How can I find out my insurance number? How to find out your SNILS number online - all the ways

SNILS is a mandatory document for all citizens of the Russian Federation. Even newborn children receive an eleven-digit number written on a card with the owner’s last name. Faced with the need to provide this document for the first time, many people ask the question: how to find out SNILS? The answer is simple - you need to visit the nearest pension fund. Is it possible to get your number online through the website of the State Services or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as what is the sequence of actions for obtaining this document? This will be discussed in our article.

SNILS is the individual personal account number of a citizen of the Russian Federation insured in the pension insurance system. Inside the account, personal information of its owner is collected regarding payroll, tax transfers and other payments.

SNILS is required for:

  • employment;
  • providing a place in kindergarten and school;
  • receiving child benefits;
  • registration on the State Services portal;
  • tracking the state of pension savings;
  • formation of an electronic card.

In terms of its use, SNILS is a kind of universal card with an individual number assigned to a person once for the rest of his life. Thus, one person cannot have two SNILS, unless there is an error or failure in the PF system.

In what cases may you need to obtain SNILS?

  • birth of a child;
  • loss of the original document.

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Small tricks that will help you find out your SNILS number online via the Internet

In the event that the SNILS number is extremely necessary and it does not matter that it will not be a copy of it, but there is no opportunity to visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you can resort to small tricks. They will definitely come in handy for those who went on a business trip or vacation and forgot to take an important document with them, or simply lost it and for some reason cannot apply for a duplicate.

A small life hack that can help you find out your SNILS number:

  • go to the State Services website, when registering, confidential data was indicated on it, including SNILS. You can view its number in the user’s personal account;
  • Call the HR department, if you are sure that “their” people work there, ask to dictate the number over the phone, explaining the objective reason for its provision.

These little tricks will help you find out your SNILS without visiting the PF.

How to find out your SNILS number by TIN

Let’s not delay, it is impossible to find out the number of the insurance certificate using the TIN, the databases of the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund are different and department employees do not have access to both databases at the same time! In some cases, the TIN may be requested from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when registering SNILS, but this requirement is not necessary! An individual taxpayer number may be more useful when registering on the State Services portal or on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

What to do if you need to get SNILS data for another person?

As already written above, you can only obtain a certificate and information on it from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the personnel service of the organization in person. Information is not provided to third parties. But there is an exception here, you have the right to issue a notarized power of attorney for another person to receive SNILS, and if it is necessary to obtain a certificate for a military serviceman, it is enough for him to issue a power of attorney and have it certified by the unit commander.

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Russian labor legislation provides for norms obliging employees to make pension contributions. Today they are commonly called pension insurance payments, which are accumulated on individual accounts of payers specially opened for these purposes.

To facilitate the accounting of the movement and collection of these funds, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation introduced the concept of an individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) - a unique 11-digit identifier that is issued to every citizen registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, i.e., a citizen officially working in the territory of the Russian Federation. The main regulatory act regulating the use of this number is Federal Law No. 27 “On Individual Personalized Accounting”.

Why do you need SNILS?

Remembering 11 digits of your own account is difficult, but it is not required. The SNILS code is used by specialists from the Pension Fund and other government bodies, displaying it on certain documents. By the way, one of the easiest ways to find out SNILS is to carefully study certificates, notices or other documents issued by the Pension Fund department. On these papers, this number is displayed in connection with the full name. addressee.

What might you need this code for? The most common situations in which it is necessary to indicate SNILS relate to:

  • registration on the State Services portal,
  • obtaining a universal electronic citizen card,
  • checking the volume of your pension savings (when making a request to the Pension Fund),
  • filing applications for certain benefits, social services, etc.

You may encounter the need to remember your identification number when filling out a variety of documents. How to find out SNILS quickly? What methods are there?

Find out SNILS by passport

In addition to the above-mentioned method of finding out SNILS, which involves studying available documents, including a pension insurance card, on which the required 11-digit number is indicated at the top in the middle in the format XXX-XXX-XXX-XX, there is another one that requires contacting the Pension Fund. Any payer of pension contributions has the right to contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of Russia and find out SNILS.

Important: internal instructions for fund employees prohibit them from providing information to applicants regarding third parties. In addition, the rules require the identity of the person applying. Thus, in order to find out the SNILS number, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you and appear in person at the fund’s branch (it will not be possible to obtain the necessary information by telephone).

Find out SNILS by TIN

It is necessary to understand that SNILS can only be found out if you have passport data and only in relation to yourself, i.e. the applicant. Having information only about the TIN (taxpayer identification number), it will also not be possible to obtain the required number. The reason is a categorical ban on providing any data from the Pension Fund to unidentified persons - those whose identity has not been established and confirmed. Consequently, it will not be possible to find out SNILS by TIN either in Internet services, or in the Pension Fund, or in other government services. Any services of this kind will be treated as illegal.

How to find out your SNILS number via the Internet: step-by-step instructions for users of the State Services website

The state portal was created specifically to provide citizens with a large list of services, mostly related to consultations and the issuance of official information upon request. Registration on the State Services website means access to a large amount of data, among which you can find the individual personal account insurance number that interests us. Let us note that registering a citizen on this portal requires specifying his details, including entering the SNILS number, and therefore, once a registered user will not have any difficulty logging in, logging into his personal account and finding the treasured numbers.

The optimal way to obtain information will be the service of receiving “Extended notification about the status of an individual personal account.” Step by step it will look like this:

1.Go to the government services portal:

3.Select the item “Notification of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia”

5. We receive information about our pension savings, and also record our personal identification number.

It should be noted that registration on opens up a lot of opportunities for users, including constant monitoring of the status of their personal account with the Pension Fund, quick change of SNILS when changing passport data (last name), assistance in preparing and submitting various applications to Pension Fund specialists and much more. etc.

Alternative methods

If it is not possible to find out SNILS through the Pension Fund, without registering on the State Services portal or without having any documents that could help in finding the information you are looking for, one of the following two methods can help you:

  • If you are officially employed, then you can find out your SNILS number from the accountant of your enterprise (firm, company). Payment of insurance pension payments with the transfer of money to the employee’s accounts in the Pension Fund is the responsibility of the employer, which means he is obliged to know and use the insurance numbers of individual personal accounts in his work. By contacting the appropriate official and, if necessary, providing him with a document proving your identity, you can easily obtain the necessary data. In general, this is the easiest and fastest way to find out SNILS for any officially employed citizen.
  • The number you are looking for can be obtained from a person who has access to the database. Obviously, this must be an employee of the Pension Fund, who, contrary to the requirements of the job description and at risk to himself, will disclose information to a person who has not applied in the prescribed manner (visit to the Pension Fund office and provide a passport). Perhaps, if you have relatives or good friends among the fund’s employees, you will be able to find out SNILS, but you should always remember that there are other, more civilized methods that do not involve violating established rules.

What can your SNILS number tell you?

Do not think that this identifier reveals any confidential data. Yes, SNILS belongs to the category of non-disclosed information when requested by third parties. However, knowing someone else’s number, you will not be able to check the amount of pension savings of this citizen, obtain data on his tax debts or work experience. Such information can be provided only in two cases:

  1. Only personally to the applicant in relation to himself, who came to the Pension Fund office and provided a personal passport
  2. If you are registered on the State Services website. Accordingly, here you need to know not only SNILS, but also the login and password for the user’s personal account.

The only way to use someone else’s insurance number for an individual personal account is to check its validity, that is, to obtain proof that it is registered in the Pension Fund database. Note that this does not allow us to obtain any other information, be it the person’s last name, place of work, etc. At the same time, the service of checking the validity of SNILS is in demand: this is confirmed by Internet services offering all possible assistance in this direction. An example of such a site:

Be careful!

Many sites on the Internet, calling themselves “reference services,” among their other services, offer assistance in determining SNILS. Most often, the search form on such resources contains several fields to fill out, including full name, residential address and passport number. After entering the necessary details, the system displays some numbers or does not respond at all to the request. This happens because such sites are created solely for the unauthorized collection of personal data. At the same time, they can give out a number, but with a high degree of probability it will be a regular set of random numbers.

There are also paid help services, the owners of which, with a high degree of probability, have access to the Pension Fund database. For a fixed fee and after some time, they promise to find out SNILS and provide the necessary numbers. But can anyone guarantee that the number provided will be correct?

Among the many documents confirming identity, the SNILS certificate is the main contender for the title of a universal, comprehensive document. In the foreseeable future, it will turn into an alternative to medical and identification policies, pension certificates and work books. There are often situations when it is not available at an important moment, or it has been lost. Is it possible to find information about him on the Internet and how to find out SNILS from your passport via the Internet - read on.

Since the beginning of 2003, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation began issuing SNILS to persons living in Russia.

SNILS is the insurance code of an individual personal account assigned to every citizen of the Russian Federation from the moment of birth. The assigned number is valid for life.

Such plastic cards are issued to all Russians without exception, including children, teenagers and foreigners living in Russia. The insurance certificate includes the original personal account number, abbreviated as SNILS. In addition, the document also contains personal data: full name, date, place of birth and gender. The unique code is entered in the format “123-456-789 01”, in which the last 2 digits are calculated using a specific algorithm, and the first 9 numbers are selected in random order.

This card records data on the activities of the insured, including contributions to pension and insurance funds and work experience.

The urgency of the issue of the insurance number is caused by several points:

  • when providing any services of a social nature, the identification procedure for citizens occurs only upon presentation of this code;
  • creating an account on the government services portal is impossible without indicating this number;
  • For information about retirement savings, 11 treasured numbers should be provided. If before 2013 this information was sent by letter to the registration address, now you need to write a request to the Pension Fund indicating the code;
  • Without SNILS it is impossible to open a universal electronic card.

This certificate is a paper confirmation of the taxpayer’s connection with the Federal Border Guard Service.

Video - What is SNILS

SNILS code based on TIN or passport

The SNILS number is identical to the account number to which financial receipts to the Pension Fund are received by the tax agent for the employee.

In terms of its significance, SNILS is as important and confidential a document as a passport or TIN. Accordingly, disclosure of data to third parties is highly undesirable. It is impossible to obtain information about the insurance code using the TIN online. All information is duplicated in the PF only upon presentation of an identity document. Using the Internet you can only confirm the validity of the number.

In addition, SNILS and TIN belong to different categories:

  • SNILS - account number for accumulating funds;
  • TIN - individual taxpayer number.

These documents are used to verify the identity of individuals in various government agencies.

Based on the original identity document, representatives of the pension fund will give you a SNILS number.

How to check SNILS for validity

The only thing that can be checked on the Internet is the fact that the number was assigned and its “reality”. To do this, you need to enter the number in the appropriate box on the website of the FSS of the Russian Federation. All other sites should not be trusted, since such verification is not considered secure. There are many fraudulent sites on the Internet where adventurers offer to check the authenticity of the code. Understanding that the code is confidential information will protect you from trying to test it for strength.

How to find out your SNILS number

When visiting the PF, you must take an identity document.

The only documents needed are a passport, on the basis of which an employee of the competent authority will provide information about the insurance code.

In addition to visiting the Pension Fund branch, you can use other options.

Table 1. Methods for obtaining a document number


A small laminated plastic card is a document that any Russian citizen should have. It is called SNILS and indicates that the person is registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. This document contains personal data and a unique eleven-digit code, which together allow you to identify any of the participants in the system. How the insurance number is formed and how to find out the number of the pension insurance certificate will be discussed in our article.

Secret code

The SNILS number is a personal personal account number that is assigned to a participant in the pension system once and for life. It is to this account that employers transfer insurance premiums to the future pensioner for the entire duration of his working life. These are the same contributions to the pension fund. And they do not depend on the place of work, field of activity or position held.

The personal number is indicated on the front side of SNILS, at the top. The personal data of its owner is also indicated here.

The number itself consists of 11 digits, divided into 4 categories, which are indicated in the sequence 000-000-000 00. Of this set, the first 9 digits are the account number itself, the last two are the control verification number.

Code generation

The algorithm for generating SNILS is well thought out and allows you to accurately identify a participant in the system. The first nine digits can be anything. The last two numbers in this chain attract the most interest. Verification with their help is not intended for all accounts, but only for those that are larger than the following design 001-001-998.

The control code is generated in a rather complex way. If you are not an expert, you won’t be able to understand everything right away. But let's try anyway.

  1. All digits of the certificate are multiplied in turn by the serial number belonging to their position, which is counted from the end.
  2. The results are summed up.
  3. If the final figure is less than one hundred, then the control number is equal to this amount.
  4. If the final digit is one hundred or 101, then the check digits are 00.
  5. If the final number is greater than 101, then the next step is to divide it by the whole number.

The formation algorithm allows you to check the SNILS number with digit accuracy.

How to find out your SNILS personal account?

The surest way to find out the number of the pension insurance certificate from your passport is to personally visit the local branch of the pension fund. The second, less time-consuming way is to contact the personnel officer at your place of work. A copy of SNILS is kept in your personal file. The HR employee will be able to give you a copy of this document.

There is another way to see the SNILS number - registration on the Internet portal for the provision of public services But there is a problem: to enter this site, you need to enter your SNILS number. Therefore, this option is only for those who have SNILS on hand.

There are no other ways to find out your SNILS personal account via the Internet, even if you have passport data. After all, the database of registered participants is stored directly in the pension fund, and not on the Internet. And this data is confidential.

Now you see that it is impossible to find out the pension insurance certificate number via the Internet. Therefore, you should not waste time surfing the Internet on this issue. It is much easier to take documents and contact the authorities.