Mikhail Evdokimov his children and wives. Three families of Mikhail Evdokimov

Channel One showed documentary“Mikhail Evdokimov. Everything I managed”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the deceased artist and politician. The film frankly told the story of his personal life. His beloved women - official wife Galina Evdokimova and unofficial Nadezhda Zharkova - agreed to give an interview.

At one time, the media discussed the details of Evdokimov’s life and calculated his possible children. There were also rumors about a struggle for the artist’s inheritance. But in life everything turned out differently: there was no struggle. Inna Belova (third unofficial wife) immediately said that she would not claim anything. Mikhail’s daughter, born from Nadezhda Zharkova, officially bears the surname Evdokimov, she is the legal heir. After long negotiations, the artist’s widow gave the girl and her mother a dacha on Rublevskoye Highway.

Mikhail Evdokimov was born in 1957 in the city of Stalinsk (now Novokuznetsk) Kemerovo region. His parents were miners. A year later, in 1958, the Evdokimovs moved to the village of Verkh-Obskoye Altai region. After school, Mikhail studied in Barnaul at the cultural and educational school in the balalaika department, then worked as a grinder at the Altai Motor Plant, and as an administrator in the canteen. Having been drafted into the army, he served in a construction unit near Nizhny Tagil.

In Evdokimov’s native village, many things are now named after the artist: a museum, a street, a cultural center, a school, a festival. Here he is practically an epic hero.

In 1979, Mikhail entered the Novosibirsk Institute of Trade. The charming red-haired guy was immediately chosen as the captain of the institute’s KVN team. Evdokimov enjoyed performing on stage so much that he decided to do it all his life! He dropped out of school and went to conquer Moscow.

Real fame came to him when he got into the Full House program. The monologue “After the Bath,” told from the perspective of Seryoga, who ended up in the police, turned out to be a “bomb”! Evdokimov wrote it himself. Phrases from there immediately went to the people: “I’m not red, but my face is red”, “I’m walking, not bothering anyone”, “I’m in a bad mood.”

But the stage alone was not enough for Evdokimov. He starts acting in films. “Don’t play the fool”, “Should we send a messenger”, “Old nags” - people fell in love with Mikhail on the screen. Actors Grigory Siyatvinda and Tatyana Kravchenko will tell us about filming.

At the very peak of his popularity, Evdokimov appeared on all billboards, and the country learned that he was a contender for the seat of governor of Altai. He held the post of governor in Altai for almost a year and a half. And during this time he made many enemies. He was not afraid of the stage or of speaking in front of thousands of people, and among officials he was tormented by shyness, he could not be himself, he was not given speeches in the regional legislative assembly. Nobody took him seriously as governor. Evdokimov did not remember and did not understand the economic terminology and figures of the economic life of the region. Confusion began in the personnel of Evdokimov’s apparatus. The administration whispered that he “climbed into the wrong sleigh”! As a result, the region found itself in deep economic crisis. And on March 31, 2005, deputies expressed no confidence in the governor.

While working as governor, Evdokimov became suspicious and often changed phone numbers. I haven't been myself in recent weeks. Everyone noted that he seemed to have a presentiment of his death. I often told my friends: “Let’s have a little more, otherwise when will we meet again?” But he used to like to repeat: “I still have a very long time to live!” He told everyone a story that in his youth he went to a fortune teller, and she predicted that he would live to be 85 years old.

He passed away tragically - he died in a car accident. This happened on August 7, 2005, when he was going to the anniversary of his fellow countryman, cosmonaut German Titov.

There were three people in that car with the comedian - the driver, the bodyguard and his wife Galina. Everyone except the wife died almost instantly. And she lay in intensive care for a long time, where Evdokimova found out: her Misha had affairs on the side, as well as two illegitimate children - a teenage daughter and a one-year-old son.

“I was in intensive care for almost a month. We had time to cry. Naturally, I didn’t watch TV. They briefly told me the situation. They say a lot that I knew. But I didn’t even imagine,” Galina recalls now.

For many years Evdokimov lived in two families. Almost thirty years ago, when Mikhail Sergeevich had already become a popular artist, he met his fellow countryman, the sister of his classmate, Nadezhda Zharkova. The woman was married then, but could not resist Evdokimov’s charm. Mikhail made Nadezhda his dresser and rented an apartment for her

“It was such an explosion that it was hard. When I realized that it was my family, I realized that I had lived like this before, and I won’t live anymore. But I didn’t understand what was happening, I didn’t know what to do,” says Evdokimov’s mistress.

Mikhail Evdokimov immediately warned his mistress that he would never leave his family, his wife, daughter Anna, and Nadezhda accepted the rules of the game. But despite this, Mikhail Sergeevich wanted more children. And without waiting for the second child in the marriage, he persuaded Zharkova to give birth.

“He immediately said: “You and I should have a child.” I resisted for seven years, or rather, did not dare. And then, seven years later, I made up my mind – my daughter was born. Sometimes she comes, looks at her and says - well, it’s the Evdokimov type, I wanted her to look like you, just as miniature,” Nadezhda Zharkova pointed out.

Now they common daughter Anastasia is 21 years old. Ex-lover and his heir live in Evdokimov’s house on Rublevka, which Nadezhda Zharkova sued after the artist’s death. Ex-lover doesn't regret anything. Moreover, she now admits that Evdokimov still loved his wife.

“We had agreements on the shore. He said: “I was brought up in such a way that I will not leave my family.” I knew that he loved me. I saw and felt. That was enough for me. Of course, he loved Galina too,” said Nadezhda.

Evdokimov had another mistress - model, mulatto Inna Belova. Shortly before her death, she gave birth to his son, who was named Danila, now he is studying at a cadet school. Now the woman is maternity leave and refuses to talk to the press.

However, Inna maintains a relationship with Evdokimov’s widow Galina. As for Nadezhda Zharkova, the artist’s legal wife does not hold a grudge against her.

“I certainly didn’t think this could happen. But since this happened, I accepted the situation,” says Evdokimov’s widow, Galina, now.

Mikhail Evdokimov died when he was only 47 years old. Friends and family believe that he did not have time to do much. Including understanding your personal life. He was going to break the love polygon. And friends now assure that Mikhail Sergeevich had no doubt who to choose. “Mama, he called Galya mom, she was everything to him,” his friends say.

// Photo: ITAR-TASS/ Oleg Bogdanov

Nine years after the death of actor and governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov, on August 7, relatives will gather at his house in the village of Verkh-Obskoye. The table will be set by the widow Galina, his only legal spouse- according to tradition, she will bake pancakes and stick dumplings, which Misha loved so much. She will be helped by her daughter Anna and grandson, named after his grandfather. Previously, at the beginning of August, two more of his families came to honor the memory of Evdokimov - Nadezhda Zharkova with her daughter Nastya and Inna Belova with her son Danya. But this year there won't be any. “StarHit” found out how the three women of Evdokimov arranged their lives.

Look like your grandfather

According to 53-year-old Galina, men often show her signs of attention and try to court her: “Where would we be without this? But I haven’t reciprocated any of them yet. In 2005, my life was divided into two parts - before and after that unfortunate accident in which I was saved. August 7th is not only a day of remembrance for me, but also my second birthday. I will definitely light a candle in the chapel, not far from the grave of Mikhail Sergeevich.”

Galina devotes all her time to her grandson Misha and daughter Anna, who is on the board of the Evdokimov Foundation. “My grandson will be six in September,” the widow tells StarHit. “He seems to have the same look as his grandfather.” Although, probably, we just want the boy to be like him... True, our Misha is thin. But my husband was not a big guy when he was a child.” In a year, the boy will go to first grade, now his mother and grandmother are actively preparing him for school, he is mastering the alphabet and learning to count. IN free time Galina embroiders, knits socks and scarves for her daughter and grandson and arranges
yourself trips around Altai.

Legacy with a fight

Nadezhda Zharkova has been busy for the last three years renovating the house on Rublyovka, which she inherited from Evdokimov, although she spent 6 years trying to sue Galina for it. Recently the owner planted apple trees and currant bushes on the property. 50-year-old Zharkova does not work; her 29-year-old son from her first marriage, Vitaly, takes care of her; he works in the banking sector and helps his mother. Evdokimov’s 18-year-old daughter Nastya is now entering college.

“Nastya applied to several universities at once,” Zharkova tells StarHit. – She used to gravitate towards acting, it’s like her dad. A year ago I tried to enter GITIS, Pike and Shchepka, but it didn’t work out; it’s difficult to get there. “In the end, I chose journalism, which is also a creative profession.”

For many years, Zharkova and her daughter came to their hometown every year. Altai region in August, but now they go there in June - a year ago Nadezhda’s dad died, he was buried in the same cemetery as Evdokimov. “My heart will always be busy, 17 years old - long term", she explains. Nadezhda was never able to establish contact with the artist’s other women: “Until 2011, there was a battle for property, perhaps if our daughter had not been an heiress, we would now be communicating with the others. For example, Galina established relations with Inna, because she did not lay claim to Misha’s property.”

Dad is the President of Altai

Inna Belova, former model, met Galina Evdokimova in 2009 at the festival in memory of the artist. “At my request, our mutual friends told Inna that I wouldn’t mind her also coming to the event,” the widow recalls. “But we didn’t become friends; when we were here, she always stayed at the hotel.” By the way, my grandson and her son Danya also talked and took pictures together that time.”

35-year-old Belova lives near Zelenograd, in a two-story house, with her son, who will turn 10 on August 11, her parents and younger sister Christina. “Inna did not participate in the division of the inheritance, because she did not want to get involved in all these squabbles,” Kristina Belova tells StarHit. – And thus maintained a normal reputation. We are not poor, we have enough to raise Danya. Inna works as an assistant to the head of a company, she has a higher education in economics. My sister is a bright girl, of course, people pay attention to her, all this time various suitors have been walking around, but it hasn’t come to the point of meeting her parents yet. Like any woman, she dreams of organizing her personal life, wants to have more children, but has not yet met the one. Now she’s working more with Danya; they recently had a great vacation in Turkey.”

In his free time, the boy plays football, and recently he discovered a new talent - he moves well to music. However, his mother will not send him to a dance school yet, because there is academic year. This year Daniil, who bears the last name Belov, will go to fourth grade. The boy is very similar to his father. “Even from the back he is the spitting image of Misha – gait, gestures,” continues Kristina Belova. “He knows everything about Evdokimov, he says: “Putin is the president of Russia, and dad was the president of Altai.” Loves listening to his songs, especially “Banya”. But he doesn’t watch films with dad’s participation - if he sees him in the frame, he starts to feel sad and miss him.”

The comedian's daughters don't communicate because of inheritance

Mikhail EVDOKIMOV was a loving man who, in addition to his legitimate daughter Anna, had two more children - Anastasia and Daniil. His wife Galina Nikolaevna recognized the boy from the dark-skinned model Inna BELOVA, but she was suing Nastya’s mother, Nadezhda ZHARKOVA, for an entire year over the inheritance. Anastasia EVDOKIMOVA spoke to Express Newspaper for the first time about her childhood years spent with her dad, and why her sister Anna doesn’t want to see her.

The widow of comedian and governor Galina Evdokimova had no obstacles to communicate with her husband’s dark-skinned mistress Inna Belova, said Nadezhda Zharkova’s lawyer Arthur Lermontov. - Inna did not claim the inheritance, so Galina had nothing to share with her. But she doesn’t want to hear about her daughter Nastya, to whom the governor gave his last name.
At the time of the trial in the inheritance case, Nastya was 15. Her mother protected the girl from gossip, and if not for the death of her beloved man, the story would hardly have come out at all. But for the sake of financial well-being minor daughter Nadezhda Vasilievna had to tell the public about civil marriage with Evdokimov.
“We have known Misha since childhood,” says Nadezhda Zharkova. - From the first days of our common “adult” life, he said that he wanted a child. It was hard for me, because he has a different family, but seven years later I decided to give birth. Misha always treated us like a second family. A few hours before his death he called and said: “I love you very much.” Last words, spoken with such sadness and longing...

Pink animals

According to Nadezhda Vasilyevna, Evdokimov wanted to introduce his daughters to each other, but did not have time. And after his death, the widow Galina Nikolaevna stopped all attempts to bring her daughters closer together.
- Anna behaved incorrectly when we were at the cemetery. I showed it to my daughter, who was 10 years old at the time, middle finger, - Nadezhda Zharkova is indignant. - It’s clear that her mother taught her this. I’m not against communicating with Galina Nikolaevna, but they don’t want to. I wasn’t invited to the anniversary last year.
This year Nastya Evdokimova turned 18. For the first time, she shared her memories of her dad with Express Gazeta:
- When I was three years old, my dad and I were grating potatoes for potato pancakes, which he adored. Dad kissed me and hugged me every now and then, as always when he came. He often called and asked how I was doing. Thanks to my dad, I danced and went to art and music schools. He was always interested in my successes. When dad died in a car accident, there was not enough money to pay for the clubs. I had to refuse. But I have been involved in sports dancing for a long time.

Did you feel family warmth as a child?
- Yes, we had a family. Dad loved my mother, he always told me: “Nastya, you are the most beautiful after your mother. She is our best!” There were a lot funny moments. When he came on holidays, he told funny jokes. By the way, we have a family habit of sleeping long hours. At the same time, dad snored heavily. When he left, the scent of his cologne lingered on the pillow. After he left, I picked her up, and it seemed to me that he was at home.
- Did you know that dad has another family?
“I didn’t know everything, but I guessed that dad had a wife.” True, I didn’t quite understand the situation due to my age. After his death, I fell out of life for a year.
- How did you find out about his death?
- The accident occurred on August 7, and on the 28th I turned 10 years old. My mother, aunt, and I were driving a car when our relative from Altai called our aunt and told her. At home I turned on the TV. It was a shock, I didn’t even cry. Of course, I understood that dad was famous, but I didn’t realize how famous. And when he died, I saw on TV how many people came to the funeral.

Did they know at school that you were the daughter of Mikhail Evdokimov?
- I went to a simple school near my house. Even the teachers didn’t know about dad. Only two close friends were in the know. But when they saw my mother on TV in connection with the inheritance case, they found out. All my classmates, surprisingly, turned out to be tactful and did not bother me. I graduated from school normally: I loved literature, foreign language, but not mathematics.

Which of your dad's gifts do you still have?
- A huge pink bear. It's in my room. Usually I sent toys to orphanages, but left the bear. There is also a pink hare, given for my sixth birthday.
- Do you look like dad?
- Until I was 13, I had the same curly hair, and then it stopped curly. I remember the moments when strangers, having heard the surname, they asked: “Are you a relative of Evdokimov?” My dad and I have the same tastes and handwriting. We love the same music - “Deep Purple”, “AC/DC”. My character is just as stubborn. Dad had strong feeling justice, he could not understand how one could commit unseemly acts. I, too, will not remain silent if the situation is serious. My friends often say that I'm funny. By the way, I know how to make parodies, albeit on men: Nikita Mikhalkov, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Lukashenko.
- It turns out that you inherited your dad’s acting talent?
- I entered GITIS for acting last year. There was a huge competition, we walked as if to the scaffold. I didn’t use my last name: none of the teachers knew that I was Evdokimova.
Didn't pass the competition. This year I will try to take the exams at Pike.
- So older sister Don't you keep in touch with Anna?
- It would be nice if we communicated as families. I saw Anna once at the cemetery. Eight years passed and they never called. I hope that over time my sister will understand everything and be able to overcome her resentment.
- What did they do with the dacha in the Moscow region, which you got from your dad in court?
- We are trying to preserve it as a memory. True, Galina Nikolaevna took all the things from there. Now we arrange everything ourselves.

The famous and beloved comedian Mikhail Evdokimov died in an accident on August 7, 2005. After the famous artist passed away, it turned out that, in addition to his daughter born in marriage with his wife Galina, he also had illegitimate children. Mikhail’s daughter was born to his long-term mistress Nadezhda Zharkova, and his son was born to his dark-skinned friend, model Inna Belova.

When Evdokimov died, little Daniil, Inna’s son, turned one year old. At that time, Inna was hunted by journalists who wanted to know all the details of her affair with Evdokimov. The girl behaved very dignifiedly and did not even claim the artist’s inheritance, although, of course, she had every right.

Unlike her, Nadezhda Zharkova declared her rights and inherited Evdokimov’s huge mansion on Rublyovka.

Now Daniil, the son of the deceased comedian, is 14 years old. And the guy is growing up surprisingly similar to his famous father.

He is very serious and is already studying at the cadet lyceum. Inna and her new man live quietly in a house near Moscow and two years ago gave birth to Daniil’s little brother.

She and Daniel are often visited by a friend of the deceased Mikhail Evdokimov, the popular actor Alexander Mikhailov. He also notes that over the years, the boy becomes a copy of his father.

That day we were traveling to Gorny Altai. I’m driving, my sister is next to me, my daughter is quiet behind me. I remember we drove halfway in some unusually ringing silence. This happens before a thunderstorm. Suddenly my sister’s mobile phone rang sharply and she screamed loudly. "What's happened?" - “Stop the car!” - “Speak! Speak!” We went to the side of the road. “Nadya, your Misha is no more...” - “Why not? Can't be! We just talked to him on the phone last night!” - “His Mercedes crashed into a tree, he died on the spot...”

This summer it will be 10 years since that fateful day, and I still dream about Misha. Every time he smiles and says: “I loved, I love and will love!”

Misha and I knew each other since childhood - we were both from the same Altai village. Every summer I came to Verkh-Obskoye for vacation, all my relatives lived there: grandmother, uncles, aunts, brothers and sister.

There were three streets in our village, we lived on Tsentralnaya, and Misha with his parents and numerous sisters and brothers (there were seven of them) on Shkolnaya. It turned out that our vegetable gardens were side by side, separated by a common fence.

My older brother Yura was the same age as Misha, they were friends. They had their own gang of boys, and I, a complete creep, was always hovering under the guys’ feet. Misha’s father, Uncle Seryozha, built a wooden swing at their gate, and all the village children always crowded around it.

In the summer, a lot of children gathered in the village. Each street prepared its own skits, we even staged them. For older children there was more entertainment - in the evenings they spent time on the dance floor. Misha was already an artist then: he very funny parodied his fellow countrymen, and at dances he sang brilliantly with the ensemble. In a word, he was the first guy in the village. Nobody let me go to the dance, I was little - I could only stand near the club and look into the windows.


Misha was seven years older than me, and to me, an eight-year-old girl, he seemed very mature. I remember him well: tall, thin, with curly, shoulder-length hair. One day I was standing at my friend’s gate, and Misha was nearby, at his own, scolding her for something. younger brother Kostya. I looked at him and suddenly felt something incomprehensible. strong excitement. For some reason I remember this moment for the rest of my life...

When I was fifteen, I stopped coming to the village often: my grandmother died, my sister left there a long time ago. After school, Misha went into the army, I got married at the age of 19. We never met again in the village. Our paths seemed to have diverged forever...

We met quite by chance many years later. In 1988, after March 8, Misha came to Biysk on tour. I was 23 years old then, and he was 30. They are no longer children...

We were going to go to a concert with our famous fellow countryman in a large group: my sister and I and our husbands, but for some reason mine couldn’t do it, so the three of us went. Luda and Evdokimov studied at the same school. Well, how can you miss such an event!