Sberbank foreign currency deposit in euros has a favorable interest rate. Sberbank deposits for individuals

Banks offer citizens to invest money at interest. This way you can not only save a certain amount, but also receive income. The conditions are very varied, the main thing is to decide on the deposit currency. Not everyone trusts the Russian ruble, so they prefer to keep their money in dollars.

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About the bank

Sberbank is the most reliable bank in our country. Its activities are stable regardless of the economic situation. Therefore, citizens trust him with their funds. The majority of all depositors in Russia keep their money in Sberbank.

Sberbank provides its clients with favorable conditions for deposits, thanks to which they can not only reliably save money, but also consistently receive a good income. Moreover, each deposit has the possibility of capitalization.

That is, the accrued interest on the deposit is not withdrawn by the depositor, but is added to the total amount. And in the next period, interest will be accrued on the increased deposit amount. As a result, profitability is higher.

This is beneficial for those who want to accumulate capital. If there is no such need, then you can transfer the accrued interest monthly to a bank card and use it at your discretion.

How to open a deposit?

Opening a deposit in Sberbank is quite simple. To do this, just contact the bank branch with an identification document.

In addition, there is a very convenient option for opening a deposit online.

  • You need to log into your Sberbank Online personal account, then from the main page go to the “Deposits” tab. There the service will prompt you to open a new deposit.
  • After which a new window will open where you will need to fill in all the fields marked with a red asterisk.
  • Either a bank card or any other existing account is selected as the debit account. Of course, there must be funds on the debit account to successfully open a deposit. Such a deposit is also closed online.
  • The place of maintaining a deposit account opened with a bank card will be the bank branch where the card account is maintained.

When opening a deposit in dollars from a ruble bank card, the currency will be converted from rubles to dollars at the bank’s exchange rate. The actual processing of the completed transaction may be completed within 30 calendar days.

During this time, the course may change in one direction or another. This is not always profitable and convenient, so it is better to open a foreign currency deposit online with a dollar card.

Deposits in dollars and their conditions in Sberbank

Sberbank offers several types of deposits that can be opened in dollars. It is necessary to read the terms and conditions of each very carefully to ensure that opening a deposit is as profitable as possible.

Let's look at them in more detail in the table below:

As can be seen from the table, the maximum profitability can be obtained from the “Save” deposit opened in dollars in Sberbank. Money can be deposited at interest even for 1 month. But this deposit does not provide for either replenishment or withdrawal. Therefore, it is worth using it if the funds are not needed during the deposit period.

The “Replenish” deposit is convenient for accumulating funds for specific purposes. Withdrawing money from the deposit is not allowed, with the exception of accrued interest. They can be transferred monthly to your bank card or account.

The “Manage” deposit has its advantages. Despite the lowest interest rate among all other products, it is popular. It is convenient to be able to withdraw funds or, conversely, deposit funds at any time.

All deposits upon expiration are automatically extended for another period. Interest capitalization is provided for each product.

When opening deposits online through your personal account, Sberbank offers higher interest rates:

  • from 0.01 to 2.33 in US dollars for the “Save Online” deposit;
  • from 0.15 to 2.11 in US dollars for the “Replenish Online” deposit;
  • from 0.10 to 1.90 in US dollars for the “Manage Online” deposit.

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Interest accrual

The interest rate is calculated based on the deposit amount and the selected term. Accordingly, the higher the amount and the longer the term, the higher the interest.

Interest accrues monthly. They are added to the deposit amount and become available for withdrawal. When opening a deposit, the client is given the right to choose a deposit with or without interest capitalization. With capitalization, you can get more income, but this can be inconvenient for those who want to use the accumulated interest.

If the deposit is extended, the interest rate and other conditions specified in the agreement remain the same. It can be extended an infinite number of times.

If the deposit is closed early, interest is lost. But this happens in two ways:

  • if you close the deposit before six months from the date of opening, the interest rate will be 0.01%. This condition also applies to all deposits with a maturity of less than 6 months.
  • if more than six months have passed since the date of opening the deposit and the deposit is still valid, when it is closed, the interest rate will be equal to 2/3 of the contract rate. Capitalization in case of early termination of the deposit is not taken into account.

For pensioners, Sberbank provides special conditions for opening deposits in dollars. This is the provision of the maximum interest rate for the selected period, the amount does not matter.

If the client has not yet reached retirement age, but is approaching it, Sberbank guarantees to provide the best conditions for deposits upon retirement.

The depositor himself or a person with a notarized power of attorney in his name can manage the funds on the deposit. The investor can also make a testamentary disposition.

You can withdraw funds from the deposit at any Sberbank branch within the framework of the Green Street program, or make a transfer request. If the amount is large, it is better to pre-order it at a bank branch.

Deposit insurance

All depositors' funds are subject to insurance. The Deposit Insurance Agency is engaged in insurance.

In the event of bankruptcy of a bank or revocation of its banking license, the depositor will receive the full amount of his deposit, if the total amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles.

Accrued interest is included in the calculation. If the depositor has several deposits in one bank, then the funds from the deposits are paid in full with accrued interest, but the total amount of compensation should not exceed 1.4 million rubles.

Documents for opening

To open a dollar deposit at Sberbank, you must provide an identification document to the branch. Not only a Russian citizen, but also a foreigner can open a deposit.

The following documents can serve as an identification document:

Category of citizensIdentity documents
Russian citizensPassport of a citizen of the Russian FederationTemporary identity card (if your passport is lost)Military ID or military identification card (for military personnel)
ForeignersForeign citizen's passportNotarized translation of a foreign passportMigration card or residence permit
RefugeesRefugee IDCertificate of consideration of an application for recognition of a person as a refugee, issued by the migration service authority

A migration card for foreigners may be needed to confirm the basis of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is also important to consider some nuances:

  • Pensioners, in addition to an identification document, will need a pension certificate in order to receive better conditions.
  • When opening a deposit for a minor child, an additional birth certificate will be required.
  • If the deposit is opened online, the procedure is greatly simplified. No documents are required. In addition, interest rates for such an opening are higher than when opening a deposit at a bank branch.


In our country, income received from deposits is generally not subject to tax. For foreign currency deposits, income tax is charged if the interest rate is more than 9%. Such interest rates are set on deposits extremely rarely.

The income tax rate for residents is 35%, for non-residents – 30%. Filling out a declaration is not required; the bank will withhold tax on its own when paying income.

After a sharp increase in the value of foreign currency and changes in the refinancing rate, many banks increased interest rates on deposits. The article describes the foreign currency deposits offered by Sberbank of Russia.

What currency deposits does Sberbank offer?

  • pounds sterling (with interest rates from 0.7% to 4.5%);
  • in Swiss francs (with interest rates from 0.1 to 2.65%);
  • Japanese yen (with interest rates from 0.3 to 2.65%).

9. Savings account – an open-ended replenishable deposit with an unlimited possibility of cash withdrawals. The interest rate on it in dollars and euros is the same: from 0.1% to 0.4%.

Sberbank of Russia deposits in dollars/euro. Pros and cons

It is worth opening a foreign currency deposit in dollars or euros at Sberbank for the following reasons:

Disadvantages of opening a foreign currency deposit in Sberbank:

  • Quite low interest rates on deposits compared to other banks in the top 100.
  • There are often long queues at bank branches.
  • The rate at which Sberbank of Russia sells currency is also not the most profitable. To open a foreign currency deposit, it is better to purchase currency elsewhere in advance.

How to calculate a deposit in foreign currency

Before choosing the desired deposit, you can pre-calculate the profitability of all available deposits and select the one with the maximum profit. For this purpose, there is an online calculator on the Sberbank website. To calculate the profitability of a specific deposit, you need to fill out the parameters of the calculation form on the description tab. It is located below the interest rate table.

After filling in all the parameters and clicking the “Recalculate” button, the client will receive data on the interest rate that is provided for the deposit with the parameters he entered, and on the amount of profit. The information is clearly presented in the form of a diagram that displays the total deposit amount, the amount of money contributed by the client, and income.

How to open a foreign currency deposit in dollars or euros at Sberbank

In order to open foreign currency deposits at Sberbank of Russia, you need to visit a bank branch. You need to have with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or passport of a foreign citizen;
  • registration and a document confirming the legality of the foreign citizen’s presence on the territory of the Russian Federation (this can be a migration card, or a temporary residence permit, or a residence permit);
  • a certain amount that will be placed on the deposit in foreign currency.

You can immediately open a deposit of interest at a bank branch or:

  • apply for a bank card;
  • put money on it;
  • connect ;
  • open a deposit at home.

To open a deposit in the Sberbank-Online system, you must perform the following steps:

  • currency;
  • write-off account;
  • deposit amount;
  • the card on which interest will be accrued (or indicate that the deposit will be with capitalization);
  • term.

Will be displayed in accordance with the parameters specified in the application.

6. Check that the deposit parameters are filled out correctly, read the terms and conditions and confirm your agreement by checking the appropriate box. Click the “Confirm” button.

The deposit is open, as evidenced by the “Completed” status. An SMS will be sent to the client’s phone informing about the opening of a deposit and the transfer of funds to it. Now on the “Deposits and Accounts” tab you can see the open deposit and view information on it.

Those who prefer the second option will have to stand in line only 2 times. Other operations, such as replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal or closing of the deposit, can be performed via the Internet.

When choosing deposits in foreign currency at Sberbank, an assessment of the current conditions and purposes of the deposit will help you decide which deposit to open:

  1. The “Save” deposit is suitable for those who do not plan to replenish it. In addition, the interest rate on this deposit is maximum.
  2. If the deposit is needed to accumulate money, it will be constantly replenished and the funds will not be needed within the agreed time, then you should choose the “Replenish” deposit.
  3. The most convenient one to manage is the “Manage” deposit. It allows you to save money and, if necessary, use it.
  4. A “multi-currency” deposit makes it possible to save money in three currencies at once - dollars, rubles and euros. Here you can benefit from changes in rates by converting investments at the most profitable rate.
  5. A “savings account” may be suitable for those who would like to always be able to freely manage their money. Accordingly, the interest rate here is minimal.

Conditions for calculating interest

  • Interest is calculated monthly.
  • The interest rate depends on the amount, currency and term of the deposit.
  • The accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in subsequent periods.
  • The accrued interest can be withdrawn or transferred to the card account.

Conditions for early termination

  • If you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get it.
  • In case of early termination, income will be accrued without taking into account the monthly capitalization of interest.
  • The early termination rate for deposits opened for a period of up to 6 months is 0.01% per annum.

Early termination rate for deposits opened for a period of more than 6 months:

Prolongation conditions

  • Automatic prolongation is carried out on the terms and at the interest rate that are in effect for the “Save” and “Save Online” deposits on the date of prolongation.
  • The number of extensions is not limited.

Special conditions for pensioners

  • For pensioners, the maximum rate is set for the selected deposit period, regardless of the amount. At the same time, for deposits opened in Sberbank Online, the maximum rate for the selected period is set only for old-age pensioners - women 55 years of age and older and men over 60 years of age.
  • If you have reached retirement age after opening a deposit, then its extension is carried out at the maximum interest rate for the selected period for this deposit.
  • You can issue a power of attorney or make a testamentary disposition for the “Save” and “Save Online” deposits at the bank’s office.

You can also make a deposit in a savings bank in other currencies, such as Euro, pounds sterling, Japanese yen and Swedish francs. However, the most popular are Sberbank deposits in American dollars, since Russian rubles still depend on economic stability, and the US dollar has firmly established its position in the foreign exchange market.

Sberbank is constantly expanding its services, including money investment services. Depending on the category of citizens and investment conditions, all existing types of deposits at Sberbank are in great demand:

  1. Time deposits
  2. Long-term deposits
  3. Online deposits

Time deposits differ in that money can be deposited for a period from three months to three years.

Long-term deposits imply that the deposit agreement is valid for a long time.

Online deposits are good because the client can register their investments remotely.

In addition, preferential conditions are always available for such clients, under which it is possible to increase their level of income with the help of deposits without leaving the computer monitor.

Each type of deposit has a number of individual advantages and subtleties, so it is necessary to carefully study the terms of dollar investments in order to avoid any unpredictable situations.

Interest rates on deposits in US dollars.

The most common deposits in US dollars:

  1. Manage
  2. Save
  3. Replenish

“Save” tariff deposits are the most profitable for such a category as pensioners. This deposit contains increased rates.

So, for example, if a client deposits $200 for a period of one month to 3 years, he will receive interest every month, which varies from 1% to 4%.

This percentage will depend on the amount deposited.

The “Replenish” tariff deposit is in great demand among depositors. In this case, the interest rate on it will be from 1.35 to 3.75 percent.

The convenience is that the client can replenish his investments at any time, thereby increasing his income. Replenishment is possible if you have an amount of more than 100 US dollars.

“Manage” deposits are good because the investor can literally manage his investments, that is, any part of the investment can be used here at the client’s request.

Such deposits are issued in amounts from $1,000, with an interest rate from 1.33 to 3.35 percent.

There is another convenient foreign currency deposit “Savings Account”. It opens for any period of time, you can invest dollars or euros.

This deposit has low interest rates, but it is convenient for those clients who want to withdraw money frequently, because such an account is considered open even when there is no money on it, and interest on such a deposit is calculated every month.

The currency deposit “Deposit of Sberbank of Russia” is considered popular among Russians. Such a deposit can be opened with at least three hundred US dollars or three hundred euros.

The terms of such deposits range from one month to three years. Interest rates for this type of deposit are determined by the amount, currency and duration of the deposit.

The percentage can vary from 1.2% to 4.5%.

Sberbank consultants can offer other tariffs for foreign currency deposits that are suitable specifically for you.

How to open a deposit in Sberbank of Russia?

In addition to opening an account in rubles, opening an account in foreign currency is increasingly in demand. This is due to the fact that clients choose stability and make investments in a more stable currency.

To open a foreign currency account, you need to visit any Sberbank branch. You will only need a passport or any document proving your identity.

The process of registering a deposit will take about an hour of your personal time. For a bank employee, this is a normal banking operation, especially since the employee will take care of all the necessary copies of documents for opening a bank account.

Ask a bank employee to advise you on all existing foreign exchange investments, paying attention to all the nuances, pros and cons, of all investments specifically for you.

Make sure which option suits you best and tell the bank employee this rate.

Then you will sign the drawn up agreement between Sberbank and you.

After signing the contract, you must deposit funds into your created individual account. The amount of money will depend on the tariff conditions you choose.

All foreign exchange investments must be made in accordance with foreign exchange laws.

Thus, by opening an account in foreign currency, you gain a lot of advantages. Such investments have higher interest rates than ruble deposits.

It will also be possible to conveniently receive a money transfer from another country.

Thanks to an open foreign currency account, you will have the opportunity to transfer funds to other Russian and foreign banks, and also deposit money in foreign currency.

When transferring funds to you by bank transfer, you can withdraw in cash.

You can also make transfers and pay for services such as training or treatment.

In order to create even more profitable and convenient conditions for banking operations, a special service of Sberbank registers all drawn up agreements, conducts social surveys of the population and compiles monitoring, with the help of which you can track the dynamics and general situation of Sberbank's banking affairs.

This procedure is carried out in all high-status banks and Sberbank is no exception.

It should be noted that absolutely all deposits are necessarily insured. This is done by a special insurance agency.

Currently, the number of depositors is increasing every day because Sberbank is raising interest rates.

Right now it is profitable to invest your money and receive additional income, since the situation on the foreign exchange market is the most stable and calm.

Analysts give a crisis forecast for next year and therefore you need to have time to make a contribution.

However, taking into account all the advantages of Sberbank of Russia deposits in foreign currency, you should think twice whether this banking operation is right for you, because in any deposit there is a certain risk, and no one can predict what will happen tomorrow.

While it is possible to make a profit from storing funds, there is always a risk of loss. Therefore, the choice of each citizen is individual.

  • The interest rate depends on the amount of the minimum balance and the term of the deposit.
  • Interest is calculated every 3 months.
  • The accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in subsequent periods.
  • The accrued interest can be withdrawn or transferred to the card account.

Increase in interest rate

  • When the deposit amount is increased to the next gradation and when an additional agreement is concluded to increase the amount of the minimum balance.

Conditions for early termination

    In any unforeseen situation, if you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get it.

In case of early termination of the deposit, interest is recalculated without taking into account the capitalization of interest.

Prolongation conditions

  • Automatic prolongation is carried out on the terms and at the interest rate in force for the Multicurrency deposit on the date of prolongation.
  • The number of extensions is not limited.

Special conditions

  • It is possible to carry out non-cash conversion transactions from one currency to another between accounts within one open deposit. Transactions must be carried out within an amount exceeding the minimum minimum balance for each deposit account, at the Bank’s exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction.

For the deposit, you can issue a power of attorney and draw up a testamentary disposition.