Courtney Love's baby. Kurt Cobain's daughter: biography, photo, personal life

Kurt Cobain passed away in April 1994. He left behind a musical legacy and a tiny daughter, who was only a year old at the time of her father's death. The girl's growing up was full of troubles, because more than once they tried to deprive her parent of parental rights. Frances Bean Cobain was born on August 18, 1992, named after the lead singer of the Scottish band Frances McKee. Godparents The girls were musician Michael Stipe and Hollywood actress Drew Barrymore.

Courtney Love, Kurt's wife, raised Frances alone. A single mother admitted to using drugs during pregnancy, which is why law enforcement officers intended to take her daughter away from her. Nevertheless, Courtney was able to defend her rights, and she developed friendly relations with Frances.

Today 25 year old daughter Cobain established herself as an artist, also tried out as a model, and directors called her to act in films. Due to intensive studies, Frances refused to star in the film “Alice in Wonderland”; perhaps she would have become a world-famous actress.

Frances' financial fortune is estimated at $170 million: the girl inherited 37% of her father's fortune. It is known that she spent part of the amount on the purchase of a luxurious house in West Hollywood.

Friends of the deceased rock musician are surprised at Frances' extreme similarity to her father. One day she came to a photo shoot in pajamas, just like Kurt once came to a wedding ceremony. “They look at me and see Kurt Cobain,” Frances said.

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Despite the fact that the girl plays the guitar and sings, she does not like the work of the Nirvana group. Francis loves several of her father's songs, but in general she is far from his work and the grunge style in general. However, it was she who came up with the title and cover for the album of Kurt’s previously unpublished songs.

In 2014, Frances married musician Isaiah Silva, but just 3 years later the couple separated. The man demanded $300,000, saying that he left for the sake of the relationship musical career to the background. Frances agreed to financial assistance, and even helped his daughter from his first marriage by sending her to a private school.

Francis is currently dating Matthew Cook. The girl regularly publishes photographs together with her new boyfriend, describing their relationship in vivid colors. “Thank you for always making me laugh and playing cards well.”

Kurt Cobain's daughter is still in search of herself, but it will not be difficult for her to succeed in any of her chosen areas. Frances Bean Cobain is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful daughters celebrities.

Frances Bean Cobain was born on August 18, 1992 in Los Angeles, California. Parents, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, named the girl Frances, in honor of the actress and singer (lead singer of The Vaselines) Frances McKee. Kurt Cobain was madly in love with the baby and that's it free time gave it to her. Unfortunately, when Frances was not yet two years old, Kurt died and the girl had practically no memories of her father. But blood flows in her veins, and that says a lot!

After tragic death father, it was she, little Frances Bean Cobain, who was entrusted with fulfilling the last will of the late Kurt, scattering his ashes over a stream in Olympia, a place to which Cobain was very attached. The girl's mother, Courtney Love, was not distinguished by a quiet domestic character, but the love of a bright, wild life was always in her blood. A harmful addiction to alcohol and drugs caused Courtney Love to be repeatedly deprived of parental rights. Francis recalls that in childhood She spent much more time at her grandmother’s house than with her own mother, who always had more important things to do than communicate with her own daughter.

It is not surprising that Frances Bean Cobain inherited her eccentricity and difficult character from her parents. The constant attention of reporters spoiled the girl, and the echoes of her father’s fame and the constant scandals plaguing her mother shaped the girl’s star habits long before her first attempts to conquer show business. In fact, Frances had virtually no choice about who to become in life. The interest of glossy magazines and television in the pretty daughter of famous parents was always present and it was only a matter of time.

Already at the age of 13, Frances’s first interviews began to appear in magazines, which were more about the legacy of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, but the girl managed to take part in several glamorous fashion shows and pose for fashionable teen magazines.

Like her parents, Frances was constantly searching for herself. Her photo shoots in glamorous pink clothes interspersed with scandalous photographs as a punk rocker. The girl turned out to be comprehensively gifted and her studies did not cause her problems. Frances tried herself as a singer in several groups, worked for the music publication Rolling Stone, and was even invited to main role in Tim Burton's film "Alice in Wonderland", but refused, citing workload with studies.

The memory of her father haunts Frances, and leaves a serious imprint on the life and fate of the girl. Although she herself has repeatedly stated that she is offended by her father and cannot forgive him for leaving them so early, nevertheless, Frances accepts active participation in perpetuating the memory of Kurt Cobain. The girl is very concerned about the many speculations and gossip that were born after the death of her father, and this was one of the reasons why she agreed to become the producer of the film about her father, “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck”. The girl makes every effort to reveal the character of her great father and protect his image from unscrupulous journalists chasing sensations.

In September 2015, Frances married singer Isaiah Silva (playing in the band The Eeries), whom she had previously dated for more than 5 years. However, their marriage was short-lived, and the couple separated a few months short of two years of marriage. As a result, Frances Bean Cobain (who initiated the divorce) received freedom, and her ex-spouse, and a great admirer of the talent of the girl’s father, Isaiah Silva won compensation in the amount of monthly 12 thousand dollars (allegedly for the education of his daughter from his first marriage).

Currently, Frances has a new boyfriend - Matthew R. Cook, vocalist and guitarist of the band The Ceremonies. Frances herself has achieved popularity as an artist and exhibits in famous galleries in Los Angeles. However, in at the moment the girl plunged headlong into modeling business, in particular, has become the new face of the Marc Jacobs brand, but when asked about her new hobby, she answers that this is just another test of herself and there is nothing serious about it. “Fortunately,” Frances says with a smile, “I have other skills than just standing, posing and looking cute.”

Kurt Cobain's 24-year-old daughter Frances Bean has literally burst into the fashion world. Judging by the new photos of the girl, the heiress legendary musician She became a real beauty.

Frances Bean Cobain stars in new collection worldwide famous designer Marc Jacobs. The girl, who, by her own admission, does not like grunge, at one time literally idolized by her eminent parents Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, took part in a shoot of clothes corresponding to this particular style.
The public was delighted with the girl’s appearance. Indeed, Frances, who never sought to be the center of attention, to shine on the red carpet and pose for journalists, appeared before the audience as a real beauty - plump lips, large bright eyes, a magnificent figure. Apparently, Frances decided to open a new page in her life and come out of the shadows.
If you carefully look at the photographs of Kurt Cobain's daughter, which the girl posts on her official page in social network Instagram, then we can judge that Francis. as is typical for many attractive girls, tries not to focus attention on her appearance. The musician's heiress prefers loose clothes, jeans and sweaters. But in vain!

However, fashion business sharks have long noticed Frances. Judging by the photos that the girl posted on her account, this is not her first shoot with Marc Jacobs. This means that Frances will continue to be invited to advertise famous brands.

Let us remind you that Frances Bean Cobain was born on August 18, 1992. She got her name from Frances McKee, the vocalist of the Scottish twee pop group The Vaselines, beloved by Kurt Cobain. Soon after the baby was born, the new parents had to face law enforcement agencies- The Los Angeles Department of Children's Services filed a case against them to deprive the spouses of parental rights.

The fact is that shortly before the birth of Frances, Courtney Love gave an interview in which she admitted that she had been taking heroin for a short time, not yet knowing that she was pregnant. The journalist who spoke with her presented it as if Courtney had been dabbling in drugs throughout her pregnancy, and admitted that she was very “concerned” about this circumstance.

Love categorically denied this, but the journalist assured that she had relevant records. However, Courtney and Kurt managed to defend their right to raise their daughter independently. However, they were required to undergo regular drug tests.
Nirvana founder and frontman Kurt Cobain was found dead on April 8, 1994, in a greenhouse behind his home in Seattle. The perpetrator injected a large dose of heroin, and then shot him in the head with a gun. They say Cobain committed suicide because of drugs.

And Kurt Cobain. Kurt Cobain is a famous rock musician, vocalist and guitarist of the popular group Nirvana. Frances was born in the late summer of 1992 in Los Angeles (California, United States of America). Knowing the name of Kurt Cobain's daughter, it is interesting to know who she was named after. And they named her in honor of Kurt Cobain’s favorite singer and actress - Frances McKee. The girls became godparents good friends her parents are actress Drew Barrymore and rock musician

Favorite daughter of Kurt Cobain

As soon as Frances was born, Kurt began to literally idolize her. He sang songs to her, fed her, stood up to her crib at night and rocked the baby to sleep, he loved the girl very much. IN last time Frances saw her father alive when she was less than two years old - it was April 1, 1994. On this day, she visited him in a drug rehabilitation clinic, her father played with her and sang songs to her, and about a week after that, Kurt was found shot in his house.

Father's tragedy

An examination found a fairly large dose of heroin in Kurt Cobain's blood; death occurred from the head. There is another version - Kurt was killed. Proof of this is the amount of heroin found in the singer’s blood, which, according to experts, in itself already entails death. Then it is unclear why Kurt needed to shoot himself after that. And besides, there is a possibility that in such a state he simply would not be able to hold the gun in his hands. The gun had 3 cartridges, which is absolutely meaningless when a person is about to shoot himself in the mouth. Also, no fingerprints were found on the weapon, not even of Kurt himself. This means that someone simply erased them.

On April 10, 1994, the funeral of the famous Kurt Cobain took place. His widow, Courtney Love, spoke with grieving fans of the popular group Nirvana and distributed some of the singer's belongings to all of them. Kurt Cobain's body was cremated. Courtney Love brought some of the ashes to a monastery in Ithaca (New York), where they were blessed and added to clay, from which ritual memorial figurines were then made. Courtney kept the other part of the ashes for herself. On Memorial Day 1999, rock musician Wendy Cobain's mother decided to hold a final farewell ceremony for Kurt Cobain. Present at the farewell ceremony were: mother Wendy Cobain, wife Courtney Love, father Donald Cobain, friend and ex-girlfriend Kurta is Tracy Marander and Kurt Cobain's daughter herself is Frances Bean Cobain. While the monk read prayers, daughter Frances scattered her father's ashes over a stream in Olympia, where Kurt Cobain sometimes lived and worked in the late 80s and early 90s.

Frances' difficult start to life

Since her father's death, little Frances' life has become simply terrible. Kurt Cobain's daughter, whose biography is full of tragedy, has become popular. She was constantly followed by paparazzi, and what her mother Courtney Love did was simply terrible! Courtney was deprived of parental rights more than once. The first time they wanted to do this was just a few months after Frances was born. The mother was accused of using heroin during pregnancy, but Courtney managed to fight off the accusations. Love herself claimed that at the time she was using heroin, she did not yet know about pregnancy. Then Courtney was deprived of parental rights 2 more times. The girl managed to live with her grandparents and in an orphanage, while her mother ran to drug clinics and courts. On August 18, 2010, it was reported that Frances received almost half of the inheritance from her father.

Rebel or glamorous diva?

Frances grew up as a girl with character and very naughty. Studying at school was quite easy for her. The daughter of Kurt Cobain, whose photos periodically appeared on the pages of magazines, gave her first interview at the age of 13. In her interviews, the girl talked mainly about her style, her parents and her great desire to get into show business. Frances told the press that she loved feminine clothes and melodrama. Her glamorous interviews, in which Frances showed off Prada shoes, greatly disappointed Kurt Cobain fans. They would like to see Frances as a rebel, just like her father was.

From June to August 2008, Frances completed an internship at famous magazine. Her career did not take off, since the editorial office only allowed her to make coffee for the employees, so her interest in this work quickly faded. There were suggestions that in 2010 Frances would play the role of Alice from the film "Alice in Wonderland", but Frances refused, citing preparations for entrance exams to the university.

Attempts to break into show business

Frances celebrated her 16th birthday in a Dead Man's Party style. The holiday itself looked more like Halloween than a young girl's birthday. The girl expressed her passion for horror films in her dark drawings.

By the age of 17, Frances had accumulated quite a lot of drawings, and she organized her own personal exhibition under the pseudonym Tim Fiddle. In her drawings, the girl depicted incomprehensible abstractions, parts human bodies, monsters. It is not clear what the girl wanted to express in her drawings. Maybe this is another protest of a child in relation to a difficult childhood or another prank of Miss Cobain to somehow attract attention to herself. But still, society recognized these works as talented (this is understandable, she is the daughter of Kurt Cobain!). Some drawings were even purchased, but not at a high price, as Francis probably wanted.

At the age of 19, Frances starred in a photo shoot organized for her by photographer Hedi Slimane. She had the image of a rebel: a rock princess, a dark beauty with tattoos on her snow-white skin. These photos created a big stir on the Internet.

Personal life Cobain

Frances has a friend; she has been dating musician Isaiah Silva for quite some time, who looks very similar to her father. But not everything is as good as it seems. At the moment there are rumors that Francis is lately began to behave very strangely.

Kurt Cobain's daughter rarely leaves the house these days. Basically, he asks the servant to go grocery shopping, and very rarely sees friends and relatives. Her friends say that over the past year and a half they have seen the girl only a few times, and her behavior has become similar to paranoia.

The daughter of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain and singer Courtney Love, Frances Bean Cobain, gave frank interview Rolling Stone magazine. In it, the girl who recently produced the film Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck spoke about her dislike for Nirvana’s work, the relationship between Kurt and Courtney, and her own version of the death of the legendary father.

Francis Bean Cobain

About musical preferences:

I'm not a fan of Nirvana, I don't like grunge. I only scream when I hear their songs Territorial P*ssings and Dumb. May the employees of Universal forgive me. My favorite bands are Mercury Rev, Oasis and Brian Jonestown Massacre.

About the cause of Kurt Cobain's death:

I was against the elevation of my father to a cult, against myths and rumors about him. I understand that Kurt will forever remain a rock icon, he will forever be 27 years old. But the shelf life of artists and musicians is not very long... Ultimately, he had to sacrifice a part of himself for the sake of art. I think that was one of the main triggers as to why he felt like he didn't want to live in this world and everyone would be happier without him. Every great artist is mad. My father was very ambitious, he dreamed of the success of the group, but never wanted to be called the “voice of a generation.” If he had stayed alive, I would have had a dad. And that would be an incredible experience.

On the role of her father in her life:

It would be strange if I were a fan of my father. He passed away when I was 20 months old. But when I turned 15, I realized that this was inevitable. I heard his music everywhere, I realized that he was larger than life, that our culture was obsessed with dead musicians. If only Kurt had been a simple guy who left his family in the most terrible way... But he inspired people to elevate him to the ranks of saints, to worship him. After death he became even more influential than during life.

On the relationship between Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love:

I always knew that their relationship was harmful for both of them. And I was not the child who could solve their problems. But I know from videos and letters that Kurt was real with me... My dad really loved me.

Courtney Love and Frances Bean Cobain

Recall that Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle on April 8, 1994, four days after his death. The official version of the singer's death is suicide. Last year, Seattle police released Cobain's previously unknown suicide note. It is addressed to the musician’s wife, Courtney Love, about whom he speaks contemptuously.