How to do smoky eye makeup yourself: photo, application technique. How to do smoky eye makeup: step-by-step instructions and tips from makeup artists

Smoky eye makeup or smoky eyes is a glamorous, sexy, attractive, languid look with a languid look, most powerful weapon, penetrating the strongest armor and going straight to the heart of even the thickest-skinned “rhino.” Among the leading stars of show business, this is the number one makeup look! Such people have been spotted with smoky eyes many times star beauties like Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Keira Knightley, Charlize Theron, Paris Hilton, Sienna Miller, Gisele Bundchen. A light haze is a win-win option for brunettes, blondes, brown-haired women, and redheads.

Three main steps of the “smoky” classics

Smoky makeup, which never loses its relevance, owes its appearance to silent black and white cinema. Smoky Eyes gained cult status thanks to the legendary Brigitte Bardot, who began to be imitated by millions of women around the world who want to transform themselves into sophisticated, mysterious and fatal persons with a deep and mysterious look. And now he is again at the peak of popularity and is not going to give up his position in the near future. You are great at putting smoke in your eyes, but are you completely clueless in the art of creating enchanting smoky eyes?! Then we are coming to you! 🙂

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Smoky makeup at its finest

Distinctive feature The smoky eyes style consists of heavily shaded dark shadows and eyeliner. Haze will be appropriate in both daytime and evening makeup. The main thing is to choose the right shades, and not limit yourself to the banal and hackneyed gray-black range, which many have mistakenly elevated to an absolute. The color scheme is determined by the color type of appearance, as well as the place and time of action. Warm shades (pastel, olive, golden, sand, apricot, salmon) are perfect for daytime makeup, and cool shades (black, gray, taupe, tobacco, gray-black, lilac-violet) for evening makeup. Shadows can be applied both to both eyelids and exclusively to the upper one. Smooth, barely noticeable transitions between dark and light shadows allow you to give your look additional depth and special charm. And, of course, never skimp on dark-colored mascara, and for greater expressiveness, it wouldn’t hurt to apply a couple of false eyelashes to the outer edges. Another highlight of smoky eye makeup is eyeliner. Whatever you use to create it - liquid eyeliner, eye shadow or pencil - do not forget to carefully shade the edges.

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Master class for those who want to make smokey eyes

  • Preparing the face and eyelids

Cleanses and moisturizes the skin of the face and eyelids. Apply the tone to the entire face, carefully blending it to the middle of the neck. For daytime makeup, we select a tone that is as close as possible to natural, for evening makeup - half a tone lighter. Using a yellow or peach-colored brightening concealer, we work on all noticeable imperfections and blemishes of the skin - pimples, redness, capillary networks, dark circles, swelling, bruises and bags under the eyes. To prevent makeup from “smearing” during the day and losing its captivating charm, apply a little corrective product around the eyes and lightly dust the eyelids with flesh-colored powder.

  • Brows

Using a gray-brown pencil we emphasize the break, making the tail more even. For maximum naturalness, the distance to the break and the head can be emphasized not with a pencil, but with gray-brown shadows, using an applicator or brush.

  • Selection of shadows

When choosing shadows, be guided by eye color, time of day, dress code and the nature of the event. For those with blue and gray eyes, blue-violet colors are perfect. Dark-eyed beauties will look most advantageous with brown and greenish shades. Gray shadows and metallic silver suit almost everyone without exception. To create the perfect haze, we need at least three shades of eyeshadow: light, medium and dark. The main thing is that they are in harmony with each other in color. It is better to choose matte rather than glossy shades of eye shadow and eyeliner. Excessive glare, shine and gloss will create a feeling of swollen eyes, and the look will seem heavy and tired.

  • The order of applying shadows

Apply the middle shade to the crease of the eyelid with gradual expansion towards the outer edge. Light shadows are used closer to the eyebrows. Using nude shadows directly under the eyebrow will help give your look expressiveness, lightness and purity. Apply the darkest and deepest shade as close to the lash line as possible on the upper eyelid and blend thoroughly. All color transition boundaries must be carefully blurred with a brush, cotton swab or sponge!

  • Eyeliner

The most important thing in the smoky makeup technique is to be able to create a hazy effect. To do this, you need to know a couple of tricks of professional makeup artists. So, for eyeliner it is better to choose the most dark color, depending on the selected shade of shadows. Apply eyeliner along the lash line and blend thoroughly. You can use shadows as an eyeliner, but working with them is a little more difficult, since they can crumble and not lay down very evenly. Therefore, if you decide to use shadows rather than a pencil, it is better to apply them wet with an eyeliner brush. Then we begin to gradually blur (shade) the shadows along the upper eyelid along the contour of the eye with a smooth expansion to the outer corner and along the lower eyelid by one third. The result should be a line about two to three millimeters wide, and with an eastern eye shape, it may well reach the crease of the eyelid. Owners of large, expressive eyes can additionally line the inside of the eyelid to create a charming effect of depth of gaze. The result will be a very interesting contrast with the whites of the eyes, which will make the look cleaner and more captivating.

We curl the eyelashes using curlers and cover them with two layers of black mascara, not forgetting to separate the stuck together eyelashes. After applying the first layer, let the mascara dry thoroughly and only then repeat the procedure. Curled eyelashes make the look more open and expressive. Eyelashes in a smokey eye should definitely turn out fluffy, airy and velvety, so do not overdo it so as not to weigh down the look and not spoil the light haze with heavy “drape”.

  • Blush and lipstick

The role of the main violin in smoky makeup is assigned to the eyes, so cheekbones and lips should remain neutral. Too many accents will look not only tasteless and ridiculous, but also vulgar. Is this what you are trying to achieve? The smoky effect should be as mysterious and weightless as a light haze over the surface of the water. We leave the lips almost colorless - we define the outline with a neutral pencil, shaded it with a cotton swab, and then apply a light translucent gloss or lipstick of a neutral shade. Ideal colors: nude, pale pink, beige. We select the blush to match the natural blush and carefully shade the transition boundaries. A glamorous version of smoky eyes allows the use of shimmering powder.

That's all the wisdom! Admire yourself in the mirror - don't you look like Hollywood star? Better?! That's it!

Originating in the silent film era and reborn in the 60s, smoky makeup is now at the peak of popularity. Smokey eyes, better than other makeup options, emphasize the beauty of the shape of the eye, highlight the iris and add brightness and freshness to the whites. In addition, this type of makeup visually enlarges the eyes, drawing attention to them.

Smoky makeup is done by shading a soft pencil with shadows of dense, rich shades. For the daytime version, less saturated tones are used and the transitions are shaded very carefully and smoothly, and evening makeup allows and even welcomes dark rich colors, glitter and false eyelashes. Universal colors for smokey eyes are black, gray and brown; they will suit any eye color. Brown, taupe and marsh-olive shades are beautiful in daytime makeup, especially in summer, when black can seem vulgar in the bright sun.

Smokey eyes capture all the attention on the eyes, so this type of makeup requires perfect skin and neutral lipstick. In rare cases, when performing daytime smoky makeup using relatively light tones of cosmetics, you can highlight your lips brighter than usual. Evening smoky makeup can be complemented with dark lipstick, provided that you have light matte skin without blush, like the beauties of the 20s of the last century. It is good to complement such a make-up with an appropriate hairstyle and outfit, then it will look impressive and organic. For beautiful makeup It is important to disguise puffiness and signs of fatigue under the eyes, since in combination with smoky makeup, pronounced “bruises” can give an unhealthy appearance.

What do you need to do smoky eye makeup?

To perform smoky makeup you will need:

  1. Eyeshadow base (helps fix makeup on the eyelid and adds richness).
  2. Eyeshadow palette in selected color scheme(it is advisable to choose soft shadows, well pigmented and easily giving off color. For everyday makeup you should use matte or satin shadows; for evening makeup, shimmer, pearl and glitter are good).
  3. Soft pencil (black or another color to match the chosen color scheme).
  4. Brushes for applying makeup.
  5. Black or colored mascara.
  6. Eyeliner (optional).
  7. False eyelashes (whole or bunches, for evening makeup).

Smoky eye makeup step by step - photo

  1. Apply a base or matte nude shadow to the moving eyelid as a base for makeup. Blend well.
  2. Using a plastic soft pencil, outline the contour of the eye, drawing a line from the outer corner upward and painting the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.
  3. Blend the pencil line with a soft brush, creating a color transition from the darkest at the base of the eyelashes to a light haze at the maximum distance from the eyelash edge.
  4. Apply the darkest possible shadows to the pencil, layering them towards the edge of the eyebrow. Draw shadows on the lower eyelid along the pencil line.
  5. Blend the edges of the shadows with a soft brush.
  6. Apply colored shadows to the central part of the upper eyelid and blend them.
  7. Make a highlight above the pupil with shimmering shadows of a suitable shade. Lightly blend.
  8. Add light pearlescent or satin shadows to the inner corner of the eye, distributing them towards the middle of the eye. Carefully blend all color transitions along the borders.
  9. Draw a contour (optional) with eyeliner or a finely sharpened pencil, curl the upper eyelashes, adding several bunches of false eyelashes closer to the outer edge (for evening makeup). Cover your eyelashes with mascara.

Smoky makeup or smokey eyes for brown eyes

Dark eyes harmonize perfectly with most colors used to create a smokey eye. Brown-eyed beauties suit makeup not only in classic black, gray and brown tones, but also using golden, olive, greenish, bluish-blue and purple shades. Moreover, soft, warm shades of shadows, pencil or eyeliner are suitable for golden-brown eyes, and for dark velvet chocolate and black eyes, gray-blue, blue-violet, violet-plum and purple-brown tones will be harmonious. The shade of the white of the eye is also important - if it is yellowish, cold tones of shadows can level out the yellowness, and bright bluish whites beautifully emphasize the golden and olive tone of the smokey eye.

Smoky makeup or smokey eyes for blue eyes

The beauty, brightness and transparency of blue eyes are wonderfully emphasized by brown tones, as well as olive-golden and pinkish shades. Blue-eyed blondes can do smoky makeup in gray-blue tones, but it is advisable to avoid matching the colors of the shadows and eyes. Delicate smoky makeup can be done using complex brownish-green, marsh and olive shades, which will be especially good with bright, cool turquoise eye color. Brunettes can add brightness to gray-blue eyes by making smokey eyes in rich blue tones, and the purple tint of the iris will be highlighted by purple mascara, eyeliner or a haze of brown-lilac shadows. The fair-skinned brunette will create an irresistible look by making a discreet smoky makeup with black matte shadows. Pinkish shades of eyeshadow beautifully highlight blue eyes, but can give a sickly, tear-stained look. If you want to use such shades in smoky makeup, they should be combined with more restrained gray or brownish-ash tones, and also be sure to highlight the eye contour with a dark color and use mascara.

Smoky makeup or smokey eyes for green eyes

All shades perfectly highlight green eyes purple. You need to select the tone individually, since green the eye is very multifaceted, it can be warm and cold, light and dark, closer to brown eyes and almost blue. Brown and taupe tones will help create a discreet daytime look, while richer colors are good for the evening. Thick green eyeshadow colors from olive to emerald can add richness to brownish-green eyes, while plum or purple will make green eyes look fantastic.

Smoky eye makeup is a surprisingly versatile way to add depth and appeal to any eye, and it suits brunettes and blondes alike. By highlighting the beauty of your eyes with makeup in smoky tones, you can make the “mirror of the soul” shine.

How to do smoky makeup - video

Master class from Alexander Demyanenko, leading makeup artist at Bourjois

Master class from Andrey Shilkova - leading specialist at Chanel

Evening smoky makeup

Do you want to add a little charm to your usual look and look a little more mysterious? Then you should definitely try to do an unusual smoky makeup that can give your facial expression an amazing and deep look. If done correctly, it will look great not only in daylight, but also in a restaurant with dim and contrasting lighting. To do this, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of professional stylists, although why not? You will have something to compare with later, when you learn how to perform such a cosmetic procedure yourself.

Therefore, read carefully and follow the steps below step by step.

The technique of applying smoky makeup in the language of professionals is called smoky eyes. Until recently, its use was considered suitable only for evening outings, but now it is often used to create a woman’s daytime makeup. And yet we must not forget that the basis of this technology is dark shadows, so it is necessary to ensure that the image does not turn out to be too aggressive and vulgar. IN evening time day, it is acceptable to expand the boundaries of such makeup in the form of applying shadows to the brow area of ​​the eyes.

It is necessary to take into account that if you have a light complexion, it is better to use the same light color range of cosmetics. So, black shadows are perfect for hot brunettes; it is better not to overuse these tones for blondes - they will look great with makeup made from brown shadows with gray and steely shades. Red-haired beauties can experiment with eye makeup in blue-green colors.

In the smoky type of makeup there are no clear boundaries; each shade smoothly transitions into the other. One gets the impression that he is dissolving into a smoke screen. The lack of straight arrows and eyeliner is replaced by good shading.

Features of smokey eye makeup

Fashion offers not only a certain style of clothing, but also perfect makeup. The smokey eye has become a popular look; the main element in it is the eyes and the look with a smoky finish.

This type of makeup is suitable for evening wear; it can also be used during the daytime, using warm colors. What are the features of this facial treatment?

Face foundation

Makeup begins with preparing the face; the foundation needs to be made invisible, but at the same time transform and refresh the skin. A foundation is applied, the lips are treated with it, and a moisturizing balm is applied. Next, use powder with a light texture. In order to hide noticeable blemishes (acne, age spots) it is possible to use a corrector or foundation, having a dense structure. In order to disguise circles or bags under the eyes, use a light-colored corrector.

Eyebrow shape

At irregular shape eyebrows the woman will have a sad look. And with a good eyebrow outline, she will look well-groomed and rejuvenated. A special pencil is used to correct them, and a transparent gel is used to fix the correct bend.

Eye makeup

When doing eye makeup, use pencil, eye shadow, and mascara in similar colors. It is better to select shadows according to the time of day, eye color and mood. Gray, silver and black tones are most suitable.

The contour is drawn with a pencil, which will give softness to the eyes. It is better to draw the eyelid from below with shadows to give a smoky effect.

Use mascara that lengthens and adds volume to your eyelashes. Careful shading of all boundaries and the absence of clear lines is another rule of makeup.


A special feature of the makeup is also the natural shade of the lips (in pink and beige tones). They cannot be bright in color, otherwise it will look vulgar.

Selection of colors

There are different combinations with coloring. For blue eyes, it is better to use less kohl. A good option there will be colors of gold, silver and lilac, and for eyeliner - gray tones. For brown eyes, shades of blue and lilac are preferred. Brown and olive shades are suitable for women with dark skin. Women with green eyes are the luckiest - they can try a wide range of colors.

In makeup, the smokey eye look is the main element; makeup helps highlight its expressiveness.

Step-by-step instructions for doing makeup correctly

The first thing you should use for any type of makeup is the base, which is applied to a previously cleansed face. It will easily hide minor skin imperfections and make it smooth and silky. In our review style, foundation or eye concealer is applied to the eyelids, allowing the shadows to adhere better to the skin and allowing makeup to for a long time stay fresh and neat. A layer of powder is applied, and its shade must be slightly lighter than the color of the skin; for this you can use transparent colorless powder.

Then the eyelash line is also carefully emphasized on the lower eyelid.

After this, everything is carefully shaded with a soft brush. Near the upper corner of the eyelid, the line should rise towards the temple, otherwise the effect of “crying eyes” may be created.

The next stage is applying cosmetic shadows. Next to the pencil line on the upper and lower eyelids, a wider stripe of their dark shade is applied, while the stripe widens slightly on the way to the corner of the eye.

Next, proceed to applying the second layer, the third will end almost at the eyebrows. Transitions between the colors of shadows: light and dark should be as smooth as possible. It is worth noting that when applied to the inner corner of the eyes small amount light shadows, they will visually increase.

Don't forget to shade each line well.

The final touch is applying black mascara to the eyelashes. So that they do not get lost against the background of such bright makeup, they must be clearly distinguished. A win-win option is to use false eyelashes.

After tinting the eyebrows with a cosmetic pencil, giving them beautiful shape, necessary special composition remove crumbled shadows from the skin of the face.

How to prevent makeup from looking too harsh and heavy?

Advice: for this you should not use only plain black or brown shadows. In any case, dark gray shadows with glitter or a silver tint will look beneficial. But we must not forget that the choice of cosmetics depends on where you are going to go with this makeup, so in any case you need to be critical and selective, and, of course, not be afraid to experiment.

Smoky makeup or smokey eyes is a combination of sexuality, mystery, glamor and style. It was he who gave expressiveness and languor to the look of actresses in the era of black and white cinema. Nowadays, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Monica Bellucci, Keira Knightley, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bundchen have more than once preferred smoky makeup. After all, smoky makeup is ideal for blondes, brunettes and brown-haired women, regardless of eye color, although there are still some recommendations and tips that Hollywood beauties resort to.

Smoky makeup for women green eyes

Girls with green eyes should pay attention to the color scheme special attention. Just a small mistake in choosing the color of eye shadow for smoky makeup can ruin everything hopelessly. So, it is better to avoid pink and blue shades, and also exclude bright green and light green shades. But white, sandy beige tones as a base in combination with dark gray, dark brown, bronze, terracotta shadows will add mystery to the look and will attract the admiring gaze of men.

Blue eyes, which has a special appeal and charm, is very important to emphasize correctly and advantageously by creating smoky makeup. Blue-eyed girls should give preference to cool shades. But when performing smoky makeup, makeup artists recommend using light lilac, lavender, light gray, as well as beige and gold tones for the base tone. They will go perfectly with purple, dark brown, dark gray shades. But from blue color It's better to abstain.

Owners of mysterious and passionate brown eyes have one huge advantage: unlike blue-eyed and green-eyed girls, almost the entire palette of shades suits them. You can safely give preference to light and warm shades, without worrying at all that these shades will not suit them when applying smoky makeup. For example, for everyday makeup it is better to use light gray, peach beige, light brown tones, which will contrast perfectly with dark brown and black. It is important not to overdo it, because daytime makeup should look natural. For evening makeup, you can choose richer gold, bronze or black shades.

As you have already seen, the absolute advantage of smoky makeup is that it suits everyone, and doing it yourself is not difficult.

Smoky makeup step by step: photo tutorial

To perform smoky eye makeup you will need:
  • Light eyeshadow for foundation
  • Black pencil
  • Three shades of silver-gray eyeshadow
  • Mascara
  • Blending brush and applicator

Step 1: Apply base

First of all, apply a light base from the upper eyelid to the eyebrows (light shadows will be an excellent base for darker shades, and the makeup will retain its brightness for a long time)

Step 2: Black pencil - the basis of smoky makeup

You will need a well sharpened soft black pencil. We apply it to the upper and lower eyelids and carefully shade it using an applicator or brush. Two nuances are important here: the lines should not be too pale and they should be shaded carefully.

Step 3: Mix and shade

Next, you will need three shades of eyeshadow of the same (in the classic version, silver-gray) range, the lightest of which we apply to the inner corner of the eyelid. We apply a shade of medium brightness to the middle, and the darkest shade to the outer part. Particular attention should be paid to shading transitions. It's important to remember that blending and shading are... fundamental principles step by step smoky makeup.

Step 4: Don't forget about mascara

It is also important to pay special attention to mascara. Smoky makeup involves applying mascara in several layers. To prevent eyelashes from sticking together, comb your eyelashes with a special brush after each layer.

Step 5: Finishing touches

Comb your eyebrows and highlight their shape with an eyebrow pencil.
Please note that smoky makeup is, first of all, expressive eyes, so you should not choose lipsticks in too bright shades, it is better to give preference to lipsticks in natural colors.

Voila, you are irresistible and your look is driving you crazy!