Fortune telling of King Solomon on a magic circle - online for free. Fortune telling of King Solomon online

The creation of which is attributed to the legendary King Solomon.

On thick paper using a compass, draw a circle with a radius of 2-3 cm and, without moving the center, draw 8 concentric circles, each time increasing their radius by 1-2 cm.

Divide the circle into 13 sectors, drawing straight lines from the center, like diverging rays. Shade the central sector, and enter the numbers from 1 to 100 in order in the resulting cells, starting from the top and moving clockwise. Several cells in the outer circle will remain empty. Take some grain and throw it on the circle. Look where the grain fell and read the meaning.

Meaning of numbers

  • 1 - you will finish your work with great difficulty, man; there is a lot of sin. You yourself, man, are to blame; repent so as not to be punished.
  • 2 - a lot of anxiety and shame will bring upon you, man, against whom you have anger, beware of it, you will be slandered in vain.
  • 3 - turn to goodness and wealth, man, but you should not interfere with copper; It's better to have it that way.
  • 4 - God is your helper. Don’t be sad, man, about anything, don’t be afraid: your path will be good, you’ll be saved from your enemies.
  • 5 - stop doing evil to people, so you don’t experience it yourself. You will be deceived by your enemies; endure to the end, you will be strong.
  • 6 - it will be for you, man, as you want; You will have it as you wish, but not soon.
  • 7 - soon you, man, will have joy: you will have a lot of good things. Your path is good and joyful.
  • 8 - the Lord your God will turn you from illness to health, from sorrow to joy; will turn you to good deeds.
  • 9 - you, man, will not have what you want; correct your path. Whom you thought about, he is not alive on the way and will not return to you.
  • 10 - sadness awaits you, man; your path is wrong, with self-interest.
  • 11 - your enemies will fight with you. Don't lose your temper.
  • 12 - The Lord will give you a great gift, as long as you expect it: He has done much good, O man. God will give you all the blessings, just accept them with gratitude.
  • 13 - you, man, will not get what you want, it will be given to someone else, and not to you; he knows the truth, but you forget; It would be better to pray truthfully and not engage in evil deeds.
  • 14 - God will give you mercy, save you and have mercy on you from all evil.
  • 15 - honor everyone, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.
  • 16 - ask the Lord your God; whatever you ask will be given to you.
  • 17 - put aside, O man, all malice and all deceit, and hypocrisy, and envy, and all slander. Not good righteous man do evil.
  • 18 - what you ask for will not be given to you.
  • 19 - Let your adornment be not external braiding of hair, not gold headdresses or elegant clothing, but righteous deeds, pleasing to God.
  • 20 - do not be exalted, man, and what you strive for will not destroy you.
  • 21 - you do not hear the voice of God, man, much sorrow awaits you.
  • 22 - your hope will not help you, because you trust in yourself and not in God.
  • 23 - don’t be afraid of anything, man.
  • 24 - go on your journey, God will help you.
  • 25 - stop being angry, man, and leave rage, do not be jealous to the point of doing evil.
  • 26 - you have many enemies, man, beware of them.
  • 27 - remember that everyone is equal before God.
  • 28 - whatever you desire, O man, will come to you.
  • 29 - blessed are you, and good is to you, O man.
  • 30 - help will come to you from God, man, start your own business.
  • 31 - the Lord will give you what you want.
  • 32 - Let your soul wait for the Lord more than for royal riches.
  • 33 - nothing will work out, you don’t want what you need, you’ve lost your way, man, from the right path.
  • 34 - Praise the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. Don't worry about today, but worry about tomorrow.
  • 35 - coming already the time is yours, man, and good things will happen to you.
  • 36 - the higher you climb, the more painful it is to fall.
  • 37 - your enemies are plotting evil. Trust in your Lord, and this cup will pass from you.
  • 38 - the Lord supports all those who fall and returns all those rejected.
  • 39 - the Lord God will deliver you from your enemies; run to Him.
  • 40 - if you forgive those who have offended you, man, then evil will not reach you; If you do not do evil to people, then you yourself will not suffer from evil and you will see good days all the time.
  • 41 - Believe in your God with all your heart: He will deliver you from your illnesses, and you will receive what you want.
  • 42 - dare and do not be afraid, man: God will help you according to your request.
  • 43 - do not go on your way, man: you have many enemies, beware of them.
  • 44 - you, man, will have labor without benefit.
  • 45 - don’t be afraid, the Lord remembers you, and good luck will come soon.
  • 46 - there is no good for you, man, but there will be great reproach.
  • 47 - repent and abstain from evil, and you will not be convicted by God.
  • 48 - wait a little, man, and everything you want will happen for the glory of your Lord.
  • 49 - grace from God will come to you, man, soon.
  • 50 - better, man, do good to people and don’t judge them.
  • 51 - you have a lot of evil thoughts.
  • 52 - do not be afraid, man, God is your helper, He will guide you on the path of righteousness. Go against your enemies - you will be strong.
  • 53 - soon your work will be completed according to your desire.
  • 54 - your sorrow and loss is coming.
  • 55 - beware, man, for you are doing harm to many people. Do not do evil, and you yourself will not suffer from evil.
  • 56 - the grace of God will visit you, and you, O man, will rejoice.
  • 51 - peace, health and joy, man, you will find for yourself. Rejoice, there is a lot of good around you.
  • 58 - repent to the Lord your God with all your heart. He will hear you, man.
  • 59 - As God leads from the evil ones, so the Lord will deliver you, man, and save you and have mercy.
  • 60 - pray to your Lord, and your desire will be fulfilled.
  • 61 - don’t worry, man, about anything: it will be for you as you want.
  • 62 - you will get what you want, but a considerable period of time will pass.
  • 63 - the Lord will hear your prayer, and joy will come to you.
  • 64 - Do not be afraid of your enemies, man, they will not do you harm: pray to God, He will have mercy on you and deliver you from your enemies.
  • 65 - your cause is right.
  • 66 - you will rejoice with all your heart, O man, in your good deed. You will have great mercy from the Lord.
  • 67 - sadness and sorrows are sent to you, man, by your Lord, in order to test your faith and devotion.
  • 68 - for all the evil that you have done, man, the Lord is sending you great evil. Only by returning good to evil will you be saved.
  • 69 - do not look at those who flatter you, it is dangerous to enter into conversations with them.
  • 70 - believe in your Lord, and great joy will come.
  • 71 - from sadness to joy you, man, will come. You will have everything, and your enemies will bow to you and ask for mercy.
  • 72 - your Lord will turn you from death to life.
  • 73 - all sorts of laziness attacks your work, and your work will not be completed soon.
  • 74 - joy comes only to those, man, who are joyful themselves.
  • 75 - your treasure, O man, will be clear to you. If you desire honor, your desire will soon come true.
  • 76 - your wish will never come true, man.
  • 77 - much good will come to you, man, just pray to God for your enemies.
  • 78 - all the evil that you, man, have done to others will return to you soon.
  • 79 - God will intercede for you, man, and you will have a lot of goodness and joy.
  • 80 - envious people and gossips have taken up arms against you, man. A battle is coming with your enemies.
  • 81 - stop doing evil, man, and your Lord will see you and help you in your good endeavors. But if you don’t stop doing evil, woe to you, man!
  • 82 - pray to the Lord your God. If you ask Him for good, it will be rewarded to you.
  • 83 - what you want, man, will not be given to you, it will be given to someone else.
  • 84 - don't be arrogant, man.
  • 85 - your hope will not be firm if you trusted in yourself, and not in the help of the Almighty God.
  • 86 - do good and evil will bypass you, man.
  • 87 - many enemies are rising up against you, man, beware of them.
  • 88 - you are right, man, and you will rule.
  • 89 - whatever you desire, man, will come to you.
  • 90 - your desire will not be fulfilled, for you sin a lot.
  • 91 - the wrath of God will turn on you for the multitude of your sins.
  • 92 - pray to the Lord your God.
  • 93 - if you go into the light, then you will know everything.
  • 94 - you, man, must see the light in people.
  • 95 - you will have a lot of grief and sadness.
  • 96 - you are right in your deeds, for this sake, dare, hoping for God’s help.
  • 97 - the Lord will give you what you want.
  • 98 - try, man, to exalt God with your humility.
  • 99 - what you want, you will get.
  • 100 - the wrath of God is coming for all your sins, man.

Yuletide fortune-telling using the mystical circle of Solomon was very popular in pre-revolutionary Russia. The creation of the "wheel of fortune" is credited to the ancient ruler- King Solomon, distinguished by his insight and wisdom. During the ritual, decoding numbers that were developed by ancient magicians are used. They are soaked deep meaning, capable of influencing fate. Fortune telling in the circle of Solomon can not only give an answer to the question asked, but also indicate a way out of a difficult life situation.

King Solomon's Divination Circle

"On the seventh day from the end of the full lunar cycle King Solomon ordered the creation of a magic circle that predicted the future and gave answers to any questions.” Solomon's circle is divided into 26 identical sectors. In each sector strictly in a certain order Numerical values ​​from 1 to 100 are inscribed. Each number hides a prediction. In the center of the circle there is a second circle, smaller in diameter. It depicts the sun or star of Solomon.

Fortune telling technique

A grain of wheat or a small stone should be used for the ritual. Concentrate, formulate the question as clearly and accurately as possible, saying it out loud. With the index finger and thumb of your right hand, take the grain and throw it into the center of the circle. If the grain falls into an empty place, you should stop fortune telling and return to it on a more favorable day. If the grain falls on a number sector, the prophecy under this number will be the answer to the question asked. In addition to fortune telling, the method can be used to select a Psalm that needs to be read to receive divine help in order to resolve the situation about which the fortuneteller asked. The interpreter contains 100 answers.

Interpretation of fortune telling in the circle of Solomon (1-15):

  1. With great difficulty, man, you will finish your work; there is a lot of sin. It’s your own fault, man, admit it so that you don’t end up with a loss.
  2. Shame and anxiety will bring upon you, man. If you have anger against anyone, beware of it; you will be slandered in vain.
  3. Turn to wealth and goodness, man. It just shouldn't interfere with copper, it's better to have it that way.
  4. God is your intercessor. You, man, do not be afraid, do not be sad about anything, you will be saved from your enemies, the road will be good.
  5. Stop doing evil to people, man, so you don’t experience it yourself. Be patient to the end, man, you will be strong.
  6. It will happen, man, as you wish, but not soon.
  7. It will be soon, man, you will have joy. Your path is joyful and kind.
  8. The Lord will turn you from sorrow to joy, from illness to health.
  9. Don't fuss, man, you won't get what you want. Correct your path.
  10. Your path is selfish, wrong.
  11. Your enemies, man, will fight.
  12. You have done a lot of good, man, God will grant you all the good.
  13. If you, man, do not get what you want, it will be given to someone else. He knows the truth, but you forget.
  14. Make a promise to God, the Lord will save you and have mercy from evil.
  15. Love the brotherhood, honor everyone. Honor the king, fear God.

King Solomon succeeded in many teachings, but he considered magic to be an art and science above all other teachings. Having completed fortune telling on the circle of Solomon, having received the answers of interest, you must certainly thank the wise king.

The legendary King Solomon was quite an inventor interesting way fortune telling based on magical principles. This method is used very rarely in modern times. Fortune telling "The Circle of King Solomon" is very ancient, and if all the conditions of this magical ritual are met, you can get answers to many exciting questions and look into your own future.

Briefly about the main thing

King Solomon has long been considered the most just of the kings of ancient times. There are legends that fortune telling “The Circle of King Solomon” was a favorite pastime of the wise Jewish ruler. Its modern interpretation is an improved technique that can be interpreted by almost every person. There are two main options for fortune telling. In the first case, you simply need to formulate a question to which you can get a comprehensive answer using this circle. The second method is to answer the general question about what awaits the fortuneteller in the near future.

For self-execution The “Circle of King Solomon” divination technique is quite complex, since it requires a special circle with many intermediate marks. The sale of such products is very limited, and not everyone will be able to purchase this inventory. The only method available to the general public is to make the circle of Solomon with your own hands.

Fortune telling technique

To master the magical technique, you must have in your arsenal the circle of King Solomon, which is divided into sectors. The number of these divisions is 13 units. In turn, each sector has 8 specific departments. For the truthfulness of fortune telling, grain is needed, which will need to be thrown onto the area of ​​​​this circle.

The central part of the circle and half of the sectors are hatched, and the remaining free cells are filled with numbers, starting from 1 to 100.

The result of magical fortune telling

“The Circle of King Solomon” is a fortune telling that involves concentrating on your question and then throwing grain onto a magical field. If this grain landed on clean cells, then the day was considered inappropriate for such questions. In this case, this magical action was transferred to the next day. If the grain fell on a cell with a number, then the fortuneteller received a comprehensive answer to the question. In the best possible way Wheat grains that have ideal streamlining and shape are suitable for this fortune telling.

Preface, or how to reveal your magical abilities

Many people ask the question: “Do I have the ability to do magic? Will all my efforts be in vain? I would like to say right away that your efforts will not be in vain. Perhaps you will not command the world and control the elements with a wave of your hand, but you will definitely change your life for the better and change yourself. In general, talking about universal magical abilities is completely wrong. Someone has a keen sense of nature and can devote their life to working with plants and studying the magic of the Earth. Someone from birth is an excellent psychologist - in this case it is necessary special attention devote to magic that harmonizes family and personal relationships. Or maybe someone can relieve pain by laying on hands and has the gift of a healer?.. In short, there are many options. The main thing is not to be lazy to try, not to be afraid of mistakes and failures, and to persistently search for your niche.

Various books on practical magic offer their own ways of identifying magical abilities.

It's no secret that a person is just a part of the Universe in which everything is interconnected. Therefore, first of all, you should take a closer look at yourself - your appearance, your character - and pay attention to your inclinations.

If you can be called beautiful man, you are proportionally built and do not complain about your health, then your choice is the magic of the Earth. The Earthbender can be called a reliable and practical person. He is in harmony with the world around him and loves nature. It is best for him to turn to the spirits of the Earth for help. Naturally, such people need to choose the appropriate sections of magic: working with animals, herbs, plants, all types of folk magic, envolting.

If you have thin features and a thin physique, then your magic is Air magic. Can you be called a changeable and inquisitive person? So, Air magic is also your choice. Another distinctive feature of an Airbender can be called love for open spaces. He does not tolerate any restrictions, it is almost pointless to put pressure on him - this person is light and elusive, just like his patrons, the powerful spirits of Air. Such a person will certainly be interested in the magic of Chaos, Crowley’s description of magical practice, all kinds of fortune telling and techniques for predicting the future. He can also be recommended to engage in magical practices that help attract good luck or, conversely, failure.

There is a hidden power in the appearance of the Fire Mage. It looks like a tightly twisted spring that is about to straighten out. This person loves adventure and risk, rarely thinks about his actions, preferring to do first, and then reflect on his actions. Such qualities might seem harmful to life, but it is with their help that the Fire Magician achieves success in his chosen field - he knows how to quickly react to events happening around him and often intuitively makes the right decision. The best choice for such a person is all types of combat magic.

The Water Magician is a flexible, agile person. His main quality is the ability to adapt to any situations and gradually change them at will. He can find an approach to everyone, with different people behaves differently.

This behavior has nothing to do with deceit and sycophancy. The Water Magician involuntarily tunes into the wavelength of the interlocutor and begins to communicate with him in a language he understands. The Water Mage is an unsurpassed dreamer. However, he is endowed with an amazing gift - to realize most of his, sometimes even the most incredible, fantasies. Creating illusions, changing consciousness, working with astral projections, subordinating other people to one’s will - all this is included in the interests of the Water magician.

Here is such a simple classification. Of course, at first you can use it, but remember that everything written above should be perceived as a framework, a foundation, and not a final verdict.

As a rule, in life there are very few people with pronounced abilities in only one of the areas of magic. Very often a person combines the abilities of two, or even three elements. The strengthening or weakening of these abilities can depend on age, the position of the planets and even your mood.

So, we’ve sorted out the abilities, and many of you are probably already impatient to quickly move on to practice. But wait... Let's first talk about why you need all this. One book says that any strong magician dreams of taking over the world. What a strange desire. Why does a person even need the whole world? What will he do with it?

Most of us have quite prosaic desires: we want love, health, peace, we want to be lucky and prosperous. And when a bad streak comes and there is no longer any strength left to fight, we remember magic as a last resort. Well, each of us, perhaps even the most notorious skeptic, has a deeply rooted belief in the supernatural. We carried this faith through the centuries, we inherited it from our distant ancestors... Nothing: neither the fires of the Inquisition, nor technical discoveries, nor scientific atheism could shake people’s faith in magic, in magic. Perhaps because all this really exists. After all, no matter how much they tell us that there is no sun, that it’s all a hoax, we will look at the sky every day and be convinced of the opposite. It’s the same with magic: from time to time something inexplicable happens in our lives, and we, willy-nilly, think about the reasons for what happened and begin to... believe.

Magic is strong. With its help, you can overcome space, open boundaries between worlds, and change human destinies. Magical abilities can be your greatest gift and your greatest curse. After all, the temptation is so great to start solving ALL your problems with the help of magic. The boss shouted - he must be punished. Relatives received an inheritance under the will - we will take it away. Your loved one has left for someone else - we'll bring you back. The main thing is to come up with an excuse for yourself, but always a “good” one - one that you can convince yourself of the right to decide other people’s destinies. And this, believe me, is very simple, if you wish.

And now we come to the first rule of magic - do no harm. Let's immediately say here about the second one - always think about the consequences, do not take thoughtless actions and, if you make a mistake, do not look for excuses for yourself.

If you decide to ignore these basic rules, then nothing bad will happen at first. On the contrary, you will understand that problems are being solved in the way you need, “enemies” are retreating one after another and you are confidently moving towards your goal. However, this happiness is deceptive and dangerous, like a mirage in the desert. By deciding to harm another by performing the appropriate ritual and casting a spell, you release powerful destructive forces, allowing dark side your personality will prevail.

Have you installed good protection? Well done. Tell me, will you keep it like this for the rest of your life? Aren’t you afraid one day of committing so much evil that no defense will help you? Aren't you afraid? In vain. Let's remember folk tales in which the evil witch is always severely punished in the end. “It’s the same as fairy tales,” you say. – It’s not real there. All these beautiful fairies, fairy-tale palaces and dense forests have nothing to do with real life" In this case, pick up a collection of books not adapted for the modern reader. folk tales, such as the Brothers Grimm. (Just don’t read them at night - you’ll have nightmares!) In them you will find a naturalism that many modern writers have never even dreamed of.

So, evil witches in all fairy tales always end badly. And it was not the main characters who destroyed them, but their own evil. The handsome princes on white horses were only an instrument in the hands of Providence. Folk tales, as you know, were actually not so much tales told for fun, but rather stories based on real life events. After all, it was through fairy tales that in former times parents taught their children about life. Children who, unlike modern children, grew up very quickly. Consequently, the fairy tales they were told were far from children’s.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Yes, very simple. Which path to take is up to you, and only you. However, as you set out on the path of evil, remember that at the end there is an abyss waiting for you. And no matter how hard you try, you cannot avoid this abyss.

Now is the time to talk about the third law of magic, namely: help only those who sincerely want your help. Even if you love a person very much and with all your heart want to change his life for the better, first ask him: does he want these changes? After all, it often happens that happiness for some is misfortune for others. Always remember that happiness is incompatible with violence of any kind. And even in small things, try not to impose your will on others.

Rule four - strictly follow the description of the ritual, but do not forget about personal experience. Interesting rule, isn't it? At first glance it may seem that it contradicts itself. However, this is not entirely true. In the early stages, when you are just beginning to comprehend the science of magic, it is really better for you to give up amateur activities. Try to follow all instructions exactly, but not thoughtlessly, but after thoroughly studying and understanding each step. You must understand why you do it this way and not otherwise. When you become an experienced magician and learn to independently establish connections between spirits and magical actions and objects, you will be able to rely primarily on your own experience, and not on the advice of other magicians. However, take your time - haste in this case is not only inappropriate, it is dangerous!

Rule five - always concentrate on what you are doing, don’t get distracted, put your whole soul into the ritual. Well, everything is very simple here, and this rule does not require additional explanation. Let's just say that even the best ritual, carried out exactly, is the most strong plants, crystals and pentacles will not help a person who does not believe in success, who does not think every second about what he is doing, and does not put a piece of his soul into his every movement, into every word. You are preparing incense - imagine how the plants that you are now crushing and mixing grew, beautiful and strong, absorbing the energy of the four elements, how their powerful roots penetrated deep into the earth, how raindrops slowly absorbed into the leaves, like sun rays caressed the flowers, penetrating into the very core of the plant, giving rise to the movement of life-giving juices... Then imagine how the plant in your hands gives you all its power, how a stream of positive energy passes through your fingers, penetrating the body, spreading throughout the room, expelling everything evil and bad , dirty, black... This may seem difficult to you, especially at first. This means you need to train. Do not start the ritual right away, first learn to use your imagination to its full potential, relax and fantasize.

So let's summarize all of the above. Here are the basic rules for working as a magician.

1. Do no harm.

2. Always think about the consequences, do not take thoughtless actions and, if you make a mistake, do not look for excuses.

3. Help only those who sincerely want your help.

4. Strictly follow the description of the ritual, but do not forget about your personal experience.

5. Always concentrate on what you are doing, do not get distracted, put your whole soul into the ritual.

Ritual times

Know also that there are spirits of different orders, some of them rule the heavens, others are subordinate to the planets, others reside in the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. There are certain times for summoning these spirits, the days and hours when they have greatest strength and special power.

Small Key of King Solomon

It is equally important to take into account the time at which a particular ritual is performed. Daytime is the time between sunrise and sunset (typically twelve hours). Night time is between sunset and sunrise (typically twelve hours). It's that simple.

It is worth paying attention to the clock. P. Piobb advises making requests during the hours of Saturn, Mars, Mercury and the Moon, performing love rituals during the hours of Saturn and Mars, performing significant magical actions during the hours of Jupiter and Venus, and making pentacles during the hours of Mercury.

What kind of watch is this? I think it’s no secret to any of you that everything in this world has its own energy, and this energy, whether we like it or not, affects the world around us. Planets are also no exception. Only their influence changes depending on the position: at some hours the influence of Mercury is stronger, and at others - Jupiter.

You were probably surprised to read about twelve hours above. "How so? – you ask. - After all, the sun sets and rises in different times! Everything is correct, which is why these watches are considered conditional. It's very easy to calculate them. For example, between sunset and sunrise there are 8 hours, or 480 minutes. So, we divide 480 by 12 and get 40 minutes. This means that on this day alone night hour lasts 40 minutes. Of course, we simplified the calculation in this case. To be precise, you need to buy a desk calendar or use astrological calendar on the Internet, where the exact time of sunset and sunrise is necessarily indicated.

Below is a table of correspondence between the days of the week and the planets influencing them.

Now let's talk about how planetary hours are calculated. Look at the table above. You see, each day has its own planet. So, the first hour of sunrise will be the hour of the patron planet of a given day. For example, on Monday the first hour after sunrise will be under the influence of the Moon.

Now you need to remember the order of the planets: Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Do you remember? Wonderful. Let's start another countdown. On Monday, immediately after the hour of the Moon comes the hour of Saturn, then Jupiter and finally Mars. That's it, the planets are over, and sunset is not coming soon. It's OK. You just need to start counting over again, only this time not from the Moon, but from the very first planet on the list - the Sun. So, we get the following chain; Moon - Saturn - Jupiter - Mars - Sun - Venus - Mercury - Moon - Saturn, etc. This is how we calculate all twenty-four hours.

Now that you have finally understood the influence of the planets on Earth's hours and days, let's talk about their influence on each other. The energy of each planet carries a fairly strong positive charge, but some charges upon collision form not a plus, but a minus, i.e. at such a time, instead of a positive result, you risk getting the exact opposite. The following combinations are considered unsuccessful:

Sun with Saturn - failure in all matters;

Moon with Saturn - laziness, which can destroy the most promising undertaking;

Moon with Mars - dangerous quirks and caprices;

Mercury and Jupiter make a person frivolous and do not allow him to notice important things, which inevitably leads to mistakes;

Venus with Mars - voluptuousness, when a person loses his head due to sudden passion;

Mars with Saturn - all-consuming anger and hatred.

However, not everything is so scary. There are also favorable combinations of planets. Here they are:

The Sun and Mars help to defeat enemies and overcome difficulties;

The Sun with Jupiter gives good luck;

The Moon with Jupiter gives wealth;

Mercury and Mars help to establish trade;

Venus and the Moon contribute to a speedy marriage with a loved one;

Venus and Jupiter give parents a long-awaited child;

Saturn and Jupiter make a person wiser and calmer.

In the famous “Key of Solomon,” which formed the basis of this book, the following system of work is proposed.

To further enhance the effect of spells, it is necessary to take into account the position of a particular planet in relation to the various signs of the Zodiac.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot trace the movements of the Moon, then try to perform the rituals given in the table when the Moon is visible in the sky (during the day!). Particular caution should be exercised when the Moon is not visible in the sky (it seems to merge with the Sun).

Any rituals aimed at destroying something should be performed on the waning moon. The time when the Moon is almost invisible in the sky is the most dangerous: at this time the most severe damage can be caused.

Rituals for the fulfillment of desires, happiness, health, good luck are carried out exclusively on the waxing Moon.

Planetary Hours Table

Table of magical names of watches and the angels who control them

Archangels and angels of the days of the week, metals and colors corresponding to each planet

See how simple it is. Now you are not afraid of the combination of astrology and magic.

Another important aspect is the time of year. Spring is the best time for the magic of luck and money, the fulfillment of desires. During this period, the energy of growth and renewal is especially strong.

Look around how the ice-bound earth awakens, how the first shoots break through the snow, at first glance so fragile, but in fact possessing gigantic vitality.

All this: the fragile sprout, the blossoming buds, and the water awakening from its winter sleep - releases amazingly powerful positive energy into our world.

Summer is the time of solar energy, a great time for healing and all kinds of magical practices aimed at improving health and increasing attractiveness.

Also during this period, attention should be paid to love magic and the magic of personal relationships.

Autumn is the time of ripening of fruits, which also send impulses of positive energy, the energy of life itself, into the world.

During this period, it is very good to carry out all the rituals associated with the magic of money and luck, as well as strengthening personal and family relationships.

Winter is a very special time. It may seem to you that winter is associated with withering, death, darkness, but this is not entirely true. Winter is a period of rest, without which further movement forward is impossible. At this time, you should engage in meditative practices and practices aimed at self-improvement.

Summarize, think carefully about what you need to pay attention to in the future, and what should be left in the past. Winter peace is deceptive. In fact, this is a very important period in your life. Perhaps it is even more important than the busy three periods that preceded it.

Ten holy names to help you in your work

Any practicing magician needs to know the ten names of God.

1. Ehieh, or Yod, where Ehieh means “I am he who is.”

2. Iah, meaning "Endless."

3. Jehovah, Joha or Adonai.

4. El, meaning "Spirit".

5. Elohim Gibor, meaning “God is the Judge.”

7. Elohim Zebaoth.

8. Ieve Zebaoth, or Tetragrammaton, where Ieve Zebaoth means “Eternal of the Heavenly Powers.”

9. Shadai, or Elhal, where Shadai means "Almighty."

10. Adonai Melesh.

Some may find these names difficult. However, don’t be lazy and learn them, because as stated in Old Testament: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous flee into it and are safe.” This, in our opinion, is very good quote, which answers several questions at once. Firstly, a practicing magician can always find himself in a dangerous situation when he needs protection stronger than the protection of amulets and pentacles. Secondly, only a person with a pure soul and honest thoughts, calling on God, can count on His protection. After all, only such a person will have enough strength and energy to convey his prayer to the Lord.

You will also need to know the Hebrew alphabet and the numerical and symbolic meanings of its letters.

Hebrew alphabet

The symbolic meaning of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet

If you read various books on practical magic, sooner or later you will definitely come across the Hebrew alphabet. However, you will see more than just the letters listed in order. Next to them you will see certain symbols and numbers that seem to have nothing to do with the letters. In fact, of course, they are connected, but few people think about what these connections are.

Ancient languages ​​did not know numbers, and all numerical values ​​in writing were expressed in letters. The fact that this is a number in front of us could only be understood from the context. As you can see, everything is simple with numbers. Now let's move on to symbolic meanings.

Aleph- the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with which the text of the Ten Commandments begins.

Beth– the first word of the Torah begins with this letter (“Bereshit bara Elohim”, which translated means “In the beginning the Lord created Heaven and Earth”).

Gimel- the third letter, a symbol of the three great forefathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Dalet- the fourth letter, a symbol of the four great foremothers: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.

Hey- the fifth letter, symbol of the Pentateuch of the Torah.

Wow– the sixth letter, a symbol of six days for which

The Lord created the world.

Zain- the seventh letter, symbol of the seventh day of the week (Saturday - a sacred day for all Jews).

Het– the word “chaim” begins with this letter, which means “life”. Tet– the Hebrew word “tov” begins with this letter, which means “good”.

Iodine- the tenth letter, a symbol of the ten great sayings of God, thanks to which our world was created.

Kaf– the word “koah” begins with this letter, which means “strength”.

Lamed- symbolizes such concepts as “teaching”, “comprehension of wisdom”.

Meme- not only a letter, but also a sign expressing the numerical value of the number forty. Forty is not a simple number for Jews, because the Flood lasted forty days, and the wanderings in the desert after the Exodus lasted forty years.

Nun- not only a letter, but also a sign expressing the numerical value of the number fifty. For Jews, the fiftieth year is a jubilee year.

Samekh– the Hebrew word “somekh” begins with this letter, which means “support”.

Ain– means a word like “eye”. This is a symbol of Divine Providence, the All-Seeing Divine Eye. Moreover, this is not only a letter, but also a sign expressing the numerical value of the number seventy (the Babylonian captivity lasted seventy years).

Fhe– means a word like “mouth”. However, this is not only a letter, but also a sign expressing the numerical value of the number eighty (when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, he was eighty years old).

Tsade– the word “tzedeka” begins with this letter, which means “righteousness.”

Kof- not only a letter, but also a sign expressing the numerical value of the number one hundred (Abraham gave birth to Isaac when he was a hundred years old; every pious Jew must say at least one hundred blessings a day, calling on the Lord).

Resh– denotes such concepts as “head”, “beginning”.

Shin– the first letter of the Hebrew word “shalom”, translated meaning “peace”, “harmony”.

Tau– the first letter in the word “Torah”, translated meaning “teaching”, “law”. In addition, this is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, symbolizing the end life path(it can often be found on tombstones).

Below I would like to provide a summary table consisting of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, their symbolic (somewhat different than described above) and numerical meanings.

Planets influencing human vices and virtues

The influence of planets on a child in the womb

First month- This is the period of Saturn's influence. If we talk about symbolism, then this planet is connected with Time itself, which mercilessly destroys people, erasing countries and continents from the face of the earth. You can put out a fire, turn back rivers, change the topography of the earth or the composition of the air - you can’t just influence time. Saturn is a planet with contradictory energy. On the one hand, it is associated with rigidity, slow fading, disappearance into oblivion, and on the other hand, with wisdom, knowledge and eternity (it is not for nothing that one of the symbols of this planet is Urobro s - a snake curled into a ring and biting its own tail, a sign of perpetual motion and continuity of life).

Second month- the period of influence of Jupiter, a planet named after the supreme Roman deity, a powerful ruler who commands thunder and lightning.

Third month- the period of influence of Mars, a cruel planet associated with wars and bloodshed. However, this planet is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It has no less contradictory energy than Saturn (remember, we have already talked to you more than once that there is nothing absolutely bad or absolutely good in the Universe, there is a balance of forces: evil and good, and a violation of this balance always leads to negative consequences, and it doesn’t matter which way the skew went). The patron of fearless warriors who desperately rush into battle and are ready to destroy everything in their path, Mars is at the same time a symbol of the powerful forces of nature, life itself, which always defeats death. After all, sometimes you need to uproot old, diseased, outdated trees, so that in a few years young, fresh shoots will appear in their place. It’s the same in life: sometimes it is necessary to mercilessly destroy, destroy something old, so that the flowers of future happiness can grow on the rubble.

Fourth month- the period of influence of the Sun, a mighty luminary that gives life to all living things, dispels darkness and destroys the evil forces of the night. Thus, the ancient Greeks saw in the Sun a certain highest value, an object of contention between dark and light forces (if the former managed to destroy the Sun, then the entire Universe would perish along with it). In India, the Sun was considered the divine eye, through which the supreme deity monitors all affairs happening on earth. Morning Sun has always been considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, and sunset - its extinction.

Fifth month- the period of influence of Venus, a planet associated with the eternally young and beautiful goddess, who became the personification of sensuality and carnal desire. Venus, unlike all other planets, rotates in the opposite direction. Perhaps this is why it is often contrasted with the blessed Sun and associated with Lucifer himself. In some sources, Venus is called the “Wormwood star,” which is associated with the Apocalypse. Nevertheless, this planet, just like all the others, has dual energy.

Sixth month- the period of influence of Mercury, a planet associated with the omnipresent and cunning god Hermes, the patron of trade, travelers, artisans and shepherds, a brilliant expert in all kinds of magical practices and astrology. The energy of Mercury is dual. On the one hand, a person under the protection of this planet can gain wisdom and gain invaluable knowledge, but on the other hand, he can become deceitful, cunning and insidious.

Seventh month- the period of influence of the Moon, the patroness of the forces of the night. Symbolically, the Moon is often depicted as a ship sailing on dark waters from sunset to dawn. Always changeable, fickle, the Moon is also perceived as a symbol of endless changes in nature. Moreover, it is she who is endowed with the power capable of provoking these changes. And if the Sun is, without any doubt, the personification of the masculine principle, then the Moon is the feminine (in many ancient cultures, it was the marriage of the Moon and the Sun that gave rise to the world). The four phases of the Moon are associated with the four stages of life, not only of humans, but of any living creature in general. Traditional healers in their work they also focus on the changing phases of the moon: the full moon is considered the time of activation of dark forces, the new moon - light ones, on the waning moon it is customary to get rid of everything bad, on the waxing one - to carry out rituals to gain happiness, wealth and health. Interestingly, the crescent moon became a symbol of the Virgin Mary, a symbol feminine, as well as the victory of the forces of light over the forces of darkness. The horns of the month turned up are also a symbol of the feminine principle, and those turned down are the horns of plenty; this is a cup of grace from which happiness and prosperity are poured onto the earth.

Eighth month– again the period of Saturn’s influence.

The ninth month is again the period of influence of Jupiter. Planets that govern different periods of human life.

From birth to four years - period of influence of Mercury.

From four to fourteen years old– the period of influence of Venus.

From fourteen to twenty-one years– period of influence of the Sun.

From twenty-one to forty-two years– period of influence of Mars.

From forty-two to fifty-six years old– period of influence of Jupiter.

From fifty-six to sixty-eight years old– period of influence of Saturn.

From the age of sixty-eight– period of influence of the Moon.

The influence of zodiac signs on human health

It is believed that receiving bodily injury or the onset of illness that occurs at a time when the Moon is in a particular sign corresponding to the affected organ or part of the body is most dangerous.

Aries- rules over creation human life. The head and brain correlate with it.

Taurus- neck.

Twins– shoulders.

Cancer- hands.

Lion– chest, heart.

Virgo– gastrointestinal tract.

Scales– kidneys.

Scorpion- hips.

Capricorn– knees.

Aquarius– shins.

Fish– feet.

Planets and their corresponding animals, birds and water creatures

Planets and associated trees and shrubs

Planets and their corresponding metals

You may need this classification if you decide to make one or another magical item, for example a pentacle.

Sun– gold.

Moon- silver.

Mercury- mercury.

Venus- copper.

Mars- iron.

Jupiter– tin.

Saturn- lead.

Colors of the Zodiac signs and planets

Aries– bright red, fiery.

Taurus– dark green.

Twins- brown.

Cancer– silver.

Lion– golden.


Scales– light green, salad.

Scorpion– scarlet.

Sagittarius- blue.

Capricorn- black.

Aquarius- grey.

Fish– dark blue.

Sun– golden.

Moon– silver.

Mercury– different colors, smoothly transitioning into each other.

Venus- green.

Mars- red.

Jupiter– blue.

Saturn- black.

Magic candles

When conducting magical rituals First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the candle.

White candles– universal. However, they are primarily used in rituals of protection and purification. With the help of white candles, you can not only clear the room of negative energies, but also get rid of unworthy thoughts, anger, envy and malice, and tune into the right mood before meditation.

Black candles- used in rituals that get rid of something bad (in this case, the color black symbolizes any possible negative). In addition, with their help you can communicate with the world of the dead during sessions of calling the spirits of the departed. So you should not think that with the help of black candles evil sorcerers only cause damage, although with the help of such candles it is really possible to repel attacks.

Red candles- used during love magic rituals. They are also suitable for all kinds of rituals designed to endow the magician with health and energy, and give him strength. It is very good to use red candles during rituals of the magic of luck and success.

Green candles– used during rituals of money magic.

Blue candles– used in the work of healers. Also, with the help of a blue candle you can get rid of minor troubles and ill-wishers.

Yellow candles– are used during rituals of the magic of luck and success in cases where you need to gain some knowledge, strengthen your memory and develop your mind.

Orange candles- get rid of bad thoughts and bad mood, but it is very important for a magician to always maintain faith in himself and optimism, otherwise he will not succeed in any ritual.

Brown candles– can help a woman conceive a child. They are also very often used during nature magic rituals or when treating animals.

Naturally, now you can buy candles of any color or shape. But remember, we talked about the fact that it would be good to put a piece of your soul into every magical act, into every magical object. It is necessary not only to take, but also to give something to the Universe. Therefore, it would be nice to make magic candles yourself, transferring a little of your energy to them.

So, it is best to use fresh wax intended for making church candles. But the wax left over from already burned candles is not suitable for a ritual candle - the energy is not the same. Wicks should be made from cotton, hemp, milkweed stems, but you can also take ready-made ones.

When melting wax, be especially careful, since when working on an open fire, the wax can catch fire if the magician is even inattentive. Therefore, it is best to heat the wax in a water bath or in a double boiler. Burnt wax should never be extinguished with water; it must be covered with baking soda.

It is necessary to heat wax in a well-ventilated area, since when it overheats, it begins to release toxic substances that can negatively affect your body - be careful!

It is best to use natural dyes in your work (remember that each plant has its own energy, which your magic candle will absorb). To do this, the dye is placed in a small gauze bag and dipped into melted wax. The amount of time you should keep the bag in the melted wax depends on the intensity of the color you want to achieve. If you think the color is too bright, add a little more melted wax. In any case, you will have to experiment until you establish the exact proportions that suit you.

To get red candles, use cochineal powder. Green candles of various shades can be obtained if you use ragweed or sage flowers, tansy or rosemary leaves, and waxwort fruits in their manufacture. Indigo powder is suitable for making blue candles. If you need yellow candles, take nivberry or cat's paw flowers (in the latter case, leaves will also work); golden color can be achieved using myrrh or peel walnut. Gives the wax a lasting orange color top layer orange tree root. If you want a brown candle, use silver royal artemisia (light brown) or green California walnut peel (dark brown). If you need to make a black candle, then proceed as follows. Melt the wax, take a simple pencil and use a razor to grind off as much lead as you need to obtain an intense color. Gradually mix the slate powder into the melted wax until you achieve the desired result. That's it, the candle is ready.

However, if it is difficult for you to get one or another natural dye, you can also use artificial ones, which can be bought in stores selling creative supplies, or ordered online.

You can also make scented candles by adding appropriate incense to the melted wax (not alcohol-based!) or by dipping the wick in it.

To achieve maximum effect, seven small nails made of seven metals corresponding to the seven planets should be inserted into the candles.

The easiest way to make a candle is casting. Now, thank God, you can buy ready-made forms. However, if you don’t want to spend money on this or for some other reason, forms can be made from any available materials (the main thing is that they do not melt from hot wax). The only thing you should remember is what ritual the candle is intended for. If during the ritual you need to burn the candle to the end, then you should not take big shape. Otherwise, you will end up wasting too much time in the circle waiting for the candle to burn out. If you are planning a series of rituals dedicated to the same problem, then you should take a large mold or pour melted wax into a special vessel (do something like large Catholic candles).

It is best to use a mold that is open at one end. Place the crossbar with the wick attached to it on this form. (Dip the wick into the melted wax for a second and then let it set.) Then, once the wax has melted, carefully pour some into the bottom of the mold and wait until it hardens a little. After this, add wax to the very top (do this carefully so as not to move the wick). After some time, you will have to add a little more melted wax, since the candle will sag a little when it hardens. Finally, untie the wick from the crossbar and shorten it a little.

Preparatory actions

So, it’s time to talk about how to prepare for the ritual.

1. All rituals are always performed in complete solitude (exceptions are those rituals during which the presence of another person, for example a patient, is required).

2. I repeat once again: if you want to get the maximum effect from the ritual, then perform it at the appropriate time, taking into account the time of day and night, the position of the planets and the time of year.

3. Whatever spirit you decide to invoke, always draw a protective circle in advance, in which the ritual will then be carried out. It's best if you draw two protective circles, one inside the other.

This is a time of working on yourself, self-improvement, so refrain from sensual pleasures, try to get stronger spiritually before meeting a powerful spirit. Do not quarrel with anyone at this time, behave calmly and balanced, and do not fall under the power of emotions. After seven days, perform a ritual ablution, first saying the following words:

O Lord Adonai, who created me, Your unworthy servant, in Your image and likeness from a dirty and despised earth, have mercy and bless me and sanctify this water so that it heals and purifies my soul and my body, so that not a single foolishness remains in me, no doubts. O Mighty and Ineffable Lord, Who allowed Your people to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land when they came out of the land of Egypt, grant me Your mercy so that I can be cleansed of all past sins through this water and be reborn so that no filth comes in the way mine in Your presence.

After this, wash yourself blessed water from head to toe. Please pay special attention: if you perform a ritual ablution not at home, then you need to do it completely alone.

It must be said that ritual ablution is a very important part of the magician’s work. The fact is that water has a unique feature: it constantly receives a powerful charge of energy emanating from the Universe itself, and shares this energy with all living beings. Thanks to this feature, water can take not only positive, but also negative energy and carry it away from a person. That is why, even in ancient times, people were treated and got rid of damage and curses by bathing in running water: after all, the faster the water flow moves, the more energy it has, the stronger its absorbing ability.

So, how do you prepare for ritual ablution? While undressing, read Psalms 14, 53, 54 and 81.

Psalm 14Lord, who can dwell in Your habitation? Who can dwell on Your holy mountain? He who walks uprightly, and does righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue, does not do evil to his sincere and does not accept reproach against his neighbor; he in whose eyes the outcast is despised, but who glorifies those who fear the Lord; who swears, even to an evil person, and does not change; who does not give his silver at interest and does not accept gifts against the innocent. He who does this will never be shaken.

Psalm 53God, save me in Your name, and judge me by Your power. God, hear my prayer, give ear to the words of my mouth, for strangers have risen up against me, and the mighty are seeking my soul; they do not have God before them. Behold God, my helper; The Lord strengthens my soul. He will repay the evil of my enemies; By Your truth I will destroy them. I will diligently offer a sacrifice to You, I will glorify Your name, O Lord, for it is good, for You delivered me from all troubles, and my eye looked on my enemies.

Psalm 54Hear, O God, my prayer and do not hide from my prayer; listen to me and hear me; I groan in my grief, and am troubled by the voice of the enemy, by the oppression of the wicked, for they bring iniquity against me and in anger they enmity against me. My heart trembles within me, and mortal terrors have attacked me; fear and trembling came over me, and horror seized me. And I said: who would give me wings like a dove? I would fly away and calm down; I would go far away and remain in the desert; I would hasten to hide from the whirlwind, from the storm. Disrupt, O Lord, and divide their tongues, for I see violence and strife in the city; day and night they walk around its walls; evil deeds and disaster are in the midst of it; in the midst of it is destruction; deceit and deceit do not leave its streets: for it is not the enemy who reviles me, I would endure this; It is not my hater who magnifies himself over me - I would hide from him; but you, who were for me the same as I, my friend and my close one, with whom we shared sincere conversations and went together to the house of God. May death come upon them; May they go down alive into hell, for wickedness is in their dwellings, in the midst of them. I will cry to God, and the Lord will save me. In the evening, and in the morning, and at noon, I will beg and cry, and He will hear my voice, and He will deliver my soul in peace from those who rise up against me, for I have many of them; God will hear and He who lives from eternity will humble them, because there is no change in them; they do not fear God, they stretched out their hands against those who are at peace with them, they broke their covenant; their lips are softer than butter, but in their heart is enmity; their words are gentler than oil, but they are drawn swords. Cast your worries on the Lord, and He will support you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. You, O God, will bring them down into the pit of destruction; the bloodthirsty and treacherous will not live to see half their days. And I trust in You, Lord.

Psalm 81God became in the host of gods; He pronounced judgment among the gods: How long will you judge unrighteously and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to the poor and the orphan; Give justice to the oppressed and the poor; deliver the poor and needy; pluck him out of the hand of the wicked. They don’t know, they don’t understand, they walk in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaking. I said: you are gods, and you are all sons of the Most High; but you will die like men and fall like any prince. Arise, O God, judge the earth, for You will inherit all nations.

Having undressed and finished reading the psalms, lower yourself into a bath filled with water, completely immersing yourself in the water (except for your head, of course). Now it is time to say the following words:

I purify you, O creature of Water, by the One who created you and gathered you into a single place, so that the dry earth appears, so that you reveal all the deception of Satan and so that you are freed from all the impurities and dirt of the spirits of the world of Phantasm, so that they do not harm to me, by the virtue of God Almighty, living and reigning from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.

After this, wash yourself thoroughly, saying the following words:

Mertalia, Musalla, Dophalia, Onemalia, Zitanseia, Goldapharia, Dedulsaria, Ghevialaira, Gheminaira, Gegropheira, Cedahi, Gilthar, Godieb, Ezoiil, Musil, Grassil, Tamen, Pueri, Godu, Huznoth, Astachoth, Tzabaoth, Adonai, Agla, On, El, Tetragrammaton, Shema, Aresion, Anaphaxeton, Segilaton, Primeumaton.

You will have to say these words two or even three times in a row until you complete your ablution. Then get out of the bath and sprinkle yourself with holy water, saying:

Cleanse me, O Lord, with hyssop, that I may be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow.

It is best if you use a small bunch of hyssop as a sprinkler, a sacred plant that was mentioned in the Bible: it is believed that this plant can cleanse a person from all filth. For example, on Easter night, ancient Jews dipped a hyssop broom in the blood of a sacrificial lamb and smeared it on the doorposts, believing that such a ritual would protect against disease and evil forces. To cure leprosy, a hyssop broom was dipped in the blood of a sacrificial bird and sprinkled with it on the sick person. Now these ancient, bloody rituals are a thing of the distant past, but this does not mean that the wonderful herb hyssop should be forgotten. Replace the blood of sacrificial animals with holy water and get excellent results. Then dry yourself with a clean white towel and get dressed while reading Psalms 4, 30, 51, 69 and 102.

Psalm 4When I cry, hear me, O God of my righteousness! In tight spaces, You gave me space. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Sons of men, how long will my glory be in reproach? How long will you love vanity and seek lies? Know that the Lord has set apart His holy one for Himself; The Lord hears when I call on Him. When you are angry, do not sin: meditate in your hearts on your beds, and be calm; offer sacrifices of righteousness and trust in the Lord. Many say: “Who will show us good?” Show us the light of Your face, O Lord! You have filled my heart with joy from the time that their bread and wine and oil increased. I lie down calmly and sleep, for You, Lord, alone allow me to live in safety.

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Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - What goes around. This layout is used to analyze a new project and shows its main idea, main aspects, internal and external influences, growth potential, possible results

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Wounded heart. This alignment will help you deal with unpleasant moments in your relationship with your loved one, find out how you hurt each other, how you defend yourself, what is happening at the moment, and also how your relationship will develop.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Solomon - For weight loss. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what needs to be done to achieve the goal, what is preventing you from achieving the goal, what is the biggest obstacle in your way, what can inspire you or motivate you, and also the outcome.

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Infinity. This fortune telling will help you see the current state of things, your hopes and fears, obstacles inside and outside, the root of the problem, how the situation will develop, what awaits you, how you yourself feel about the problem, and also the result, where everything is going

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Moving. With this fortune telling you will find out whether the house you want to move to is good, whether you and your family will be happy in this house, what are the positive and negative aspects of moving, and also - advice from the cards regarding moving

Fortune telling on the oracle of Solomon - The path to yourself. This layout will help you understand yourself; find out how others perceive you, what you forget about, what you push out of your life, what flaw you don’t notice in yourself, what is yours strong point, what you want, what drives you, what you really need, what should be done.

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Postal dove. This fortune telling can be used if you are waiting for a letter, a call, or simply important news. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is the likelihood of receiving news within the specified period, what prevents you from receiving news, what facilitates it, what kind of information you will receive, how you will perceive it, and also what receiving a letter, call or news will give you

Fortune telling on the oracle of Solomon - Loneliness. With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out the reasons for your loneliness, what lesson you need to learn, what you need to understand, what is the likelihood of changes in the near future, and also what awaits you in the given period of time

Fortune telling using the oracle of Solomon - Staff. With the help of this fortune telling you will learn more about your role in the team; how they treat you, what is the psychological climate in your workplace, how will your relationships with your work colleagues develop in the future?

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Analysis of relationships. This fortune telling gives answers to the most exciting questions relationship with a loved one; how he sees you, what attracts him to you, what repels him, what he expects from you, what you have in common, what he is afraid of in a relationship with you, and also what you can do to improve your relationship

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - When something is missing. This fortune telling can be used in a situation where a feeling arises mental discomfort when it is difficult for you to determine what its causes are. This layout will show you what to pay attention to, what causes a feeling of discomfort, how you can cope with this condition, what makes you happy, how you take care of yourself, how you accept the care of others and what you need to change in yourself

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Internal prohibition. This is a psychological alignment that will be useful to those who seek to recognize their internal blocks. This alignment will show who you are, what your true essence is, as well as your internal prohibition in your personal life, social, financial sector and in spiritual search

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - Why did we meet? This fortune-telling will help you find out why you were given a relationship with a mysterious person, what lesson you should learn from this meeting, what awaits you in the future in spiritual and material terms, what you should realize together

Fortune telling on the oracle of King Solomon - What is happening? This is a universal layout that can help you understand an exciting situation in any area of ​​life. This fortune telling can also be used if you want to find out what is happening in a relationship with a loved one, what is happening in life in general