Modernization of fixed assets: features and distinctive features. Tax accounting of fixed assets Modernization costs are allocated to

Modernization of fixed assets is one of the ways to restore a fixed asset. It can be carried out either on your own or by involving third parties. Moreover, each method has its own characteristics in accounting and tax accounting.

Documentation of modernization of fixed assets

The decision to modernize fixed assets must be formalized by order of the head of the organization, which must indicate:

  • reasons for modernization;
  • timing of its implementation;
  • persons responsible for modernization.

If the modernization of fixed assets is carried out by third parties, then a contract agreement must be concluded with the contractors. When transferring fixed assets to the contractor, issue an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets for modernization. It can be compiled in any form. If the fixed asset is lost (damaged) by the contractor, the signed act will allow the organization to demand compensation for the losses caused. In the absence of such an act, it will be difficult to prove the transfer of fixed assets to the contractor.

Sample act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets for modernization

When transferring a fixed asset for modernization to a special division of the organization (for example, a repair service), you should draw up an invoice for internal movement (for example, according to the unified form No. OS-2). If the location of the fixed asset does not change during modernization, no transfer documents need to be drawn up.

Upon completion of the modernization, an act of acceptance and delivery of the modernized fixed assets is drawn up (for example, according to form No. OS-3). It is filled out regardless of whether the modernization was carried out economically or by contract. Only in the first case, the organization draws up the form in one copy, and in the second - in two (for itself and for contractors). The act is signed by:

  • members of the acceptance committee created in the organization;
  • employees responsible for the modernization of fixed assets (or representatives of the contractor);
  • employees responsible for the safety of fixed assets after modernization.

As a rule, after modernization:

  • the initial cost of the fixed asset changes;
  • The organization has the right to increase the useful life of a fixed asset. This is possible if, after modernization, the characteristics of the fixed asset have changed in such a way that this will allow it to be used longer than the previously established period.

Effective January 1, 2017, the useful lives of some fixed assets have changed. However, the procedure for revising the deadline after modernization remains the same >>>

Modernization of fixed assets: accounting features

The costs of modernizing fixed assets change (increase) their initial cost in accounting (clause 14 of PBU 6/01). The organization is obliged to keep records of fixed assets according to the degree of their use:

  • in operation;
  • in stock (reserve);
  • on modernization, etc.

Accounting for fixed assets by degree of use can be carried out with or without reflection on account 01 (03). Thus, during long-term modernization, it is advisable to account for fixed assets in a separate sub-account “Fixed assets for modernization”. Such an operation can be reflected by writing:

DEBIT 01 (03) subaccount« Fixed assets for modernization" CREDIT 01 (03) subaccount« Fixed assets in operation"
- fixed assets were transferred for modernization.

When the modernization of fixed assets is completed, reverse posting is done.

Accounting for costs of modernization of fixed assets

The costs of modernizing fixed assets should be taken into account in account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”. To ensure the possibility of obtaining data on types of capital investments, it is advisable to open a subaccount “Modernization Expenses” for account 08. Modernization of fixed assets is reflected in accounting by the entry:

DEBIT 08 subaccount “Modernization expenses” CREDIT 10 (16, 23, 60, 68, 69, 70, 76...)

  • the costs of modernization are taken into account.

Upon completion of the modernization, the costs recorded on account 08 can be included in the initial cost of the fixed asset or taken into account separately on account 01 (03). This is stated in paragraph 42 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n.

When including the costs of modernization in the initial cost of fixed assets, make the following entry:

DEBIT 01 (03) CREDIT 08 subaccount« Modernization costs"

  • fixed assets were modernized and their initial cost was increased.

In this case, reflect the costs of modernization in the primary documents for accounting for fixed assets. For example, in the inventory card for recording a fixed asset.

The Ministry of Finance believes that interest on the loan should form the cost of modernization or reconstruction. This means that interest will increase the cost of the fixed asset.

It is safer to apply the position of the Ministry of Finance, especially when it comes to real estate, which is subject to property tax on its book value. Otherwise, inspectors will consider that the company has underestimated the tax. After all, with interest

When accounting separately, write off the costs of modernization to a separate subaccount to account 01 (03). For example, subaccount “Expenses for modernization of fixed assets”:

DEBIT 01 (03) subaccount« Expenses for modernization of fixed assets" CREDIT 08 subaccount« Reconstruction costs"

  • The costs of modernizing fixed assets were written off to account 01 (03).

In this case, open a separate inventory card for the amount of expenses incurred.

Depreciation during modernization of fixed assets

When carrying out modernization with a period of no more than 12 months, calculate depreciation on the fixed asset. If the modernization of a fixed asset takes more than 12 months, then suspend depreciation on it. In this case, resume depreciation after completion of the modernization.

For accounting purposes, the specific moment of termination and resumption of depreciation on fixed assets transferred for modernization for a period of more than 12 months is not established by law. Therefore, the month from which the accrual of depreciation for accounting purposes for such fixed assets stops and resumes must be established independently by the organization. In this case, possible options could be:

  • depreciation is suspended from the 1st day of the month in which the fixed asset was transferred for modernization. And it resumes from the 1st day of the month in which the modernization was completed;
  • depreciation is suspended from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the fixed asset was transferred for modernization. And it resumes on the 1st day of the month following the month in which the modernization was completed.

The chosen option for suspending and resuming depreciation for accounting purposes for fixed assets modernized for a period of more than 12 months should be reflected in the organization’s accounting policy for accounting purposes.

In your accounting policy for accounting purposes, establish the same procedure for stopping and resuming depreciation on fixed assets transferred for modernization for a period of more than 12 months, as in tax accounting. In this case, temporary differences will not arise in the organization's accounting, leading to the formation of a deferred tax liability.

Lifespan of fixed assets after modernization

Modernization may lead to an increase in the useful life of fixed assets. In this case, for accounting purposes, the remaining useful life of the upgraded fixed asset must be revised. This is what the acceptance committee does when accepting a fixed asset from modernization:

  • based on the period during which it is planned to use the fixed asset after modernization for management needs, for the production of products (performance of work, provision of services) and other generation of income;
  • based on the period after which the fixed asset is expected to be unsuitable for further use (i.e., physically worn out). This takes into account the mode (number of shifts) and negative operating conditions of the fixed asset, as well as the system (frequency) of repairs.

The results of reviewing the useful life in connection with the modernization of a fixed asset are formalized by order of the manager.

Sample order to increase useful life after modernization

Depreciation after modernization of fixed assets

The procedure for calculating depreciation after modernization of a fixed asset is not defined by accounting legislation. Paragraph 60 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n, provides only an example of calculating depreciation charges using the linear method.

According to the example, using the linear method, the annual amount of depreciation of a fixed asset after modernization, calculate the annual depreciation rate using the formula:

Then calculate the annual depreciation amount. To do this, use the formula:

The amount of depreciation to be calculated monthly is 1/12 of the annual amount.

The organization has the right to use this method of calculation even if, as a result of modernization, the useful life of the fixed asset has not changed (remained the same). This is explained by the fact that paragraph 60 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n, does not contain conditions on the mandatory increase in useful life as a result of modernization. This means that an organization can calculate depreciation based on the residual value of a fixed asset (taking into account its increase by the amount of modernization costs) and its remaining useful life, regardless of whether this period was increased after modernization or not.

If an organization uses other methods of calculating depreciation (the reducing balance method, the method of writing off value by the sum of the numbers of years of useful life, the method of writing off value in proportion to the volume of production (work)), then the annual amount of depreciation charges can be determined in the following order:

  • similar to the order given in the example for the linear method;
  • independently developed by the organization.

The used option for calculating depreciation on fixed assets after modernization should be fixed in the accounting policy of the organization for accounting purposes.

An example of reflecting depreciation on a fixed asset in accounting after its modernization

Alpha LLC repairs medical equipment. In April 2019, the organization modernized its production equipment, which was put into operation in July 2016.
The initial cost of the equipment is 300,000 rubles. The useful life according to accounting data is 10 years. The method of calculating depreciation is linear. As a result of the modernization, the useful life of the facility increased by 1 year.
Before the modernization of the fixed asset, the annual depreciation rate was 10 percent ((1: 10 years) × 100%). The annual depreciation amount was 30,000 rubles. (RUB 300,000 × 10%). The monthly depreciation amount was 2,500 rubles. (RUB 30,000: 12 months).
RUB 59,000 was spent on equipment modernization. The modernization lasted less than 12 months, so depreciation was not suspended. At the time of completion of the modernization, the actual service life of the equipment was 33 months. Its residual value according to accounting data is equal to:
300,000 rub. - (33 months × 2500 rub./month) = 217,500 rub.
After modernization, the useful life of the fixed asset was increased by 1 year and amounted to 8.25 years (7.25 + 1).
The annual depreciation rate for equipment after modernization was 12.1212 percent ((1: 8.25 years) × 100%).
The annual amount of depreciation is 33,515 rubles. ((RUB 217,500 + RUB 59,000) × 12.1212%).
The monthly depreciation amount is RUB 2,793. (RUB 33,515: 12 months).

Modernization of fixed assets: features of tax accounting

In tax accounting, do not take into account the costs of modernizing non-production facilities. This is due to the fact that all expenses that reduce the tax base must be economically justified. That is, they are related to the production activities of the organization.

For industrial property, expenses for the modernization of fixed assets during the period of its implementation do not reduce the tax base for income tax. After the modernization is completed, include the costs of its implementation in the initial cost of the fixed asset (when using the linear method) or in the total balance of the depreciation group (subgroup) (when using the non-linear method). Next, pay off these expenses through depreciation.

Starting from 2018, companies will be able to finance the costs of modernizing fixed assets from the budget. To achieve this, legislators introduced an investment tax deduction. The deduction is valid for fixed assets of the third to seventh depreciation groups. This is a general rule of the Tax Code. And in the region they may establish that the deduction is valid only for certain categories of fixed assets. The third to seventh groups include, for example, photocopiers and cars.

If the modernization of fixed assets is carried out within a period of no more than 12 months, then continue to accrue depreciation on the fixed asset. If the modernization of fixed assets is carried out for more than 12 months, then suspend depreciation on them. In this case, stop accruing depreciation from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the fixed asset was transferred for modernization. Resume depreciation from the next month after the completion of the modernization.

After modernization (regardless of its duration), the useful life of the fixed asset can be increased. This is possible if, after modernization, the characteristics of the fixed asset have changed in such a way that this will allow it to be used longer than the previously established period. At the same time, it is possible to increase the useful life within the depreciation group to which the fixed asset belongs. That is, if the maximum useful life was initially set, it cannot be increased after modernizing the fixed asset.

If, as a result of modernization, the useful life of a fixed asset has increased, the organization has the right to recalculate the depreciation rate (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated October 23, 2018 No. 03-03-06/1/76004). But fixed assets for which the investment deduction was applied are not subject to depreciation. Expenses for the modernization of such fixed assets cannot be taken into account when calculating income tax.

The new useful life of the modernized fixed asset is established by an order of the manager, drawn up in any form.

When modernizing buildings, structures and premises using economic methods, VAT must be charged. This is due to the fact that the modernization of buildings, structures and premises is considered construction work (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated November 5, 2003 No. 04-03-11/91). And one of the objects of VAT taxation is construction and installation work performed by the organization for its own needs.

VAT accrued on the cost of these works can be deducted in the same quarter. Exception - the organization enjoys an exemption from VAT. Then do not charge VAT on the cost of modernization of buildings, structures and premises carried out on a self-employed basis.

The modernization of fixed assets in 1C 8.3 means a change in their original properties. As a rule, it makes sense to modernize for the better. For example, add additional functionality or processing accuracy.

Accordingly, for this it is necessary to purchase the necessary additional equipment and carry out installation work. The work can be done in-house, or done by third parties. In this article, we will consider the option when the work is performed by another organization, as this will cover the topic more fully.

For example, let’s modernize a woodworking machine from the 1C Accounting 8.3 demo database. Namely, we will replace its engine.

Receipt of OS object for modernization

First you need to complete the purchase of this engine. The receipt is processed as usual, only the type of operation needs to be selected “Construction object”:

Fill in the necessary details:

  • Organization;
  • Counterparty;
  • Agreement;
  • In the tabular part of 1C we select the construction object. By default (at least in my database) in the “Directories” section, the “Construction Objects” directory is not available. It needs to be added to the selected commands. Go to the “Directories” menu and click the settings button:

In the drop-down list, click navigation settings.

A window with two panels will open. In the left we find the directory “Construction Objects” and move it to the right panel:

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Now we can add our engine to the directory. Let's call it “BM-500 Engine”.

If modernization of fixed assets is carried out infrequently, you can do it easier.

In the tabular part of the newly created construction object receipt document, click the “Add” button. A new document line will be added. In the “Construction object” column, select “Show all”:

The “Construction Objects” directory will open, enter a new object there and select it into the document.

  • Now let’s add an engine installation service on the “Services” tab. There are no tricks here, the service is selected from the “Nomenclature” directory, the quantity and cost are indicated. The only issue is the cost account. By default it is 26. I want the service to be included in the cost of the upgrade. So I manually changed the cost account to 03/08.

We carry out the document. The following entries should be generated:

The cost of the engine and its installation services is collected on account 03/08.

Modernization of fixed assets in 1C

Modernization is carried out using the document “OS Modernization”. You can get to the list of modernization documents through the “OS and Intangible Materials” menu.

This article describes the method of reflecting an increase in the initial cost of fixed assets in 1C: Accounting 8. All operations related to modernization are considered, as well as its consequences (in particular, changes in the useful life of fixed assets, the procedure for calculating depreciation in tax and accounting). The second part of the article is devoted to reflecting the costs of modernization, completion and additional equipment of fixed assets when applying a simplified taxation system with the object of taxation “income reduced by the amount of expenses.”

Example 1

Construction objects

Collection of modernization costs

Rice. 1

  • Construction objects: Computer;
  • Expenditures: ;
  • Construction methods: Contracting.

Rice. 2

  • Construction objects: Computer;
  • Expenditures: cost accounting item for modernization of fixed assets;
  • Construction methods: Contracting.

Rice. 3


...for tax accounting purposes

Modernization of OS when applying the general taxation regime

When reflecting transactions related to an increase in the initial cost of fixed assets and a change in their useful life in accounting, one should be guided by PBU 6/01 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n) and Methodological guidelines for accounting of fixed assets (approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n), and when reflected in tax accounting - Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the rules established by the listed acts, changes in the initial cost of fixed assets at which they are accepted for accounting are allowed in the case of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, partial liquidation and revaluation of fixed assets. At the same time, the costs of modernization and reconstruction may increase the initial cost of fixed assets of such an object if, as a result of modernization and reconstruction, the initially adopted standard performance indicators (useful life, power, quality of use, etc.) of such a fixed asset are improved (increased). Similar rules are established for tax accounting.

The useful life in accounting must be revised if, as a result of reconstruction or modernization, there has been an improvement (increase) in the initially adopted standard indicators of the functioning of a fixed asset item. If the useful life of a fixed asset in accounting increases, it can also be increased for tax accounting purposes, but only within the limits established for the depreciation group in which such a fixed asset was previously included.

In the 1C: Accounting 8 program, the document “OS Modernization” is used to reflect the increase in the initial cost of fixed assets for accounting and tax accounting, as well as to change their useful life. Let's consider the method of reflecting an increase in the value of a fixed asset using an example.

Example 1

The organization purchased a computer in January 2008 worth 20,000 rubles, with a useful life of 60 months. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method in both accounting and tax accounting. In May of the same year, it was decided to increase the computer's RAM capacity. The amount of modernization expenses (both for accounting and tax purposes) amounted to 1,500 rubles. (excluding VAT). This amount was made up of the cost of the RAM module (1,200 rubles) and the cost of installing it in the computer system unit, performed by a specialist from a service company.
The useful life did not change as a result of modernization.

Construction objects

Before increasing the cost of a fixed asset, it is necessary to first collect the costs associated with its modernization at the construction site. To accumulate such costs, account 08.03 “Construction of fixed assets” is intended, which allows you to conduct analytics on construction projects, cost items and construction methods. In our case, we should create a construction object for which the costs of upgrading the computer will be collected. It is convenient to enter the name of the construction project the same as that of the fixed asset for which costs are accumulated. This will make it easier to find and increase the visibility of analytical information.

Collection of modernization costs

Goods purchased from third-party suppliers are registered using the document “Receipt of goods and services” with the transaction type “purchase, commission”. In our example, on the “Products” tab of this document, you should fill in information about the memory module being registered. Since the module is intended for equipment modernization, it can be taken into account on account 10.05 “Spare parts” (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

Services for installing a memory module can be reflected in the same document, on the “Services” tab.

In this case, the construction object accounting account should be specified as a cost account. In our example, this will be invoice 03.08 with the following analytics:

  • Construction objects: Computer;
  • Expenditures: cost accounting item for modernization of fixed assets;
  • Construction methods: Contracting.

The cost of a registered memory module after its installation in the computer system unit should also be attributed to the “Computer” construction project. This can be done using the document “Request-invoice” (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

As a cost account, you need to specify the construction project accounting accounts with the corresponding analytics for accounting and tax accounting. In our example, this will be invoice 08.03 with the same analytics that were used when registering services for installing a memory module:

  • Construction objects: Computer;
  • Expenditures: cost accounting item for modernization of fixed assets;
  • Construction methods: Contracting.

When posting the document, a posting will be made relating the cost of the memory module from the credit of account 10.05 to the debit of account 08.03. As a result, all costs for upgrading the computer will be collected in account 03/08.

Increase in initial cost

After the costs related to the modernization of a fixed asset are allocated to the construction site, you can fill out the “OS Modernization” document, with the help of which the amount of such costs will be transferred from the construction site to the fixed asset.

In the "Event" input field, you need to select an event that characterizes the modernization of a fixed asset. The selected event when posting a document is entered into the information register "Events with fixed assets". Using this register, you can obtain information about all events that occurred with the fixed asset by setting up the appropriate selection. The event type must be "Upgrade". If an event with this type is not in the directory, it needs to be created.

In the “Object” input field, you should select the construction object at which the costs for modernizing the fixed asset were collected.

On the "Fixed Assets" tab in the tabular section, you should list the fixed asset objects being modernized. To do this, it is convenient to use the “Selection” button located in the command panel of the tabular section. In our example, the main tool “Computer” is being upgraded (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3

After selecting fixed assets in the “OS Modernization” document, you can automatically fill in the remaining columns of the tabular section based on the program data. To do this, click on the “Fill” button in the command panel of the tabular part of the document, and select “For OS list” in the drop-down menu.

If several fixed assets are selected in the tabular part of the OS Modernization document, then the amount of costs accumulated at the construction site will be distributed among these fixed assets in equal shares.

Then, on the “Accounting and Tax Accounting” tab, you should indicate the total amount of costs (for both accounting and tax accounting) accumulated at the construction site. After the accounting accounts for construction projects are indicated (in our example, 03/08), you can click on the “Calculate amounts” button in the “OS Modernization” document and the corresponding fields will be filled in automatically by the program.

After filling out the document, you can print out the acceptance certificate for repaired, reconstructed, modernized fixed assets (form No. OS-3).

When posting, the “OS Modernization” document transfers the amount of costs from the credit of the construction projects accounting account to the debit of the fixed assets accounting account. In our example, the following postings will be made:

Debit 01.01 Credit 08.03 - in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

The corresponding entry will be generated in tax accounting.

Features of calculating depreciation after modernization...

...for accounting purposes

According to the clarifications of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, in accounting, when the initial cost of an item of fixed assets increases as a result of modernization and reconstruction, depreciation should be calculated based on the residual value of the item, increased by the costs of modernization and reconstruction, and the remaining useful life (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 23, 2004 No. 07-02-14/144).

Consequently, after the modernization, the cost must be calculated, which will serve as the basis for further depreciation. It is defined as follows - see diagram.


The amount received is reflected in the column "Residual value (BC)". In our example, this amount will be 20,166.68 rubles. (20,000 - 999.99 - 333.33 + 1,500).

When carrying out the “OS Modernization” document, the residual value and remaining useful life are remembered. In our example, the remaining useful life is 56 months. (60 - 4).

The new value and the new useful life for calculating depreciation are applied starting from the month following the month in which the modernization was carried out.

In our example, starting from June 2005, the amount of depreciation charges for accounting purposes will be 360.12 rubles. (20,166.68:56).

...for tax accounting purposes

The procedure for calculating depreciation after modernization for tax accounting purposes differs from how it is accepted in accounting. The rules for calculating depreciation in tax accounting are established by Article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Starting from the month following the month in which the modernization was carried out, the changed original cost and useful life are used to calculate depreciation.

In our example, starting from June 2005, the amount of depreciation deductions for tax accounting purposes will be 358.33 rubles. (21,500.00: 60).

It remains to add that after the expiration of its useful life, the cost of the computer in tax accounting will not be fully repaid, since over 60 months the depreciation amount will be 21,399.80 rubles. (333.33 x 4 + 358.33 x 56).

The remaining 100.20 rubles. will be included in the depreciation amount calculated in the 61st month of using the computer.

Accounting for modernization costs when applying the simplified tax system

When reflecting operations related to the modernization, completion and additional equipment of fixed assets, accounting should be guided by PBU 6/01, and for the purpose of calculating the single tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system, Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In the program "1C: Accounting 8" the document "OS Modernization" is intended to reflect the modernization, completion and additional equipment of fixed assets.

Example 2

The organization purchased a computer in January 2008 worth 20,000 rubles, with a useful life of 36 months.
In April of the same year, it was decided to increase the computer's RAM capacity. The amount of modernization costs amounted to 1,500 rubles. This amount was made up of the cost of the RAM module (1,200 rubles) and the cost of installing it in the computer system unit, performed by a specialist from a service company.

Collection of modernization costs

Before increasing the value of a fixed asset, it is necessary to first collect the costs associated with its modernization. To accumulate such costs in accounting, account 08.03 “Construction of fixed assets” is intended. Analytical accounting on the account is carried out for construction projects. To account for modernization costs, the object of analytical accounting will be “Installing memory in the i1000 computer.”

Let's create this object in the "Construction Objects" directory.

The purchase of a memory module from a third party and services for its installation are reflected in the document “Receipt of goods and services” with the type of operation “Construction objects”.

On the "Construction Objects" tab we indicate the cost of the memory module.

Services for installing a memory module are reflected in the same document on the “Services” tab.

In this case, the construction object accounting account should be specified as a cost account. In our example, this will be invoice 03.08 with the following analytics:

  • Construction objects: Installing memory in an i1000 computer;
  • Expenditures: cost accounting item for modernization of fixed assets;
  • Construction methods: Contracting.

For all expenses for the construction of fixed assets or their modernization (services of third-party organizations, write-off of materials, remuneration of employees), it is mandatory to indicate “Not accepted” as the procedure for reflecting expenses in tax accounting.

This is due to the fact that such expenses are not accepted in the usual manner, but reduce the tax base as part of the cost of a constructed fixed asset or modernization carried out according to the rules that are provided for expenses for the acquisition, construction and modernization of fixed assets.

Increase in the initial cost of a fixed asset

After the costs related to the modernization of a fixed asset are allocated to the construction site, you can fill out the “OS Modernization” document.

In the "Event" input field, you need to select an event that characterizes the modernization of a fixed asset.

The event type must be "Upgrade". If an event with this type is not in the directory, it needs to be created.

The specified event will be used in the name of the expense object in the book of income and expenses.

In the “Object” input field, you should select the construction object at which the costs for modernizing the fixed asset were collected.

On the “Fixed Assets” tab in the tabular section, you should list the fixed assets that are being modernized (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

If several fixed assets are selected in the tabular part of the OS Modernization document, then the amount of costs accumulated at the construction site will be distributed among these fixed assets in equal shares.

Then, on the “Accounting and Tax Accounting” tab, you should indicate the total amount of costs (for both accounting and tax accounting) accumulated at the construction site.

After the accounts for accounting of construction projects are indicated (in our example, 03/08), you can click on the “Calculate amounts” button and the corresponding fields will be filled in by the program automatically.

In the expense payment table, you must provide information about all payments, indicating the date and amount of payment.

If payment to the supplier is made after the document “OS Modernization” is issued, such payment must be registered with the document “Registration of payment for OS and intangible assets for the simplified tax system and individual entrepreneurs”, for which the document provides a special tab “OS Modernization”, on which you can specify the modernization document.

Recognition of expenses for modernization of fixed assets

Recognition of expenses for modernization, completion and additional equipment of fixed assets is carried out in the same manner as the recognition of expenses for the acquisition of fixed assets - at the end of the reporting period with the document “Closing the month” (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

As a result of the document, expenses will be recognized separately for the acquisition of a fixed asset and for its modernization, and the following records will be generated:

  • in section I of the Book of Income and Expenses;
  • in section II of the Book of Income and Expenses.

As a result, having generated the Book of Income and Expenses for the half-year, we will obtain a calculation of expenses for fixed assets.

Often in organizations it becomes necessary to change some features of objects. To achieve this goal, old elements are replaced with new ones. In other words, they are upgrading the OS.

general information

Due to operation, fixed assets wear out. For this reason they are often changed. Before upgrading the OS, it is important to decide how this will be done. The first option is economic, when the forces of the enterprise itself are involved. The second is contracting, when the OS modernization is carried out by outsourced employees of a third-party company. This term should not be confused with repair. The latter does not lead to changes in indicators; they remain at the same level.

In tax and accounting

In tax and accounting, OS modernization will vary. Thus, there are cost differences that affect the initial price of an item. In tax accounting, 2 methods are used - linear and nonlinear.

When the procedure for upgrading the operating system in accounting is completed, the terms of application of the element are increased without restrictions on the increase. Tax accounting leaves the deadlines at the same level. The main resource here is an object that meets the following requirements: the property is used for 12 months, the goal is to make a profit, there is depreciation, and the price exceeds the restrictions.


Modernization is a procedure that improves the design, improves the performance of an element, and expands its capabilities.

Accounting is the collection of data, their generalization, and analysis, which affects the financial side of the enterprise.

Tax accounting is the systematization of information about expenses and profits.

Reconstruction are measures taken to increase capacity and production levels.

Repair of basic resources is considered a process of partial restoration of elements aimed at maintaining them in the desired condition.

Retrofitting is the addition of basic resources with parts that give additional characteristics to the original objects.

Depreciation is the transfer of the cost of an asset due to wear and tear to the cost of the product.

Why hold it?

Before upgrading the OS, you need to understand why it is being done. This procedure is aimed at restoring performance or indicators that do not affect the quality of the element’s performance. With its help, elements are given additional functions.

Normative base

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in Article 257, sets out the goal of modernizing the OS. It consists in improving the initial characteristics of fixed assets. The same article indicates that the price of the item may change in the process.

Article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation emphasizes that the costs of modernizing the operating system are included in depreciation costs. Article 258 declares that in cases where the process does not lead to an increase in the service life of the element, the taxpayer must take into account the remaining period.

How it is carried out

Official documents regulate OS modernization along with the procedure for action. First of all, they save up the amount of expenses, then draw up the documents. When the process is completed, the accumulated amount is written off. To recognize the results of the OS modernization procedure, documents from an accountant are required. Primary documents serve as evidence of the implementation of the procedure. They also serve as the basis for accounting. But if, for example, the OS upgrade is not documented, then it is not taken into account.

To carry out the procedure, the first step is to issue an appropriate order. It is he who gives the right to implement it.

It must indicate the reason, duration of the event, and information about the responsible persons. Before work begins, a commission is formed. She is the one who inspects the elements, draws up the schedule and draws up the paperwork. Then an agreement is concluded with the contractor in cases where the modernization is not carried out by the enterprise itself. And only then the elements are subjected to the procedure. An invoice is issued for the transfer of fixed assets. When the procedure has been carried out, an act of acceptance and delivery of objects to be modernized is formed. It must contain the signatures of members of the commission, management and representatives of those who carried out the work. Information for each item is stored in inventory cards. Once the main resource is registered, a card is also issued for it.

Formation of an order

In the absence of a corresponding order from management, the procedure is never started. It is the documentation that indicates the reasons for the work and the duration of the work. In accounting for OS modernization, this document is fundamental.

Certificate for retrofitting

Additional equipment is carried out to give additional performance to basic resources. That is, new parts are added to the product without replacing old ones. The organization also carries out the procedure both itself and with the involvement of third-party professionals. When attracting workers, a corresponding agreement must be concluded.

How the documents will be drawn up will depend on the method of the procedure. If the fixed assets are transferred to external specialists, an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets for additional equipment is drawn up.

There is no single form of the document; for this reason, it is prescribed in any format. The act provides the possibility of compensation for damages if the operating system is damaged as a result of the procedure. In cases where there is no act, guilt is unlikely to be proven. The document must contain the signatures of commission members, responsible persons, and workers responsible for the integrity of the element. Then the act is approved by management and transferred to the accountant.

Renewal factor

This coefficient helps to identify and highlight some of the new operating systems next to those existing by the end of the reporting period in the enterprise. The calculation is carried out as follows - the initial price of fixed assets received during the entire period is divided by the initial price of fixed assets at the end of the period.

Using the coefficient, it is determined at what stage the enterprise is. If it is less than 1, the organization is considered to remain in the downsizing stage. But if it exceeds 1, then production expands. With a gradual decrease in the indicator, we can say that the organization is equipped with less and less OS.


OS modernization is reflected in accounting. And there the use of wiring becomes necessary. First of all, D 08 K 10 is used (the cost of materials used in modernization is reflected in accounting). D 08 K 23 reflects costs. D 08 K 60 reflects the debt to the counterparty for work performed. D 08 K 68 - VAT calculation. D 68 K 19 - VAT claimed for deduction. D 01 K 08 the original cost increased. Care is important when completing these transactions for OS modernization, since the slightest mistake will affect the amount of taxes.


Often, during the procedure, employees ask many questions. For example, you may be faced with the question of whether fixed assets continue to be used when depreciation has ended. The modernization of the OS with depreciation, which has come to an end, is being carried out. Also, OS data continues to be used.

They also often ask whether OS repairs need to be shown in accounting. In fact, it is always reflected in both tax and accounting records. Many people are concerned about how many certificates of failure of fixed assets are needed. When carrying out work, the organization will need only one act. But if outside specialists were involved, then a separate document must be drawn up for each participant in the process.

Zero residual value

Upgrading a depreciated OS is permitted by law. This element is subject to further use, because it continues to comply with legal requirements. A number of ways are open to the enterprise on how to deal with these elements. You can re-evaluate these elements and continue to keep records based on their number. Management decides what to do. On the issue of modernizing OS with depreciation, the law leaves legal entities freedom of choice.

The accounting regulations emphasize that the revaluation of elements is carried out on a voluntary basis. This procedure is carried out when on the reporting day the price of the element differs from its original cost. For this reason, a revaluation is carried out. But they take into account that the appraiser must have the appropriate qualifications. Otherwise the rating will be invalid. When revaluing a fixed asset, you need to know that the price is added to the original price, but the cost of wear and tear is not subject to change.

A salvage value is assigned to these items. When the revaluation is completed, the item is depreciated at the new price less the disposal value and based on the extended period.

In cases where they are revaluing an asset, all assets included in the group are reviewed.

The second way is to take a quantitative account of all operating assets. If an enterprise does not want to carry out revaluation, it can use depreciated fixed assets, carrying out their quantitative accounting in the accounting department. The company chooses any path. Regardless of your choice, tax accounting will not change.

Major or current repairs

They restore the OS by carrying out repairs - basic, current or major. They carry it out by first developing a plan. At least, it is recommended to do so. During routine repairs, parts are replaced to maintain the functionality of the element. During a major overhaul, all worn-out objects are replaced at the same time. All this is reflected in accounting without fail.

There is one more requirement. The need for repairs must be confirmed by a special report drawn up based on the detection of OS malfunctions. Be sure to generate a defective statement. When repairs are carried out on their own, no additional documentation is required. But if the process is transferred to third parties, a transfer invoice must be issued. When the repair is completed, an OS-3 certificate is drawn up. Regardless of how the procedure was performed, it is always formalized.

Accounting for fixed asset repairs faces a number of challenges. Firstly, it is monitoring the correctness of documentation, identifying the volume and cost of work that has already been completed for repairs. It also involves monitoring the expenditure of funds allocated for the process. Among other things, this is a determination of the presence of deviations.

Major repairs are a global and complex process.

During its course, the element is completely disassembled, replacing parts that have worn out. Another option is routine repairs. When documenting a major overhaul, several factors are always taken into account. Thus, calculation coefficients are always included in the repair estimate. Estimate and technical documentation is developed on the basis of the current level of prices and tariffs, and invoices from suppliers of elements always contain links to the price list on the basis of which prices are set. When major repairs are carried out under a contract, the corresponding acts are always written out. Each material is always invoiced. The completion of major repairs is documented by acts of acceptance and transfer of the object.

Current repairs are carried out on a regular basis according to appropriate schedules. Defects must be corrected immediately. The amount of expenses for current repairs is always pre-registered in the enterprise plans.

In 1C

Upgrading the OS in 1C does not require much labor. First, the documentation for receiving the service is completed. To do this, select the column “Receipt of goods and services”. Before upgrading the OS in 1C, open a journal and create a new document. It is filled. When the date and counterparties are completed, the procedure will be entered, fill out “Services”. It records all the necessary data - modernization accounts, its cost, and so on.

Before upgrading the OS in 1C, they must double-check the information. And only then they begin the procedure. To understand how it is carried out, it is better to familiarize yourself with the example of filling out an OS upgrade in 1C 8.3. First of all, they create a new document, which they fill out when choosing an upgrade. Then they indicate the object itself and go to “Accounting”. When upgrading the OS to 8.3, this is necessary to calculate the cost of the operation.


Taxpayers who operate under a simplified tax regime consider depreciable property as their main assets. In other words, when the duration of work is more than 1 year, and the initial price is more than 20,000 rubles. Expenses for the purchase of OS are taken into account from the beginning of use of the object. If fixed assets were acquired before the transition to a simplified taxation system, then the amount of costs will depend on the period of useful use. When a resource is sold, first of all they find out how long has passed since the cost was taken into account. In cases where it is less than 3 years old, the base is recalculated for tax accounting. For each period in which the base was recalculated, a document is presented.

Deductions for depreciation according to the simplified tax system in accounting are carried out every quarter, and every month and year. When operating systems are purchased, this is reflected in the balance sheet as expenses. They include funds given to the seller, delivery, taxes, duties, fees and other expenses.

There are 2 methods of creating main resources at an enterprise operating under the simplified tax system - economic and contracting. The procedure is documented. When selling main resources, their value is necessarily written off from the balance sheet. But first, the cost of depreciation is written off.

Depreciation is charged every month on objects separately. An enterprise can revaluate fixed assets annually. Modernization is needed to return the element to action and improve its performance. The OS in NU and in accounting is being modernized. The process is always accompanied by paperwork.

detailed instructions

When new objects are purchased, before upgrading the OS in 1C 8.3, it is important to register them in the warehouse using the “Receipt” document. Then create a new document with the receipt type “Construction object”. All data is entered into columns. You can use the "Directory". You can access it from the receipt document. This is done simply: just click on “Add”, then a column will appear in the table, in the “Object of construction” column you need to click on “Show all”. Then the corresponding directory will open, in which you can begin creating a map of the site. To make it easier to understand this, you can use the example of upgrading the OS in 1C 8.3 given below.

The “Cost Account” column will reflect the 26th invoice, but when it is necessary to include the price of the service in the cost of modernization, it is important to change the indicator to invoice 08.03.

When viewing the movement of the document, you can notice separate deadlines for the receipt of additional equipment and services related to the invoice 03/08.

Then the OS is upgraded. To do this, go to the “OS and Intangible Materials” tab, and then to “OS Upgrading”. Create a new document, fill in the columns “Organization” and “Location of OS”, selecting values ​​in the directory.

On the “Construction object” tab, print the name of the element, as well as the non-current asset account. Next, click “Calculate”. As with OS modernization, 1C 8.2, 8.3 itself will calculate the cost of fixed assets, taking into account the modernization and installation.

The “OS” tab contains a column with the name of the object subject to the procedure. Add from the directory and click “Distribute”. Then the amount will be automatically calculated. The postings will show an increase in the cost of the operating system taking into account the procedure.

Upgrading the OS in 8.2 is practically no different from the similar process in 8.3.

Organization of accounting for the sale of fixed assets

When an enterprise decides to sell a fixed asset, the accountant is faced with the task of correctly reflecting this procedure in accounting. The deal will have several consequences.

First, when transferring ownership of a property, the seller displays the income. It is taken into account as part of the rest and displayed on account 91.

It must be remembered that income is only the net selling price without including VAT. But first of all, full income is credited to account 91, and only then the VAT amount is displayed in the posting.

The sale of a fixed asset leads to the need to attribute the residual value of fixed assets to other expenses of the enterprise.

In the documentation when selling a fixed asset, the company formalizes the transfer through an acceptance certificate.

There is a separate conversation about the sale of unfinished objects. When conducting transactions, a situation may arise when an enterprise decides to sell a fixed asset that has not yet been completed. Then a number of nuances appear in accounting.

Thus, income from the sale of these objects is part of other income and is credited to account 91 in the amount contributed by the buyer.

But we must remember that objects that have not been completed are not recognized as fixed assets and do not have a formed initial value. Then the accountant is faced with the question of what exactly should be classified as expenses.

In this situation, other expenses include costs already incurred during the construction of the OS, including costs that accompanied the sale process.

As with the sale of fixed assets, with the sale of unfinished objects, income is written off on the date when the transfer of ownership occurred.

When transferring a former OS into the authorized capital of another enterprise, you need to be aware that the procedure requires proper documentation. So, in this case a special act will be needed. It is drawn up both in free form and according to a sample. It is important that the document reflects the residual value of the fixed asset, VAT, restored due to the transfer of fixed assets as a contribution to the authorized capital of another organization.

The OS that was transferred is assessed by the receiving party in order to identify the size of the contribution that was made by such a fixed asset. For this reason, the organization should be aware that if the receiving party values ​​the asset at a price higher than its book value, the difference will be attributed to the income of the company. Otherwise, if assessed in a smaller amount, the debt on the contribution to the authorized capital will be considered outstanding. For this reason, the difference is always included in other expenses and written off as a debit in account 91.

On the liquidation of fixed assets in accounting

This process has a number of subtleties. Since there is no income for the disposed fixed asset, the company records only an expense. It includes: the residual value of the liquidated object, the amount of costs for work accompanying the procedure, the amount of VAT paid by the enterprise due to the liquidation of the fixed asset.

It is also important to remember that after this procedure the organization receives new material (for example, parts). It is entered in the debit of account 10.

Accrued depreciation - direct expense

The accounting policy emphasizes that accrued depreciation of fixed assets that are used in the course of the enterprise’s business activities is a direct expense. The right to determine the list of direct expenses is exercised in separate chapters of accounting policies.

Depreciation is included in their account if there are financial justifications. In this case, the procedure is associated with the technological process and production features. Often the tax office tries to challenge the list of direct expenses compiled by the taxpayer. She is trying to expand the list. Although the taxpayer himself chooses the rules of the game in the field of accounting policy and deals with direct expenses, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not consider that this procedure depends only on the taxpayer himself.

When tax disputes arise regarding the inclusion of depreciation as part of direct or indirect expenses, the participation of fixed assets in the production process is taken into account.

In addition, one of the weighty arguments that plays into the hands of the taxpayer is the accounting policy for tax accounting purposes. It specifies the principle by which depreciation is allocated between direct and indirect costs. According to this algorithm, depreciation charges are written off as expenses beyond the useful life of the operating system.

But there are a number of court decisions in which the judiciary is inclined to a different method of calculating depreciation of modernized fixed assets without increasing the useful life.

Learn more about the zero-cost object

Modernization is often carried out in relation to elements of fixed assets that have been depreciated. The regulatory authorities explain that if the useful life of an element increases after this procedure, the enterprise can begin calculating depreciation according to new standards. They are calculated taking into account the new deadlines.

The enterprise has the right to increase these periods within the limits that were established for the corresponding depreciation group, which previously included fixed assets.

However, earlier experts announced that after the modernization procedure was completed, it was necessary to use the depreciation rate that was established when the OS element was put into operation.

For example, in the practice of judicial authorities the following situations came across. In disputes, the enterprise modernized the fully depreciated operating system for tax accounting purposes. By that time, its useful life had already expired. The item was no longer depreciated when the upgrade was completed. Thus, the depreciation period has come to an end. The question was to determine methods for calculating the amount of depreciation in relation to depreciated fixed assets that have undergone the modernization procedure. And there are many such disputes.


It is important to carry out asset accounting in the manner prescribed by law. That is, take into account the fixed asset on the date of bringing it to a state of readiness for operation. When an asset is sold, the amount is included in income, and the residual value is included in expenses. The same principle applies to unfinished objects.

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1) Describe the state of the energy industry in the country today. Problems and prospects for development. Digital data.

2) Justify the relevance of the topic.

Why is it necessary to modernize equipment?

3) The purpose of the course work is to determine the economic efficiency of equipment modernization.

4) Job objectives:

Drawing up cost estimates for modernization;

Determination of depreciation charges before and after modernization;

Calculation of the payback period for investments in modernization;

Calculation of economic efficiency indicators for equipment modernization.

1. Determination of the labor intensity of equipment modernization work

Let us determine the total labor intensity of the equipment modernization work in accordance with the assignment. To do this, fill out Table 1.

Table 1. Determination of labor intensity of work

The labor intensity of equipment modernization will be 13 hours.

2. Calculation of worker's wages

Article 3 - Basic wages of a worker

A worker's basic salary includes direct wages, bonuses, regional coefficients, and is paid for actual hours worked.

Let's calculate direct wages using the formula:

ZPpr = Ts * Ffact,

where ZPpr is the direct wage of the worker,

Тс - hourly wage rate of a worker,

Fact is the actual time spent on modernization.

ZPpr =45.25*13=588.25 rub.

The tariff rate for a 4th category worker is 45.25 rubles/hour.

The bonus is calculated using the formula:

PR = ZPpr * PR%: 100,

where PR is the amount of the premium,

PR% - premium percentage.

PR =588.25*300:100=176.47 rub.

The regional coefficient is calculated using the formula:

RK = (ZPpr + PR) *15: 100,

where RK is the sum of the regional coefficient.

RK =(588.25+176.47)*15:100=114.70 rub.

The basic salary of a worker is calculated using the formula:

ZPosn. = ZPpr + PR + RK,

where ZPosn is the worker’s basic salary.

ZPosn. =588.25+176.47+114.70=879.42 rub.

Article 4 - Additional wages for workers

Additional wages are wages accrued by workers not for work actually performed or time worked, but in accordance with current legislation, including payment for regular vacations of workers and employees, preferential hours for teenagers, time associated with the performance of state and public duties, etc. Additional wages are taken into account in the same way as both the main one and is included in the wage fund of the enterprise.

Additional wages are determined by the formula:

DZP = ZPosn * DZP%: 100,

DZP =879.42*20:100=175.88 rub.

where DZP is the amount of additional wages,

DZP% - percentage of additional wages.

Article 5 - Social insurance contributions

Mandatory social insurance contributions are made from workers' wages, which are included in the cost of work performed and are paid at the expense of the employer. Contributions are made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and the Social Insurance Fund. The total percentage of deductions for 2015 is 30%.

Let's calculate social insurance contributions using the formula:

OSS = (ZPosn + DZP) * OSS%: 100,

where OSS is the amount of social insurance contributions, rubles;

OSS% - percentage of social insurance contributions.

OSS =(879.42+175.88)*30:100=316.59 rub.

Article 6 - Overheads

Overhead costs are expenses, expenses accompanying equipment modernization. These are the costs of maintaining and operating fixed assets involved in modernization, costs of management, organization, maintenance of production, business trips associated with the modernization, etc. These overhead costs are included in the cost of equipment modernization.

We calculate the amount of overhead costs using the formula:

HP = ZPosn * HP%: 100,

where HP is the amount of overhead costs, rub.;

HP% - percentage of overhead costs.

HP =879.42*80:100=703.53r.

3. Drawing up cost estimates for equipment modernization

Article 1 - Basic materials

Let us determine the amount of costs required to purchase materials for upgrading equipment. To do this, fill out Table 2.

Table 2. Costs of basic materials

Name of material

Unit measurements

Price per one.

Amount, rub.

1. SKD wire

The amount of costs for basic materials is 39.07 rubles.

Article 2 - Purchased components

Let us determine the amount of costs for components necessary to modernize the equipment.

Table 3. Costs of components

The amount of costs for purchased components is 7100 rubles.

Let's determine the total amount of costs required to modernize the equipment.

Table 4. Cost estimate for equipment modernization

Based on the data provided, I established that the cost of upgrading the equipment will be 9214.49 rubles.

The modernization will increase the service life of the equipment by 5 years.

4 . Depreciation calculationmodernized equipment

For further calculations, it is necessary to know the amounts of depreciation charges, and they will differ: before equipment modernization there will be one amount, and after another.

First, let's calculate the amount of depreciation charges and the residual value of the equipment before modernization.

The depreciation rate is calculated using the formula:

Na = 1:Tp.i.,

where Na is the depreciation rate,

Tp.i. - useful life of the equipment.

Na = 1/11=0.09

Na = 1/13=0.07

Annual depreciation charges are calculated as follows:

A = Fn * Na,

where A - depreciation charges, rub.;

Фп - initial cost of the equipment being modernized, rub.

A =73000*0.09=6570r.

A =123.200*0.07=8624 rub.

The residual value of the equipment is calculated using the formula:

Fost = Fn - A.

Fost =73000-6570=66430r.

Fost =123200-8624=114576r.

Then we will perform similar calculations for calculating depreciation after modernization.

Table 5. Depreciation charges

Year of operation

Initial cost


Depreciation rate

Annual depreciation amount

Residual value at the end of a given year

5 . Initial data for determining the effectiveness of equipment modernization

One of the primary tasks in the field of equipment modernization is replacing existing equipment with analogues that are more advanced from a technical point of view or making technological changes to already functioning fixed assets, however, the cost of new equipment in some cases can be very high, which casts doubt on the effectiveness of such replacement. Thus, this issue requires a detailed feasibility study.

Let's consider a methodology for assessing the feasibility of purchasing new technical equipment to replace old ones or their modernization.

In this case, solving the problem is complicated by the presence of different service life of old and new equipment, which, as a rule, do not coincide. So, if for old equipment this time is determined by the remaining service life from the moment of possible replacement to write-off, then for the new option the billing period and service life coincide. At the same time, a correct comparative assessment of the effectiveness of investment projects is carried out with the same billing period for the alternative investment options being compared.

Let's consider a possible methodological approach to solving this problem. At the same time, for the comparability of the compared options, it is assumed that the facility where the projects are being implemented operates constantly, i.e. each of the analyzed projects can be implemented an unlimited number of times. This technique allows us to take into account differences in the duration of the compared projects with the same billing period, which is assumed to be infinity. It is proposed to evaluate the feasibility of modernizing existing equipment using the net present value (NPV) indicator.

Let's fill out Table 6 with the initial data to determine the effectiveness of equipment modernization.

Table 6. Initial data for calculation


Upgradable equipment

New equipment

1 Investment

2 Initial cost of equipment

3 Book value of operating equipment

4 Sales price of old equipment when replacing it

5 Annual costs

6 Revenue from product sales

7 Equipment service life

8 Operating time of existing equipment before replacement

9 Depreciation rate, %

10 Annual depreciation charges, rub

11 Discount rate, %

Depreciation rate:

The annual amount of depreciation charges.

The book value of the equipment is equal to its residual value.

6 . Calculation of annual income for compared options

We will make a comparative assessment of alternative investments. At the first stage of calculation, we determine the annual income for the compared options. Annual income Dt is determined by the formula:

Dt = PE + A,

where Dt is annual income, rub.;

PE - net profit, rub.;

A - depreciation charges, rub.

Net profit for the project is determined by the formula:

PE = B - S - N,

where - N is the amount of taxes paid from revenue and profit.

To calculate annual income, fill out table 7.

Table 7. Calculation of annual income by options


Upgradable equipment

New equipment

1 Revenue from product sales

2Amount of taxes paid from proceeds (18%)

3 Annual costs

4 Profit from product sales

5Amount of taxes paid from profits (20%)

6 Net profit for the project

7 Annual depreciation charges

8 Annual income

7 . Determination of net present value(NPV)

The criterion for the effectiveness of an investment project is expressed as follows: NPV is greater than zero. A positive NPV value indicates that the project is effective and can generate profit in the established amount. NPV is determined by the formula:

where t is the calculation step,

B - revenue from product sales, rub.;

Z - costs, rub.;

Discount factor in each time period.

where r is the discount rate.

Let's calculate the NPV for two investment options. To do this, fill out two tables according to the form presented below.

Table 8. Determination of NPV

Year of operation of the equipment.

Year of project implementation


Disk costs

Disk receipts

Disk income

Year of operation of the equipment.

Year of project implementation


Disk costs

Disk receipts

Disk income

The NPV for the first project is 623,659.51 rubles, and for the second, 1,353,280 rubles.

Consequently, we conclude that the implementation of two projects is more economically efficient.

8 . Assessment of the economic efficiency of equipment modernization

1) The profitability index (PI) of the project allows you to determine whether the current income from the project can cover the capital investments in it.

A project whose ID is greater than 1 is considered effective, i.e. the amount of discounted current income for the project exceeds the amount of discounted capital investments.

Conclusion: the equipment modernization project under consideration is effective (not effective), because ID is greater (less than) one.

2) The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate at which the NPV is zero.

To assess the effectiveness of an investment project, the value of IRR must be compared with the discount rate E. A project with IRR>E is effective, and one with IRR<Е, неэффективен. Определение внутренней нормы доходности осуществляется методом последовательных итераций. Для этого выбираются два значения нормы дисконта Е1 и Е2 таким образом, чтобы в интервале (Е1, Е2) функция ЧДД=f (Е) меняла свое значение с «+» на «-». Затем применяют формулу:

where E1 is the discount rate at which f(E1)>0;

E2 - discount rate at which f(E2)<0.

We determine the internal rate of return:

Conclusion: the equipment modernization project under consideration is effective (not effective), because ...

3) The payback period of the project (Current) establishes the minimum time interval from the date of implementation of the project, beyond which the net present value has a positive value.

The payback period is the duration of the period from the initial moment to the moment of payback. The payback moment is the earliest point in time in the calculation period after which the current net income BH(t) becomes and subsequently remains non-negative.

The payback period taking into account discounting is the duration of the period from the initial moment to the “payback moment taking into account discounting”. The payback moment, taking into account discounting, is the earliest point in time in the calculation period, after which the current net present value NPV(t) becomes and subsequently remains non-negative.

economic efficiency modernization equipment

To calculate the payback period based on the NPV, you need to take an integer (the year the project was implemented in which the NPV changes sign from “-” to “+”) and add a fraction to it. In numbering fractions, the last NPV with a minus in the denominator is the same number plus the following positive NPV value).

Conclusion: the project under consideration to modernize equipment will pay off in 1 year.

9 . Determining the efficiency of use of fixed assets

All data on fixed assets for calculation should be taken at the end of the second year.

1. Depreciation rate of fixed assets (Kizn)

2. Serviceability coefficient of fixed assets (Kgodn)

3. Capital productivity (Fo) - shows the amount of production volume per 1 ruble. fixed assets, i.e. how many products are received from each ruble of operating fixed assets.

4. Capital intensity (Fe) is the inverse value of capital productivity, expressing the ratio of the cost of fixed assets to the volume of production. Used for planning the requirements for fixed assets.

The higher the capital productivity and the lower the capital intensity, the more efficiently fixed assets are used.

5. Return on fixed assets (R)

Profitability comprehensively reflects the degree of efficiency in the use of fixed assets, namely, what profit is received by the organization from each ruble of fixed assets.

6. Capital-labor ratio (Fv) - characterizes the degree to which workers are armed with fixed assets.

where H is the average number of employees (7 people).

10. Calculation of required electricity

Let's determine the amount of electricity for production purposes.

where W pr is the amount of electricity for production purposes;

F half work - useful working time fund;

Kz - load factor of consumers with electricity;

K about - coefficient of simultaneous operation of electricity consumers;

Kc is the efficiency of the power supply network;

Efficiency is the efficiency of installed electric motors.

First, let's calculate the useful working time fund for the year. To do this, we will draw up a balance of working hours for the year.

Table 9. Balance of working time for the year

Composition of the working time fund

1. Calendar time fund

2. Holidays and weekends

3. Pre-holiday days

4. Full working days

5. Nominal working time fund

6. Lost time on scheduled repairs

7. Useful time fund

To calculate all indicators in hours, we multiply the given data in days by the duration of the work shift (8 hours), pre-holiday days are multiplied by 7 hours, since the working day on pre-holiday days is shortened by 1 hour.

The nominal working time fund is determined by summing pre-holiday days and full working days (hours are summed up separately).

Lost time for scheduled repairs is determined as a percentage of the nominal working time.

The useful fund of worker time () is determined by subtracting all losses from the nominal one.

Time as a percentage is calculated point by point, based on the fact that the nominal time fund in hours is 100%.

Table 10. Demand for power electricity

Then we determine the amount of electricity for lighting the premises.

where C is the number of lamps (light bulbs) on the site, in the workshop, pcs.;

P avg - average power of one light bulb, W.

Now we determine the general workshop electricity needs for the year and month.

Let's calculate the main indicators characterizing the energy sector of an enterprise: the coefficient of energy-to-labor ratio, the energy-intensity of products, the electric-to-power ratio of production.

1) labor power ratio

To e.t. - labor power ratio;

H max - the number of workers in the largest shift.

2) product energy intensity coefficient

To e.p. - coefficient of energy intensity of products;

E f -electricity actually spent on production.

3) production power ratio (K

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    Economic justification for the modernization of the workshop. Calculation of average monthly wages per worker. Determination of implementation costs. Determination of annual savings. Calculation of operating costs, economic efficiency and payback period.

    course work, added 02/27/2014

    Methods for modernizing machinery and equipment of PRUP "Transistor", ways to sell obsolete and unclaimed equipment. Economic justification and calculation of the efficiency of acquiring new equipment by an enterprise on the terms of a bank loan.

    abstract, added 11/18/2009

    The concept and criteria for the formation of energy security of the state. Assessment of the enterprise's activities: determining the thickness of the insulation, choosing a method of using equipment, methods of calculating depreciation, calculating the feasibility of modernizing the turbine.

    course work, added 01/14/2014

    The essence of equipment maintenance and operation. Determining the complexity category and drawing up an annual equipment repair schedule. Calculation of the number of personnel, wage fund. Drawing up cost estimates; sources of financing.

    course work, added 03/31/2015

    Study of the concept and classification of production assets. Characteristics of the composition of movement of the technical condition of fixed assets. The peculiarity of modernization of equipment in the process of performing repair work during a major overhaul.

    thesis, added 08/12/2017

    Analysis of technical and economic indicators for the implementation of equipment modernization. Calculation of capital costs for construction, materials, wages, electricity costs. Determination of production costs and economic efficiency of the project.

    course work, added 12/01/2010

    Technical and economic analysis of the economic activities of the alumina workshop of OJSC "BAZ-SUAL". Justification of the economic efficiency of modernizing the main equipment of the leaching section - installing heat exchangers on autoclave leaches.

    thesis, added 06/19/2013

    Review of the main performance indicators of the enterprise. Assessment of the commercial effectiveness of the project for introducing new equipment. Classification of costs for its creation and implementation. Staff salary costs. Calculation of payback period.

    thesis, added 11/14/2011

    Calculation of the average annual labor intensity of repair work by type of equipment. Determination of the number of workers on the site, average annual costs for basic materials. Drawing up cost estimates for the area of ​​computer technology and automated systems.

    course work, added 11/15/2012

    The concept of the effectiveness of an investment project and the composition of cash flow. Calculation of project performance indicators: net income; discounted income; internal rate of return; cost and investment return indices; payback period.