the abdomen - and everything was so beautiful and long that it is impossible to convey in words this beauty and joy!
Several days passed, my father went out to the pulpit and talked with his spiritual children, and I stood behind. He looked at me, smiled and said cheerfully:
- P. saw the Holy Spirit as He descended on her.
But he did not say that the Holy Spirit descended on him and on all the people who repented.

TO When I was accepted as a spiritual child, I strongly doubted how my father could guide me: “He doesn’t write letters, and he doesn’t have the opportunity to talk, and I can’t go to see him often.” And so the Lord enlightened me in a dream. I saw my spiritual father, and he said: “For the communication of believers, distance does not matter, the power of prayer is great.” And I understood everything and calmed down.
One day we were standing in the Assumption Church, several people and my father. The schema woman came up to him and said that they had eaten the black material, who should she give it to? And the father pointed to one of us and said: “Give it to her, I prayed for her, and she has the same path as yours, only now she still doesn’t understand anything.” Indeed, several years passed and she became a nun.
My father blessed me to go on vacation to Georgia. Summer is approaching, and I ask about the trip, and he says: “I blessed you in Sukhumi, so go.” I went to the station to get a ticket, and they told me that there was no way there due to quarantine. I went up to my father again, and he said to me: “After all, I blessed you, so should I go myself?” And he gave me a ruble: “This is for your travel and all expenses.” And after that he went on vacation. I was left perplexed.
And suddenly I had this feeling that I needed to go at least to Moscow. If I can’t go further, then I’ll go to churches there and go to Zagorsk. And that's how I'll spend my vacation. And I was in such a state that I could no longer be in Pechory, I had to leave at all costs.
I arrived in Moscow, met with L., who also had the blessing to go with me to Sukhumi. We decided that I would go to Zvenigorod for now, and she would stay at home. I stayed there for two days, returned to Moscow, and she happily informed me: they announced on the radio that the quarantine had been lifted and travel to the south was open. She had already bought tickets, and we were among the first passengers to go to Sukhumi.
Of course, I had money, although not much. But I had absolutely no need for anything, they even made me three dresses for Angel’s Day and bought me a return ticket, and everything was as good as it could be.
My father blessed me and A. from Moscow to Pskov to visit the patient in the hospital. A. and I agreed to go at three o’clock, and she bought bus tickets. A close woman comes to my work and says that she called a doctor in Pskov and talked to him about this patient and that there is no need to go to the hospital. Then I didn’t know that I had to strictly fulfill the blessing of my spiritual father, and I decided not to go. I finished work at three o'clock and went home. I just walked into the apartment, and Mitrofaniya (spiritual sister) saw me and said: “Have you come? After all, it’s a blessing for you to go to the sick, what do you care about others?” - And she just pushed me out with the words: “Go, fulfill the blessing.”
I’m walking and thinking: “The bus has already left, I’ll have to take a taxi.” I approach the bus station, look and can’t believe my eyes: the Pechory-Pskov bus is driving up and A. is sitting at the window. I entered, and she said: “Sit down, this is your place, I didn’t have time to return your ticket.” Then I ask her: “Why didn’t you leave on time?” And she says that they drove away from the station, and suddenly something happened, the bus “snorted” and for some reason came back.
We went to Pskov, visited the patient and returned home. I was glad that I fulfilled my father's blessing.
I remembered how I wrote repentance. I tried so hard to write everything down. I serve it, and my father says: “But you didn’t write everything.” I’ve been writing since I was six years old, and again I said that not everything has been written. And then one day he himself told me: “Now write, I will pray, and you will remember, remember and write a lot more.”
And when I began to write, then, through his prayers, the Lord revealed to me all my sins. I remembered everything so clearly, as if my whole life was passing before me again. All my bad childhood thoughts were even revealed to me. When I wrote the last fourth notebook and gave it to my father, I experienced a feeling of sinlessness. It cannot be described, there are no words for it. Indeed, repentance is the second baptism. But I was able to do all this only through the prayers of our father. What great God's power and grace was in him, how he cleansed us and helped us sinners!
Then I began to fall again into various sins and could no longer express it and repent. And one day my father told me: “You can’t even write a confession well.”

ABOUT The father saw everything from a distance.
Dad retired and when he went to see his father, he wrote to him about his desire to move to Zagorsk. This was in 1970. Father said: until 1972, stay in place and work. In 1972, it unexpectedly happened that our large family, who had lived in one place for 40 years, moved to a holy place. And the house is so comfortable, there is a parish church nearby, and the monastery is not far away. Thus, everything was revealed to our dear father, and the Holy Spirit helped him to foresee everything in advance.

IN In the spring I was in Pechory. The day of my departure approached, I had to go to work, and my father, seeing me off, said: “You will come to Petrovka.” I’m driving and thinking: “How will I arrive, because I have to go to work?” I arrived, went to the plant, and the technician told me: there is no free space, but there is a young girl working in your team, we will take you in her place, they know you, you worked with us. At home, after consulting, I decided that there was no need to agree to this: the girl works, and if I go, she will be fired.
Time passes. Peter's Fast is coming. What to do? I cast lots. It fell out to go to my father. In the morning I come to church, and Mother E. says: “I want to go to Pechory, and I asked the Queen of Heaven to take me there.” I say: “Get ready, I just have a blessing to go.” And off we went. We are coming, I wrote everything to my father. And in confession he says: “Do not build your happiness on the misfortune of your neighbor.” And he talks about my actions.
And upon returning home everything settled down. So my father’s words came true: “You will come to Petrovka.”

TO When my father was in Sukhumi, Bishop Elijah (later the Patriarch of Georgia) invited him to visit the holy places of Georgia. They set a day for them to go by car. The mother from the cathedral, who knew all the places, was supposed to go with the bishop, and for the fourth place in the car, the bishop suggested that Father Savva bless someone. And so my father blessed me, a sinner and unworthy. But two days before leaving, my mother, who was with us, fell ill with a temperature of 40, and my father blessed me to stay to care for the sick person, and they themselves left. But for some reason I believed that my father’s blessing would not be lost.
15-20 years have passed since it miraculously came true. It happened like this. Three guests arrived from Pechory to Moscow, I met them at the station. All of them are the spiritual children of Father Savva and were traveling to Georgia. I say: “What a pity to see off our dear guests. I thought you would come to see me, but you upset me.” They answer me: “We don’t want to be on the road during the holiday, so we’re going to get tickets now.”
We arrived at the Kursky station, went to the ticket office, but there were no tickets for today. Suddenly all my guests turn to me: “E. I., come with us.” My heart started beating, but I have no opportunity or hope, I can hardly leave for two days because of my sick sister, but here I am for a month, and I have no money.
My guests say: “Let’s draw lots: if God’s will is done, then, according to the prayers of my father, the Lord will help in everything.” We began to pray with all our hearts, not noticing that people were crowding and pushing us. The lot fell to go to Georgia. We go to the checkout again, and - lo and behold! - we are given tickets for the next day, a separate compartment.
In the morning I went to the temple for the blessing of the Lord, and then everything else... I meet a sister in Christ, I tell her: “Where can I urgently borrow money?” She asks: “How much? I can give you 50 rubles, when you can, then you’ll give it back.” I went to my brother, and he also helped. Glory to Thee, Lord! My sisters agreed to care for my sick sister...
My friend began to offer me to go live with her. I agreed; but when she came to her father in Pechory, she decided to take his blessing. My father answered me: “I bless you, if only she wants.” I remained silent, but thought to myself: “After all, she herself is calling me.” I come home, and she is silent, as if she had taken water in her mouth...

I I came to Pechory for a few days. I brought a letter from one pious man and his wife with a request to accept them as spiritual children. The father comes out of the cell and brings out the rosary and prosphora and says: “I accepted John and Tatyana as spiritual children.”
I was embarrassed to ask for another rosary and was perplexed - why only rosary and to whom should I give it? I come home, and they tell me that John died on November 25, that is, at the time when I was in Pechory. And it became clear why my father gave me only a rosary and one prosphora.

WITH One spiritual sister, before going to see her father, fasted, prayed, and went to him on an empty stomach in the hope of receiving praise from him. But they quarreled among themselves, not considering it a sin. We arrived at my father’s, walked up for the blessing, first E. He turned away and walked away from her, I approached - the same thing. After some time, my father came up to us, blessed us, gave us a piece of bread and said: “We didn’t pray, we didn’t fast, we quarreled”...
I once arrived in Pechory, came to my father, to his cell, and he walked back and forth, looked at me cheerfully and said: “Whatever the children can think of, they hand me diapers and undershirts.” And I thought: “Really, why does a father need diapers and undershirts?” But when something happened that I did not expect, I remembered the prophetic words of the priest. I began to need diapers and undershirts: my granddaughter was born.
When my father was in the hospital, I came to him, and for some reason I thought: “It would be nice for my father to pick fresh blueberries now.” And it’s already winter outside. My father read my thoughts and said: “Maybe you should go to the forest for blueberries tomorrow?” And with him lay in the ward, a lieutenant colonel, who laughed heartily: “It’s frosty outside, but he wanted fresh blueberries!”
The father smiled and told him: “Maybe he’ll bring a glass, maybe two, or maybe he’ll bring a three-liter can.” And then to me: “Go tomorrow, take the cook with you, and take E. with you.”
I come to the cook and say: “Tomorrow we’ll go to the forest for blueberries, my father gave his blessing.” She, of course, laughed too and took it as a joke. But when I said that I would go alone, she said: “Then I, of course, will go.”
Let’s go to E.: “We’ll go for blueberries tomorrow.” She was surprised: “What are you thinking? Snow, frost, and they gathered for blueberries.” We say: “As you wish, then we’ll go alone.” - “Where to?” - “In Pesyan.” - “On what?” - “By the bus.” She then says to her son: “Zhenya, take us by car.” Here her husband could not stand it: “And I will go with you.”
It was an unusual morning: bright sun, frost. We arrived in the forest; I wanted to go to where I picked blueberries in the summer, and they stopped closer. All five people went into the forest. We collected very little at this place. And I say: “Father blessed me to fill a three-liter can, the blessing must be fulfilled.”
Let's go to my place and fill up a three-liter can!
Father ordered the cook and E. to bake blueberry pies for a competition to see who had the best. The cook's pies turned out excellent, but E.'s were unsuccessful. But the father consoled: “It’s okay, I’ll eat her pies too!”
Father ate fresh blueberries, treated the lieutenant colonel, us, the nurse and the sick children who suffered from the fire. There was no hope that they would see. But the father prayed intensely, consoled the grieving parents and predicted to them that the boy would see with both eyes, and the girl with one eye. Which came true.

AND Several people from our city were in Pechory, and this is what they said. Father served a prayer service. Suddenly he became thoughtful and said: “Oh, what’s going on in the city! But everyone will be alive."
There was a fire in our city, eight of us were burned, but everyone survived. I suffered the most: the burn area was 53 percent. According to the doctors, I should not have survived, but, through my father’s holy prayers, I remained alive and able to work.
I spent six months in the hospital, and six months later I came to see my father. When we arrived at his cell, the priest came out and said: “They said that you were burned, but you are alive and so clean.”
When I was in the hospital, I mentally turned to my father all the time, asked for his holy prayers, and the Lord gave me patience. The pain was terrible, and the doctors were surprised at my patience.
When I got to my feet, everyone said in surprise: “Our patient got up, but there was no hope that she would remain alive.”
The Lord performed this miracle through the holy prayers of the father.

ABOUT in the fall of 1975, my sister and I visited our spiritual father. After mass we approached him so that he would bless us on the road. He gave us all a piece of prosphora. Many asked, but he replied: “I will first give to those who are leaving.”
I came to O.’s mother’s apartment, she told me: “Don’t leave, there will be an all-night vigil, you will anoint your head with oil.” I did so and stayed. I’m standing in St. Michael’s Cathedral, I see my father coming, I left the cathedral to approach him. And he tells me:
- Why are you here, and where are your sisters?
- They left.
- Why are you here? I blessed you for the journey, but what will they say at work, your vacation is over?
- Well, I don’t care, I’ll skip it, I’ve now filed for a pension.
How he screams at me:
- How come you spit, on whom? To the state that pays you money! This very minute, grab your things and head to the station.
I’m in tears: “Dad, my head hurts, I’ll stay for a while.”
- No, no, to the station!
My things are with Mother O. It’s three kilometers from the monastery, and in the village a shepherd fell ill, and she was asked to graze the cows.
- Well, okay, I should leave tomorrow.
That's what I did. I went out to work, and the director saw me and said:
- Thank God, M. went to work! It turns out there was no one to work.

ABOUT One day I come to my father, after the service we went to his cell. Father brings out a wooden cross, gives it to me and says:
- Kiss this cross five times in the morning and evening and read the “Chosen Voivode” and the prayer for salvation. Pray for your son A.: “Save, Lord, my son A.”
I came home and immediately began to do everything, as my father blessed me. Soon my son went on a tourist package. While skiing, he got lost. This is how he later told me:
- I was driving, and suddenly everything started spinning. The forest goes around, the earth around, fiery sparks from the eyes. There are forests and fields all around, and there is no village, I’m already exhausted. I began to freeze and felt sleepy. Then I saw a haystack, leaned against it and felt like I was falling asleep. I think: “No, I can’t stay here, if I fall asleep I’ll freeze.” I see a sleigh mark by the haystack, which means there is housing here somewhere. I was following the trail, saw a low barracks, was happy and went there. A friendly hostess met me there and told me how to get to the rest house.”
That's how my father knew everything! The Lord and Mother of God, through his holy prayers, saved my son.

U My son and I are spiritually fathered by Schema-Abbot Savva. When my son had to go into the army, he and I came to our father to receive a blessing and ask for his holy prayers. The father said: “The service will be difficult and responsible, but it’s okay, we will pray, and the bird will save you.”
We received the blessing and went home. My dear son says: “Mom, I really regret that I didn’t ask my father again: how is it - a bird will save me?”
The son was sent to a dangerous place, to the border. Then he said: “There is a huge abyss nearby, posts often disappeared, and even corpses were not found.”
When he was standing at his post for the first time, an owl screeched loudly, and he immediately remembered his father’s words: “We will pray, and a bird will save you.” He immediately turned his weapon in that direction. And more than once the owl notified where the danger was coming from. And thus his duty always went well.
Previously, the entire guard did not sleep, but then they began to say: “Today at E.’s post, you can take a nap.”
Through the holy prayers of his father, the son served safely in the army and returned home.

WITH Father held a memorial service in the caves. I cried about who will remember me when I die, I am an orphan. Father turns in my direction and says: “The Church remembers the orphans, so I pray for everyone.”
Our spiritual sister Juliana told me about this. After the war she remained a widow, and she had two children in her arms. To add to this sorrow, the house also burned down. At that time, my father was in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. and so she came to him with tears and told him about her misfortune.
The father listened carefully and said: “I will help you.” He took three rubles out of his pocket and said: “Here’s for you to build a house.” I took them, and thought to myself: “Dear father, this is a beggar’s alms for daily bread, and not for a house.” I put it in my pocket and went to see my kids.
I meet some people I know: “Juliania, we heard you’re in trouble, here’s some money for the construction.” And they give more and more money and say: “God help you!” I immediately realized that the priest’s blessing was not in vain.

ABOUT Father gave his blessing to go to the Pyukhtitsky monastery with some people together in three days. The next day I tell him: “Father, three days is a long wait, I’ll go with these guys.” - “Well, go!”
I arrived in Pyukhtitsy, I was paralyzed, my entire right side was paralyzed, I couldn’t swim in the spring, and how much trouble the doctor-nun had to deal with me. I was sick for exactly three days - of course, because of my self-will, as I realized later.
One day, my father blesses E. and I to register: “Go tomorrow.” E. answered him: “No, we’ll go the day after tomorrow.” “Okay,” he says. We left the day after tomorrow, on that day the one we needed was away. We waited all day; it was cold, they were frozen, they quarreled and arrived with nothing.

D Father gives bandages to Mother E. with the words: “They will come in handy for you. And she had a habit of reading the rule with a candle. She slept in the corridor. I was praying one evening and fell asleep, the candle burned out, and the cellophane caught fire on the table and on the wall. We, several people, were in the room at that time and did not see anything, and when, by the grace of God, one of us went out into the corridor, the flames were almost up to the roof, and the roof was thatched (there was no ceiling). We barely woke up my mother; in fright, she began to tear off the burning cellophane. She burned all her hands. So the bandages came in handy. And only the power of God helped us extinguish the flame. We would all have burned, but through the prayers of our father, the Lord had mercy on us.

U Knowing that an elder, a friend of my aunt, A., was working in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, she decided to go to him and ask to become a spiritual child. I asked her to take me too, but for a different purpose - to travel (I was 19 years old). We arrived, A. found the elder, asked for a blessing for the apartment, to take communion, and asked about me. He said: “To the apartment - together, but let her take communion in a week, on St. Nicholas, she can’t take seven days. Time will pass, and then he will receive communion.” (Neither he nor I have ever seen him).
At the apartment, the spiritual children of the elder around me told me about spiritual life, the need for spiritual guidance, about the spiritual father and about the dispensation of old age.
Of course, for me, a person who first found himself in a spiritual environment, much was incomprehensible. My spirit strongly resisted the new teaching. It even seemed like it was something unnatural, unreal. There was a strong internal battle: everything in me rebelled. But at the same time, somewhere inside I was unconsciously drawn to this life.
How in Sukhumi, among young people, my father was asked the question: “Is it possible to go to the movies?” What could be answered here when young eyes are fixed on you, waiting for condescension? And the Lord managed to put us before the judgment of his conscience and reason: “It’s possible,” said the priest. “Only this distances us from God.”
After that, I never went to the cinema, although I used to love cinema very much.
Upon arriving home, I had some difficult questions. It was impossible to write by mail, and neither was it possible to travel. You are not supposed to turn to other confessors for advice, as this is considered spiritual fornication. And it was this intractability that caused a storm of confusion and murmur in me.
And I had a dream: my father came into my room, sat down at the table and invited me to sit and said: “Well, what worries you? What questions do you have?
There was another incident. I wrote to my father with questions and asked his cell attendant to take them to him. And in the evening, after the service, I had to see my father, and he himself answered all the questions. When I came home, I saw that my letter had not yet been taken and it was lying on the table...
When my father was in Sukhumi for treatment, we were privileged to be there and see him often. One day, when we were sitting at the festive table, I gave my father the wine that dad had made. Raising a glass of this wine, the father said: “May everything be crowned with success for these winemakers.” And a few months later my parents got married, when they were already about 60 years old, and before that they didn’t even want to hear about the wedding - they say they were old. And they began to fast, follow the rule, go to church more often (although previously they only went to Christmas, Easter and Trinity) and became the spiritual children of Father Savva.
I went to Sukhumi intending to receive the priest’s blessing for marriage. I had an immoderate attachment to my chosen one (as they say, I didn’t eat or drink - that’s how I always wanted to see him). I told my father about my intention and condition. He looked at me so tenderly and sadly and said: “Baby, if you get married, you will disappear. But you have no love for him at all, only passion.”
I arrived home as a completely different person and looked at my marriage with this man and at him with completely different eyes. Our friendship seemed somehow empty to me, and he himself was forced to tell me: “I see that you don’t need me.”
How much gratitude to you, dear father, for saving me from an unnecessary, and perhaps even disastrous step. All burden and impurity were driven away from me.

IN friend, I had an irresistible desire to go to my father, although there was no reason to urgently see him. But, led by an invisible force, without realizing why I was going, I arrived at the Lavra. My father was waiting for me: a nun sent him a letter, asking him to resolve a serious issue. My father did not have the blessing to write letters, and no one could answer her except me, because she only knew me. My father gave me instructions on how to write to her, and I left.

WITH One of our spiritual sisters had an incident. For three months the pain in her right elbow did not go away. She could hardly make the sign of the cross and therefore was rarely baptized. I came to my father and complained. “Does your arm hurt? - he asked cheerfully. - Go, light a candle to the Mother of God “Three-Handed” and ask Her: “You, Lady, healed the severed hand of St. John of Damascus, heal my hand too!” She did everything, but in her thoughts she asked the priest to be the one to beg the Mother of God to heal her sore hand, since she had turned to Her in prayer before, but did not receive relief. And what a miracle! She didn't even notice when her pain stopped - that day or the next.

TO Once in Velikiye Luki, after the service, my father distributed gifts to everyone: some prosphora, some an apple, some bagels, sweets, and he gave me a baby towel and holy oil. I was perplexed: what does this mean?
I arrived home and soon fell ill: a terrible headache, boils on my head and face. Swollen, eyes invisible, high temperature, chills. I immediately understood how I needed to be treated: I took out my father’s towel and holy oil. She anointed her head, wrapped it in this towel and tied a warm scarf on top.
The first painful night passed, my eyes were completely swollen, my eyelashes pricked my eyes. By morning the pain subsided a little. I anointed my head with oil again, wrapped it in a towel and tied it with a warm scarf.
In the morning, an infectious disease doctor (my sister) arrived. I covered myself with a blanket and am afraid to show myself to her. I ask her: “Don’t be offended that I won’t show myself to you. Calm down and don't tell me anything. I will be treated with my own means.” “Well, okay, but I still need to see you,” she insisted. Then I opened the blanket and showed her my face and head. She restrained her fear and explained to me: the disease is infectious and is called “herpes zoster”; it lasts for at least four months with terrible headaches, during which the patient literally climbs the wall. And she offered to send strong medicine.
The next day she was with me again. I had to explain to her what I was using for treatment and that it made me feel better.
After five days, the headaches subsided. My sister did not believe such a quick improvement. She knew as a doctor that such a disease cannot be cured even in a month. So a miracle happened!
A month later I completely recovered, but dark blue spots were visible on my face for a long time and my head was very cold. So I wore a warm scarf all summer. So I got rid of a long, serious illness by the grace of God, through the prayers and healing remedies of my dear father.

P I go to see my father in Pechory and think: “Should I tell him about my eye (there was a lump growing on the inside of the eyelid) and that the doctor insists on surgery?” And the priest himself asks me: “What’s wrong with your eye?” I explained everything and asked for holy oil so as not to have to undergo surgery. My father brought me oil and said: “Here’s for your healing!” At home, I started applying this oil to my eye in a cross pattern, and after five days the lump became almost invisible. I anointed it a few more times and it went away.

A Nnu was admitted to the hospital in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed lung cancer. Her daughter went to the Lavra to report this grief to her father and ask for his holy prayers.
The father served a prayer service at the relics of St. Sergius. And then, consoling, he told the sick daughter: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine! Here, bring her this prosphora so she can eat it all.”
The next day after eating the prosphora, the patient became unrecognizable: calm, cheerful. She gained an appetite. The doctors were at a loss. They began to doubt the diagnosis and transferred the patient to a research institute, where, as a result of a thorough examination, the conclusion was given: “No cancer was detected.” Anna was discharged home.
As soon as she regained her strength, Anna went to the Lavra to thank the Lord, St. Sergius and her dear father. When they met, her father said to her, smiling: “Well, Anna has appeared! Where is your cancer - has it crawled away?

P His Moscow spiritual children came to their father at the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery with the sad news of the serious illness of their spiritual sister Paraskeva, who was distinguished by her special kindness and mercy. Doctors diagnosed her with a cancerous tumor in her intestines. In their opinion, her days were numbered.
The father served a prayer service for the sick woman. Before the prayer service, he addressed all those praying with the request: “Let us now sincerely pray for the sick Paraskeva. The doctors recognized she has cancer, and we will not let it develop in her, we will pray, and it will be easier for her... It’s too early for her to die, we still need her here!” Father blessed me to bring her holy water from this prayer service and prosphora.
When the patient accepted this shrine, she immediately felt that the pain had decreased. And then she was soon discharged from the hospital.

IN The elder's spiritual children brought the seriously ill 60-year-old Timothy to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. During the liturgy in the Assumption Church, the priest especially prayed for the sick Timothy, and mentioned his name several times. And the patient was unconscious, then he started vomiting; he was taken out into the street. Towards the end of the liturgy, he again entered the church, but he again became ill, and they laid him in the corner by the stove. After the liturgy, the father in a robe, with a cross, went to the sick man, gave him to venerate, and also gave him a large apple: “Here’s for you to heal!”
For two more days Timofey suffered, he could not stand the service, the dark force knocked him down. Then the father served a prayer service and asked all those praying to pray for the sick person. The patient felt better, and within a week he was completely cured of his illness.
Delighted Timofey spoke with admiration about his father: “For the first time in my life I meet such a miracle worker! When my father gave me holy water to drink, he said: “This water will get you out of the bottom of hell.” And this water burned my entire insides, and then it became so easy, and I soon felt completely healthy.”

P The grieving A. came to her father from Dnepropetrovsk. Doctors discovered cancer. Her father gave her a prosphora and said: “Let’s pray.” She immediately went home. And the next year she came to thank her father for his prayers. The doctors did not find any more cancer in her and said that they had made a mistake in the diagnosis.

D Eva V. was getting ready to get married. But suddenly she fell ill, doctors discovered cancer and offered her surgery to remove her breasts. She immediately turned to her spiritual father, Abbot Savva, for a blessing: what should she do? Her father said to her cheerfully:
“One of them also had cancer, but by the grace of God it crawled away, and so will you.” Let us pray: what is impossible with people is possible with God. But go to the operation, and I’ll pray.
She comes home and goes to the hospital. She was examined again, and the cancerous tumor had disappeared. Doctors are surprised and cannot understand this riddle: “There was cancer - and there is no more?” The operation was canceled, but it was not removed from the register. A year later, she is called again for a check-up and is offered to have her breasts removed so that the tumor does not recur. But she refused and is now alive and well.

Z My front tooth hurt, my whole face was swollen, my mouth was distorted, I was lying down - I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat. We told my father about my condition. He handed over a handkerchief and gifts for me and said: “Let him put this handkerchief to his mouth. If it doesn’t help, then let him go to the hospital.” I happily put this handkerchief to my face and held it for a while. I felt better, and by evening everything fell into place. The swelling subsided and the pain subsided.

IN At the monastery, the sick Father K. was at rest, to whom the doctors prescribed constant bed rest. The patient turned to Father Savva: “Pray for me.”
His father told him: “Read the Psalter.” And he answers: “I can’t.” But Father Savva tells him: “You can’t, but read!” - “But I can’t.” - “And you read.”
A few days later he said that he overcame himself and began to read the Psalter. And he recovered and lived for another 10 years after that.

U Moscow priest Georgy's daughter Maria was born. She did not walk or talk until she was five years old. The whole family came to their spiritual father for help. He took this girl to her cell, prayed and blessed them to go home. When they arrived at the station, Maria suddenly got away with it, walked along the platform and spoke. Happy, they went home, thanking the father for healing his daughter.

P After my father’s death, I often saw him very clearly in my dreams. I wanted to see where he was assigned after forty days, and the Lord granted it, through his prayers.
I see everyone running to church for their father’s service, I ran too. The church is round in shape, high, with nothing below. You have to climb up the spiral staircase. I quickly began to rise, followed by one or two more sisters, and the rest looked up, but could not rise. I asked someone: “Which floor will the service be on and where is our father?” They answered me: “On the third floor.” I stood up and saw a bright room, there was a coffin against the wall, a large photograph of my father near the coffin, and a monk standing next to him, stern as a sentry. I shouted loudly: “Father!” - and fell towards the coffin, taking my breath away. I woke up and couldn’t catch my breath.
After that I began to think: why such a dream? I understood this: my father has a schema, this is the highest angelic rank, and the highest angelic rank is in the third heaven. And she calmed down.
They sent me a letter that a fragrance was coming from my father’s coffin, and I decided to immediately go to him, but I didn’t feel very well. But still I decided to go. I fell asleep with this thought. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw: my father was standing by the bed and said: “I’m here with you too.”

IN My whole life was filled with sorrows and illnesses. My husband was an alcoholic and often beat me. We had an icon of the Mother of God in our house, but I did not pray in front of it. She lived like this until she was 33 years old, and was close to death several times. I went to doctors, but they didn’t help me. At that time I had three small children.
God's mercy has not abandoned me. I met kind people and went to church, ordered a prayer service with an akathist to the Mother of God, and I immediately felt somehow at ease. Then I met P., began to go to her, talk about my grief, she consoled me and gave me spiritual books to read.

And so Mother G. came to P. from Pechory and told about schema-abbot Savva. Listening, my soul cried so much that people boldly go to church and travel to holy places, but as soon as I go to church, my husband makes a noise and hits me.
One day I wrote to my father: “Dear father, I heard that Pochaev is the second Jerusalem in terms of holiness, pray for me to visit there. After all, the road is closed to me; Even if I go to my church, my husband makes a scandal, but how can I go to Pochaev?”
After some time, I was alone in the house and I heard someone say to me: “They will put my husband in prison for fifteen days, and you will go to Pochaev.” And so he made such a noise and fight (as was his habit) that the children called the police, and he was imprisoned for 15 days, and I went to Pochaev. And in the same way, through the prayers of her father, she was in Zagorsk.
There were times when I really wanted to go to church on holidays, and I mentally asked Father Savva about this. It’s amazing: when I went to church and met my husband, he walked past me without recognizing me.
G. arrives, brings two candies from his father and tells me to eat the light one myself and give my husband the dark candy. That's what I did. Soon after this, my husband and I divorced, and I left for Pechory. And if I hadn’t left, he would have killed me, because he always said: “I’ll destroy the “saint” anyway, I won’t live - and you won’t live.”
And so the children told me: he was getting ready to follow me, drank half a liter of wine and died immediately.
Then Father Savva arrives from vacation and tells a parable:
- Yesterday I saw: a cat caught a pigeon, I began to take the pigeon away from the cat, but he grabbed it with his claws and wouldn’t let go. I clicked on the cat... Not me, but God helped me.
I listened and didn’t understand, I thought that the cat really caught a pigeon yesterday, and then it was revealed to me that he was talking about my husband and about me. Through my father’s prayers, the Lord protected me from death. After my father’s death, I come to the caves, tell him about my sorrows and illnesses, and they leave. Your soul becomes light and joyful...

M My sister got sick and had cancer. Doctors tried to irradiate her, but her heart failed. She fell into hopeless despair. But when she turned to her father for help and asked for his holy prayers, the impossible became possible. The entire course of treatment miraculously proceeded safely. During the procedures, the patient not only felt the closeness of her father, but saw his presence.
There was also a case with my niece, also his spiritual daughter. During her pregnancy, her father said that she would have a boy. She gave birth to a boy with immovable legs. Doctors suggested surgery, but, through the father’s prayers, the boy received healing.
Then my brother fell ill with a cerebral hemorrhage. The condition was hopeless, and a craniotomy was prescribed. With all my being I had a presentiment of a disappointing outcome, and the professor himself did not promise anything good, because the vessels continued to rupture.
In desperation, I went to my father, told him everything, to which he replied: “Don’t despair, we’ll pray. The Lord is merciful! I left, inspired by the hope of God’s mercy and my father’s prayers.
Having returned from my father’s place, on the day appointed for the operation I go to my brother’s institute. I entered the room, and a man was sitting on his bed. I even felt bad: my brother didn’t even raise his head, and I decided that someone else had taken his bed, and he was no longer alive. I staggered back, but my brother called out to me and called: “It’s me, come here,” and smiled. The vessels stopped rupturing, and the trepanation was cancelled. It was a clear miracle, surprising the entire medical staff.

P Due to family circumstances, I did not have to attend the funeral of my spiritual father. But I really wanted to kiss his coffin. I was looking forward to my vacation. And so, when the day of my departure came, my husband had a heart attack, and my mother-in-law had been lying in bed sick and, in addition, blind for seven years. What to do?
My soul is torn to pieces, some force is pulling me to Pechory. I remembered the gospel words: “Don’t look back” and, indeed, I left the house without looking back, but in great anxiety.
When I arrived in Pechory, I calmed down a little. But then I had a dream that it was very bad at home, I jumped out of bed and began to get ready to go back, without even visiting the monastery. I imagined that I had two dead people at home at once. I ask: “How can I leave as quickly as possible?” They tell me that the train leaves in the evening, and there won’t be a plane until the evening either. What to do? I went to the monastery, celebrated the liturgy, and ordered a prayer service to the Mother of God. My tears flowed like rivers.
After the service I went to the caves - and what do I see! My father came out of the caves, stopped nearby, blessed me and asked first of all about my mother-in-law: (she is also his spiritual child). He said: “Give her communion more often, she will soon come to me, and we will pray together for you. Live peacefully with your husband, he’s not bad with you, he doesn’t drink wine, doesn’t smoke, and when necessary, be patient and remain silent.”
I was greeted joyfully at home, nothing happened, everyone was alive, everything was fine. And the mother-in-law, indeed, soon peacefully departed to the Lord.

ABOUT One day my husband, with whom I had not lived for several years, came to see me. He said that he would go to Tallinn in the evening, but for some reason he didn’t go to the train. I did not suspect any malicious intent in this at all. At four o'clock in the morning, I heard him get up. I thought that he would go to the train, but he quietly approached me and tried by all means to kill me, but so that there were no wounds. I had no hope for life; although I prayed intensely, he did not back down. With the very last of my strength, I shouted loudly: “Father Savva, save me!” And at that very moment my husband became completely weak and left me in fear, and in defense he said: “I didn’t want to do anything bad to you.” He asked for forgiveness three times and left.
In the morning I had no strength, I was all crippled, but still I went to my father. When I arrived, he was already waiting for me in the corridor. I told him: “I was offended by my ex-husband.” My father put his hand on my shoulder, quietly walked over my sore spots, gave me gifts and said: “Eat at home, and I’ll pray.”
I took the first step with fear that I might fall, but, to my surprise, I did not feel any pain or heaviness. I went home as if on wings.
After my father died, my doctor diagnosed me with rectal cancer. I lost a lot of weight, lost heart, walked with my head hanging: my father was no longer there, now there was no one to turn to, apparently, I would have to wait for death.
On the eve of the day when I had to go to the doctor, I had a dream: my father was standing at the lectern with a cross in confession. Along a narrow path, many, many people walk one after another to him for a blessing. I approached him with my head bowed, as I had been walking lately, and he said: “Hold your head higher, read the Lord’s Prayer.” I extended my hands to him to accept the blessing, but he said: “I folded my hands incorrectly, I need to fold them crosswise.” He straightened my hands three times, and then said: “Okay, I will bless you, read “Our Father.” Standing in front of him, I read the prayer loudly and clearly and woke up from my own loud voice.
In Pskov they gave me an x-ray and said: “The cancer has atrophied, there is no need to operate.” Then I raised my head higher, read “Our Father” and, joyful, went home.
My son, also a spiritual child of his father, during his lifetime, took a truck at work without permission and came to me in Pechory. He needed to get back to work on time and ran out of gas. I went around to all the drivers I knew, but I couldn’t get gas; at the base they didn’t give me any without coupons either. I ran to my father in tears. The cell attendant won't let me in, she doesn't want to bother him. I’m not leaving, because there is only hope for him. My father heard my tears, ordered the cell attendant to find out what was the matter, and said that he could buy gasoline, but let his son not leave until the morning. He gave two oranges - to my son and to me.
The son received gasoline through his father’s holy prayers, but he violated the blessing, relied on his own reason and immediately left, for which he received great sorrow. The police stopped him, they found out why he was driving a state car at night without a permit. After the check, they let him go, but it started snowing heavily, the road skidded, the car couldn’t go any further, and he had to abandon it and walk 15 kilometers in waist-deep snow. This is what self-will means.

D spiritual sister T. from Ovruch said: “V. went to Pechory to visit her father, and my sisters and I rode into the forest on horseback. The horse's name was Vurchik, this only horse in the entire monastery was assigned to me. We worked, sat down to eat, and the horse was grazing near us, but suddenly disappeared. Everyone started searching, but to no avail. I got scared and shouted to my father: “Father, our horse is missing.” And the horse was immediately found.
And at this moment in Pechory V. goes to the Assumption Church, and his father goes; they come up to him for a blessing, ask questions, and he says: “Wait, they’re shouting that the horse is missing...”
When V. returned home, T. told her about what had happened. V. immediately remembered her father’s words: “Wait, they are shouting that the horse is missing...”

M The three of us quarreled at twelve o'clock at night, and in the morning all three went to the monastery for confession. The father confessed, he turns to us and says: “If you throw a stone into a deep river, the water will not be indignant, but if it is thrown into a puddle, it will be indignant. So we should not be puddles, but deep rivers.”
Father tried to unite those who had different characters, and moreover said: “At sea, pebbles rub against each other and become smooth.” He did not give us great rules, did not impose strict fasts, restrained us from great feats, did not uproot passions from us by all means, humbling us at every step, trying to cut off his will from us.
During Great Lent, my father received communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, but an acquaintance came and brought wine and snacks... I had a fight with my father and left for Zagorsk. Father Savva meets me at the door of the temple and says: “Go home now and treat your father kindly, it is his enemy who is tempting him before death.” I come home, my father cried like a child and said: “I myself don’t know why I did this.” At that time he was completely healthy, but soon fell ill. Before his death, he received unction and received communion several times. He died the same day he took communion. And all this - according to the holy prayers of the spiritual father.

P Spiritual child D. arrived from Tbilisi all relaxed, her legs especially hurt. She asks her father where he will bless her for an apartment with such bad legs, and thinks: how could it be closer? And he blesses her to go to a village seven kilometers away, and so that she goes to the monastery every day. For obedience, she went and, through his holy prayers, received healing of her legs.

G The Lord vouchsafed me, a sinner, to prepare dinner for my spiritual father during his illness. One day I was bringing him lunch, and I had a thought: “So I go to my father, I try, I cook, but when will he tell me whether I cook well or badly? I still don’t know if he likes my cooking.”
I read the prayer, received a blessing, and put lunch on the window. My father asked what I had prepared. I have listed. After this, the father says: “You cook, you walk, I don’t thank or praise. And you will receive gratitude there” (i.e. in heaven).

ABOUT Dna, from the children of her father from the city of Sochi, told the following. She loves to visit the sick and at the same time takes something for them from the funeral table. One day she had to visit two sick women. But she herself felt bad. I barely made it through the liturgy and decided that I would only go to one of the patients. She went up to the table and looked at what she could take so that it wouldn’t be too heavy to carry. Suddenly her father appeared in front of her and said: “No, not a little, but take this and that and go to both patients.”
“Father, bless me,” she said, forgetting that it had been four years since he died, bowing to the blessing, and when she raised her head, he was no longer there. But she felt such a surge of strength, was so renewed and rejoiced that she took everything that her father blessed her to take and went to see both sick people.

IN from and distribution after graduation. Who goes where, but me - to Udmurtia. What should I do? She asked to stay closer to her parents (grandmother and grandfather are old, it’s difficult for my mother) - refusal. Mom went to see her father. He stands, waits, and then he comes out of St. Michael’s Church, exhausted to the limit, and descends the steps. “Father, they are sending their daughter to the Udmurts. Why is she there alone, and how can I be without her?...” - “Now we’ll pray, and you go to the memorial service, pray for the deceased there. - And he began to go back up to the temple. “Let my daughter not be in a hurry.”
Mom arrives and says that father advised not to rush. “So everything has already been decided. I got the lifts, it’s time.”
I go again to those who refused. “Okay, stay with your old people,” they tell me.
God bless! I thank my father for his care and prayers for me, a sinner.
My father asked for something he needed, and I promised to bring it. Soon his cell attendant arrives and says that they brought him from another city. Well, I think that means I won’t take it. She arrived in Pechory, and her father said: “If you brought what you promised, let him come to me.”
I grieved - I’m guilty again. Where is the loyalty, firmness, action, and not verbosity and vanity?
And then we meet my father in the Assumption Church: “Oh, why didn’t you bring it?” I didn’t even ask for forgiveness - I immediately burst into tears. I cry without ceasing, and suddenly one of my spiritual children says: “Father, we too can make mistakes.” - “Am I only speaking for her?”
How hard it is, but today we have to leave, at least to hear something more from my father. And just at the exit he looked back and said: “He who does nothing makes no mistakes.”
A few days before my father’s death, I looked at his photo and felt such pity, closeness and something inexpressible. Maybe he was mentally saying goodbye...

TO When my father came to Moscow for an operation, E.I. and I looked after him. My father once said: “Soon many athletes will gather in Moscow. They go here, and I go there.” - And he pointed to the sky with his hand.
His words came true: when he died, at that time the Olympics were in full swing in Moscow.

WITH Chemnun M., while staying with me, became mortally ill: the temperature was 41, she was losing consciousness, I was scared, I began to pray to God, asking for help.
Suddenly my mother spoke in a sleepy state, I turned to her, she opened her eyes and said: “Fr. Savva asked me how I was living. And I answered him: “With your holy prayers!” Then mother herself, without my help, turned to the wall and fell asleep again, and in the morning she herself, as usual, got out of bed, as if she was not sick.

R Abba God E.P., having read some of the works of Fr. Savva, was fired up with the desire to rewrite them, and then she took his photo, went to the photo studio and asked to enlarge it. And then she distributed enlarged photographs of Savva’s father to his admirers. She herself prayed for him and often ordered liturgies. And her father appeared to her in a dream and said:
- I pray for everyone who prays for me.

P My mother and I moved to Pechory and lived there for a week. I lost my wallet with money that was left for the return trip. Mom scolds me: “What are we going to do now?”
We came to my father in the evening, and there were a lot of people. He hands everyone 20 rubles and says: “Who doesn’t have money for travel?”

T I had a shortage of ore in Pechory, and my health became bad. My father blesses me to go home and get a job, but he didn’t say where. My heart burned only for the temple. And in a dream I see that I am working in a church, preparing everything for the upcoming prayer service. Then our bishop comes out of the altar and, in concelebration, is our father, Abbot Savva, and they immediately sang: “To the Mother of God now we are diligent in our priesthood, in sin and humility...” I found myself behind everyone and was glad that no one would see me - I would pray.
I woke up in tears, thanking my Intercessor, the Mother of God, and my dear father, who showed me the future path of my life. It made my heart happy that he was present here in our church.
Despite all the severity of the priest towards me at that time, I never thought of looking for another spiritual father. Help, Lord, through the prayers of the Mother of God and our dear prayer book and miracle worker Schema-Hegumen Savva, to spend the rest of my life in a feeling of repentance, at least by the end of my life to comprehend this main science of sciences - to recognize my worthlessness and not despair, hoping for the mercy of God.
Thank you for everything, my good shepherd!

N and at the funeral service they sang “Eternal Memory,” and I thought, standing in the crowd at the very door: “Strange: can we really remember a person forever? How is this eternal memory? The father immediately began to explain: “Some of you are thinking: what is this - eternal memory? Can a person remember someone forever? Of course not, beloved! He himself is not eternal. And this is what we ask of God, so that He will forever remember. He’s eternal!”

P Father came to me in Zagorsk. The weather was good, but then it started to rain and it became muddy. My father asked me for galoshes. I say: “I don’t have such big galoshes.” - “You had a husband, give him galoshes.” - “But I don’t have it!” - “No, but there are new galoshes on the sofa.”
I looked - and sure enough, there were new galoshes lying around, which I had completely forgotten about.

I I didn’t know Savva’s father and never saw him alive. But when I met his spiritual children (and it was a friendly spiritual family), I joined it with great joy.
I was amazed and confirmed in my faith by extraordinary dreams that foreshadowed future events and revealed to me the will of God. In my dreams I saw the Providence of God directing me on the path of salvation. In these dreams, I more than once saw Father Savva exactly as he is depicted in the photographs.
I want to tell you about one of them: before ordination to the deacon.
The mountain is high, rocky, with a sharp peak. I stand at the very top and hold on to the very spire. I turned around and looked back, I saw an abyss. I think: “If I don’t hold on, I’ll fall down and break.”
With great effort, I pulled myself up and on the other slope, below, I saw an even larger abyss than behind me. Suddenly I see a dark man with a gloomy face on the left, calling: “Come over to me.” And the slope on the left rises even higher. I think: “Why would I climb there, especially to the left?” Then I somehow involuntarily looked to the right and saw that the rock was going down to the foot of the mountain.
Great joy overwhelmed me, and I began to slowly descend lower and lower. Finally, I safely descended to the foot of the mountain. Here a small field covered with green grass opened in front of me. I saw one priest I knew - Father N., the child of Father Savva, in a cassock, with a cross.
I asked him: “Why are you here?”, but he did not answer.
At this time a young man comes up to us and says:
- Father Savva gave his blessing to tell you that Father N. is a priest, and you are a deacon.
“What kind of deacon am I, I need to lead the choir. Who will replace me?
Then the young man quietly disappeared, and I stood, fascinated by everything I had seen. Father N. and I looked at each other in silence. Then I turned to the right and began to go lower and lower, and Fr. N. began to disappear from sight.
Three months after this dream, I was ordained as a deacon.

4. Observe fasts, physical and spiritual, according to the church charter: Great, Petrov, Assumption, Christmas, as well as fasting days: Wednesday and Friday. But for the sick and elderly, physical fasting is weakened.

5. Do good deeds for your neighbors with love and avoid evil deeds.

Consider as lost that day on which you did not do a single good deed to your neighbor or did evil to your neighbor. Do not in any way build your well-being on the misfortune of another. Paying good for evil. Pray for everyone and wish everyone salvation.

6. You must pray without distraction. Prayer is food for the soul. Do not start the day without prayer and do not go to bed without prayer at any time: at night, or during the day, or during rest. If you are overcome by extreme fatigue, then read a short prayer before going to bed:

Lord, I'm tired, I'm going to rest. Lord, I sinned endlessly before You, before the Queen of Heaven and before the Guardian Angel and all the saints.

Father, close my eyes, grant forgiveness of all sins, sleep to my body, and peace to my soul. Amen.

But do not indulge laziness or abuse it.

If there is no time to fulfill the full morning or evening rule, then read at least four main prayers (the rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov):

Heavenly King... 1 time...

Our Father... 3 times.

Virgin Mary, rejoice... 3 times.

I believe... 1 time.

"King of Heaven"- Call on the Holy Spirit.

"Our Father"- The Lord's Prayer, Jesus Christ Himself taught the apostles this way.

"Virgin Mother of God, rejoice..."- a song from heaven brought by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. Whoever glorifies the Mother of God, She helps him in everything.

"I believe..."- here everything of our Orthodox faith is set forth, so that we can be established in the faith, confess it correctly and repel evil power from ourselves.

During the day, force yourself to unceasing prayer: keep the Jesus Prayer or the Mother of God prayer in your heart and mind, constantly and everywhere reflect on God, this is also counted as prayer. If we do not lose prayer and meditation on God, then we are not afraid of any enemies, neither sorcerers, nor sorcerers, for the Lord and the Mother of God are with us: “Even if I go down to hell, because You, Lord, are with me, my heart will not fear " Try every day, whoever can, to read at least a little of the Psalter, the Apostle, and the Gospel.

Whoever has time for prayer, it is commendable to follow the full rule with canons, bows, and akathists.

It is very useful to read the Theotokos rule daily - 150 times “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”. You can read “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice...” without bowing and even while walking, for the sick - sitting or lying down. Many people have experienced the great benefits of fulfilling the Theotokos’ rule.

7. Have three cardinal virtues:

1) Don't judge anyone.

2) Don't hate anyone.

3) Forgive everyone from the heart.

And this means learning Christ’s commandment about love: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind... Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” ().

8. Frequently confess your sins and worthily partake of the Holy and Life-giving Mysteries of Christ.

For fulfilling this small rule, the Lord will not deprive us of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Daily rules

1.Be fair and impartial in everything down to the smallest detail.

2. Never, even jokingly, deceive anyone.

3. Be selfless even in small things.

4. Look for opportunities, wherever possible, to be useful to someone.

5. In all troubles, judge yourself more harshly than everyone else and be lenient towards others.

6. Never joke or mock anyone.

7. Never say anything good about yourself and forget yourself for others.

8. Be silent rather than speak, listen to others and, if possible, avoid disputes.

9. Always try not to be idle.

10. Don’t get excited, and if you feel that anger has taken over you so much that it’s hard to overcome yourself, then immediately shut up and, if possible, leave.

There are many good feelings, but the feeling of worthlessness is the main one; since he is gone, everything is not for the future!

Learn this well!

What to thank God for

1. What brought us from non-existence to existence.

2. That he honored us not with bestial, but with human soul.

3. That He redeemed us with His Honest Blood.

4. That he granted us the right to be heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven.

5. That, having been angry and irritated with us many times, is not completely angry with us.

6. That, despite our grave sins, He did not destroy us in our very sin, but kept us alive.

7. What keeps us whole and prevents the devil from consuming us when we sin.

8. That our repentance still awaits, and that we are still alive and not dead, that the worms have not yet devoured our bodies in the tomb, and that our souls are not yet in hell.

9. That there is still time for our repentance.

Oh, how we must thank God for all this!

Remember your last four: death, judgment, hell and eternity - and you will never sin.

Thought is just around the corner, but death is behind us.

Just as a ship that has a skilled helmsman safely enters its refuge with God’s help, so a soul that has a good shepherd ascends comfortably to heaven, even though it has previously done a lot of evil.

What is needed in relation to a spiritual father

1. First of all, pray intensely to God for the gift of a spiritual father, with strict fasting.

2. Have complete trust in your spiritual father.

3. Bring full confession from the age of six.

4. Ask to establish a rule: for church and home prayer, for spiritual reading, for sleep, for work.

5. Before coming to your spiritual father with any question, pray earnestly that the Lord would reveal His will to him.

6. Go to your spiritual father with full faith that the Lord has revealed His will to him.

7. Unconditionally and accurately fulfill everything said by your spiritual father, have complete obedience to him.

8. Do not hide anything from your spiritual father, no embarrassment, sin, etc.

9. If any confusion, mistrust, or suspicion appears in relation to your spiritual father, immediately tell your spiritual father about it with complete frankness, otherwise the enemy may destroy you.

10. Constantly pray for your spiritual father and always ask for his blessings and prayers.

11. In difficult circumstances, cry to the Lord: Lord! Through the prayers of my spiritual father (name), save or help me (that's what).

12. If there is a desire to change any of the rules given by the spiritual father - either in relation to lengthening, or, conversely, reducing prayers, fasting and other things, then this should be done only with the blessing of the spiritual father. Amen.

The basis of a Christian’s spiritual life is humility. And therefore, when you perform any feat, “When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”(). For “opinion” and human praise destroy all work - “treasure that is discovered is stolen.”

The measure of life, every spiritual achievement, as far as possible, should be known only to the spiritual father. A feat beyond strength strains one's strength and plunges one into pride. Therefore, without the blessing of the spiritual father there cannot be a single spiritual step. Amen.

Useful thoughts from the holy fathers

About spiritual father

To be successful in the fight against passions, you need to take care to have an experienced mentor, not a caresser, but a fair one. And in earthly sciences mentors and long training are required; So is it possible to do without them in the most difficult and great thing - the heavenly matter?

Reverence your confessor as if you were a servant of God or an angel, but do not become attached to him as a human being, kiss his hand like an icon or like the wounds of Christ, do not talk too much to him, especially do not joke, do not try to arouse his affection: after all, he does not for friendship, but for the salvation of the soul. Be afraid to entertain or seduce him. It’s bad if you become attached to him and he obscures the image of Christ in your heart: for this, keep his instructions in memory, but not his facial features, otherwise you will not receive healing of the soul, but harm.

Those who experience any anxiety of the heart, or any bewilderment, or a split in their conscience should turn to their spiritual father or to someone else experienced in the matter of spiritual life (if they do not have their own father), accompanying this with a hopeful prayer, may the Lord reveal through them the truth and will provide a soothing solution to perplexities and confusion, and then completely calm down at their word.

“You will endure the difficulty and painful sting of the operation, but you will be healthy.” This means that in confession you must reveal all your shameful deeds to your confessor without concealment, even though it is painful, and shameful, and disgraceful, and humiliating. Otherwise, the wound remains unhealed and will ache, ache, and undermine mental health; it will remain a leaven for other spiritual infirmities, sinful habits and passions. The priest is a spiritual doctor, show him the wounds, without shame, sincerely, with filial trust: after all, the confessor is your spiritual father, who must love you more than your relatives, father and mother, for Christ’s love is higher than carnal, natural love - he must give for you answer to God.

Why has our life become so unclean, full of passions and sinful habits? Because so many people hide their spiritual wounds and ulcers, this makes them hurt and irritated, and no healing can be applied to them. A sheep that escapes from the fence of its shepherd becomes the food of the beast, and a child that climbs over the fence of Divine obedience to its father and wanders in the impenetrable wilds of selfhood becomes the prey of the devil, the ancient destroyer of our souls.

Tell me: why, while your mentor is subject to such dangerous responsibility, do you not even want to listen to him, and, moreover, for your own benefit?

Always be, my children, within the fence of childish obedience to your spiritual father and remain in it until the Lord demands you to Himself. Blessed will you be if your love for the guide does not cool down in you to death. Amen.

About the prayer “Lord have mercy”

The mercy of God is the grace of the Holy Spirit, which we must constantly ask God for, crying out: “Lord, have mercy!” Give me the spirit of strength, the spirit of light, the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of peace, the spirit of purity, the spirit of meekness, the spirit of humility, the spirit of love. Whoever calls out with feeling: “Lord, have mercy,” connecting these words with breathing, that is, when inhaling air into oneself, pronounces: “Lord,” and when exhaling: “Have mercy,” - such a pronunciation cleanses the character, conscience, soul and heart, - he will receive what he asks from God. Whoever utters these words only out of habit will not be able to receive mercy from God, for he has already received many mercies:

1. When he was created and became man;

2. When he was recreated in baptism and became a Christian;

3. When he got rid of the mental and physical troubles he experienced in life;

4. When you were honored to partake of the Most Pure Mysteries;

5. When you upset God with your sins and were not punished and did not realize it. How else can such a Christian receive mercy from God when he does not know and does not feel that he has received so many mercies from Him, and pronounces these words out of sheer habit.

Holy Fathers about grievances

When enduring insults, troubles, injustices, do not dare, out of pride, to blame your neighbor for them. Believe me, the fault lies not with him, but with you: the Lord wants to cleanse your sins, so he sends you, as it were, undeserved sorrow and resentment, but again I remind you: it is deserved by you, by your various, previous sins; accept sorrow with joy, as a cleansing medicine from the Lord Himself, and consider the offender a heavenly friend, a healer of your soul; then no offense will disturb you, but will only call you to repentance, will increase the health of your soul and make you dear to God.

Be afraid to judge the offender, to reproach him, because he is your benefactor, allowed by God to cleanse your sins, for your humility and patience.

If you have few sins, but many grievances, then again do not worry: for everything you will receive rich retribution from God; said: “Blessed are you, when they revile you and despise you and say all sorts of evil things against you lying, for my sake: Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is many in heaven.” ().

Be at peace for the offender, and there is a strict Judge over him - the Lord, who will judge both him and you unfeignedly. But don’t rejoice if the offender gets into trouble: after all, he was your healer, allowed or directly sent by God. By judging him or gloating over his misfortune, you yourself become a friend of the demons, therefore you will act in truth if you think only good things about everyone, pray for everyone and do good to everyone, especially to those who offend you: they are your healers and spiritual friends.

But you say: “How can I tolerate it when a loved one offends me and acts unfairly?” Okay, but don’t you yourself offend God every minute, don’t you blaspheme His All-Holy Name with your all kinds of iniquities and lack of faith? But instead of executing you, He spares you, takes care of you and sends you what you need in life, and for repentance He places you among His friends; Shouldn’t you therefore also forgive your neighbor from the bottom of your heart all insults? If you don’t forgive, the Lord won’t forgive you either. Amen

“Often we invite grief ourselves. It is better to surrender to the will of God in simplicity of heart, but the asked cross is difficult to bear.”

“The Lord sends sorrow for our sins and immediately has mercy on the soul in its repentance.”

“Through sorrow the Lord raises a person for eternal life.”

“When the Lord does not punish for sins, this is a terrible state: “For My zeal has departed from you.”

“Whoever wants to be saved is always a martyr, for he suffers attack from the world, the flesh and the devil.”

“When there are storms and disorder all around you, then do not be horrified, but rejoice at the favorable moment in a short time to receive many crowns for patience and for helping everyone around you with your strength and skill, forgetting yourself and your peace.”

“Accept advice with joy, false lies, endure slander with joy, and if you cannot rejoice, then do not express your grief to others, do not complain to anyone.”

“If you are perplexed, then make three bows and say: “Lord! You see, O Merciful One, that my soul is perplexed and I am afraid of sinning, give me some understanding, O Lord!” And take the first thing that is born in your soul after prayer as an instruction from above.”

“Often, with just one greeting to a neighbor, the soul feels a good change in itself; and, on the contrary, for one sidelong glance at one’s neighbor, the grace and love of God is lost. Experience has shown that you should not think badly about a person, because for this you lose the grace of the Holy Spirit. For spiritual peace, you need to accustom your soul so that it loves the offender and prays for him. We suffer until we resign ourselves. If someone has offended you, pray to God for him and then you will maintain peace in your soul.”

Athonite Elder Silouan.

“Count not on intelligence and not on health, but on grace.”

“Always resort to the Mother of God for help. She, the Lady, is a plague for demons and our first Helper!”

Lady of the sky! Oh Holy Mother,

Hear the prayers and cries of the earth,

Covering all people with Your protection,

Pray to the Eternal God for the fallen!

“The goal of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God, and the parable of the ten virgins says that the oil in the vessels of the virgins is the grace of the Holy Spirit, necessary for salvation, for good deeds do not yet constitute the goal of a Christian’s life. But the goal of life is different - the acquisition of the grace of the Holy Spirit, or, more clearly, the acquisition of a state of tender unity with the Holy Spirit in order to be under His guidance, for “This state of the soul is higher and more valuable than the best deeds.”

St. Seraphim of Sarov.

“If you want to take a nap during the service, ask the Lord for help: “Deliver me, Lord, from Satan, open my eyes of soul and body,” and lament with tears, and the Lord will cover us with His grace, and sleep will flee, and prayer will flow.” .

“Parents will be punished not only for their sins, but also for their children if they have not raised them in piety.”

“Fasting consists of not eating much, so that the part of the bread that you yourself would like to eat is given to the hungry; refuse pleasant, tasty food in order to pacify the warring members of the flesh and give freedom to the actions of the spirit, and the angel of the Lord will cleave to you.”

St. Seraphim of Sarov.

“Carnal sins are most cleansed by fasting and humility.”

“Charity is higher than fasting and virginity.”

Try to give your best to others,

This doesn’t count as a feat at all;

And don't call anything yours,

Honoring only sins as your own.

“If the soul becomes vain, then its holiday ends, for grace leaves the soul and it can no longer pray purely, but bad thoughts come and torment the soul.”

“If you think evil about people, then it means that an evil spirit lives in you and it is he who inspires evil thoughts on people. Evil comes from oneself. We are blinded by evil, we blame the guilty and the right, but not ourselves. There is no place for malice in a humble heart, and since it nests, it means the soul is sick - somehow they drove away the guardian angel, tore off the cover of God’s mercy, opened the doors to the enemy...

We forget that God loves us all and tells us to love each other.

Pride causes us to move away from God’s help, rely on ourselves and become proud before people.

Two things cure us of pride, and those who do not use them will be given a third, much bitter one.

Pride is destroyed by prayer with tears not to humiliate anyone, and by involuntary misadventures.

The beginning of an active life is faith in Christ, but its end is love for Christ.”

The order of conquering passions

1. By fasting and abstinence, curb your belly - and then through work, vigil, prayer and humility you will overcome lust.

2. With the subjugation of fornication, we will also extirpate covetousness.

3. Trap him - and you will quench envy and anger.

4. Extinguish anger and envy - you will drive away sadness.

5. Leave sadness and you will be free from despondency.

6. Endure insults and humiliation - and you, by the grace of God, will achieve humility and overcome vanity.

7. Without vanity, you will not have pride. For it begins with conceit and self-exaltation, which constitutes the passion of vanity.

About unction

Who can take unction? Sick and decrepit old men and women.

What benefits do Christians receive from unction? Forgiveness of forgotten sins in confession and healing or alleviation of bodily illness.

On Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ

The Sacrament of Holy Communion was established Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He calls His Body the Bread of Life. “My Flesh is truly food and My Blood is truly drink”(). And the Lord warns us: “Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” ().

Anyone preparing to receive the Holy Mysteries of Christ must be free from reproaches of conscience, from enmity, anger, absent-mindedness, embarrassment, laziness, but in deep contrition of spirit and in full consciousness of his unworthiness, with fear and faith, he must approach the Holy Chalice.

From the above words of the Savior, it is obvious that He commands believers and those who are zealous for the Christian desire to partake of His Most Pure Body and Blood often - daily, if anyone can, according to the conditions of his life, be ready to begin the Cup of Life. If we daily strive for perishable, earthly food and drink, then all the more must we hunger and thirst for incorruptible food and incorruptible drink, which are the Body and Blood of the Author of life - our Lord Jesus Christ.

At the same time, there are many ignorant people, both among the educated and among the uneducated, and even among learned monks and priests, who consider it inappropriate and even sinful for pious lay people to receive communion every week and every day.

This is contrary to the commandment of the loving Lord, Who wants the faithful to take care of the frequent communion of His Most Pure Body and Blood. Amen".

The soul, having tasted the sweetness of God’s love, is completely reborn and becomes completely different and loves its Lord and is drawn to Him with all its strength day and night.

“Receive the Body of Christ, taste the Immortal Source!”

About the omnipotence of God

To save the soul it is necessary to constantly have the following in mind:

1. God is everything, and I am nothing.

2. The Lord owns everything, and my lot is poverty.

3. The Lord is Almighty, and I can’t do anything without His help.

According to the words of the Apostle Paul, we can boast only in weaknesses and vices. If there is any good in us, then it is nothing other than the action of God’s grace. The Lord Himself, by the power of His grace, moves us to do good.

Therefore, beloved, let us not pride ourselves on having any virtues. Let us attribute all good things to the Lord, saying: “You yourself do good, and I am only an instrument in Your hands.”

About the human soul

Nothing is as dear to God as the soul of a person. She is the bride of Christ, and the Lord loves her. The soul is the most expensive treasure, because it was redeemed at the most expensive price - the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. But we, beloved, having such a precious treasure, do not know how to appreciate it.

If we each look into our souls, we will find there ancestral pride, unbelief and ingratitude.

After all, after the sacrament of baptism, a person’s soul becomes bright, beautiful, loving, but we darken it with our vices, cover it with darkness and stench. And then the soul is in the power of evil force, and the guardian angel retreats from such a soul. The Mother of God also grieves, seeing our unrepentance. And the enemy increasingly brings all sorts of vices to her: anger, condemnation, fornication, pride and others.

Let us spare our souls, beloved! Let's not let her die in eternal torment. Let us force ourselves to fight sin, to fight the dark force, so that our soul finds eternal joy and bliss.

About the ways of salvation

Beloved! The ways of the Lord are mysterious. There are many ways of salvation. Some are saved by constantly reproaching, condemning themselves and crying about their sins; by depriving themselves of visible joy here, preparing for themselves eternal joy in the abodes of heaven.

Others follow the saving path of strict fasting and mortification of their flesh. They humble themselves through fasting and prayer, hoping to taste the same eternal inexhaustible joy in abundance.

Others follow the path of joy and thanksgiving, the path of unceasing contemplation and praise of God. They look at the beautiful color and say: “Glory to You, Who created everything beautiful that makes us happy!” Seeing a beautiful face, they repeat: “If the creation of Your hands is so beautiful, then how most beautiful You are, the Creator of all things!”

Others follow the saving path of all-perfect non-judgment, the path of mercy and mercy.

Let us each follow our own saving path to eternal joy and bliss.

About repentance

“Lying in the abyss of sin, I call upon the unsearchable abyss of Thy mercy,” we ask the Lord, believing and hoping that the mercies of the Lord exceed all our sins.

For deviation from God's commandments and for failure to fulfill them, God's wrath continues and increases over each of us until we realize the depth of our fall, our guilt before God and until we bring worthy, true repentance for all our crimes and wickedness affairs; until we weep and cry out to God from the depths of our hearts for forgiveness and mercy.

What is called worthy, true repentance? True repentance is the kind of repentance in which we repent not only in words, but also in our hearts and hearts about the sins we have committed and lament over them. When we have a firm intention to improve, stop sinning and make up for our sins with good deeds.

Beloved! We, like the Gospel tax collector, must repay everyone who is offended by us twice as much. Otherwise, how can we atone for the evil that has come from our sins? Will he who has offended us forgive us if he does not see our sincere repentance and good change? And if our cruelty continues to cause suffering to others, then how can we hope that the Lord will be merciful to us?

Our soul is in wounds and ulcers, and we will heal this illness of the soul with the sacrament of repentance. The sacrament of repentance is a mystery that cannot be comprehended by the mind, but can only be comprehended by faith.

There are many obstacles on the path of salvation if we do not bear the fruits of repentance, that is, we do not correct ourselves. Let us not put off repentance until the future, because the more we delay turning to the Lord, the more coarse our soul becomes. Sin from repetition turns into a habit, then into a vice, which is already difficult to get rid of.

Many, out of their frivolity, believe that repentance consists only of listing sins in confession. Such a mechanical listing of sins, without deep, painful contrition for them, without heartfelt crying, without the intention not to sin again and without further correction is not repentance, but is hypocrisy and blasphemy.

Beloved! Let us approach the sacrament of confession with a contrite heart and with tears of repentance. Tears of contrition soften our petrification, shake our souls, and remove pride and self-esteem from us. “Cry,” say the holy fathers, “for this is one of many paths to the Kingdom of Heaven.”

You need to lament your sins not only at confession, but every day. When starting to pray, we must remember our entire past life: how many crimes of the law have been committed, how many offenses have been caused to our neighbors, etc. And if we constantly think like this, regret our sins and repent, then the Lord will send abundant tears, which will be a balm for a sick soul . Christ will come into our weeping hearts according to His false promise: “Blessed are those who mourn, for these will be comforted.”

The sacrament of repentance cleanses the heart. To blot out sin means to plant in the heart the virtues that are opposite to sin. Let us be aware of our wretchedness; Let us complacently endure slander, reproaches, and lies. Let us be afraid of the Pharisee's self-exaltation, because only humility and awareness of oneself as a sinner attracts God's blessing.

Beloved! Let us ask the Lord to help us repent, let us cry out to Him: “Gather my scattered mind, O Lord, and cleanse my frozen heart: like Peter, give me repentance; like a publican there is sighing, and like a harlot there are tears.” Let us bring true repentance to the Lord and learn goodness in order to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! Amen.

On constant confession of sins

Beloved! A person’s entire earthly life is a struggle. And the battlefield is the human heart. Good fights evil, fights constantly, every day and every hour. Therefore, let us not despair if we have fallen.

All the saints who reached the Kingdom of Heaven lived on this same sinful earth and also sinned, but they brought true repentance to God, and the Lord had mercy on them. The host of saints is divided among themselves into those who have been pardoned and those who have been sanctified. They came to the Kingdom of Heaven in different ways. Those who were pardoned came through repentance, and those who were sanctified, being in constant prayerful communion with God, were already sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit even then, in earthly life.

So we, sinners, will not despair. It is human nature to sin and repent. It happens that after receiving communion a person immediately goes to confession. There is nothing reprehensible in this. The Lord does not need the form of confession, but its essence. The grace of God, the consciousness of having fallen again, leads this person to confession. This is even commendable, because no matter how many times you fall, you must rise just as many times, without despondency or despair.

Let us place all our trust in the Lord and Mother of God, we will earnestly ask for their help, and they will transform our hearts.

The Lord will forgive us for our repentance. And perhaps among us sinners there will be many pardoned saints.

May God grant us all to be saved and come to the mind of truth! Amen.

About obedience

"Obey your teachers..., - the Holy Church calls us, - for they watch over your souls" ().

Beloved! Once you have chosen a mentor, a spiritual father, then show him perfect obedience in everything, obedience to the point of complete self-denial and self-sacrifice. Do not offend his sensitive soul with any word, deed, or even contradictory thought. Even if what your spiritual father said is not entirely clear and acceptable, still be unquestioning. The Lord will make you wise, and in the end you will understand that the confessor is right after all.

Give up self-will, strive for only one thing - to please your spiritual father with childlike trust, simplicity of heart and perfect obedience. And the Lord, through the prayers of your spiritual father, will not deprive you of heavenly joy in the villages of paradise. Amen.

About anger and ardor

Some people confuse anger with vehemence. Anger, irritation, malice are one thing. And sometimes there is also ardor. This is when they ardently serve the Lord, ardently work for Him in order to save a person. Sometimes you have to reason with a person using the strictest words. Not angry, but strict. This is where ardor is manifested, that is, zeal for the salvation of one’s neighbor.

And I, as your shepherd, sometimes have to deal strictly with you. But it is better for a person to be offended than to lose the grace of the priesthood. Many, out of ignorance or carelessness, approach their spiritual father as easily as a friend or just an acquaintance. And you should pray before approaching your spiritual father, so that the Lord would reveal His will through him. You must approach him with reverence and with firm faith that the Lord, through the priest, will show you the only true and correct path.

Some, lacking reasoning, often become despondent. They grumble when they receive any remark from their confessor. Deliver us, Lord, from this! Our conscience is dirty and our soul is dirty. Therefore, you need to graciously accept all kinds of comments made by your confessor: not to be upset, not to despair, but on the contrary, to rejoice and thank God.

Pastoral Theology says that a spiritual father is given not for friendship, but for salvation.

Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and even the always affectionate Saint Seraphim of Sarov were also strict and showed ardor. They could not tolerate lies.

Imitating these great lamps, I also ardently try to plant virtues in your hearts. Actually, it’s not me, but the Church recommends this and the Lord commands us to do this: admonish, reprove strictly, punish strictly, but save! This is why the priesthood is given.

Sometimes you have to show ardor towards your spiritual children, because you need to gather all of them, all your sheep, so that not one of them is lost. And spiritual children must help their spiritual father, must justify their purpose, so that, appearing before the Throne of Judge on the last day, I could boldly say: “I am and my sheep!”

About prayer

Prayer is food for the soul. Through prayer the mind is purified, the heart is sanctified, and the disposition becomes meek. If the day begins without prayer, it certainly passes in useless bustle. For a person who begins his day with prayer, everything works out for good.

For those who do not have time to perform the prescribed morning or evening prayers, the rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov:

Heavenly King... 1 time.

Our Father... 3 times.

Virgin Mary... 3 times.

I believe... 1 time.

However, this rule does not completely exclude reading the Gospel, the Psalter, and complete morning and evening prayers. You should pray unceasingly, even your breath should be sanctified with prayer. The prayer for inhalation and exhalation can be visually depicted as follows:

1. Lord (inhale)

have mercy (exhale).

2. (Inhale) Lord (Exhale) Jesus

(inhale) Christ (exhale) Son

(inhale) God (exhale) have mercy

(inhale) me (exhale) a sinner.

3. (inhale) Holy (exhale)

Mother of God (inhale) save (exhale) us.

We should pray without being distracted, because when we pray absent-mindedly, we anger God. Absent-minded prayer and drowsiness in church are due to lack of faith and weak love for God. One should stand in the temple with the fear of God and humility, feeling the grace-filled power that resides in him. Our prayer should not be unfounded. Our mind and heart must participate in this conversation with God. Let us gather our scattered mind, lower it into our hearts, and let it act sacredly in it, as on a throne. Thus, prayer becomes heartfelt.

He who remains in constant prayer and contemplation of God is always with the Lord. And, in the words of Holy Scripture: “Even if he descends into hell, his heart will not fear!” Wherever such a person is, the Lord is with him, he does not lose prayer, and therefore neither sorcerers nor sorcerers are afraid of him. The Lord protects those who fervently call upon Him forever.

About mutual prayer

Beloved! The Holy Church calls us to pray for each other. Coming to the altar, I, as a shepherd, remember you. I ask the Lord to grant you enabling and strengthening grace, which will lead you from strength to strength, to godliness and which will drive away wickedness from you. In my prayers for you, I invoke the protection and intercession of the Queen of Heaven. I ask and pray to Her that She will help you to live in peace, with the peace of God, to live in the joy of the Holy Spirit, to live in the truth of God and to glorify the Lord with your lips and heart.

Taking out the particles, I again pray for you: “Not for my sake, but for the sake of the grace of the priesthood that rests on me and abides in me, remember them! By the Holy Spirit, help them to maintain themselves in patience and humility. Remove from them all wickedness; reconcile them; help them to bear their cross complacently. Help them in sorrows and illnesses, resolve all their questions with Your Holy Spirit! Grant them everything they ask for, if it is in accordance with Your Holy will.”.

Beloved! Pastoral love and prayers for you remain in me constantly. Having made me akin to you, they will remain in me until the end of my days and will go with me even beyond the grave.

I ask you in return: remember me in your prayers. Remember me as a spiritual father, because the spiritual father revived you for unceasing, joyful, eternal life, because, wanting your salvation, he takes upon himself your infirmities; because at the last terrible hour he will appear as your intercessor and protector before the Lord.

How saving prayers are when they are mutual! Let us mutually prayerfully wish each other eternal joy in the villages of paradise, and the Lord, seeing our heartfelt disposition, will protect us on our crusader path to eternal joy. Amen.

About the cross

“Lord, Thou hast given us a weapon against the devil; Thy Cross!”

The cross is not only a sign of a Christian, it is a weapon that drives away evil forces. During the suffering of the cross, the Lord left light and love on the Cross, therefore rays of gracious light and Divine love are emitted from the Cross. The blessed light emanating from the Cross burns the evil dark force, and love embraces everyone. Therefore, when we wear a cross on our chest and kiss it with love, we sanctify ourselves both externally and internally.

When we kiss our cross, the rays of grace-filled light and Divine love penetrate our character, our conscience, our soul and heart. The cross was given to us at baptism, and we should never part with it or forget about it.

Beloved! We will kiss the cross 5 times in honor of the five plagues of the Lord; Let us kiss him, confessing our sins to him, like Mary of Egypt in the desert. We will kiss the cross for our family and friends; Let us sanctify ourselves by kissing our cross with prayer: “Pour, O Lord, a drop of Your Holy Blood into my heart, which has dried up from passions and sins and impurities of soul and body!” Amen.

About the cherub song

During the singing of the “Cherubic” the great entrance takes place. Symbolically, this means that the Lord Jesus Christ goes to free suffering, to the Crucifixion. He comes for us, because with our sins we are still crucifying Him. We crucify Him with murmuring, lack of faith, condemnation of our neighbors, envy, anger and many other iniquities. Again and again we repeat the bloody Calvary to Our Savior.

You think Calvary has passed,

Under Pontius Pilate the hour struck

And life hasn’t repeated itself since then

Something that could have happened just once?

Or have you forgotten? Recently you and I

They ran across the square in a hurry,

To the judgment seat, where two are before the crowd

Standing on high steps.

And one asked... and doubted.

The other was silent, just like in the old days;

You kept rushing forward towards the steps,

We shouted: “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”

He walked up the mountain, you remember, without sandals,

And the people from nearby places waited for Him;

We took off the clothes of the Silent One there

And they lifted me to the Cross on ropes.

I remember you were on the stairs to the right,

I put a nail to my narrow palm...

You hit the rusty hat with a hammer,

And the tip penetrated without touching the bone.

We argued with you about the tunic,

Sitting aside, by the fire, together;

Didn't blood and water fall on you?,

When did I hit Him with my spear?

And isn't it with you at the door of the tomb?

Did we guard the body at night?

Yesterday, and tomorrow, and forever, both

We repeat the execution to Him and to us.

Beloved, listening to the singing of the “Cherubim” and recognizing ourselves as accomplices of the crucifiers, let us tearfully pray to the One who comes to suffer to spare and have mercy on us. Let us turn to Him in simplicity of heart: “Lord, I again condemn, I am angry, I am irritated, I envy, I again crucify You with my sins, but You forgive me again, just as You forgave Your crucifiers!”

“I’ll eat for you.”

When they sing “We sing to You, we bless You, we thank You, Lord, and we pray to You, our God,” at this time the transubstantiation of the Gifts takes place on the throne: bread and prosphora are transformed by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, and wine into the Blood of Christ. This mystery is comprehended only by faith.

At this time, we, beloved ones, must pray for the rebirth of ourselves, our relatives and loved ones. We are all sinners, wicked and careless, so let us run to the Lord with prayer:

- Lord, help us correct ourselves, renew us! From the wicked make us pious; Make those who are careless zealous to fulfill Your commandments!

About the intercession of the Queen of Heaven

“To whom shall I cry, O Lady?...” With these words, on behalf of all believers, the Holy Church addresses the Queen of Heaven. And really, to whom, if not to Her, do we turn for help? At all times, Orthodox people have resorted to the protection of the Queen of Heaven, tearfully begging Her to be their Intercessor and Intercessor before Her Son. How many miraculous healings She sent from Her icons for the admonition, support and glorification of Her faithful servants!

And today we resort to Her Merciful intercession, because “the imams have no other help.” And today She turns to the Lord: “My son, have mercy and mercy on Your creation! Spare him for My sake, because he always resorted to Me and asked me to be his Intercessor.”

Through the intercession and intercession of the Queen of Heaven, we dare to approach the sacrament of Communion, even though we are unworthy.

How will we reward our Intercessor for such loving care of our sinful souls?

Let us strive, beloved, to fulfill what She Herself spoke about.

“On earth I went through 15 stages of earthly life. And whoever remembers them with a dozen “Mother of God...”, I will help him in everything.”

Fulfilling this covenant of the Queen of Heaven, we will begin to read the Theotokos rule, that is, 150 times a day the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” What great power and help in the fight against evil power this rule represents!

And the Queen of Heaven will always help us according to Her false promise.

On the dignity of virginity

In its dignity, virginity is equal to monasticism. “A monk in the world” - this is what they say about virgins. Virginity, if someone has chosen this path, must be impeccable and unquestionable.

Pious girls are called to imitate the Mother of God, Her meekness and extreme humility.

Purity, like a delicate flower, is afraid of the slightest breath. One look, one word confuses her. The virgin, who understands the value of this virtue, avoids cases, even the most remote, the most insignificant, so as not to offend her (purity).

But there are Christian girls who talk without caution with people who are not angels. A virgin, who especially loves praise, does not remain indifferent for long to the one who praises her...

I would like to wish all the virgins: be cheerful in order to avoid daily cases of fall, multiplied by your enemy the devil, then the Lord will send you strength in those cases that you could not foresee.

About faith and believers

“Where there was no fear, there was fear” ().

Beloved! These words can be applied to many who call themselves believers. Such people are afraid to show that they are believers and are ashamed to go to church. This is false fear and false shame. We are called Christians, that is, followers of Christ. Christ suffered for us even to death, and we must follow the same path. Even if we are subjected to any coercion, ridicule and oppression, we still must not renounce Christ. We must cast aside false shame, false fear, and confess the Christian faith until death. Wear a cross on your chest, because above all else is to confess Christ as the Son of God and wear a cross without fear, without embarrassment.

Beloved! Believers should behave in such a way that they differ from unbelievers in behavior, gait, and quiet, meek disposition, so that believers are truly the salt of the earth and lamps of the world.

We believers should be an example for others only from the good side; in all cases of life it is reasonable to control oneself.

May the Lord help us to profess the Orthodox faith and, through our pious life, to plant it among the infidels. Amen.

About faith in God's providence

Beloved! We all believe in God, but we cannot firmly believe in God’s Providence. The proof of this is our grumbling, despondency and despair when we have to experience sorrows, illnesses, lies and slander. But all these visible adversities are cleansing for the soul.

The Lord, loving us, sends sorrows, illnesses and false accusations - this is an internal cross, and we must bear it complacently, because the Lord said: “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”(). And one more thing: “Whoever does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.” ().

Beloved! No matter what sad things happen to us, we will always repeat: “Wasn’t it from You?” Let us firmly believe that the Merciful Lord will not allow us to be tested beyond our strength.

The providential right hand of the Lord leads us along a saving path. This narrow path is thorny and sorrowful, but it leads to eternal joy and bliss. Therefore, let us not be embarrassed and grumble if the Lord pleases to test our faith in His Holy Providence. In difficult moments of grievances and grief, let us turn to Him with hope: “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!”(). Amen.

About good deeds

“Faith without works is dead”() - the Holy Church announces to us.

How often do we think that good deeds are giving alms to the sick and poor, this is the arrangement of only the external, visible well-being of our neighbors.

Our thought does not extend deeper to that immaterial good that we are called to provide to those around us. But good deeds include forgiveness of all offenses, patience with wrongdoing, and prayer for those who are a burden to us - that is, prayer for our enemies.

"Bless those who curse you! " (). Are we obedient to this command?

After all, they inflicted terrible torment on the Lord, they crucified Him, and He said from the Cross: “Father, do not count this against them as sin, They don’t know...what they’re doing.” ().

If we are Christians, we must follow the same paths that Christ walked.

We have more evil than good deeds. But let's not despair. And together with giving visible alms, we will be merciful to people. Let us not be hard-hearted like Herod. Let us not kill the good in our neighbors with our cruel and proud actions. With all humility, patience and meekness, let us bear with each other in love, let us show benefits to our enemies, prayerfully turning to the Lord: “Lord, soften the hearts of evil people! Weigh your destinies, save the souls of those who rise up against me!”

About humility

Humility does not condemn, does not envy, does not become upset, but accepts everything complacently. Blessed is the man who has acquired this wonderful gift - humility! Because God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Pride in a person begins with envy and grief. Pride notices the vices of others and condemns them. On the contrary, humility sees only the good sides in neighbors, does not envy, but sincerely rejoices at the successes of neighbors.

Beloved! Be gone with pride! Instead of envying and judging, try to serve your neighbors as much as possible. Rejoice in the well-being and gifts of your neighbors, this is where the great Christian virtue - humility - will manifest itself.

About condemnation

The Holy Church asks and warns us: “Judge not, lest ye be judged!”(). Especially under no circumstances should priests be condemned. The 121st rule of the 4th Ecumenical Council reads: “Cursed be the worldly; may he be separated from the Church, for he is separated from the Holy Trinity and will be sent to the place of Judas.”

For one vice of condemnation, a person can become a drunkard, a fornicator, and even a robber, because the sin that we notice and condemn in our neighbors will certainly captivate us in the future.

Beloved! Avoid judgment. By condemning someone, we crucify the Lord a second time and drive away the Holy Spirit from ourselves.

And who are you, who dares to judge your neighbor? If the Lord sees the iniquity of the fallen and does not punish him, but tolerates him, then who gave us the right to judge such a person? After all, having stolen the rank of Judge from the Lord, we become antichrists, that is, opponents of God.

Let's be afraid of condemnation! Let us mercifully bear with the weaknesses of those around us, so that the words may be fulfilled on us: “Blesseds of mercy, for they will be shown mercy” ().

Beloved! Let us refrain from analyzing the actions of others, reassuring ourselves that this is not condemnation, but only reasoning. And if we happen to allow this kind of “reasoning”, then we will deal with our neighbors only through our own fall, that is, with full consciousness of our worthlessness, we will say this:

“I cannot condemn the fallen for drunkenness and debauchery, because I myself kill people with evil deeds and words.” But all the commandments were given by One Lawgiver. He who said, “Do not get drunk with wine,” also said, “Thou shalt not kill.” This means that I, too, am a criminal of the law, because how can I condemn the fallen?

Reasoning in this way, we will mitigate the guilt of our neighbor and see our own.

Let us strive, beloved, to constantly drive away thoughts of condemnation and ask the Lord: “Let me see my sins and not condemn my brother!”

About self-deprecation

“Lord, You see my illness. You know how sinful and weak I am; help me to endure and be grateful for Your goodness.”

Beloved! This powerful prayer was composed by the great ascetic, Elder Silouan. To thank His goodness is to thank God for all sorrows, illnesses, lies and slander.

You must always listen to the voice of your conscience, and if you disobey your conscience, then melancholy and despondency set in. Sometimes the Lord allows, for our negligence and murmuring, such a disease - “obsession”, when an evil force penetrates our conscience. And some people allow this to strengthen their faith. Therefore, we must ask the Lord to help us get rid of negligence and neglect of the work of salvation; in troubles and temptations to win; do not be indignant and do not grumble at people for wrongdoing. Let us learn to love our offenders-benefactors; Let us have good forbearance towards people.

Beloved! When we begin to ask God for spiritual gifts, for example: wisdom, faith, hope, love, meekness and humility, then we will remember that we are the image and likeness of God, that our soul is like a certain imprint of the Divine, and all the wealth of the soul lies in God, as in a treasury from which we can draw every spiritual good.

Let us refrain from falling, so as not to desecrate the image of God in ourselves. Committing ourselves to the merciful care of the Creator of all, let us turn to Him with all humility, saying: “My limited spirit has come from Your infinite, All-perfect Spirit; behold, I am poor, my Lord, in wisdom and reason or faith, hope and love, meekness and humility; look at the desire of my heart and grant me Your wisdom, unashamed faith, firm hope, unfeigned love.”. Amen.

About the one thing you need

“Marfo, Marfo, grieve and speak about the multitude”() – and these words of Christ the Savior are heard in our time.

Who among us is not like Martha, fussing and caring only about earthly things?

Even when visiting holy places, enjoying wonderful church hymns and readings, we do not cease to keep in our minds the worldly, temporary, everyday things. Sometimes the words we heard in church do not touch our frozen hearts: “Let us now put aside every care of this life”– and we leave the temple unhealed.

Beloved! Entering the temple, let us leave behind its threshold all our worries and anxieties about earthly things, let us lift up our minds to grief, so that the grace of God may touch our hearts, so that we can leave the temple renewed.

Let us leave the vanity of Martha and choose the good part of Mary, that is, the desire to hear the word of God and fulfill (keep) it.

About piety

Beloved! In all cases of life, be godly Christians. When entering a house, bring piety and grace with you, greet those you meet with the words: “Peace to this house.” Talk modestly, teach meekly, learn with humility. Let your pious life be a good example for the unbelievers, so that the Lord may be glorified by your whole life. Preach and spread piety by your good works.

Repentance and sighing

My God-loving friend D.! With God's help

I answer your letter and write those penitent

the prayers and sighs that you asked of me.

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave us the sacrament

repentance. Holy Fathers Guided by the Holy Spirit,

wrote in brief, fiery, sincere words


Repentance and sighing

From the penitential canon of Archimandrite Amphilochius of Tuma

It was as if You, O All-Praised Lord, had led on dry land the people You had chosen in the midst of the depths of the sea; bring me out of the abyss of sin, so that I do not wallow in the underworld.

Oh, that my heart would melt and, like water, pour out in bitter tears, so that I would cry day and night because with my sins I have upset Your fatherly goodness, my Savior, and destroyed my soul. But do not yet reject me in Your anger, Lord, grant me time for repentance, strengthen my will in repentance, crush my accursed heart, purge tears from the depths of my soul and have mercy on me according to Your mercy. Have pity on me, inexhaustible in Your goodness, O God! Look at the suffering of my soul, do not yet betray me to the will of the enemies of my salvation: lest they triumph over me and rejoice over my eternal destruction; do not turn Your face away from me, Lord, remember that although I am an unrequited sinner before You, I am Yours. Your hands created me, give my soul joy, cleanse it from sinful leprosy, remove the burden of my guilt from me, do not remember my sins and misdeeds. I resort to You, Zealous Intercessor of the hopeless: hasten to help, ask for the grace to repent, strengthen my repentant sighs with Your intercession from Your Son and God. Establish me in repentance on the rock of faith in You, who came to call sinners to repentance; and I, too, with those who have been pardoned by You, will forever extol Your mercy. Open Thy ear, Savior, and hear me, revive me with Thy mercy, put me on the path of Thy commandments, support and establish me on Thy path; may Your grace be the healing of my soul. My soul is greatly shaken, my conscience does not know peace, as repentance burns me like fire for my crazy life; My iniquities have befallen me; I know them, and they are constantly before me.

Have mercy on me, do not close Your heart from me, although I have been unfaithful to You. That is why my heart is now dejected, tormented, overwhelmed by mortal horrors! But have pity on me, Redeemer, do not alienate me from Your mercy, accept my repentance, you who do not want the death of a sinner! Do not reject my sighs for mercy on me, instead of deeds pleasing to You, accept painful contrition that I have upset You with my evil behavior, and fill the extreme poverty of my soul with Your mercy. Suppressed by the immeasurable weight of my sins, I prostrate myself before You, Immaculate Mother, with the cry of my heart: help me free myself from the burden oppressing my soul, do not allow me to eternal destruction, but revive me with the hope of salvation.

Hearing about Your descent, O Lord, to save the world, the prophet trembled with fear. How can I not fear Your scorching wrath, O God, Who searches hearts and bellies, Who comes to judge the living and the dead! For lack of attention to Your law, You left me, O Lord, to the mercy of my heart, and I uncontrollably rushed after my reckless thoughts and desires. Realizing my madness, I cry out to You, God, show me Your mercy, do not leave me in eternal shame. You know, Lord, my mortal frame; remember that I am nothing more than the dust of the earth. Turn away Your wrath from me, grant me grace to correct my ways and have mercy on me. I am not pure in heart, unclean in lips and defiled by sinful abominations, my whole being is permeated with sinful poison, but You can do everything, O Savior: transform, cleanse and save me by Your mercy!

I place all my hope in You, Most Holy Virgin, do not shame me in my hope in You; Intercede in my cause, intercede with Your intercession from the wrath of Eternal Truth!

An unrepentant sinner will not enjoy the contemplation of Your Divine glory, Lord, crush my heart with sincere repentance, so that from the very morning I constantly cry to You from the depths of my soul: have mercy on me! Do not disdain my prayer, Lord, do not reject the cries of my soul, do not remember my sins, forget my insane behavior, do not reward me according to my deeds, do not judge me according to Your truth, but have pity on me and have mercy on me! Do not reprove me in Your anger, do not punish me in Your wrath, forgive my iniquities, heal the illnesses of my soul, heal its ulcers; Have mercy on me again and revive me with Your grace, according to Your word. You know all the secrets of my heart, but I myself know, I open it before You, I confess my sins, I groan in the sorrow of my soul, I sigh to You: calm down Your anger, leave your rage, work with me the miracle of Your mercy. I feel as if my sins stand as a wall between me and You, Lord: destroy this barrier with Your word, draw closer to my soul with Your mercy, restrain Your anger, consign my sins to eternal oblivion.

O You, to Whom the Mighty One has created greatness! Do for me, by Thy mercy, be the Intercessor for the salvation of my soul before Thy Son and God, may He who shed His Blood for the salvation of the world have mercy on me too!

Imitating the prophet Jonah, in the sorrow of my soul I cry to You, rich in goodness, God: bring my life out of the sinful abyss, free me from the jaws of hell, so that I exalt Your mercy throughout all eternity. The thorns of sins have suppressed in me, drowned out saving desires, evil comes from my heart, madness has become so close to my soul that I seem to repent of my iniquities, but again I am carried away into the paths of vice; hold me by Your strength, Lord! Oh, woe to me, an unrequited sinner: confusion has seized me, my sins, like fire, burn me with repentance. But I lift up my soul to You, the Redeemer of the world, incline Your ear to my cry and revive me with hope in Your mercy. I groan from the torment of my heart, tired of my painful sighs. I will not cease to cry to You, Lord, hear my cry of prayer; remember Your mercy and mercies, comfort me with the joy of Your salvation! My spirit has fainted within me, but, lifting my eyes to You, I cry from the depths of my soul: sprinkle me with the dew of Your grace, extend a helping hand to me, who is being drawn into the underworld, and save me for the sake of Your mercy!

I have no other refuge except You, Lady of the world; I resort to You, accursed one, I seek salvation from You, do not allow me to sink into the underworld, ready to swallow me up forever.

The youths of old in Babylon, watered by grace, in the midst of the flames extolled Thy righteous judgment, O God, confessing the sins of themselves and their fathers; Should I not confess that I have upset Your grace by my reckless behavior? I did not heed Your teaching, Savior, I neglected Your commandments, I regarded the statutes of Your Church as nothing, suppressing in my heart the inspiration of Your grace. But have mercy on me, restrain the thunder of Your justice, ready to strike me. By my crafty behavior I dishonored Your name, defamed Your Church, desecrated the earth, scattering temptations everywhere; Now I am tormented by the torment of my conscience, my sins testify against me, their burning poison scorches my soul. A storm of passions tossed me like dust; carried away by lusts, I acted hourly according to the stubbornness of my heart; has now become disgusting to himself, Eternal Goodness; For the sake of Your name, forgive me my sins.

Whirling in a whirlwind of passions, I was not enlightened either by the bitter consequences of my sins or by Your mercies, Lord! Now, illuminated by Your grace, I recognize my guilt and, lamenting, I cry out to You with all my heart: have mercy on me!

Burning Bush, Mother of the Savior and God, those who trust in You are safe under the shield of Your intercession; accept me under Your Protection and save me through Your intercession from eternal destruction!

Cherubim and seraphim, archangels and angels, heaven and all the stars, the earth and everything in it and on it, light and darkness, aerial phenomena and all creatures, fulfilling Your law, extol Your greatness, All-Praised God!

But I have turned aside from Your path, O Almighty, I have turned away from the path of eternal life, I have always wandered along the paths of vice, I have irritated Your truth with my sins, have mercy on me, may I extol Your mercy forever! I am mired in the abyss of sin, my iniquities oppress me, thoughts of Your judgment, Lord, make me tremble, shock me with all horrors, but turn me to the path of repentance; May I glorify and extol Your mercy forever!

Realizing that I am a sinner, I repent; hitting myself in the chest, I feel shame and disgrace, I am tormented in my conscience that I acted according to the will of my heart, as if I had lost my mind, and, in the sorrow of my heart, I cry out to You, Lord: grant me the grace to extol Your goodness forever.

Deliver me from hellish horrors, Mother of Christ God! Ask for the grace of repentance for me, beg for forgiveness of my countless sins, inspire me with the hope of salvation and lead me into the haven of eternal life! You, Blessed among women, Mother of God, have been blessed by the Heavenly Father with every blessing, and on earth you are extolled and blessed by all generations, sincerely seeking spiritual salvation.

I will not be able to stand at Thy Last Judgment Seat, O Savior, when Thy wrath flares up like fire against unrepentant sinners, but in trusting in Thy mercy and suffering on the Cross, I will not cease to cry to Thee, O Lord: cleanse me from all my iniquities! Turn me, Savior, to the path of Your commandments and strengthen my heart in them, keep my feet from sinful paths, bestow grace with tears to wash away sinful defilements from my soul and bring my sins into oblivion. Grant me the grace from now on to shun evil, curb passions, reject sinful habits, do good, always be careful in life, prudent in all my affairs, cry and lament about my wretchedness until the end of my life. You, Lord, strike and heal, kill and give life; revive me too with Your mercy, grant me the bliss of those whose sins have been forgiven, whose sins are covered by Your mercy! May I extol Your grace forever!

Rejoice, Most Holiness of all Saints, Mother of eternal life, joy of the heavenly powers, joy of the righteous, joy of the repentant! Strengthen me with Your prayers in repentance and comfort me with the joy of eternal salvation, may I magnify You forever!

The cry of a sinful soul to the Lord

All-merciful, Human-loving Lord, who came down from heaven for the salvation of us sinners, hear me at this hour, praying for Your goodness, raise me from the depths of sin, deliver me from accursed insensibility, before I even completely perish, save me!

Thinking about the terrible hour of death, my soul, defiled by cruel deeds, trembles and is troubled! He does not know how to justify himself, if not by Thy mercy alone. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

My entire life is prodigal and terribly spent, my iniquity has surpassed my head and weighed me down like a heavy burden; How will I appear before Your terrible and righteous judgment seat, O Lord? Desecrated by lawless deeds; How can I look at the hosts of the purest angels and all the saints? Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Created in the image and likeness of God, to whom you have become like, the accursed one, you have desecrated the wedding garment of your soul, you have darkened your mind and corrupted my whole nature with thoughts; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I see every day and hour - my neighbors, friends and relatives, one by one, are captured by a bitter death and taken to a distant country, so that each one may receive it according to his deeds, but I, the accursed one, not imitating David and others who repented, like a cruel stone, remain insensible ; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

If, when I do something good out of Your goodness, then, imitating the Pharisee, I become exalted and delight in self-praise, and so I completely destroy all my goodness and find myself naked from all goodness, having countless iniquities: have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Even at every hour, like a nasty harlot, I drown in cold and placeless affairs, adding sins to sins, but I am not afraid of Your fear, I am not afraid of the fire of Gehenna and the pitch darkness and the never-ending worm; alas for me, I am alive, but I find myself dead in soul; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Out of my extreme madness, for the short-lived and fleeting sweetness of sin, I am destroying an immortal soul, I am destroying the treasure that is dearest to the whole world, I am destroying the beauty created in the image and likeness of God! Oh, unreasonable, accursed one, lament, be sick, cry and cry out with sobs: have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You, my sin-loving soul, imitated Cain the fratricide and another evil Lamech, you destroyed the gift of God, you desecrated all your iniquities, and there are none that you have not done; has surpassed sinners from all eternity and what, I ask, has she prepared for herself, if not eternal and inconsolable sobbing; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Your judgment is at the door, soul, rise up, strive, take into your mind the terrible judgment seat, where all the shameful things you have done will be exposed; pray warmly, bring repentance with heartache, cry, cry out, beg the Judge, fall at His feet with painful sobs, shed purifying tears, lest the Lord, the Lover of mankind, be merciful, and cry out to the mountaineer with much heartfelt lamentation: have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

If you care about your soul, read this every Wednesday and Friday, and, most diligently, every day, especially during Lent.

Sin of Hate


What grave sin is there besides heresy?


Just as all virtues and all good things are the highest love, so also all grave sins are the hedgehog of hating one’s brother; Hate your brother, for he is a murderer, as the apostle said: Hate your brother and remain in death; Hate your brother He hates God Himself; He who hates his brother eats in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and no one knows where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

You see, hatred is responsible for much evil, but love covers a multitude of sins; hatred is clumsy and inopportune; it is a sin unto death that is unrepentant. Likewise, the malefactors, and the wise men, and the enemies, and the enchantresses, and those who hate their brother, are condemned to a cruel place as murderers.

Prayer of repentance

God! The sins of mine and my ancestors wounded Your head, the crown of thorns, woven by sins, opened bloody wounds. The sinful abyss in the affairs of the whole world crucified You on the Cross. You accepted the sins of the whole world through suffering through a shameful, cruel death. You gave Yourself for the sins of the whole world; through humility and patience You conquered death. Sweetest Jesus, You are the Light and the Path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not forsake us for our many sins, small and great, have mercy and forgive us. Cleanse our souls according to Your mercy, as You cleansed the lepers, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3 bows.)

Thanksgiving Prayer for Salvation

When you receive healing from any disease, give thanks to the Lord with the following short words:

Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of the Beginning Father, who alone heals every ailment and every ulcer in people, for you have had mercy on me, a sinner, and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me according to my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the strength to firmly do Your will for the salvation of my damned soul and for Your glory with Your Originless Father and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Glory to God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And glory to the Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ our God, forever and ever! Amen.

Staying with you in prayer

your well wisher D. O.

We must always be awake and sober, which is why monastic life is otherwise called a sober life. The machinations of the enemy are aimed at luring a person into some sin, and if this fails, then somehow dispel his prayer and distract him from it, because true prayer, that is, contrite and humble, is a sword against the demon and together a spiritual wire that connects a person with God, and, as it were, a ray of sunshine that warms the soul and illuminates the path of life. The enemy interferes with prayer through various extraneous thoughts, sometimes practical and even pious. But not only sinful thoughts, but even good and pious ones should not be heeded in prayer, considering this to be the machinations of the enemy.

He instructs others in theology or brings confusion and bewilderment into the soul about how to deal with this or that person, how to understand his character. Or a person will begin to delve into himself, analyze and check himself and his feelings countless times, remember unnecessary and useless things, move from embarrassment to embarrassment, to bewilderment, sighs, despondency, etc. - all these are the machinations of the enemy to distract a person from prayers, distract the mind, draw you into anger, into irritation, and hence into other sins. This is how the demon turns a monk who prays into a man who is angry with others, dissatisfied with himself and life, despondent and grumbling.

Who is free from such falls? Only the one who is sober and awake and engages in the work of prayer as the main thing, on which not only the success of all deeds, but also the entire work of salvation depends. If you want to defeat the enemy, then remain in a prayerful mood all day long, all day long and all activities with bows and sighs (Bishop Theophan), spend it reverently and with restraint, occupying your mind only with something businesslike, be interested in third-party subjects and conversations only to the extent that since you would do this lying on your deathbed, because in the evening and even before that the Lord can call you to Himself for Judgment.

The enemy fears mortal memory most of all, more than prayer, and uses all the devil’s cunning to distract a person from this memory, captivating him with something earthly, some kind of passion and interest, be it science, craft or a bottomless abyss of all kinds. passions. Therefore, the rule of a pious life is this: remain in prayer, in remembrance of the hour of death, in deeds, but do not talk with thoughts that entertain or confuse you, do not seek ease and peace, but, on the contrary, love hardship, sorrow and adversity, for in them is grace and healing of your soul, the way of the cross, not the broad path and Easter. It is said: “he who endures to the end will be saved,” but it does not say: he who constantly rejoices will be saved.

15. Those who in their dreams picture a monastic life with heavenly colors are deeply mistaken, i.e. monks are like angels on earth, constantly rejoicing and rejoicing, not needing anything, having everything, always healthy and only looking down on the earth and descending to it; The food of the monks is a delightful service and frequent communion; they receive honor and respect from people and, as it were, glorification from God. Such and similar dreams occur among people inexperienced in spiritual life.

It happened before, some went to monasteries for rest, honor and respect (especially when they took holy orders). Alas! Such people lived like a bar, without going through the path of the cross, often fell into vices and became worse than other laymen. Thus, the enemy easily destroys those who seek lightness, pleasantness and joy on earth and flee from saving tears, healing sorrows and all selflessness in the name of God to gain the Kingdom of Heaven.

What is and should be attractive to monasticism? Of course, don’t mourn, don’t have misfortunes, this is not a goal, but a transitory thing. The desire for God’s beautiful, perfect, gracious things is drawn, the love for God as the fullness and end of all our desires is drawn, the thirst for salvation from painful sin is drawn, the thirst for blissful and eternal communion with God, the joy of which there is no possibility and strength to describe. The path to this is sorrowful: repentance, patience, humility, etc., but at the same time joyful, life-giving, because every sorrow is for the good of man, renews the soul, brings grace and light into the darkness of the soul.

Just as a sailor forgets all his labors and sorrows when he reaches the desired shore, just as a wife forgets all sorrows and illnesses after giving birth to a child, so ascetics rejoice when they reach the shores of heavenly life and give birth to grace, putting all their labors and sorrows at nothing.

Grace cheers the soul of the ascetic and lifts him from earth to heaven in the face of all sorrows and thanks to them. He who remains at peace and waits for joy (a sign of pride and lust), the Spirit of God cannot abide in him. The path of God is a daily cross, and no one ascended to heaven living coolly (St. Isaac the Syrian). Therefore, rejoice when you have sorrows, and be sad when you don’t have them, then fill the emptiness with tears so as not to lose God’s mercy.

The absence of temptations when the soul is cold shows that the soul is already entangled by the enemy and he does not bother it very much.

16. How to recognize the machinations of the enemy. “By their fruits you will know them”, said the Lord (). Spiritual fruits are love, peace, joy, patience... (). The fruits of the enemy’s dominance are the opposite: irritation, anger, impatience, despondency, uncleanness, fornication, a storm of thoughts (even unbelief and blasphemy), etc. Rather, then run to repentance and revelation of thoughts, and most importantly - do not analyze your thoughts, do not talk with the enemy , renew your mortal memory and, in solitude with prayer, engage in obedience (work), love spiritual reading - this is like lunch for the soul.

Read Abba Dorotheus, the Ladder, the Spiritual Alphabet, St. Demetrius of Rostov, Margarita, “The Path to Salvation” and other ascetic creations.